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#239104 We want to know: Did you get help with your naming questions?

Posted by JennyB on 13 November 2013 - 12:07 PM

The BNG community has helped so many people find the perfect name(s)!


This forum now has a feature that allows the topic starter to pick and highlight the most helpful answer! After asking your question, check the answers you receive from time-to-time. If one stands out, click the "Mark Solved" button at the bottom of the post. It will be labeled as the "Best Answer" and a link will be added at the top of the page.  If another, better answer comes up later, you can cancel the first and change it to another.


Only members are able to mark if a post is the Best Answer. If you are a guest seeking naming help, we would love for you to sign up and join us by clicking the link in the top right corner of the page!


Happy Baby Naming!

  • MellyMade, Remy Hadley, CLA and 3 others like this

#251083 Baby Name Dayton

Posted by The Future Mrs B on 23 March 2014 - 07:57 AM

Urgh! NO! Think about these names and do they honestly suit a adult? Can you see a lawyer been named that? A doctor? A vet? etc

People said the same thing of Aiden/Cayden/Jaden/etc as well as all the Kayleighs and Brynlees. Some of these children will wind up as a lawyer or a doctor or a vet. The name itself has nothing to do with a child's potential unless it is something offensive/humiliating or otherwise detrimental to a child's well-being. It has to do with the child, the child's environment. Bhutterfli Reignbo is detrimental, not Dayton.
Is a child named Aiden, who's parents help him with homework, have him participate in sports and make sure he's growing up well really as bad off as the child named Luke who's parents leave him to his own devices or not give him the support he needs? The name has nothing to do with it.
  • Laugh-Dream-Love, brittany111, ßlush and 2 others like this

#244750 Baby Girl Name Revealed

Posted by EmilyA on 06 January 2014 - 03:44 PM

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Years! 

I've spent the past couple of days looking at baby girl's name in depth. 

What really has been sparking my interest is how lovely it sounds with the boys and how right at home it feels to say.

Coincidentally, the first baby born on New Years in our county was named this and the paper put the heading as "Hey There, _______". I couldn't help but think of how precious and soft it sounded. It may have a bad rep but what name doesn't? 



If you haven't guessed what the name is yet, due to the uber popular song, then here you go!



Delilah Kate




As for the middle name you ask? Kate is after Craig's grandmother, Katherine. Some double brownie points because Kate Spade is one of my favorite designers. So we kind of hit two birds with one stone in this stunning combo for our little girl. 

While it may not match the pattern of a short first name and long middle name, we know that this is THE perfect name for her. 


We can't wait to meet you Delilah!  :wub: 

  • Laugh-Dream-Love, BabyNameRater, Madi Wolf Princess <3 and 2 others like this

#327369 100 Royal Years CAF - Part 1/10

Posted by Laugh-Dream-Love on 29 December 2018 - 01:37 PM

This is inspired by Puppylover12397's CAFs and Addison's If You Were a Royal CAF, as well as some historical CAFs from Nameberry. This will follow 100 years of your family from 1830-1930, through the Victorian Era, the Edwardian Era, World War I, and the years before World War II. Each part will be 10 years of your family, and you'll roll each year for each couple to see what happens.


First, roll for the title of your starting couple:

1. Viscount & Viscountess (The Honourable)

2. Duke & Duchess (Lord/Lady)

3. King & Queen (Crown Prince)(Prince/Princess)

4. Baron & Baroness (The Honourable)

5. Marquess & Marchioness (Lord/Lady)

6. Earl & Countess (Lord) (The Honourable)


Roll for their ages in 1830:

1. 18

2. 19

3. 20

4. 21

5. 22

6. 23


Choose their first name and two middle names from this namebank:

Albert, Adoniram, Andrew, Bertram, Benjamin, Carlisle, Clifford, Douglas, Ebenezer, Eleazar, Enoch, Floyd, Francis, Frederick, Gabriel, Gerald, Guy, Harold, Henry, Howard, Isaac, John, James, Jeremy, Joseph, Joshua, Jude, Leopold, Leonard, Llewellyn, Magnus, Melvin, Mortimer, Maurice, Mordecai, Moses, Nehemiah, Norbert, Orson, Oswald, Oscar, Percival, Phillip, Phineas, Raphael, Raymond, Robert, Roger, Richard, Samuel, Simon, Theodore, Ulysses, Victor, Vincent, William, Zebedee


Abigail, Ada, Adell, Agnes, Agatha, Barbara, Beryl, Caroline, Cecelia, Clementine, Comfort, Deborah, Dorothy, Dorcas, Elinor, Elizabeth, Emmeline, Ethel, Frances, Freda, Georgiana, Harriet, Hepsibah, Imelda, Ivy, Irene, Jane, Jemima, Jennifer, Lavinia, Lillian, Lorena, Mabel, Margaret, Mary, Maude, Minerva, Myrtle, Nancy, Naomi, Obedience, Olive, Patience, Pearl, Prudence, Rebecca, Rosalind, Rosemary, Sarah, Silvia, Sophronia, Temperance, Theodosia, Wilhelmina, Veda, Zelene, Zilpah


Choose their surname from this namebank:

Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown, Hayes, Diaz, Griffin, Russell, Alexander, Morris, Carter, Henderson, Robinson, Hill


Your founding couple were married in 1829, and are now beginning their life together at the beginning of 1830. Each year roll once to see if your couple has a child or not. The titles of your children are in brackets next to the titles of your couple. If there are two sets of brackets, the first title is for the eldest son only.


Names: Boys/Girls



1. Baby boy

2. Baby girl

3. Miscarriage

4. Baby girl

5. No pregnancy

6. Baby boy



1. Baby girl

2. Baby girl

3. Twin boys

4. Baby boy

5. Miscarriage

6. Baby girl



1. Baby boy

2. Baby girl

3. Baby boy

4. Baby boy

5. Baby girl

6. Baby girl



1. Twin girls

2. Baby boy

3. Baby boy

4. Baby girl

5. Twins (you choose genders)

6. Miscarriage



1. Baby boy

2. Baby girl

3. No pregnancy

4. Baby girl

5. Baby boy

6. Baby girl



1. Miscarriage

2. Baby girl

3. Miscarriage

4. Baby boy

5. Baby boy

6. No pregnancy



1. No pregnancy

2. Baby girl

3. Twins; boy & girl

4. Baby boy

5. Baby boy

6. Baby girl



1. Baby boy

2. Miscarriage

3. Baby girl

4. Baby girl

5. Twin girls

6. Baby boy



1. Triplet boys

2. No pregnancy

3. Baby girl

4. Miscarriage

5. No pregnancy

6. Baby boy



1. Baby girl

2. Baby boy

3. Miscarriage

4. Baby boy

5. Baby girl

6. No pregnancy


List your family and their ages. I hope you enjoy this, and I'll try and get the next part up soon :). Feel free to add stories and pictures if you wish. I'll put my family in the reply below, as an example.

  • Puppylover12397, Meghan<3, Addison and 1 other like this

#338010 RH's Family Tree CAF Dec 1/10

Posted by Remy Hadley on 08 December 2020 - 04:29 PM

I loved Puppylover12397's family tree CAF series' so much that I decided to try making one of my own (hopefully that's okay!  :blush: ). I'd already filled them out a couple times I think lol so...  :wub:  Anyway. Hopefully it's alright! 


Part 1 - 1975 




DH: (42)
DW: (39) 


Roll the 8 sided dice to determine how many children you have. 


Roll again to determine the sex, with even being female and odd being male. 


Roll an 8 sided dice to determine their age 

1. 17

2. 19

3. 18

4. 16

5. 15

6. 20

7. 14

8. 21


First and Middle name banks 

1.  https://nameberry.com/list/498/1930s-Baby-Names?all=1 

2. https://www.ssa.gov/...names1950s.html 

3. https://www.emmasdia...-name-generator 

(choose correct sex and chose out of 5 guesses) 

4. https://www.behindthename.com/random/ 

(choose 5 categories, the correct sex, and 5x. Feel free to click avoid rare and avoid diminutives if you prefer) 

5. https://stacker.com/stories/3876/most-popular-baby-names-countries-around-world 

(feel free to use all pages!)

6. http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/virtue.html 

7. Girl: https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1838698/baby-names-by-syllable-one-syllable-names/ 

Boy: https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1838698/baby-names-by-syllable-one-syllable-names/2/ 

8. Girl: http://www.theartofnaming.com/2015/01/4-syllable-girl-names.html 

Boy: http://www.theartofnaming.com/2014/12/4-syllable-boy-names.html 

9. https://bookriot.com...ary-baby-names/ 

10. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1838698/baby-names-by-syllable-one-syllable-names/2/ 


Surname bank 

1. https://surnames.behindthename.com/names/length/10 

2. https://www.traveltalkmag.com.au/blog/revealed-most-common-surnames-in-every-country 

3. https://www.wattpad.com/702083084-the-art-of-names-old-money-surnames 

4. Ashcroft, Bahar, Charpentier, Del Pino, Fitzgerald, Gopal, Hawthorne, Jennings, Maalouf, Murdoch, Najjar, Salinas, Talwar, Winston, Zetterberg 

5. https://www.fantasyn...yalty-names.php 

6. https://www.randomlists.com/last-names 

  • Puppylover12397, Meghan<3 and MalloryMae like this

#337842 Bramble Bush Road CAN

Posted by Laugh-Dream-Love on 13 November 2020 - 09:40 PM

1 Bramble Bush Road

Jack & Eve are raising their nephews, Wally & Abe, & niece, Nell, after Jack's brother & sister-in-law passed away.


DH: Jack Lawrence Gullifer (31)

DW: Evelyn 'Eve' Magdalene Jamison Gullifer (28)


DNephew: Wallace 'Wally' Finch Gullifer (7)

DNephew: Abraham 'Abe' Wolf Gullifer (6)

DNiece: Cornelia 'Nell' Wren Gullifer (3)


Jack & Eve Gullifer; w/ Wally, Abe, & Nell



2 Bramble Bush Road

Ethan & Gabi married after their previous relationships ended. They are raising Ethan's two sons, Kane & Wyatt, Gabi's daughter, Layla, & their twin boys, Dylan & Spencer, together.


DH: Ethan Dominic Holmwood (40)

DW: Gabrielle 'Gabi' Bianca Tanu Holmwood (32)


DS: Kane Dominic Holmwood (13)

DS: Wyatt Andrew Holmwood (11)

DD: Layla Bethany Madley (5)

DS/DS: Dylan Gabriel Holmwood/Spencer Maddox Holmwood (1)


Ethan & Gabi Holmwood; w/ Kane, Wyatt, Layla, Dylan, & Spencer



3 Bramble Bush Road

Miguel & Jordan are raising their grandson, Henry, after his single mother went to jail.


DH: Miguel Santiago Villarreal (67)

DH: Jordan Alexander Pratt (64)


DGS: Henry Miguel Jordan Grimsby (4)


Miguel & Jordan Villarreal-Pratt; w/ Henry



4 Bramble Bush Road

Grace and her children, Wynn, Atley, & Flora, recently moved back in with her parents, Mike & Mina, after the breakdown of her marriage.


DGF: Michael 'Mike' Ingram van Hoorn (75)

DGM: Romina 'Mina' Isadora Stanwyck van Hoorn (74)


DFemale: Grace Catherine van Hoorn Bright (40)


DS: Wynn Michael Bright (13)

DS: Atley Sterling Bright (7)

DD: Flora Catherine Bright (5)


Mike & Mina van Hoorn; w/ Grace

Grace Bright; w/ Wynn, Atley, & Flora



5 Bramble Bush Road

College friends, Elsie, Isaac, & Ashley decided to live together after graduating. They collectively raise Isaac's daughter, Laurel, & Ashley's daughter, Dove.


DFemale: Elsie Philippa Stafford (25)


Elsie Stafford



DMale: Isaac Rupert Macauley (25)


DD: Laurel Indigo Macauley (3)


Isaac Macauley; w/ Laurel



DFemale: Ashley Iris Dorsey (24)


DD: Dove Josephine Dorsey (2)


Ashley Dorsey; w/ Dove



6 Bramble Bush Road

Kaira is raising her two godsons, Titus & Lennon, after the tragic passing of their parents.


DFemale: Kaira Roxanne Subbana (32)


ADS: Titus Danger Metcalf (10)

ADS: Lennon Dax Metcalf (9)


Kaira Subbana; w/ Titus & Lennon



7 Bramble Bush Road

Lowell is raising his three children, Jonah, Lily, & Conrad, alone after his wife walked out on the family.


DMale: Lowell Percy Babbling (35)


DS: Jonah Cypress Babbling (12)

DD: Lily Emmeline Babbling (8)

DS: Conrad Sky Babbling (6)


Lowell Babbling; w/ Jonah, Lily, & Conrad



8 Bramble Bush Road

Ben is raising his three sons, Toby, Joe, & Davy, alone after his wife passed away.


DMale: Benjamin 'Ben' John Giger (46)


DS/DS: Tobias 'Toby' John Giger/Joseph 'Joe' Theron Giger (17)

DS: David 'Davy' Hawthorne Giger (15)


Ben Giger; w/ Toby, Joe, & Davy



9 Bramble Bush Road

Austin & Ruby decided to not have children, and are living with their pet turtle, Gilderoy.


DH: Austin Makalo Hollingberry (50)

DW: Ruby Jacqueline Renfield Hollingberry (51)


Austin & Ruby Hollingberry



10 Bramble Bush Road

Ellie is raising her six children, Linden, Moss, Polly, Nora, Sage, & Birdie, alone due to relationship breakdowns with their fathers.


DFemale: Eleanor 'Ellie' Lucy Cobb (36)


DS: Linden Oscar Cobb (11)

DS: Moss Roland Cobb (9)

DD/DD/DD: Polly Augusta Cobb/Nora Vivienne Cobb/Sage Theodora Cobb (7)

DD: Birdie Luna Cobb (4)


Ellie Cobb; w/ Linden, Moss, Polly, Nora, Sage, & Birdie


  • Remy Hadley, Puppylover12397 and MalloryMae like this

#337325 The name Rhys

Posted by BellaTJCallen712 on 17 September 2020 - 03:41 PM

Oh what I said in my above post still stands but I thought about this after I posted. If you spell it as Rise to get the Rh-eyes pronunciation but maybe you could also spell it as Ryse to get the same Rh-eyes pronunciation if you like the look of the ‘y’ being in there. It could work for a child or a book character and would get the pronunciation you want it to be. 

  • PaperHeart, apiston229 and DelphiMoon like this

#336834 ~ Addison's Illustrated Name Quiz ~

Posted by Addison on 03 September 2020 - 09:03 PM

examples of my illustrations:









  • Remy Hadley, MalloryMae and WriterJones like this

#336080 Seven Births Naming Challenge

Posted by brimariiee on 12 August 2020 - 07:00 PM

Birth One: Arizona Daphne and Boston Wyatt
Birth Two: Annabeth Holly and Anakin Klaus
Birth Three: Eliza Emily and August Matthew
Birth Four: Penelope Lauren and Horatio Adam
Birth Five: Clara Autumn and Jonas Zachary
Birth Six: Piper Liberty and Julian Anchor
Birth Seven: Lois Fiona and Russell Gabriel
  • glitchinggecko, MalloryMae and WriterJones like this

#333886 Dress to Impress: Formal Ball

Posted by MalloryMae on 22 March 2020 - 04:39 PM

I was shopping online for some spring/summer clothing for my daughters and it sparked the idea for this. For each child, choose an outfit and an accessory. Precede to name your "child" using the namebanks. (These are toddler outfits from American stores, by the way)

Child One: First Name
Formal Wear
A. Floral Dress
B. Striped Dress
C. Pink Dress
D. Yellow Dress
E. Denim Jumpsuit
A. Josephine, Cordelia, Susannah, Esther, Alice
B. Emma, Olivia, Ava, Isabella, Sophia
C. Evangeline, Sadie, Bella, Seraphina, Lilianna
D. Calypso, Evolette, Manon, Prairie, Winslet
E. Rowan, Frankie, Brandi, Tegan, Arrow
Child One: Middle Name
Formal Accessories
F. Hair Barrettes
G. SIlver Shoes
H. White Purse
I. Big Bow Headband
J. Glitter Belt
F. Adair, Eleven, Lilac, Zenovia, Garnet
G. Charlotte, Mia, Amelia, Harper, Evelyn
H. Harriet, Florence, Sylvia, Matilda, Tabitha
I. Posy, Brooke, Gracie, Elle, Quinn
J. Story, Prue, Emerson, Sage, Bellamy
Child Two: First Name
Formal Wear
A. Blue Suit
B. Sun Outfit
C. Suspenders Outfit
D. Bowtie Outfit
E. Mix & Match
A. Theodore, Edmond, Cornelius, George, William
B. Ryder, Luka, Caiden, Ellis, Wilder
C. Ollie, Freddie, Jack, Louis, Jamie
D. Liam, Noah, William, James, Oliver
E. Basil, Cosmo, Gaston, Hawthorne, Zenith
Child Two: Middle Name
Formal Accessories
F. Sunglasses
G. Dress Socks
H. Driver Cap
I. Boots
J. Colorful Hat
F. Benjamin, Elijah, Lucas, Mason, Logan
G. Jax, Auggie, Rory, Luke, Quinn
H. Reginald, Gregory, Francis, Thomas, James
I. Bentley, Rio, Weston, Leland, Onyx
J. Zephyr, Huck, Dipper, Aero, Nile
A- courtesy of Gymboree; B- courtesy of Zara; C- courtesy of Carter's; D- courtesy of Target; E- courtesy of Gap; F- courtesy of Zara; G- courtesy of Target; H- courtesy of Gymboree; I- courtesy of Gap; J- courtesy of Carter's
A- courtesy of Gymboree; B- courtesy of Zara; C- courtesy of Carter's; D- courtesy of Target; E- courtesy of Gap; F- courtesy of Carter's; G- courtesy of Gymboree; H- courtesy of Target; I- courtesy of Gap; J- courtesy of Zara
I would have done more, but this took a surprisingly long time! I'd like to do more series like this in the future. Stay safe!

  • glitchinggecko, Meghan<3 and SelenaK like this

#325397 Name The Baby: Winners

Posted by lifesaboutmusic on 31 July 2018 - 07:25 PM



LN: Kennedy


DH: Gabriel Jacob

DW: Eden Chloe (Doyle)


DD: Rose Victoria (hidari11)

DD: Sara Beatrice (hidari11)

DS: Alexander 'Alex' Scott (hidari11)

DS: Theodore 'Theo' Lucas (MusicCharm)

DD: Emma Nicole (hidari11)


Gabe & Eden

Rose, Sara, Alex, Theo & Emma




LN: Vaughn


DH: Jared Dominic Vaughn

DW: Teagan Olivia (Flannery)


DS: Jared "Jay" Dominic Jr. (Puppylover12397)

DD: Emily Cecilia (MusicCharm)

DS: Isaac Roman (Puppylover12397)

DD: Julia Margaret (hidari11)

DD/DD: Laura Sophie & Lydia Catherine (arhythmofnames)


Jared & Teagan

Jay, Emily, Isaac, Julia, Laura & Lydia




LN: Shea


DH: Benjamin Isaac

DW: Hailey Piper (Donovan)


DS: Nicholas "Niko" Aaron (ashooles)

DS: William "Will" Bradley (Puppylover12397)

DS: Sebastian "Seb" Carter (arhythmofnames)

DS: Christopher "Topher" Daniel (Puppylover12397)

DD: Paige Eleanore (Puppylover12397)


Ben & Hailey

Niko, Will, Seb, Topher & Paige




LN: Conroy


DH: Shane Russell

DW: Lola Megan (Roarke)


DD: Brenna Quinn (MusicCharm)

DS: Liam Patrick (MalloryMae)

DS: Charleston "Chad" Roarke (Marvelous_Things)

DD: Presley Emilia (MalloryMae)

DD: Callie Shaye (Kristi18)


Shane & Lola

Brenna, Liam, Chad, Presley & Callie




LN: Sheridan


DH: Adam Tanner

DW: Julia Rachel (Cullen)


DS: Jameson Colt (arhythmofnames)

DD: Aurora Kennedy (Marvelous_Things)

DS: Jack Bennett (Meghan<3)

DS: Aaron Justice (Marvelous_Things)

DD/DD: Juliet Avery & Amelia Jade (Meghan<3)


Adam & Julia

Jameson, Aurora, Jack, Aaron, Juliet & Amelia




LN: McLean


DH: Dean Michael

DW: Tessa Molly (Forbes)


DD: Willa Genevieve (Hannah)

DS: Luca Maxwell (arhythmofnames)

DS: Micah Tate (MalloryMae & Laugh-Dream-Love)

DD: Thea Adele (arhythmofnames)

DD: Hannah Lorelai (Meghan<3)


Dean & Tessa

Willa, Luca, Micah, Thea & Hannah



  • Meghan<3, hidari11 and charmingbabynames like this

#320354 Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott - baby name

Posted by brimariiee on 09 February 2018 - 08:35 PM

I'm just gonna leave this here...


  • Laugh-Dream-Love, Puppylover12397 and DanielleH like this

#280518 Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a baby girl!

Posted by glitchinggecko on 04 May 2015 - 08:09 AM

Charlotte Elizabeth Diana



Source - http://www.itv.com/n...lizabeth-diana/

  • Hannah, JennyB and MommaMeg like this

#275758 Get Simmed!

Posted by Laugh-Dream-Love on 22 February 2015 - 05:12 AM





Avery // Cara // Hudson // Tallulah








Declan // Laurel // Felix // Coby // Lennon // Maisie // Sawyer // Hana








Nathaniel // Celeste // Luna // Jude // Abel // Tova // Remy // Babe

  • Addison, HxppySxng and Cascadia like this

#252156 How popular is too popular?

Posted by Katie-Nana on 07 April 2014 - 11:15 AM

Normally I look at the statistics to get a better idea of how popular a name is.  If a name is #243 in popularity, that doesn't really give you an idea of how popular it is.  But if that name (Fernando in 2012) was used on 0.0733% of total male births that year.  That means that there is 1 Fernando in 1,364 male births for 2012.  Not too popular in my opinion.  Really, the percentage tells you more about the name than the ranking, since male names verse female names are very different...


#100 in 2012 (Ryder - 1 in 532) and (Annabelle - 1 in 635)

#50 in 2012 (Tyler - 1 in 263)  and (Ashley - 1 in 411)

#10 in 2012 (Aiden - 1 in 136) and (Elizabeth - 1 in 200) 


And of course names with multiple spellings would be even more popular.  If there were a particular name that you liked, you could look up the % for each spelling and add them together to get a better idea of how popular the name is. 

  • alyssa897, Remy Hadley and ßlush like this

#240510 Jennifer Love Hewitt Gives Birth to a Baby Girl!

Posted by Laugh-Dream-Love on 27 November 2013 - 02:58 AM

I love Autumn, but James really gets me on a girl. It's not feminine or pretty, it's a handsome, strong BOYS name. I just can't stand it on a girl.

  • BabyNameRater, EmilyA and Sunny Mummy! :) like this

#217269 (What do you think of these names) Look at latest post.

Posted by Addison on 01 May 2013 - 09:38 PM

I'm sorry, weren't you having twins named Gracelyn and Garrison?
  • alyssa897, BabyNameRater and xxThePumpkinQueenxx like this

#210480 Top baby names decided!!!!

Posted by Katie-Nana on 07 March 2013 - 11:10 AM

Ben & I have agreed on our top boy and girl name for if/when we decide to have a baby....

Theodore Lark Alfred -or- Leona Evermay

"Teddy" -or- "Lennie"

Leona Evermay is in honor of Ben's deceased grandmother, Leona Mae.

Lark Alfred is my grandfather's full name.

  • Remy Hadley, Lazuli and Meghan<3 like this

#341572 Generation CAF with occupations, hobbies, and pets april 24th

Posted by Remy Hadley on 24 April 2022 - 03:15 PM

I loved Megans Generation CAF including occupation, hobbies, and pets. So I decided to copy. I almost love creating the CAF's more than I like filling them out lol  :lol:


LN: Gardener, Vandenberg, Whitlock 


1. DH: Conrad, Darwin, James, Lionel, Michael, Theodore, Wallace (91) [retired: security guard, surgeon, aircraft mechanic // coin collecting, gardening, book club]

2. DW: Beatrice, Elva, Gwendolyn, Joanie, Mae, Odessa, Pearlie {nee Berry, Chambers, Jackson} (86) [retired: wildlife rehabilitator, university professor, dancer // spoken poetry, bingo, plant collecting]


3. DD: Antonia, Beverly, Cecilia, Janie, Elizabeth, Lydia, Mae, Marcia (68) [forensic science technician, HR agent, caterer // sea glass collecting, canoeing, antiquing] 

4. DD: Beatrice, Faye, Laurel, Laverne, Nancy, Ruby, Vivienne (67) [voice actress, school principal, kennel attendant // Foodie, board game enthusiast, in home aquarium]

5. DD: Debra, Ginger, Harriet, Lillie, Melody, Margaret, Yvette (66) [logistician, chocolatier, animal assisted therapist // Renaissance fairs, Pilates, pub trivia]

6. DS: Adam, Bryan, Douglas, Edward, Lionel, Matthew, Thomas (61) [middle school teacher, database administrator, engineer // stamp collecting, playing guitar, puppetry] 

7. DS: Alan, Dean, Dexter, Frankie, Henry, Louis, Vincent, William (59) [veterinarian, computer hardware engineer, toy creator // billiards, latte art, writing] 

8. DS: Benjamin, Bradley, Christopher, Dominic, Jesse, Lawrence, Roger (59) [sports commentator, management analyst, park ranger // table tennis, survival prepping, cartography]

9. DD: Amy, Charlotte, Emily, Jacqueline, Lynn, Roxanne, Stacey (56) [video game designer, developmental disability case manager, artist // home brewing, glass blowing, meditation]


Male golden retriever: Bruno, Mack, Orbit 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...f1395b4f4c9.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...64e45ce375c.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com/750x/56/23/7a/56237aa0f7af58a25c5d7c5c41310fad.jpg 




LN: Blackburn, Mercer, Watson 


3. DD: (above) (68) 

10. DH: Albert, Barry, Dennis, Joseph, Phillip, Richard, Wendell (70) [retired: neurosurgeon, anthropologist, computer network architect // shell collecting, ventriloquism, grilling]


11. DD: Catherine, Della, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Kimberly, Lucy, Nicole (50) [doula, dietician, music teacher // knife throwing, puzzles, horror films]

12. DS: Bradley, Cory, Henry, Jordan, Michael, Paul, Samuel (49) [meteorologist, home health aid, business operations manager // chess, postcard collecting, woodworking]

13. DD: Alexandra, Ashley, Danielle, Jamie, Lindsey, Rachel, Stephanie (45) [secretary, funeral home director, flavorist // jogging, improv, yoga]

14. DS: Andrew, Gregory, Justin, Matthew, Scott, Taylor, William (41) [electrician, news reporter, prosthetist // drone flying, golf, makeup artist]


Female parrot: Beanie, Elektra, Sorbet 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...b0cd1ebb83c.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f5/b1/f0/f5b1f0e12dbcd145d65a86244d22610c.jpg 

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com/750x/be/e1/3d/bee13dfe5648d03a1773eab25992e674.jpg 




LN: Combs, Dunlap, Thomas 


11. DD: (above) (50) 

15. ExBF: Adam, August, Clay, Ernest, Franklin, Jacob, Maxwell LN: Brewer, Greene, Holden (50) {parent of 18} [registered nurse, plumber, computer systems administrator // magic, fly fishing, football]

16. ExGF: Christine, Frances, Heather, Irene, Kathryn, Laura, Naomi LN: Carter, Fields, Townsend (56) {parent of 19 and 20} [operations research analyst, farrier, scuba diving instructor // horseback riding, chocolate making, beach volleyball]

17. DH: Barney, Benjamin, Cavin, Dean, Frederick, Laurie, Ray (57) {parent of 21 and 22} [personal trainer, fire chief, respiratory therapist // training his dog, black smithing, gardening]


18. DD: Ariel, Elise, Haley, Jordan, Olivia, Sydney, Raven (33) [clinical ethicist, forensic pathologist, graphic designer // volunteering, soap making, mountain biking]

19. DAD: Autumn, Dahlia, Heather, Jade, Melanie, Sabrina, Victoria (25) [speech-language pathologist, veterinary assistant, school counselor // furniture restoration, sailing, swing dancing]

20. DAS: Abram, Christopher, Dylan, Morgan, Nicholas, Rory, Sage (23) [journalist, registered nurse, diagnostic medical sonographer // pokemon card collecting, mime, baseball]

21. DD: Bronte, Emma, Kali, Rayne, Scarlett, Sylvia, Violet (17) [ice skating, true crime podcasts, foraging] 

22. DS: Asher, Henry, Jasper, Layton, Phoenix, Salem, Theodore (14) [skateboarding, video games, bird watching] 


Female black and white cat: Aphrodite, Jean, Mouse

Male orange cat: Bug, Hades, Jorts 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com/750x/5f/22/fb/5f22fbb9dd70448e06e9b791eb96c913.jpg 

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...8c7be6c2075.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com/750x/a8/d5/64/a8d56401839a7140890d86edb1db16fc.jpg 




LN: (above) - Chapman, Mooney, Ward 


18. DD: (above) (33) 

23. DW: Annika, Brynn, Jessica, Nicole, Noelle, Rose, Therese (36) [environmental science and protection technician, paralegal, embalmer // martial arts, hiking, crystal collecting] 


24. DD: Abbey, Crimson, Eris, Jezebel, Layla, Scarlett, Sheridan (7) [martial arts, baking, pogo-stick hopping] 

25. DD: Amethyst, Lenore, Lilith, Phaedra, Rue, Wednesday, Victoria (3) 

26. DD: Aura, Daphne, Desdemona, Flannery, Luna, Rowena, Tempest (3) 


Female black cat: Boop, Christine, Jinx 

Male black and white cat: Jett, Loki, Phantom 

Male parrot: Bones, Dynamite, Heebie Jeebie  


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...636649febca.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...0792f855cb6.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...70572cc7449.jpg




LN: Decker, Garrison, Jensen 


19. DAD: (above) (25) 

27. DH: Alec, Corbin, Landon, Miles, Preston, Quinn, Ripley (26) [fragrance chemist, chef, electrician // fishing, orienteering, creating ASMR videos]


28. DS: Albin, Arvid, Julius, Levin, Maxence, Ruslan, William (0) 


Male Blue beta fish: Paul, Swishy, Zoom


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...3b2ff433ea9.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...0d110bc816f.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...fc3160f648b.jpg




LN: (above) 


12. DS: (above) (49) 

29. DW: Barbara, Ellen, Kathleen, Margaret, Sharon, Patricia, Pearl {nee: Dorsey, Floyd, McShea } (50) [lighting designer, radiologic technologist, operations research analyst // needlepoint, line dancing, playing piano]


30. DS: Austin, Cody, Conrad, Devin, Garrett, Riley, Spencer (24) [massage therapist, lab animal caretaker, ski instructor // bowling, kayaking, LARP-ing] 


Female Chihuahua: Betsy, Cha-Cha, Jazzy 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...45f79332c03.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...24ce530d500.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...bd98b3e0729.jpg




LN: (above) 


30. DS: (above) (24) 

31. ExGF: Annie, Chloe, Claire, Grace, Helen, Julia, Summer LN: Bailey, Holland, Patton (23) [professional ice skater, kindergarten teacher, registered nurse // video games, sticker creator, doll making] {parent of 34} 

32. ExGF: Angelina, Cassie, Hannah, Louise, Marie, Melinda, Veronica LN: Baker, Hutchinson, Russell (27) [photographer, housekeeper, medical billing and coding // baton twirling, racquetball, canning] {parent of 35} 

33. GF: Cara, Gabriella, Ivy, Jasmine, Madeline, Serena, Tiffany LN: Cooper, Meadows, Ryker (24) [dancer, secretary, accountant // dungeons and dragons, classic films, pottery] {parent of 36 and 37} 


34. DS: Blaze, Cooper, Grayson, Jax, Jude, Patrick, Ryder (8)

35. DS: Asher, Declan, Finn, Hale, Quest, Ronan, Sladen (5) 

36. DSS: Aden, Carter, Kingsley, Luca, Quincy, Sawyer, Vincent (5) 

37. DD: Anais, Bloom, Haven, Juliette, Livy, Stella, Zoey (0) 


Male Bearded Dragon: Herbie, Pebbles, Zoodle 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...293a3677db0.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...195e42b6787.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...ebee410a28c.jpg




LN: Harper, Maynard, Weiss 


13. DD: (above) (above) (45) 

38. DH: Autry, Benedict, Edward, Halston, Noel, Paul, Roscoe (51) [psychiatrist, atmospheric scientist, air traffic control // hot air ballooning, metal detecting, knitting] 


39. DS: Connor, Damon, Griffin, Lucian, Owen, Philip, Reese (19) [studying for a degree in: animal scientist, engineer, interpreter // spelunking, paintball, singing]

40. DD: Elowen, Lilia, Marceline, Mika, Posy, Seren, Tabitha (14) [roller skating, comic book collecting, whittling] 


Female Poison Dart frog: Eris, Medusa, Zia 


House 1:  https://i.pinimg.com...b8cb466a9bc.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...4610e56d9c4.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...a21abd0a9c9.jpg




LN: (above) 


14. DS: (above) (41) 

41. DW: Belen, Cerelia, Estrella, Luz, Mariela, Maya, Tatiana {nee Cruz, Molina, Zavala} (39) [clinical laboratory technician, tattoo artist, zoologist // running marathons, plant propagation, painting] 


42. DS: Alejandro, Benjamin, Fausto, Leo, Matias, Tomas, Xavier (12) 

43. DD: Antonia, Dolores, Elisa, Mariana, Olivia, Reina, Ximena (10) 

44. DS: Alvaro, Cruz, David, Felix, Gabriel, Lalo, Miguel (6) 

45. DD: Ana Lia, Carolina, Delphia, Emilia, Freira, Ivana, Lucia (3) 

46. DD: Atalaya, Camila, Gloria, Isabela, Noa, Rosetta, Xiomara (1) 


Female grey chinchilla: Georgia, Hera, Pudge 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...608c1fe4955.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...569ee37c0b1.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...98812f992ec.jpg




LN: (above) and Chapdelaine, Duplantier, Granger 


4. DD: (above) (67) 

47. GF: Eleanor, Felicity, Harriet, Helena, Lucille, Matilda, Sophie (67) [aquarium animal curator, therapist, elementary school teacher // playing violin, travel, swimming] 


48. DD: Angelique, Charlotte, Desiree, Emilie, Jolie, Madeleine, Noelle (38) [wildlife biologist, librarian, environmental scientist // leaf collecting and pressing, astrology, learning a foreign language] 


Female white cat: Gumdrop, Pepper, Shadow 

Female black cat: Mortitia, Nutella, Soot 

Male black and white cat: Boo, Mischief, Ravioli 

Male calico cat: Batty, Tater Tot, Strudel 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...42f25ce938e.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...43dc03986e0.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...f209cd6dba2.jpg




LN: Collier, Monroe, Olson 


48. DD: (above) (38) 

49. DH: Avery, Devin, Joseph, Marcus, Nathaniel, Skyler, Trayvon (40) [occupational therapist, university professor, astronomer // martial arts, mountain climbing, model airplane enthusiast] 


50. DD: Lorelei, Marlowe, Soleil, Sophie, Tallulah, Vada, Winter (12) [insect collecting, tarot card reading, stand up comedy]

51. DS: Asa, Granger, Odin, Samuel, Quincy, Vincent, Wolf (9) [fishing, archery, ballroom dancing] 

52. DS: Auden, Blaise, Charles, Loic, Noel, Sparrow, Truman (2) 

53. DD: Anais, Celeste, Dahlia, Josephine, Lark, Odette, Skye (2) 

54. DD: Bijou, Birdie, Clementine, Isabel, Freya, Kaya, Lillian (0) 

55. DD: Bliss, Coco, Eloise, Fleur, Juliet, Lyra, Margo (0) 


Male chocolate lab: Arlo, Fudge, Richard 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...ac210501a37.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...76759d368e9.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...9d30c0e8377.jpg




LN: Atholl, Fraser, Sorley 


5. DD: (above) (66) 

56. DH: Duncan, Elliott, Graham, Harris, Milo, Rupert, Samuel (76) [retired: housekeeper, construction manager, documentary videographer // chainsaw carving, marksmanship, social media influencer] 


57. DD: Allison, Bonnie, Elaine, Holly, Laura, Lindsey, Vanessa (44) [astronaut, professional musician, personal shopper // biking, rock collecting, classic films]

58. DD: Annabel, Courtney, Erin, Jessa, June, Katrina, Shannon (40) [firefighter, stunt performer, childcare worker // play piano, scrap booking, abstract makeup] 

59. DD: Alexandra, Amber, Jamie, Leslie, Mackenzie, Nicole, Sarah (40) [ethical computer hacker, interior designer, lawyer // diving, makeup artist, back packing] 


Male St. Bernard: Bennie, Jack, Larry 

Male Corgi: Bruce, Roger, Wilkie 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...4bfa4fedd1b.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...d24dda933cf.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...607c6d06d3b.jpg




LN: Campbell, Kerr, Munro 


57. DD: (above) (44) 

60. DH: Bruce, Fergus, Hamish, Ian, Kyle, Mack, Scott (45) [petroleum engineer, landscape architect, rehabilitation specialist // ghost hunting, skiing, sand art] 


61. DS: Brodie, Cameron, Carson, Logan, Maxwell, Ramsay, Reid (19) 

62. DD: Blaire, Isla, Kylie, Lennon, Maisie, Mirren, Vaila (12) 


Female white rabbit: Lady, Lily, Peach 

Female brown rabbit: Coconut, Emma, Nala 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...eaadd83538a.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...87bc6d39461.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...8161748c6b5.jpg




LN: (above) 


61. DS: (above) (19) 


62. DD: Arabella, Fiona, Greer, Iona, Marasli, Paisley, Sinead (1) 

63. DS: Angus, Aulay, Callum, Finley, Lachlan, Nairn, Wallace (1) 


Apartment 1: https://i.pinimg.com...776b4237189.jpg

Apartment 2: https://i.pinimg.com...f6ad40f1f45.jpg

Apartment 3: https://i.pinimg.com...824625e9199.jpg




LN: Fowler, Stanton, Wiggins 


58. DD: (above) (40) 

64. DH: Adrian, Colin, Ewan, Gavin, Landon, Malcolm, Trevor (45) [professional hockey athlete, farmer, podiatrist // vinyl record collecting, floral arrangements, snorkeling] 


65. DS: August, Bruin, Dash, Hunter, Kurt, Mason, Zane (17) [musician, cake decorating, collecting sports memorabilia] 

66. DS: Colt, Declan, Gibson, Holden, Jett, Maxsyn, Maddox (14) [ballroom dancing, fishing, sculpting] 

67. DD: Aella, Delilah, Edith, Frankie, Nikita, Rhiannon, Tempest (11) [drawing, soccer, rock climbing] 


Male cairn terrier: Charles, Hamish, Joey 

Female black and white cat: Dottie, Elsa, Kit 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...dd4b2503ffd.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...b8a147d133a.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...c18bfd7a42f.jpg




LN: Christensen, Durham, Ritter


59. DD: (above) (40)  

68. DH: Aaron, Caleb, Isaac, Luke, Nathan, Thomas, Zachary (40) [speech therapist, animal control worker, high school teacher // soccer, model cars, art collecting]


69. DS: Ellison, Finch, Henry, Kane, Oliver, Pilot, Wren (13) [digital illustrations, rock painting, history]

70. DS: Charlie, Crosby, Mercer, Milo, Osiris, Quest, William (13) [axe throwing, sewing, scuba diving] 

71. DS: Adler, Beck, Everest, Gable, Sebastian, Theodore, Zakkai (5) 

72. DD: Dove, Ella, Greer, Isabel, Palmer, Sheridan, Zinnia (5) 


Female boxer: Luella, Rosie, Saskia 

Male black cat: Catto, Roscoe, Ziggy 

Male black and white cat: Domino, Efron, Rain 

Female black and white cat: Ember, Freya, Kallie 


House 1: https://www.babyname...do=new_post&f=9

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...4295e50c955.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...5c6032ac4f6.jpg




LN: (above) 


6. DS: (above) (61) 

73. DW: Catherine, Daisy, Fauna, Leona, Mavis, Rosamund, Vanessa {nee: Proctor, Thornton, Young} (59) [actress, zoo animal curator, disability support worker // quilting, baking, yoga] 


74. DD: Ava, Bee, Davina, Leonie, Olivia, Rose, Tara (41) [midwife, ghost writer, therapist // palm reading, rock climbing, candle making]

75. DS: Arthur, Baz, Channing, Dylan, Jacob, Jonah, Phelan (38) [museum curator, translator, actor // snorkeling, kick boxing, pottery]

76. DD: Adelie, Ariana, Georgia, Pippa, Rachel, Rae, Tess (36) [art teacher, tattoo artist, editor // axe throwing, embroidery, comic book collecting] 


Male french bulldog: Alfred, Benedict, Chauncey 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...47b895193ce.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...5051fc4b811.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...ef22d19dd71.jpg




LN: Carroll, Morrison, Page 


74. DD: (above) (41) 

77. DH: Ari, Deshawn, Jor, Lamarcus, Nathan, Solomon, Tyrell (49) [conservation officer, audio engineer, podiatrist // cosplay, playing piano, paragliding] 


78. DD: Amalia, Delilah, James, Rumi, Sarai, Shai, Zoey (16) 

79. DD: Aviva, Lux, Marigold, Noa, Tula, Willow, Zaria (15) 

80. DS: Abram, Boaz, Evren, King, Malcolm, Phoenix, Zakkai (13) 


Female calico cat: Nana, Olive, Poptart 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...643ac608429.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...14ebfe925b0.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...f688f1841d4.jpg




LN: (above) 


75. DS: (above) (38)

81. DH: Austin, Brick, Chance, Josiah, Lane, Thaddeus, William {nee: Briggs, Humphrey, Schroeder} (39) [physical therapist, preschool teacher, professional soccer player // wine tasting, white water rafting, butterfly watching]

82. Surrogate/ birth mom: Ashley, Brooke, Makenna, Payton, Quinn, Ryann, Sarah [nee: Beckham, Hunter, Tatum, shares surname with 83] (28) [pet groomer, waitress, bus driver // watercolor painting, hiking, blogging] {birthed all children, open adoption/ involved relationship} 

83. Birth mom's wife: Aarna, Dayana, Maria, Priti, Safira, Yaretzi [LN: Arroyo, Sosa, Tandon] (32) [pilot, travel nurse, peace corps // video games, photography, drawing] {involved in relationship}


84. DS: Avett, Cyprien, Gravity, Moon, Nova, Perrin, Rocket, Skyler, Zero (7) 

85. DS: Auren, Casey, Otter, Lemuel, Midnight, Nyle, Roric, Zephyr (5) 

86. DD: Amaya, Astraea, Luminara, Ophira, Phoebe, Selena, Sunset (3) 

87. DD: Elodia, Evening, Helena, Marika, Rhiannon, Sidra, Stella, (0) 


Female newfoundland dog: Bea, Cecilia, Gracie 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...5596cc4ef7e.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...351cc7a18a5.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...59842b5864f.jpg




LN: Fitzgerald, Gillespie, McCall 


76. DD: (above) (36) 

88. ExDW: Adina, Fiona, Hera, Ivy, Lola, Murphy, Nahla, Wren LN: Bradshaw, Lyons, Rowe (37) [paramedic, agricultural technician, firefighter // stand up comedy, tombstone cleaning, coin and jewelry cleaning]

89. DH: Alexander, Cole, Jensen, Nicholas, Patrick, Spencer, Thomas (35) [attorney, farm worker, acupuncturist // fishing, crocheting, baking] 


90. DSD: Alice, Clara, Emmeline, Guinevere, Margo, Romilly, Theodora (11) {daughter of 89} 

91. DS: Asher, Cyrus, Elias, Henry, Oliver, River, Truett (9) {son of 76 and 88} 

92. DS: Cain, Charlie, Benjamin, Edward, Max, Phoenix, Sage, William (9) {son of 76 and 88} 

93. DD: Esme, Georgia, Isabel, Lucy, Penelope, Posy, Wilhelmina (4) {daughter of 76 and 89} 

94. DS: Everett, Hugo, Jack, Oswald, Percival, Reid, Silas, Truman (0) {son of 76 and 89} 


Male bulldog: Montgomery, Oscar, Russell 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...52c02faa9e0.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...54bb1580f83.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...64614954286.jpg




LN: (above) 


7. DS: (above) (59) 

95. DW: Ada, Agnes, Caroline, Elsie, Gloria, Kathleen, Susannah, Virginia {nee: Howard, Jackson, Meyers} (54) [accountant, civil engineer, rehabilitation specialist // cake decorating, video games, playing the guitar] 


96. DS: Caleb, Connor, Gideon, James, Malachi, Noah, Zachariah (29) [farm or ranch manager, sports coach, registered nurse] 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...84530bb745e.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...e56e4655f48.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...407bfb09af1.jpg




LN: (above) 


96. DS: (above) (29) 

97. DW: Autumn, Blakely, Clover, Emilia, Ivy, Melina, Reese {nee: Dennis, Hatfield, Spencer} (28) [school counselor, rocket scientist, flight attendant // sticker collecting, social media influencer, photography]


98. DS: Avery, Crew, Ethan, Jameson, Liam, Rowan, Seth (3) 

99. DD: Arya, Charlotte, Everly, Freya, Luna, Maisie, Willow (1) 


Female terrier dog: Andromeda, Carys, Meadow 


Apartment 1: https://i.pinimg.com...f847d0aaf1c.jpg

Apartment 2: https://i.pinimg.com...b86d838745a.jpg

Apartment 3: https://i.pinimg.com...7b17e80ee69.jpg






8. DS: (above) (59) 

100. DW: Abigail, Colette, Eliza, Joanna, Lynn, Mariah, Rita {nee: Daughtery, Keller, Pace} (59) [farm/ranch manager, bank manager, CEO of small business // taxidermy, singing, make mosaics] 


101. DD: Anna, Brynn, Caroline, Emma, Grace, Jenna, Lena (34) [animal trainer, photographer, elementary school teacher // vintage clothing collecting, calligraphy, roller skating]

102. DD: Caitlin, Chloe, Hannah, Jane, Lily, Sophia, Violet (33) [psychologist, real estate agent, chemist and material engineering // archery, model rockets, playing cello] 


Female border collie: Doodle, Mona, Tortellini  


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...103997a24d0.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...19676f5723f.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...6a934195268.jpg




LN: Irwin, Phillips, Rose 


101. DD: (above) (34) 

103. DH: Dorian, Eric, Layton, Ryan, Taylor, Thomas, Zachary (36) [judge, dental hygienist, dancer // playing the flute, scuba diving, reading] 


104. DSS: Ansel, Calloway, Edward, James, Juniper, Oslo, Sage (11) {son of 103}

105. DSS: Elliot, Henry, Huxley, Emrys, Keats, River, Sparrow, (10) {son of 103} 

106. DS: Escher, Fox, Sequoia, Stellan, Theodore, Rohmer, William (5) 


Male german shepherd: Ajax, Calvin, Rye 

Female husky: Fern, Galilea, Juno 

Female beagle: Billie, Desdemona, Hestia 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...6f3e23715d5.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...ec6a48f448c.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...879f7ffec18.jpg




LN: (above)


102. DD: (above) (33) 


107. DD: Amelia, Cordelia, Dove, Eleanor, Scarlett, Thomasina, Violet (4) 

108. DS: Alonzo, Chester, Jack, Louis, Newton, Olin, Phineas, Winfield (1) 

109. DS: Abner, Charlie, Cyril, Foster, Noble, Owen, Percival, Wilbur (1) 


Apartment 1: https://i.pinimg.com...c024ce0a808.jpg

Apartment 2: https://i.pinimg.com...cab4d92d313.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...c6aee0552dc.jpg




LN: Beckett, Ewing, Sloane 


9. DD: (above) (56)  

110. DH: Alexander, Charles, Fletcher, James, Maxwell, Ray, Reed (57) [university professor, insurance agent, aquarium director // bird watching, dungeons and dragons, gardening] 


111. DD: Alexandra, Gabriella, Holly, Jensen, Kendra, Marina, Serena (31) [mason, marine biologist, chef // ballroom dancing, scuba diving, whittling]

112. DD: Emily, Haven, Kendall, Lana, Maya, Summer, Talia (29) [curator of aquarium exhibits, cosmetologist, lawyer // digital illustrations, sewing, thrifting] 

113. DS: Edward, Finley, Dylan, Jack, Kai, Morgan, Nicholas (28) [zookeeper, interpreter and translator, microbiologist // darts, YouTube creator, musician in a band of friends]

114. DD: Adriana, Eden, Diana, Hannah, Hazel, Isla, Piper (25) [diagnostic medical sonographer, veterinarian, dancer // martial arts, poetry, tarot card reading]

115. DD: Cordelia, Haley, Margaret, Nora, Olivia, Pearl, Rhea (25) [professional soccer player, high school teacher, childcare worker // rock painting, writing, travel] 


Male pitbull: Biscuit, Davie, Henry 

Female terrier: Ginger, Holly, Lula 

Female parakeet: Annie, Lemon, Nibbles 

Female parakeet: Hummus, Maple, Polly 

Male parakeet: Papaya, Rumple, Zesty 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...2553fb5874b.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...a054dd47437.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...4d7e7a1b048.jpg




LN: Bray, Maloney, Patton 


111. DD: (above) (31) 

116. DH: Adam, Christopher, David, Matthew, Nolan, Peter, Rhys (31) [petrologist, paleontologist, high school teacher // coloring, cooking, playing piano]


117. DS: Anthony, Arnie, Christopher, Griffin, Hamish, Leo, Xander (8) 

118. DS: Asa, Baxter, Finlo, Isaac, Jonathan, Laurie, Magnus (7) 

119. DS: Atticus, Benjamin, Casper, Gus, Obie, Remy, Simon (4) 


Male orange cat: Chappy, Sponge, Toot


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...080301ce54c.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...aea4ea78c51.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...30dfa033d75.jpg





LN: (above) - 


112. DD: (above) (29) 

120 DW: Adara, Farida, Mira, Nadia, Saida, Thana, Zafrina LN: Bilal, Elsayed, Jaziri, Lahlou (31) [pharmacist, construction worker, anthropologist // jewelry creating, collecting sports memorabilia, dancing] 


121. DS: Asher, Daniel, Dean, Harris, Raed, Ramzi, Zayden (5) 

122. DD: Azalea, Eliza, Farrah, Luna, Maida, Noor, Sophia (3) 


Male border collie: Aloysius, Foster, Pan 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...a92242cfb85.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...484923836d6.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...e15884e68d8.jpg






113. DS: (above) (28) 

123: DW: Addison, Elsa, Evie, Jane, Madeleine, Rose, Sunny {nee: Barnett, Heath, Mason} (28) [speech-language pathologist, pediatric oncologist, plumber // playing guitar, pickling, history]


124. DD: Agnes, Birdie, Eleanora, Guinevere, Mabel, Primrose, Wilhelmina  (11) 

125. DD: Cypress, Dorothea, Emilia, Harriet, Lavender, Octavia, Posy (6) 

126. DD: Coraline, Frances, Isabel, Juno, Margo, Rhiannon, Zinnia, (6) 

127. DS: Everest, Judas, Osiris, Theodore, Wilder, Zakkai (3) 
128. DS: Dashiell, Finch, Henry, Jett, Oliver, Quill, Rhys, Truett (3) 


Female black and white cat: Jello, Kallie, Whispy 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...c2b99a69e30.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...81a9b1364bc.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...d12d7ca8cb1.jpg




LN: Browning, Nichols, Weaver 


114. DD: (above) (25) 

129. DH: Antoine, Carrick, Jadrian, Michael, Riley, Stefan, Tyquan (28) [pilot, personal care aid, stay at home parent // sculpting, travel, writing] 


Female Labrador retriever: Bella, Evie, Matilda 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...8a1e90a1faf.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...5af1de6668a.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...7c924047bcc.jpg




LN: (above) and Crosby, Grey, Holmes 


115. DD: Cordelia, Haley, Margaret, Nora, Olivia, Pearl, Rhea (25) [professional soccer player, high school teacher, childcare worker // rock painting, writing, travel] 

130. ExBF: Brennan, Declan, Elijah, Ethan, Gavin, Miles, Oliver (26) [paramedic, carpenter, truck driver // artist, playing guitar, skateboarding] 


131. DD: Delilah, Greta, Isla, James, Maeve, Millie, Willow (9) 

132. DD: Arabella, Collins, Deirdre, Hattie, Imogen, Keira, Wren (9) 

133. DD: Blaire, Esme, Harper, Juniper, Niamh, Rowan, Sutton (5) 

134. DD: Aurora, Drew, Elle, Josephine, Poppy, Skye, Stella (5) 

135. DD: Clementine, Coraline, Edith, Jessamine, Lennon, Reese, Tallulah (5) 

135. DD: Annora, Athena, Fiona, Georgia, Saoirse, Sloane, Violet (0) 


House 1: https://i.pinimg.com...3dc90873dd4.jpg

House 2: https://i.pinimg.com...99cd083c7e6.jpg

House 3: https://i.pinimg.com...e056f49fd6b.jpg




  • glitchinggecko and Meghan<3 like this

#325761 Song Quiz II (Based on Hidari's)

Posted by glitchinggecko on 01 September 2018 - 02:29 AM

You can use a dice to roll for sexes (Odds - Boys / Evens - Girls) or just pick yourself. Not like we're gonna know  ;) 
Apologies in advance for my dodgy music tastes. I included YouTube links for people aren't as weird... or English?
Surname - Adele
Someone Like You - Smith, Wright, Evans, Wilson
Hello - Clarke, Wood, Roberts, Thompson
Rolling In The Deep - Hughes, Green, Taylor, Edwards
Make You Feel My Love - Jones, Brown, Davies, Walker

Parent 1 - First Name - Queen
Bohemian Rhapsody - Levi or Joel / Alyssa or Elizabeth
Don't Stop Me Now - Henry or Matthew / Meredith or Sophia
Another One Bites the Dust - Grayson or David / Aurora or Ivy
Under Pressure - Blake or Michael / Aria or Rosalie

Parent 1 - Middle Name - Bon Jovi
It's My Life - Hudson or Frederick / Nancy or Layla
You Give Love A Bad Name - Ethan or Peter / Felicity or Savannah
Livin' On A Prayer - Oscar or Nicholas / Amy or Amber
Always - Isaac or Eric / Anaya or Esme

Parent 2 - First Name - The Beatles
Here Comes the Sun - Lincoln or Oliver / Niamh or Talia
Come Together - Cooper or Dexter / Caitlin or Serena
Let It Be - Mason or Ewan / Natalia or Jemima
Hey Jude - Maxwell or Sebastian / Ella or Edith

Parent 2 - Middle Name - The Script
Hall of Fame - Alexander or Cameron / Arabella or Melissa
Breakeven - Nathaniel or Chase / Scarlett or Maria
Superheroes - Aaron or Theodore / Lauren or Madeleine
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - Rhys or Brody / Iris or Ruby

Child 1 - First Name - Lady Gaga
Million Reasons - Edward or Tristan / Daisy or Eloise
Poker Face - Jonathan or Elijah / Esther or Violet
Bad Romance - Elliott or Adam / Jasmine or Bethany
Just Dance - Patrick or Robert / Hope or Hannah

Child 1 - Middle Name - The Osmonds
Crazy Horses - Harley or Ashton / Eleanor or Annabelle
One Bad Apple - Corey or Zachary / Georgia or Bella
Love Me For A Reason - Finley or Lewis / Maya or Sienna
Down By The Lazy River - Jude or James / Yasmin or Zara

Child 2 - First Name - Maroon 5
She Will Be Loved - Miles or Flynn / Emily or Betsy
Sugar - Kiefer or Alan / Charlotte or Gabriella
Misery - Logan or Hugo / Jessica or Elise
Moves Like Jagger - Tobias or Aiden / Nicole or Elena

Child 2 - Middle Name - Green Day
Basket Case - Owen or Leonardo / Martha or Abigail
Wake Me Up When September Ends - Jonah or Joshua / Eva or Lillian
American Idiot - Raphael or Ezra / Matilda or Keira
Good Riddance - Wesley or Kyle / Clara or Phoebe

Child 3 - First Name - UB40
Red Red Wine - Tyler or Hunter / Skye or Rebecca
Falling In Love With You - Anthony or Caelan / Anya or Kayla
Kingston Town - Harvey or Jesse / Aisha or Penelope
I Got You Babe - Austin or Kieran / Erin or Anna

Child 3 - Middle Name - Abba
Dancing Queen - Kai or William / Laura or Florence
Mamma Mia - Benjamin or Gabriel / Alexis or Mia
Gimme Gimme Gimme - Lucas or Cody / Julia or Ada
The Winner Takes It All - Nathan or Jackson / Francesca or Paige

Child 4 - First Name - Phil Collins
You Can't Hurry Love - Dominic or Hayden / Leah or Imogen
In The Air Tonight - Thomas or John / Ava or Lucia
You'll Be In My Heart - Daniel or Spencer / Heidi or Brooke
Against All Odds - Arthur or Bradley / Brooke or April

Child 4 - Middle Name - Eminem
Without Me - Kian or Jasper / Harriet or Amira
The Real Slim Shady - Noah or Albert / Catherine or Faith
Lose Yourself - Jacob or Caleb / Naomi or Grace
Stan - Alfred or Jason / Poppy or Autumn

Child 5 - First Name - Kenny Loggins
Footloose - Maximilian or Felix / Alexandra or Orla
I'm Free - Ryan or Christian / Amelia or Alicia
Playing With The Boys - Jay or Elias / Pippa or Evelyn
Danger Zone - Harrison or Bailey / Megan or Molly

Child 5 - Middle Name - Coldplay
Paradise - Seth or Jenson / Olivia or Alice
Yellow - Jayden or Riley / Sadie or Sara
Fix You - Samuel or Connor / Ariana or Chloe
Viva La Vida - Kevin or Wilfred / Willow or Delilah

Child 6 - First Name - Nickelback
How You Remind Me - Ellis or Charles / Victoria or Lara
Burn It To The Ground - Ralph or Mitchell / Thea or Summer
Rockstar - Callum or George / Lydia or Emma
Photograph - Liam or Dylan / Tabitha or Isabella

Child 6 - Middle Name - Pink
What About Us - Cole or Evan / Isla or Beatrice
Just Give Me A Reason - Joseph or Christopher / Luna or Freya
So What - Harry or Fraser / Holly or Aoife
Get The Party Started - Marcus or Archer / Cara or Zoe

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