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Honouring CAF

caf honouring 30 people

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#1 SelenaK


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 04:35 AM

LN: Sharpe, Addams, O'Connor, Jameson, Kelly, Preston


1. DH: (80)


His full name honours both of his grandfather's: Malcolm Alexander and Gene Richard in any way you choose.


2. DW: (77)


Her first name honours her mother Rita Elizabeth and her middle name comes from her grandmother's favourite flower, a lily.


3. DS: (57)


His first name honours his father (1) and his middle name honours his maternal grandfather, Leo Frederick Williams.


4. DD: (55)


Her first name honours her paternal grandmother, Maud Victoria, and her middle name is the same as her mother's middle name.


5. DD: (54)


Her first name honours her maternal aunt, June Gertrude, and her middle name comes from her father's favourite hobby: gardening.


6. DS: (50)


His first name is from his mother's favourite book, Jane Eyre, and his middle name honours his paternal grandfather, Raymond Charles Tobin.




LN: (as above)


3. DH: (57)


7. DW: (54)


Her first name comes from her mother's love of history and is the name of one of the queens of England and her middle name honours her father: Andrew Wallace Smith.


8. DD: (30)


Her first name honours her father (3) and her middle name is the same as her mother's.


9. DS: (28)


His first name honours his paternal grandfather (1) and his middle name is the same as his father's.




LN: Fry, Lawrence, Lennox, Ramsey, Ross, Farmer


10. DH: (56)


His first name honours his mother, Joanna Caroline Turner, and his middle name honours his maternal grandmother, Mina Adelaide Evans.


5. DW: (MN: as above) (55)


11. DS: (20)


His first name honours his paternal aunt, Eliza Jane Fitzroy, and his middle name honours his mother using a variant of her name.


12. DS: (18)


His first name uses a variant of his father's first name and his middle name honours his maternal grandmother (2).


13/4. DD/DD: (16)


Their first names come from the works of their father's favourite author, F. Scott Fitzgerald and their middle names are from the works of their mother's favourite author, Jane Austen.




LN: Davidson, Owen, James, Irving, Curry.


15. DH: (55)


​His first name is from the Bible as his parents were very religious and his middle name is the name of one of Jesus's disciples.


6. DW: (MN: as above) (54)


16. DD: (29)


Her first name honours her father's favourite saint, St. Emma, and her middle name is a shade of her mother's favourite colour, red.




LN: (as above)


7. DH: (50)


17. DW: (45)


Her first name is a feminisation of her father's first name Ian and her middle name has been passed down for generations on her mother's side, Rose.


18. DS: (15)


His first name is from his parents' favourite movie, The Godfather, and his middle name honour's his maternal uncle's love of the Beatles.


19. DD: (14)


Her first name honours her father's love of Michael Jackson and her middle name is a variant of Rose.




LN: Brooks, Moss, McGarry, Donaldson, Blye, Blake


20. DH: (34)


His first name has the same meaning as his father's first name, Nathaniel, but is not a variant of it and his middle name is his paternal grandmother's maiden name: Sloane.


8. DW: (30)


21/2. DS/DD: (10)


Their first names both come from Roman mythology which is an interest of their father's and their middle names both mean the same as his first name.


23. DD: (6)


Her first name comes from her mother's love of astronomy and her middle name is from her father's favourite TV show: Breaking Bad.




LN: (as above)


9. DH: (28)


24. ExDW: (26)


Her full name honours her grandmother's Jane Madeleine Lark and Tessa Katherine Jamieson.


25. DS: (3)


His first name honours his father's love of football and his middle name is from Game of Thrones.


26. DGF: (27)


Her first name honours her mother's favourite actress Audrey Hepburn and her middle name is from her father's love of music.


27. DS: (1)


His first name is from Mad Men, his mother's favourite TV show and his middle name honours his grandfather (3).




LN: Granger, Langdon, Keats, Durant, Michaelson, Ross


28. DH: (32)


His first name honours his father, Craig Seamus, and his middle name honours his mother's interest in art.


16. DW: (29)


29. DD: (4)


Her first name comes from her mother's love of Harry Potter and her middle name honours her father's interests in Greek mythology.


30. DD: (2)


Her first name comes from the works of her father's favourite author, J.R.R. Tolkien and her middle name honours her mother's love for Imagine Dragons.



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#2 glitchinggecko


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:38 AM

Richard 'Dick' Alexander O'Connor [80]
m. Elizabeth 'Betty' Lillian O'Connor [77]

Richard 'Rich' William O'Connor [57]

Victoria 'Vic' Lillian O'Connor [55]

June 'Rose' Rosalie O'Connor [54]

Edward 'Ted' Tobias O'Connor [50]


Richard 'Rich' William O'Connor [57]

m. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Andrea O'Connor [54]

Rachel 'Rach' Andrea O'Connor [30]

Alexander 'Alex' William O'Connor [28]


Rachel 'Rach' Andrea  Brooks [30]

m.  Jonathan 'Jon' Sloane Brooks [34]

Apollo 'Polo' Nathaniel Brookes [10]

Artemis 'Missy' Natalie Brookes [10]

Aurora 'Aurie' Andrea Brookes [6]


Alexander 'Alex' William  O'Connor [28]

Madeleine 'Maddie' Tess O'Connor [26]

Thomas 'Tom' Jaime O'Connor [3]

Sabrina 'Rina' Aria O'Connor [27]

Robert 'Rob' Alexander O'Connor [1]


Victoria 'Vic' Lillian Lawrence [55]

m. Evan 'Ev' Wilhelm Lawrence [56]

John 'John' Victor Lawrence [20]

Sean 'Sean' Elliott Lawrence [18]

Beatrice 'Bea' Lydia Lawrence [16]

Eleanor 'Ellie' Catherine Lawrence [16]


June 'Rose' Rosalie James [54]

m. Matthew 'Matt' John James [55]

Emily 'Em' Cerise James [29]


Emily 'Em' Cerise  Keats [29]

m. Seamus 'Shay' Leonardo Keats [32]

Margaret 'Molly' Persephone Keats [4]

Eleanor 'Ellie' Danielle Keats [2]


Edward 'Ted' Tobias O'Connor [50]

m. Joanna 'Jo' Rose O'Connor [45]

Peter 'Pete' Paul O'Connor [15]

Michaela 'Mickey' Rosa O'Connor [14]

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#3 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 09:09 AM

LN: O'Connor


DH: Eugene 'Gene' Alexander (80)

DW: Bethany 'Beth' Calla (77)


DS: Alexander 'Alex' Leonard (57)

DD: Maeve Calla (55)

DD: Junia Rosemary (54)

DS: Edward 'Ed' Charles (50)


Gene and Beth O'Connor with Alex, Maeve, Junia, and Ed




LN: O'Connor


DH: Alexander 'Alex' Leonard (57)

DW: Victoria 'Tori' Lacey [Smith] (54)


DD: Leona Lacey (30)

DS: Eugene Leonard (28)


Alex and Tori O'Connor with Leona and Eugene




LN: Ramsey


DH: Turner Evan (56)

DW: Maeve Calla [O'Connor] (55)


DS: James Callum (20)

DS: Tucker Ethan (18)

DD/DD: Daisy Elinor/Cecilia Mary (16)


Turner and Maeve Ramsey with James, Tucker, Daisy, and Cecilia




LN: Curry


DH: Mark Andrew (55)

DW: Junia Rosemary [O'Connor] (54)


DD: Emilia Scarlet (29)


Mark and Junia Curry with Emilia




LN: O'Connor


DH: Edward 'Ed' Charles (50)

DW: Ianthe Rose [Miles] (45)


DS: Luca Jude (15)

DD: Annie Rosamund (14)


Ed and Ianthe O'Connor with Luca and Annie




LN: Blye


DH: Theodore 'Theo' Sloane (34)

DW: Leona Lacey [O'Connor] (30)


DS/DD: Apollo Matthew/Venus Gia (10)

DD: Gaia Marie (6)


Theo and Leona Blye with Apollo, Venus, and Gaia




LN: O'Connor


DH: Eugene Leonard (28)

ExDW: Larkin Theresa [Mayes] (26)


DS: Peyton Gregor (3)


DGF: Ariane Marlena Sykes (27)


DS: Lane Alexander (1)


Eugene and Larkin O'Connor with Peyton

Eugene O'Connor and Ariane Sykes with Lane




LN: Michaelson


DH: Sean Pablo (32)

DW: Emilia Scarlet [Curry] (29)


DD: Minerva 'Minnie' Selene (4)

DD: Eowyn Hope (2)


Sean and Emilia Michaelson with Minnie and Eowyn

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#4 PaperHeart


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 04:06 PM

The Jameson Clan


(80) Richard Alexander and Beth Lillian (77)


DS Randal Frederick (57)

DD Victoria Lillian (55)

DD June Magnolia  (54)

DS Edward Tobin (50)




Randal Frederick Jameson (57)

DW Mary Ann (54)


DD Dahlia Ann (30)

With DH Matthew Sloane Brooks (34) and children, DS/DD Evander Geoffrey and Lucina Dorothy (10) and DD Titania Marie (6)

DS Richard Frederick (28)

With Ex-DW Jessa Madeline (26) and DS Hart Eddard (3)

With GF Audra Melody (27) and DS Ted Randal (1)


Rand and Mary Jameson with their children,

Dahlia and Rick.

And grandchildren; Evan and Lucie, Annie, Hart and Teddy.




Victoria Lillian [Nee Jameson] (55)

DH John Evan Ramsey (56)


DS Ellis Victor (20)

DS Jack Ian (18)

DD/DD Cecilia Harriet and Rosalind Mary (16)


Vi and John Ramsey with their children,

Eli, Jack, Cece and Rose.




June Magnolia [Nee Jameson] (54)

DH Timothy Peter Irving (55)



DD Emmalin Scarlett (29)

With DH Christopher Shae Durant (32) and daughters, DD Luna Phoebe (4) and DD Pearl Imogen (2).


June and Tim Irving with their daughter,


And granddaughters; Lulu and Pearl.





Edward Tobin Jameson (50)

DW Julianne Rose (45)


DS Sonny Maxwell (15)

DD Mila Primrose (14)

#5 SelenaK


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:39 PM

LN: Jameson


1. DH: Alec Richard (80)

2. DW: Eliza 'Liz' Lillian (77)


3. DS: Richard 'Rick' Frederick (57)

4. DD: Matilda 'Tilda' Lillian (55)

5. DD: June 'Juno' Rosalie (54)

6. DS: Oliver 'Ollie' Raymond (50)


Alec and Eliza Jameson with Rick, Tilda, Juno and Ollie.





LN: Jameson


3. DH: Richard 'Rick' Frederick (57)

7. DW: Mary Anne (54)


8. DD: Valencia 'Val' Anne (30)

9. DS: Alexander 'Alex' Frederick (28)


Rick and Mary Jameson wit Val and Alex.




LN: Ramsey


10. DH: Charles 'Charlie' Evan (56)

5. DW: Matilda 'Tilda' Lillian (MN: Jameson ) (55)


11. DS: Elijah 'Eli' Mawson (20)

12. DS: Karl Eleazar (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Caroline/ Cecelia 'Cece' Jane (16)


Charlie and Tilda Ramsey with Eli, Karl, Daisy and Cece.




LN: Irving


15. DH: Bartholomew 'Bart' Simon (55)

6. DW: June 'Juno' Rosalie (MN: Jameson) (54)


16. DD: Emilia 'Mila' Scarlett (29)


Bart and Juno Irving with Mila.




LN: Jameson


7. DH: Oliver 'Ollie' Raymond (50)

17. DW: Joanna 'Jo' Rose (45)


18. DS: Michael 'Mike' Jude (15)

19. DD: Diana 'Di' Rosalind (14)


Ollie and Jo Jameson with Mike and Di.




LN: Moss


20. DH: Theodore 'Teddy' Sloane (34)

8. DW: Valencia 'Val' Anne (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Marcellus 'Marcel' Zebadiah/ Livia 'Liv' Dorothea (10)

23. DD: Bellatrix 'Belle' Marie (6)


Teddy and Val Moss with Marcel, Liv and Belle.




LN: Jameson


9. DH: Alexander 'Alex' Frederick (28)

24. ExDW: Madeline 'Maddie' Kate (26)


25. DS: Beckham 'Beck' Jorah (3)


Alex and ex Maddie Jameson with Beck.


26. DGF: Audrey 'Dree' Sonata (27)


27. DS: Sterling Alaric (1)


Alex and Dree Jameson with Sterling.




LN: Keats


28. DH: Seamus 'Shay' Vincent (32)

16. DW: Emilia 'Mila' Scarlett (29)


29. DD: Luna Calliope (4)

30. DD: Miriel Selene(2)


Shay and Mila Keats with Luna and Miriel.

#6 Meghan<3


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:59 PM

LN: O'Connor


1. DH: Malcolm Eugene (80)

2. DW: Bethany Lilith Addams (77)


3. DS: Callum Frederick (57)

4. DD: Victoria Lilith "Vicky" (55)

5. DD: June Rosemary (54)

6. DS: Edward Charles "Ed" (50)


Malcolm, Bethany, Callum, Vicky, June, & Ed




LN: O'Connor


3. DH: Callum Frederick (57)

7. DW: Mary Andrea Sharpe (54)


8. DD: Callie Andrea (30)

9. DS: Malcolm Frederick "Freddie" (28)


Callum, Mary, Callie, & Freddie




LN: Farmer


10. DH: John Evan (56)

5. DW: Victoria Lilith O'Connor "Vicky" (55)


11. DS: Elias Victor (20)

12. DS: Jonathan Addam "Nathan" (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Nicole Harriet / Isabelle Mary (16)


John, Vicky, Elias, Nathan, Nicole, & Isabelle




LN: Davidson


15. DH: Matthew Peter (55)

6. DW: June Rosemary O'Connor (54)


16. DD: Emory Scarlett (29)


Matthew, June, & Emory




LN: O'Connor


7. DH: Edward Charles "Ed" (50)

17. DW: Ianthe Rose Jameson (45)


18. DS: Michael Jude (15)

19. DD: Diana Rosaline (14)


Ed, Ianthe, Michael, & Diana




LN: Brooks


20. DH: Matthias Sloane "Matt" (34)

8. DW: Callie Andrea O'Connor (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Apollo Jonathan / Minerva Jane (10)

23. DD: Nova Marie (6)


Matt, Callie, Apollo, Minerva, & Nova




LN: O'Connor


9. DH: Malcolm Frederick "Freddie" (28)

24. ExDW: Tessa Jane Lark (26)


25. DS: Peyton Ramsay (3)


Freddie, Tessa, & Peyton


26. DGF: Holly Rhythm Irving (27)


27. DS: Sterling Frederick (1)


Freddie, Holly, & Sterling




LN: Keats


28. DH: Seamus Leonardo (32)

16. DW: Emory Scarlett Davidson (29)


29. DD: Luna Persephone (4)

30. DD: Aerin Danielle (2)


Seamus, Emory, Luna, & Aerin

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#7 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 08:40 AM

The Sharpe Family


1. DH: Frederick Malcolm (80)

2. DW: Marguerite Lily (77)


3. DS: Wilfred Leopold (57)

4. DD: Maude Lily (55)

5. DD: June Rosalind (54)

6. DS: Oliver Charles (50)


Freddie and Margo with children:

Wil, Maude, June, and Ollie




The Sharpe Family


3. DH: Wilfred Leopold (57)

7. DW: Elizabeth Anne (54)


8. DD: Winifred Anne (30)

9. DS:  Broderick Leopold (28)


Wil and Beth with children: 

Winnie and Brody




The Lennox Family


10. DH: Joseph Addison (56)

5. DW: Maude Lily (MN: Sharpe) (55)


11. DS:  Elliot Maddox (20)

12. DS: Jonas Martin (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Elinor and Cecilia Harriet (16)


Joe and Maude with children: 

Eli, Joey, Daisy, and Cece




The Davidson Family


15. DH: Abel Thomas (55)

6. DW: June Rosalind (MN: Sharpe) (54)


16. DD:  Gemma Scarlett (29)


Abel and June with child:





The Sharpe Family 


7. DH: Oliver Charles (50)

17. DW: Marian Rose (45)


18. DS: Jack  Lennon(15)

19. DD:  Jeanette Roisin (14)


Ollie and Marian with children:

Jack and Nettie




The Blake Family


20. DH: Theodore Sloane (34)


8. DW: Winifred Anne (MN: Sharpe) (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Evander Miles and Silvia Jane (10)


23. DD:  Aurora Lydia (6)


Teddy and Winnie with children:

Ev, Sylvie, and Auri




The Sharpe Family


9. DH: Broderick Leopold (28)


24. ExDW: Madeleine Catherine (26)


25. DS: Carter Theon (3)


26. DGF: Audrey Harper (27)


27. DS: Sterling  Leo (1)


Brody and Maddie with child:

Brody and Audrey with child: 





The Granger Family


28. DH: Shea Calder (32)

16. DW: Gemma Scarlett (MN: Davidson) (29)


29. DD: Luna Helen (4)

30. DD: Arwen Imogen (2)


Shea and Gemma with children:

Luna and Ari 



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#8 IssieB


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 03:29 AM

LN: Sharpe


1. DH: Alexander 'Andy' Richard (80)

2. DW: Margaret 'Maggie' Lily (77)


3. DS: Alexander 'Alex' Frederick (57)

4. DD: Matilda 'Tilda' Lily (55)

5. DD: June Magnolia (54)

6. DS: Edward 'Teddy' Charles (50)


Andy and Maggie Sharpe with Alex, Tilda, June and Teddy.




LN: Sharpe


3. DH: Alexander 'Alex' Frederick (57)

7. DW: Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Anne (54)


8. DD: Frederika 'Freda' Anne (30)

9. DS: Alexander 'Xander' Frederick Jr. (28)


Alex and Lizzie Sharpe with Freda and Xander.




LN: Lawrence


10. DH: Charles 'Charlie' Aiden (56)

4. DW: Matilda 'Tilda' Lily (nee Sharpe) (55)


11. DS: Jonathan 'Nate' Lee (20)

12. DS: Karl Maddox (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Jordan Elizabeth/ Madison 'Maddie' Emma  (16)


Charlie and Tilda Lawrence with Nate, Karl, Jordan and Maddie.




LN: James


15. DH: Abraham 'Bram' Simon (55)

6. DW: June Magnolia (nee Sharpe) (54)


16. DD: Emilia 'Mia' Scarlett (29)


Bram and June James with Mia.




LN: Sharpe


7. DH: Edward 'Teddy' Charles (50)

17. DW: Nina Rose (45)


18. DS: Sonny Lennon (15)

19. DD: Kayla Rosalind (14)


Teddy and Nina Sharpe with Sonny and Kayla.




LN: Moss


20. DH: Theodore 'Theo' Sloane (34)

8. DW: Frederika 'Freda' Anne (nee Sharpe) (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Remus 'Remy' Nathaniel/ Pax Dorothea (10)

23. DD: Carina 'Cara' Jane (6)


Theo and Freda Moss with Remy, Pax and Cara.




LN: Sharpe


9. DH: Alexander 'Xander' Frederick (28)

24. ExDW: Katerina 'Kat' Madeleine (26)


25. DS: Beckham 'Beck' Robb (3)


Xander and Kat Sharpe with Beck.




26. DGF: Audrey Cadence Thatcher (27)


27. DS: Sterling Alexander (1)


Xander Sharpe and Audrey Thatcher with Sterling.




LN: Keats


28. DH: Shay Leonardo (32)

16. DW: Emilia 'Mia' Scarlett (nee James) (29)


29. DD: Bellatrix 'Trixie' Artemisia (4)

30. DD: Eowyn 'Winnie' Selene (2)


Shay and Mia Keats with Trixie and Winnie.

#9 mushroom


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 12:22 PM

LN: Jameson


1. DH: Alexander Richard (80)

2. DW: Lisette Lilian (77)


3. DS: Alexander Leo (57)

4. DD: Victoria Lilian (55)

5. DD: Djuna Sprout (54)

6. DS: Edward Tobin (50)


Xander and Lisette Jameson with Lex, Victoria, Djuna, and Edward.




LN: Jameson


3. DH: Alexander Leo (57)

7. DW: Anne Drew (54)


8. DD: Alexia Drew (30)

9. DS: Xander Leo (28)


Lex and Andi Jameson with Alexia and Xander.




LN: Ramsey


10. DH: Josef Evan (56)

4. DW: Victoria Lilian (55)


11. DS: Rory Victor (20)

12. DS: Joey Seth (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Elizabeth & Jordan Fanny (16)


Josef and Victoria Ramsey with Rory, Joey, and Daisy & Jordan.




LN: Owen


15. DH: Abraham Matthew (55)

6. Djuna Sprout (54)


16. DD: Emma Scarlett (29)


Abel and Djuna Owen with Em.




LN: Jameson


7. DH: Edward Tobin (50)

17. DW: Aiyana Rose (45)


18. DS: Sonny Lennon (15)

19. DD: Jackie Rosaline(14)


Edward and Aiyana Jameson with Sonny and Jackie.




LN: Brooks


20. DH: Mattie Sloane (34)

8. DW: Alexia Drew (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Jupiter Jevon & Ceres Mattea (10)

23. DD: Calypso Skyler (6)


Mattie and Alexia Brooks with Jupiter & Ceres and Calypso.




LN: Jameson


9. DH: Xander Leo (28)


24. ExDW: Madeleine Tessa (26)

25. DS: Payton Gendry (3)


26. DGF: Audrey Marla (27)

27. DS: Lane Alexander (1)


Xander Jameson and Maddie Crawford with Payton.

Xander Jameson and Audrey Bennett with Lane.




LN: Granger


28. DH: Sean Pablo (32)

16. DW: Emma Scarlett (29)


29. DD: Luna Aphrodite (4)

30. DD: Indis Danielle (2)


Sean and Em Granger with Luna and Indis.

#10 charmingbabynames


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Posted 04 May 2017 - 08:24 PM

LN: Jameson


1. DH: Alexander Gideon Robert (80)

2. DW: Elsabeth Lillias (77)


3. DS: Robert Leon Frederick (57)

4. DD: Victoria Lillias (55)

5. DD: June Laurel (54)

6. DS: Edward Charles (50)




LN: Jameson


3. DH: (57)

7. DW: Catherine Anna (54)


8. DD: Fredericka Anna 'Franny' (30)

9. DS: Alexander Leon (28)



LN: Ross


10. DH: John Evans (56)

5. DW: (MN: Jameson) (55)


11. DS: Elias Victor (20)

12. DS: Jonathan Eli (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Georgiana & Cecilia Margaret (16)




LN: Davidson


15. DH: Silas Matthew (55)

6. DW: (MN: Jameson) (54)


16. DD: Emmeline Scarlett (29)




LN: Jameson


7. DH: (50)

17. DW: Ianthe Rose (45)


18. DS: Jack Lennon (15)

19. DD: Diana Rosamund (14)




LN: McGarry


20. DH: Matthew Sloane (34)

8. DW: (30)


21/2. DS/DD: Atlas Nathan & Juno Thea (10)

23. DD: Aurora Anna (6)




LN: Jameson


9. DH: (28)


24. ExDW: Madeleine Tessa (26)


25. DS: Timothy Eddison (3)


26. DGF: Audrey Tessitura (27)


27. DS: Brooks Robert (1)




LN: Langdon


28. DH: Simeon Degas (32)

16. DW: (29)


29. DD: Hermione Juno (4) 'Hero'

30. DD: Aredhel Imogen (2) 'Ari'

#11 MusicCharm


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Posted 07 May 2017 - 12:24 PM

LN: Preston

1. DH: Alexander Gene (80)

2. DW: Beth Lillian (77)

3. DS: Alexander William (57)

4. DD: Victoria Lillian (55)

5. DD: June Violet (54)

6. DS: Oliver Charles (50)


LN: Preston

3. DH: Alexander William (57)

7. DW: Mary Andrea (54)

8. DD: Willa Andrea (30)

9. DS: Dean William (28)


LN: Lawrence

10. DH: Turner Evan (56)

5. DW: Victoria Lillian (55)

11. DS: Fritz Victor (20)

12. DS: Trevor Logan (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Caroline / Jordan Lydia (16)


LN: Curry.

15. DH: Abraham Bartholomew (55)

6. DW: June Violet (54)

16. DD: Emmeline Scarlet (29)


LN: Preston

7. DH: Oliver Charles (50)

17. DW: Marian Rose (45)

18. DS: Emilio Paul (15)

19. DD: Jacalyn Roselle (14)


LN: Blye

20. DH: Jesse Sloane (34)

8. DW: Willa Andrea (30)

21/2. DS/DD: Paz Matteo / Luna Dorothy (10)

23. DD: Andromeda Skyler (6)


LN: Preston

9. DH: Dean William (28)

24. ExDW: Katie Madeline (26)

25. DS: Peyton Ramsay (3)

26. DGF: Audrey Viola (27)

27. DS: Sterling Willem (1)


LN: Ross

28. DH: Sean Raphael (32)

16. DW: Emmeline Scarlet (29)

29. DD: Alice Athena (4)

30. DD: Arwen Andi (2)

#12 Kristi18


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Posted 07 May 2017 - 07:15 PM

LN: O'Connor


1. DH: Richard Alexander (80)

2. DW: Elizabeth Lily (77)


3. DS: Alexander William (57)

4. DD: Victoria Lily (55)

5. DD: Gertrude Violet (54)

6. DS: Robert Charles (50)


Rick and Liz O'Connor

Alex, Vicky, Trudy and Robert




LN: O'Connor


3. DH: Alexander William (57)

7. DW: Mary Ann (nee Smith)(54)


8. DD: Alexis Ann (30)

9. DS: Alexander William, II (28)


Alex and Mary O'Connor

Lexi and Will




LN: Lawrence


10. DH: Joseph Del (56)

5. DW: Victoria Lily (55)


11. DS: Elijah Victor (20)

12. DS: Josiah Elliot (18)

13/4. DD/DD: Daisy Catherine / Rosalind Jane (16)



Joe and Vicky Lawrence

Eli, Josiah, Daisy and Rosie




LN: Davidson


15. DH: Paul Thomas (55)

6. DW: Gertrude Violet (nee O'Connor) (54)


16. DD: Emily Scarlet (29)


Paul and Trudy Davidson





LN: O'Connor


7. DH: Robert Charles (50)

17. DW: Arian Rose (45)


18. DS: Luca Harrison (15)

19. DD: Makayla Rosalie (14)


Robert and Arian O'Connor

Luca and Makayla




LN: Brooks


20. DH: Matthew Sloane (34)

8. DW: Alexis Ann (nee O'Connor) (30)


21/2. Apollo Jonas / Phoebe Jayne (10)

23. DD: Halley Skyler (6)


Matt and Lexi Brooks

Apollo, Phoebe and Halley




LN: O'Connor


9. DH: Alexander William, II (28)

24. ExDW: Madison Kate (26)


25. DS: Peyton Samwell (3)


Will and Maddie O'Connor; Peyton.


26. DGF: Audrey Piper (27)


27. DS: Cooper William (1)


Will and Audrey O'Connor

Peyton and Cooper




LN: Durant


28. DH: Sean Jackson (32)

16. DW: Emily Scarlet (nee Davidson) (29)


29. DD: Ginny Cassandra (4)

30. DD: Rosie Aurora (2)


Sean and Emily Durant

Ginny and Rosie

#13 brimariiee


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 10:10 PM

LN: Sharpe [nee O'Connor]

DH: Alec Richard Sharpe (80)

DW: Eliza Lillian Sharpe [nee O'Connor] (77)

DS: Frederick 'Rick' Leo Sharpe (57)

DD: Victoria 'Tori' Lillian Sharpe (55)

DD: Gertrude 'Gertie' Violet Sharpe (54)

DS: Oliver Tobin Sharpe (50)

Alec and Eliza with Rick, Tori, Gertie, and Oliver


LN: Sharpe [nee Smith]


DH: Frederick 'Rick' Leo Sharpe (57)

DW: Anne Willa Sharpe [nee Smith] (54)


DD: Winifred 'Winnie' Willa Sharpe (30)

DS: Maverick 'Ricky' Leo Sharpe (28)

Rick and Anne with Winnie and Ricky



LN: Ross [nee Sharpe]


DH: Turner Evan Ross (56)

DW: Victoria 'Tori' Lillian Ross [nee Sharpe] (55)


DS: Elias 'Eli' Victor Ross (20)

DS: Tucker Phillip Ross (18)

DD/DD: Daisy Caroline Ross and Clara Jane Ross (16)

Turner and Tori with Eli, Tucker, Daisy, and Clara



LN: Curry [nee Sharpe]


DH: Gideon Matthew Curry (55)

DW: Gertrude 'Gertie' Violet Curry [nee Sharpe] (54)


DD: Gemma Ruby Curry (29)

Gideon and Gertie with Gemma



LN: Sharpe [nee Irving]


DH: Oliver Tobin Sharpe (50)

DW: Janessa Rose Sharpe [nee Irving] (45)


DS: Peter Lennon Sharpe (15)

DD: Melodie Rosalind Sharpe (14)

Oliver and Janessa with Peter and Melodie



LN: Donaldson [nee Sharpe]


DH: Mitchell 'Mitch' Sloane Donaldson (34)

DW: Winifred 'Winnie' Willa Donaldson [nee Sharpe] (30)


DS/DD: Remus 'Remy' Miles Donaldson and Juno Shiloh Donaldson (10)

DD: Luna Marie Donaldson (6)

Mitch and Winnie with Remy, Juno, and Luna


LN: Sharpe / Fry / Lark


DH: Maverick 'Ricky' Leo Sharpe (28)

ExDW: Tess Madeleine Lark (26; mom to Peyton)

DGF: Natasha Lyric Fry (27; mom to Cooper)

DS: Peyton Bolton Sharpe (3)

DS: Cooper Leo Sharpe (1)

Ricky and Tess with Peyton
Ricky and Natasha with Cooper



LN: Keats [nee Curry]


DH: Shea Salvador Keats (32)

DW: Gemma Ruby Keats [nee Curry] (29)


DD: Penelope Antigone Keats (4)

DD: Nina Aurora Keats (2)

Shea and Gemma with Penelope and Nina


#14 PaperHeart


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Posted 05 June 2023 - 05:39 AM

The Preston Family


Alexander Al Eugene (80) and Elizabeth Betsy Lillian (77)


DS Alexander Xander William (57)

DD Victoria Vita Lillian (55)

DD Julianne Junie Poppy (54)

DS Edward Ward Tobias (50)




Alexander William Preston (57)

DW Catherine Cate Lacey (54)


DD Anna Lacey (30)

w/ DH Matthew Sloane McGarry (34) and children, DS/DD Evander Evan Theodore and Camilla Millie Dorothea (10) and DD Phoebe Bee Jane (6)

DS Alex William (28)

w/ Ex-DW Della Kathryn (26) and DS Luka Eddard (3)

w/ GF Audrey Viola (27) and DS Lane William (1)


Xander and Cate Preston with their children,

Anna and Alex,

And grandchildren, 

Evan & Millie, Bee, Luka and Lane.




Victoria Lillian {Preston} (55)

DH Joseph Joe Evan Ross (56)


DS Elias Eli Victor (20)

DS Jonah John Eleazar (18)

DD/DD Cecelia Cece Caroline and Rosalind Ros Elinor (16)


Vita and Joe Ross with their children,

Eli, John and Cece & Ros.





Julianne Poppy {Preston} (54)

DH Abram Abe Peter Davidson (55)


DD Emmaline Emma Scarlett (29)

w/ DH James Monet Langdon (32) and children, DD Luna Phoebe (4) and DD Daisy Imogene (2)


June and Abe Davidson with their daughter,


And grandchildren, 

Luna and Daisy.




Edward Tobias Preston (50)

DW Ianthe Rose (45)


DS Sonny George (15)

DD Billie Rosette (14)


Ward and Ianthe with their children,

Sonny and Billie.

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