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#1 Permanent Rose

Permanent Rose

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 03:01 PM

I've been in the mood to do a CAF with stories and pictures, so I finally decided to make one. Have fun!

roll dice here: http://www.random.org/dice/?num=1

1. Funka
2. Febbraro
3. Ackerman
4. Pontiere
5. Harsch
6. Klein

FN: http://nameberry.com...Names-for-Girls
MN: Flower name

FN: http://nameberry.com.../The-Exoticizer (must be more exotic or most exotic)
MN: starts with an M

First Birth
1. DD
2. DS
3. DD
4. DD
5. DD
6. DS

FN: http://nameberry.com...5/Goddess-Names
MN: starts with R

FN: Your favorite boy name
MN: http://nameberry.com...able-Baby-Names

Second Birth
1. DD
2. DS
3. DS
4. DD
5. DD
6. DS

FN: http://nameberry.com...New-Years-Names
MN: http://nameberry.com...-You-Might-Love

FN: http://nameberry.com...able-Baby-Names
MN: http://nameberry.com...-Names-for-Boys

Third Birth
1. DD/DD
2. DD
3. DD
4. DD
5. DD
6. DD/DD

FN: http://nameberry.com...-You-Might-Love
MN: your favorite girl name

FN: http://nameberry.com...onal-Variations
MN: http://nameberry.com...214/The-O-Names

Fourth Birth
1. Adopted DD
2. Adopted DS
3. DS
4. Adopted DD/DS
5. DD
6. Adopted DS/DS

FN: http://nameberry.com...onal-Variations
MN: http://nameberry.com...e-Capital-Names

FN: http://nameberry.com...-for-Boys-Names
MN: http://nameberry.com.../111/Tree-Names

Fifth Birth
1. DD/DD
3. DS/DD
5. DD/DD
6. DS/DS

FN: http://nameberry.com...Names-for-Girls
MN: http://nameberry.com...round-the-World

FN: http://nameberry.com...-You-Might-Love
MN: http://nameberry.com...ool-Bible-Names

Pet 1:
1. Dog
2. Dog
3. Cat
4. Hamster
5. Dog
6. Fish

Name: Must start with a C

Pet 2:
1. Cat
2. Fish
3. Cat
4. Parakeet
5. Dog
6. Dog

Name: Food name

#2 Permanent Rose

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 05:26 PM

LN: Febbraro
DW: Phoebe Rose (43):
DH: Andre Miguel (44):
Posted Image
In high school, Phoebe became pregnant at age 16, and he boyfriend left her. She was going to get an abortion but couldn’t go through with it. Soon after, she met Andre, who was a year older than her in school. He had just moved to the district and the two quickly fell in love. She hid from him the fact that she was pregnant, and when she began to show, Andre was quite confused because they had never “done the deed.” He was convinced that she was cheating on him, but it broke his heart to think that because he had truly fallen in love with her. When he finally asked her, she finally told him the whole story. She explained how sorry she was that she hadn’t told him sooner, but she was afraid he wouldn’t love her if her knew she was pregnant. Andre was upset at first, but relieved to discover she wasn’t cheating on him. Though he knew it would be hard, he decided to stay with her and raise the child as his own.
When Phoebe was 16 and Andre was 17, their first daughter, Lucina Rose, was born. They moved into Andre’s house together.
Since Andre was a year ahead in school, he graduated first. College was not an option with the new baby in the family, so Andre began to work as a car mechanic. They talked about marriage, but every time it came up, the subject was dropped. They were either too young, or didn’t have enough money, or their parents wouldn’t approve. In fact, both Phoebe’s and Andre’s parents thought the baby was Andre’s, and Phoebe’s parents did not approve of Andre in the least. So the wedding was put off into the future.
Andre and Phoebe had been very careful to use protection, but on Phoebe’s graduation night, they were careless and Phoebe became pregnant once again. Again, Phoebe tried to hide her pregnancy from Andre but she could only hide it for so long. They talked about eloping, but they knew that leaving home would be even more expensive. They both only had high school diploma’s and low paying jobs—and with another baby on, Phoebe would not even be able to work soon.
Phoebe’s parents were extremely furious when they discovered their daughter’s second pregnancy. They made her move back home, and forbid her to see Andre again. And since she was only 17, she was still considered a minority and had no say. Her parents began to talk about plans—abort the baby she currently pregnant with (Phoebe would not allow it) so they decided it would be best for both children to be put up for adoption.
But Phoebe or Andre (or Andre’s parents) would not hear of it. During Phoebe’s second pregnancy, Luci lived with Andre and his parents. Because she could not see Andre or her daughter, she became very depressed. Because of her poor health, she gave birth to her son prematurely.
Her parents saw how upset their daughter had become, and as they watched her listlessly watch her tiny son behind the glass of the window in NICU, they realized that they were ruining her life.
As soon as she was allowed to see Andre and Luci again, Phoebe became noticeably happier. The family went to visit their baby every day, and he was finally named Tobias Leo. Phoebe had chosen the first name, Tobias, meaning “God is good,” because of the new hope she finally had, and Andre chose Leo, meaning “lion,” in hope that his son would grow to be strong.
Just when they thought their lives couldn’t get any better, news came to them that Andre’s great uncle (whom he had never met) had recently died and left all his nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews a large sum of money. Phoebe and Andre could finally begin the life they’d always dreamt of.
They married a little over a year later, when Phoebe was 19 and Andre was 20. They decided their two children were enough for the time being. But when their children were eight and nine, Phoebe began to long for another little one. Nine months later, they welcomed Gabriella Faith into the world.
When Gabby was two, they wanted to try for another. Phoebe quickly began pregnant, but early in the pregnancy, she suffered from a miscarriage. The couple decided to wait a few years before trying again.
When Gabby was six, and had started school all day, Phoebe felt the urge to try to have another child. This time, she had a normal, healthy pregnancy and delivered a big, healthy baby boy, whom they named Carlos Linden.
Only three years after Carlos was born, Phoebe and Andre were in a terrible car crash. Andre came out with only a few minor injuries, but Phoebe had three broken ribs, a broken leg, and was told that her uterus was badly damaged. They suspected she would never be able to have children again.
Though they were sad that Phoebe would not be able to have more children, both Phoebe and Andre were happy with their four children and figured it was God’s way of telling them that there family was complete.
But apparently God had different plans because six years after Carlos was born, Phoebe became unexpectedly pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult because of the damage done to her uterus and she had to have an emergency c-section to deliver her baby. During the c-section, it was discovered that she was having not one, but two babies. One of the babies girls had been hiding behind the other and had never showed up on any of the sonograms. She very tiny and sickly, even more so than he sister, and it was months before the two could leave the hospital. They named their twins Catalina Luz and Isadora Lia.
DD (27): Lucina Rose nn Luci
Posted Image
Luci has always been a stubborn, opinionated girl. She loves to read and write. She didn’t know that Andre was not her real father until she was eight. She was devastated because she loves Andre very much. He assured her that even though they’re not related by blood, he was still her father and he would love her always.
Luci is now married to the love of her life, Michael Phillip. She’s an elementary teacher—her dream job. Their son, Rory James, is now ten months old. Luci has recently found out she’s pregnant again. She’s going to tell Michael the good news tonight.
DS (26): Tobias Leo Toby
Posted Image
Toby, just as his father hoped, grew up to be strong and healthy. He played quarterback for his school’s football team all through high school.
Toby has been dating Monica for five years now, and the entire family loves her to death. They’re all waiting for Toby to pop the question, which is planning to do on her birthday, which is in a week.
DD (18): Gabriella Hope nn Gabby
Posted Image
Gabby has always been very pretty, and it has never been a secret that they guys are all smitten for her. In her junior year, she became very attached to her boyfriend, Gavin, and found out she was pregnant soon after. He left as soon as she told him, and Gabby was heart broken. She was afraid her parents would be furious, but they were very understanding, and she soon learnt her parents story.
After this, Gabby became very close to her mother because of what they had in common. Ironically, Gabby gave birth to her baby girl on the same day that Luci gave birth to her son. She named her daughter Nayla Phoebe—Phoebe for her mother.

#3 Permanent Rose

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 05:27 PM

DS (12): Carlos Linden
Posted Image
Carlos is a very active boy, and he looks up to Toby very much. He hopes to be quarterback when he reaches high and continue the Febbraro legend
DD/DD (6): Catalina Luz and Isadora Lia nn Catey and Izzy
Posted Image
Catey and Izzy are both very small for their age, but miraculously, neither of them have any lasting effects from the trauma in their early life. The twins are the pride and joy of the family are quite spoilt.
Dog: Caesar
Posted Image
Cat: Muffin
Posted Image

#4 LiteBrite


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Posted 14 November 2009 - 06:38 PM

I've been in the mood for one of these too!

LN: Harsch
DH: Alessandro Matthew nn Alex
DW:Tabitha Rose
Alex and Tabitha met in college. They sat next to each other in Early Elementary Language class. They were both studying to become teachers. They got married at the ages of 22 and 24.
Posted Image(pictured younger)
When the couple had been married for three years they decided it was time to start a family. They started trying for a baby and quickly became pregnant with a bouncing baby girl.
1st Birth:
DD: Calliope Ruth nn Callie (18)
Callie is responsible and caring. You can tell she was the oldest child. Callie enjoys modeling, but limits the time she spends doing it. She is very concentrated on school.
Posted Image
Then Callie was three the couple decided to try and have another child. They easily became pregnant with another little girl.
2nd Birth:
DD: Aurora Alexa nn Rory (15)
Rory is very into artistic things. She loves to paint and draw.
Posted Image
When Callie started kindergarten she kept talking about wanting a little brother. Tabitha and Alex decided a little boy would be nice. They became with pregnant with twin girls. And were very pleased, not to mention done.
3rd Birth:
DD/DD: Gabriella Elizabeth and Liliana Katherine nns Gabby and Lily (12)
Gabby and Lily are very active. They both love to play and practice basketball and softball. Gabby loves to run, she's on the middle school soccer team. While Lily plays tackle football on the middle school team.
Posted Image -Lily

Posted Image -Gabby

not sure why the pics are so big, sorry.

#5 LiteBrite


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Posted 14 November 2009 - 06:56 PM

After the twins were turned 7 the couple missed having a younger child and decided to adopt a child from Ireland. They got a call saying they could adopt a young girl. They gladly welcomed the fifth girl to their family.
Adopted DD: Léana Madison (irish name) (5)
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Leana is a strong minded young girl, who loves playing with her six sisters.
When Tabitha was trying to loose a few pounds after the holidays, she found herself gaining instead. She took a pregnancy test and discovered she was pregnant. The doctor told her she was again expeciting twin girls. This time they were identical.
5th Birth:
DD/DD: Emma Amélie and Peyton Sylvie ( 11 months)
Emma and Peyton are two little girls who never run out of energy. They are spoiled by there five older sisters.
Posted Image
Pet 1:
Hamster- Cami
Pet 2:
Fish- Sushi

#6 Amanda Lynn

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 01:31 AM

LN: Klein

DW: Rebekah Violet (40)
DH: Willem Michael (41)
Posted Image (Picture taken on their first date)

Bekka and Will met while they were in college. Bekka was studying theatre and Will was studying to be a teacher. They got engaged on their one year anniversary of their first date. A year later they married and Will got a job as an elementary school teacher. Bekka got a job as a director in the local theatre. After a couple of years, they tried for a child and succeeded. Nine months later, they were blessed with a little girl whom they named Ariadne Rose. Two years later, they were surprised by another little girl whom they named Zara Juliana. Four years they decided to try again, and were blessed with another girl, Liliana Magaret. Aria, Zara and Lily wanted another sister so and nine months later, they were blessed with, Eleonora Helena nicknamed Ella. Bekka and Will thought they were done, but two years later where surprised by twin girls, Catriona Beatriz and Ginevra Francesca nicknamed Catie and Ginny.

DD: Ariadne Rose “Aria” (16)
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Ariadne is a junior in high school and in the honors program. She is one of the class officers and participates in the spirit club as well. Her passion is theatre just like her mother and hopes one day to become an actress. Meanwhile, she volunteers at the elementary school where her younger sisters attends and her father teaches. Last summer she started a summer day camp for younger kids with a group of her theatre friends.

DD: Zara Juliana “Zara” (14)
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Zara is popular in her freshman class. However, she doesn’t let it go to her head. She adores her older sister and often confides in her. She is also very close to her younger sisters as well. Her passions are reading and drawing. She is a very good artist and is in the top of her art class. Her favorite medium is oil pastels and most of the art displayed in her house are portraits she’s done.

#7 Amanda Lynn

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 01:32 AM

DD: Liliana Margaret “Lily” (10)
Posted Image

Lily is a bubbly and happy go lucky fourth grader. She loves reading and writing. She would like to write books when she’s older. She also does ice skating lessons and does dance competitions. She loves to play pretend with her younger sisters and is always having her family read her latest story.

DD: Eleonora Helena “Ella” (7)
Posted Image
Ella is a second grader who loves to laugh. She wants to be a comedienne when she grows up. Her favorite activities are playing pretend and doing routines of jokes for her family. She plays on her school basketball team. Her favorite subjects in school are math, reading and history.

DD/DD: Catriona Beatriz / Ginevra Francesca “Catie & Ginny” (5)
Posted Image

Catie and Ginny are giggly five year olds who love to dress up and put on “plays” for their family. Catie loves animals and wants to be an actress like her oldest sister and also be a vet. Ginny loves to paint and color. Ginny wants to be an artist and make up names for crayola crayons. They often have their sisters help with their plays. They love kindergarten and can’t wait for first grade.

Last month Bekka and Will adopted a couple of kittens they saw at a local pet shop. Cora and Marmalade joined the family and are adored and loved by all. All the girls voted on the kitten’s names.

Kitten #1: Cora
Posted Image

Kitten #2: Marmalade
Posted Image

~*~The Klein Family~*~
Bekka & Will
Aria, Zara, Lily, Ella, Catie, & Ginny
With kittens Cora & Marmalade

#8 PaperHeart


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 06:53 AM

LN: Klein

(47) DW: Emeline "Emme" Daisy
(50) DH: Tomas "Tom" Mitchell

Posted Image

Emeline met Jack Evans in a coffee shop on her summer vacation to London when they were 21 and 22. Emme was there with her 2 friends, travelling, before her parents could make her settle down, and Tom was visiting his his brother Will and wife Catherine. They began talking.. and one thing led to another.. before they knew it, they were in Emme's hotel room.
But, they realised that they both lived in different parts of the world, and this relationship would never last.. So, they went their seperate ways.
3 months after getting back from London, Em began feeling nauseous and realising that she'd missed her period 3 times.. she went to the doctors and got the shock of her life.. she was PREGNANT!
She didn't know what to do.. but she had Jack's number! She phoned him.. and sobbing on the phone, she told him she was pregnant. He was shocked.. and told her it wasn't his! She had only ever been with one other man, and it couldn't have been anyone elses! He said he wasn't the father, and to never "bother him again".
So she panicked. She was young and alone.. When she told her parents, Derick and Eliza, they were very supportive! They said that she could come back home and go to school... This is when she met Tomas, then 25, new employee at her father's law firm. The pair hit it off, and became great friends; someone for her to confide in. He knew what had happened, but he still wanted to be with Em.. he said that he'd be a father to her children..
So, when 4 months later Emeline gave birth to her first child, Noah Gregory, he knew that Tom was his father. ;)
Tom's family was quite wealthy, so Emeline decided to become a stay at home mum with Noah, while Tom brought home the bacon. They bought a house down the road from Em's parents, so they could help out with the baby...

(25) DS: Noah Gregory
(25) DW: Kellie Anne
(2) DD: Daisy Noelle
(Still baking) DD: Evy Marie

Posted Image

Posted Image

Noah was always very quiet; he loved to read, and was always very school-oriented. Although he knew from a young age that Tom was not his real father, he always said he was; because your father is the person who raises and loves you, not the person who created you. Him and Tom have a great relationship. (; He met his wife Kellie in Kindergarden. They were best friends, but then when they began high-school, they travelled in different circles. Kellie was a 'drama nerd' and Noah was a jock. But when Kellie went to Noah's football game with a few of her friends, they got to talking.. and they've been glued together ever since. They knew they wanted to get married, but thought that it would be hard to be tied down to one city. So, they decided that if their relationship was strong enough, they'd be able to do long distance. Noah went to study Sports therapy, and Kellie did a Dramatic Art's course. After 3 years, they decided that it was time to settle down. Their relationship was stronger than ever! They bought a house, in the street that they grew up (The same as their parents!) and 5 months later, Noah proposed -on the same date as they met in Kindergarden! At the age of 22, Kellie and Noah got hitched in a beautiful church, where Kellie's mum and dad were married. Noah's friend Michael was best man, Lily and Kellie's friends Lauren and Grace were brides-maids and Julie and Brie were flower girls! Noah was offered a job as the football coach at their old school, and Kellie got the job as a Music Summer Camp director.
2 months into their marriage, Kellie got the wonderful news; she was pregnant! 8 months later, she gave birth to their beautiful baby girl, Daisy Noelle; after Emeline and Kellie's mother Noelle. Now, they are expecting again! Another little girl, who they plan to call Evy Marie! :P

1 1/2 years after having Noah, Emme and Tom decided to start trying for another child. They were financially stable, and Emme longed for Noah to have a sibling. 8 months later, 1 month premature, came little Adrian Lewis - And his parents could not have been happier!

(23) DS: Adrian Lewis
(22) DW: Faith Alissa

Posted Image

Adrian prefers learning to sports. He was always the shy child. He LOVED to read and write.. and at the age of 13, submitted a short story to a local competition, and won! He decided from an early age, that he wanted to become a journalist. His best friends Faith, and her twin brother Felix, always encouraged him to work hard.. and by the time he was 14, he was in all honors classes. It was only when he turned 15 that he realised his feelings for Faith.. he was worried he'd wreck the friendship they had.. but at their Junior Prom Faith asked him to the dance.. and they shared their first kiss outside in the rain. :) They lasted all through high-school.. and when they turned 18, they both went to the same college, Adrian studying journalism, and Faith doing an English literature class, in the hopes of teaching high-school one day..
The couple married on the 19th December, at the ages of 20 and 21.
Although him and Faith married young, they decided to wait atleast until they were both 25 to try for a child. They wanted to experience life first, and try to forcify their relationship as much as possible before adding a child to the family!

But Em longed for a little girl, and so, again, two years later, when Noah was 4, and Adrian was 2, her and Tom began trying for their 4th child. At her 20 week scan, she was overjoyed to find that she expecting a little girl!! 4 1/2 months later, she gave birth to her first daughter; Liliana "Lily" Catherine.

(21) DD: Liliana "Lily" Catherine
(23) DF: Duncan Christopher Blake
(Still baking) DS: Riley Mitchell

Posted Image

Liliana was the princess in the family, until the twins came along. She loves them to death though. Lily always wanted to be a dancer, but when she was 11, and the twins were born, she found that she LOVED kids, and ever since, she wanted to be a teacher like her father! So, when she met Duncan in University, at the age of 19, where they were both studying early child care, they found that they had so much in common.. but a year into their relationship, Lily found out she was expecting! Her little boy, Riley Mitchell is due in 5 months.. When Duncan found out.. he proposed! They are planning their dream wedding, both very happy -but scared- by the prospect of becoming parents! There wedding is set for next June, when Riley will be 1 years old. ;)

[To be continued..]

#9 PaperHeart


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 06:57 AM

[Under construction...]

(19) DS: Miles Linden

(16) DD/DD: Juliet "Julie" Niamh and Briana "Brie" Fleur


Cheese the Hamster
Pancake the Dog

Emeline and Tomas Klein w/ Noah, Adrian, Liliana, Miles, Juliet and Briana...
w/ Cheese and Pancake.

Thanks Rosie Pose!!

I've been waiting for someone to make a new one!!! :) ;) ;)

-Yas <3

#10 Hannah


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    AND, I of course love thinking of baby names even though that is a VERY far in the future thing for me because I'm still young!

Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:37 AM

LN: Klein

DH: Nicolai Marcus "Nico" 34
DW: Susanna Violet "Susie" 32

Posted Image

Nico and Susie met at age six when Nico's parents moved into Susie's neighborhood with their little boy. He is an immigrant from Russia, and from the time he met Susie, they were best friends. Unlike other stories, they never grew up hating each other, they were always friends and at sixteen (and eighteen), it turned to so much more. They ignored their parent's wishes to wait until after college to get married and married two months after Susies graduated high school. However, they did graduate college before having children, which greatly pleased their parents. Nico works for the local Vet's office and Susie is a kindergarten teacher. They could not be happier with how their lives turned out.

DD: Luna Rose 9

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Luna is not your typical nine year old girl; she is wise beyond her years and has a giant appetite for knowledge, she reads constantly, and loves animals as much as her father, she was the one who picked out the two kittens from the shelter two years ago. She really likes reading, drawing, and soccer, and hopes to become a vet like her daddy one day.

DS: Tobias Lennon "Toby" 7

Posted Image

Toby, the comic of the household, can always find a way to make you laugh. He loves sports, baseball, soccer, football, basketball, you name it and he loves it. He is, however, your typical momma's boy and loves to be with his mom in the kitchen. Adding to the love of the kitchen, is his sweet tooth, his parents constantly catch him trying to sneak sweets into his room, but, he never gets away with it... they hope.

DD: Arabella Lily 4

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Arabella, the diva of the family. She loves to play dress up and put on sparkly make up that comes in her many gifts. She loves to have her family and friends come over and watch the "fashion shows" she put son. It's so much fun with her around and her parents were so excited when they found out they were expecting this little girl.

#11 Hannah


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    AND, I of course love thinking of baby names even though that is a VERY far in the future thing for me because I'm still young!

Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:38 AM

A DS/DD: Emmett Aspen/ Helena Cheyenne 5

Posted Image

Emmett and Helena are a bitter/sweet story. Nico's best friend besides Susie, he met when he entered high school. His name was Darren and they were always joking with each other. The two became so close that they decided it was high time he found a girl, and by some miracle, Susies other best friend Madison was quite interested in Darren. They dated four months before eloping and, for the most part, had a great life together. They found out they were expecting on Luna's fourth birthday and automatically named Susie and Nico the godparents, seeing as neither had any surviving family. It was a great honor to both of them. However, one tragic night, on the twins fifth birthday, Darren and Madison were in a fatal two-car crash. Though it was hard on everyone, especially the children, Susie and Nico were happy to see the twins had been left to them. Emmett and Helena love Nico and Susie and aside from their tragic past, love their life with this family.

DS/DD: Sawyer Jude/ Ginevra Elodie "Ginny" 3 months

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Sawyer and Ginny, the unplanned babies, were a big shock to Susie. She had though they agreed to be done with children, because they had a full house. However, they couldn't have been happier to know they would be getting not one, but two, bundles of joy this next time around. And not long later, two beautiful, healthy babies were born. Everyone is excited to see where these kids will go in life.

#12 Hannah


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    AND, I of course love thinking of baby names even though that is a VERY far in the future thing for me because I'm still young!

Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:40 AM

Cat (M): Colby-Jack "Colby" (after the cheese)

Posted Image

Cat (F): Kiwi

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Colby and Kiwi, the lovers of the house, were both supposedly spayed and neutered with they were purchased from the shelter- though not the most reliable shelter in the world, Nico and Susie took their word for it and adopter the two little kittens for their daughter Luna. Colby, the wild one loves to play and chase things, but Kiwi is a lot more laid back and loves to cuddle with the kids or with her parents. One day, however, Nico discovered that Kiwi was pregnant, and when the litter of kittens arrived, they never dreamed they'd keep them all... but they did.

DKD's(Dear Kitten Daughters): Citrus and Coconut

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DKS's(Dear Kitten Sons): Kit-Kat, Kale, and Kaiser Rolls "Kaiser"

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Nico and Susie Klein with Luna, Toby, Arabella, Emmett, Helena, Sawyer, Ginny, and the kitty gang (Colby & Kiwi w/ Citrus, Coconut, Kit-Kat, Kale, and Kaiser)

#13 Kaci


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 12:48 PM

LN: Ackerman

DH: Nicolai Matthew
DW: Mercy Rose

Nic and Mercy - picture from their first year of dating
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Nic and Mercy met during their first year of college, where they were both art majors and on choir scholarships. They hit it off imediately and soon started seeing each other exclusively. After three years of dating, Nic asked Mercy to marry him on New Year's Eve. They were married the following December. Only four months into their marriage, they found out they were having their first child.

DD: Juno Rosalie

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Juno is now seventeen and completely fashion-obsessed. She plans to go to an art school to study fashion design when she graduates.

DS: Gideon Finlay

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Gideon is fifteen and involved in many sports at school. He plays football and basketball and runs on the track team. He's also a math and science wiz and a straight-A student.

DD/DD: Clementina Eloise / Francesca Elodie

Clemmy and Franny
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Clemmy and Franny are twelve and are both on their middle school's cheer squad. Clemmy is usually busy on the weekends babysitting the kids in the neighborhood, and Franny can usually be found either reading or doing some sort of craft such as knitting.

After they had Clemmy and Franny, Nic and Mercy didn't expect to have any more children. However, when the twins were eight, they made the decision to try and adopt a child. They ended up meeting a sixteen-year-old girl who was pregnant with twin boys. The girl fell in love with Nic and Mercy and knew that they were the perfect parents for her babies. Nic and Mercy, and their kids, were very excited to welcome the little boys into their family.

#14 Kaci


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 12:49 PM

Adopted DS/DS: Henry Forrest / Asher Linden

Henry and Asher
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The boys are now five years old and are really enjoying kindergarten and little league soccer.

Even though Nic and Mercy hadn't planned to have any more children themselves, after having the twin boys for about three years, they found out they were expecting again. They were very shocked to find out that they would be welcoming triplets.

DD/DD/DS: Maisie Solange / Isadora Sylvie / Pierce Samson

Maisie, Dora and Pierce
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Dog: Coco
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Cat: Broccoli nn Broc
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#15 Beka


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 03:32 PM

LN: Ackerman

DH: Mikhail Mitchell
DW: Lydia Daisy
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Mikhail and Lydia met their freshman year in college. They clicked immediately and started dating. Mikhail is an only child, but Lydia has seven siblings. She always wanted a large family. After they had been dating for a year, Mikhail asked Lydia to marry him. She agreed and they were married four months later. They honeymooned in the Carribbean. They decided to try for a child right away. It took a few months, but the pregnancy test finally said yes. Nine monts later they welcomed Brodie Raphael into the world.

DS: Brodie Raphael
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Brodie is now 22 and in college to become a high school history teacher. He's going to ask his girlfriend, Caleigh, to marry him any day now.

When Brodie was a year old, Lydia wanted another baby, so they tried again. This time, they got pregnant immediately.

DS: Gregory Alastair
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Greg is 21 and very laid back. He enjoys surfing. He hasn't figured out what he wants to study.

After Greg, Mikhail and Lydia decided to wait a few years for the next one. However, when Greg was just four months old, they attended a Christmas party, and Lydia became pregnant again. This time, they were blessed with twin girls:

DD/DD: Anastasia Rachael/Gabriella Savannah (20)
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Anya and Ella are very active. They attend the same college. Anya wants to be a fashion designer. Ella wants to be a kindergarten teacher.

A few months after the twins were born, Lydia's best friend died in a car accident, leaving behind her six month old son. Lydia and Mikhail gladly adopted the orphaned boy.

adopted DS: Jack Forrest (20)
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Jack is very happy. He recently married the love of his life, Katie, and they just found out that she's pregnant.

#16 Beka


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 03:39 PM

When Jack and the twins were three, Lydia decided she wanted just one more to complete her family. She ended up with three.

DS/DS/DS: Archer Phineas/Colton Josiah/Patrick Isaiah (17)
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Patrick is into acting. He is currently playing Tybalt.
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Colton is somewhat shy. He is active in student council and various other activities.
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Archer has the air of a bad boy. He is very much a ladies' man, but he's a softy on the inside.

Dog: Cabella
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Cat: Cheetoe
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#17 Katie-Nana


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Posted 16 November 2009 - 02:11 PM

LN: Febbraro

DH: Tomas Miguel (48)
DW: Remember Iris "Remy" (45)

Tomas and Remy met through a mutual friend when they were both living in Mexico. Remy was a graduate student from Texas working on her masters in archeaology and Tomas had recently moved to Mexico City to begin work on a housing complex for low income families as pro bono work for his construction company. Tomas' parents were originally from Mexico City and he still had some family living in there. His cousin was also in the Master's program with Remy and introduced them. Tomas liked Remy right away, she was strong and independent and beautiful. Though they were both busy they didn't know many people in Mexico and spent most of their free time together. Tomas was travelling a lot between Mexico City and Houston where his company was based and as the housing complex progressed he spent less and less time in Mexico and he missed Remy a lot. When Remy finished up her semester in Mexico she moved back to the Indian Reservation in Texas where she was from. After three months of not seeing one another they realized how much they ment to one another. Tomas tracked her down and asked her to marry him. Not long after they were married they found they were expecting thier first child.

DS: James Oliver (21)

James was named for Remy's father. James has always been a very bright and serious child, he loved spending his summers on the reservation with his grandparents. He is a currently a junior at the University of Texas studying Botany.

DS: Raphael Augustine "Raph" (19)

Raph has always been a happy and active boy and the apple of his mother's eye. He graduates from high school in the spring and will go to the University of Oklahoma on a swimming scholarship. After Raph was born Remy earned her doctorate and got a teaching position at Rice Unversity in Houston where she still teaches today.

DD/DD: Estella Charlotte "Estie" / Elianna Camille "Elle" (16)

When the boys were five and three, Remy gave birth to twin girls. Estie and Elle are two happy-go-lucky teenagers when not suffering from boy drama. Estie is very much into acting and has been the lead in several school plays as well as acting in a small local theatre in Houston. Elle is a bit more shy and prefers her piano and, like James, enjoys visiting her grandparents at the reservation.

DD/DS: Leonora Cheyenne "Nora" / Arno Linden (11) [Adopted from Mexico]
http://www.veer.com/...video-game-with - Nora
http://www.veer.com/...cts/PHP3046745_ - Arno

While doing pro bono work in Mexico, Tomas built a new orphanage for the orphans of Mexico City. There he met almost a hundred children who reminded him of his own small children back home and couldn't imagine his own children without parents. He discussed it with Remy and they decided that they would try to adopt and provide a home to a few of the orphans. They met three year old twins Nora and Arno and new that they would fit right in with their happy family. The twins are now eleven, Arno idols his older brothers and Nora loves being a big sister.

DD/DD: Undine Inez / Sidda Fernanda (6 1/2)

Only a few short months after bringing the twins home from Mexico, Remy found out she was preganant and at her first scan, she found out she again was having twins. Sidda and Undine, being the babies of such a large family, are very spoiled. Estie and Elle love their "mini-mes." Undine, like Estie, is very outgoing. While Sidda is more like Elle. Both take to the water like their older brother Raph and spend an inordinate amount of time at the pool. Their best friend would have to be Nora, who they share a room with, and the three are near unseperable.

Fish: Carrot Juice

Dog: Taco

#18 Gwyneth


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Posted 19 November 2009 - 06:37 AM

Last name: Klein

DW Susanna Rose
DH Tomas Matthew

DD Phoebe Rochelle
DS Oliver Barnaby
DD/DD Allegra Noelle, Liliana Cadence
DD/DS Ellen Raleigh, Leo Forrest
DS/DS/DS Asher Samson, Preston Levi, Sawyer Gideon

Dog: Coco
Cat: Kippers (a type of fish)

#19 Abybavy


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Posted 19 November 2009 - 12:15 PM

*I was going to add pictures, but could not figure out how* (If anyone could tell me how to do that for next time that would be great)

Last Name: Pontiere

DW: Charity Rose Pontiere 38
DH: Lorenzo Matthew Pontiere 42

First Birth: Son
Landon Xavier Pontiere 19

Second Birth: Daughter
Hope Alexa Pontiere 17

Third Birth: Twin Daughters
Gabriella Raelin Pontiere 14 (Gabby)
Kristiana Faith Pontiere 14 (Kristi)

Fourth Birth: Son
Tyler Linden Pontiere 10

Fifth Birth: Twin Daughters
Alia Giana Pontiere 5
Briana Leila Pontiere 5

Pet 1: Cat (Male)

Pet 2: Cat (Female)

#20 glitchinggecko


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Posted 23 November 2009 - 10:37 AM

PART 1/3 - The Beginning, The Marriage and The 3 Kids

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Lydia and Nicolai Klein met when his family moved over from Russia into the house next door when he was 12. They struck up an immediate friendship, dated through school, got engaged at university, and married in Moscow at 22. On there 30th Wedding anniversary, they got out their photo album, to reminisce about their lives so far.


2 years after they had gotten married, they decided to start a family, and almost immediately, Lydia conceived. 9 months later, their first daughter Diana Rose was born!

She was a very studious girl, and loved laying in front of the fire doing her homework.


3 years later, Lydia and Nicolai decided to add to their family, and had sons Gregory Lewis and Jakov Owen only 10 months apart! Gregory was named after Lydia's father, while Jakov was after Nicolai's.

Gregory was very messy, and just loved colouring and drawing, although sometimes even on the walls!

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He soon grew out of it though, and was often found playing basketball in the garden with his slightly younger brother Jakov, who was a natural athlete.

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