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New Congrats Game! R.10

Round 10

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#21 AmyB


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Posted 03 November 2013 - 03:26 PM

It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! So and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to try IVF in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we become pregnant with a baby boy. He is named Zane Douglas Moore. Also, in a few months, Dexter is marrying his fiance Amelia and we will be travelling to Italy for the wedding.



{51} Maria Audrey + Leo Sayer {53}

{35} Ivy Seraphina

+ {36} Zach w/ {13} Levi Aidyn, {9} Annabel Jade, {0} Zane Douglas

{26} Dexter James

{20} Jackson Louie

{16} William Hugo / Alice Ruby

{14} Briar Hope

#22 Therandombanana


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Posted 03 November 2013 - 03:41 PM

Round 8 (Claudia's POV)

Elise Gardenia Murphy (31)
Adam Pascoe Murphy (32)
Bella Laila Jones (16)
Lilly Delta Jones-Murphy (1)
Claudia Angelica Jones (16)
Meriall Scarlett Jones-Murphy (13)
Riley Jack Jones-Murphy (8)
Felix Blake Murphy (3)
Henrietta Diamond Murphy (3)
Gardenia Verity Murphy (2)

I'm Claudia Angelica Jones but you can call me Claudie! I am 16 years old and I was born in Sheffield, England but now I live in New York. I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am one of the oldest children of the Murphy family, and I live here with my mother, Elise, my step-father Adam, my twin sister, Bella, her daughter/my niece, Lilly, and my other siblings, Meriall (the bisexual one), Riley (the bad one), Felix (the cute one), Henrietta (the funny one), and Gardenia (the youngest one).

My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a fast food chain and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love algebra/math class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a boyfriend, his name is Kaden Tiger Stewart and he is in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because Babs (Gardenia, we call her that because its short for Baby since shes the youngest sibling) had an allergic reaction and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.

Round 9

Elise Gardenia Murphy (33)
Adam Pascoe Murphy (34)
Bella Laila Jones (18)
Lilly Delta Jones-Murphy (3)
Claudia Angelica Jones (18)
Meriall Scarlett Jones-Murphy (15)
Riley Jack Jones-Murphy (10)
Felix Blake Murphy (5)
Henrietta Diamond Murphy (5)
Gardenia Verity Murphy (4)

It's been two years and now that I am 18, I can begin looking for my own place with my boyfriend! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little 2 BR House just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kaden and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide yes.

After just a few months of trying we find out I am pregnant! Thankfully the pregnancy goes smoothly and soon enough we have a beautiful baby girl called Alexia Cherry Stewart. She has black hair and green eyes, like me.

Round 10

Elise Gardenia Murphy (41)
Adam Pascoe Murphy (42)
Bella Laila Jones (26)
Lilly Delta Jones-Murphy (11)
Claudia Angelica Stewart (26)
Alexia Cherry Stewart (8)
Emily Celestia Stewart (nb)
Isabella Trixie Stewart (nb)
Meriall Scarlett Jones-Murphy (25)
Riley Jack Jones-Murphy (18)
Felix Blake Murphy (13)
Henrietta Diamond Murphy (13)
Gardenia Verity Murphy (12) "Babs"

It's been 8 years and our little one has grown up so fast! Kaden and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to use IVF in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to conceive cute little G/G twins, called Emily Celestia and Isabella Trixie Stewart. They have brown hair and blue eyes.

#23 Acantha


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Posted 03 November 2013 - 03:51 PM

t's been 8 years and our little one has grown up so fast! Keaton and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to use surrogacy in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to have twins! Their names are Vincent Montgomery and Georgiana Elspeth. Vincent has wavy red hair and brown eyes, while Ana has curly brown hair and green eyes.



[31] Keaton Raul (straight red/brown)

[31] Amelia Evangeline (curly black/green)

[8] Rupert Chareston (wavy black/green)

[0] Vincent Montgomery (wavy red/brown)

[0] Georgiana Elspeth (curly brown/green)



[50] Jacobe Dexter (straight blond/green)

[45] Elisa Violet (wavy red/blue)

[31] Bianca Seraphina (curly black/green)--Strong, motivated and funny

[31] Amelia Evangeline (curly black/green)--Stoic, intellectual and cynical

[26] Junia Crisanta (wavy red/blue)--Honest, trustworthy and courageous

[21] Sullivan Wylie (straight strawberry blond/blue)--Quiet, intellegent loner

[16] Catharina Jade (wavy red/green)

[16] Henrietta Pearl (curly blond/blue)

[14] Linnea Honor (straight auburn/blue)


Jacobe & Elise Chandler with: Bianca, Amelia, Junia, Sully, Rina, Etta & Linnie




My name is Elisa Violet Redmond , I am 18 and I live in Canada. I have wavy red hair and green eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, I did something very irresponsible. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace, a library. Soon after I gave birth to twin girls named Bianca Seraphina and Amelia Evangeline. Now they are three years old and doing well. They have curly black hair and green eyes.


It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Amelia & Bianca were born. It's beautiful farm house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Cambri Lynn Baker, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the babies and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a black and white cocktail dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Simon Kenelm Fitzgerald. He has curly brown hair and blue eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the children are asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He denies it and blocks my number.

Later that year I give birth again, this time to a baby girl. The baby is sick with breathing difficulties and must stay in the hospital until they are stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. She has wavy red hair and blue eyes. Her name is Junia Crisanta Redmond.


It's been 5 years since I had my last child, and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that 3 children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.


My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother considering what it did for me the last time but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Jacobe Dexter Chandler and he has straight blond hair and green eyes. He seemed like a nice guy but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well though and eventually ended up back at his house since Cambri was watching the children.

At the end of the date he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed and soon enough we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when Bianca pointed out that I had gained weight did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He wanted a DNA test, but then supported me.

6 months later I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. My other children are all very excited about the new baby. The baby has straight strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. His name is Sullivan Wylie.


It's been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Jacobe and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful chocolate flower ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful blue satin gown. Jacobe wanted a wisteria & peridot color theme and Amelia and Bianca wanted lilies for the flower arrangements! Girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a pretty bluebell chiffon. Sully had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Jacobe who picked a handsome stately grey suit. We all wanted the wedding to be a large affair at our house. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a traditional white cake.

Finally the day came and Jacobe and I were married! Jacobe looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Jacobe's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay. Jacobe even adopted Amelia, Bianca and Junia as his own.


It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Jacobe and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Jacobe he was nervous but excited and the children were mostly accepting but Junia wants a girl and Sully is a little jealous.

Soon enough our newest bundles of joy arrive! Healthy twins, two girls! They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten! Their names are Catharina Jade and Henrietta Pearl. Rina has wavy red hair and green eyes, while Etta has curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

It's as our newest baby is developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest addition is!


It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Jacobe and I did decide that six children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Jacobe and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during a blizzard I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Jacobe was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy baby girl! Despite the unconventional way our last little one arrived, we loved her and knew she would grow up to abide by their own rules. She has blonde hair and green eyes.

After Linnea Honor was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Jacobe and I were told that Sully was in an accident at school. He fell off the monkey bars and broke his arm!


It's been another year since I've had Linnie The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.

Our twins, Bianca and Amelia, are darlings. They've both been accepted into top universities and are never in trouble. Bianca wants to be writer, and Amelia wants to be a doctor. Unfortunately, Junia's grades are falling. She is getting bullied and is absolutely miserable at school. Sully has his normal ups and downs, but is generally a well-behaved child. Etta, Rina and Linnie get into lots of mischief. I can't turn my back for a minute!


With all of this happening at once, Jacobe and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are gone! Junia is much happier at her new school.


Hi, I'm Amelia! I am 19 years old and I was born in Vancouver, British Colombia but now I live in Montreal, Quebec. My parents moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a fast food chain and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! I just started attending university, which is great! I love French class. Right now I have a boyfriend, his name is Keaton Raul Jameson and he's in the same year as me so we see all the time! I had a serious scare the last week though because Sully was in an accident and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been three years and now that I have graduated, I can begin looking for my own place with Keaton! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little studio apartment just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Keaton and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby! After a lot of careful thought we decide to try! Within a year, I give birth a baby boy named Rupert Charleston! He has wavy black hair and green eyes.

#24 astrothief42


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:06 PM

My name is Hanna Eliana Campbell. I am 15, and I live in Russia. I have straightdark brown hair and blue eyes. On my fifteenth birthday, my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later, I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant, and when I wouldn't tell my mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became too obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job at a small cafe, and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after, I gave birth to a baby boy. I named him Embry Scout Campbell. He has straight, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is the spitting image of me. 


It's been two years, and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Embry was born. A beautiful Saltbox house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Marcia Mae West, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch Embry and the house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a Black and Fuchsia dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.


At the party, I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room, and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Anthony Rayner Brennan. He has straightblonde hair and hazel eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but Embry is asleep and he doesn't see him. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it, until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He flat out says he's only paying child support because it was court ordered


Later that year I give birth again, to another baby boy. I name him Roman Finn Campbell. The baby is sick with jaundice, and must stay in the hospital until he is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. He has straightblonde hair and blue eyes. He looks like a combination of his father and I.


It's been 5 years since I had my last son, and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that 2 children was enough for me, but fate seemed to have other plans for me.


My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother, considering what it did for me the last time, but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Jakob Maximilian Tanner, and he has dyed brown hair and brown contacts. He had curly, blonde hair and blue eyes. He seemed like a nice guy, but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well though, and eventually ended up back at his house since Marcia was watching the children.


At the end of the date, he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed, and soon enough ,we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when my oldest son pointed out that I had gained weight, did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies, and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He completely does the same thing as the last guy! He runs off like an idiot, and has to pay child support due to court orders. My little boys are completely supportive of me. I don't know what I would do without them.

6 months later, I gave birth to healthy baby boy twins. They are named Brady Eli and Carter Jack Campbell. My other sons are skeptical, but don't mind about the new babies. Brady has straightdark hair and blue eyes, and Carter has platinum blonde hair and green eyes (courtesy of my father, naturally). 


Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!


A year ago I caught a bit of good luck and met a man named Troy Richard Ellis at my place of work! We are a match made in Heaven, and he is the best thing to happen to me, aside from my children! We've been dating for a year, and last month he proposed with a beautiful Traditional Diamond ring set! The children adore him, and we can't wait to get married. It's been hectic trying to get what everyone wants into the wedding, and though it may end up being a little mismatched, I wouldn't want it any other way! It took me forever to finally pick my dress but I've finally settled on a beautiful Crazy Flames dress. Troy wanted a Purple Plum color theme and Brady & Carter wanted Daffodils for the flower arrangements!  The boys wanted the same set of Slately Gray suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a large affair at a small church. The children got to pick the cake and decided on a yummy Elegant Gray and White cake.


Finally the day came, and Troy and I were married! He looked so handsome, and the children were precious in their outfits! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles, but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! The children were excited about finally settling down with someone who they could call Dad! As the day wound down, we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our honeymoon in Hawaii!


It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing, and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities, and as they are growing, so is our family! Troy and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Troy, he was nervous, but excited. As for the kids, surprisingly, Embry was excited. Roman doesn't really care. He is his own person. Brady doesn't care either. The thing that shocked me the most was Carter's reaction. He ignored the topic entirely. 

Soon enough, our newest bundles of joy arrive! We have triplets!!! Two girls (finally!), and a boy. They are: Ariana JadeGabriel Hugo, and Sophie Gemma Ellis. Ariana , Gabriel, and Sophie have straight, dark brown hair and blue eyes. They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten! 

It's as our newest babies are developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different. It's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest additions are! Embry is worrisome, honest, and brilliant. Roman is honest, trusting, and courageous. Brady is worrisome, honest, and brilliant. And finally, Carter is aggressive, tough, and loud.


It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children, and I couldn't be happier! Troy and I did decide that children were enough though, and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Troy and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery, I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during a blizzard, I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Troy was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy baby boy. Despite the unconventional way our last little ones arrived, we loved him and knew he would grow up to abide by his own rules.

After River Justice Ellis was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Troy and I were told that Embry has ran away. We were distraught. We knew that Embry was upset, but we didn't know that it had escalated to the point where he would pack his things and leave. I have been crying for days, while Troy has been trying to comfort me and tell me that we will get Embry back. So many misfortunes have happened to me, that I honestly have lost hope. I just want my son back. He was my first.


It's been another year since I've had my last child. The children are still doing wonderfully, and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part, and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately, some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.

Embry came home a week after Troy and I called the police to report him missing. Apparently, he has assumed that Troy and I didn't care about him so he went over a friend's, where the two ditched school that whole week. Despite punishing Embry, he doesn't currently have any problems.

Ariana has been having a lot of fits. She doesn't want to listen to her father or I, and she beats up Gabe and Sophie.


Not much has been going on with the rest of them, though. They are all pretty quiet and keep to themselves.

With all of this happening at once, Troy and I have decided to move, and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down, and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Quebec, Canada. After the move, and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are.


Embry is improving, and recuperating from the mental breakdown he had a couple of weeks ago, when he ran away. He is even seeing a Therapist to help him work out his problems. He was diagnosed with GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), and has been taking pills for it.

Roman is improving too. But for him, improving can mean anything. He has always been a bubbly child.

Brady was quiet beforehand, but now things have changed. Not necessarily in a good way, though. He hasn't been paying attention in class, and Troy and I had to go to his school recently because he has dropped the F bomb on a couple of classmates. We don't know what is going on with him, but we think the move may have affected this.

Carter has also been improving. He's not as shy before, and has made quite a few friends in his class.

Ariana has not improved. She has actually gotten worse. She's only 2, but she managed to push Gabe down the steps nearly breaking his ankle. We now have child safety locks everywhere in the house.

Gabriel was doing good before, but not now. He is emotionally distressed and his father and I are deeply upset because his sister pushed him down the steps. Gabe has been crying a lot, and has been having to sleep with us, because of nightmares.

Sophie wasn't having any problems before, and the move actually affected her positively. She loves our new house and the new toys she has. She mainly ignores fellow triplets, Gabe and Ariana.

River hasn't had any problems. Like normal babies he cries for attention, but now he sleeps a lot and doesn't cry as much.


I'm Embry Scout Ellis,  but you can call me Em! I am 16 years old, and I was born in Russia, but now I live in Canada. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problem,s and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends, plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at the Wildlife Park, and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine, because I love Language Arts class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend. Her name is Kara Wren Parks, and she is in the same grade as me, so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare last week though because her house almost burned down, and I didn't know what I was going to do. I thought I was going to lose her. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am 18, I can begin looking for my own place with Kara! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice littleStudio Apartment just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in, Kara and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide no. We are not ready, and the apartment isn't big enough for a baby in the household.


Despite trying to prevent a pregnancy, Kara ends up pregnant, despite our best efforts. We are nervous, but will welcome the newest bundle of joy with love. The pregnancy isn't easy, as morning sickness and fatigue are trying their best to keep Kara down for the count, but when we first see our new triplets, none of it mattered! We have two boys and a girl! They are named, Remington EverestRocco Bronx, and Addison Hazel Ellis. Remington has straight, black hair and green eyes, Rocco has straight, platinum blonde hair and green eyes, and Addy has straight, red hair and brown eyes.


It's been 8 years, and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kara and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby, but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to do IVF in order to have more children.


It take a few months but eventually we are successful, and on Valentine's Day our beautiful baby girls were born! They are good babies. They sleep through the night and cry very little. Remi, Rocco, and Addison adore them to death, and we're ecstatic to have 2 new babies in the house to play with and cuddle! The girls are named, Charlotte Caia and Emma Lake Ellis. Charlotte has straight, auburn hair and blue eyes and Emma has straight, dark brown hair and blue eyes.


Kara and I












Charlie & Emma



The Ellis Family


DB: Embry Scout {26}

DG: Kara Wren {26}


DS/DS/DD: Remington Everest/Rocco Bronx/Addison Hazel {8}

DD/DD: Charlotte Caia/Emma Lake {nb}


#25 Puppylover12397


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 07:27 PM

My name is Malia Wisteria Redmond. I am Eighteen Years Old and I live in Nice, France. I have Brown Hair and Blue Eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job, at A Vet Clinic, and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after I gave birth to a Baby Boy, Lucian Flint Redmond. Now, he is Two Years Old and doing well. He has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.

It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Lucian was born. A beautiful Saltbox Home in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Patricia Rose Kitts, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch Lucian and the house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a Pastel Yellow Dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Stephen Wystan Rafferty. He has
Black Hair and Green Eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but Lucian is asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. Stephen asks for a DNA test and it comes out the baby is his. He says he'll support me and even though he isn't sure about us dating, but he wants to be their for his child both physically and fiscally.

Later that year I give birth again, this time to I have A Baby Boy, Stellan Grant Rafferty-Redmond
. Stellan is sick though, he's having a negative reaction to milk, and must stay in the hospital until he is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. Stellan is a a mini me and has Brown Hair and Blue Eyes.


It's been 5 years since I had my last child and life has been good to us, Stephen and I have started seeing each other and are going strong for three years now. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that Two children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

Stephen and I weren't as careful as we thought we'd been and a month after my birthday I was told I was pregnant by my doctor! When I broke the news to Stephen, he was happy. Then I was told that it was going to be a high risk pregnancy due to stress on the heart. I was to be on permanent bed rest until I gave birth and with  two children that near impossible! While I was pregnant Stephen was also given a promotion, but had to work a lot more hours, making keeping up with the children and their messes even more difficult.

In the middle of my pregnancy, Lucian was sent home from school early for fighting. The stress of dealing with the incident by my self cause even more complications and I had to rushed to the hospital to prevent further damage. Lucian felt awful after that and from then on, was the best little helper for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Finally, despite the complications, I give birth to  a set of healthy Twin Boys by C-Section. Stephen and I named them Jackson Boone Rafferty-Redmond and Hunter Wiley  Rafferty-Redmond. When the children are brought in to see the babies their reactions were mixed. Lucian doesn't seemed bothered or to mind much and Stellan is very excited to have two new brothers as he wanted the babies to be boys. Jackson has Platinum Blonde Hair and Green Eyes and Hunter has Black Hair and Green Eyes.


Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!


Stephen and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful Pink Drop ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful Flame Dress. Stephen wanted a Cherry Blossom and White color theme and Lucian wanted Wildflowers for the flower arrangements! The boys had little trouble, giving all responsibility to Lucian who picked a handsome set of  Beige Suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a Large affair in A Forest. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a Fancy Chocolate Wedding Cake.

Finally the day came and Stephen and I were married! Stephen looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Stephen's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Japan! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.


It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Stephen and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby! When I first told Stephen he was nervous, but excited and the children were mixed. Lucian once more seems ambivalent about it - which worries me a little -, Stellan also isn't floored by it, though less so then Lucian, Jackson and Hunter both want the baby to be a boy.

Soon enough our newest bundle of joy arrive! A healthy Baby Girl! Stephen and I named her Ariana Jade Rafferty. Ariana is a mix of us both, she has Brown Hair and Green Eyes. She is welcomed home with open arms and is spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest baby is developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest addition is!


Lucian is Open-Minded, Laidback and Kind.

Stellan is Worrisome, Honest and Brilliant

Jackson is Quiet, Intelligent and a Loner

Hunter is Neat, Decisive and a Perfectionist


I cannot wait to see how Ariana turns out as she grows up.


It's been a year since I gave birth to Ariana and I couldn't be happier! Stephen  and I did decide that  five children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Stephen and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during an Airplane Ride, I went into labor! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Stephen was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy Baby Boy. Stephen and I named him Reed Justice Rafferty. He has Platinum Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. Once again this does not surprise me as both my brother, all my paternal cousins and my father have platinum blonde hair. Despite the unconventional way our last little one arrived, we loved him and knew they would grow up to abide by their own rules.

After Reed was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Stephen and I were told that Lucian had gotten someone pregnant! I'm completely stunned as I didn't even know that Lucian had started dating anyone let alone having sex.


It's been another year since I've had Reed. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.

Lucian is having issues with dealing with being a single dad especially as he has twin daughters who are seven months old, Juliette Cordelia Redmond and Ivy Lucerne Redmond.  Both girls have Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes. The girls' mother is not in the picture, she signed over custody of them and while Lucian is a good father, he still has a bit of a party streak and because of that he's gotten another girl pregnant from a one night stand. I can't believe that at only sixteen my son is going to be a father to at least three kids, I never wanted this for Lucian, and I can only pray things will get better for him and he'll stop being so careless, especially as his newest baby mama doesn't seem so into being a mother.


Ariana has been making everything a lot more difficult, it seems she's finally hit the terrible two stage and she's hit it very, very hard. She doesn't like the babies and is constantly ruining their toys. She's just out of control and no matter how often we put her in time out or take away her toys she won't settle down and stop misbehaving, frankly both myself and Stephen are at our wits end trying to figure out how to deal with how Ariana is acting.



 Stellan, Jackson, Hunter and Reed ave thankfully been perfect little angels and not causing any trouble, all of them are sleeping through the night behaving and being good which is such a godsend considering how out of hand their older sister all are acting and with a new baby in the house. I can only hope they keep all of that up so Stephen and I don't get even more stressed. I don't think we can handle anymore.


With all of this happening at once, Stephen and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Quebec, Canada. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are mixed. Lucian has gotten better and Ariana has improved.

5 months after the move Lucian's baby mama gives birth to a healthy set of Fraternal Boy/Girl Twins. I'm astounded two sets of twins! The baby mama wants no part in raising the twins and Lucian names them himself, Olive Jordan Redmond and Hudson Kain Redmond. Olive has Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes and Hudson has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. While we weren't expecting grandchildren so early, we love the newest addition to the family, especially since they share my birthday!


Lucian now being the father of ofur kids under the age of two years old has realized what a mess he's made of his life in a sense and is getting more on target with everything, he's working hard in school, no longer partying and his number one focus right now are his kids. He'd joined a local support group for single teen parents and although he's the only guy there he's made strides to being a better that and made good friends. I think he's really turning his life around.


Ariana has gotten somewhat better, I think she's realized it is not okay to destroy things and not to mention with the move, Lucian and the babies aren't in our house anymore, they're living in the guest house on the property close by. It gives him more space and makes it work for him though we're there to help him.


I'm Lucian Redmond but you can call me Luc! I am eighteen years old and I was born in France but now I live in Canada. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at Coffee Shop and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love Science class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a Girlfriend, her name is Kora Rosamund Elah and their in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because I was driving with my kids in the car and ended up in a rough looking neighborhood and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.

It's been two years and now that I am twenty, I can begin looking for my own place with Kora and the kids! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the almost perfect place! A nice little 2 bedroom house just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kora and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have another baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide we're unsure.


Despite trying to prevent a pregnancy, Kora ends up pregnant despite our best efforts. We are nervous but will welcome the newest bundle of joy with love. The pregnancy isn't easy, as morning sickness and fatigue are trying their best to keep Kora down for the count but when we first see our new Baby Boy, Rowan Caspian Redmond-Elah, none of it mattered! Rowan has Orangish-Red Hair and Glasz Eyes. My parents are a little upset, and to be honest our little house is way too cramped and we're looking to move  again to someplace bigger.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! So and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to IVF in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to conceive a cute little Baby Girl. It take a few months but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day our beautiful baby girl was born! She is a good baby and sleeps through the night and cries very little. Juliette, Ivy, Olive, Hudson and Rowan adore her to death and was ecstatic to have a new baby in the house to play with and cuddle! We named her Lydia Tansy Redmond. She has Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes.



The Redmond/Rafferty Family


DW: Malia Wisteria Redmond-Rafferty [45] (Brown Hair and Blue Eyes)

DH: Stephen Wystan Rafferty [47] (Black Hair and Green Eyes)


DS1: Lucian Flint Redmond [29] (Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes)

DS2: Stellan Grant Rafferty [25] (Brown Hair and Blue Eyes)

DS3: Jackson Boone Rafferty [20] (Platinum Blonde Hair and Green Eyes)

DS4: Hunter Wiley Rafferty [20] (Black Hair and Green Eyes)

DD1: Ariana Jade Rafferty [15] (Brown Hair and Green Eyes)

DS5: Reed Justice Rafferty [14] (Platinum Blonde Hair and Green Eyes)


Malia Redmond-Rafferty and Stephen Rafferty; with Lucian, Stellan, Jackson, Hunter, Ariana and Reed




The Redmond Family


DH: Lucian Flint Redmond [29] (Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes)

DW: Kora Rosamund Redmond (nee Elah) [29] (Red Hair and Brown Eyes)


DD1: Juliette Cordelia Redmond [13] (Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes)

DD2: Ivy Lucerne Redmond [13] (Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes)

DD3: Olive Jordan Redmond [12] (Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes)

DS1: Hudson Kain Redmond [12] (Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes)

DS2: Rowan Caspian Redmond [8] (Orangish-Red Hair and Glasz Eyes)

DD4: Lydia Tansy Redmond [0] (Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes)


Lucien and Kora Redmond; with Juliette, Ivy, Olive, Hudson, Rowan and Lydia

#26 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 03:03 PM

I'm Bella Evangeline Jones but you can call me Bella! I am eighteen years old and I was born in Toronto but now I live in Quebec. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a wildlife park and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love Spanish class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a boyfriend, his name is Kaden Lionel White and he's in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because I thought I was pregnant and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am twenty, I can begin looking for my own place with Kaden and Carter! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little 2 bedroom apartment just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kaden and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have another baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide not to prevent for now, as we are unsure about bringing another baby home.


Despite trying to prevent a pregnancy, I end up pregnant. We are nervous but will welcome the newest bundle of joy with love. The pregnancy wasn't easy, as morning sickness and fatigue tried their best to keep medown for the count but when we first saw our new baby girls, none of it mattered! We named them Aerin Violet and Alice Rose. They are identical twins, and have both inherited my red hair and brown eyes.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kaden and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to do IVF in order to have more children. It take a few months but eventually we are successful, and on Valentines Day our beautiful baby boys, Madden Cooper and Rocco Hendrix, were born! Madden has Kaden's platinum blonde hair and my mother's green eyes, and Rocco has my mother's black hair and green eyes. They are good babies, they sleep through the night and cry very little. Carter, Aerin, and Alice adore them to death and were ecstatic to have two new babies in the house to play with and cuddle!




My mother: Catherine Priscilla Magee (43)

My step-dad: John Pascoe Magee (44)

Me: Bella Evangeline White (28)

My husband: Kaden Lionel White (28)

My son: Carter Link Jones (11)

- Our girl twins: Aerin Violet White & Alice Rose White (8)

- Our boy twins: Madden Cooper White & Rocco Hendrix White (0)

My sisters: Flavia Scarlett Magee & Silvia Laurel Magee (23)

My sister: Elsa Carmen Magee (18)

My brother: John 'Whit' Whitman Magee (13)

My brother and sister: Wolf Concord Magee & Fern Modesty Magee (12)


Catherine and John Magee with Bella, Flavia, Silvia, Elsa, Whit, Wolf, and Fern

Bella and Kaden White with Carter, Aerin, Alice, Madden, and Rocco

#27 RoseByAnyOtherName


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 04:44 PM

It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kel and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to adopt in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to adopt a cute little girl. She has red hair and brown eyes.


She is a newborn and has had quite the rough life already due to being the result of an assault. The caregivers warned us that she could be a problem child but we didn't care, we knew from the moment we saw her that she was meant for our family.



DW: Caterina Audrey Sheridan (46 - brown hair, green eyes) "Cate"

DH: Michael Hero Sheridan (47 - dark blond hair, hazel eyes) "Mike"

DD: Jade Seraphina Zinman (32 - blonde hair, green eyes) "Jay"

  DBF: Kellan Arthur Zinman (32 - brown hair, green eyes) "Kel"

  DD: Serena Cascade Zinman (11 - brown hair, brown eyes) "Sera"

  DD/DD: Arabesque Ebony Zinman / Alexandra Ivory Zinman (8 - blonde hair, brown eyes) "Bessie & Lexi"

  ADD: Charlotte Vita Zinman (NB - red hair, brown eyes) "Charlie"

DD: Mila Scarlett Sheridan (25 - blonde hair, hazel eyes) "Milly"

DD: Ruby Giovanna Sheridan (18 - brown hair, hazel eyes) "Rue"

DD: Emma Goldie Sheridan (14 - blonde hair, green eyes) "Emmy"

DS: Cole Justice Sheridan (12 - brown hair, green eyes) "CJ"

#28 thenamer007


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 01:36 PM

It's been 8 years and our little one has grown up so fast! Kyler and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to do IVF in order to have more children. It takes a few months but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day our beautiful babies were born! They are good babies, they sleep through the night and cry very little. Rafael adores them to death and was ecstatic to have new babes in the house to play with and cuddle! They're identical triplets we named Austin Garner, Charlie Dean and Maxwell Keaton.



Austin, Charlie and Maxwell

#29 littlerhody95


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 12:56 AM

I'm Richard Harrison, but you can call me Rich! I am twenty-one years old and I was born in Canada but now I live in Paris, France. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a coffee shop and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love science class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend, her name is Kinsley Pippa O’Malley and their in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! We also have a daughter together, Pippa Rain. I had a serious scare the last week though because Kinsley’s house almost burnt down and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am twenty-two, I can begin looking for my own place with Kinsley and Pippa! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little two bedroom trailer just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in, Kinsley and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have another baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide to NTNP.


After a little while of not really being careful one way or the other, We discovered that a baby would soon be joining the household! The pregnancy was pretty uneventful as far as sickness or surprises and within the year, we had new twin girls, Lexus Scarlet and Mercedes Mauve, to welcome home! They have auburn hair and blue eyes.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kinsley and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to foster children in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to foster a cute little twin boys. They have auburn hair and blue eyes. They are newborns and have had quite the rough life already due to being orphans. The caregivers warned us that they could be problem children but we didn't care, we knew from the moment we saw them that they were meant for our family.

#30 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 08:42 PM

Guten Tag! My name is Marcus Jet Bauer, and I'm the oldest child in a family of ten! I am 19 years old and I was born in Koln, Deutschland (that Cologne, Germany) but now I live in Rochester, New York. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at the local swimming pool and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school at community college, which is fine because I love Spanish class and I get to go everyday. I can speak three languages: German, English, and now Spanish! Right now I have a girlfriend, her name is Kiera Robin Danvers and she's in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because my youngest sister Lia had a serious allergic reaction to an antibiotic, and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.




It's been two years and now that I am 21, I can begin looking for my own place with Kiera! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little 2 bedroom house just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kiera and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house After a lot of careful thought we decide that we both want a baby. After just a few months of trying we find out that Keira is pregnant! Thankfully the pregnancy goes smoothly and soon enough we have a beautiful boy/girl twins, just like me and my twin sister Claudia! We name them Roderick Caspian Bauer and Audrey Rose Bauer.




It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kiera and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to try IVF in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to conceive a cute little boy.It took a few months but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day our beautiful baby boy was born! We named him Axel Lennon Bauer. Axel is a good baby, he sleeps through the night and cries very little. Roderick and Audrey adore him to death and were ecstatic to have new baby in the house to play with and cuddle.

Marcus and Kiera



Roderick [8]



Audrey [8]



Axel [nb]



DW: Alexandria Helen Maguire (nee Bauer) "Lexi" [42]

DH: Frederick Thurstan Maguire [43]


DS: Marcus Jet Bauer [29]

---DW: Kiera Robin Bauer (nee Danvers) [29]

DD: Claudia Evangeline Bauer [29]

DS: Atticus Wolf Maguire [23]

DD: Flavia Rowan Maguire [23]

DS: Dylan Jack Maguire [18]

DS: Alexander Byron Maguire "Alex" [13]

DD: Anastasia Ruby Maguire "Anya" [13]

DD: Magnolia Grace Maguire "Maggie" [12]

DS: Peregrine Justice Maguire "Perry" [12]

DD: Dahlia Faith Maguire "Lia" [12]


Lexi and Frederick Maguire

Marcus, Claudia, Atticus, Flavia, Dylan, Alex, Anya, Maggie, Perry, and Lia



DS: Marcus Jet Bauer [29]

DW: Kiera Robin Bauer (nee Danvers) [29]


DS: Roderick Caspian Bauer [8]

DD: Audrey Rose Bauer [8]

DS: Axel Lennon Bauer [nb]


Marcus and Kiera Bauer

Roderick, Audrey and Axel


#31 MalloryMae


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Posted 26 August 2019 - 08:22 PM

My name is Anneli Engracia Drummond, I am 16 and I live in Vancouver, CA. I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace, a general store. Soon after I gave birth to a baby girl, Ivy Angelique Drummond. Now she is one year old and doing well. She has red hair and hazel eyes.


It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Ivy was born. A beautiful house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Kara Danielle Locke, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the baby and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a navy blue dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Martin Anselm Malloy. He has brown hair and blue eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the Ivy is asleep and he doesn't see her. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He is completely nervous, but willing to try to be a parent.

Later that year I give birth again, this time to triplet babies, August Grant, Lucia Blair, and Valeria Aspen. Valeria is severely underweight though and must stay in the hospital until she is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. Gus has light blonde hair and hazel eyes, while Lucy and Arie are identical with dark brown hair and blue eyes.


It's been 5 years since I had my last children and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I had decided that four children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother considering what it did for me the last time, but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Diego Fox Drake and he has red hair and brown eyes. He seemed like a nice guy but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well though and eventually ended up back at his house since my friend Kara was watching the kids.

At the end of the date he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed and soon enough we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when my oldest child pointed out that I had gained weight did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He decides to start a more serious relationship with me.

6 months later I gave birth to two healthy baby girls, Alessia Carmen And Maren Bianca. Ivy & Gus are about the new babies, while Lucy doesn’t understand and Arie wanted a brother. The girls have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.


Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Diego and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful sapphire banded ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all that goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful modern white one. Diego wanted a cherry blossom and white color theme and Ivy wanted tulips for the flower arrangements! The girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on pretty bluebell chiffon ones. Gus had less trouble, he just picked a handsome light blue and white suit. We all wanted the wedding to be a fairly large affair at the beach. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a cute kiddie one.

Finally the day came and Diego and I were married! He looked so handsome and the kids were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Diego’s best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.


It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Diego and I just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Diego he was happy while Ivy and Gus didn’t care, Lucy and Maren were excited, Alessia immediately said that she wanted a boy, and Arie just ignored it.

Soon enough our newest bundles of joy arrive! A healthy boy- Philip Jarell and a healthy girl- Estelle Dove! They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest babies are developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slates" our newest additions are!

Ivy is at the tippity top of her class! She is doing so well in school right now. She is very studious and understands the importance of studying for tests and doing all of her homework. She is the best helper with the babies and her siblings. She is definitely preferred over our other babysitter. She has the kindest heart ever! She is so gentle and not violent about every little thing! I couldn’t see any other girl being my Ivy.

Gus is super optimistic and open-minded. Although his grades need a bit of work, he’s doing pretty well. Definitely isn’t one to stay up all night studying like his big sis, though. He does an amazing job of stress relieving and wants to be a therapist in his future. Another quality I just love about him is his overwhelming kindness he tries very hard to brighten people’s days and it shows.

Lucy is such a strong girl. She has had a few extremely painful situations, where she barely said a word. I always say she could get hit by a bus and walk on home. Lucy is in a hard place right now. She is having trouble understanding why people do things that hurt her and why they don’t do certain other things. Lucy is so loved.

Arie is a super organizer. She loves to clean, organize, and declutter. I wish I had her spirit about these things. Because of this, she is incredibly neat. She knows exactly where everything goes and if it’s in the wrong spot. She is a total perfectionist and always needs to redo her homework due to an ink splotch or an eraser smudge. My little cleaner.

Alessia can be a bit worrisome at times. She wants to be on time all the time, but with eight kids it’s hard. Alessandro is also very honest. She never hesitated to tell the truth even if she gets in trouble. Alessia is also very smart for her age. She is in Kindergarten, but she is at reading level 3 (3rd grade level). She can tell time as well and is ahead in vocabulary as well as reading and math. Alessia the smarty pants.

Maren is a quiet little gal. She has had trouble making friends at Kindergarten this year, especially as the girls as in separate classes. Maren only really talks to her teachers or gives answers. She is also very smart. She is at reading level 2 (second grade level) and can add and subtract four digits. We are very proud.


It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest child and I couldn't be happier! Diego and I did decide that eight children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Diego and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when on an ocean cruise I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Diego was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy baby boy, Forrest Justice Drake. Despite the unconventional way our last little one arrived, we loved him and knew he would grow up to abide by their own rules.

After Forrest was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Diego and I were told that my brother died. We were told that right before a kidney transplant the anesthesiologist accidentally injected fluid into his spinal cord. It was tragic. My brother and I had grown closer as we grew up to be adults and he was Diego’s best friend. We left PJ, Ellie, and Forrest with my friend Kara while we took Ivy, Gus, Lucy, Arie, Alessia, and Maren to his funeral. Each of us made a speech there. He will forever be remembered.


It's been another year since I've had my last child. The kids are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades!

We decide to move to Tokyo, Japan. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children still aren’t having a single problem.


Me: Anneli Engracia Drummond, dirty blonde hair & hazel eyes, 41
Dh: Diego Fox Drake, dark red hair & brown eyes, 47

Dd: Ivy Angelique Drummond, strawberry blonde hair & hazel eyes, 26
Ds/Dd/Dd: August Grant Malloy “Gus”, light blonde hair & hazel eyes; Lucia Blair Malloy “Lucy”, and Valeria Aspen Malloy “Arie”, dark brown hair & blue eyes; 23
Dd/Dd: Alessia Carmen and Maren Bianca Drake, strawberry blonde hair & blue eyes, 18
Ds/Dd: Philip Jarell Drake “PJ”, light brown hair & blue eyes; and Estelle Dove “Ellie”, light blonde hair & blue-green eyes; 13
Ds: Forrest Justice Drake, strawberry blonde hair & brown eyes, 12


I'm Ivy Angelique Drummond but you can call me Ivy! I am 16 years old and I was born in Vancouver, CA but now I live in Tokyo, JP. My mother and step-father moved us here last year and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at McDonald’s and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love PE class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a boyfriend, his name is Kaiden Aslan Porte and he's in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because I missed my period and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am 18, I can begin looking for my own place with Kaiden! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little one-bedroom apartment just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kaiden and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we are unsure.

Despite trying to prevent a pregnancy, I end up pregnant despite our best efforts. We are nervous but will welcome the newest bundle of joy with love. The pregnancy isn't easy, as morning sickness and fatigue are trying their best to keep me down for the count but when we first meet our new baby boy, none of it mattered! We named him Reese Oslo Porte.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kaiden and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to foster kids in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to foster a cute little girl. Her name is Anna Evolette. She has black hair and green eyes.

She is seven years old and have had quite the rough life already due to being the result of an assault. The caregivers warned us that she could be a problem child but we didn't care, we knew from the moment we saw her that she was meant for our family.


Me: Ivy Angelique Drummond, strawberry blonde hair & hazel eyes, 26
Dh: Kaiden Aslan Porte, light blonde hair & hazel eyes, 26

Ds: Reese Oslo Porte, light blonde hair & hazel eyes, 8
Dfd: Anna Evolette Porte, black hair & green eyes, 7

#32 astrothief42


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  • Interests:Baby Names, DIY, Grand Theft Auto, Harry Potter, Hawaii Five-0, Kingdom Hearts, Music, The Sims, Writing

Posted 28 October 2019 - 07:28 PM

My name is Catriona Eliana Harper, I am 16 and I live in France. I have red wavy hair and brown eyes. On my fifteenth birthday, my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job at a general store and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after I gave birth to twin boys, named Lucian Dagger and Falcon Arrow Harper. Now they are 1 year old and doing well. Lucian has red straight hair and brown eyes and Falcon has red wavy hair and brown eyes.
It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Lucian and Falcon were born. A beautiful saltbox house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Christina Nicole Roster, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the babies and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a pastel yellow dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party, I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Simon Rayner O'Neil. He has curly red hair and brown eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the boys are asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He wants a DNA test, then supports me.

Later that year, I give birth again, this time to triplet girls, named Valentina EveAurelia Blair, and Florentina Olive O'Neil. The babies are sick (severely underweight) though, and must stay in the hospital until they are stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. Val has curly brown hair and blue eyes, Ari has wavy red hair and brown eyes, and Flora has curly black hair and green eyes.
It's been 5 years since I had my last children and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that 5 children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother considering what it did for me the last time, but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Jacques Felix Chandler and he has straight brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed like a nice guy but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well, though, and eventually ended up back at his house since Christina was watching the children.

At the end of the date, he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed and soon enough we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when my oldest child pointed out that I had gained weight, did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I was pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He starts a more serious relationship with me.

6 months later I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Haisley Juliette Chandler. Lu wanted a boy, Fal didn't mind, Val was jealous, Ari didn't care, and Flora was excited. The baby has straight red hair and brown eyes.
Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Jac and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful sapphire band ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful red waves dress. Jac wanted a orange and cerulean color theme and Luc and Fal wanted lillies for the flower arrangements! The girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on pretty white ruffles dresses. The boys had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Luc who picked a handsome set of pure angel white suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a small affair at our house. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a fancy chocolate cake.

Finally the day came and Jac and I were married! Jac looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Jac's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close, we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.
It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Jac and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Jac he was unsure and the children had mixed reactions. Luc and Fal were jealous, Val was excited, Ari didn't mind, and Flora and Haisley wanted a girl.

Soon enough our newest bundles of joy arrive! Two healthy boys and one healthy girl! They are named Magnus ChaucerVincent Tennyson, and Anastasia Silver Chandler.  Magnus has straight blonde hair and hazel eyes, Vince has wavy blonde hair and hazel eyes, and Ana has orangish-red hair and glasz eyes. They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest babies are developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slates" our newest additions are!
Luc is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. He enjoys reading and programming.
Fal is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. He enjoys reading, writing, and programming. 
Luc and Fal are one of a kind in almost every way. Someday they may start their own business.
Val is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. She can be seen writing and drawing in her own spare time. She expresses an interest in being an artist.
Ari is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. She loves math and anything to do with numbers. She also has taken an interest in astronomy.
Flora is studious, kind, and gentle. She loves school and anything to do with history. She is a very sweet girl and can be seen helping other students in her class.
Haisley is studious, kind, and gentle. Although she's only in kindergarten, she has shown an interest in school and seems to enjoy learning. She loves playing with her classmates, and she's overall very generous.

It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Jac and I did decide that children were enough, though, and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Jac and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery, I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during a camping trip, I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Jac was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy set of triplets! Two girls and a boy. They are named Dalia LoveLark Spirit, and Hawk Valiant Chandler. Despite the unconventional way our last little ones arrived, we loved them and knew they would grow up to abide by their own rules.

After Dalia, Lark and Hawk were born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Jac and I were told that Fal has run away




It's been another year since I've had my last children. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.

Luc's grades are failing. With Fal briefly running away last year, it has caused him some emotional distress and anxiety. 

Fal was only gone for a couple days last year, and ever since then he seems to be fine. Ironically, his twin is the one that is having problems now.

Val is doing alright for herself and there are no issues.

Ari and Flora are also doing fine.

Haisley is a bit chipper and is also doing great.

Magnus is doing well. He's a spunky little guy. 

Vince has a bit of an attitude problem and likes to stomp his feet.

Ana is doing well. She's a quiet little girl.

Dalia, Lark and Hawk are all doing well. 

With all of this happening at once, Jac and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Quebec, Canada. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are mixed. 


Luc is not doing any better. His grades are still failing. We will have to get him into therapy. 

Vincent is doing great. He is not having any more attitude problems.




I'm Lucian but you can call me Luc! I am 16 years old and I was born in France but now I live in Canada. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends, plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a grocery store and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love Language class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend. Her name is Keira Everly Bell and she's in the same grade as me, so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because we had a pregnancy scare and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.




It's been two years and now that I am 18, I can begin looking for my own place with Keira! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little two bedroom house just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in, Keira and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house). After a lot of careful thought we decide we're not trying, not preventing.


 After a little while of not really being careful one way or the other, Keira discovered that a baby would soon be joining the household! The pregnancy was pretty uneventful as far as sickness or surprises and within the year, we had a new baby boy to welcome home! His name is Remington York Harper. He has straight blonde hair and hazel eyes like his mother.




It's been 8 years and our son has grown up so fast! Keira and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to do surrogacy in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to have a cute little girl. She has orangish-red hair and glasz eyes.


It take a few months, but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day, our beautiful baby was born! Sophia Poet Harper is a good baby. She sleeps through the night and cries very little. Remi adores her to death and was ecstatic to have new baby in the house to play with and cuddle!

The Chandler Family
DW: Catriona Eliana Chandler {41}
DH: Jacques Felix Chandler {41}
DS/DS: Lucian Dagger Harper/Falcon Arrow Harper {26}
DD/DD/DD: Valentina Eve O'Neil/Aurelia Blair O'Neil/Florentina Olive O'Neil {23}
DD: Haisley Juliette Chandler {18}
DS/DS/DD: Magnus Chaucer Chandler/Vincent Tennyson Chandler/Anastasia Silver Chandler {13} 
DD/DD/DS: Dalia Love Chandler/Lark Spirit Chandler/Hawk Valiant Chandler {12}
Cat & Jac with;
LuFalValAriFloraHaisleyMagnusVinceAnaDaliaLark Hawk
The Harper Family
DH: Lucian Dagger Harper {26}
DW: Keira Everly Harper (nee Bell) {26}
DS: Remington York Harper {8}
DD: Sophia Poet Harper {0}
Luc Keira with;
Remi Sophia

#33 MalloryMae


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Posted 31 October 2019 - 10:59 AM

My name is Eleni Cynthia Connelly, I am 17 and I live in England. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell my mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job and began staying in the small "apartment" above the library where I work. Soon after I gave birth to Jacob Flint Connelly. Now he is two years old and doing well. Jake has blonde hair and blue eyes.
It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Jake was born. A beautiful farm house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Cambri Lynn Baker, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the baby and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a black and white dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday. At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Jack Cicero Rooney. He has brown hair and blue eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but Jake is asleep and he doesn't see him. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He pays child support due to a court order. Later that year I give birth again, this time to a baby girl, Livia Aspen Connelly. She baby is sick though and must stay in the hospital until she is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. She has brown hair and blue eyes, just like her dad.
It's been 5 years since I had my Livi and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that two children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me. My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother considering what it did for me the last time but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Jaime Rex Jacoby and he has red hair and glasz eyes. He seemed like a nice guy but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well though and eventually ended up back at his house since Cambri Baker was watching the Jake & Livi. At the end of the date he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed and soon enough we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when my oldest child pointed out that I had gained weight did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He completely flipped out and started screaming at me. This totally frightened the kids and myself, so right then and there, I broke up with him and he stormed out of our house. 6 months later I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Dylan Boone Connelly. Jake doesnt mind him and Livi is so excited to be a big sister. Dane has red hair and blue eyes.
Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my family despite all the hardships thrown our way! A year ago I caught a bit of good luck and met a man named Rux David Charles Lanby at my place of work! We are a match amde in heaven and he is the best thing to happen to me aside from my children! We've been dating for a year and last month he proposed with a beautiful sapphire ring set! The children adore him and we can't wait to get married. It's been hectic trying to get what everyone wants into the wedding and though it may end up being a little mismatched, I wouldn't want it any other way! It took me forever to finally pick my dress but I've finally settled on a beautiful silver dress. SO wanted a purple plum color theme and Livi wanted roses for the flower arrangements! Livi let Cambri pick her dress out and she chose a pretty green bow dress for her. The boys had less trouble, both having wanted the same set of black and red suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a small affair in the forest. The children got to pick the cake and decided on a yummy chocolate cake. Finally the day came and Rux and I were married! He looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! The children were excited about finally settling down with someone who they could call Dad! As the day wound down we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our honeymoon in Italy!
It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! SO and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Rux he was nervous but excited and the children, Jake & Livi both immediately wanted a boy, and poor Dane was jealous that our newest addition would be the baby of the family. Soon enough our newest bundles (yes twins!) of joy arrive! Two healthy identical baby girls, Leila Coral & Alice Pearl Lanby! Elle & Ally share blonde hair and brown eyes! They are welcomed home with open arms and is spoiled rotten! It's as our newest baby is developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest addition is! Jacob: Jake is the sweetest and kindest older brother on the planet. He helps Rux and I out as often as possible whether its with siblings, extra chores or homework help. Jake is also a very optimistic, looking-on-the-bright-side type of person. He can turn any negative situation around in an instant. He also doesnt make a big deal out other problems or mistakes. Livia: Livi is a very honest girl. When she gets in trouble, shell spit out the truth in a second. This would be one amazing quality to have. She also is very trusting. She doesnt question other peoples decisions, even if they dont end up working. Livi is very courageous as well. She likes to try new activities and foods on the weekly. Dylan: Dane is very studious. Im sure you wouldnt expect that of a kindergartener, but Dane truly is. He tries his ultimate best on his homework and schoolwork. He just doesnt give up. Dane also just isn't one to get aggressive. He is extremely gentle with emotions and physicality. Dane is extremely kind toward all he meets and encounters including his older and younger siblings.He is a pleasure to be around.
It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Rux and I did decide that 5 children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and we were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during a hike in the mountains I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Rux was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy baby boy, Peter Noble Lanby. Despite the unconventional way our last little one arrived, we loved him and knew he would grow up to abide by his own rules. After Pery was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Rux and I were told that Jake and his girlfriend are pregnant. I knew that we would definitely not make the mistake my parents did. I knew the teen parent life quite well, so I knew just how to respond.
It's been another year since I've had Pery. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school. First of all, Jake and his girlfriend, Annabelle Lynn Tricovsky, had their babies (yes, twins!) after a hard and complicated pregnancy. Their fraternal twin boys are Aden Wolf, with his moms brown hair and my hazel eyes, and Luca Trevor Connelly, with his dads blonde hair and both parents blue eyes. Then, poor, pre-teen Livi. In one of her moods, she ran away (to a friends house) for a two days. We were so worried. It was incredibly relieving to get a call to come pick her up. Our final problem was that little Ally was not getting along with her classmates in preschool. They were arguing and fighting with each other a bit. With all of this happening at once, Rux and I decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Tokyo, JP. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are a bit better. Livi is seeing a therapist to try to help make good decisions, but as of right now, her problems are unfortunately not any better. Ally on the other hand, is doing amazing at her new preschool in Tokyo.
The Connelly-Lanby Family

Me: Eleni Cynthia Connelly-Lanby; 42; blonde hair and hazel eyes

My Husband: Rux David Charles Lanby; 44; brown hair and brown eyes

My Son: Jacob “Jake” Flint Connelly; 27; blonde hair and blue eyes

My Daughter: Livia “Livi” Aspen Connelly; 23; brown hair and blue eyes

My Son: Dylan “Dane” Boone Connelly; 18; red hair and blue eyes

My Twin Daughters: Leila “Elle” Coral and Alice “Ally” Pearl Lanby; 13; blonde hair and brown eyes

My Son: Peter “Pery” Noble Lanby; 12; brown hair and brown eyes

Eleni & Rux with Jake, Livi, Dane, Elle, Ally and Pery.


I'm Jacob Flint Connelly but you can call me Jake! I am 17 years old and I was born in England but now I live in Japan. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a coffee shop and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love history class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend, her name is Annabelle Lynn Tricovski and she’s in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! We actually have twin sons together- Aden Wolf and Luca Trevor, who are two years old! I had a serious scare the last week though because we thought Annabelle’s house was going to burn to the ground and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am 19, I can begin looking for my own place with Annabelle and the twins! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little two-bedroom apartment just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Annabelle and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have another baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide to start trying for baby number three.

After just a few months of trying we find out Annabelle is pregnant! Thankfully the pregnancy goes much more smoothly than her first and soon enough we have a beautiful baby girl! We named our daughter born with her mother’s beautiful looks, Alaïa Scarlet Connelly.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Annabelle and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to IVF in order to have more children. It take a few months but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day our beautiful baby girl, Penelope Lilac Connelly was born! She has ----- hair and ------ eyes. She is a good baby, she sleeps through the night and cries very little. The kids adore her to death and were ecstatic to have new baby in the house to play with and cuddle!

The Connelly Family

Me: Jacob “Jake” Flint Connelly; 27; blonde hair and blue eyes https://www.pinteres...79389200696067/

My Wife: Annabelle Lynn (Tricovski) Connelly; 26; brown hair and blue eyes https://www.pinteres...61215428715122/

My Twin Sons: Aden Wolf and Luca Trevor Connelly; 12; brown hair and hazel eyes & blonde hair and blue eyes https://www.pinteres...76185505874138/

My Daughter: Alaïa Scarlet Connelly; 8; brown hair and blue eyes https://www.pinteres...62182158319810/

My Daughter: Penelope Lilac Connelly; newborn; red hair and blue eyes https://www.pinteres...83998687793318/

Jake & Annabelle with Aden, Luca, Alaïa and Penelope.

#34 WriterJones


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Posted 31 October 2019 - 08:54 PM

It's been 8 years and my siblings have grown up so fast! Kaden and I were married last year as well! We want to have a baby but due to my multiple gender reassignment surgeries I cant have children. We have decided to use a surrogate in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to give birth, a cute little set of twin boys. They have black hair and green eyes.

Beckett & Bronson:

The Jensen Family, Generation 1:
DW: Alexandrie Faith Jensen (40)
DH: Dante Omari Jensen (né Okonma) (42)
DTS: Arbor Gray Jensen (born Lena Roxanne Jensen) (25)
DS/DS/DD: Hudson Ben/Hugo Birch/Horatia Blair Jensen (23)
DD/DS: Luna Benoit/Tyler Boone Jensen (18)
DS: Casimir Lowell Jensen (13)
DD/DS: Aspen Honor/Acre Bright Jensen (12)

The Jensen-Kim Family:
DTS1: Arbor Gray Jensen-Kim: born Lena Roxanne Jensen) (25)
DH: Kaden Beckett Jensen-Kim (25)
DS/DS: Beckham Cash/Bronson Rex Jensen-Kim (nb)

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