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#21 Permanent Rose

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 10:55 AM

These are just way to addicting (its a sin!) Sorry, this one is really long. But the more I make and read others, the more exciting ideas I come up with :P

LN: Madigan

DH: Bryon Amos (37)

DW: Celia Venus (31)

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Bryon was a successful business man when he met Loretta. The two quickly fell in love and married. Bryon was 23 and Loretta was only 21. A year later, they gave birth to their first daughter, Tatiana Rose. Two years later, Tatiana was joined by little sister Shoshana Brooke.

But ten years into their marriage, things were not going well. The couple was constantly fighting and had been on and off for years now. They divorced soon after and Loretta got primary custody of the girls. Bryon was to take them every other weekend but after about two months, they were hardly sticking to the plan.

Down in the dumps, Bryon moved across town to a small apartment that he could more easily afford. He missed his girls and the early days of his marriage with Loretta.

He began to eat at the local diner every night to avoid preparing food for himself. One night, he stayed particularly late. The young new waitress noticed the sad man sitting by himself and decided to engage in a conversation with him. She introduced herself as Celia and before he knew it, Bryon was sharing his life story with her. They talked long past closing time until the manager kicked them out. Not wanting to end their conversation and the spark that had ignited between them, Bryon invited Celia to come back to his apartment with him. One thing led to another and Bryon woke up with Celia next to him in bed.

Celia left the next morning not sure what would happen next. She waited that evening for Bryon to return to the diner, but he never showed up. Each night she would wait, hoping in the back of her mind that he would come back. Celia soon began to feel ill and discovered she was pregnant. Frightened and scared, she decided to keep the baby despite the circumstances.

Bryon wanted to go back to the diner, but he couldn’t make himself. He didn’t want to fall in love (Though he already had but wouldn’t admit it to himself) and have his heart broken again. But about 6 months later, he found himself at the diner, shocked to find a pregnant Celia as his waitress.

Embarrassed, Celia turned to leave to ask if another waitress would take the job, but Bryon grabbed her arm. Awkwardly, he discovered that Celia was indeed carrying his child. On a whim, he proposed and they were married a month later in a small ceremony. Celia gave birth to their first child together three weeks early, a baby girl who they named Chiara Hope.

When Chiara was two years old, Bryon received the unexpected news that his ex-wife had died in car crash, leaving the two girls in his care. Tatiana and Shoshana moved into to live with their father, their new mother, and half sister.

DD: Tatiana Rose (13)

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Tatiana has always been very headstrong and opinionated. When her mother died and she had to go live with Bryon, she was very angry and upset and felt very alone. In the past two years, she’s been opening up to Celia and becoming more adjusted to the situation, but she still has a long way to go and is currently seeing a counselor.

Tatiana loves to read and write. She is happiest when she has a book or a notepad to scribble down poetry or short stories.

DD: Shoshana Brooke (11)

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Shoshana is very loud and boisterous. Like her sister, she has an opinion about everything. But unlike her sister, she was quite content to go live with her father and loves Celia and her little siblings, though she still misses her real mother very much.

Shoshana is into cheerleading and singing and does very well at both.

DD: Chiara Hope (prn. KEE-ahr-uh) (4)

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Chiara is very laid back and quiet. She loves it when Shoshana or one of her parents read to her. She is content to play barbies or princesses with Shoshana or just by herself for hours.


#22 Permanent Rose

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 10:57 AM

Three years into their marriage, Celia and Bryon decided to try for one more child because both (especially Bryon) wanted a little boy to add to their brood. Celia became pregnant very quickly but with another little girl, Dominique Faith. They still love her to pieces even though she wasn’t the boy they planned.

DD: Dominique Faith (11 months)

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Dominique is very adventurous and rambunctious. She’s always getting into something she’s not supposed to.

Almost right after Dominique’s birth, Bryon and Celia were quite shocked to find they were expecting again. But this time, they got the little boy they wanted. Santiago Julio was born before Dominique was even a year old.

DS: Santiago Julio (almost 2 months)

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Its hard to tell what kind of baby Santiago will be because he is still so young. He has nights where he sleeps like a rock and never stirs, but then the next night, he’ll scream and wake up the whole house. Santiago is Bryon’s pride and joy (being the only two men in a house of girls, they have to stick together :D)


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Clarence is the family goldfish, the only pet that Bryon and Celia will permit in their crazy household. Maybe when the babies get older, they will get a dog or a cat.

#23 ~Nadezhda


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:27 PM

You know Rose, Chiara is actually pronounced kee-AHR-uh (:

Great story, by the way! ;)

#24 Permanent Rose

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 01:52 PM

You know Rose, Chiara is actually pronounced kee-AHR-uh (:

Great story, by the way! :)

haha. I wasn't quite sure of where the stress would go so I sort of made up my own prn :P

thanks. I had wayyy too much fun with it (:

#25 Hannah


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    AND, I of course love thinking of baby names even though that is a VERY far in the future thing for me because I'm still young!

Posted 24 August 2009 - 03:57 PM

LN: Maguire

DH: Hugo Felix (34)
DW: Matilda Raven (31)

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Hugo and Matilda met when Matilda was 16 and Hugo was 19. They're families had a long talk with both of them and allowed them to date each other as long as they were responsible. After four years of being together, Hugo proposed to Matilda and they were to be married a year later. However, the wedding was put off when the news that Matilda was expecting twins arose. Their families supported them and stood next to them the whole time. Hugo loves the Beatles and begged Matilda to let him name the boy after John Lennon, she agreed and so she named Ingrid and he named Lennon.

DD/DS: Ingrid Piper/Lennon Thaddeus (10)

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Lennon was born exactly four minutes before Ingrid. Both were very small children, but were healthy all the same. As they have gotten older, they have gotten closer. Lennon already feels very protective of Ingrid and Matilda and Hugo find it adorable. Their parents hope their closeness never fades.

DS: Matthais Henry (7)

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After getting married a year after the twins were born, Matilda and Hugo were married two years before the birth of baby Matthais. He was born two weeks late and was a very big baby! Matthais loves to see what Lennon and Ingrid are up to, but he can't decide if it's funner to make them mad or play with them.

DD/DS: Juliet Helena/Ryan Duncan (4)

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After trying two years after Matthais was born, Hugo and Matilda were blessed with another set of boy girl twins. They were born at 38 weeks and were very healthy babies. Juliet was born around a two minutes before Ryan and she seems to be more into talking than Ryan; Ryan likes to build things and play by himself whereas Juliet likes to talk to people and put on "shows". The biggest surprise about the twins was that Juliet got red hair like Hugo's mom, Jen.


#26 Hannah


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    AND, I of course love thinking of baby names even though that is a VERY far in the future thing for me because I'm still young!

Posted 24 August 2009 - 03:59 PM

DD: Lily Alexandra (2)

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Juliet and Ryan kept asking for a little brother or sister and finally they got little Lily who they were ecstatic about. The others were old enough to know that this meant helping out a lot more, but they were excited all the same. Lily has finally started telling stories and along with Juliet, the house never was boring.

DD/DD/DS/DS: Gemma Rosalind/Luciana Jolie/ Hudson Nicolai/Kingston Tomas (3 months)
(l-r Hudson, Luciana, Gemma, and Kingston)

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Hugo and Matilda were sure that Lily would be their last child, seeing as they had three of each and neither felt that anymore children were in the picture. However, they got a very big surprise when they discovered Matilda was pregnant once more. And yet, it was even more surprising when they went to find out the sex of the baby, the original one they had thought there was, became four. This scared Hugo and Matilda, but they were excited for more bundles of joy all the same. Gemma, Luciana, Hudson, and Kingston were born more than a month early and had to be kept in a hospital for almost six weeks, Luciana was the last to leave, and was brought home 5 weeks and six days after she was born.

So far life has been going very well for the happy family and they are excited for what they future holds.

Hugo & Matilda Maguire w/ Lennon, Ingrid, Matthais, Juliet, Ryan, Lily, Hudson, Luciana, Gemma, and Kingston.

#27 BellaBoo


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 07:04 PM

The Callahan Family

DH: Beckett Alonzo
DW: Celia Ruby

Beck and Celia

Beck Callahan was the definition of popular in high school. Captain of the football and baseball teams, Beck was also voted Best Looking his senior year. The only son of a wealthy businessman in town, Beck felt a lot of pressure to perform well and to make his father proud.
Celia Layne grew up in the same small town, but unlike Beck, “Ceelie” was the daughter of the football coach, and her mother a teacher, meaning she grew up with significantly less material possessions.
Beck and Celia met when Beck was a junior and Celia was a sophmore when Beck came over after school to hang out with Celia’s older brother. The rest, as they say, is history. Beck gave up his college scholarship and chance to go far away to instead play football for the local college when he found out that Celia, head of her class, was pregnant with their child.

Celia gave birth to their son, Leo Elijah, during the summer vacation before her senior year, right after Beck graduated. Despite having a baby, she still managed to stay at the top of her class and graduated as Valedictorian. The next year she followed Beck to college, living in an apartment with the two men in her life and wearing a big diamond on her left hand.

Leo Elijah (17)


Leo, like his father, was a football player from birth. By the time he is a senior, he is the star of the team, captain, and has scouts from all the big colleges looking at him. Despite how easy it could have been for him to get off the path his parents set for him, Leo stays focused on the three things that mean most to him, football, school, and his family.

While still in college, Beck and Celia decided to get married. Leo, age two, acted as ring bearer.

A year later, Leo welcomed not one, but two baby sisters! Iris Charlotte and Violet Caroline were born in April.

Iris Charlotte and Violet Caroline (14)

Iris and Violet

Iris and Violet were always the kind of twins that dressed alike and finished each other’s sentences. That is, until high school. Now the only thing they agree on is how much they hate having a big brother who is the star of the school. Iris is happy and outgoing, and made the cheerleading squad as a freshman. Violet is quieter and focuses all her attention on figure skating. Both girls are good in school and enjoy babysitting their little siblings and going to Leo’s football games.

Both Beck and Celia decided after the birth of their identical twins, to wait a few years before trying to conceive again. They both graduated, Beck became football coach, taking over for Celia’s dad after working alongside him during college and for a year afterwards. Celia, like her mother, became a teacher.

To be Continued...

#28 BellaBoo


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 07:07 PM

Continued from last post...

When the twins were seven and Leo 10, the Callahan family grew yet again by two. Casey Edmund and Eliza Claire.

Casey Edmund and Eliza Claire (7)

Casey and Eliza

Casey and Ellie are thick as thieves, spending all their time together. The only time they separate is when Casey spends time with Leo, learning to be a football player, and Ellie trails after one of the twins. Both are curious about everything ,especially about animals, and love to learn in school.

Despite having five children, Celia and Beckett decide they still aren’t done. Three years after the birth of their second set of twins, their last son, Jack Michael is born.

Jack Michael (4)


At only four years old, Jack already knows what he wants to be when he grows up. Jack lives, breathes, eats and sleeps football. His absolute favorite thing is watching the practices and games that his dad coaches and his big brother plays in. He’s called the team mascot by all the other guys since he never misses a single one. A rambunctious, active and boisterous child, Jack steals everyone’s heart.

They both thought they were done, but just months after Jack is born, Celia finds out she is pregnant, again. When Jack is less than a year old, their last child, Livia Rosalind, is born, making the two youngest Irish Twins.

Livia Rosalind (3)


Livvie is a girly girl and loves her brothers and sisters. She is very easy going and has been since birth. While Jack is always on the move, Liv is more laid back, and always happy. Content to just sit and play with her dolls, or pick flowers, Livia is a perfect little girl.

While they may not be a perfect family, no one who ever met the Callahan family could deny how much they love each other.

The Callahans
Beckett, Celia, Leo, Iris, Violet, Casey, Eliza, Jack and Livia.

That was fun! Too bad I couldn't figure out how to actually post pictures! Sorry about the links ;)

#29 Amanda Lynn

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 03:02 PM

Family #1

LN: Delaney

DH: Austen Thaddeus
DW: Cora Scarlett

DS/DS: Finlay Isaiah / Crispin Elijah
DD: Lily Elizabeth
DD/DS: Annika Margaret / Riley Arthur
DS: Nicholas James
DD/DD/DS/DS: Emilia Rosalind / Alessia Callista / Camden Matthias / Trenton Willem

~*~The Delaney Family~*~
Austen & Cora
Finn, Cris, Lily, Annie, Riley, Nick, Emmy, Ally, Cam, & Trent

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Family #2

LN: Donovan

DH: Dylan Felix
DW: Eliza Yasmine

DD/DS: Alexane Rosie / Ellis Zaccheus
DD/DD: Marguerite Beth / Amarantha Caroline
DD: Juliet Grace
DD: Katherine Jane
DD/DD/DD/DD: Luciana Belle / Emilia Rosalind / Amalia Mirabella / Niccola Arabella

~*~The Donovan Family~*~
Dylan & Eliza
Ally, Eli, Maggie, Amara, Julie, Katie, Lucie, Emmy, Mia, & Nica

#30 Leighton Rose

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Posted 26 August 2009 - 11:54 AM

LN: Calhoun

DH: Harper Phineas (40)
DW: Adeline Scarlett (39)
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Harper and Lina have known each other since Lina was only a day old. Adeline's mother and Harper's mother had also known each other for a very long time, thus Harper and Lina grew up always seing each other. Through school and high school Harper always thought of Lina as the annoying little sister. By chance they both ended up at the same university where Lina was studying to be a Pediatrician and Harper a financial consultant. It wasn't until Harper got a phone call from his mom wondering if he had heard about Lina's upcoming wedding that Harper realized that all this time an emotion, for Adeline, very similiar to love had been building up inside of him. Five weeks before the wedding Harper confessed his feelings to Lina. He had not expected her to spill out the exact same words back to him but she did. Somewhat fortunately Lina figured out shortly after that her fiancee was engaged to another woman at the same time. Harper and Lina were married a year later.

1st Birth: DD - Raphaella Keagan (16)
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Completely out of the blue, Lina found herself at the doctor's office hearing the words "Congratulations on your pregnancy". Harper and Adeline were scared out of their minds but by the time they figured out they were expecting a little girl their were absolutely ready. Without complications they gave birth to a small girl who they named after Lina's mother and Harper's deceased brother. Now Ella is thriving at school and in her athletics and has a steady boyfriend whom she has known since she was born.

2nd Birth: DS/DS - Izaiack Benjamin (10) / Beckham Daniel (10)
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Lina and Harper cherished life with a growing daughter for three years until they decided to try for another baby. But there was no luck in their trials at all. For two years they tried and tried to conceive and they endured three miscarriages but it was only when they turned to fertility options that did they receive the long awaited news of another healthy baby who lived past the first trimester. When they received the news that they were carrying twins Lina was put on bed rest just for caution because of her history with carrying a child. She was frustrated but with help from her husband and the thought of two perfectly healthy babies she made it through. Now Zack and Beckham are basketball stars for their age but are struggling quite a bit with school.

con't in next post

#31 Leighton Rose

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Posted 26 August 2009 - 12:04 PM

3rd Birth: DD/DD/DD - Avery Helena (7) / Serena Faith (7) / Ruby Abigail (7)
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With only two kids and with the kids being separated by six years Lina and Harper braved the trials of attempting another baby. This time though they didn’t wait two years to get fertility help they went straight to the specialist. After two unsuccessful tries with the drug, Lina was pronounced pregnant again. As if the babies were going up in order, first one, then two babies and now triplets, Lina was told by the doctor that she was expecting three girls. At 32 weeks, a week earlier than Lina’s scheduled C-section she went into labour. It was a mad rush to the hospital but now the three girls are living a laid back life and having fun doing what they love. Avery volunteers at the animal shelter and is very involved in all school activities. Serena is very sporty, playing soccer, field hockey and softball. But she also excels in the art program at school. The last born, Ruby, is a star student but she is also a star on the stage including dancing and acting.

4th Birth: DS - Henry Camdyn (5)
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Henry was the only baby in the Calhoun family that was a complete surprise. With triplets only a year and a half when Lina and Harper found out they were expecting they were extremely scared and didn't know how they were going to handle it. Luckily Harper's business was flourishing so Lina could drop her work to be at home all through out the pregnancy and afterwards. Unfortunately this pregnancy was a very rocky one. By the time Lina was 22 weeks pregnant she was on bed rest due to a number of malfunctions. Bed rest didn't help though when she went tinto labour two months early. Henry was fighter and made it through the month in NICU. Today Henry is the smartest kid in his grade and is Mommy and Daddy's surprise miracle.

5th Birth: DS/DD/DS - Bristol Nico (1) / Lia Arabella (1) / Raleigh Matthias (1)
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(Picture is from when they were little)
When Henry was three Lina and Harper got to talking and they both realized they were dying for another baby. But try as they might, the strain put on Lina's body by her previous pregnancy caused an unsuccesful attempt at concieving. But Lina and Harper both really wanted another so they turned to surrogacy through a good friend of Adeline's. A month after implantation Lina and Harper were overjoyed to get the good news they were expecting. When the word got to them that it was triplets both Lina and Harper had to do alot of convincing to get Karyn (the friend) okay with it and calm. This time around there was no apprehensiveness for Harper and Lina because they had a fourteen year old daughter who would be a great help. The pregnancy went smoothly but the birth was a different story. Karyn panicked and caused the babies to panick as well. The doctors had to perform emergency surgery in a room not ready for surgery. Bristol came out healthy and so did Lia but when the doctors took out Raliegh he wasn't making a noise. Apparently fluid had got into his lungs and he was not able to breath. The doctors then had to do another emergency surgery which helped Raleigh to breath. Unfortunately today Raleigh is asthmatic but not a bad case. The two other babies are doing perfectly fine. Bristol is a superhero who loves the water, Lia is a princess and Zack and Beckham's little princess too and Raleigh wants to be a fireman and policeman when he grows up so he runs around the house making sure nobody breaks any rules

#32 LiteBrite


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 08:33 PM

LN: Sullivan
DH: Chandler Dudley

DW: Emmeline (nn Emma) Sadie

Emma and Chandler meet in college, as freshman. She was studying to become a radiologist, and he was wanting to become an orthodontist. They met in class and were assigned a project together. The rest became history.


Emma and Chandler get married at the ages of (22) and (23)

They decide they want to wait four years to have children, but god had other plans for them. Shortly after their first wedding anniversary they find out they are expecting DD/DS twins, and couldn't be more excited.


Leo Elijah and Callandra nn Callie Rory Sullivan(3)

Leo- is a very energetic little boy, who loves playing out side, and playing ragball with dad and Callie. He says he wants to be a Fireman when he grows up.
Callie- is a bubbly little girl, who loves playing house, and mommy. She says she wants to be a teacher when she grow up.

When the twins are four we decide we want to try for another child. We quickly be come pregnant with another little girl.
Lilly Madison(8)

Lilly is a quite but energetic girl. She loves to play with Callie, but torments Leo. She loves playing t-ball in the backyard. She plays the piano, just like her other two siblings.

Two years later when the twins are 6, and Lilly is 2, we decide to try for one final child. We find out early in the pregnancy we are again, expecting DD/DS twins. We are excited to add to more bundles of joy into the familly.
Ryan Julius and Josie Rebecca (switched initials) (5)
[url="http://smithfamilytn.smugmug.com/photos/121474401-L.jpg""]http://smithfamilytn.smugmug.com/photos/12...401-L.jpg"[/url]]Visit My Website

Ryan- is very athletic and passionate about music. He loved playing the piano so much he started guitar lessons.
Josie- the shyest of all our children. She loves playing and reading by herself. She's independent and smiley.

We decide our family is complete and I continue to take birth control. but four years later when, Leo and Callie are 10, Lilly is 6, Ryan and Josie are 4, I go on antibiotics for a week and become pregnant again. Leo was very excited, he wants a little brother so there will be 3 girls and 3 boys.
Looks like Leo got his wish, as we welcome our sixth child and third son, Aiden Micheal.

When Aiden is four, the kids have been wanting a dog. Since we have recently moved into a larger house in the country to accommodate all of us, Chandler and I finally give in. We get the children a female chocolate lab named Lacey.

the house-

While all the stress of moving and getting a dog, I find out I am expecting again. Not only am I expecting, but we are expecting identical quad girls.
Niccola nn Nicole Mei, Emilia nn Emily Jolie, Lia (leah) Arabella, and Livia nn Liv Alana

so here's the Sullivan clan: Callie&Leo(10), Lilly(6), Ryan&Josie (8) Aiden (4), Nicole,Emily,Lia,Liv(NB)

#33 Gwyneth


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Posted 31 August 2009 - 03:56 PM

Surname: Maguire

DH Hugo Tobias
DW Violet Monique

DS/DS Finlay Gideon and Euan Zachariah
DD Poppy Arabella
DS Morgan Leonardo
DS Leo Jacob
2- DD/DD/DS/DS Amalia Rosalind and Niccola Mirabella, Harlem Matteo and Sydney Kristof

Sorry, I had to do it again, it's so addictive.

#34 Fez


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 10:55 PM

LN: Redmond

DH: Truman Atticus "Reid" (50)
DW: Cordelia Ruby "Delia" (46)

DD/DD/DD: Chiara Poppy / Niamh Juniper / Maeve Rosie (24)
DS: Domnic Thomas "Dom" (22)
DS: Reese Duncan (20)
DD: Emma Cecilia (16)
DD/DD/DS/DS: Livia Rosalind / Emilia Belle / Trenton Matthias / Caspian Willem (12)

Reid and Delia on their wedding day
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Reid and Delia now
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#35 Fez


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 10:56 PM

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#36 Fez


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 11:01 PM

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Trenton and Caspian
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#37 -Regan<3


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 11:26 PM

LN: Redmond
DH: Dashiell Felix “Dash” age: 40
DW: Cora Tallulah: 39
DS/DS: Rhys Jedidiah and Piers Ezekiel age 10
DD: Primrose Mackenzie “Rosie” age 7
DD: Aurora Charlotte “Rorie” age 5
DS: Levi Nathanial age 3
DD/DD/DS/DS Viviana Jolie “Vivi, Amalia Belle “Mia-Belle“, Aspen Matteo and Dover Alessandro Newborns

#38 BubleCrazy


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:28 AM

OK, I shall have a go at this! I love BN games :)

LN: Murphy

DH: Auden Christopher
DW: Cecilia Genevieve nee Doherty

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Auden and Cecilia "Cici" met in primary school, and were paired together for the first time when they were 6 y/o, to work on a science project. As they grew up through their teenage years and university, they were the best of friends, supporting the other through stress and other relationships. Finally, at Cici's 21st birthday party, both parties admitted their feelings for each other and have been together ever since. They married when Auden and Cici were 22, on 24th December 1998.

1st Birth (2000)

Both decided they wanted children pretty quickly. The twin boys were conceived on their honeymoon, and Cici took a gap year from her studies to care for the boys. Auden carried on with his degree in medicine and took up another job to care for his family. Both Auden and Cici knew it would be tough, but didn't want it any other way. They decided to name the boys Lennon Rex and Harvey James, born 1st May 2000.

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Lennon Rex Murphy and Harvey James Murphy

2nd Birth (2003)

When Lennon and Harvey were three, Auden and Cici were shocked to find out they were expecting again. It was a welcome surprise, as both had been hoping for a little girl to complete their family. However, six months into the pregnancy, the Murphy's discovered they would be welcoming another boy on January 5th 2003. They decided to name the baby Samuel Louis, honouring Auden's grandfather and brother.

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Samuel Louis "Sammy" Murphy

3rd Birth (2005)

Lennon and Harvey were 5, and Sammy 3, when Auden and Cici discovered they were to be parents once again. Incredibly, they were to be the parents of twins again (however, as Cici is a twin, her mother a twin and AJ's father a triplet, it wasn't a huge surprise). They decided to keep the sexes a surprise. On 21st April 2005, the Murphy's welcomed another set of twin boys! Five boys under the age of five, Auden and Cici knew it would be tough, but were looking forward to raising their babies! They decided to name their babies Ross Everett and Sebastian John.

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Ross Everett Murphy and Sebastian John Murphy

#39 BubleCrazy


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:30 AM


4th Birth (2006)

Even though Auden and Cici were perfectly happy with their brood of five boys, they decided to try for once more baby. Within three weeks, Cici is pregnant for the fourth time and the family are eagerly anticipating baby number 6! They decide to keep the gender a secret again, even though Lennon, Harvey, Sammy, Ross and Ian want to know whether they're getting another brother or a little sister. On 22nd August 2006, the Murphy's finally get their little princess. Seraphina Kate Murphy, known as Sadie, is a healthy little girl with big blue eyes.

Seraphina Kate Murphy

5th Birth (2010)

The six kids are happy and healthy and thriving in their studies. Lennon and Harvey are sporty and typical boys, loving to wrestle with each other and getting into mischief. Ross and Ian are desperate to be like their big brothers, and Sammy is the quiet one of the bunch, prefering books and music to the chaos. Sadie is loud and assertive; she has to be with five big brothers. Auden and Cici decide to try for one more (seven is their lucky number, and they want to give their princess a little sister). They conceive pretty easy, as usual, until they discover they're pregnant with quadruplets. Yep, quadruplets. Yet again, they decide to keep the sexes a secret, and Cici is put on bedrest for the last few months of her pregnancy. Which means AJ has to take paternity leave and cope with the six kids at home. On 3rd May 2010, the quadruplets arrive, tiny but perfectly healthy. After two months, the three boys and girl are taken home. They name the babies; Kingston Jack, Julian Ray, Alexandria Mae and Roman Eric.

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Alexandria Mae "Lexie" Murphy, Kingston Jack Murphy, Julian Ray Murphy and Roman Eric Murphy.

So, the Murphy family is family complete, Auden and Cici Murphy w/ Lennon and Harvey, 10, Sammy, 7, Ross and Ian, 5, Sadie, 3 and Kingston, Julian, Lexie and Roman.

#40 NicoleMarie


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 10:04 AM

The Farrell Family

Austen Thaddeus & Cecilia Desiree

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Eliana Piper, Natalya Tatum, Tatianna Rory

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Matthias Raymond

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Cameron Malcolm

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