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#21 Auntie Megan

Auntie Megan

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:31 AM


#22 AmyB


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 09:11 PM

Dear Liza,
It's been a while hasn't it? Things have changed a lot since we last talked, including the births of my nine grandchildren, soon to be ten! Nate, my football allstar, married his girlfriend Diana only three and a half years ago and the two of them have already been blessed with two chidlren. Thedore is three and Sophia is three months old.
Dylan and his girlfriend, Georgia Hannfried, are expecting their first baby and he is extremely nervous. Lena Terese is due in 7 weeks and mommy and daddy have almost finished the nursery.
Arthur recently welcomed his own two babes into this world after a long nine months for his wife Brenna. The twins were born a little early and are not even a month old now but Cora and Zachary are the happiest of granchildren.
Adelaide Hope finished her veteranarian training and has aquired a job caring to the newborn primates at our local zoo. However she had to take a maternity leave to prepare and care for her baby boy, Oliver Mason. He is just as loud as the mokeys at the zoo and in fact has been to meet the newest chimpanzee already even though he is only two and a half months old.
My baby girl Aurora, my fighter, has been through so much in her short life but I believe she is finally in a good place in her life. Just after you left me and Jake were told that Rory was expecting triplets. Her three baby girls were born shortly after she turned sixteen and they are absolutely a delight. Her boyfriend was forced to leave her by his parents but four years ago he made his way back to her and they have started a life together. Isla, Anna and Lea recently got a new baby brother named Carter.
Elizabeth is studious as ever and has just now taken time out of her scholarly schedule to be someone's girlfriend, although she hates to think of herself as someone's anything.
Aidan is still a bother to all his siblings but I feel they are just jealoous of his talent in hockey. He really is just a lost teenage boy and if he would just get his act together and ask Laura Bain out maybe he would feel a little bit better.
And the baby, Lilah. What a little fireball she is. Day after day she is coming up with new ways to entertain herself and after a while I gave up trying to keep my eye on her.
Me and Jake are happy where we are right now, although we did lose two babies in our struggle to have one more around the time Lilah went off to preschool. We have begun to look into adoption and we are hoping for a match sometime soon.

Great to hear from you!
Dhalia Bateson

LN: Bateson

(44)DW: Dhalia Lily
(46)DH: Jacob William

(26)DS/DS: Nathaniel Cameron / Dylan Jeremy

Diana Sophie & Nathaniel Cameron Bateson w/
(3)DS: Theodore Luke
(nb)DD: Sophia Kylie

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Georgia Gwendolyn Hannfried & Dylan Jeremy Bateson
(expecting)DD: Lena Terese

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(23 1/2)DS/DD/DD: Arthur Gavin / Adelaide Hope / Aurora Joy

Brenna Leanne & Arthur Gavin Bateson
(nb)DD/DS: Cora Jeanine & Zachary Jonah

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Adelaide Hope & Trenton Harvey Jones
(nb)DS: Oliver Mason

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#23 AmyB


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Posted 03 May 2010 - 05:24 PM

Aurora Joy & James Alexander Deanan w/
(7 1/2)DD/DD/DD: Isla Catherine & Lea Carrigan & Anna Coralyn

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(nb)DS: Carter Forsythe
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(17 1/2)DD: Elizabeth Marie
(16)DS: Aidan Henry
(9)DD: Lilah Hadlee

#24 glitchinggecko


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Posted 03 May 2010 - 07:38 PM

I boxed up my Pregnancy Diary, along with newspaper clippings of all the
birth announcements I'd made over the years. I met an old friend of the family at
Mom's funeral, Phyllis, that I hadn't seen since I was pregnant with the twins! Her
and Mom had a big argument soon after, and Mom refused to answer her calls, so
eventually she stopped trying. She said she'd often wondered how I'd gotten on,
and I told her I'd write. I decided to send her a copy of my Pregnancy Diary, as
well as a copy of the newspaper clippings of the birth announcements I had made.



19th April 1982
Uggh. I can't remember much about last night, except that I drank way too much.
What a great start to my 18th birthday. I'll have to ring Katherine when the room
stops spinning and ask what happened.

20th April 1982
I can't believe how dumb I was to go off with a random guy! My memory has
started coming back, and I'm pretty sure I had sex with him. What a dumb way
to loose my virginity.

16th May 1982
Oh crap. I'm two weeks late. Oh no. Please no.

26th June 1982
Oh god. What have I done? How could I have been so stupid? Mom and Dad are
going to be so angry with me. I can't even remember his name! I've got to tell
them I'm pregnant soon, they think I'm just getting fat. Perhaps Katherine will
remember his name and know of a way to contact him...

1st July 1982
I told Mom and Dad. Mom cried, and Dad got angry and threatened to throw me
out of the house, but he soon calmed down. I think they're just disappointed.
Mom's offered to come with me to my next check up.

11th September 1982
OH MY GOD! Could this get any worse? Not only can I not find my babies father,
and am going to be a single mom at 17, it's twins! I don't know if I can cope with this.

15th October 1982
I finally tracked him down! Katherine's elder brother found him, and it turns out
he joined the army a few days after the party. I got to talk to him on the telephone,
but he told me he wants nothing to do with the babies, and that I should give them up
for adoption. Maybe he was right.

1st November 1982
I was at the hospital today for a check up, and met a really cute guy. He's 19, and
working as a porter, but says his dad is giving him a job at his company after
Christmas. He asked me out to dinner! I asked why he wasn't put off about the babies,
but he told me has 8 younger siblings!

23rd November 1982
Things with Jonathan are going fantastically! Dinner was lovely, and we've been out
twice more since!

24th December 1982
OH MY GOD! Jon proposed to me! He told me he wants to be a proper father to the
babies! I said yes, and my mom cried when I told her. Dad's a bit apprehensive, but
he likes him, so I think he'll be fine.

4th May 1984
They're here! I went into labour during Christmas Dinner, and finally gave birth on
29th December at 2:25am. I named them Alexander Ryan and Heather Nicole,
and I can't believe I ever thought I was going to give them away. They're perfect.
Jon cried when they were born and we decided to name the girl after his mom.

Posted Image

12th June 1984
We got married! I am now Lily Jessica Potter-Smith. I wanted to keep
my last name, what with dad being an only child, and having no sons, it feels the right
thing to do, and Jon didn't mind at all, in fact, he liked it and changed his name to
Jonathan Lucas Potter-Smith.

22nd February 1986
Uh Oh. I'm two months late now. I've booked a doctor's appointment, but I don't know
how we'll manage if I'm pregnant again.

7th March 1986
It's official, I'm pregnant again. Went for a scan today, and they told me I'm pregnant
with triplets! This is ridiculous. I know multiples run in mom's family, but wow!

12th July 1986
I feel really bad still, but thought I'd better update. The triplets have arrived, and although
we had a bit of a scary few minutes when one of the girls wouldn't start breathing,
she was soon sorted out, and started screaming like her siblings. We named them
Olivia Grace, Amelia Faith and Sebastian David (after David Bowie, he's so handsome!)

Posted Image

26th May 1991
Well, I found out why I felt so tired. I must have forgotten to take my Birth Control
Tablets one night after the kids ran me ragged. We'll have another little addition to the
family in six months. I really hope it’s a single this time.

5th September 1991
Nanny Beth passed away last night. She was doing fantastically for 87, but I guess
eventually your body just gets too tired. I found out the baby was a girl a few days ago,
and Heather suggested we name the baby Elizabeth, after Nanny. I think it's a lovely idea.

30th November 1991
Elizabeth Lily is here. It's a happy, but solemn occasion, as we're all thinking of Nanny Beth,
Mom especially.

Posted Image

30th November 1992
Well it's a double celebration! Lizzie is one year old today, and I'm pregnant! We weren't
planning on having any more kids, the house is packed already, but it seems like it's meant to be.

7th April 1993
Dominic Jack has landed with a bump. I never thought I'd give birth in a supermarket, but
I guess it serves me right for dashing out to get some milk for breakfast. I should have
known after being in labour for only two hours with Lizzie, that this one would be quick.
About 15 minutes after the first contraction hit, he was in my arms crying!

Posted Image

21st April 1993
I am at my wits end with Lizzie. She actually *BIT* Dom last week! Poor little mite had teeth
marks on his shoulder! I asked Alex and Heather if they could take a few days off of school to
help keep her occupied, and they jumped at the chance. They don't want to go back now though.

23rd October 1993
Alex and Heather are being bullied at school. I've decided to take them out and home school them.
Mom has offered to look after Lizzie during the day, and Dom seems to be the quietest baby I've
ever had, and sleeps almost constantly. It's a godsend after the triplets and their all night screaming.

12th February 1997
Reading back over my old diary entries, it seems hard to believe that Lizzie was ever mean to Dom.
Now she never leaves him alone, and they're thick as thieves. Hopefully they'll both behave themselves,
when #8 arrives in a few months. Yep, #8, I'm pregnant again. And this is definitely the last one!
I've told Jon he's getting the snip. Alex, Heather, Seb, Olivia and Amy pretty much look after themselves
now, so this should be the easiest baby of the lot!

17th April 2001
Benjamin Cole is here! After a lightning fast labour of 22 minutes, he arrived in the middle of the sitting
room, straight into Jon's waiting hands. Lucky we didn't need milk this time!

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#25 glitchinggecko


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Posted 03 May 2010 - 07:39 PM

1st October 2002
Oh hell. Seb has informed me that his girlfriend is pregnant. With multiples. Apparently they aren't sure
how many yet, but it looks like twins. At least I was of legal age when I became pregnant!
He's only 14! I'm a terrible mother.

18th December 2002
Leo Jack and Kate Rose (After Kate's favourite film, Titanic) arrived by emergency caesarean this morning,
but Kate, Seb's girlfriend, died on the table. She had an undiscovered heart defect and her heart basically
exploded under the stress of labour. Seb refuses to even look at the babies, and has locked himself in his
bedroom with Olivia and Amy. Hopefully they can get him to at least see the children. I've decided to look
after them until he decides what he wants to do.

Posted Image

23rd December 2002
Seb has finally started to talk again. He asked me to drive him into town today and we ended up at the jewellers.
Seb had been saving since he found out Kate was pregnant, and was going to propose to her on Christmas Day.
He broke down in my arms back in the car, and decided he'd like to see his children. He spent over an hour just
watching them sleep, until Kate started to cry. He seems to be a natural with them, and managed to soothe her
back to sleep within a few minutes. He said he'd like to keep them, if Jon and I would help him. He smiled when
I called him a muppet, and that of course we'd help him.

19th June 2007
Heather rang me last night, and the first words out of her mouth were, "Now don't panic mom..." Yeah, like that
will really calm my nerves. After having 8 children, you'd think I'd recognise a pregnant woman by now?
Apparently not. Heather has just been told she's 8 months pregnant. Eight months! I only saw her last week,
and she looked totally un-pregnant. George, her husband, is delighted, so all's well that ends well I guess?

29th June 2007
I am once again a grandmother, after Nicola Robin graced us with her presence, a few weeks early, but perfectly
healthy. Heather seems to be all fingers and thumbs with her, but George seems to know what he's doing,
so I left them to it.

Posted Image

4th May 2010
Wow. I can't believe it was 26 years today that the twins came into this world. It seems a lot shorter in a lot of
ways, but when I remember have 5 children under 3... I'm very glad that period is over! We've got a couple of
new additions on the way! Both Amelia and Olivia are both pregnant with daughters due within the next few
months! Olivia and her boyfriend Zachary are awaiting Sophia Grace, and Amy and her husband Matt, Caitlin Jamie.

The Potter-Smith Family

Lily Jessica and Jonathan Lucas
Alexander "Alex" Ryan
Heather Nicole
Olivia Grace
Amelia "Amy" Faith
Sebastian "Seb" David
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Lily
Dominic "Dom" Jack
Benjamin "Ben" Cole

Sebastian David and Katherine Anne
Leonardo "Leo" Jack
Katherine "Kate" Rose

Heather Nicole and George Charles
Nicola "Nikki" Robin

Olivia Grace and Zachary James
Sophia "Soph" Grace

Amelia Faith and Matthew Jacob
Caitlin "Lynn" Jamie

#26 Kristi18


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Posted 07 May 2010 - 12:18 AM

Me: Lily Eleanor Zuko Moore
Mr. Right: Kyle Douglas Moore

DD: Julie Christine (26)
DD: Amy Catherine (26)
DS: Hudson Keith (23.5)
DD: Jasmine Faith (23.5)
DD: Jessica Hope (23.5)
DD: Elizabeth Snow (17.5)
DD: Olivia Charlotte (16)
DS: Ethan Matthew (9)

Kyle and Lily Moore; Julie, Amy, Hudson, Jasmine, Jessica, Lizzie, Olivia and Ethan

Gabriel Carlos Juarez (29)
Julie Christine Moore Juarez (26)

DD: Sofia Louisa (3)
DD: Isabel Susannah (NB)

Gabe and Julie Juarez; Sofia and Isabel

Joshua Luke Phillips (24)
Amy Catherine Moore Phillips (26)

DS: Zane Everett (NB)

Josh and Amy Phillips; Zane

Hudson Keith Moore(23.5)
Anna Lucille Moore (23)

DD: Carolina Julianne (7.5)
DD: Savannah Eleanor (7.5)
DS: Camden Kirk (7.5)
DS: Jackson Douglas (7.5)
DS: Trenton Keith (7.5)

Hudson and Anna Moore; Carolina, Savannah, Camden, Jackson and Trenton

Brian and Trish,

What a pleasant surprise to reconnect after all these years! I have thought of you often. How are you???

In response to your inquiry, Kyle and I are doing great. The twins are now 26! Julie is a Spanish teacher at the local high school. She is married to a terrific guy, Gabe. Gabe is a history teacher and soccer coach at the same high school. They have two beautiful girls, Sofia and Isabel. During the summers, Gabe, Julie and the girls visit Gabe's family in Mexico. What a life! Do you remember Pastor Phillips? I thought he christened one of your children. Anyway, Amy married his son, Josh. Josh is a computer genius. He has his own business, writing programs, web design, you name it and works out of their home. Amy recently gave birth to their first child, Zane. Right before Zane was born, Amy quit her job and now stays home with the baby.

You wouldn't even recognize the triplets! Remember those gangly 14 year olds with braces and pimples? They are now 23, successful and have made us proud. Hudson has five 7 year olds! No, you didn't read that wrong. When he was 16, he proved it only takes once to get a girl pregnant. He grew up over night. He traded in his dreams of a major league baseball career for stock boy at the corner market. It was a few tough years. He married his girlfriend, Anna, a couple months before the quints were born. Kyle converted our attic into an apartment for the young family. Both Hudson and Anna continued school and graduated on schedule. Hudson then continued to college and earned his teaching credentials. He is now a science teacher and baseball coach for a small private school in the area. Anna started college last year when the quints began first grade. She wants to study obstetrics! The quints are incredible! There are Carolina and Savannah, the girls. Carolina is rough, tough and would prefer the outdoors, catching frogs and playing baseball to Savannah's dance classes and tea parties. Savannah also loves to dress up, paint her nails and sneak her Mommy's make-up! Camden, Jackson and Trenton are the boys. Camden gets along well with Carolina. He loves fishing, baseball and anything outside. Jackson loves the outdoors also. You're more apt to find him in a tree with a sci-fi book than chasing a frog or butterfly. Trenton would prefer to stay inside and play his video games or work on a science experiment.

The other two of the triplets - Jasmine and Jessica. Jasmine, after changing her major four times, is graduating from college this spring. I am so thankful, I didn't know if we could afford another year! Her degree is in English. I'm really not sure what she plans on doing with it. Jessica chose to enlist in the Air Force instead of going to college. She works with the computers in a communications squadron and loves her job. Currently, she is stationed in Japan. Neither Jasmine nor Jessica are married or have children. I think those years of helping Hudson and Anna with the quints has made them a bit shy to the idea of motherhood!

My 8 year old Lizzie is now 17 and in her Sr. year of high school! Remember how I worried about her reading and taking school seriously? Well, she outgrew that. Lizzie earned the Valedictorian honors and has been awarded a full academic scholarship! Olivia is 16. She is discovering driving, dating and hopefully how to tell time to meet her curfew! She is our social butterfly. She loves to be with friends, on the phone with friends, on the computer with friends, you get the idea. Our little surprise, Ethan, is now 9! I wish you could meet him. He has the sweetest spirit. He is always bringing injured animals home to nurse back to health. Right now we have an abandoned puppy we are bottle feeding and a lizard with its tail hanging on by a band-aid. It wouldn't surprise me if Ethan ends up being a doctor or veternarian.

Wow, time sure flies! We should meet up for a reunion sometime! Please, keep in touch!

Lots of love!

Kyle and Lily

#27 -xoxoSoccerIsLife


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Posted 16 August 2010 - 08:51 AM

Me: Lily Ann Black
Mr.Right: Dylan Michael Weasley

G/G: Jenna & Madie


I am now Lily Ann Weasley! Dylan and I got married! Now we are expecting triplets! Oh my! We are going to have one girl and two boys! We gave birth to Cody Michael, Jacob Niel, and Alice Faith.


It's been 5 years since Cody, Jake, and Alice have been born and I have become pregnant once again. Thankfully this time with just one! It's a girl too. We decided to name her Elizabeth Candace. Her nickname though is Eliza.


It's been a year since Eliza, and I am pregnant again. Our family welcomes Alexa Grace.


Our family welcomes Tyler Dylan Weasley.


I was disappointed when I found out Cody's girlfriend was pregnant. I thought I raised my children to do better than this. Cody has made me proud by making a commitment to help raise his and Jocelyn's children (Jocelyn=GF). Six months after Cody and Jocelyn told me, they gave birth to two beautiful daughters. Their names are Sofia Ann (nn Sofie) and Morgan Elise Weasley.


It's been four and a half years since Sofie and Morgan have been born and they are BEYOND beautiful, smart, and talented girls. But three days ago, Jenna gave birth to a baby a girl. Her name is Eva Charlotte. She is a gorgeous baby too!

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#28 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 05:34 AM

Me: Alyssum Kate (Darcy) Henson
Mr Right: Henry James Henson
The twin girls: Sierra Jamie and Shelby Jasmine [26]
The triplets: Jasper Gareth, Anastasia Patience and Sarabi Hope [23 and 1/2]
Our beautiful baby girl: Ellenor Kaia [17 and 1/2]
Our handsome man: Christian Elijah [16]
Our newest son: Alexander Michael [9]

Sierra and her husband Edward with Catriona Eve [3]
Shelby and Jaxson with Aurora Michelle [nb]
Anastasia and Jacob with Pixie Alyss and Lillie Harriet [7 and 1/2]
Sarabi and Beau with Georgiana Rose [nb]

Dear Fred and Mary,
Henry and I were delighted to hear from you again, and glad to know that you are all well.
Congratulations on becoming grandparents, the triplets are gorgeous, and the names are lovely. Sorry to hear about Helen, our love is with you.
In answer to your questions, we gave birth to a boy, Alexander Michael who is nine now. The twins are fine, all grown up. They are both married, and both have daughters. Sierra gave birth to Cate (Catriona Eve) three years ago, and Shelby just had Rory (Aurora Michelle) last month. The triplets are fine too. Jas has no children yet, but we aren't giving up on him. Anna has twins (yes, I know what you're thinking) Pixie and Lillie who are seven, and love tormenting Alex. And the youngest triplet Bee has a daughter, Georgie, who is gorgeous. I will enclose pics for you to see.

Ellie and Chris are still inseperable, though you wouldn't believe it after the year we had with them! They are both doing tremendously, and are in relationships. The baby of the family Alex is happy, and loves playing with his nieces and nephews. The twins are only a year and a half younger than him, so they make good playmates. The sun is turning the twins hair blonde, rather than strawberry. It's nice, but not as nice as the red hair they used to have.

We would be delighted to attend Marjorie's wedding, and will definitely bring the camera. It's hard to see your babies growing up, isn't it? Shall I bring the whole crowd, or just me and Henry? I hope you stay well. I will pray for darling Helen for you, and make sure that the kids do so too.
Love from Lyss, Henry and the rest of the crowd xx

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Photo Tinks by WiddlyTinks.com

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Birth Announcements by WiddlyTinks.com

#29 glitchinggecko


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Posted 06 October 2010 - 07:45 AM

DW - Lily Sophia Wayne [40]
DH - Jackson Lee Scott [42]
DD/DD - Elizabeth Nicole and Catherine Maria [26]
Beth's - GDD - Rhiannon Elizabeth [3] and GDS - Jordan Kai [0]
Cate's - GDD - Isabella Marie [0]
DS/DS/DS - Christopher Jack, Jasper Ryan and Oliver Zack [23.5]
Chris' - GDS/GDS/GDS/GDS/GDS - Austin Joshua, Seth James, Caine Joseph, Wesley Jon and Kyle Justin [7.5]
Jasp's - GDD - Angelica Zoe [0]
Ollie's - GDS - Benjamin Blake [0]
DD - Eleanor Jade [17.5]
DD - Madeline Rose [16]
DS - William Lee [9]

#30 Alexx


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Posted 19 January 2011 - 02:31 PM

Dear Nico and Gia Jones

Thanks for writing we are doing great! How are you? Our family is getting along just perfectly, Jenny did go through a hard time with the twins but she raised them beautifully especially with the help of her boyfriend Maddox she met when the twins were about four. Alexis and James got married and they have two beutiful children Andrew Jacob who is three and Amelia Kate who was just born a few days ago. Aiden got married to a wonderful woman named Madison and now has a beautiful daughter called Monica Violet who was born about three weeks ago. Jasper also got married to a wonderful woman who is called Miranda. Jake just got married to his wife Peyton before they had their wonderful son Matthew Phoenix. Bella (who i was pregnant with before you moved) is now a wonderful 9 year old and loves technology. Emmett is 16 and just loves sports, his favorite is football. Ellie is 17 and also likes sports she's really into cheerleading. She's on an all-star team called Star Tyme. Aaron and I are wonderful we have 8 beautiful children and 6 charming grandchildren.

Me: Violet Elizabeth Stewart
Mr.Right: Aaron Elijah Stewart
B/G Twins: Alexis Nicole (& James w/Andrew Jacob) and Aiden Spencer 26
G/B/B Triplets: Jake Matthew,Jasper Michael,Jenny Faith (w/Eric Tyler and Eliot Nicole) 23
DD: Elizabeth Amelia "Ellie" 17
DS: Emmett Isaiah 16
DD: Belle Olivia "Bella" 9

Alexis and James Smith
B: Andrew Jacob 3
G: Amelia Kate NB

Jenny Faith Stewart and Maddox Isaiah Sterling
B/G: Eric Tyler and Eliot Nicole 7

Aiden Spencer and Madison Claire Stewart
G: Monica Violet Stewart NB

Jake Matthew and Peyton Isabella Stewart
B: Matthew Phoenix Stewart NB

Jasper Michael and Miranda Jocelyn Stewart

#31 Guest_KaylaKay_*

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Posted 05 February 2011 - 03:16 PM

Hey, I’m Lily Fay Sackville-Baggs, I’m 17. I recently had twin girls named Taylor Allison & Brooke Julia. Their biological father wants nothing to do with them, but I met Mr. Right who says he would like to be their father… If I let him. Kale Brandon Picard has a bunch of siblings, so I know he’ll be great with the babies.

Kale and I got married, just after I turned 19. And just a little while later we brought home yet another set of multiples… Triplets! We named them Cody Reyel, Luke Jesse & Jasper Danny.

It’s been 5 years, and we finally decided to stop not-trying for a baby. And as I got pregnant! A little baby girl. But, my grandma died when I was 7 months pregnant. Taylor & Brooke suggest that we name our little girl after her. And I think it’s a good idea, so I agree. We we’re still unsure of the middle name when I gave birth, but Jasper came to the rescue when he said we should call her Jasmine. From Aladdin. I thought Anna Jasmine Picard sounded pretty, so I agreed. Having 2 8 ½ year olds, 3 6 year olds and a newborn is a lot to handle. But I’m sure we’ll get though it.

After a year, I found out I was pregnant. We gave birth to a little boy Caleb Asher, and we were happy for about a year. But then, Anna, starting to resent little Caleb. She starting biting and pulling his hair out. So when Taylor and Brooke say they can take a bit off school, I take them out immediately. After a while, they start confiding in me and I find out their being bullied at school. I’m a terrible mother, my ten year olds are getting harassed and my 2 year old hates her brother. I decide to home school Taylor and Brooke, and everything seems to get better. Their grades go up, and after six months Anna finally stops abusing Caleb. Seems all she needed was a little more attention then I could afford.

It’s been six years since I started home schooling the twins, and now Anna and Caleb are inseparable! Its crazy, I can’t believe they ever fought! Kale and I decide to have one more baby, and we’re blessed with a girl. Finally the house is even! We name her Pippa Grace, and everyone instantly falls in love with her. It’s a little crazy around here considering we have 17 year old twins, 14 ½ year old triplets, an 8 year old, 7 year old AND a new born. But again, we can handle it.

Dear Diary,
I’m going to be a grandmother… Luke says it was an accident, after all he was wearing a condom. Or so he claims, I kind of expected at least one of my children to have a baby before they we’re ready. But not at only 15! Pippa is only a year old, she’ll be an auntie before she can even speak in full sentences! His girlfriend Ariana’s family wasn’t as understanding as Kale and I are. So, we let her move in with us. Luke is really happy as he claims he really does love Ariana. But I’m just happy she’s a nice girl, I don’t know how I would handle it if she was a jerk.

Love: Lily.

The BABIES we’re finally born. They had quintuplets… Which is INSANE! I couldn’t have handled 5 babies when I was their age. Heck, without Kale I couldn’t have handled the 2 I did have. They named them Dallas Kale, Dakota Alexander, Egypt Lily, Denver Benjamin & England Rose. I couldn’t be prouder of my son.

Taylor had a baby! I can’t believe it. She’s only 23, but she and her husband couldn’t be happier. They had a little boy, Crispin David. I can’t believe how our family is growing! Taylor and Brooke are 23, Cody, Luke and Jasper are 20, Anna is 14 Caleb is 13 and Pippa is 6. Dallas, Dakota, Egypt, Denver and England are 4 ½. And now, Crispin is born. That’s nuts.

Taylor had another baby, Olivia Allison. And Brooke welcomed her first baby home, Benjamin Luke. Benji & Livi are really close in age, and I can just see them being great friends.
Melissa and Aden Williams finally got ahold of me after 9 years! They we’re great friends when I was pregnant with Pippa, but they moved and lost contact with us.

Dear Lily & Kale:

Sorry we haven’t talked to you in so long! We lost your info when we moved.
Anyway, we had another baby. Isabelle Kay, she’s only 2 years younger then Pippa is so we should get them together sometime. What has been going on in your world? I saw the birth announcement for Taylor’s daughter! Congrats! Is that your first grandbaby? Talk to you soon.

-Melissa & Aden.

Dear Mel & Aden:

Hey! I missed your little letters! :)
Congrats on Isabelle!! No, Olivia is NOT my first grandbaby. Luke had quints only 2 years after Pippa was born. Crazy right?! Denver, Dallas, Dakota, Egypt and England (2 girls and 3 boys!)
Taylor has a 3 year old son too, Crispin. And Brooke just had a baby boy named Benjamin too. I feel so old! Haha.
Talk to you soon.

- Lily.

#32 Guest_Rose-Anne_*

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 12:27 PM

LN: Daniels
(40) DW: Azalea Darcie
(42) DH: Ryan Andrew

(26) DD/DD: Emma Nicole/ Olivia Jordan

(23) DS/DS/DD: Oliver John/ Timothy Chris/ Amelia Faith (Ollie, Timmy, and Meeah)

(17) DD: Alizabeth Winnie (Beth)
(16) DD: Audrey Beatrice
(9) DS: Andrew Ryan (Drew).

Second Generation-Emma
LN: Owens
(28) DH: Samuel Leo
(26) DW: Emma Nicole
(3) DD: Eleanor Claire
(NB) DD: Ella Cassidy

Second Generation-Olivia
LN: Hartmann
(27) DH: James Gregory
(26) DW: Olivia Jordan
Second Generation-Oliver
LN: Daniels
(23) DH: Oliver John
(21) DW: Madison Willow
(NB) DD: Norah Grace

Second Generation- Timothy
LN: Daniels
(23) DH: Timothy Chris
(23) DW: Brittney Brooke
(NB) DD: Evelyn Brooke

Second Generation-Amelia (Kyle isn’t her triplets father but he adopted them)
LN: Wallace
(24) DH: Kyle William
(23) DW: Amelia Faith
(7) DD/DD/DD: Blake Amelia/ Emily Faith/ Natalie Azalea
(NB) DS: Clark Leo
Three years later Emma has her second child with Samuel, a healthy baby girl they name Ella Cassidy Owens. Olivia and her husband James have been having trouble trying to conceive and haven’t had any children yet. . Oliver and his now wife, Madison have their first child, a healthy girl they name Norah Grace Daniels. Timothy and his now wife, Brittney had their first child a healthy girl they named Evelyn Brooke Daniels. Amelia and her husband Kyle had their first child together but also have triplets who are from Amelia’s past relationship, a healthy baby boy they name Clark Leo Wallace.
Azalea and Ryan now have eight children and eight grandchildren. Amelia’s husband, Kyle adopted her triplets and therefore their last names are now, Wallace.

Azalea and Ryan got a letter from old friends they haven’t seen since their first pregnancy which was years ago. They received a letter.
Dear, Azalea and Ryan
We haven’t seen you in ages and it hurts me that I haven’t. We were best of friends but once we both started families we grew apart. I haven’t seen you in about twenty five years or so, maybe twenty six. I am writing to you to inform you of my now and still growing family. I am now thirty nine years old (almost in my forties can you believe it) and a mother to nine children with my last child on the way. Of course you met my youngest, Elizabeth, who is twenty seven and married to a handsome and caring young man. She is a mother to our only three grandchildren, Jamie, our little princess, Naomi, our trouble maker, and Micah, out little man. When we seen you last she was a year old and I was pregnant with my second child who now just turned twenty six. She is married but has had no luck in the baby making department but she is concentrating on medical school and her new found love. Four years later I gave birth to our only multiples, twins, Kyler and Colton, who are now twenty two. Kyler is engaged to a Puerto Rican and Colton is married to a lovely Italian woman who is pregnant with our fourth grandchild and their first child. Five years later I gave birth to Brian who is now seventeen and a senior in high school. Two years later I gave birth to Brooke who is now fifteen. Less than a year later I gave birth to Charlie who is now fourteen. Three years later I gave birth to Cassidy who is eleven, and then less than a year later to our youngest, Gregory, who is ten. I am now surprised to find out that we are expecting again, a complete surprise considering I am almost forty years old and the last time I gave birth was ten years ago!. Anyway I wasnted to update you on your old pal and my family, we really have to meet up sometime because I miss talking to you, we were besties and are now complete strangers.
Love, Sapphire and Nathan

Dear, Sapphire and Nathan
Its been forever, I know, I just turned forty yesterday and boy is it a heart breaker, I miss you as well, and will spare you on the details of myself when your dyeing to here about my children and family. I am a mother to eight. My life has been hectic this year because four of my grandchildren were born within two months, YES! It’s surprising. Let’s start with my kids first, Twenty-six year old twins, Emma and Olivia. Emma is married and a mother to two healthy girls, Eleanor and Ella. Eleanor is three and Ella was born two weeks ago. Olivia is married to a wonderful man but they also as your second oldest child is, having some trouble in the baby making department, they are thinking about adoption, considering they have been trying for four years or so. I then gave birth to triplets who are now twenty three, Oliver, who goes by Ollie, Timothy, who goes by Timmy, and Amelia, who goes by Meeah. Oliver is married and had his first child five weeks ago a baby girl they named Norah Grace. Timothy is married and had his first child three weeks ago, a healthy baby girl they named Evelyn Brooke. Amelia is married and had triplets at the age of fifteen, Blake, Emily, and Natalie, all girls and than had her first child with her husband five days ago, a healthy baby boy they named Clark Leo. I then gave birth to my seventeen year old girl Alizabeth Winnie, we call her Beth. I than gave birth to another healthy girl by the name of Audrey Beatrice who is sixteen. My youngest is now nine, a healthy boy we named Andrew Ryan who goes by Drew. As I have said my life is hectic, I have eight children and eight grandchildren and boy do I get my exercise. My email is ZayZay@yahoo (email is not real fellow BNG Members). Email me and we can get together sometime, thanks for the update,
Love, Azalea and Ryan <3

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#33 Guest_Rose-Anne_*

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 12:41 PM

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#34 AmyB


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:02 PM

{43} Lily Florence Jackson

~~born: August 25, 1994

~~from: Vancouver, British Columbia

{44} Alexander Noah Blake

~~born: December 7, 1992

~~from: Calgary, Alberta

{25} Nathaniel Ryan // Emma Katherine

~~born: June 17, 2012

~~from: Vancouver, British Columbia

{23} Hugo Edward // Audrey Hope

~~born: April 10, 2014

~~from: Vancouver, BC

{17} Bethany Aurora

~~born: May 16, 2020

~~from: Vancouver, BC

{15} Charlie Sebastian

~~born: February 23, 2022

~~from: Ottawa, Ontario

{8} Theodore Gavin

~~born: November 9, 2028

~~from: Ottawa, Ontario

[Our grankids]

Nate & Tegan w/

{7} Eva and Savannah

{0} Vivienne

Emma & Matt w/

{3} Matilda

{0} Arthur

Audrey & Trevor w/

{0} Liam


July 6, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today Alex and I brought home the babies! After two long weeks at the hospital, Nate and Emma are home. Albeit, its only my parents guest room, but it finally feels like we are a proper family. Nine months ago I never would have predicted such a happy ending for me and the twins but with the love of Alex and the support of my family I've made it. Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would meet as great a guy as Alex.

When I first met him and I was only six weeks pregnant I thought there had never been a worse time to meet such a wonderful man. I was just about to become a mother to two babies without their father's help. But our love grew quickly and a short six months later I knew there was no one else I wanted in mine and my babies lives. It has been a whirlwind romance but I would not have had it any other way.



May 10, 2014

Dear Diary,

I have not slept in a month. A whole month and all I've had is an hour of sleep here and a short nap there. I can tell you first hand, having newborn twins and another set of twins under two is excrutiating! But in the end it's worth it when they smile for the first or take their first steps. We hit another milestone today: the twins are officially a month old. Which means it has also been a month since we lost the third baby. I still feel empty without triplets in the house but I know that our Angel Boy is watching over us.

We are also celebrating something else this week: mine and Alex's eight month anniversary! Although it is not a traditional anniversary we never actually got to celebrate six months so we are using eight months instead. My parents have agreed to watch the kids for a night while Alex and I drive down to the beach we were married at on September 8, 2013. I can't wait for a peaceful night's sleep!



June 25, 2020

Dear Diary,

Our baby girl Bethany is a little more than a month old now and she is such an angel. She hardly cries at night and feeds on schedule everyday. She is such a blessing amid the chaos of our four other kids. Nate, Emma, Hugo and Audrey are full of energy and always running around the house, screaming. But Beth's four older siblings love her too pieces and are so gentle with her.

Emma has an especially soft spot for Bethany Aurora as she is the one who chose the middle name 'Aurora' after Sleeping Beauty. We fell in love with the name right away and knew that the perfect first name would be to honour my grandmother Elizabeth. Alex and I are so happy to have another little girl even though she was somewhat a surprise.



August 9, 2022

Dear Diary,

What an eventuful past year! Not only did we bring a baby boy into the family, but we also began homeschooling the kids and on top of that moved to Ottawa for a promotion that Alex recieved. Six months ago we gave birth to Charlie Sebastian who was a complete surprise. Then shortly after Bethany began acting out and rejecting her baby brother. Alex and I decided that our family needed to regroup as unit, and so we turned to homeschooling.

Once the school year was over and everything was back to normal, Alex announced the plan to move and our world was rocked again. We quickly packed up our bags and moved to Ottawa. It was a hard move for all eight of us, but we made it and we are loving our life in Ottawa.



October 30, 2028

Dear Diary,

And I thought toddlers were hard! Well, was I completely wrong or what? Teenagers are a whole other story. On top of that I am 38 weeks pregnant and trying to get my catering business off the ground. Around Christmastime of last year, Alex and I decided that it was time for another baby. Because for some reason we didn't percieve six to be enough. By February we had concieved a baby boy and we cannot wait for his arrival any day now!



October 4, 2029

Dear Diary,

What a change a year can make...

I don't know what to say or what to do with myself right now. Alex and I have just recieved the most surprising and disheartening news. Nathaniel and his girlfriend Tegan are expecting twins. He is in the exact same position I was at his age. At least Tegan has Nathaniel by her side, but even then, this pregnancy was a complete accident and will change their lives forever. Alex and I will help and support Nate and Tegan and their baby, but it is also a big responsibilty to have a baby and Nate is going to have to step up to the plate as a father.

The twins are due in five months and Nate wont even be 18. I can't believe this is happening but it is, and there is nothing we can do but hope for the best.



March 12, 2030

Dear Diary,

Our grandchildren have arrived! I can't believe I am saying that, but Alex and I have two granddaughters: Eva Lyric & Savannah Raine. They are so beautiful and healthy! The young family will be coming home with us as Tegan's parents refuse to provide space for Nate and the girls. I am so proud of Tegan and extremely proud of Nate. He has been working almost full time in the last five months in order to make some money to support Tegan, Eva and Savannah. I see real love between Nate & Tegan and I hope it lasts.



September 23, 2034

Dear Diary,

I am a Grandma again! And just like last time I can't believe how fortunate I am to have such wonderful children, children-in-law and grandchildren. Yesterday night, just before the clock struck twelve, Emma gave birth to a baby girl. They named her Matilda Rhiannon Lily Brockson. I am so honoured! They named their first baby after me :) It was a hard and long labour, but Emma had her husband Matt with her the whole way which helped alot.

In other news, we know only have three babies in the house, as Nate, Emma, Hugo and Audrey have all moved out. Nate and Tegan are engaged (finally!) and living in an apartment around the block; Emma and Matt are living a couple hours away in a small house; and both Hugo and Audrey are away at university. It's quiet at the Blake house but the peacefulness is nice.



October 9, 2037

Dear Diary,

Our family has grown much, much larger in the past year with grandkids galore!

Nate and Tegan finally got married last summer and a baby quickly followed. Their newest daughter is Vivienne Blair is three months old and is such a welcome addition to their family and ours.

Emma and Matt suffered two miscarriages, one in April of 2035 and another in January, 2036 but they held onto their dream of giving Tilly a sibling and they welcomed a baby boy in June whom they named Arthur Camden Brockson.

Our first grandson was born earlier this year in February to Audrey and her boyfriend Trevor Silbur. Liam Cole Blake-Silbur was born in the wee hours of the morning in Audrey's apartment living room in a blow up pool. Audrey now swears by waterbirth and says that it made the labour almost painless. Hopefully that means another Blake-Silbur grandbaby soon!

Although Hugo's hasnt given us a grandchild quite yet, he and his fiance have just let Alex and I know that they are 18 weeks along with a baby girl. Their wedding is this December and by then Amanda will be quite a bit bigger!

Next time we talk, I may have a whole other load of grandkids.


#35 Puppylover12397


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:50 PM

{43} Amaryllis Jade Potter
~~born: November 3rd, 1994
~~from: Richmond, Virginia

{44} Kain Harrison Fasbender
~~born: September 12th, 1992
~~from: Westchester, New York

{26} Hunter Dalton & Logan Noah
~~born: June 20th, 2012
~~from: Westchester, New York

{23} Amelia Constance & Olivia Prudence
~~born: May 6th, 2014
~~from: Westchester, New York

{17} Eleanor Aurora
~~born: May 16, 2020
~~from: Westchester, New York

{16} Gabriel Levi
~~born: February 23, 2022
~~from: Boston, Massachusetts

{9} Bastian Demetrius
~~born: November 9, 2028
~~from: Boston, Massachusetts

[Our grandkids]

Hunter & Violet w/
{7} Emmett and Nathaniel

Logan & Ivy w/
{4} Alistair
{0} Vivienne

Amelia & Preston
{0} Rose


July 8th, 2012
Dear Diary,

Today Kain and I brought home the babies! After two long weeks at the hospital, Hunter and Logan are home. Albeit, its only my Kain's parents guest room, but it finally feels like we are a proper family. Nine months ago I never would have predicted such a happy ending for me and the twins but with the love of Kain and the support of our family I've made it. Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would meet as great a guy as Kain

When I first met him and I was only six weeks pregnant I thought there had never been a worse time to meet such a wonderful man. I was just about to become a mother to two babies without their father's help. But our love grew quickly and a short six months later I knew there was no one else I wanted in mine and my babies lives. It has been a whirlwind romance but I would not have had it any other way.



June 27th, 2014
Dear Diary,

I have not slept in a month. A whole month and all I've had is an hour of sleep here and a short nap there. I can tell you first hand, having newborn twins and another set of twins just barely two is excrutiating! But in the end it's worth it when they smile for the first or take their first steps. We hit another milestone today: the twins are officially a month old. Which means it has also been a month since we lost the third baby. I still feel empty without triplets in the house but I know that our Angel Girl is watching over us.

We are also celebrating something else this week: mine and Kain's eight month anniversary! Although it is not a traditional anniversary we never actually got to celebrate six months so we are using eight months instead. Kain's parents have agreed to watch the kids for a night while Kain and I drive down to the beach we were married at on October 11th, 2013. I can't wait for a peaceful night's sleep!



June 25, 2020
Dear Diary,

Our baby girl Eleanor is a little more than a month old now and she is such an angel. She hardly cries at night and feeds on schedule everyday. She is such a blessing amid the chaos of our four other kids. Hunter, Logan, Amelia and Olivia
are full of energy and always running around the house, screaming. But Ellie's four older siblings love her too pieces and are so gentle with her.

Olivia has an especially soft spot for Eleanor Aurora as she is the one who chose the middle name 'Aurora' after Sleeping Beauty. We fell in love with the name right away and knew that the perfect first name would be to honour my grandmother Ellen. Kain and I are so happy to have another little girl even though she was somewhat a surprise.



August 9, 2022
Dear Diary,

What an eventuful past year! Not only did we bring a baby boy into the family, but we also began homeschooling the kids and on top of that moved to Boston for a promotion that Kain recieved. Six months ago we gave birth to Gabriel Levi who was a complete surprise. Then shortly after Eleanor began acting out and rejecting her baby brother. Kain and I decided that our family needed to regroup as unit, and so we turned to homeschooling.

Once the school year was over and everything was back to normal, Kain announced the plan to move and our world was rocked again. We quickly packed up our bags and moved to boston. It was a hard move for all eight of us, but we made it and we are loving our life in Boston.



October 30, 2028
Dear Diary,

And I thought toddlers were hard! Well, was I completely wrong or what? Teenagers are a whole other story. On top of that I am 38 weeks pregnant and trying to get my catering business off the ground. Around Christmastime of last year, Kain and I decided that it was time for another baby. Because for some reason we didn't percieve six to be enough. By February we had concieved a baby boy and we cannot wait for his arrival any day now!


October 4, 2029
Dear Diary,

What a change a year can make...
I don't know what to say or what to do with myself right now. Kain and I have just received the most surprising and disheartening news. Hunter and his girlfriend Violet are expecting twins. He is in the exact same position I was at his age. At least Violet has Hunter by her side, but even then, this pregnancy was a complete accident and will change their lives forever. Kain and I will help and support Hunter and Violet and their babies, but it is also a big responsibility to have kids and Hunter is going to have to step up to the plate as a father.

The twins are due in five months and Hunter won't even be 18. I can't believe this is happening but it is, and there is nothing we can do but hope for the best.



March 12, 2030
Dear Diary,

Our grandchildren have arrived! I can't believe I am saying that, but Alex and I have two grandsons: Emmett Matthew & Nathaniel Lukas. They are so beautiful and healthy! The young family will be coming home with us as Violet's parents refuse to provide space for Hunter and the boys. I am so proud of Violet and extremely proud of Hunter. He has been working almost full time in the last five months in order to make some money to support Violet, Emmett and Nathaniel. I see real love between Hunter and Violet and I hope it lasts.


September 23, 2034
Dear Diary,

I am a Grandma again! And just like last time I can't believe how fortunate I am to have such wonderful children, children-in-law and grandchildren. Yesterday night, just before the clock struck twelve, Logan's wife gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Alistair James Fasbender. It was a hard and long labour, but Ivy, Logan's wife, had Logan with her the whole way which helped alot.

In other news, we know only have three babies in the house, as Hunter, Logan, Amelia & Olivia have all moved out. Hunter and Violet are engaged, finally, and living in an apartment around the block; Logan and Ivy are living a couple hours away in a small house; and both Amelia and Olivia are away at university. It's quiet at the Fasbender house but the peacefulness is nice.



October 9, 2037
Dear Diary,

Our family has grown much, much larger in the past year with grandkids galore!
Hunter and Violet finally got married last summer and they've been thinking a lot lately about certain things like hopefully maybe adding another child to the mix.
Logan and Ivy suffered two miscarriages, one in April of 2035 and another in January, 2036 but they held onto their dream of giving Alistair a sibling and they welcomed a baby girl in June whom they named Vivienne Camille Fasbender.
Our first granddaughter was born earlier this year in February to Amelia and her boyfriend Preston Austerely. Rose Dianne Fasbender-Austerely was born in the wee hours of the morning in Amelia's apartment living room in a blow up pool. Amelia now swears by waterbirth and says that it made the labor almost painless. Hopefully that means another Fasbender-Austerely grandbaby soon!
Although Olivia hasn't given us a grandchild quite yet, she and her fiancé have just let Kain and I know that they are 18 weeks along with a baby girl. Their wedding is this December and by then Olivia will be quite a bit bigger!
Next time we talk, I may have a whole other load of grandkids.


#36 glitchinggecko


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Posted 02 December 2012 - 11:35 AM

Azalea 'Leah' Grace Potter [43]
Joseph 'JJ' Jacob Potter [45]
Matthew 'Matt' James Potter [26]
Nicholas 'Nick' Andrew Potter [26]
Amelia 'Amy' Grace Potter [24]
Sebastian 'Seb' Paul Potter [24]
Thomas 'Tom' John Potter [24]
Elizabeth 'Beth' Jasmine Potter [18]
Nathaniel 'Nate' Owen Potter [16]
Catherine 'Cate' Margaret Potter [9]

Matthew 'Matt' James Potter [24]
Rhiannon 'Rhi' Edith Potter [3]
Rosemary 'Rose' Erin Potter [0]

Amelia 'Amy' Grace Potter [24]
Gregory 'Greg' Marcus Potter [0]

Thomas 'Tom' John Potter [24]
William 'Will' Jacob Potter [8]
Emma 'Em' Grace Potter [8]
Dominic 'Dom' Alexander Potter [0]

#37 AmyB


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 02:24 PM

Dear Pippa and Daniel,

September 14, 2038

It was so wonderful to hear from you! I am so glad that you guys have settled into your new house and city. How are the kids dealing with the move? If I remember correctly Sarah is 14, Michael is 13 and George is 11 which are tough ages for such a big change. And of course Nicholas is off at university right? How is that going for him?

Over at our house things have been pretty crazy as of late. Josh and I now have 6 grandchildren which shocks me everytime I say it. It seems wierd that the last time we saw each other I was still having children! Now it's the next generation's turn.

Our oldest kids, Will and Ben are now 26. Will and his wife Julie have been married for 3-and-a-half years. Their first son, Lachlan is 2-and-a-half, and their newest baby, a boy also, Seamus William, was born in April. Benjamin and his fiance Ariana are planning their wedding for next spring.

Next up are the triplets. After you moved, our family was rocked by quite a surprising event. Seven years ago, Arthur and his now-wife Paige gave birth to twins, Emma and Rupert. They were so young but they have become wonderful parents. They also welcomed another baby last September named Patrick Xavier. Audrey, our free spirited child is off somewhere travelling the world and taking photos. Amelia, the youngest triplet, and her boyfriend Grant had a surprise baby in June. They named their daughter Addison Victoria Mae Overhouse.

Lucy just started university as well. She has dreams of becoming Dr. Calhoun. Sebastian is thriving at school, and on the hockey team. In fact he is fundraising right now for a trip to a hockey tournament. Elizabeth, our youngest, is quiet and pensieve but takes after her older sister Audrey. She is so creative and adores her dance classes.

I cant believe we have gone so long without talking! We need to really catch up! Talk to you soon!

Rose Calhoun



[43] Rose Elodie

~born: Oct 8, 1994

[45] Joshua Rhys

~born: Nov 14, 1992

[26] Benjamin Tyler // William Zachary

~born: Aug 19, 2012

William and Julie w/

[2] Lochlan Harry

~March 9, 2036

[0] Seamus William

~April 26, 2038

[24] Arthur James // Audrey Faith // Amelia Honor

~born June 25, 2014

Arthur and Paige w/

[7] Emma Dorothy // Rupert Lionel

~born Aug 4, 2031

[1] Patrick Xavier

~born Sept 8, 2037

Amelia and Grant w/

[0] Addison Victoria Mae

~born June 23, 2038

[18] Lucy Clarabel

~born May 30, 2020

[16] Sebastian Levi

~born Feb 11, 2022

[8] Elizabeth Eden

~born Dec 3, 2029

#38 AmyB


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 11:05 AM

me: Violet Erin Jackson {44}

-born April 5, 1995

him: Archer Nicholas Blackwell {46}

-born July 17, 1993

ds/dd: Charles Adrian / Olivia Molly {26}

-born June 26, 2013

ds/ds/ds: Hugo Michael / Flynn Jeremiah / Toby John {24}

-born May 1, 2015

dd: Lucy Flora {18}

-born March 18, 2021

ds: Nathaniel Milo {16}

-born Dec 12, 2022

dd: Juliet Harper {9}

-born July 22, 2030

Olivia + Greg {29}

Bryony {3}

Brooklyn {4m}

Flynn + Danielle {22}

Holden {0}

Toby + Maya {24}

Bethany / Adele {7}

Percy and Gwen,

It was such a lovely surprise when Archer and I opened your letter yesterday. I can't believe it has been almost 10 years since we last saw each other. And your kids are all grown up now as well. Pass our congratulations on to Yvonne for graduating from Princeton with Honors, and tell Adam and Ilyana I wish them luck with their new baby girl.

A lot has happened in our family since the last time we spoke. I know have 5 grandchildren who are all such perfect little darlings.

Our first two grandchildren were born quite as a surprise almost 8 years ago to my 16 year old son Toby. At the time it was a tough pill to swallow but looking back, I think it has made Toby and his girlfriend Maya such strong people. Bethany and Adele are beautiful young ladies and have a dazzling passion for life.

The next Blackwell baby was born to my oldest daughter Olivia and her wonderful husband Greg. Olivia met Greg while travelling through the UK and only six months later they were married. Their first baby Bryony was born three years ago and their second, Brooklyn Freya, was born four months ago. Since they live in London, Archer and I went there to spend a month with them after Brooklyn was born.

Lastly, another one of the triplets has made us grandparents, and this time we finally got a grandson! Flynn and his wife Danielle were married for only four weeks when little Holden Zachary Blackwell was born. It all started for Flynn and Dani when they met each other in their first year of university. They began dating in second year and after a few rocky periods they were engaged in their fourth year. They planned their wedding date to be July 16th, 2039 and so it was quite a surprise when in February they found out they were 6 weeks pregnant. But this didn't completely throw a wrench in their plan because it meant that Dani would only be 6 months pregnant come wedding day. And so their wedding went off without a hitch. The big shocker came when only four weeks later Dani gave birth quite prematurely to our first grandson, Holden, who is now happy and healthy.

And in other news, Archer and I are leaving in a week for a belated 25th wedding anniversary trip to Greece!

Say hi to the family!


Archer and Violet

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