Calvin Elijah Grey
Fox Nathanael
Andromeda Lily
Cassiopeia Iris
Eponine/Euphemia "Eppy"
And my honouring combos (more likely to be used)
Brogan 'Bo' Robert James - Our #1 choice if we ever have a boy, honours both our fathers
Emory Andrew Paul - My #2 favourite for a boy
Hermione 'Mimi' Gwendoline Pearl - Middles only honour my side
Twila Veronica Jane - Middles honour his mother, and my mother, sister, and step-mother (Jane honours a lot of people)
Calvin Elijah Grey -
*swoon* love everything about this combo. The names, the feel, the sound, the flow. Perfection!
Fox Nathanael -
I love both names and how they feel together, but I don't think I like Fox in the first name slot. Still, wildly handsome!
Brogan Robert James -
This combo has really grown on me. Still don't love the names, but I like them. Together they sound really nice.
Emory Andrew Paul -
Love this a lot. Sounds very Ivy-League. Each of these names are on my list, and together they sound really really great.
Andromeda Lily -
Not really a fan of either name, sorry. They flow well together.
Cassiopeia Iris -
Again, not really a big fan, but the flow is good. Would be the perfect sister name for Andromeda Lily.
Eponine / Euphemia "Eppy" -
I really like Eponine, very beautiful! Euphemia isn't for me. Eppy just reminds me of EpiPen, so I can't say I'm a fan though I know it would probably grow on me if I had a little girl as an association instead of an allergy shot.
Hermione Gwendoline Pearl "Mimi" -
Truly lovely combo. Hermione is really sweet, as are both middles. They flow wondrously. Mimi isn't my favorite, but nicknames aren't that big of a deal.
Twila Veronica Jane -
While I don't love Twila, this combo is stunning. I adore Veronica Jane together, and what they bring to Twila. Very perfect combo.