~ Welcome to Addison's Illustrated Name Quiz! ~
I've created this quiz because I'm learning to draw and hand letter in a digital format and I want to put my practice to the test, lol.
Fill out the questions below and I'll make you one or more illustrations of names/combos on your list!
I'll use your answers to the following questions as inspiration for a very low-key drawing and a lettering of a combo that you list.
examples of illustrations can be found in the first reply.
1. What are your top 3 girl name combos and top 3 boy name combos?
2. If you were creating a nursery for a girl, what colors or theme would you choose?
(please give at least 2 different color sets or themes)
3. If you were creating a nursery for a boy, what colors or theme would you choose?
(please give at least 2 different color sets or themes)
4. If you had to describe your ideal fashion/decorating style in one word, what would you say?
(ex. boho, granola, ultra-modern, art deco, grunge, minimalist)
examples of illustrations can be found in the first reply.