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A story: Part 2

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#1 Gwyneth


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Posted 06 February 2010 - 02:19 PM

A story, part two

die: http://www.roll-dice-online.com/

4) Where do they end up living?

1) California
2) Vermont
3) New York
4) England
5) South Dakota
6) Florida

5) After marriage, how many years later did they conceive their first child?

1) 1 year
2) 6 months
3) 4 years
4) 3 years
5) 2 years
6) Your choice

6) MC’s Siblings:

Roll two dice, add them up and then find the same number from below and that’s how many children they had.

1) None
2) 2
3) 6
4) 4
5) 1
6) 5
7) 3
8) 7
9) 5
10) 2
11) 4
12) 1

For gender of siblings, roll die once for each sibling, even: Sister, odd: Brother
You decide the age difference, and if the MC is the youngest, oldest, in the middle. It may be easier to include ages, so it’s easier to keep track of the family.

Names: http://www.socialsec...OACT/babynames/ 1-300, year: 1992

#2 katie.


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Posted 06 February 2010 - 05:59 PM

After being married for a year, Chris was offered a position within his company that offered more money and better job advantages. However, it meant a move for the couple from their hometown in Kansas to New York. Three years later Millie found out she was pregnant with her first child, a son, who they called Alexander Ryan. They then went on to have a girl two years later called Danielle Kaitlin. Four years after Danielle was born, Millie and Chris found out the were going ton have another baby, which was quite unexpected for them. They called the baby girl Adeline Imogen, to honour thier great grandmother.

Chris 48
Millie 48

Alex 20
Danielle 18
Adeline 14

#3 ~Nadezhda


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Posted 06 February 2010 - 06:37 PM

Shortly after the wedding, Edward received a promotion, which involved taking over the offices in New York. The couple took the opportunity to build their family together in the city: after three years of trying, they welcomed a girl, Eva Mae.
When Eva was only 10 months old, Vivian found herself pregnant again; she was a little overwhelmed at the prospective of two little babies so close together, but she was happy to give Eva a brother, Scott Edward.

It was four years later, when the kids had grown up a little, that Vivian & Ed decided it might be a good time to try for a third baby. Luckily, it didn't take long for them to fall pregnant, and the family of four welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Bianca Madeline, who was loved and doted on by both her sibilings.

Vivian's fourth pregnancy came to everybody as a shock. They definitely weren't trying, and with Bianca now six, both she and Edward were pretty sure they were done with diapers and wipes.
It wasn't exactly easy to adapt to life with a baby all over again, but the older kids were a good help. They were elated to receive the news that a baby boy would be joining their bunch-- Mark William was definitely a wonderful addition!

After learning that fate clearly had had other plans for their family, Vivian and Edward decided to give it a last shot to complete their family.. and give Mark a sibiling closer to his age. It took them a little over a year to succeed, but eventually their prayer was answered: a brand new daughter, Julia Miriam, was welcomed into their family.


The Patterson Bunch!

DH: Edward John (46)
DW: Vivian Mary (46)

DD: Eva Mae (19)
DS: Scott Edward (18)
DD: Bianca Madeline (14)
DS: Mark William (8)
DD: Julia Miriam (6)

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Bianca (14)
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Little Jules (almost 6) and her big brother Mark (8)
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#4 Kristi18


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Posted 06 February 2010 - 06:45 PM

This is the story of Eden Pearl Lightfeather, proud member of the Cherokee and White Man's tribes.

California 4 years later conceived 1st child 5 children (B, b, g, b, g)

John George and Esther Jane Lightfeather had been married a year and Esther still had not conceived. Many of the natives believed it was because John had married a white man's daughter and the spirits were witholding their blessings on John's life. This talk, and the absence of a child, weighed heavily on John and Esther's hearts. They knew God had a plan, they just wish they knew what that plan was! When a wagon train rolled through and offered John a position as a scout, John accepted the position with one term, his wife Esther would be his partner and the two of them, traveling together, would perform the scouting duties. The wagon master was a bit surprised, but willingly made the concession. For three years John and Esther traveled with wagon trains to California, scouting the territory and keeping the pioneers safe.

In the 4th year of their marriage, Esther found herself ill and asked John to take her home to her mother and father. Worried, John immediately lead the couple back to Oklahoma Territory and the tribe. Esther sought out medical attention and was shocked to discover she wasn't sick, she was pregnant. John and Esther, with their parents, were estatic! Right on time, almost five years after John and Esther exchanged vows, Eden Pearl Lightfeather entered the world; red and screaming!

Eden, now 4, loved to hear the story of her Ma and Pa. She also loved to hear about their trips to California, where there was water for as far as the eye could see. Her parents told her how they came up with her name. Eden, for the perfect garden Adam and Eve had lived in, because she was that to her parents - the perfect gift from God. And Pearl from the beautiful, precious gems her parents had seen in California. While Eden loved her tribe, family and surroundings of the Oklahoma prairie, she longed to see the land her parents spoke of so fondly.

Eden was persistent in her request to go to California. On her 5th birthday her parents surprised her. After much prayer, John and Esther were moving to California! Eden was so excited and spent her days packing, unpacking and repacking the small trunk she had been given for the treasures she just couldn't leave behind! Finally, after months of preparations, the family said their good-byes and left for the land of never ending water.

The trip west was much more boring, tiring and just disgusting than Eden could have ever imagined. Her feet hurt from walking. Her body ached from riding. She was tired of wearing the same clothes for a week or two before running water was found to wash her belongings. The landscapes were blending together. One day looking the same as the day before. The only exciting thing to happen on the trip was Eden's ma announced she was going to have a baby. Eden was going to be a big sister! In the evenings she helped her ma hand stitch dainty gowns and diapers for her baby sister. Eden has decided the baby was a sister. They would play dolls together, pick berries, gather eggs and bake cookies. Eden would even show her how to mount and ride a pony. Eden could hardly wait to get to California and the arrival of her baby sister!

With only a week delay due to rains, the Lightfeather family arrived in California Territory. Eden wanted to immediately see the great waters and the pearls she was named for. She wanted to see her house, her school, her church, her.... Her Pa chuckled and told her all in good time. First, they needed to find the land office. John had sent money ahead to a trusted friend and had purchased a small spread outside the mining town.

Eden arrived at her home two months before her sixth birthday. Her house, or adobe, as the locals called it was completely different than anything she'd ever seen. The closest adobe was an hours walk away and she was one of only 11 students who would be attending school in the winter. She hadn't got to see the great waters yet. Her Pa explained it was a three hour journey by wagon and, with her Ma due to have the baby soon, it wasn't wise to make the trip. Eden patiently waited for the trip and her baby sister. Her sixth birthday came and went, and still, no sister.

Finally, when Eden was 6 years, 1 month and 3 days old her baby brother arrived. Yep, she didn't even get the sister she wanted. Her Ma had given her a BROTHER, Matthew John. It didn't take Eden long to get over her disappointment. She enjoyed helping her Ma with Matthew. She liked the fact she could always make Matthew laugh and smile, even when her Ma and Pa couldn't.

Right before Eden's 7th birthday her Ma and Pa sat her down and told her they had a surprise for her. Eden just knew they were going to tell her they were taking her and Matthew to see the great waters. Instead, they told her they were going to have another baby. When Eden asked about going to the great waters. Her Pa explained it would be best to wait until after the baby was born. Eden wasn't too pleased with this answer, but did look forward to finally getting that baby sister. Her Ma wouldn't let her down twice!

Six months later, Daniel Isaiah arrived. Twice now she had gotten a brother and not a sister. Eden took a deep breath, thought about Matthew and decided another brother wouldn't be that bad. However, Daniel was nothing like Matthew. He would cry all night and all day. Neither Ma and Pa nor Eden and Matthew could do anything to make Daniel happy. Eden found herself spending more and more time in the loft of the barn. There, she would make up stories of wild Indian wars and tell them to the barn cats. Though she hadn't seen the great waters yet, she would tell stories of life with the great waters out your back door to the milk cows. Her imagination was growing and her gift for story telling was developing, becoming more vivid and detailed.

Daniel, 15 months, Matthew, 2 years and Eden, 8 years sat on the floor in front of their Ma and Pa's rocking chair. Eden stared out the western window as she vaguely heard her parents explain another baby was on the way. Another year or two before Eden would ever see the great waters. Eden looked at Matthew and Daniel. She loved them, and was sure she would love another sibling. But, she couldn't help but feel the deep disappointment of another delay in her dream. Eden continued to make up her stories and found her brothers enjoyed listening to them. When her Ma needed help with the boys, Eden would take them and tell them tales of the trail out west and of magical creatures living in the great waters.

When Eden was 9, she welcomed her third and fourth baby brothers, Joshua Luke and Caleb James. Eden was relieved to find out Joshua and Caleb were much happier babies than what Daniel had been! They quickly joined her circle, listening to her storytelling. Eden never tired of making up her magical and exotic tales. She dreamed of owning a tablet and quill to write her stories down. Her Pa ensured her she didn't need to write her stories down. Her people, the Cherokee, had been passing tales down from generation to generation without the help of a quill or tablet. Eden loved it when her Pa compared her to the great storytellers of the tribe.

Eden, 12; Matthew, 6; Daniel, 5; Joshua, 3; and Caleb, 3, stared in wonderment at the great waters. The view was so much more than Eden ever dreamed. For as far as she could see the land was covered with water. The water moved quickly, forming large white caps and crashing into the rocks. Eden could feel the power of the waves and the mist sprayed upon her felt magical and alluring. She smiled, turned and joined her Ma and Pa further up on the sandy banks. She took the baby, Elizabeth Jane, from her mother. Her baby sister smiled and giggled at her.

John George and Esther Jane Lightfeather of California

Eden Pearl, 12
Matthew John, 6
Daniel Isaiah, 5
Joshua Luke, 3
Caleb James, 3
Elizabeth Jane, 6 months
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#5 Permanent Rose

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 10:19 PM

Main Character: Audrey Louise (17)

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Audrey is 17 years old and living the high life. She’s quite spoilt by her parents, and she’s considered to be one of the most popular girls at school. She has a boyfriend of 6 months, David, and three best friends, Abby, Becca, and Sydney. Her seventeenth birthday present was a Chihuahua whom Audrey named Stella.

DM: Clara Margaret (43)

DF: Raymond “Ray” Andrew (43)

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Clara and Ray went to the same high school, but they didn’t start dating until senior year. As they headed their own separate ways for college that fall, they decided to take a break in their relationship. But fate seemed to want the two together because none of their other relationships lasted. At age 25, the couple married and had their daughter a year later.

Location: Florida

Clara, Ray, and Audrey settled in Palm Beach, Florida 6 months after Audrey was born and have lived there ever since. For years, Clara and Ray tried for more children with no avail. Finally, when Audrey was 10, the couple tried IVF as their last resort and was ecstatic when Clara became pregnant with not one, but two girls. They named the twins Madison and Sophia.

Madison Chloe and Sophia Elizabeth (6)
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Maddie and Sophie are very sweet but very quiet. Audrey loves her little sisters, but she doesn’t take much interest in them because of the 11 year age gap.

#6 Katie-Nana


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Posted 08 February 2010 - 01:11 PM

A story, part one
George Thomas Smith met Muriel Anne Redmond during his senior year of college. They wanted to get married but Muriel was only a freshmen and her parents wanted her to graduate before getting married. Three years later they became man and wife and Aspen Eugenia Smith came along not long after....

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DF: George Thomas Smith
DM: Muriel Anne Redmond-Smith

A story, part two

Just after Aspen was born, George's company transfered him to the UK office. So the little family packed up and moved to England. Aspen and the six younger siblings that followed grew up in London not far from the Queen.

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(MC): Aspen Eugenia (28)

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DD/DD: Tracy Bianca / Carissa Heather (23)


#7 Katie-Nana


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Posted 08 February 2010 - 07:18 PM

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DS: Spencer Grant (19)

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DD: Susan Taylor (13)
DD: Lindsey Jillian (9)

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DS: Christopher Johnny (4)

#8 ReadeAlexandra


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Posted 08 February 2010 - 09:39 PM

DM (Dear mother) Hazel Katherine
DF (Dear Father) Henry Robert
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4) Where do they end up living?
1) California

5) After marriage, how many years later did they conceive their first child?
2) 6 months

6) MC’s Siblings:
11) 4

Micah James / Amaya Frances *Maya*
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Zoe Grace
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Ross Lawrence / Preston Matthew
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#9 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:16 PM

LN: Lightfeather

MC: Amelia Rosalind Lightfeather

DM: Cornelia Elizabeth Ross Lightfeather

DF: Thomas Andrew Lightfeather "Tommy"

Met at a party, married at 18

Cornelia Elizabeth Ross was a city girl from an affluent part of Philadelphia. When she was 16 years old, she spent a summer with her cousins on their family's horse farm in Kentucky. While she was their she attended a party with her cousins and some of their friends. At that party Cornelia met Thomas Andrew Lightfeather, a free-spirited and musically inclined local boy with dreams of spending his life playing music and helping others. Cornelia saw Thomas as a breath of fresh air compared to the preppy rich boys she was used to associationg with and the two hit it off immediatly. They began to spend every spare minute together. Tommy's family was not wealthy like Cornelia's, and her parents did not approve of her relationship with Thomas, but they viewed it as just a summer romance that would end when school started again. But the romance did not end with the summer. Cornelia and Tommy wrote each other nearly every day, and Cornelia hid the letters with the help of Susie, the Ross' sypmpathetic maid. The pair renewed their romance when Cornelia went back to Kentucky the next summer. At the end of their second summer together, Tommy and Cornelia secretly got engaged, agreeing to marry when they both turned 18. The following summer, Cornelia's parents decided to take her on a tour of Europe as a graduation present. She was distraught, since this ruined all of her and Tommy's plans for elopement. She wrote him telling him the news, and she feared that they'd never be allowed to see each other again, because her parents disapproved of him. Tommy was determined to marry Cornelia, and after scraping together enough money, he bought a plane ticket to France where Cornelia and her parents were staying. When he got there, Tommy asked Cornelia's parentfor permission to marry her. They were touched by the young man's devotion and determination, and gave the young couple their blessing. The happy couple were married in a lovely medieval chapel in France, just two weeks after Cornelia's 18th birthday. They settled in Vermont, but traveled so Tommy could play the music he loves so well. One year after their wedding, the Lightfeather's first child was born. They named her Amelia Rosalind. They went on to have four more children, two more girls and two boys.

Amelia Rosalind Lightfeather is now a free-spirited 16-year-old who dreams of being a globetrotting novelist. She inherited much of her father's personality, and is artistic and romantic just like him. She takes after her mother in looks, with her fiery red hair and aristocratic bearing. Like both her parents, she's not too interested in status or wealth, and has an artist's view of the world.

Their second child, Isaac Matthew, was born one year later. He is just like Tommy. He loves music and is happiest when he has his guitar in his hands. He's quite popular with the girls at school, but is searching for that special girl.

Stephen Nathaniel takes after his mother's side of the family in looks and in personality. He is quite more social than his older siblings, and is interested in more practical pursuits than music and daydreams. One day he'd like to be a lawyer.

Stephen's twin sister Miranda Rachel is the most active of the Lightfeather children. Besides being captain of her JV soccer team, she is also in drama club and plays trumpet in the school band. She has friends from many different groups at school, and is constantly reinventing herself. Despite her popularity, Miranda often feels as if she dosen't know who she truly is. She is very close to her sister Amelia, who understands her need to try to find herself.

Kassandra Jocelyn is the youngest of the Lightfeather children. She is a daddy's girl, and loves nothing more than to spend time with Tommy. He is teaching her to play guitar, and she is on her way to becoming quite a talented musician. She is a very sweet little girl, and loves to help those in need, be it one of her siblings, or a stray puppy. One of her favorite activites is rescuing lost and abandoned animals, and her family's farm in Vermont is practically overrun with all her pets, but they wouldn't have it any differently.

Amelia Lightfeather [16]
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Isaac Lightfeather [15]
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Stephen Lightfeather [13]
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Miranda Lightfeather [13]
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Kassandra Lightfeather [8]
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#10 PaperHeart


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:29 AM

Current location: South Dakota.

1st child (DD) : Born 2 years after marriage, October 21st 1979 -31 years old.
2nd child (DS) : Born 3 years after marriage, April 25th 1981 -30 years old.
3rd child (DS) : Born 5 years after marriage, June 30th 1983 - 27 years old.
4th child (DS) : Born 7 years after marriage, April 4th 1985- 24 years old.
5th child - MC (DD) : Born 14 years after marriage, February 3rd 1990 -18 years old.

LN: Harding

(55) DH: Joseph "Joe" Charles
(53) DW: Evelyn "Evie" Jane

(31) DD1: Emma Jennifer
(30) DS1: Tyler "Ty" Benjamin
(27) DS2: Caleb Blake
(24) DS3: Lucas "Luc" Brendan
(18) DD2 - MC : Aurora "Rori" Josephine

:) <3

#11 Lish4042


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:22 PM

Clara and Andrew met through work and live in Florida. They were married at 18 and conceived their first child 6 months later.

DM: Clara Elizabeth (41)
DF: Andrew David (41)

DS: Austin Christopher (22)
DS: Caleb Michael (19)
DD(MC): Addison Mae (17)
DS: Evan James (13)

#12 Fez


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Posted 24 February 2010 - 10:46 PM

DM: Adelaide Julia Patterson (33)
DF: Philip Thomas Patterson (33)

MC: Isabella Rosalind Patterson (12)
DD: Cecilia Jocelyn Patterson (10)
DD: Amelia Charlotte Patterson (8)
DD: Evelyn Ruby Patterson (6)
DS: Sebastian Allen Patterson (3)
DS: Lawrence Henry Patterson (1)

With the help of their parents, Addie and Philip bought a cozy, little house in England.
Just six months after the wedding, Addie found out she was pregnant. They were ecstatic!
Baby Isabella Rosalind was born nine months later. Affectionately called Bella-Rose by her parents.

Philip and Addie had always wanted a big and loving family. They had five more children in the next 12 years.

#13 Gwyneth


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Posted 08 May 2010 - 08:51 AM

Adeline and Vincent Patterson move to Vermont, near Woodstock. After a year of marriage they conceive their first child, a girl. Four more children follow.

DD Anya Rosalind (MC)
DS Gabriel Vincent
DS Brendon James
DD Heather Courtney
DD Megan Elizabeth

#14 LisaAnn


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 12:48 PM

Main Character (MC): Addison Clara Harding
DM: Alma Caroline
DF: Adam Charles
How did main character’s parents meet?: At church
At what age did they marry?: 21

Where did they end up living?: New York
After marriage, how many years later did they conceive their first child?: 1 year
MC’s Siblings: 5
DD: Ashley Jessica
DS: Michael Christopher (Mike)
DD: Amanda Brittany
DD: Sarah Samantha
DD: Emily Stephanie

Adam and Alma Harding w/ Addison (18), Ashley (15), Mike (13), Amanda (10), Sarah (7) and Emily (6)

#15 glitchinggecko


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 02:50 PM

Main Character - Amelia Geraldine

Edith Katherine and Frederick James Harding met aged 18
months when Edith and her parents moved into the neighbourhood.
They were inseperable all through school, became high school
sweethearts, and married on Edith's 18th birthday.

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Frederick was offered a job by his uncle, a business tycoon in England, and they moved to London shortly after the wedding. Six months later, Edith discovered she was pregnant, and a furthe six months later, Amelia Geraldine Harding was born. Amelia was followed 10 months later by identical twin boys Donovan James and Theodore Philip. 14 months later, fraternal twins Harrison Marcus and Esther Caitlin joined the family, and just after one year later, the family was complete with the addition of Meredith Lydia.

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Amy on Top
Esther and Edi on Middle
Donny, Harry and Teddy on Bottom

#16 Beka


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Posted 10 May 2010 - 06:33 AM

LN: Smith

DM: Helen Julia (Lanie)
DF: Samuel Henry (Sam)
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Lanie & Sam met at church when they were 15. Both of their families were very involved in church activities, so they were often thrown together with the other youth. Sam asked Lanie to his senior prom; they started seriously dating after that. It was soon apparent that they were in love, so it came as no surprise when they announced their engagement. They were married at age 20. Six months later, Lanie found out she was pregnant. Lucas Hunter was born nine months later.

DS: Lucas Hunter (Luke) 23
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When Luke was two years old, Lanie was already working as a high school English teacher, and Sam was beginning law school. Lanie discovered that she was pregnant again. Arabella Pearl was welcomed in nine months.

MC: Arabella Pearl (Bella) 21
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On Bella’s third birthday, Sam graduated from law school. He soon received a job offer in California. They found a nice, affordable home near the school where Lanie found a job. It was good that they bought a big house because Lanie was pregnant again, this time with Amy Jacqueline.

DD: Amy Jacqueline 18
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Within a year of Amy’s birth, Lanie was pregnant again. She went to the first ultrasound alone because Sam had an important case. To tell him the news, Lanie gave him two pairs of booties on Fathers’ Day. Meredith Grace and Emma Faith were welcomed with joy.

DD/DD: Meredith Grace/Emma Faith (Merry & Emma) 17
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#17 Zalivor


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Posted 11 May 2010 - 06:04 AM

Viola and Luke ended up in New York: Viola pursuing her journalism career and Luke pursuing his dream of becoming a chef. They had five children:

William Noah - 29

Isabella Chloe - 25

Abigail Olivia - 23

Michael Alexander - 20

Elodie Mae - 17

#18 Erased


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 08:19 AM

3 months after Winnie(36) and Zach(37) got married they moved to South Dakota to be around Winie's family. They finished there schooling there and 18 months after there marriege they had there first daughter Antonia Mae. They then had 5 more kids following Antonia
DD:Antonia Mae(17)
DD:Chelsae Ann(14)
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DD:Mckenzie Charlotte(10)
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DD:Michaela Isabel(5)
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DD:Hilary Janet(3)
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DS:Jessie Blake(1)
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#19 Zalivor


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Posted 19 May 2010 - 05:02 AM

Adeline and Andrew always wanted to live in Vermont, so after they married they moved there. After six months, they had their first child Sophie Emily. They had six children in all:

Sophie Emily - 26

Michael Jayden - 24

Alexander Ethan - 20

Joshua Anthony - 17

William Daniel - 15


#20 Zalivor


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Posted 19 May 2010 - 05:03 AM

Allegra Louise - 14

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