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20 Years Dice Game variation

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#1 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 14 September 2019 - 05:14 PM

I loved the last dice game so decided I'd try a variation too. :)


Chose 2 12 sided dice. Roll to decide which type of life event will be happening each year. Then roll again to further narrow it down. If you have a baby, roll again to determine whether healthy or not. Keep going for each year through 20 years. :)

(SO stands for significant other) 




[1, 8, 12] BABIES: (you chose whether its via your own pregnancy, surrogacy, adoption, etc): 

1. You have a son! 

2. You have a daughter! 

3. You have twins! (you chose gender) 

4. You have a miscarriage. 

5. You have a daughter! 

6. You have a son! 

7. You have triplets! (you chose gender) 

8. You have a son! 

9. You have a miscarriage. 

10. You have a daughter! 

11. You have twins! (you chose gender) 

12. You have a daughter! 

1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 = healthy

2, 6, 12 = born with a disability 



[2, 6, 9] FAMILY: 

1. You decide to get married/ renew your vows! Will it be a small, intimate occasion or all out? 

2. Either your or your SO's sibling has a baby, your niece or nephew! What do they name the baby? 

3. You/ your SO's father passes away. (If already has, their mom or step parent) 

4. You or your SO decide to change careers. 

5. You get into a major argument with one of your SO's siblings. 

6. A family member asks to move into your home. Why do they ask? Do you let them? 

7. Either your or your SO's sibling has a baby, your niece or nephew! What do they name the baby? 

8. You/ your SO's mother passes away. (If already has, their dad or step parent)

9. Your SO gets in a major argument with one of your siblings. 

10. You or your SO gets a promotion!  

11. Either your or your SO's sibling has a baby, your niece or nephew! What do they name the baby? 

12. Your SO does something that makes you question your relationship to them. Do you work through it or part ways? 


[4, 7] TRAVEL: 

1. You and your family take a vacation within your country. 

2. You and your SO decide to host a family get together with extended family! Who's side of the family do you invite? 

3. You and your family take a vacation outside the country. 

4. An extended family member invites you on a family get together they planned. 

5. You move far away to a new home! Where did you move to? 

6. You or your SO has work related travel. Are you and/or the kids able to come with? Where to? 

7. You and your family take a vacation within the country. 

8. You are your family decide to go to a popular theme park! 

9. You and your family take a week long road trip - where do you stop? 

10. You and your SO decide to take a cruise! Will you bring any kids (if you have any)? 

11. You and your family take a vacation outside the country. 

12. Your SO surprises you with a weekend vacation they planned for you two! (or a friend, if no SO) 

[5, 10] HEALTH (if no children, it's you or SO)

1. One of your children broke a bone!  

2. One of your children is diagnosed as gifted.   

3. You or your SO ends up needing their gallbladder removed. 

4. One of your children becomes disabled unexpectedly. 

5. You had some warning signs of cancer but thankfully the tests came back negative! 

6. You or your SO is diagnosed with depression. 

7. You, your SO, or a child is diagnosed with Autism.

8. You or your SO is feeling really unwell and finally go to the doctor to find out your thyroid isn't working properly. 

9. You or your SO is diagnosed with anxiety. 

10. You had some warning signs of a heart attack but thankfully the tests came back negative! (just costochondritis) 

11. One of your children is diagnosed with OCD. 

12. You or your SO are diagnosed with PCOS. 


[3, 11] MISC:   

1. You and your family move into a new home! 

2. You come into a large sum of money! What do you decide to do with it? 

3. The car dies, so you need a new one. What type do you get? 

4. You and your family decide to adopt a pet! 

5. You or your SO decide to go back to school! What degree are you/ they going for? 

6. You and your SO take up a new hobby together. What is it? 

7. You and your SO decide to renovate one of the rooms of your home. 

8. One of your children shows to be very talented (in sports, music, anything you chose). 

9. If your child is old enough, they tell you they're pregnant. What do you all do from here? (if not your child, it's a friend in need) 

10. You or your SO writes and publishes a book. 

11. You and your SO decide you need a new car. What type did you get? 

12. You and/or your SO takes your child to a concert/ play. 



#2 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 14 September 2019 - 07:20 PM

The Granger Family 


Imogen Maeve "Ginny", Cara Joan, and Alexander Michael "Lex" 


Year 1

Ginny, Cara, and Lex all knew they'd wanted to have a family one day. This was the year! Ginny had a lot going on with work so they decided Cara would be the one to carry the baby. They birthed a healthy boy that September! They named him Phoenix Charlie Granger


Year 2

Phoenix was such a joy to add to the family. He was also a lot of work. Cara and Lex worked hard together to meet Phoenix's needs. Ginny seemed distant, however. She loved her little boy but felt anxiety about caring for him, so badly that she avoided it or being home. It got bad enough that Cara and Lex wondered if they could possibly get through this. Thankfully after they all got together and talked about what was going on, they were able to understand why Ginny wasn't as involved as she needed to be. They supported her as she became more and more involved and things got better. 


Phoenix celebrated his first birthday that autumn! They had a constellation themed party for him. 


Year 3

As Phoenix got older, Ginny's comfort in parenting grew too. She was able to get tickets to a childrens play/ concert sort event. Ginny and Phoenix had a blast! 


Phoenix turned two this year! They celebrated with a zoo themed birthday party. 


Year 4

Lex got the opportunity to travel for his job. There was availability for his girlfriends and son to come with but Cara and Ginny told him he deserved some time off with how hard he's been working. Plus a lot of the travelling would be staying in a conference hall to view products he sells through the company he works for. 


Phoenix had his third birthday! They celebrated with a truck themed birthday party. 


Year 5

Ginny, Cara, and Lex were loving being parents. They finally felt like they were finding some sort of groove into what they were doing. It surprised Cara and Lex at first when Ginny brought up the idea of trying for another baby and her carrying it. They warmed up to the idea fairly quickly, though, and Ginny conceived. Through the pregnancy, scans showed their babies spine wasn't growing how it should and baby would be born with spina bifida. In May, Ginny birthed a little boy! They named him Arrow Henry Granger.


Phoenix loved being a big brother! He had a great year. He turned four that september and was able to begin preschool. 


Year 6

Cara came across a sweet black cat at the local animal rescue and just couldn't leave without it! It was very cuddley and playful. Lex and Ginny were unsure at first but grew to love that kitten dearly. Phoenix loved petting the cat and Arrow squealed and slapped his arms when he saw the cat. 


Arrow turned one this year and Phoenix turned five. Phoenix also began kindergarten. 


Year 7 

You had all been having a great year until, at a family get together, Cara gets into an argument with Lex's brother, Thomas. Thomas wasn't supportive of his brothers "lifestyle". After Thomas loudly insulted Lex, his partners, and their children - all in front of the children, Lex decided to leave and cut contact. 


Arrow turned two this year and Phoenix turned six. Phoenix began first grade! 


Year 8

The three of you are loving parenthood. This time it was Lex who brought up the idea of having another baby. Cara and Ginny agreed! They decided Cara would be pregnant this time. They conceived twins! In June, they birthed two healthy girls, which they named Lilac Edith Granger "Lil" and Primrose Jane Granger "Posy". 


Arrow turned three and Phoenix turned seven. Phoenix began second grade. 


Year 9

Now that Arrow was getting older and attempting to be mobile, you all realize the home really needed some renovations. You decided to update the living room as that's where he played most. They wanted it spacious enough to use his mobility devices. 


This year, they celebrated Lil's and Posy's first birthday! Arrow turned four and began preschool. Phoenix turned eight and began third grade. 


Year 10

Unexpectedly, Ginny found herself pregnant again. Her birth control had failed. The whole family felt nervous even if excited. They hadn't even expected to have four kids, much less five! That November, she birthed a healthy baby girl. They named her Azalea Josephine Granger "Zay".


Lil and Posy celebrated their second birthday. Arrow turned five and began kindergarten. Phoenix turned nine and began fourth grade. 


Year 12

This year was a bit scary, health wise. A stranger attempted to push Arrow's wheelchair when he'd said no and his fingers got caught in the wheel! He ended up having broken bones within his fingers, along with other injuries. 


On the positive side, Zay turned one this year! Lil and Posy had their third birthday. Arrow turned six and began first grade. Phoenix turned ten and began fifth grade. 


Year 13

Ginny had a mild infection that she took an antibiotic for and the doctor didn't mention how it can mess with your birth control. Surprise, she's pregnant again! At first, she, Cara, and Lex had no idea how they were planning to move forward. Five kids is a lot! When they first imagined being parents, they had only been thinking about one, maybe two. In the end, they felt it was right to continue the pregnancy. Ginny birthed their daughter, Sonnet Vivienne Granger, in October.


They celebrated so many birthdays this year. Zay turned two. Lil and Posy turned four and began preschool. Arrow turned seven and began second grade. Phoenix turned eleven and began sixth grade - middle school! 


Year 14

After all the chaos and change going on this year, the plan had been to lay low. A pleasant surprise happened upon them this year, though! Lex happened to come into a large sum of money! They paid off all bills that had accrued, especially those health bills, and were able to further renovate the house to make it more accessible for Arrow. 


Sonny celebrated her first birthday! Zay turned three. Lil and Posy turned five and began kindergarten. Arrow turned eight and began second grade. Phoenix turned twelve and began seventh grade.  


Year 15

This year, we decided to have a wedding and vow renewal! Cara and Lex had already been married when Ginny joined the relationship. They typically considered Ginny their wife already but wanted to have a ceremony with loved ones. They invited close friends and some family to an informal celebration. It felt wonderful to openly include Ginny in their relationship as such. 


This year, Sonny turned two. Zay turned four. Lil and Posy turned six and began first grade. Arrow turned nine and began third grade. And Phoenix turned thirteen - a preteen! - and began eighth grade. 


Year 16

Things had been going great lately, so you decided to host a family get together this year. Ginny's family had been the most accepting of them all so they decided to invite her side of the family. 


Sonny turned three. Zay turned five and began preschool. Lil and Posy turned six and began first grade. Arrow turned ten and began fourth grade. And Phoenix turned fourteen and began ninth grade - high school! 


Year 17

This year, they learned Ginny's little sister, Isobel, is pregnant! They end up birthing a beautiful little girl with a tuft of bright red hair and bright blue eyes. They named her Saoirse Naimh.  


Sonny turns four, Zay turns six and begins kindergarten. Lil and Posy turn seven and began second grade. Arrow turns eleven and begins fifth grade. And Phoenix turns fifteen and begins tenth grade. 


Year 18

Cara, Ginny, and Lex had noticed Zay seemed to be an odd child. She had a severely limited diet of things she'd eat, counted as she ate, and had to start over if things were messed up. Along with many other aspects of her life. They brought her to her doctor and ended up discovering she had OCD. After beginning therapy and following doctors suggestions, Zay was able to find a lot of relief in her struggles. 


This year, Sonny turned five and began preschool. Zay turned seven and began first grade. Lil and Posy turned eight and began third grade. Arrow turned twelve and began sixth grade - middle school! And Phoenix turned sixteen and began eleventh grade (and got his license!)  


Year 19

This time, it was Cara who got pregnant unexpectedly! And to add to the surprise, it was twins! They all mostly felt it was meant to be, though definitely their last. They had twin boys, Cedar Everest Granger and Dashiell William Granger


Sonny turned six and began kindergarten. Zay turned eight and began second grade. Lil and Posy turned nine and began fourth grade. Arrow turned thirteen and began seventh grade. Phoenix turned seventeen and began twelfth grade. 


Year 20

Ginny's sister, Isobel, ended up pregnant again! Her daughter, Saoirse Niamh ended up with a brother, Cillian Alban


Cedar and Dash turned one! Sonny turned seven and began first grade. Zay turned nine and began third grade. Lil and Posy turned ten and began fifth grade. Arrow turned fourteen and began eighth grade. Phoenix turned eighteen and began his first year of university. 



The Granger Family 


Imogen Maeve "Ginny", Cara Joan, and Alexander Michael "Lex" 

with children, 

Phoenix Charlie, Arrow Henry, Lilac Edith, Primrose Jane, Azalea Josephine, Sonnet Vivienne, Cedar Everest, and Dashiell William

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#3 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 15 September 2019 - 11:55 AM

DW: Kamille Caitlin Eberly (23)
DH: Jesus Ben Eberly (28)

Year One:
Kammie had a feeling that she had breast cancer, but thankfully, the tests came back negative!

Kammie (24), Jesus (29)

Year Two:
Kammie’s father, Nicholas, died in a fatal car crash.

Kammie (25), Jesus (30)

Year Three:
Kammie has a major argument with Jesus’s sister, Ariana.

Kammie (26), Jesus (31)

Year Four:
Kammie has been sick lately, so she went to the doctor and finds out that her thyroid is not working properly.

Kammie (27), Jesus (32)

Year Five:
Kammie writes an autobiography of her life and publishes it.

Kammie (28), Jesus (33)

Year Six:
Kammie and Jesus go to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert for Jesus’s birthday!

Kammie (29), Jesus (34)

Year Seven:
Kammie ends up having her gallbladder removed.

Kammie (30), Jesus (35)

Year Eight:
Jesus’s father, David, died from cancer.

Kammie (31), Jesus (36)

Year Nine:
Kammie finally get pregnant with triplets! Sebastian Max is born autistic, but Laurel Brenna and Mitchell Dominik are born healthy!

Kammie (32), Jesus (37), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (nb)

Year Ten:
Kammie, Jesus, and the triplets take a vacation to Universal’s Islands of Adventure! The triplets loved going on rides!

Kammie (33), Jesus (38), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (1)

Year Eleven:
Kammie and Ariana argue again.

Kammie (34), Jesus (39), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (2)

Year Twelve:
Jesus surprises Kammie with a weekend vacation to the Grand Canyon! Kammie’s mother, Stephanie, watches the triplets.

Kammie (35), Jesus (40), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (3)

Year Thirteen:
The family decides to get the triplets a hamster named Lynx.

Kammie (36), Jesus (41), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (4)

Year Fourteen:
The family takes a week long road trip to Virginia Beach!

Kammie (37), Jesus (42), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (5)

Year Fifteen:
Kammie gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Alina Lucia.

Kammie (38), Jesus (43), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (6), Alina (nb)

Year Sixteen:
Kammie gives birth to another set of triplets! Christian Tobias and Ankita Lexi are autistic, but Jaylen Harrison is healthy.

Kammie (39), Jesus (44), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (7), Alina (1), Christian & Ankita & Jaylen (nb)

Year Seventeen:
Kammie’s mom, Stephanie, dies from cancer.

Kammie (40), Jesus (45), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (8), Alina (2), Christian & Ankita & Jaylen (1)

Year Eighteen:
Laurel is diagnosed as gifted, so she skips a grade.

Kammie (41), Jesus (46), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (9), Alina (3), Christian & Ankita & Jaylen (2)

Year Nineteen:
Kammie gives birth to a baby girl named Chynna Angel. She is also born autistic.

Kammie (42), Jesus (47), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (10), Alina (4), Christian & Ankita & Jaylen (3), Chynna (nb)

Year Twenty:
Kammie gets a promotion as a family physician!

Kammie (43), Jesus (48), Sebastian & Laurel & Mitchell (11), Alina (5), Christian & Ankita & Jaylen (4), Chynna (1)

The Eberly Family:

DW: Kamille Caitlin Eberly (43)
DH: Jesus Ben Eberly (48)

DS/DS/DS: Sebastian Max Eberly, Laurel Brenna Eberly, and Mitchell Dominik Eberly (11)
DD: Alina Lucia Eberly (5)
DS/DS/DD: Christian Tobias Eberly, Ankita Lexi Eberly and Jaylen Harrison Eberly (4)
DD: Chynna Angel Eberly (1)

Hamster: Lynx

#4 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 15 September 2019 - 06:18 PM

The Hudson Family


DH: Levi Alexander Hudson (23) - Gardener

DW: April Meredith Jones Hudson (21) - Daycare Assistant


Levi & April Hudson




April finds out that she's pregnant in early January of this year. She and Levi are overjoyed, and even more excited to find out that they're having a little boy! In July they welcome a healthy baby boy who they name Finley Alexander Hudson.

Levi (24), April (22), Finn (0)



Six months after having Finn, April finds out that she's pregnant with her and Levi's second child. They welcome their second son, Lucas Levi Hudson, a few days before Finn's first birthday.

Levi (25), April (23), Finn (1), Luke (0)



This year Finn gets diagnosed with Autism. It's a hard adjustment period for the whole family after his initial diagnosis, but they eventually come to terms with what it means for Finn and his future, and are able to get help with planning how to care for him as best as they can.

Levi (26), April (24), Finn (2), Luke (1)



Levi plans a surprise weekend trip for April's 25th birthday! His parents look after Finn and Luke, and the couple enjoy a nice weekend in each other's company.

Levi (27), April (25), Finn (3), Luke (2)



Finn gets diagnosed with OCD this year. It helps April and Levi to understand more of his behaviours and habits, and makes it a little easier for them to avoid triggering a meltdown.

Levi (28), April (26), Finn (4), Luke (3)



Levi and April plan a week long road trip with the kids. It takes a few months of planning due to Finn's extra needs, but they manage it, and it's a huge success. They spend the last couple of days with April's family who live across the country.

Levi (29), April (27), Finn (5), Luke (4)



Levi and April have been talking for a few years about adopting a therapy dog to help with Finn's emotional needs. They finally decide that this year is the year to stop talking about it and actually do it, and adopt a Chocolate Labrador who Finn names Charlie.

Levi (30), April (28), Finn (6), Luke (5)



April's car breaks down one evening while she's ferrying the boys between after school activities. It's been needing a lot more maintenance recently, and April decides that it's more cost effective for her to just get a new car. She buys a nice roomy 5 seat car in her favourite colour, yellow.

Levi (31), April (29), Finn (7), Luke (6)



Levi's twin sister, Lindsey, has a baby this year; Levi and April's first nephew! She and her husband, Tom, name him Andrew Oliver.

Levi (32), April (30), Finn (8), Luke (7)



April's mother, Betty, asks to move in with April, Levi and the boys after she finalises her divorce from April's father. Levi and April talk about it, and decide to offer her a room with them. The boys love having Granny living with them, and although April is sad about her parents divorce she does enjoy spending more time with her mum.

Levi (33), April (31), Finn (9), Luke (8)



Luke loves climbing trees, but he has a major accident this year when he slips on a branch and falls out of a very tall tree. He lands hard on his back, and unfortunately ends up becoming paralysed from his waist down. It takes him quite a while to adjust, but his school friends are great with accepting his new lifestyle which helps him to stay upbeat about it all. He also finds a wheelchair football team to join.

Levi (34), April (32), Finn (10), Luke (9)



Levi's car dies this year, so he takes the opportunity to buy a new one that's more suitable for both Finn and Luke's needs. It has easy access for Luke's wheelchair, and the seat belts are in a place that doesn't rub too hard on Finn's neck.

Levi (35), April (33), Finn (11), Luke (10)



One of Levi's cousins invites the family to a big family gathering that they've planned over Easter. It's held in a local country park, and the family enjoy seeing all of Levi's cousins and their children. Finn and Luke make some new friends with their second cousins, and make plans to keep in touch.

Levi (36), April (34), Finn (12), Luke (11)



In May this year April discovers that she's pregnant! She and Levi had been trying for about a year, but they weren't expecting to hear two little heartbeats at their first scan. They find out that they'll be welcoming both a little boy and a little girl in early December. The twins are born a few weeks before they're due, and are named Bennett James Hudson and Beatrix Rose Hudson.

Levi (37), April (35), Finn (13), Luke (12), Ben & Bee (0)



After working at the daycare for more than 10 years, April decides that it's time for a change. She finds a position as a library assistant, and she enjoys the peace and quiet of the library as it's a big difference from the daycare.

Levi (38), April (36), Finn (14), Luke (13), Ben & Bee (1)



In the days just before the new year April found out that she was pregnant once again. She and Levi were very happy to be growing their family, and the older boys seemed to be happy to have another sibling. They decided to keep the gender a surprise this time, and were very happy to find out that their new baby was a little girl! They name her Winona Elizabeth Hudson.

Levi (39), April (37), Finn (15), Luke (14), Ben & Bee (2), Winnie (0)



For Levi's 40th birthday, April plans a romantic cruise around Italy. They decide to take Winnie with them as she's still very young, but April's mum and Levi's parents look after Finn, Luke, Ben, & Bee. They really enjoy the cruise, and decide that next time they'll try and go with all of the children.

Levi (40), April (38), Finn (16), Luke (15), Ben & Bee (3), Winnie (1)



Unfortunately this year April's mum, Betty, passes away from an unexpected heart attack. It's a huge loss for the family as she lived with them at the time of her passing, and all of the children really miss their Granny.

Levi (41), April (39), Finn (17), Luke (16), Ben & Bee (4), Winnie (2)



April finds herself unexpectedly pregnant this year. She and Levi hadn't been trying, but are happy to be welcoming another son nonetheless. Unfortunately little Vincent Noah Hudson is born deaf, but he is a great addition to the family.

Levi (42), April (40), Finn (18), Luke (17), Ben & Bee (5), Winnie (3), Vin (0)



After Vin's birth late last year April hadn't been feeling her usual self. She gets diagnosed with postnatal depression in early January, and the whole family are incredibly supportive of her during this difficult time.

Levi (43), April (41), Finn (19), Luke (18), Ben & Bee (6), Winnie (4), Vin (1)



The Hudson Family


DH: Levi Alexander Hudson (43) - Gardener

DW: April Meredith Jones Hudson (41) - Librarian


DS: Finley 'Finn' Alexander Hudson (19) - Autistic, OCD

DS: Lucas 'Luke' Levi Hudson (18) - Paraplegic

DS/DD: Bennett 'Ben' James Hudson/Beatrix 'Bee' Rose Hudson (6)

DD: Winona 'Winnie' Elizabeth Hudson (4)

DS: Vincent 'Vin' Noah Hudson (1) - Deaf


Levi & April Hudson; w/ Finley, Lucas, Bennett, Beatrix, Winona, & Vincent

#5 Kristi18


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Posted 15 September 2019 - 08:53 PM

The Prescott Family


DH: Nathan Charles (42)

DW: Ashley Renee (nee Jenkins) (40)


DD: Lauren Abigail (18)

DS/DS/DS: Dylan Bradley / Ethan Christopher / Ryan Douglas (15)

DD: Autumn Elizabeth (9)

DS: Mason Frederick (7)

DD: Jordyn Grace (5)

DS/DD: Owen Henry / Ashtyn Isabelle (4)

DD: Kaydin Josephine (2)


Nathan and Ashley Prescott

Lauren, Dylan, Ethan, Ryan, Autumn, Mason

Jordyn, Owen, Ashtyn and Kaydin


Year 1: Visit Universal Studios, Hollywood

Year 2: Vacation to Switzerland

Year 3: Daughter is born!

Year 4: Move to a new home in Charleston, SC

Year 5: Lauren broke her collar bone

Year 6: Triplets are born!

Year 7: Nathan and I take an Alaskan Cruise, we leave the kids with my sister

Year 8: My sister and her family move in with us while they build a house

Year 9: We buy a new Ford Excursion

Year 10: I had my gallbladder removed

Year 11: I had a miscarriage

Year 12: Daughter is born!

Year 13: I go back to school to get my Master's degree in counseling

Year 14: Son is born!

Year 15: Nathan got a promotion!

Year 16: Daughter is born!

Year 17: Twins are born!

Year 18: I have been diagnosed with depression

Year 19: Daughter is born!

Year 20: We take a family vacation to the Bahamas

#6 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 16 September 2019 - 09:57 AM

DW: Samantha Annabella Church (30)
DH: Breon Nathaniel Church (30)

Year One:
Sam gives birth to identical twin girls! Sophia Rowan has minor physical defects, but Natalie Jasmine is healthy!

Sam (31), Breon (31), Sophia & Natalie (nb)

Year Two:
Sam gets her gallbladder removed.

Sam (32), Breon (32), Sophia & Natalie (1)

Year Three:
Sam gives birth to another set of identical twin girls! Alexandra Madelyn has spina bifida, but Sierra Bridget is healthy!

Sam (33), Breon (33), Sophia & Natalie (2), Alex & Sierra (nb)

Year Four:
The family takes a vacation to Boston.

Sam (34), Breon (34), Sophia & Natalie (3), Alex & Sierra (1)

Year Five:
The family wins the lottery and comes into a large sum of money! The family buys a new boat.

Sam (35), Breon (35), Sophia & Natalie (4), Alex & Sierra (2)

Year Six:
Sam’s brother, Christopher, and his wife, Shirley, have a new baby boy, Leo Brantley!

Sam (36), Breon (36), Sophia & Natalie (5), Alex & Sierra (3)

Year Seven:
Sam gets promoted to Magistrate!

Sam (37), Breon (37), Sophia & Natalie (6), Alex & Sierra (4)

Year Eight:
Sam sadly has a miscarriage.

Sam (38), Breon (38), Sophia & Natalie (7), Alex & Sierra (5)

Year Nine:
Sam writes and publishes a children’s book!

Sam (39), Breon (39), Sophia & Natalie (8), Alex & Sierra (6)

Year Ten:
Breon gets his gallbladder removed.

Sam (40), Breon (40), Sophia & Natalie (9), Alex & Sierra (7)

Year Eleven:
Breon gets a promotion for family physician!

Sam (41), Breon (41), Sophia & Natalie (10), Alex & Sierra (8)

Year Twelve:
Sam miscarries again.

Sam (42), Breon (42), Sophia & Natalie (11), Alex & Sierra (9)

Year Thirteen:
Sam’s mother, Grace, dies from natural causes.

Sam (43), Breon (43), Sophia & Natalie (12), Alex & Sierra (10)

Year Fourteen:
The family gets an Australian Cattle Dog named Alfie

Sam (44), Breon (44), Sophia & Natalie (13), Alex & Sierra (11)

Year Fifteen:
Sophia breaks her foot while riding her horse.

Sam (45), Breon (45), Sophia & Natalie (14), Alex & Sierra (12)

Year Sixteen:
Sam finally has a rainbow baby, a boy! His name is Matthew Brian. He is born partially blind.

Sam (46), Breon (46), Sophia & Natalie (15), Alex & Sierra (13), Matt (nb)

Year Seventeen:
Breon lost some of the family’s money while at the horse races. Breon and Sam started to argue, but the worked their marriage through.

Sam (47), Breon (47), Sophia & Natalie (16), Alex & Sierra (14), Matt (1)

Year Eighteen:
The family wins a large sum of money from the lottery again! They decide to buy a yacht this time.

Sam (48), Breon (48), Sophia & Natalie (17), Alex & Sierra (15), Matt (2)

Year Nineteen:
Sam and Breon take the kids to a Taylor Swift concert.

Sam (49), Breon (49), Sophia & Natalie (18), Alex & Sierra (16), Matt (3)

Year Twenty:
Sam has another miscarriage. Afterwards, Breon decides to get a vasectomy, so they would never have kids again.

Sam (50), Breon (50), Sophia & Natalie (19), Alex & Sierra (17), Matt (4)

The Church Family:

DW: Samantha Annabella Church (50)
DH: Breon Nathaniel Church (50)

DD/DD: Sophia Rowan Church and Natalie Jasmine Church (19)
DD/DD: Alexandra Madelyn Church and Sierra Bridget Church (17)
DS: Matthew Brian Church (4)
Dog: Alfie

#7 MalloryMae


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Posted 16 September 2019 - 05:30 PM

Darya Elayne (Stetsen), 26 & Lesley “Les” Robert Da Mido, 27, est 2018

Les and I decided to adopt a pet dog! It’s a German Shepherd/Border Collie mix. He is one and his name is Trotter. He’s adorable.

Darya, 27 & Les, 28
Trotter, 1

We renewed their wedding vows for their second anniversary. It was a small occasion, with only close friends and family.

Darya, 28 & Les, 29
Trotter, 2

We wanted to have a baby this year and I got pregnant with twins! It was amazing news, but we were scared at times, as I had a high risk pregnancy. Both babies were doing great at birth, though. We named them Adela Coral & Frederic Reese, “Addie & Freddie.”

Darya, 29 & Les, 30
Addie & Freddie, 0
Trotter, 3

Les’ dad unexpectedly got quite sick with pneumonia. It got so bad that he eventually passed away. Les had much trouble with the loss of his dad because they were always so close.

Darya, 30 & Les, 31
Addie & Freddie, 1
Trotter, 4

We learned that Addie & Freddie we’re going to be big siblings this year! It was very exciting, although we were worried about having another high risk pregnancy. This did turn out to be one, and we learned that our baby girl would be born with Down syndrome. This was so heartbreaking because we wanted the best for her. We got through it of course and baby Senna Frances was born at 37 weeks. Life with three kids is not easy, but we love it!

Darya, 31 & Les, 32
Addie, Freddie, 2 & Senna, 0
Trotter, 5

I was admitted to the hospital for possible signs of breast cancer, but fortunately it wasn’t. This was very scary for us, as my mom passed away from breast cancer ten years previous.

Darya, 32 & Les, 33
Addie, Freddie, 3 & Senna, 1
Trotter, 6

We were certainly not trying for a baby, although we did get pregnant- this time with our second set of twins! This news was exciting, but also terrifying! We were going to have five under five including one with special needs! We were nervous, but we knew that God had a plan for us. Our identical twin boys- Emanuel Anthony & Benedict Vincent (after Les’ dad), “Manny & Benny.” Both doing great.

Darya, 33 & Les, 34
Addie, Freddie, 4, Senna, 2, Manny & Benny, 0
Trotter, 7

I wrote and self published a book about having a child with Downs. The differences, similarities, and everything in between. It has been a journey.

Darya, 34 & Les, 35
Addie, Freddie, 5, Senna, 3, Manny & Benny, 1
Trotter, 8

Les had a lot of “questionable activity” this year. I won’t go into detail. He finally told me that it just wasn’t the same anymore. I knew what he meant because I’d felt it too. After five kids, we split. We decided that I’d have the kids during weeks and him during weekends. This was a hard decision. He moved and I stayed put. He brought Trotter with.

D: I couldn’t bring myself to get into a relationship. I didn’t care that Les was back in one. It was too painful.

Darya, 35
Addie, Freddie, 6, Senna, 4, Manny & Benny, 2

L: I started dating Meghan Maree Davies. She has one son- Barrett James Ridley, “BJ.” He is nine.

Les, 36 & Meghan, 32
BJ, 9, Addie, Freddie, 6, Senna, 4, Manny & Benny, 2
Trotter, 8

D: This year I finally brought myself out of that “blah” stage I’d been in and I started dating Rogan Wilbur Xian. On the other hand, I wrote and self-published my second book about divorce with kids.

Darya, 36 & Rogan, 35
Addie, Freddie, 7, Senna, 5, Manny & Benny, 3

L: Meg got in an argument with my younger brother- Jayson, about him moving in with us. This lead to them both being exceptionally mad at each other before apologizing.

Les, 37 & Meghan, 33
BJ, 10, Addie, Freddie, 7, Senna, 5, Manny & Benny, 3
Trotter, 9

D: I wrote my third book, this time about everything put together. I hope everyone who reads it can relate in some way.

Darya, 37 & Rogan, 36
Addie, Freddie, 8, Senna, 6, Manny & Benny, 4

L: My brother Jayson asked to move in with us (for the second time). This time they didn’t get heated and we decided to let him stay with us. A big seller was that we needed a babysitter for BJ during the week and Jay could do it.

Les, 38 & Meghan, 34
BJ, 11, Addie, Freddie, 8, Senna, 6, Manny & Benny, 4
Trotter, 10

D: We brought the kids on a vacation to Brazil. It was fun and educational learning Portuguese, seeing famous historical places, and doing exciting, once-in-a-lifetime things.

Darya, 38 & Rogan, 37
Addie, Freddie, 9, Senna, 7, Manny & Benny, 5

L: We took the kids to Disney World! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the amazing experience!

Les, 39 & Meghan, 35
BJ, 12, Addie, Freddie, 9, Senna, 7, Manny & Benny, 5
Trotter, 11

D: My only sister- Liliwen- had her first baby- a girl! They named her Eliza Bronwyn Zaire Tobias.

Darya, 39 & Rogan, 38
Addie, Freddie, 10, Senna, 8, Manny & Benny, 6

L: We took BJ to a concert for his thirteenth birthday! It was a lot of fun for all three of us!

Les, 40 & Meghan, 36
BJ, 13, Addie, Freddie, 10, Senna, 8, Manny & Benny, 6
Trotter, 12

D: I got into a major argument with Rogan’s sister Gena about her telling me how to parent my kids. We eventually calmed down, but I still get tense around her.

Darya, 40 & Rogan, 39
Addie, Freddie, 11, Senna, 9, Manny & Benny, 7

L: We had been really wanting a baby and we got pregnant! It was a boy! Meg delivered baby Lesley Robert Da Mido Jr at 39 weeks. We plan on calling him Ro.

Les, 41 & Meghan, 37
BJ, 14, Addie, Freddie, 11, Senna, 9, Manny, Benny, 7 & Ro, 0
Trotter, 13

D: We tried for a baby this year- and I got pregnant! I unfortunately suffered a miscarriage. This was quite hard on Rogan, the kids & I.

Darya, 41 & Rogan, 40
Adela, Freddie, 12, Senna, 10, Manny & Benny, 8

L: Meg and I took BJ & Ro on a road trip to Arizona. We had lots of fun seeing the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and other similar places.

Les, 42 & Meghan, 38
BJ, 15, Adela, Freddie, 12, Senna, 10, Manny, Benny, 8 & Ro, 1
Trotter, 14

D: My cousin invited us to a family reunion. The kids played with some of their distant family while Rohan and I made conversation with my extended family.

Darya, 42 & Rogan, 41
Adela, Freddie, 13, Senna, 11, Manny & Benny, 9

L: Meg got a promotion! We celebrated with a drink at a local bar. In other news, Trotter passed away this year. He lived a long life.

Les, 43 & Meghan, 39
BJ, 16, Adela, Freddie, 13, Senna, 11, Manny, Benny, 9 & Ro, 2
Trotter, dec.

D: I had another miscarriage this year. I felt quite sad and anxious.

Darya, 43 & Rogan, 42
Adela, Freddie, 14, Senna, 12, Manny & Ben, 10

L: After Trotter’s passing, we decided to adopt another dog. This one is a beagle mutt. His name is Chance.

Les, 44 & Meghan, 40
BJ, 17, Adela, Freddie, 14, Senna, 12, Manny, Ben, 10 & Ro, 3
Trotter, dec. & Chance, 2

D: We tried to get pregnant again, when I did, I was so scared of loss, but we didn’t lose these babies. Yep, third set of twins. I must hold a world record! They are fraternal boys and we named them Quentin Tyler & Merrick Carlos. They are both miracles.

Darya, 44 & Rogan, 43
Adela, Freddie, 15, Senna, 13, Manny, Ben, 11, Quentin & Merrick, 0

L: Jayson and his girlfriend Deanna has a baby girl this year! Their all still living with us, but we like being with the baby so much. Her name is Emerald Charlee Oz Da Mido.

Les, 45 & Meghan, 41
BJ, 18, Adela, Freddie, 15, Senna, 13, Manny, Ben, 11 & Ro, 4
Trotter, dec. & Chance, 3

D: Rogan and I took the kids on a cruise. They especially liked the water park & kids’ club. It was quite the luxury.

Darya, 45 & Rogan, 44
Adela, Freddie, 16, Senna, 14, Manny, Ben, 12, Quentin & Merrick, 1

L: I came into a large sum of money! We used it to renovate our house, get three new bedrooms- 1 for Em, and two other ones so we can spread out the room sharing.

Les, 46 & Meghan, 42
BJ, 19, Adela, Freddie, 16, Senna, 14, Manny, Ben, 12 & Ro, 5
Trotter, dec. & Chance, 4

D: We adopted a kitten! Her name is Sylvia and she is silver and white.

Darya, 46 & Rogan, 45
Adela, Freddie, 17, Senna, 15, Manny, Ben, 13, Quentin & Merrick, 2
Sylvia, 0

L: My mom passed away this year. My parents divorced when I was young, so I never really knew her. This still made my guilty that I hadn’t patched up our relationship.

Les, 47 & Meghan, 43
BJ, 20, Adela, Freddie, 17, Senna, 15, Manny, Ben, 13 & Ro, 6
Trotter, dec. & Chance, 5

The Da Mido-Xian Family

DW: Darya Elayne (Stetsen) Da Mido-Xian, 46
DBF: Rogan Wilbur Xian, 45

DD/DS: Adela Coral & Frederic Reese “Freddie” Da Mido, 17
DD: Senna Frances Da Mido, 15 (Down syndrome)
DS/DS: Emanuel Anthony “Manny” & Benedict Vincent “Ben” Da Mido, 13
DS/DS: Quentin Tyler & Merrick Carlos Xian, 2

DCat: Sylvia

Darya & Rogan with Adela, Freddie, Senna, Manny, Ben, Quentin, and Merrick.

The Da Mido Family

DH: Lesley Robert “Les” Da Mido, 47
DGF: Meghan Maree Davies, 43

DS: Barrett James “BJ” Ridley, 20
DD/DS: Adela Coral & Frederic Reese “Freddie” Da Mido, 17
DD: Senna Frances Da Mido, 15 (Down syndrome)
DS/DS: Emanuel Anthony “Manny” & Benedict Vincent “Ben” Da Mido, 13
DS: Lesley “Ro” Robert Da Mido Jr, 6

DDog: Trotter, dec.
DDog: Chance, 5

Les & Meghan with BJ, Adela, Freddie, Senna, Manny, Ben, and Ro.

#8 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 17 September 2019 - 08:23 AM

DW: Monica Ivy McKinnon (27)
DH: Peter Adrian McKinnon (24)

Year One:
Monica’s brother, Eric, and his wife, Nia, has a baby girl named Aubrey Mariam.

Monica (28), Pete (25)

Year Two:
Pete surprises Monica with a weekend trip to Las Vegas to see a Cirque du Soleil show!

Monica (29), Pete (26)

Year Three:
Monica’s cousin, Sarah, asks to move in with Monica and Pete since her divorce is finalized. Monica is cool with that.

Monica (30), Pete (27)

Year Four:
Monica changes careers to be a funeral service manager.

Monica (31), Pete (28)

Year Five:
Pete’s brother, William, and his wife, Elizabeth, have a baby girl named Taya Marley.

Monica (32), Pete (29)

Year Six:
Monica gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Katherinne Cadence.

Monica (33), Pete (30), Katy (nb)

Year Seven:
Pete changes careers to become a Kindergarten teacher.

Monica (34), Pete (31), Katy (1)

Year Eight:
Monica writes and publishes a children’s book.

Monica (35), Pete (32), Katy (2)

Year Nine:
Eric invites Monica and Pete to a family reunion in Atlanta!

Monica (36), Pete (33), Katy (3)

Year Ten:
Monica’s friend, Paige, tells her that she got pregnant during a one night stand. Monica tells her that she will help her take care of the baby. Paige then gives birth to a baby girl named Alexis Eva.

Monica (37), Pete (34), Katy (4)

Year Eleven:
Monica gives birth to another healthy baby girl named Ginny Nylah. Katy is excited to have a little sister!

Monica (38), Pete (35), Katy (5), Ginny (nb)

Year Twelve:
Monica gives birth to another healthy baby and first baby boy! His name is Christopher Emmanuel.

Monica (39), Pete (36), Katy (6), Ginny (1), Chris (nb)

Year Thirteen:
Monica has been diagnosed with anxiety.

Monica (40), Pete (37), Katy (7), Ginny (2), Chris (1)

Year Fourteen:
Monica sadly has a miscarriage.

Monica (41), Pete (38), Katy (8), Ginny (3), Chris (2)

Year Fifteen:
Eric and Nia have another baby girl named Brielle Tiffany.

Monica (42), Pete (39), Katy (9), Ginny (4), Chris (3)

Year Sixteen:
Monica changes careers again. This time to be a hostler.

Monica (43), Pete (40), Katy (10), Ginny (5), Chris (4)

Year Seventeen:
William invites the family to a family reunion in Boston!

Monica (44), Pete (41), Katy (11), Ginny (6), Chris (5)

Year Eighteen:
Monica’s mother, Bethany, sadly dies from a fatal car crash.

Monica (45), Pete (42), Katy (12), Ginny (7), Chris (6)

Year Nineteen:
Monica gives birth to not one, not two, but three rainbow babies! Yes, it’s triplets, two boys and a girl. Mason Drew is autistic, but Dakota Victor and Chelsea Braelyn are healthy!

Monica (46), Pete (43), Katy (13), Ginny (8), Chris (7), Mason & Dakota & Chelsea (nb)

Year Twenty:
Monica gives birth to a baby girl named Symone Adelynn. She has delayed development.

Monica (47), Pete (44), Katy (14), Ginny (9), Chris (8), Mason & Dakota & Chelsea (1), Symone (nb)

The McKinnon Family:

DW: Monica Ivy McKinnon (47)
DH: Peter Adrian McKinnon (44)

DD: Katherinne Cadence McKinnon (14)
DD: Ginny Nylah McKinnon (9)
DS: Christopher Emmanuel McKinnon (8)
DS/DS/DD: Mason Drew McKinnon, Dakota Victor McKinnon, and Chelsea Braelyn McKinnon (1)
DD: Symone Adelynn McKinnon (nb)

#9 MalloryMae


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Posted 18 September 2019 - 04:38 PM

Adela Coral Da Mido, 22 & Corbin Travis Aleut, 21, est. 2042

Corbin was feeling awful, so he finally went to the hospital- and we found out that he has a swollen thyroid. He was put on medication and is recovering well.

Adela, 23 & Corbin, 22

My stepbrother, BJ, asked if he and his wife Erika could move in with us until their new house is built. This would only be temporary, as it will take just two months until the house is done. We said yes because we have the room and could use the company.

Adela, 24 & Corbin, 23

I got into an argument with Corbin’s brother Calvin about not letting him and his family (wife & three kids) move in with us. He thought we should let him since we let BJ and Erika, but we don’t have the space four five more people.

Adela, 25 & Corbin, 24

We got pregnant! We were thrilled. But then I had a miscarriage. It was hard but we are strong.

Adela, 26 & Corbin, 25

We got pregnant again! We were honestly more scared than excited. What if we lose this baby? Unfortunately we did have another miscarriage this year.

Adela, 27 & Corbin, 26

We decided to renovate our kitchen. Since we bought the house, we’ve been wanting new countertops and cabinets. We finally splurged and the results are beautiful. I’ve never wanted to cook so much in my life.

Adela, 28 & Corbin, 27

We got pregnant- and our baby was healthy! She was born at 41 weeks. We named her Lily Marina Aleut. She is wonderful.

Adela, 29 & Corbin, 28
Lily, 0

Our car (Kia Sorento) was ten years old and finally died. For our new car, we bought a Nissan Rogue. It was a cross between an SUV and a littler car.

Adela, 30 & Corbin, 29
Lily, 1

Lily seems to be advanced in skill for her age. She knows colors, numbers (up to 10) and the alphabet. Discussing with her future school if she’ll be skipping a grade.

Adela, 31 & Corbin, 30
Lily, 2

We got pregnant, but I quickly had a miscarriage. This was sad news.

Adela, 32 & Corbin, 31
Lily, 3

We took a vacation to the New York side of Niagra Falls! It was quite relaxing and fun.

Adela, 33 & Corbin, 32
Lily, 4

We got pregnant again and were so terrified of loss, but baby girl #2 was healthy! When she arrived, we named her Piper Ivy Aleut.

Adela, 34 & Corbin, 33
Lily, 5 & Piper, 0

We took the girls to Disney World! They had lots of fun- their (Lily’s) favorite parts were the Princesses and rides. It was great!

Adela, 35 & Corbin, 34
Lily, 6 & Piper, 1

I had another miscarriage. This was our fourth one.

Adela, 36 & Corbin, 35
Lily, 7 & Piper, 2

We got pregnant! We were so ready for loss, but our baby boy stayed well and was born after eight more months. We named him Miles Theodore Aleut.

Adela, 37 & Corbin, 36
Lily, 8, Piper, 3 & Miles, 0

Corbin and I went on a cruise. It was just the two of us (no kids), but we were with our friends for a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun, but it was so weird not having responsibilities and routines.

Adela, 38 & Corbin, 37
Lily, 9, Piper, 4 & Miles, 1

Corbin and I started making personalized signs for fun. It was a bit of a hobby. What I mean by “personalized signs” is wood signs with names on them. I cut vinyl with a special tool, while Corb cut the wood. We made one for each of the kids.

Adela, 39 & Corbin, 38
Lily, 10, Piper, 5 & Miles, 2

We took Lily to an off-broadway show. It was Aladdin. She loved the actors’ costumes and their beautiful voices.

Adela, 40 & Corbin, 39
Lily, 11, Piper, 6 & Miles, 3

This year Miles was diagnosed with Autism. This was hard news. We knew we could raise a child with special needs- my younger sister has Down Syndrome- we just knew that this would make it harder for Miles through his life.

Adela, 41 & Corbin, 40
Lily, 12, Piper, 7 & Miles, 4

We got pregnant again! This was quite unexpected, as we’re kind of on the older side- and we expected a miscarriage. With our age and our luck..? I did carry baby to full term and when he arrived, we named our bouncing baby boy Jonah Travis Aleut.

Adela, 42 & Corbin, 41
Lily, 13, Piper, 8, Miles, 5 & Jonah, 0

The Aleut Family

DW: Adela Coral Da Mido, 42
DH: Corbin Travis Aleut, 41

DD: Lily Marina Aleut, 13
DD: Piper Ivy Aleut, 8
DS: Miles Theodore Aleut, 5
DS: Jonah Travis Aleut, 0

Adela & Corbin with Lily, Piper, Miles, and Jonah.

#10 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 19 September 2019 - 03:14 PM

DH: James Trenton Carrigan (19)
DW: Aslyn Kenley Carrigan (18)

Year One:
Aslyn’s 3 year old brother, Miles, is diagnosed as a gifted child, so he will skip Pre-K.

James (20), Aslyn (19)

Year Two:
James gets his gallbladder removed.

James (21), Aslyn (20)

Year Three:
Aslyn gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Hannah Kiara.

James (22), Aslyn (21), Hannah (nb)

Year Four:
At just one year old, Hannah is diagnosed with OCD.

James (23), Aslyn (22), Hannah (1)

Year Five:
Aslyn takes a business trip to Maple Grove, Minnesota. James stays home with Hannah.

James (24), Aslyn (23), Hannah (2)

Year Six:
James’s mother, Jada, dies from an unspecified illness.

James (25), Aslyn (24), Hannah (3)

Year Seven:
James and Aslyn host a family reunion with Aslyn’s side of the family in Tampa.

James (26), Aslyn (25), Hannah (4)

Year Eight:
Aslyn had warning signs that she had cancer, but thankfully the tests came back negative!

James (27), Aslyn (26), Hannah (5)

Year Nine:
James and Aslyn decide to get married! Hannah was their flower girl, while Miles was their ring bearer.

James (28), Aslyn (27), Hannah (6)

Year Ten:
Hannah becomes handicapped unexpectedly while riding her horse, Dante.

James (29), Aslyn (28), Hannah (7)

Year Eleven:
James’s father, Blake, died from heart disease.

James (30), Aslyn (29), Hannah (8)

Year Twelve:
Aslyn’s sister, Lydia, and her husband Joseph have a baby girl named Lena Adrianna.

James (31), Aslyn (30), Hannah (9)

Year Thirteen:
Aslyn sadly has a miscarriage.

James (32), Aslyn (31), Hannah (10)

Year Fourteen:
Aslyn gives birth to a rainbow baby girl named Paige Aisha! However, she was born with an undeveloped limb.

James (33), Aslyn (32), Hannah (11), Paige (nb)

Year Fifteen:
James and Aslyn decided they needed a new car. They get a new Mercedes-Benz G Wagon.

James (34), Aslyn (33), Hannah (12), Paige (1)

Year Sixteen:
Aslyn gives birth to healthy identical twin girls! Their names are Mikayla Luna and Alexa Hailey.

James (35), Aslyn (34), Hannah (13), Paige (2), Kayla & Lexy (nb)

Year Seventeen:
The family moves to a new home in Blaine, Minnesota.

James (36), Aslyn (35), Hannah (14), Paige (3), Kayla & Lexy (1)

Year Eighteen:
James is diagnosed with anxiety.

James (37), Aslyn (36), Hannah (15), Paige (4), Kayla & Lexy (2)

Year Nineteen:
Aslyn’s father, Miguel, dies from an unspecified illness.

James (38), Aslyn (37), Hannah (16), Paige (5), Kayla & Lexy (3)

Year Twenty:
James hasn’t been feeling well, so he went to the doctor to find out his thyroid isn’t working properly.

James (39), Aslyn (38), Hannah (17), Paige (6), Kayla & Lexy (4)

#11 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 21 September 2019 - 07:32 AM

The Winterwood Family


DH: Vincent 'Vin' Malvin Winterwood {20}

DW: Veda Karmina Sawyer Winterwood {19}


Vin & Veda Winterwood



Year 1

Vin's grandmother invites him and Veda to a family get together for her 75th birthday.

Vin {21}, Veda {20}



Year 2

Vin gets into a huge argument with Veda's older brother.

Vin {22}, Veda {21}



Year 3

Vin and Veda welcome a baby girl to their family! Margo Lainey Winterwood.

Vin {23}, Veda {22}, Margo {0}



Year 4

Vin gets his gallbladder removed.

Vin {24}, Veda {23}, Margo {1}



Year 5

Vin gets a promotion!

Vin {25}, Veda {24}, Margo {2}



Year 6

Veda has a miscarriage.

Vin {26}, Veda {25}, Margo {3}



Year 7

The family adopts a pet rabbit named Speckle.

Vin {27}, Veda {26}, Margo {4}, Speckle the bunny



Year 8

Veda gets a promotion!

Vin {28}, Veda {27}, Margo {5}, Speckle the bunny



Year 9

Margo fell out of a tree and broke her left arm.

Vin {29}, Veda {28}, Margo {6}, Speckle the bunny



Year 10

Vin and Veda welcome triplets to the family! Zebedee Reece Winterwood, Jayne Luisa Winterwood, and Alexander Octavio Winterwood. Jayne is born with Down Syndrome, and Alex is born deaf in his right ear.

Vin {30}, Veda {29}, Margo {7}, Zeb {0}, Jayne {0}, Alex {0}, Speckle the bunny



Year 11

Margo is diagnosed with Autism.

Vin {31}, Veda {30}, Margo {8}, Zeb {1}, Jayne {1}, Alex {1}, Speckle the bunny



Year 12

Veda's older brother and his wife welcome their first child. Kevin Samuel Saywer.

Vin {32}, Veda {31}, Margo {9}, Zeb {2}, Jayne {2}, Alex {2}, Speckle the bunny



Year 13

Vin and Veda welcome twins! Leora Ayanna Winterwood and Mariella Kourtney Winterwood.

Vin {33}, Veda {32}, Margo {10}, Zeb {3}, Jayne {3}, Alex {3}, Leo {0}, Ella {0}, Speckle the bunny



Year 14

Vin and Veda welcome a daughter to the family! Erin Lavender Winterwood.

Vin {34}, Veda {33}, Margo {11}, Zeb {4}, Jayne {4}, Alex {4}, Leo {1}, Ella {1}, Erin {0}



Year 15

Vin and Veda welcome a son! Harold Efrain Winterwood.

Vin {35}, Veda {34}, Margo {12}, Zeb {5}, Jayne {5}, Alex {5}, Leo {2}, Ella {2}, Erin {1}, Harry {0}



Year 16

Veda decides to change careers.

Vin {36}, Veda {35}, Margo {13}, Zeb {6}, Jayne {6}, Alex {6}, Leo {3}, Ella {3}, Erin {2}, Harry {1}



Year 17

Veda's older brother and his wife welcome their second child, a girl. Kaley Margaret Sawyer.

Vin {37}, Veda {36}, Margo {14}, Zeb {7}, Jayne {7}, Alex {7}, Leo {4}, Ella {4}, Erin {3}, Harry {2}



Year 18

Vin takes Margo to a concert.

Vin {38}, Veda {37}, Margo {15}, Zeb {8}, Jayne {8}, Alex {8}, Leo {5}, Ella {5}, Erin {4}, Harry {3}



Year 19

Vin argues with Veda's older brother again.

Vin {39}, Veda {38}, Margo {16}, Zeb {9}, Jayne {9}, Alex {9}, Leo {6}, Ella {6}, Erin {5}, Harry {4}



Year 20

Vin and Veda welcome another daughter to their family. Wilhelmina Maryam Winterwood.

Vin {40}, Veda {39}, Margo {17}, Zeb {10}, Jayne {10}, Alex {10}, Leo {7}, Ella {7}, Erin {6}, Harry {5}, Will {0}



The Winterwood Family


DH: Vincent 'Vin' Malvin Winterwood {40}

DW: Veda Karmina Sawyer Winterwood {39}


DD: Margo Lainey Winterwood {17} - Autistic

DS: Zebedee 'Zeb' Reece Winterwood {10}

DD: Jayne Luisa Winterwood {10} - Down Syndrome

DS: Alexander 'Alex' Octavio Winterwood {10} - Deaf in right ear

DD: Leora 'Leo' Ayanna Winterwood {7}

DD: Mariella 'Ella' Kourtney Winterwood {7}

DD: Erin Lavender Winterwood {6}

DS: Harold 'Harry' Efrain Winterwood {5}

DD: Wilhelmina 'Will' Maryam Winterwood {0}


Vin & Veda Winterwood; w/ Margo, Zeb, Jayne, Alex, Leo, Ella, Erin, Harry, & Will

#12 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 21 September 2019 - 09:56 AM

DH: John Isaac Garcia (19)
DW: Keely Hannah Garcia (21)

Year One:
Keely sadly has a miscarriage.

John (20), Keely (22)

Year Two:
Keely gives birth to a beautiful baby girl named Alexis Finley. She has a cleft lip, so they had to perform surgery.

John (21), Keely (23), Lexi (nb)

Year Three:
The family car dies, so they get a six year old Rolls-Royce Phantom!

John (22), Keely (24), Lexi (1)

Year Four:
John’s father, Caleb, dies from a stroke.

John (23), Keely (25), Lexi (2)

Year Five:
John, Keely, and Lexi take a cruise to Sydney, Australia!

John (24), Keely (26), Lexi (3)

Year Six:
Keely gives birth to another healthy baby girl named Sophia Nina. Lexi is excited to have a little sister!

John (25), Keely (27), Lexi (4), Sophia (nb)

Year Seven:
John and Keely take the girls to Cairo, Egypt.

John (26), Keely (28), Lexi (5), Sophia (1)

Year Eight:
Keely’s niece, Leslie, tells her she is pregnant at 17. Keely is shocked, but she is glad to help, because Leslie got kicked out of her parents’ house, and Keely offered to let her move in. After nine months, Leslie gives birth to a baby boy named Gage Jaylen.

John (27), Keely (29), Lexi (6), Sophia (2)

Year Nine:
Keely gets into a major argument with John’s sister, Jailyn.

John (28), Keely (30), Lexi (7), Sophia (3)

Year Ten:
Jailyn and her husband, Thomas, have a baby boy named Diego Rayyan.

John (29), Keely (31), Lexi (8), Sophia (4)

Year Eleven:
Lexi is diagnosed as gifted, so she skips a grade, and meets her best friend, Vanessa!

John (30), Keely (32), Lexi (9), Sophia (5)

Year Twelve:
Sophia is diagnosed as autistic.

John (31), Keely (33), Lexi (10), Sophia (6)

Year Thirteen:
John gets into a major argument with Keely’s sister, Fernanda.

John (32), Keely (34), Lexi (11), Sophia (7)

Year Fourteen:
Keely gives birth to another healthy baby girl named Caeley Angela. The girls are excited to have another baby sister!

John (33), Keely (35), Lexi (12), Sophia (8), Caeley (nb)

Year Fifteen:
Keely gets promoted to Psychiatrist!

John (34), Keely (36), Lexi (13), Sophia (9), Caeley (1)

Year Sixteen:
Keely gives birth to her first son, a healthy baby boy named Gavin Brantley.

John (35), Keely (37), Lexi (14), Sophia (10), Caeley (2), Gavin (nb)

Year Seventeen:
The family’s Rolls-Royce Phantom unfortunately dies, so they buy a one year old Dodge Viper.

John (36), Keely (38), Lexi (15), Sophia (11), Caeley (3), Gavin (1)

Year Eighteen:
Keely has another miscarriage.

John (37), Keely (39), Lexi (16), Sophia (12), Caeley (4), Gavin (2)

Year Nineteen:
Keely gives birth to triplets! It would be three boys and they are all healthy! Their names are Saul Noel, Kevin Ryker, and Isaac August.

John (38), Keely (40), Lexi (17), Sophia (13), Caeley (5), Gavin (3), Saul & Kevin & Isaac (nb)

Year Twenty:
The family gets a Whippet puppy after months of Gavin begging for a dog. His name is Gunther.

John (39), Keely (41), Lexi (18), Sophia (14), Caeley (6), Gavin (4), Saul & Kevin & Isaac (1)

#13 Meghan<3


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Posted 21 September 2019 - 07:30 PM

The Tucker Family


DH: Jason Mitchell (42)

DW: Madelyn Grace, née Babcock (42)


We got married shortly after graduating college. We moved into a house in Michigan near our families. Jason started a career as a business analyst and Madelyn as an elementary school teacher.


Year 1


A year after we got married, Jason's older brother Paul and his wife Shannon had their first child! They named their son Flynn Marshall Tucker. We were excited to be an aunt and uncle for the first time.


Year 2


We got pregnant... with twins! Although initially shocked, we were so excited to find out we were having identical twin girls.  We named them Gemma Katherine and Maeve Eloise Tucker.


Year 3


We hadn't expected to have another child so quickly but were nevertheless excited to be pregnant again. We gave birth to another healthy girl we named Lily Camille Tucker.


Year 4


This year, Jason's father passed away.  We were devastated but spent lots of time with his family as we all grieved.


Year 5


Jason decided to go back to school to get his MBA!


Year 6


Jason took a job in New York without telling Madelyn.  Madelyn was upset about uprooting our family without being able to prepare ahead of time.  We talked it out and decided the move would be the best for us, but Jason promised to tell Madelyn his plans ahead of time in the future.


Year 7


Since we no longer lived near our families, we decided to take a trip to Hawaii with Madelyn's parents and sister!


Year 8


Madelyn's sister Emily asked to move in with us after she broke up with her fiancé.  We decided to let her stay with us (and help babysit the kids!) for a few months until she found another job and apartment.


Year 9


With all three girls in school, we talked about trying for another baby and got pregnant with our first son!  We named him Henry Desmond Tucker.


Year 10


Madelyn had been feeling disappointed with her career as a teacher and decided to become an academic counselor for a high school instead.


Year 11


Jason's mother died.  We traveled back to Michigan and spent time with Paul, Shannon, and Flynn, as well as Jason's extended family.


Year 12


We decided to renew our vows in a private ceremony on a mountain in Colorado. 


Year 13


We got pregnant again with another daughter! We named her Vera Natalie Tucker.


Year 14


Madelyn won a local competition and won a large sum of money! We decided to invest in a bigger house for our family.


Year 15


We were thankful we bought a bigger house because this year we got pregnant again! We had another healthy girl we named Paige Evelyn Tucker.


Year 16


Jason had to get his gallbladder removed. Thankfully, the procedure went smoothly.


Year 17


Madelyn had some warning signs of skin cancer, but thankfully the test turned out negative.


Year 18


Madelyn and Jason took up gardening as a hobby.


Year 19


Madelyn decided to quit her job and retire early. Jason was frustrated at first, being the sole breadwinner for the family, but we arranged a schedule that worked for us both.


Year 20


Before Gemma and Maeve headed off to college, they arranged a trip with their cousin Flynn to Miami. Madelyn was a proponent of the idea, thinking it would allow the kids to bond and gain independence, but Paul and Shannon disagreed. Ultimately, Gemma and Maeve went on the trip alone.


DD/DD: Gemma Katherine & Maeve Eloise (18)

DD: Lily Camille (17)

DS: Henry Desmond (11)

DD: Vera Natalie (7)

DD: Paige Evelyn (5)


Jason, Madelyn, Gemma, Maeve, Lily, Henry, Vera, & Paige

#14 glitchinggecko


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Posted 22 September 2019 - 02:14 PM

2018 - Jason 'Jace' Lee Suggs [25] and Alexander 'Alex' Joel Mills [27] start dating.
2019 - Alex's sister Angela has a son, Alfred 'Alfie' Joseph.
2020 - Alex gets a promotion. He's now a Detective Sergeant in the Police Force.
2021 - Jace goes back to school to study History.
2022 - Jace and Alex get married.
2023 - Jace and Alex go on their delayed honeymoon cruise around the Mediterranean.
2024 - Jace starts work as a Librarian.
2025 - Jace and Alex adopt a black Labrador. They name him Elgar.
2026 - Jace and Alex adopt a baby boy. They name him William 'Will' Leon.
2027 - Jace and Alex buy a new car. They decide on a Tesla SUV.
2028 - Jace gets a job offer from the National Museum of Scotland. Alex transfers to the Scottish Police force in Edinburgh.
2029 - Jace and Alex adopt a baby boy. They name him Nathaniel 'Nate' Donald.
2030 - Jace and Alex adopt a baby girl. They name her Eleanor 'Ellie' Rosalie. She has Mosaic Down's Syndrome.
2031 - Alex's sister Angela, has left her husband, and moves in with her 12 year old son, Alfie.
2032 - The family move into a new 6 bedroom house.
2033 - Jace and Alex adopt twin boys They name them Theodore 'Theo' Michael and Sebastian 'Seb' Raphael.
2034 - Alex suffers heart attack symptoms, but thankfully it is stress-related Costochondritis.
2035 - Will breaks his collarbone playing rugby.
2036 - They family take a trip to visit Alex's family in Southern England.
2037 - After a bile duct obstruction, Jace has his gallbladder removed.
2038 - The family plan a trip to Alton Towers.

Jason 'Jace' Lee Mills [45]
Alexander 'Alex' Joel Mills [47]

William 'Will' Leon Mills [12]
Nathaniel 'Nate' Donald Mills [9]
Eleanor 'Ellie' Rosalie Mills [8]
Theodore 'Theo' Michael Mills [5]
Sebastian 'Seb' Raphael Mills [5]

Elgar the Labrador [13]

#15 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 08 November 2019 - 06:51 PM

DH: Price Owen Bushwell (26) - Junior Accountant; Dark brown hair & green eyes

DW: Lily Shayna Mack Bushwell (23) - Assistant Midwife; Light brown hair & brown eyes


Price & Lily Bushwell




Year 1: 2011

Price and Lily welcome their first child into the world! It's a little girl they name Jane Magnolia Bushwell. She has Price's dark brown hair and Lily's brown eyes.


Year 2: 2012

Price decides to go back to college and get a degree in Business. He's been feeling a bit out of place in his current job, and wanted a change.


Year 3: 2013

Now that Jane is two years old, Price and Lily decide to renovate her bedroom and give her a toddler room instead of a nursery. They choose a butterfly theme in teal and grey.


Year 4: 2014

Lily unfortunately suffered a miscarriage this year. She and Price were devastated.


Year 5: 2015

Lily gets into a huge argument with Price's older brother, Grant. It takes a few months for them to be on speaking terms again, but they manage to put aside their differences.


Year 6: 2016

Price gets into an argument with Lily's twin sister Hope. They're both very hot headed, but make up quickly.


Year 7: 2017

Lily had been having pains for sometime, and it ended up being gallstones. She had to have surgery to have her gallbladder removed.


Year 8: 2018

For Jane's 7th birthday, Price and Lily decide to take her to Disneyworld in Florida. The whole family have a great holiday.


Year 9: 2019

Price found a lump while in the shower one day and went to the doctor to get it checked out. There was some worry that it might be cancer, but fortunately it was nothing serious.


Year 10: 2020

Jane fell of her bike while out with Price and broke her wrist. She was very brave about it, and wore a neon green cast while it healed.


Year 11: 2021

Lily and Price were very excited to discover that they were pregnant. It was a big surprise to find out that they would be welcoming triplets just before Jane's 10th birthday! They welcomed three identical boys who they named Leo Price Bushwell, Asher Grant Bushwell, and Charlie Max Bushwell. All three have light brown hair and brown eyes like Lily. Asher and Charlie are both born healthy, but Leo is born with a cleft lip and palate which he undergoes corrective surgery for.


Year 12: 2022

Price and Lily were very shocked to discover that they would be welcoming another baby this year, and even more shocked to find out that they were having twins! With the triplets just turning one they weren't expecting it, but were happy nonetheless. They welcomed fraternal twins Ophelia Rose Bushwell and Harvey Milo Bushwell right before Christmas. Both twins have dark brown hair like Price, but Ophelia has Price's green eyes and Harvey has Lily's brown eyes.


Year 13: 2023

Jane broke her leg after falling from a tree she was climbing at the park. It was only a minor break so she didn't need to wear a cast for too long.


Year 14: 2024

Lily's twin sister Hope and her husband, Andrew, have a baby girl this year who they name Ava Lily.


Year 15: 2025

Lily once again falls pregnant this year, and she and Price are overjoyed to be welcoming two more babies to the family. They have identical twin girls, Georgie Hope Bushwell and Caia Ruby Bushwell, who have light brown hair and green eyes.


Year 16: 2026

Lily and Price's brother, Grant, have another major argument this year. They nearly don't sort out their differences, but Price manages to help them through it in the end.


Year 17: 2027

Lily and Price welcome another baby to their family this year, a little girl! They name her Indigo Eloise Bushwell. She is born with red hair (from Price's mother) and brown eyes, and deaf in her left ear.


Year 18: 2028

Harvey contracts meningitis just after his 6th birthday and has to stay in the hospital for over a month. He unfortunately has to get his left leg amputated below the knee, but otherwise recovers unscathed. He is determined to learn to walk again with a prosthetic.


Year 19: 2029

After Harvey's illness last year, Price had been feeling quite stressed out and worried about the other children becoming ill. He finally went to the doctor after Lily nagging him, and was diagnosed with Anxiety.


Year 20: 2030

Price gets a promotion!




DH: Price Owen Bushwell (46) - General Manager; Dark brown hair & green eyes

DW: Lily Shayna Mack Bushwell (43) - Midwife; Light brown hair & brown eyes


DD: Jane Magnolia Bushwell (19) - Dark brown hair & brown eyes

DS: Leo Price Bushwell (9) - Light brown hair & brown eyes; Born with cleft lip & palate

DS: Asher Grant Bushwell (9) - Light brown hair & brown eyes

DS: Charlie Max Bushwell (9) - Light brown hair & brown eyes

DD: Ophelia 'Ophie' Rose Bushwell (8) - Dark brown hair & green eyes

DS: Harvey Milo Bushwell (8) - Dark brown hair & brown eyes; Left leg amputated below the knee

DD: Georgie Hope Bushwell (5) - Light brown hair & green eyes

DD: Caia Ruby Bushwell (5) - Light brown hair & green eyes

DD: Indigo 'Indy' Eloise Bushwell (3) - Red hair & brown eyes; Deaf in left ear


Price & Lily Bushwell; w/ Jane, Leo, Asher, Charlie, Ophie, Harvey, Georgie, Caia, & Indy

#16 MalloryMae


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Posted 08 November 2019 - 09:52 PM

Julia Serafina (Kris) Bethel [24] & Lysander “Sandy” Davids Bethel [24] ~ est. 1999

Sandy has a week-long work trip to San Diego, CA. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go because I can’t take enough days off of work for the week.

Julia & Sandy [25]

Julia has our first little boy! He is our little miracle, born with Spina Bifida. His name is Emmett Raphael Bethel. His is the absolute light of our lives.

Julia & Sandy [26]
Emmett [nb]

We decide to look into getting a new car, preferably an SUV. Right now, our car’s a bit small for our family, especially when taking along friends and family. Our final decision was on a red Ford Explorer.

Julia & Sandy [27]
Emmett [1]

We took Emmett to his first play- Willy Wonka. He was quite the antsy pants, but he did well in the quiet aspect. Don’t worry, we sat in the quiet room when he got too loud because we didn’t want to interrupt other people’s show or draw attention to ourselves.

Julia & Sandy [28]
Emmett [2]

We took up a new hobby together (Julia & Sandy). It is often DIYing. Not just every once in a while, fairly often. It saves us a lot of money and we can usually cater the final look to match our decor or even measure perfectly with our walls. We also can choose the sand/paint color of each project and we can still have that modern look in our home.

Julia & Sandy [29]
Emmett [3]

Emmett is diagnosed as gifted. This was an extreme thrill as some cases of Spina Bifida can cause mental defects. We were already 99% sure that Emmett had little to no mental defect because he can speak very well and his only issue is with walking. This was awesome news.

Julia & Sandy [30]
Emmett [4]

Sandy decided to change careers. He originally (as of the last few months) was a professional chef. It just wasn’t working out for him, so, after much training, he became an engineer. He is really enjoying his new and improved job, and we still get delicious home cooked meals for dinner.

Julia & Sandy [31]
Emmett [5]

I had warning signs of heart failure (future heart attack), but luckily, it was only costochondritis, which is far less serious and life-threatening. We feel that we dodged a large bullet there.

Julia & Sandy [32]
Emmett [6]

Julia got into a major argument with Sandy’s brother Sylvester. He was making rude comments about Julia’s family. This really hit her in her soft spot. Right now, they’re doing better, but it is definitely awkward when they see each other in person.

Julia & Sandy [33]
Emmett [7]

Sandy got a promotion at his engineering job! Sandy has been working extra long and hard hours in hopes that he’d get promoted, so it is just perfect that it all worked out.

Julia & Sandy [34]
Emmett [8]

After 6.5 years of off-and-on trying, we finally are expecting baby #2! It will be our second son! We did find out that he’ll be born with cerebral palsy, but we feel like we’re doing pretty well as special needs parents so far, so we’ll be able to continue doing so. His name will be Andreas Michael Bethel. We hope to call him Andy.

Julia & Sandy [35]
Emmett [9] & Andreas “Andy” [nb]

We got pregnant again! We’ve been so fortunate fertility-wise the past few years! This baby will be our first daughter! Her name will be Catherine Ariella Bethel.

Julia & Sandy [36]
Emmett [10], Andreas “Andy” [1] & Catherine [nb]

Julia’s sister just had her second baby! His name is Quinn Brian Lewis and his big sister is Ella Soleil. They are doing well.

Julia & Sandy [37]
Emmett [11], Andreas “Andy” [2] & Catherine [1]

We moved to a larger house for our larger family. It is in a nice neighborhood with an exceptional school district. We have a large backyard as well.

Julia & Sandy [38]
Emmett [12], Andreas “Andy” [3] & Catherine [2]

Julia sadly suffered a miscarriage. It was quite hard on each individual person of the family (that could understand) because of their conception struggles and such.

Julia & Sandy [39]
Emmett [13], Andreas “Andy” [4] & Catherine [3]

We took a surprise vacation to the gorgeous islands of Hawaii! We mainly stayed in Honolulu, which was beautiful. It was very soothing and calming but also exciting enough for the kids to immediately want to go back after leaving.

Julia & Sandy [40]
Emmett [14], Andreas “Andy” [5] & Catherine [4]

Sandy was diagnosed with depression. That just signifies that he has begun his journey to full and final recovery.

Julia & Sandy [41]
Emmett [15], Andreas “Andy” [6] & Catherine [5]

Julia got pregnant again! This time with twins- a boy and a girl! They were born only slightly early, both very healthy. We named them Orion Gabriel and Guinevere Bella Bethel.

Julia & Sandy [42]
Emmett [16], Andreas “Andy” [7], Catherine [6], Orion & Guinevere [nb]

We were invited to a Kris family reunion! It was the perfect temperature and I got to catch up with all my family that I hadn’t seen in years upon years. I was overjoyed that we got to go.

Julia & Sandy [43]
Emmett [17], Andreas “Andy” [8], Catherine [7], Orion & Guinevere [1]

Julia unfortunately suffered our second miscarriage. It was hard on all of us, but most especially Catherine this time. We’re just on the verge of getting over it, and we know we’ll stay strong.

Julia & Sandy [44]
Emmett [18], Andreas “Andy” [9], Catherine [8], Orion & Guinevere [2]

#17 Holloway


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Posted 08 November 2019 - 11:38 PM


DW: Fiona Lane DH: Edwin Patrick "Teddy"

DS: Warner Barrett

DD: Mara Louise

Year 1: Mom's side of the family decided to take a family trip now that all of the cousins are adults. All of the family members that could get away from work took a week long trip to Ireland.

Year 2: My father Edwin Patrick Hargrove "Teddy" passed away.

Year 3: My little cousin Everett Douglas Hargrove "Rett" moves into my spare room while he goes to college so he doesn't have to dorm.

Year 4: I marry Alby


DW: Mara Louise (nee Hargrove) 

DH: Albin Bartlett "Alby"


Year 5: After one happy year of marriage our family is joined by our first daughter, Elowyn Page Sylvester "Wyn". She has wavy dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Year 6: Wyn contracted a serious case of Meningitis this year which has left her deaf. Alby and I took ASL classes so that we'd be able to teach Wyn.

Year 7: Alby, Wyn (2) and I welcome Daughter #2 Dahlia Jade Sylvester "Dolly". Dolly has curly sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.

Year 8: Warner had a baby boy! My little nephew Asa Patrick Hargrove 

Year 9: Great Grandfather left Alby a significant amount of money. Much of it went into the girls college funds but the rest went toward a family vacation.

Year 10: Alby, Wyn (5), Dolly (3) and I welcome Twin Boys Basil Colt "Bay" and Benton Gray "Benny" Sylvester into the family. Wyn is excited to finally have a little brother and Dolly is loving being a big sister for the first time. Bay and Benny are Identical twins with Curly dark brown hair and green eyes.

Year 11: Miscarriage

Year 12: The kids stay with Alby's parents for a weekend because he has planned a surprise trip to the lake.

Year 13: The whole family takes a road trip to Hershey Park, it's the first big family vacation since the twins were born.

Year 14: Wyn (9) and Dolly (7) welcome Bay and Benny (4) into the ranks of the older siblings as their younger brother and sister are born. Caspian Reed "Cas" and Coralie Dawn "Cory" Sylvester. Cas has wavy brown hair and blue eyes and Cory has wavy sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

Year 15: The bedroom situation can not stay the way it is, currently Wyn and Dolly share, Bay and Benny share, and Cas and Cory are together. This works while Cas and Cory are babies but it wont for much longer and unfortunately neither the girls nor the boys rooms are large enough for three kids. We've decided the only solution is to renovate the family room into a bedroom.

Year 16: Alby gets hid Gallbladder removed.

Year 17: Alby's Father Thomas Gabriel Sylvester passes away

Year 18: Baby boy Indigo Thomas "Indy" Sylvester is born, he moves in with Cas in the converted family room bedroom. Cas and Cory (3) are overjoyed to have a baby brother, Wyn (13) and Dolly (11), on the other hand love their little brother but were a bit exasperated by the addition of another child. Indy has dark brown hair and blue eyes

Year 19: At a doctors visit the doctor found a mass that they thought could potentially be cancerous, luckily it was not.

Year 20: We discovered Basil has a real talent for music taking very quickly to his lessons in school we decide to put him in Piano Lessons after school.



DW: Mara Louise (nee Hargrove) 

DH: Albin Bartlett "Alby"


DD1: Elowyn Page "Wyn" (15)

DD2: Dahlia Jade  "Dolly" (13)

DS1/DS2: Basil Colt "Bay"/Benton Gray "Benny" (10)

DS3/DD3: Caspian Reed "Cas"/Coralie Dawn "Cory" (6)

DS4: Indigo Thomas "Indy" (2)

#18 MalloryMae


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Posted 09 November 2019 - 04:51 PM

Beverley “Bev” Chartreuse (Brewer) Sinton [27] & Joaquin Saylor Sinton [28] ~ est. 2018

My great uncle’s passing left us with quite a bit of money. We used it to finish paying off our house mortgage.

Beverley “Bev” [28] & Joaquin [29]

My twin sister, Kimberley “Kim” has her first child, a little boy named Flavian Marcos DiVito. Both are doing well after birth. It’s so exciting to have a little nephew!

Beverley “Bev” [29] & Joaquin [30]

We quickly got pregnant with our first child! Little Flavian gave us the worst case of baby fever, so we were thrilled to be expecting baby #1! There were some complications in the pregnancy, and our son was going to be born with Down Syndrome, but of course we were just as excited (if not more!) as if the pregnancy went smoothly. Finally the day came, and little Brewer Quinn Sinton was born into the world. So far, both myself and Brewer are doing well.

Beverley “Bev” [30] & Joaquin [31]
Brewer [0]

My twin sister, Kimberley “Kim” recently had her second and third children! The twin girls are named Martha Coraline and Lola Holland DiVito. The identical little girls are adorable and doing amazingly for being born six weeks early. Flavian is having some trouble being a big brother to two, but he is nevertheless enjoying it.

Beverley “Bev” [31] & Joaquin [32]
Brewer [1]

Joaquin decided to go back to college at night for his Master’s degree! He’s about halfway through the first semester and he is really liking the atmosphere, although he has a lot on his plate- work and school.

Beverley “Bev” [32] & Joaquin [33]
Brewer [2]

After trying for about a year and a half, I got pregnant with our daughter. The pregnancy seemed to fly by, and all of a sudden, little Saylor Marie Sinton was here! She was born very healthy. Brewer hasn’t understood completely what being a big brother means, but he is very gentle (at least as gentle as he can be) to little Saylor.

Beverley “Bev” [33] & Joaquin [34]
Brewer [3] & Saylor [0]

We gladly got pregnant with baby #3! She would be our second daughter. Leading up to her scheduled c-section, we were nervous about being parents of three young kids including a special needs child, but we knew it would all work out in the long run. Born very small and early was miss Charley Rayne Sinton.

Beverley “Bev” [34] & Joaquin [35]
Brewer [4], Saylor [1] & Charley [0]

Once again, we got pregnant, this time with our fourth child! This would be our second boy, which we were excited about because it would even it out. When mister Colin Drake Sinton was born, we were excited to make new memoriess with our family of six.

Beverley “Bev” [35] & Joaquin [36]
Brewer [5], Saylor [2], Charley [1] & Colin [0]

We were blessed with three more babies! The triplets were born quite early but did well in their condition. Baby A, Jade Adeline and Baby C, Topher Sirius were born healthy, while Baby B, Dakota Allen was born with Downs. Luckily, we had experience raising a child with Downs. This year was a rollercoaster in of itself, but an amazing year, nonetheless.

Beverley “Bev” [36] & Joaquin [37]
Brewer [6], Saylor [3], Charley [2], Colin [1], Jade, Dakota & Topher [0]

I was feeling absolutely awful for a few days, so I finally went in to my family doctor to get checked out. I was told that my thyroid wasn’t working properly. A few weeks later, a minor surgery was performed on my thyroid and I’ve been recovering well and feeling much better.

Beverley “Bev” [37] & Joaquin [38]
Brewer [7], Saylor [4], Charley [3], Colin [2], Jade, Dakota & Topher [1]

We flew to Washington DC on vacation! There we saw the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the White House, and many more interesting historical monuments. It was very educational and memorable.

Beverley “Bev” [38] & Joaquin [39]
Brewer [8], Saylor [5], Charley [4], Colin [3], Jade, Dakota & Topher [2]

Charley was diagnosed as gifted. That meant the she skipped kindergarten and went straight to first grade with Saylor. They love being in the same grade (they aren’t in the same class, sadly) because they can play together at recess.

Beverley “Bev” [39] & Joaquin [40]
Brewer [9], Saylor [6], Charley [5], Colin [4], Jade, Dakota & Topher [3]

After thirteen years of marriage, we decided to renew our marriage vows with our families in a little chapel. It was very momentous and important.

Beverley “Bev” [40] & Joaquin [41]
Brewer [10], Saylor [7], Charley [6], Colin [5], Jade, Dakota & Topher [4]

We are expecting our eight child! It’s another girl and she’ll be our third with Downs. Upon her arrival, she will be named Hadley Gloria Sinton. We are super happy to welcome her home!

Beverley “Bev” [41] & Joaquin [42]
Brewer [11], Saylor [8], Charley [7], Colin [6], Jade, Dakota, Topher [5] & Hadley [0]

Our car died, so we decided to purchase a new van for our family. It is black and we are really liking the comfort of it.

Beverley “Bev” [42] & Joaquin [43]
Brewer [12], Saylor [9], Charley [8], Colin [7], Jade, Dakota, Topher [6] & Hadley [1]

I got pregnant with our ninth baby, fifth daughter! She was born late compared to our other pregnancies. We named her Zariah Lorraine Sinton. We love her name because it has special meaning to us.

Beverley “Bev” [43] & Joaquin [44]
Brewer [13], Saylor [10], Charley [9], Colin [8], Jade, Dakota, Topher [7], Hadley [2] & Zariah [0]

We move into a new, larger home to accommodate the needs of our family of eleven. We have a spacious first floor including a gorgeous kitchen, and our backyard is fantastic. There is already a swing set and jungle gym installed, so the kids can play outside all the time.

Beverley “Bev” [44] & Joaquin [45]
Brewer [14], Saylor [11], Charley [10], Colin [9], Jade, Dakota, Topher [8], Hadley [3] & Zariah [1]

We have twins! One boy and one girl. Our new son is Calvin Yosef Sinton and our daughter is Kendall Rosé Sinton. With the twins arrival, we have been starting a routine to help keep ourselves together as a family of 13. It is working thus far!

Beverley “Bev” [45] & Joaquin [46]
Brewer [15], Saylor [12], Charley [11], Colin [10], Jade, Dakota, Topher [9], Hadley [4], Zariah [2], Calvin & Kendall [0]

Joaquin was acting oddly, and I began to question our relationship. Luckily, I was falsely alarmed and we worked through it.

Beverley “Bev” [46] & Joaquin [47]
Brewer [16], Saylor [13], Charley [12], Colin [11], Jade, Dakota, Topher [10], Hadley [5], Zariah [3], Calvin & Kendall [1]

My twin sister, Kimberley “Kim” had her final baby, a little boy. His name is Benton Lionel DiVito. The family is adjusting well.

Beverley “Bev” [47] & Joaquin [48]
Brewer [17], Saylor [14], Charley [13], Colin [12], Jade, Dakota, Topher [11], Hadley [6], Zariah [4], Calvin & Kendall [2]

#19 astrothief42


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Posted 09 November 2019 - 09:10 PM

Alexander "Alex" & Isabel "Izzy" Rhein


Year One

Alex, 25, Izzy, 25


Alex gets a promotion at work. He went from Staff Accountant to Assistant Controller. 


Year Two

Alex, 26, Izzy, 26


Izzy gets diagnosed with OCD. She finds herself repeatedly checking if doors are locked, if appliances are off, and color codes everything in her closet. 


Year Three

Alex, 27, Izzy, 27


Alex's father has passed away. He was in a fatal car accident on the beltway that involved half a dozen vehicles. Almost everyone involved did not survive.


Year Four

Alex, 28, Izzy, 28


Alex and Izzy take a vacation to Europe. They went after Alex won a raffle at his workplace.


Year Five

Alex, 29, Izzy, 29 


Izzy gets into a major argument with Alex's sister, Sophia. The two were pretty good friends beforehand, and even work together, but had a falling out after Sophia lied to Izzy about something that happened at work. 


Year Six

Alex, 30, Izzy, 30


Alex and Izzy go on a week-long road trip to the western part of the United States. They stop in Arizona to see the Grand Canyon, which is breathtaking. 


Year Seven

Alex, 31, Izzy, 31


Alex and Izzy have finally saved up enough money to buy their first house. Only 30 years of a mortgage to pay. 


Year Eight

Alex, 32, Izzy, 32, Hope, 0


Alex and Izzy are finally blessed with a beautiful baby girl. They name their bouncing bundle of joy, Hope Charlotte. Alex picked the name because the last several years have been trying for him and Izzy; the only thing that kept the two from falling to pieces was hope. Hope for a better future and hope that someday things will finally come together. Now they have. Alex and Izzy are in love with their daughter from day one.


Year Nine

Alex, 33, Izzy, 33, Hope, 1


Izzy has been diagnosed with anxiety. Her relationship has not gotten better with Sophia, as well as her other work relationships. It seems that everywhere she goes people are staring at her and talking about her behind her back. She's now going to therapy to get some help so she can get back to her normal life with Alex and Hope.


Year Ten

Alex, 34, Izzy, 34, Hope, 2


Hope seems to have contracted a rare disease; the doctors do not know what it is as what she has is extremely rare. This disease has put her in a wheelchair.


Year Eleven

Alex, 35, Izzy, 35, Hope, 3


Izzy has had enough of the people at her job. She quits and finds a new place where her coworkers treat her with kindness and respect. She has also decided to completely sever ties with Sophia, a decision that her husband Alex is in 100% support of. He has never gotten on with his sister, either. 


Year Twelve

Alex, 36, Izzy, 36, Hope, 4


Izzy decided to publish a children's book. She has been writing part-time for the past 6 months and loves it. Even though she mainly contributes her earnings to children's charities, it is something that brings a smile to her face. 


Year Thirteen

Alex, 37, Izzy, 37, Hope, 5


Alex and Izzy hadn't been trying for a baby, so they were surprised when she fell pregnant. They had a miscarriage. They decide not to tell Hope who had been praying for a baby brother or sister.


Year Fourteen

Alex, 38, Izzy, 38, Hope, 6, Jesse, 0


Alex and Izzy are pregnant again! They have a baby boy named Jesse Benjamin. Jesse means "gift." That is what Jesse is after Alex and Izzy had a miscarriage. They all welcome him with open arms. Hope is ecstatic about having a baby brother.


Year Fifteen

Alex, 39, Izzy, 39, Hope, 7, Jesse, 1


Alex, Izzy, and the kids decide to take a trip to Germany. Alex has a fondness for his family background and has always wanted to travel to Berlin, the home of many of his ancestors.


Year Sixteen

Alex, 40, Izzy, 40, Hope, 8, Jesse, 2


Alex has decided to change his career. While he has tenure for his Controller position, he wanted to do something bigger. Still working in the business field, he takes a job as Vice President of a major corporation. 


Year Seventeen

Alex, 41, Izzy, 41, Hope, 9, Jesse, 3, Destiny, 0


Alex and Izzy were in for the shock of their lives when they find themselves pregnant at 41! Regardless, everyone is excited to welcome their new baby sister, Destiny Ava. Alex and Izzy decided to keep the kids' names as virtue names. 


Year Eighteen

Alex, 42, Izzy, 42, Hope, 10, Jesse, 4, Destiny, 1


Izzy and the family have come into a large sum of money. Izzy's royalties from her writing career have paid off. Of course, Izzy decides to donate a great amount to her favorite charity for children. As a parent of a disabled child, she wants as much money as she can give to go to charity to find a cure for these childhood diseases. Hope has also hit the big 1-0, which the family decided to celebrate by going to Six Flags, Hope's favorite theme park. 


Year Nineteen

Alex, 43, Izzy, 43, Hope, 11, Jesse, 5, Destiny, 2, Grace, 0, Aaron, 0, Faith, 0


Alex and Izzy decide to adopt a set of triplets. Two girls and a boy. They name them Grace AlexandraAaron Samuel, and Faith Madison. Everyone is happy to have more siblings to play with. 


Year Twenty

Alex, 44, Izzy, 44, Hope, 12, Jesse, 6, Destiny, 3, Grace, 1, Aaron, 1, Faith, 1, Gabriel - 0


Everyone is shocked to find Izzy pregnant again! Nearing her mid-40's, there is some worry that there may be some complications. After a pretty rough pregnancy, Izzy gives birth to a baby boy named Gabriel Bailey. The baby is born with Down Syndrome, but otherwise is a happy and healthy little guy. Everyone is once again over the moon.


The Rhein Family


DH: Alexander Levi Rhein {44}

DW: Isabel Leah Rhein (nee Odell) {44}


DD1: Hope Charlotte Rhein {12}

DS1: Jesse Benjamin Rhein {6}

DD2: Destiny Ava Rhein {3}

DAD1/DAS1/DAD2: Grace Alexandra Rhein/Aaron Samuel Rhein/Faith Madison Rhein {1}

DS2: Gabriel Bailey Rhein {nb}


AlexIzzy with;

Hope, Jesse, Destiny, Grace, Aaron, Faith & Gabe

#20 MalloryMae


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Posted 14 December 2019 - 09:23 AM

Brooke Carmen (Ceciliano) [18] & William “Will” Enrique DePaulo [20]; est. 2019

Brooke has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Will has medium brown hair and blue eyes.

Brooke is diagnosed with anxiety. Therapy once a week is helpful and so are the daily happiness reminders that Will gives her. Getting better & brighter each day.

Brooke [19] & Will [21]

Brooke’s younger sister, Catherine “Catie”, 12, https://i.pinimg.com...07c70755f04.jpg, asks to move in with Brooke & Will. Brooke has daily contact (through text) with her sister, and their alcoholic single mom can be hard to live with at times, though they love each other. Brooke & Will agree, and Catie begins living with her favorite and only sister and brother-in-law.

Brooke [20] & Will [22]

Since they take care of Catie almost full-time, Brooke and Will decided to take Catie to a concert for her all-time-favorite band, Panic! At The Disco. It was enjoyable for all three of them.

Brooke [21] & Will [23]

Brooke and Will’s first baby is here! Will’s parents both disapprove, despite Brooke and Will being married for almost five years. They are trying to understand, though. Brooke on the other hand, hasn't been able to break the news to her mom because she is quite focused on rehabilitation. He is doing wonderful! Born with blonde hair and blue eyes, baby Liam John Francis DePaulo is finally being welcomed by his parents and amazing Aunt Catie!

Brooke [22] & Will [24]
Liam [0] https://i.pinimg.com...d643de9b525.jpg

While being home with him all day long, Brooke develops a concern that Liam is taking too long to walk (17 months). They take him to a specialist and he is fitted for leg-braces. He will most likely be wearing them for 1-3 years.

Liam turns 1! Nobody can believe he’s gotten so big! They celebrated the next weekend with a Winter One-derland party. It was perfect because there was light snow that morning! All friends and family were invited and it was a blast!

Brooke [23] & Will [25]
Liam [1]

Poor Liam fell off a slide at the park and broke his wrist! He endured the pain very well, but was bothered by the cast for the whole 7 weeks it was on. They know to be more careful at the park next time!

Liam turned 2! His cast was luckily off by then. The theme was Mickey Mouse and Liam was thrilled! Everyone had a good time there.

Brooke [24] & Will [26]
Liam [2]

Catie gets unexpectedly pregnant at 17! Her mom is excruciatingly angry and they argue constantly. Catie moves over full-time, and Brooke and Will ultimately negotiate the decision to adopt Catie. All goes well, and Catie is officially a part of the DePaulo Family! Catie’s baby’s dad leaves her, but Brooke and Will help her through the hardship. Later, baby Lucy Cate Ceciliano is born! https://i.pinimg.com...dbcf4cd2785.jpg Liam’s little cousin (technically nephew, but they’ll be cousins) is adored greatly by him.

Liam turned 3 and got his leg braces off! He made great progress and impressed his specialists. Brooke and Will threw a fun Monster Truck 3rd birthday party for him and everyone got to send him congratulations and well-wishes, as well as meeting the new baby.

Brooke [25] & Will [27]
Catie [17] with Lucy [0]
Liam [3]

Brooke & Will take the kids on a week-long road trip. They saw Mt. Rushmore and the Grand Canyon. It was awesome! The little ones did well during the long, boring car rides and the adults kept their sanity. It was a nice vacation.

This was a big year! First, Catie turns 18! They celebrated with a fun family and friend party! Later in the year were Liam & Lucy’s birthdays! For Lucy’s 1st and Liam’s 4th, they had a fun beach theme. Everyone played games like frisbee and KanJam and the kids swan in an inflatable pool in the yard. It might be Brooke’s favorite of the parties so far.

Brooke [26] & Will [28]
Catie [18] with Lucy [1]
Liam [4]

Will got a promotion! He is now Supervising Recreation Director at their community center. He loves it and is making at least double what he was before. They are happy and humble.

This year, Lucy turned 2 and Liam 5. They had a Trolls party. The kids were having the time of their lives! It was quite reqarding.

Brooke [27] & Will [29]
Catie [19] with Lucy [2]
Liam [5]

Liam is finally a big brother! His baby sister, Maggie Jane DePaulo, was born with beautiful blonde hair and brown eyes, https://i.pinimg.com...47e7969a5ed.jpg. She does have Down Syndrome, but Will & Brooke know that she’ll still be able to conquer the world!

Just before Maggie’s birth, Liam and Lucy had their birthdays! Liam turned 6 and was thrilled to bring cookies in to his kindergarten, while Lucy turned 3, and celebrated with a birthday hat at daycare. Brooke, Will & Catie took care of birthdays at home of course, and they ate a delicious chocolate cake for dessert.

Brooke [28] & Will [30]
Catie [20] with Lucy [3]
Liam [6]
Maggie [0]

Brooke and Will decided to have another baby when Maggie was little, so they could be close in age. It’s a boy! Born with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, https://i.pinimg.com...f3ecfd52cd0.jpg, baby James Michael DePaulo is here! They plan on calling him “Jamie” during his younger years.

Catie had her 21st birthday this year! The adults celebrated with her first drink at a nearby bar. Liam turned seven, Lucy turned four, and Maggie turned one! They held a triple birthday celebration at a trampoline park that the big kids love. Liam even got to eat his most favorite food- pizza! They ate ice cream and cake as well. It was so fun that the kids can’t wait to go back! Catie also got engaged to her now fiancé, Leo Nixon Brown, https://i.pinimg.com...ff5d41fe3e5.jpg! Brooke and Will are so happy for them!

Brooke [29] & Will [31]
Liam [7]
Maggie [1]
Jamie [0]
Catie [21] & Leo [26] with Lucy [4]

Catie and Leo moved out and had their first baby together! It’s a little boy! Lucy loves him so much and she is a great big sister. He has brown hair and brown eyes, https://i.pinimg.com...c13cb37bce5.jpg. They named the baby Parker Nixon Brown!

Liam is already 8?! How did he grow so fast? Maggie is already 2 and Jamie is 1! Brooke and Will can’t believe how fast the year has gone! Lucy turned five and began kindergarten as well. For the second year in a row, they held a big family party for all the kids at their favorite trampoline park because why not? They had a blast, as usual.

Brooke [30] & Will [32]
Liam [8]
Maggie [2]
Jamie [1]
Catie [22] & Leo [27] with Lucy [5] & Parker [0]

Brooke and Will just had another one! Their second daughter with Down Syndrome is here! Her name is Hope Juliet DePaulo and she has brown hair and brown eyes, https://i.pinimg.com...381cd0628ee.jpg! The big kids love her with all their heart, and so do Will and Brooke!

Liam turned 9, Maggie 3, Jamie 2, Lucy 6, and Parker had his first birthday! This year, Brooke and Will held all of the parties at their home. They ordered catering and made homemade delicious cakes for the desserts.

Brooke [31] & Will [33]
Liam [9]
Maggie [3]
Jamie [2]
Hope [0]
Catie [23] & Leo [28] with Lucy [6] & Parker [1]

Maggie was diagnosed as gifted and will be going to kindergarten next year! Brooke and Will are beyond the moon proud of her for trying her ultimate hardest and facing the difficulties that come along with her disability.

So many birthday parties happened this year that it was hard to count. The details get jumbled up in everyone’s heads, so the exact information can’t be told. Each party was definitely fun though.

Brooke [32] & Will [34]
Liam [10]
Maggie [4]
Jamie [3]
Hope [1]
Catie [24] & Leo [29] with Lucy [7] & Parker [2]

Brooke and Will took Liam to his first concert! It was for his favorite band, Coldplay. He enjoyed it so much and told all his friends at school about how awesome and fun it was. It seemed that he had the time of his life!

Brooke [33] & Will [35]
Liam [11]
Maggie [5]
Jamie [4]
Hope [2]
Catie [25] & Leo [30] with Lucy [8] & Parker [3]

We took Liam to his second concert this year! It was Coldplay again this time, but they played mostly one album. It was very enjoyable and entertaining and of course Liam loved it! It was the perfect gift.

Brooke [34] & Will [36]
Liam [12]
Maggie [6]
Jamie [5]
Hope [3]
Catie [26] & Leo [31] with Lucy [9] & Parker [4]

Catie & Leo had their third baby! It was another boy, born with brown hair and eyes, named Devon Lee Brown! He is the cutest, https://i.pinimg.com...c03c1fc6799.jpg!

Brooke [35] & Will [37]
Liam [13]
Maggie [7]
Jamie [6]
Hope [4]
Catie [27] & Leo [32] with Lucy [10], Parker [5] & Devon [0]

Brooke, Will, Catie, and Leo brought their kids to live in two beautiful neighboring houses in rural Tennessee! They love the countryside and their new surroundings.

Brooke [36] & Will [38]
Liam [14]
Maggie [8]
Jamie [7]
Hope [5]
Catie [28] & Leo [33] with Lucy [11], Parker [6] & Devon [1]

Will just wasn’t feeling right, so he drove himself to the ER in the middle of the night to find out that he needed his gallbladder removed. He was surprised and so was Brooke! The surgery was performed the next day, and Will has been recovering very well since.

Brooke [37] & Will [39]
Liam [15]
Maggie [9]
Jamie [8]
Hope [6]
Catie [29] & Leo [34] with Lucy [12], Parker [7] & Devon [2]

Brooke just had a baby girl! She has blonde hair and brown eyes, https://i.pinimg.com...cd086d012a7.jpg. Her name is Cora Jennifer DePaulo. The family is in love!

Brooke [38] & Will [40]
Liam [16]
Maggie [10]
Jamie [9]
Hope [7]
Cora [0]
Catie [30] & Leo [35] with Lucy [13], Parker [8] & Devon [3]

Brooke was feeling quite odd, so she scheduled an appointment with my doctor. There she was told that her thyroid wasn’t working right. She was put on medication and has been doing well since.

Brooke [39] & Will [41]
Liam [17]
Maggie [11]
Jamie [10]
Hope [8]
Cora [1]
Catie [31] & Leo [36] with Lucy [14], Parker [9] & Devon [4]

The DePaulo Family

DW: Brooke Carmen (Ceciliano) DePaulo [39] ~ blonde hair and hazel eyes
DH: William “Will” Enrique DePaulo [41] ~ brown hair and blue eyes
DAD: Catherine “Catie” Maria Ceciliano [31] ~ blonde hair and hazel eyes (Brooke’s biological sister)
DS: Liam John Francis DePaulo [17] ~ blonde hair and blue eyes
DD: Maggie Jane DePaulo [11] ~ blonde hair and brown eyes
DS: James “Jamie” Michael DePaulo [10] ~ blonde hair and blue eyes
DD: Hope Juliet DePaulo [8] ~ brown hair and brown eyes
DD: Cora Jennifer DePaulo [1] ~ blonde hair and brown eyes

Brooke & Will DePaulo with their six kids:
Catie, Liam, Maggie, Jamie, Hope & Cora.

The Brown Family

DAD: Catherine “Catie” Maria Ceciliano [31] ~ blonde hair and hazel eyes
DF: Leo Nixon Brown [36] ~ brown hair and brown eyes
DD: Lucy Cate Ceciliano [14] ~ brown hair and brown eyes
DS: Parker Nixon Brown [9] ~ brown hair and brown eyes
DS: Devon Leo Brown [4] ~ brown hair and brown eyes

Catie Ceciliano & Leo Brown with their three kids:
Lucy, Parker & Devon.

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