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Tragic CAF! R.5

Round 5

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#21 Lilli'sHeart


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Posted 12 February 2013 - 10:22 PM

Round 1:
My name is Julia Polly Lee. I live in England. I am 19 years old. I have wavy chestnut hair and green eyes. About a year ago my mother died and I didn't want to go with life any more. I had to move in with an awful aunt (my name sake: Aunt Polly) I guess I was a rebel. I hated her so much and I hated life and I hated death because it took my mum. So I just gradually became un dependable, not caring, ect. I stayed out all night. I hung out with a rough crowd. I eventually started going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but oh I was so wrong. I found out I was pregnant. I told aunt Polly and she basically kicked me out. I didn't have money, food, a job, anyone to take care of me. What did I have? The clothes on my back and a baby. I thought my life was over. But I found a church willing to take me in where there were other girls, some younger than me with my situation. While I was there, I got back on my feet. The people taught me more about my faith and it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. God may not have wanted me to get pregnant, but He knows how to work around the little bumps in my journey of life. This baby experience has taught me a lot. But I'm not finished yet. I was blessed with tiny--but heathy--babies...3 in fact. Triplets. 1girl, 2 boys. Jude Wolf, Rhett Holden, and little Emma Catalina. They are precious. Jude has a little blond hair and glasz eyes. Holden has auburn wavy hair ans Blue eyes. And Emma has my hair and eyes. After they were born I found a job at a daycare center. I gave them my last name, Lee and now I have moved on. I am blessed ;)
Round 2:
When the triplets were about a year old, I started doing my old habits again. I was afraid to ask aunt Polly for help, and I was ashamed. She threw me out of the house once, I didn't want to be let down again. Soon enough, I was pregnant, and again, I didn't know who the dad was. I started going to a prenatal clinic. I was pretty sure the man was Trevor Liam (Lee) Jackson. --Lee has blond hair and Blue eyes. --So I found him and he agreed, if the tests were right he would help with the kids. A few months later I gave birth to twin girls, Anna Phoebe and Hanna Anastasia. They have blond hair, blue eyes. like Lee and Jude. The hospital took the DNA test and the girls were his! He was acually happy and he was genuinly joyful that I had other kids. He said he loves kids and is ready to start a family. I guess we already did. . ;) but I'm just so glad he kept his word.


Round 3:
Lee kinda went missing for a while. I was starting to fall for him, but now that he's not here, I think it's ok to take up that guys offer. That guy = Tiffany's brother. The kids love them, which is good since the 6 of us are living with Tiffany, a work Friend. I'm really excited about going out with handsome, Ash brown haired, blue eyed Cyrus Stone. I hope it works out....but I still feel like I'm cheating on Lee. Even though nothing happened with me and Lee. Just the girls are his.....

Round 4:
I really have to stop doing this. I cant be with two guys at the same time. Why can't I just be normal? Why? I mean seriously, I'm a Christian, I need to do the RIGHT THING. But any way, I found out I was pregnant. Again. I'm pretty sure it's Cyrus' baby. Actually Im positive. But Lee thinks its his. Lee has come back and we've been living together......ya. I'm messed up. The baby has some deformity that couldn't have been passed from Lee. The baby was born and its obvious that Lee is not the father, and he's furious. He has cut off all contact and money from me and the girls. The new baby was born without a Tyroid, which means he will grow slower than a normal child, and he will be smaller. I decided to name him Kitt Marshall. He is adorable with strawberry blond hair ans blue eyes. But Cyrus has also left me, saying he is a Christian man and my realationship with Lee was sinful and not telling him about it made him furious. And all he said was true. So I moved back in with Tiff and I still have a job. So life is good.


Round 5:
Life was at a new low. I'm living with my best friend barely supporting myself and my kids. I feel awful. Life is awful. I feel like I was back at Aunt Polly's house. I don't want this respondsablity! I want Lee back! I didn't mean to hurt him or Cyrus! AHHHH I hate myself. But I know it's my fault. But I meet a new man crazy about the kids, not caring about my past history. He truly loves me for who I am. Baggage and all. His name is Spencer Miles Smith. He wanted me and the kids to move in with him after only a few months and now he wants me to marry him. He also adopted all the kids, making him their real dad and they have his last name. Life is getting better and it's the best year of my life. But then Spence starts acting weird. He stays home late, is irritable to me and the kids. I saw the signs but I hoped it wasn't true.

Then a woman, out of the blue, came to our door and shoved two bundles in my arms and said I don't want the respondsablity. There is a letter tucked in one of the blankets, explaining how Spence did cheat on me and these are his kids and they have no name. I can't help but fall in love with the 2 little girls, they are precious. With there curly brown hair and sweet blue eyes I think they look like me. I wait til Spencer comes home to decide what to do. But I have forgiven him. I think of how I felt when Lee and Cyrus left me and I don't want Spence to go through that tourture. We decide to raise them as our own and name the girls Kate Rosalina and Scarlett Marie. And give them his name Smith.

#22 Puppylover12397


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Posted 13 February 2013 - 07:59 PM

My name is Dahlia Lourdes Wagner, I am Seventeen Years Old and I live in Berlin, Germany. I have Blonde Hair and Glasz Eyes. When I was fourteen years old I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at An Animal Shelter to earn a little bit of extra money.

A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy Baby Boy. I named him Jude Septimus Wagner. Jude has Brown Hair and Glasz Eyes. The brown hair must come from his father, I don't know who he is though so I gave Jude my last name and move on with my life.

When Jude is just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Xavier Mason Lux, who has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.

few months later I gave birth to A set of Twin Girls. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Xaiver wasn't the father of my twins! It was actually Trevor Liam Jackson. I named them Rose Aine Wagner and Sophia Anne Wagner. Rose has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes and Sophia has Light Brown Hair and Brown Eyes.

After the twins were born life was still difficult but I'm making it. I know live in an apartment with a work friend named Tiffany Dymond Stall who is Twnety-Two Years Old. She has Light Mix Color Hair and Glasz Eyes and has become my best friend!

A few weeks ago she introduced me to her twin brother, Emory Silver Stall. He has Golden Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes and is very handsome! He's also very nice and is great with the children! He eventually asked me on a date and I said yes and it went wonderfully!

While my relationship with Emory grew, I was still in the middle of trying to find out who the father of my twins were. Eventually the matter was settled when I found out that the original DNA test was right, Trevor supports the children and comes to see them but, we're not together. My new boyfreind still doesn't know about me finding the twins father and I plan to keep it that way!

Life with Emory is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of theapartment with Tiffany and in with Emory. The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic Emory did it ony my birthday. Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but Emory soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Emory was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to a Baby Boy who I named West Marshall Wagner. He has Golden Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes, a minature of hsi father. Though I'm devastated that Emory is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Tiffany who is just as devastated as I am.

Life without Emory has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Tiffany, but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won! Tiffany and I moved into a nice house and soon, Tiffany became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby was ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Tiffany had begun to hemmeroge and go into shock. She had given to a precious Baby Girl, who had Ash Brown Hair and Blue Eyes and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Tiffany wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her child.

As it was now my responseabilty to care for them, I was one to offically name her baby. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her child. I named her Teagan Danielle Wagner.

The Wagner Family

DM: Dahlia Lourdes Wagner {20}

DS: Jude Septimus Wagner {3}

DD/DD: Rose Aine Wagner & Sophia Anne Wagner {2}

DS: West Mashall Wagner {1}

DAD: Teagan Danielle Wagner {0}


Ex-BF1: Trevor Liam Jackson {27} {Out of the Picture} {Father of Rose & Sophia}

Ex-DFi: Emory Silver Stall {23} {Deceased} {Father of West}

DRM: Tiffany Dymond Stall {24} {In a Coma} {Mother of Teagan}

#23 Jenna Hansen

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Posted 14 February 2013 - 06:04 PM

After being left alone again, I was at a new low. I knew it was my fault and I wished I could take it all back, but I knew that never could. I vowed to myself that I would change, and become a better person. Within a few months, I'd met a handsome and wealthy man named Henry Jeremiah Welch. He was a tall and handsome man with light mix colored hair and glasz eyes. He insisted I move in after only a few months and become the woman he came home to everyday! The following year was one of the happiest I had known. Until I began to notice he was becoming distant and irritable and started staying out late. I knew the signs and hoped it wasn't true and I convinced myself that all was fine.

Then one day out of the blue, a woman showed up at our door, newborn in hand, and quickly shoved her into my arms and left without a word. I was so shocked I nearly dropped her. When I took her inside I contemplated what to do until I noticed an envelope sticking out of the blanket. It said that she was Henry’s mistress and that she had become pregnant and he had abandoned her. It also read that the baby had no name and that she wanted nothing to do with it and it was his problem now. While I was angry at both the woman and Henry, I couldn't help but feel a soft spot for the little girl, with her strawberry blonde curls and blue eyes. When Henry gets home and discovers what’s happened, he leaves me. He says he doesn’t want a relationship with me and he signs the baby over to me before he leaves. I decide to name the girl Isla Rapunzel. My older daughters got to pick out the middle name.

Daughter: Isla Rapunzel(nb)
Strawberry blonde curls and blue eyes
Posted Image

Rori and Lina are now 5, Chloe and Emma are now 3 and Savannah is now 1.

#24 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 15 February 2013 - 08:15 AM

When I was 17 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at an Animal Shelter to earn a little bit of extra money. A few months later I gave birth to small, but thankfully, healthy twins. He had blonde hair and she has brown and they both have blue eyes. I named them Sawyer Romeo and Peyton Arabella. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life. When Sawyer and Peyton were just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Trevor Liam Jackson, who has blonde hair and blue eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his. A few months later I gave birth to a girl and boy twins. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and he has dark brown hair and green eyes. I named them Chloe Ann & Micah Lane Jackson-Wallace. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Trevor was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he is a full time father to the twins. After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Kyrie Megan Checks who is 19. She is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Levi Slate, who adores the children! He's very handsome. A while after we met, Levi asked me on a date! I agree to go on a date and it's perfect! While he knows about the situation surrounding my children's births, he doesn't care and treats us all well despite the troubled past! Things are finally looking up as I spend more time with him.

Life with Levi is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Kyrie's apartment and in with him! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic, he took me to the top of a ferris wheel, knelt on one knee, and told me how much he loved me. Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried, but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby! Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Levi was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to triplets who I named Beckham Crew, Griffith Sailor, and Flynn Navy.
Though I'm devastated that Levi is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Kyrie, who is just as devastated as I am.
Life without Levi has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Kyrie but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Kyrie and I moved into a nice house and soon, she became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor, but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby was ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Kyrie had begun to hemmorage and go into shock. She had given to a precious baby girl who was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Kyrie wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her child.
As it was now my responsibility to care for them, I was one to officially name her baby. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her child. I named them Hadley Amelia Checks.

Posted Image

#25 astrothief42


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 10:22 PM

My name is Anais Marietta Larson , I am 19 and I live in Berlin, Germany. I have Brown hair and Hazel eyes. When I was 18 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a animal shelter to earn a little bit of extra money.

A few months later I gave birth to small, but thankfully, healthy triplets. Adriana Jayne Larson has Blonde hair and Brown eyes, Stella Faith Larson has Brown hair and Browneyes, and Carter Oskar Larson has Brown hair and Hazel eyes. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life.


When Adriana, Stella and Carter were just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Trevor Liam Jackson, who has Red Hair and Hazel eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.


A few months later I gave birth to twin daughters. I named them Kenna Ayna & Arabella Anne Larson. Kenna has auburn hair and gray eyes. Bella has black hair and glasz eyes. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that --- Trevor WASN'T the father of my twins! Trevor made it his own personal mission, and gave me a call later, basically "giving" it to me. Before hanging up, he called me a "slut," and then told me that he was going to be telling all of his guy friends. Distraught and confused, but mostly terrified, I cried, wondering how I will ever raise 5 kids on my own. I think the father is Calvin Rhys Parks. I will tell him later.


After the twins were born, life was still difficult, but I'm making it. I now live in an apartment with a work friend named Kyrie Megan Checks who is 19, like me. She has Ash Brown hair and Blue eyes, and has become my best friend!

A few weeks ago she introduced me to her twin brother, Seth Emery Checks. He has Golden Blonde hair and Hazel eyes and is very handsome! He's also very nice and is great with the children! He eventually asked me on a date and I said yes and it went wonderfully!

While my relationship with Seth grew, I was still in the middle of trying to find out who the father of my twins were. The matter was still not settled because they both refused the DNA tests, and I am STILL alone with 5 children. My new boyfriend still doesn't know about me finding the twins father, and I plan to keep it that way!


Life with Seth is wonderful! It's only been six months, but things are going great! I've moved out of Kyrie's apartment and in with Seth! The children adore him, and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic he grabbed me by the hand, and we took a stroll by the lake. Just after the proposal, I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried, but he soothed my fears, and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Seth was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor, and later that day I gave birth to a baby girl who I named Savannah Eve Larson-Checks. She has Light Auburn hair and Green eyes. Though I'm devastated that Seth is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Kyrie, who is just as devastated as I am.


Life without Seth has been hard. It's already been a year, but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery. It had started out as a joke between me and Kyrie, but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Kyrie and I moved into a nice house and soon, Kyrie became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself, and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor, but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the babies were okay. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Kyrie had begun to hemorrhage, and then went into shock. She had given birth to precious twin boys, who had Light Auburn hair and Green eyes and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Kyrie wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her children.

As it was now my responseabilty to care for them, I was one to offically name her babies. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her children. I named them Ezekiel Prescott and Phineas Breccan Checks.

The Larson Family

DM: Anais Marietta [21]

DD/DD/DS: Adriana Jayne/Stella Faith/Carter Oskar Larson [3]

DD/DD: Kenna Ayna/Arabella Anne Larson [2]

DD: Savannah Eve Larson-Checks [1]

DFS/DFS: Ezekiel Prescott/Phineas Breccan Checks [nb]

#26 Lawren


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:54 PM

My name is Alice Maisie Hart , I am 17 and I live in Germany. I have Auburn hair and blue eyes. When I was 16 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a Small Daycare to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to small, but thankfully, healthy Girl/Girl/Boy Triplets. The girls have blonde hair and hazel eyes, while the boy has auburn hair and blue eyes like me. I named them Juliet Emma, Arabella Kinsey, and Sawyer Tristan. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life.

When Juliet, Arabella, and Sawyer were just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was too ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Calvin Rhys Parks, who has Dark Brown Hair and Green eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.
A few months later I gave birth to Twin Boys. They have Auburn hair and Gray eyes. I named them Makis Wyatt & Micah Brody. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Calvin was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he stayed as a part-time father.

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Tiffany Dymond Stall who is 22 She has light, straight auburn hair and green eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Shale Stall, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has Ash brown hair and blue eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date!

I decide to take him up on his offer of a date and go out without Calvin knowing about it. I feel a little guily but I push it to the back of my mind as I continue seeing both Calvin and Isaac.

After I begin seeing both Isaac and Calvin I manage to keep it well hidden for nearly six months.....until I got pregnant. I know for sure that Isaac is the father but I don't want Calvin to know so I convince myself that it's true. Reality comes crashing down though when an abnormality in the ultrasound points to a genetic condition that is affecting my baby with a slow growth rate.

At only 30 weeks I'm taken in for an emergency C-Section and I give birth to a girl who I name Isaballa Ruth. When the doctors need the parents medical information it is soon clear to everyone that Calvin couldn't carry the gene that caused my child's problems. Calvin is outraged and leaves me, Isaac says that lying to him about his children was unforgivable and no longer wants a relationship though both agree to support their respective children. I'm told that my newest child will be alright with treatment and that's the best news.

After being left alone again, I was at a new low. I knew it was my fault and I wished I could take it all back, but I knew that would never. I vowed to myself that I would change, and become a better person! Within a few months, I'd met a handsome and wealthy man named Spencer Theo Page, he was a tall and handsome man with Ash Brown hair and Blue eyes. He insisted I move in after only a few months and become the woman he wanted to come home to everyday! The following year was one of the happiest I had known, until I began to notice he was becoming distant, irratable with me, and staying out late. I knew the signs and feverently hoped it wasn't true and I once again convinced myself that all was fine.

Then one day out of the blue, a woman showed up at our door, newborns in hand, and quickly shoved them into my arms and left without a word. I was so shocked I nearly dropped them. When I took them inside I contemplated what to do until I noticed an envelope sticking out of the blanket. It said that she was Spencer's mistress and that she had become pregnant and he had abandoned her. It also read that the baby had no name and that she wanted nothing to do with it and it was his problem now. While I was angry at both the woman and Spencer I couldn't help but feel a soft spot for the Babies with soft black curls and glasz eyes. When he gets home and discovers whats happened we do stay together because it's what's best and convenient. We decide to name the babies Adelaide Marie and Genevieve Danielle.

Alice Maisie Hart and Spencer Theo Page

Juliet Emma Hart (5)
Arabella Kinsey Hart (5)
Sawyer Tristan Hart (5)

Makis Wyatt Parks (4)
Micah Brody Parks (4)

Isabella Ruth Hart (2)

Adelaide Marie Page (NB)
Genevieve Danielle Page (NB)

#27 Puppylover12397


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 03:42 PM

My name is Tallulah Guinevere Hansen, I am Seventeen Years Old and I live in London, England I have Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes. When I was fourteen years old I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at A Local Factory to earn a little bit of extra money.

A few months later I gave birth to a setof small, but thankfully, healthy Twin Boys. I named them Edward Atticus Hansen and Riley Quillan Hansen. Edward has Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes and Riley has Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life.

When Edward and Riley were just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Xavier Mason Lux, who has Auburn Hair and Gray Eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.

A few months later I gave birth to faternal boy/girl twins. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Xaiver wasn't the father of my twins! I begged Xaiver to stay with me and he agree to and I am so thankful. I named them Michel Beauregard Hansen and Claire Annette Hansen. Michel and Claire both have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Kyrie Megan Checks who is Nineteen Years Old. She has Ash Brown Hair and Blue Eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Cobalt Checks, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has Strawberry Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date!

I decide to take him up on his offer of a date and go out without Xavier knowing about it. I feel a little guily but I push it to the back of my mind as I continue seeing both Xavier and Isaac.

After I begin seeing both Isaac and Xavier, I manage to keep it well hidden for nearly six months.....until I got pregnant. I know for sure that Isaac is the father but I don't want Xavier to know so I convince myself that it's true. Reality comes crashing down though when an abnormality in the ultrasound points to a genetic condition, Abnormal Heartbeat, that is affecting my babies.

At only 30 weeks I'm taken in for an emergency C-Section and I give birth to Girl/Boy Twins who I name Juliette Eve Hansen and Dylan Sergeant Hansen. When the doctors need the parents medical information it is soon clear to everyone that Xavier couldn't carry the gene that caused my children's problems. Xavier is outraged and leaves me, Isaac says that lying to him about his children was unforgivable and no longer wants a relationship though both agree to support their respective children. I'm told that Juliette and Dylan will be alright with treatment and thats the best news. Juliette and Dylan both have Strawberry Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.

After being left alone again, I was at a new low. I knew it was my fault and I wished I could take it all back, but I knew that would never. I vowed to myself that I would change, and become a better person! Within a few months, I'd met a handsome and wealthy man named Henry Samuel Benson, he was a tall and handsome man with Copper Red Hair and Green Eyes. He insisted I move in after only a few months and become the woman he wanted to come home to everyday! The following year was one of the happiest I had known, until I began to notice he was becoming distant, irratable with me, and staying out late. I knew the signs and feverently hoped it wasn't true and I once again convinced myself that all was fine.

Then one day out of the blue, a woman showed up at our door, newborn in hand, and quickly shoved her into my arms and left without a word. I was so shocked I nearly dropped them. When I took them inside I contemplated what to do until I noticed an envolope sticking out of the blanket. It said that she was Henry's mistress and that she had become pregnant and he had abandoned her. It also read that the baby had no name and that she wanted nothing to do with it and it was his problem now. While I was angry at both the woman and Henry I couldn't help but feel a soft spot for the little boy with Light Mix Color Hair and Glasz Eyes. When he gets home and discovers whats happened we stay together, everyone makes a mistake and I do love Henry. We decide to name the baby Harvey Breccan Hansen-Benson.

The Hansen Family

DM: Tallulah Guinevere Hansen {20}

DBF: Henry Samuel Benson {27}

DS/DS: Edward Atticus Hansen & Riley Quillan Hansen {3}

DS/DD: Michel Beauregard Hansen & Claire Annette Hansen {2}

DD/DS: Juliette Eve Hansen & Dylan Sergeant Hansen {1}

DAS: Harvey Breccan Hansen-Benson {0}


Ex-DBF1: Xaiver Mas0n Lux {24} {Out of the Picture} {Adoptive Father of Michel & Claire}

Ex-DBF2: Isaac Cobalt Checks {21} {Out of the Picture} {Father of Juliette & Dylan}

#28 Kookie


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 06:38 PM

My name is Isis Emerald Ramos , I am 16 and I live in Russia. I have blonde wavy hair and hazel eyes. When I was 15 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a general store to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy girl. She has straight, auburn hair and hazel eyes. I named her Honora Blue Ramos. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life.

When Honora was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Trevor Liam Jackson who has dark brown straight hair and green eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.
A few months later I gave birth to 2 girls. They have curly, red hair and hazel eyes. I named them Savannah Annelie & Gabriella Nanor. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Trevor was the father of my twins! He didn't keep his word, but he payed voluntary child support.

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Anna Nicole Smith who is 18. She has light mix colour hair and glasz eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Jonas Clay Smith who adores the children! He's very handsome and has light auburn hair and green eyes. A while after we met Jonas asked me on a date! I agree to go on a date and it's perfect! While he knows about the situation surrounding my childrens births he doesn't care and treats us all well despite the troubled past! Things are finally looking up as I spend more time with Jonas.

Life with Jonas is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Anna's apartment and in with Jonas! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic he took me for a stroll by the lake. Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Jonas was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to another girl who I named Aurora Eve. She has straight, soft black hair and glasz eyes. Though I'm devastated that Jonas is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Anna, who is just as devastated as I am.

Life without Jonas has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Anna but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Anna and I moved into a nice house and soon, Anna became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby(ies) were ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Anna had begun to hemmeroge and go into shock. She had given to a precious girl, who had golden blonde hair and hazel eyes and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Anna wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her child.

As it was now my responseabilty to care for them, I was one to offically name her baby. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her child. I named her Juliet Ashlyn.

Isis Emerald Ramos {20}

Honora Blue Ramos {4}
Savannah Annelie Ramos-Jackson {2}
Gabriella Nanor Ramos-Jackson {2}
Aurora Eve Ramos-Smith {1}
Juliet Ashlyn Smith {NB}

#29 CLA


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Posted 12 May 2013 - 05:31 AM

My name is Neves Avia Day, I am 18 years old and I live in St. Petersburg, Russia. I have curly black hair and green eyes. When I was 17 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a local factory to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy baby boy. He has straight black hair and blue eyes. I named him Silas Corin Day. Since I don't know who his father is I give him my last name and move on with my life.
When Silas was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was too ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Trevor Liam Jackson, who has straight blonde hair and blue eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.
A few months later I gave birth to a girl and a boy. She has curly blonde hair and blue eyes, and he has wavy black hair and glasz eyes. I named them Arabella Nina & Mikhail Adam. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Trevor was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he is a full-time father to the twins.
After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Tiffany Dymond Stall who is 22. She has wavy golden blonde hair and hazel eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Emery Stall who adores the children! He's very handsome and has wavy ash brown hair and blue eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date!
I agree to go on a date and it's perfect! While he knows about the situation surrounding my childrens births he doesn't care and treats us all well despite the troubled past! Things are finally looking up as I spend more time with Isaac.
Life with Isaac is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Tiffany's apartment and in with Isaac! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic he got down on one knee under the tree where we shared our first kiss. Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Isaac was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to a baby boy who I named Lennox Gunner Stall. He has copper red hair and blue eyes. Though I'm devastated that Isaac is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Tiffany, who is just as devastated as I am
Life without Isaac has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Tiffany but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Tiffany and I moved into a nice house and soon, Tiffany became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the babies were ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Tiffany had begun to hemmeroge and go into shock. She had given birth to two precious girls, who had wavy strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Tiffany wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her children.

As it was now my responsabilty to care for them, I was one to offically name her babies. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her children. I named them Amelia Kathleen and Cecilia Isabelle.

Neves Avia Day {22} {Mother to Silas, Arabella, Mikhail, & Lennox}
Tiffany Dymond Stall {24} {Neves' best friend; Isaac's twin sister; mother of Amelia & Cecilia}
Isaac Emery Stall {deceased} {Neve's fiancé; Tiffany's twin brother; father of Lennox}
Trevor Liam Jackson {24} {Father of Arabella & Mikhail}
Silas Corin Day {4}
Arabella Nina Jackson-Day {2}
Mikhail Adam Jackson-Day {2}
Lennox Gunner Stall {1}
Amelia Kathleen Stall {nb}
Cecilia Isabelle Stall {nb}

#30 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 12 May 2013 - 04:11 PM

My name is Calla Ruby Snyder , I am 16 and I live in England. I have curly black hair and green eyes. When I was 15 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at an animal shelter to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy boy. He has curly auburn hair and blue eyes. I named him Barley Fitzwilliam Snyder. Since I don't know who his father is I gave him my last name and moved on with my life.


When Barley was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Calvin Rhys Parks, who has straight light brown hair and brown eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.

A few months later I gave birth to twin girls. They have curly auburn hair and grey eyes. I named them Maia Anie Snyder & Juliet Anicka Snyder. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Calvin wasn't the father of my twins! I tell Xavier he might be the father, and have him tested.


After the twins were born life was still difficult but I'm making it. I know live in an apartment with a work friend named Raven Corrine Poe who is 20. She has wavy golden blonde hair and hazel eyes and has become my best friend!

A few weeks ago she introduced me to her twin brother, Alden Clay Poe. He has wavy light auburn hair and green eyes and is very handsome! He's also very nice and is great with the children! He eventually asked me on a date and I said yes and it went wonderfully!
While my relationship with Alden grew, I was still in the middle of trying to find out who the father of my twins were. Eventually the matter was settled when I found out that Xavier. My new boyfriend still doesn't know about me finding the twins father and I plan to keep it that way!


Life with Alden is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Raven's apartment and in with Alden! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic he took me on a stroll by the lake. Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Alden was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to a girl who I named Arianna Chloe Snyder-Poe. She has wavy soft black hair and glasz eyes. Though I'm devastated that Alden is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Raven, who is just as devastated as I am.


Life without Alden has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and (workfriend) but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Raven and I moved into a nice house and soon, Raven became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby(ies) were ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Raven had begun to hemmeroge and go into shock. She had given to a precious little girl and a handsome little boy, who both had her wavy golden blonde hair and hazel eyes and were perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Raven wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her children.

As it was now my responsibilty to care for them, I was one to officially name her babies. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her children. I named them Alice Daisy Poe and Caspar Jago Poe.

Calla Ruby Snyder [19]

Barley Fitzwilliam Snyder [3]

Maia Anie Snyder [2]

Juliet Anicka Snyder [2]

Arianna Chloe Snyder-Poe [1]

Calla Snyder with Barley, Maia, Juliet, and Ari

Raven Corrinne Poe [22]

Alice Daisy Poe [0]

Caspar Jago Poe [0]

Raven Poe with Alice and Caspar

#31 Vix


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Posted 12 May 2013 - 10:45 PM

My name is Tori Elizabeth McCall, I am 17 and I live in Thorntown, Indiana. I have Auburn hair and Blue eyes. When I was 16 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a Dollar Tree to earn a little bit of extra money.

A few months later I gave birth to a set of small, but thankfully healthy boy/girl twins. They both have ash brown hair and blue eyes, which they must have gotten from their father. I named them Graham Thomas and Echo Juliette McCall. Since I don't know who their father is, I give them my last name and move on with my life.

When Graham and Echo were just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was too ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Matthew “Matty” Mullins, who has copper red hair and green eyes and is a musician. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.

A few months later I gave birth to my twins, two boys. I named them Jase Matthew Mullins & Kaedan Anchor Mullins. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Matty was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he's a full time father to the twins.

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Alicen May Gaskarth who is 21. She has Golden Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Alexander William Gaskarth, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has Ash Brown Hair and Blue Eyes and much like Matty, is also a musician. A while after we met Alex asked me on a date! I agreed to go on a date and it's perfect! While he knows about the situation surrounding my children's births he doesn't care and treats us all well despite the troubled past! Things are finally looking up as I spend more time with Alex.

Life with Alex is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Alicen's apartment and in with Alex! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! It was so romantic he proposed on my birthday at the beach with the kids around! Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby!

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Alex was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to triplets, all boys, who I named Kayson Patrick, Kieran William, and Kellin David. Kellin has Dark Brown Hair and Black Eyes while Kayson has ash brown hair and blue eyes and Keiran has light auburn hair and green eyes . Though I'm devastated that Alex is gone, I'm glad to have these little pieces of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Alicen, who is just as devastated as I am.

Life without Alex has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Alicen but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Alicen and I moved into a nice house and soon, Alicen became pregnant! While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby(ies) were ok. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Alicen had begun to hemorrhage and go into shock. She had given to a precious baby boy, who had Light Auburn Hair and Green Eyes and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Alicen wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her child.

As it was now my responsibility to care for them, I was one to officially name her baby. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her child. I named him Brady Alexander Gaskarth

DM: Tori Elizabeth McCall (21)
DS: Graham Thomas McCall (3)
DD: Echo Juliette McCall(3)
DBF: Matthew “Matty” Mullins (24)
DS: Jase Matthew Mullins (2)
DS: Kaedan Anchor Mullins(2)

DBF: Alexander William Gaskarth (deceased, 22)
DS: Kayson Patrick Gaskarth (1)
DS: Kieran William Gaskarth (1)
DS: Kellin David Gaskarth (1)

DM: Alicen May Gaskarth
DS: Brady Alexander Gaskarth (NB)

#32 chloet


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Posted 13 May 2013 - 01:24 AM

My name is Nora Violet Pierce, I am seventeen years old and I live in London, England. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. When I was sixteen, I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a small daycare to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy baby girl. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. I named her Briana Juliet. Since I don't know who her father is I give her my last name and move on with my life.

When Briana was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Calvin Rhys Parks, who has blonde hairand blue eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.
A few months later I gave birth to identical twin girls. They have light brown hair and brown eyes. I named themChloe Annette & Vivian Hanna. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Calvin was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he even wanted us to be together.

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Raven Corrine Poe who is twenty years old. She has light auburn hair and green eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Emery Poe, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has soft black hair and glasz eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date! I decide to take him up on his offer of a date and go out without Calvin knowing about it. I feel a little guilty but I push it to the back of my mind as I continue seeing both Calvin and Isaac.

After I begin seeing both Isaac and Calvin I manage to keep it well hidden for nearly six months... until I got pregnant. I know for sure that Isaac is the father but I don't want Calvin to know so I convince myself that it's true. Reality comes crashing down though when an abnormality in the ultrasound points to a genetic condition, slight digestive problems, that is affecting one of my babies.
At only 30 weeks I'm taken in for an emergency C-Section and I give birth to triplets - two boys and a girl - who I name Lennox Garrison, Dylan Mace & Harlow Abigail. When the doctors need the parents medical information it is soon clear to everyone that Calvin couldn't carry the gene that caused Lennox's problems. Calvin is outraged and leaves me, Isaac says that lying to him about his children was unforgivable and no longer wants a relationship though both agree to support their respective children. I'm told that Lennox will be alright with treatment and that's the best news.

After being left alone again, I was at a new low. I knew it was my fault and I wished I could take it all back, but I knew that would never work. I vowed to myself that I would change, and become a better person! Within a few months, I'd met a handsome and wealthy man named Oliver Maxwell Burton, he was a tall and handsome man with dark auburn hair and gray eyes. He insisted I move in after only a few months and become the woman he wanted to come home to everyday! The following year was one of the happiest I had known, until I began to notice he was becoming distant, irritable with me, and staying out late. I knew the signs and fervently hoped it wasn't true and I once again convinced myself that all was fine.
Then one day out of the blue, a woman showed up at our door, newborn in hand, and quickly shoved her into my arms and left without a word. I was so shocked I nearly dropped her. When I took her inside I contemplated what to do until I noticed an envelope sticking out of the blanket. It said that she was Oliver's mistress and that she had become pregnant and he had abandoned her. It also read that the baby had no name and that she wanted nothing to do with it and it was his problem now. While I was angry at both the woman and Oliver I couldn't help but feel a soft spot for the baby with strawberry blonde curls and blue eyes. When he gets home and discovers whats happened we stay together because I think he deserves a second chance. We decide to name the baby Sienna Hazel Burton-Pierce.

DM: Nora Violet Pierce
DF: Oliver Maxwell Burton
DD: Briana Juliet Pierce
DD/DD: Chloe Annette & Vivian Hanna Parks
DS/DS/DD: Lennox Garrison, Dylan Mace & Harlow Abigail Pierce
DD: Sienna Hazel Burton-Pierce

#33 Therandombanana


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 12:15 PM

My name is Olivia Blaise Johnston, I am 16 and I live in Glasgow, Scotland. I have brown hair and glasz eyes. When I was 15 I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a small daycare to earn a little bit of extra money.
A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy girl. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. I named her Domenica Velvet. Since I don't know who their father is I give them my last name and move on with my life.

When Domenica was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Trevor Liam Jackson, who has black Hair and glasz eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his.
A few months later I gave birth to G/G twins. They have dark brown hair and green eyes. I named them Phoebe Anaïs & Scarlett Annalie. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Trevor Liam Jackson was the father of my twins! He did keep his word, and he even wanted us to be together!

After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Tori Lynn Maize who is 21. She has Strawberry Blonde Hair and Blue eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Cobalt Maize, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has Golden Blonde hair and Hazel eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date!

I decide to take him up on his offer of a date and go out without Trevor knowing about it. I feel a little guily but I push it to the back of my mind as I continue seeing both and Isaac.

After I begin seeing both Isaac and Trevor I manage to keep it well hidden for nearly six months.....until I got pregnant. I know for sure that Isaac is the father but I don't want Trevor to know so I convince myself that it's true. Reality comes crashing down though when an abnormality in the ultrasound points to a genetic condition (slow growth rate) that is affecting my baby.

At only 30 weeks I'm taken in for an emergency C-Section and I give birth to another girl who I name Raphaela Judith. When the doctors need the parents medical information it is soon clear to everyone that Trevor couldn't carry the gene that caused my child's problems. Trevor is outraged and leaves me, Isaac says that lying to him about his children was unforgivable and no longer wants a relationship though both agree to support their respective children. I'm told that my newest child will be alright and thats the best news.

After being left alone again, I was at a new low. I knew it was my fault and I wished I could take it all back, but I knew that would never. I vowed to myself that I would change, and become a better person! Within a few months, I'd met a handsome and wealthy man named Zachary Roman Dawson, he was a tall and handsome man with Dark Auburn hair and grey eyes. He insisted I move in after only a few months and become the woman he wanted to come home to everyday! The following year was one of the happiest I had known, until I began to notice he was becoming distant, irratable with me, and staying out late. I knew the signs and feverently hoped it wasn't true and I once again convinced myself that all was fine.

Then one day out of the blue, a woman showed up at our door, newborn in hand, and quickly shoved them into my arms and left without a word. I was so shocked I nearly dropped them. When I took them inside I contemplated what to do until I noticed an envolope sticking out of the blanket. It said that she was Zachary's mistress and that she had become pregnant and he had abandoned her. It also read that the baby had no name and that she wanted nothing to do with it and it was his problem now. While I was angry at both the woman and Zachary, I couldn't help but feel a soft spot for the Baby with Dark brown curls and black eyes. When he gets home and discovers whats happened he leaves me alone with his child. I decide to name the baby Humphrey Tobiah Dawson.

#34 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 08:22 PM

My name is Francesca Giada Romero, I am 17 and I live in Florence, Italy. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. When I was 16, I fell into a rough crowd. I stayed out all night, my grades slipped and eventually I began going home with boys. I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. Suddenly I was pregnant, alone and scared with no one to help me. The local shelter took me in and I began to help out at a small daycare to earn a little bit of extra money.

A few months later I gave birth to a small, but thankfully, healthy baby girl, who I named Cressida Juliet Romero. She has black hair and green eyes. Since I don't know who their father is I gave her my last name and am trying to move on with my life.




When Cressida was just over a year old, I began to fall back into my old life. I was afraid and I was to ashamed to go back to my family and ask for their help. Soon enough, I found myself pregnant again, this time I began going to a free clinic to get prenatal care. I wanted to do it by myself, a man would just cause more drama, but when one of my doctors appointments revealed I was having twins, I decided that it couldn't hurt to have some help from the father. Though I had my doubts about who the father was, I assumed it was a man named Xavier Mason Lux,who has auburn hair and grey eyes. He was doubtful as well but agreed to be there if a DNA test proved the twins were his. A few months later I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. I named them Michael Jericho Romero & Gabriella Annalie Romero. The hospital issued the DNA test and the results came back that Xavier was the father of my twins! He sort of kept his word. He is a part-time father to the twins.






After the twins were born and finally finding their father, things got bumpy for a while but I'm now living with a work friend named Tiffany Diamond Stall, who is 22. She has dark brown hair and black eyes and she is my best friend! She even introduced me to her twin brother, Isaac Jet Stall, who adores the children! He's very handsome and has ash brown hair and blue eyes. A while after we met Isaac asked me on a date!

I agree to go on a date and it's perfect! While he knows about the situation surrounding my childrens' births he doesn't care and treats us all well despite the troubled past! Things are finally looking up as I spend more time with Isaac.





Life with Isaac is wonderful! It's only been six months but things are going great! I've moved out of Tiffany's apartment and in with Isaac! The children adore him and he's a great father figure! Amazingly, he proposed! He took me on an afternoon stroll by the lake. He got down on one knee on the pretty footbridge in the middle of the lake and asked me to be his wife. It was so romantic!  Just after the proposal I found out I was pregnant again! I was worried but he soothed my fears and I began looking forward to having the baby! 

Sadly, only a week before I was to give birth, Isaac was killed in a car accident. The shock sent me into labor and later that day I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who I named Anastasia Rachel Stall. She has ash blonde hair and blue eyes, just like her daddy. Though I'm devastated that Isaac is gone, I'm glad to have this little piece of him with me. After I leave the hospital I move back in with Tiffany, who is just as devastated as I am.




Life without Isaac has been hard. It's already been a year but things are still hard. One good thing was that I had won the lottery, it had started out as a joke between me and Tiffany, but it quickly became serious when we noticed I'd actually won!! Tiffany and I moved into a nice house and soon, she became pregnant! The father was Jake, another co-worker that Tiffany had been fooling around with. He wasn't interested in being a father, and actually got himself transferred to another city so he wouldn't have to deal with a baby. While she was afraid, I'd been through it myself and was there to help her. Soon, we were ready to welcome the newest addition!

Everything was fine during her labor but suddenly everything was chaos! I was rushed out of the room, without even knowing what had happened or if my friend and the baby were okay. Later, a nurse came out and told me that Tiffany had begun to hemorrhage and had gone into shock. She had given birth to a precious baby girl, who had auburn hair and green eyes like Jake, and was perfectly healthy. The nurse also told me that while Tiffany wasn't dead, she had been put into a medically induced coma and that, according to a living will she had made a few months earlier, I was to watch over her child. 

As it was now my responsibility to care for them, I was one to officially name her baby. We had discussed names before and so I used a list of names that she had liked to name her daughter. She was called Penelope Jasmine Stall.



Penelope [nb]



Francesca Giada Romero [21]


DD: Cressida Juliet Romero [5]

DS/DD: Michael Jericho Romero / Gabriella Annalie Romero [3]

DD: Anastasia Rachel Stall [1]


Francesca Romero

Cressida, Michael, Gabriella, and Anastasia


Ex-BF: Xavier Mason Lux (biological father of Michael and Gabriella) [23]

DFiance: Isaac Jet Stall (deceased at 23, father of Anastasia)




Tiffany Diamond Stall [24]


DD: Penelope Jasmine Stall [nb]


Tiffany Stall


#35 Meghan<3


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 07:42 PM

My name is Gianna Estella Franklin. I was born in Potenza, Italy, to my Italian mother and American father.  Shortly after I was born, my family moved to my father's hometown in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Growing up, I spoke both English and Italian, but when I was 13, my parents got divorced.  My mom and I moved back to Potenza, where we still live now.  I'm 17 years old.


When I was 16, I fell into a bad crowd.  I started drinking and partying a lot, often sneaking out at night and skipping school.  My mom was distracted with her new husband and step-children, so she didn't notice when my grades dropped and I wouldn't come home by curfew.  I started going home with strangers I met at the clubs and parties I went to.  I thought I was immune to any consequence, but I was wrong.  One day, I discovered I was pregnant and had no clue who the father was.


When my mom and step-dad found out, they were furious and kicked me out of the house.  I was scared and alone.  The local shelter took me in, and I got a job at a fast food restaurant.  A few months later, I gave birth to twin girls, a complete surprise to me!  They were premature, but thankfully healthy.  I named them Clea Juliet and Verena Cosette Franklin.


I wanted so desperately to be a good mom to Clea and Verena, but I became too dependent on the kindness of the daycare workers at the shelter.  I started seeing my old friends and going back to my old lifestyle, often drinking more than I should and coming home way after the twins went to bed.


Shortly after Clea's and Verena's first birthday, I found out I was pregnant again.  I started going to a clinic for prenatal care and convinced myself I could raise four children on my own.  I was too ashamed to try and reconnect with my family, and I wasn't entirely sure who the father was, though I had a better idea than last time.  The doctors and nurses at the clinic, however, encouraged me to seek out the father.  


I contacted a boy I had partied with frequently, an American student studying abroad in Italy named Trevor Liam Jackson.  He was shocked but sensitive when I told him, and he agreed to take a paternity test.  


I ended up having twin boys and named them Micah Brody and Michel Wyatt Franklin.  The paternity test came out positive.  Trevor agreed to be a part-time father; he said he needed to finish university in America but would come visit as much as he could and mentioned moving to Italy when he finished school.


Trevor ended up backing out on his word.  For the first few months away, he Skyped and called frequently, but his contact with me got lesser and lesser until he finally stopped calling at all.  I tried contacting him after he graduated, but he never responded.  Though I felt betrayed and hurt at first, things began looking up.  The kids and I moved in with my friend from work, Priscilla Renee Hews (24).  She introduced me to her twin brother Elijah Cobalt Hews.  He started coming over, hanging out, and playing with teh kids a lot, and after a while, we started dating.


Elijah invited me and the kids to move into his much more spacious house, so I agreed.  After six months of dating and living together, he proposed at the top of a ferris wheel on my birthday!  I agreed, and we were married just six months later in a small but beautiful ceremony.  We honeymooned in Greece, leaving the kids with Priscilla, and when we returned, I found out I was pregnant.  I felt nervous about having a fifth child so shortly after our wedding, but Elijah assured me that it would all be okay.


Just a week before I was due, while I was on bedrest, I received a tearful call from Priscilla saying that Elijah had died in a car accident.  I was devastated and felt numb for the next week.  I gave birth to a baby boy, whom I named Cooper Scout Franklin.  Priscilla and I decided that there were too many negative memories for us in Potenza, so we moved to Terni, Italy, where we got jobs as maids and moved into a spacious one-story house together.


A year after Elijah's death, I still felt depressed, but I was thankful to have Cooper as a reminder of him.  Priscilla and I started by lottery tickets for the fun of us, and one day we won!  We moved into a much larger, three-story house and got jobs at a local hotel.  Shortly after, Priscilla found out she was pregnant by her boyfriend Enzo Esposito.  She was nervous, but Enzo moved in with us to support her, and having given birth to five children, I comforted her throughout her pregnancy.


In spite of this, Priscilla was a nervous wreck throughout the pregnancy, and when she went into labor, she had a shock-induced hemmorage.  The doctors put her into a medically-induced coma, making Enzo and I the baby's guardians, according to a will Priscilla evidently wrote a few months prior.  She had a girl whom Enzo and I named Olive Rosalina Esposito, knowing that was Priscilla's top name choice.


Gianna (25), Clea (8), Verena (8), Micah (6), Michel (6), Cooper (1)

Priscilla (27), Enzo (28), Olive (0)

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