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15 Years of Your Life Game *Very Detailed*

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#41 Sierra Eleanor

Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:48 AM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

Year 1 After having trouble conceiving, I turn to fertility drugs and it is possible I am pregnant with multiples! I gave birth to identical twin sons. Trey isn't there for the birth. He is out of the country with his job as an officer in the Marines. He was devastated he couldn't be there for the birth. He has only seen them over Skype from his ship. I named the boys Chandler Charming and Carter Channing. They were born on April 20. We then give birth to another baby boy on August 1! Trey wasn't here for this birth either, he was still on his the ship with the Marines. I decided to name him Silas Stephen. Silas is a name Trey and I have always liked and Stephen (pronounced "Steffan") is after my father who, by the way, is alive. When Trey gets back in town, the three boys and I acompany him on a business trip to Australia. We take a Navy cruise with for the officer's and their families. Our close family friends are all on it and the kids play with their kids.

Year 2 We purchase a Guinea Pig for the kids. It has short hair and is black with a white furry head. We name it Taco. We then adopt a 7 year old boy from Africa. His name is Baako Nsai Kwaku Carson. Upon begging from Baako, Chandler, and Carter, we buy a puppy. It is a German Shepard. They name it "Rafiki" which means friend in Baako's native language, Swahili. The kids decide that one puppy and one Guinea Pig is not enough- Trey buys them another puppy. This time, it's a border collie named "Spade." After Kate Spade, apparently. Our family decides to move to England. Trey works hand in hand with the the UK's Navy.

Year 3 I give birth to our first baby girl! My husband found out about the pregnancy from my best friend's husband. Trey wasn't mad at all. I was kind of disappointed I couldn't tell him myself. We name our baby girl Clara-Jane Kaya. Little did we know, I had two more, also! Another girl and boy! All on May 21st! We named the other two Tyler Kade and Olivia Kaye. I decide to go back to college to finish my medical degree so I can be a brain surgeon. Since we own a bit of land in England, partly grassy, partly beach, we decide to get some horses. We got ten and put them in a stable we built right behind our house. Their names are Chip-Chap (white with black spots), Laffy Taffy (black with white spots), Royal (Brown with white stripe down face), Si-Si (Carter named this one after Silas) (plain white), Peg the Beast (plain white), Darla-Love (yellowish-white), Alfalfa (plain black with a scruffy mane), Five Pence (plain light brown), Four Score (plain dark brown), & Georgia Peach (orangish-brown). Trey comes homes with a suprise: another puppy. This time it is another German Shepard, his favorite breed. We decide it will be an outside dog, not inside like the other two. Trey and I take a second honeymoon to New Delhi, India and my parents watch the kids. We have a blast!

Year 4 Our family starts off the new year by taking a trip to South Africa. The kids really love the Safari and seeing the animals. We also volunteer in an orphanage while we are there. While there, Trey and I slip away and take a weekend trip down to the beach. Since my dad came with us, he stays with the kids to watch them. I give birth to a baby girl on January 1st in South Africa. We name our beautiful daughter Darcy Eloise. Darcy is after our Irish relatives and Eloise is a name we've always liked. We decide to adopt a pet monkey from Africa and take it back home to England with us. The kids name him Congo. About a month after arriving back in England, we decide to take the kids to America again to visit old friends. They had a fun trip. I am pregnant again with twins. I give birth to a boy and a girl on December 31st. We name them Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory.

Year 5 We give birth to another baby girl! We name her Kamryn Anna-Belle. She was born on July 5th. We then adopt another kid. It is a boy from England who is ten years old. His name is Hammond Dakota. We adopt him on April 17th. We temporarily move to Wales for me to help at hospital in a city that had a natural disaster hit. We take a buisness trip as a family to the Czech Republic. The kids have fun touring around.

Year 6 I give birth to a baby boy! We name him Lucas Benjamin. Lucas is after Trey's father, Luther, and Benjamin is a name we've always liked. He was born on April 20th. That happens to be the same day as his brothers, Chandler and Carter, were born! We then decide to adopt a girl from England. She is 7 years old and named Indiana Maddy. We then decided to adopt another girl from England! This time, she is 4 years old named Brooklyn Jillian. We love her name!

Year 7 Our family and some close friends decide to get a bus and take a road trip to Scotland with all the kids! We have a blast stopping at various places and exploring. Trey recieves a raise with his job and is making a good bit more money! We decide to use it to send the older kids to a private academy to further their education. We take in two kids for foster care. They are Mariah Penelope {17} and Connor Cole {16}. They will be with us until they turn 18. For Mariah, it will be four months, but for Connor it will be just under two years. They are brother and sister and from Liverpool.

Year 8 I give birth to a baby boy on Feburary 17! We name him Bentley Ryan. Trey couldn't be there for the birth because he was on a ship with the US NAVY. The kids beloved, "Rafiki" the German Shepard has died. I was sad for the kids, but for myself I didn't mind. Trey really like Rafiki, so he was sad. Baako was the most devastated of the kids. Meanwhile, I give birth to another baby boy! We name him Kincayde Pierre. He is born December 24th. Christmas Eve! Kincayde is after my favorite cousin and Pierre is a foreign name we fell in love with.

Year 9 The family takes a vacation over New Years to France! Everyone has a great time. We then take another family vacation to China and Mongolia. We take camels across the mongolian desert and slide down sand dunes! The kids have a blast, although it is really hot outside. Trey gets a promotion in the Marines! We take another family vacation to Canada and watch a lot of hockey- Carter's favorite sport. We also take a two hour drive and visit Niagra falls. That was Abigail and Indiana's favorite part of the trip. We get another pet! This time, it's a turtle. It's fairly large for the species, it is about 1 sq. foot. The younger kids named him Tin-tin after a character from the books they read. I get pregnant, but experience my first miscarriage. It was difficult to deal with, but to make it better, I was pregnant again. This time it was a baby girl! We name her November Adelaide after the month she was born.

Year 10 We buy another turtle to keep Tin-tin company. This one's a girl named Snow White. It's a rare albino turtle. To surprise Trey on his birthday, the kids and I pick him out a Ford Mustang! He loves it! It is candy-apple red with white stripes. Brand new! I give birth to a new baby girl. We name her Arielle Savannah. She is beautiful!

Year 11 We take a family vacation to Norway, the place of my heritage! We enjoy dog sledding and time in the land of the midnight sun! We also take a seperate vacation to Brazil! It is a lot of fun. Chandler takes up basketball back home! Carter, Baako, and Hammond join the boy's lacrosse team at school. Brooklyn, Clara-Jane, and Darcy join the girl's lacrosse team. Silas and Tyler take up Rugby, which scares me a little because of the danger. Olivia is taking advanced art classes while Abigail is taking beginner. Lucas and Bentley are on the same soccer team, or football as they call it. Kamryn is also playing soccer. Connor, although no longer in your custody, plays soccer at his University.

Year 12 Tin-tin and Snow White have babies! Three are albino like their momma and five are green like their dad. The kids name them Pike (green), Tina (g), Emerald (a), Saphire (a), Diamond (a), Lightning (g), Story (g), & Da Hood (g). We also buy another horse and name them Mighty Dancer. Olivia picked her name. I then give birth to fraternal twins- One boy, one girl! We named them Elliot Seven and Eleanor Hope-Lynn.

Year 13 We have another child! It's a boy! We name him Henry Graham. Graham is after speaker Billy Graham and Henry is a name we've always liked. We also adopt a child! He is a two year old boy from England. His name is Stanley Kent. We buy a colt and name it Nacho Cheese. Meanwhile, I am promoted to head brain surgeon at the hospital! I get a significant raise. We found a tumor on Bentley's brain. I was able to perform the operation to remove and now he is going through recovery. He is expected to recover fully in about two months.

Year 14 Trey gets a raise! We are making a bit of money now and decide to take a vacation to India as a family! We had fun. Driving home from work, I was in a car wreck! I nearly died, but had no injuries! It was a miracle. We had to buy a new car, a Ford Expedition, to replace the wrecked car. We decide to adopt three more children, all from England! Two girls and one boy. The girls are 8 year old twins, Alana Magdelina & Aria Sienna, and their younger brother, Isaiah Garnett, is 3.

Year 15 Trey and I take a trip to Alaska while the kids are watched by both of our parents. We have fun. When we get back, we take the entire family to Disneyland in France. We also buy a new dog, a yorkie puppy, and name them Morocco. We adopt two more children. A boy from England who is 2 and a girl from Asia who is 6. The boy is named Clayton Tate. The girl is named Wu Xue.

#42 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:53 PM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise

Posted Image
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}

Posted Image
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}

Posted Image
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}

Posted Image
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}

Posted Image
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#43 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:02 PM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}

Posted Image
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}

Posted Image
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}

Posted Image
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}

Posted ImagePosted Image
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#44 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:09 PM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}

Posted Image
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}

Posted ImagePosted Image
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}

Posted Image
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
Posted Image
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}

DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#45 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:18 PM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}

Posted Image
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}

Posted Image
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}

Posted Image
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}

Posted Image
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}

Posted Image
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}

DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#46 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:21 PM

LN: Carson
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise
DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}

Posted Image
DD: November Adelaide {3}

Posted Image
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}

Posted Image
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}

Posted Image
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#47 Sierra Eleanor

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:23 PM

LN: Carson

Posted Image
DH: Trey Michael
DW: Kristen Louise

DD: Mariah Penelope (foster kid until 18) {19}
DS: Connor Cole (foster kid until 18) {18}
DS: Baako Nsai Kwaku (adopted from Africa) {17}
DS: Hammond Dakota (adopted from England) {16}
DD: Indiana Maddy (adopted from England) {14}
DS/DS: Chandler Charming and Carter Channing {13}
DS: Silas Stephen [pr: Steffan] {12}
DD: Brooklyn Jillian (adopted from England) {11}
DD/DS/DD: Clara-Jane Kaya / Tyler Kade / Olivia Kaye {10}
DD: Darcy Eloise {9}
DS/DD: Marco Alexander and Abigail Mallory {8}
DD/DD: Alana Magdelina and Aria Sienna (adopted from England) {8}
DD: Kamryn Anna-Belle {7}
DS: Lucas Benjamin {6}
DD: Wu Xue (adopted from China) {6}
DS: Bentley Ryan {5}
DS: Kincayde Pierre {4}
DS: Isaiah Garnett (adopted from England) {3}
DD: November Adelaide {3}
DD: Arielle Savannah {2}
DS: Stanley Kent (adopted from England) {2}
DS: Clayton Tate (adopted from England) {2}

Posted Image Posted Image
DD/DS: Eleanor Hope-Lynn and Elliot Seven {1}

Posted Image
DS: Henry Graham {0}

#48 CLA


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:42 AM

The Clark Family

DH: Thomas Nathaniel
{29} {Black hair/ blue eyes}

DW: Ylva Danielle
{28} {Brown hair/ brown eyes}

Married August 15, 1997

Year 1 [Thomas {29} Ylva {28}]

Random- My blue 88' Chevette had an unfortunate encounter with a deer, I am bummed. But on a brighter note I got a new 97' Ford Taurus, and it's blue which is a bonus.
Travel- Thomas and I take a family vacation to Russia. For two reasons actually, 1) My Great-Grandfather was born in St. Petersburg, and 2) it's some place we've both always wanted to visit. We spend our time their soaking up the culture and seeing all the sites.

Year 2 [Thomas {30} Ylva {29}]

Travel- I go on a business trip to New York City, Thomas tags along so we can hang out and site see when I'm not in my meetings.
Moving- We move into a single-story cottage just ten minutes from our current apartment, and we just love it.

Year 3 [Thomas {31} Ylva {30} Andy {9 mo}]

Child- We adopt a 9 month old boy from Brazil, his name is Leandro Noe. He has straight black hair and dark brown eyes. We call him Andy for short.
Family Matter- Thomas's sister, Noelle, needed a place to stay after her apartment building caught on fire, it'll be a month or so til her apartment will be ready to be moved back into. We offered her a place to stay, we figured she could help out some with the adjustment with Andy.

Year 4 [Thomas {32} Ylva {31} Andy {1} Barkley {0} Jazzy {0}]

Pet- Thomas volunteers at the local animal shelter and becomes attached to one of the dogs so we decide to adopt it. The dog we adopt is a border collie/ lab mix and is about 3 months old, we name him Barkley.
Pet- We decide Barkley needs a companion. Currently in-love with the breed, we buy a female border collie that is 19 weeks old. We name her Jazzy.

Year 5 [Thomas {33} Ylva {32} Andy {2} Barkley {1} Jazzy {1} Mason {NB}]

Child- July 27th my water breaks while I'm at Wal-mart in the ice cream aisle, I go into a labor though I'm technically not due for another couple of weeks. Our baby boy was almost born in the parking lot. We name him Mason Nikolai, Mason because it was a favorite and Nikolai in honor of my russian heritage. He is born with curly brown hair and deep blue eyes.

Travel- My best friend, Nikki, and I take a day trip to a neighboring city for a shopping trip. We both needed a girl's day out and we didn't go far in case something were to go wrong with Thomas and the children.

Year 6 [Thomas {34} Ylva {33} Andy {3} Barkley {2} Jazzy {2} Mason {1} Jack {NB}]

Child- July 25th I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with curly black hair and big blue eyes. We decide to name her Jacklin Anastasia nicknaming her Jack, Jacklin because it was a favorite and Anastasia after a Russian woman we met when I was 6 months pregnant, we both just fell in love with the name. Both of our parents wanted to be in the delivery room, I was uneasy about it at first but we compromised on allowing just the grandmothers.

Family Matter- We decide to enroll Andy into the local co-op pre-school, he was very excited for his first day of school.

Year 7 [Thomas {35} Ylva {34} Andy {4} Rakel {4} Barkley {3} Jazzy {3} Mason {2} Jack {1}]

Pet- Barkley has become very ill and is expected to die within two or three weeks. We decide to allow him to live for those last couple of weeks. The kids take it pretty hard when he dies, as does Jazzy.

Child- We decide to adopt our fourth child, it is a little girl from the U.S. Her name is Rakel Marina, she is four years old, and she has straight blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

Year 8 [Thomas {36} Ylva {35} Andy {5} Rakel {5} Jazzy {4} Mason {3} Jack {2} Joey {NB} Mogli {0}]

Child- April 5th I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl, she has curly black hair and big blue eyes just like her father. Thomas wasn't able to make it to the hospital in time, he got caught in traffic. I think we were equally bummed about it. But the joy of our baby girl outweighed the disappointment. We named her Joelin Sophia, nicknaming her Joey.

Pet- Andy has been begging for a pet, so we finally give in and take him to the pet store. He is determined to bring home a little dog he has spotted, however we had had in mind a pet with less responsibility. We end up compromising with an Iguana, strange compromise I know. He ended up naming his new friend Mogli after a character in his favorite movie The Jungle Book.

Year 9 [Thomas {37} Ylva {36} Andy {6} Rakel {6} Jazzy {5} Mason {4} Jack {3} Joey {1} Mogli {1}]

Random- I achieved one of my life-long goals, which was to run a 5k. I am so unbelivably proud of myself.

Family Matter- Jacklin has been diagnosed with hemophilia and should undergo treatment, which involves routine blood transfusions. Although the odds are in her favor and she'll be able to lead a fairly normal life it has been an emotional event and has taught us to take life one day at a time.

Year 10 [Thomas {38} Ylva {37} Andy {7} Rakel {7} Jazzy {6} Mason {5} Jack {4} Joey {2} Mogli {2}]

Family Matter- Thomas and I are experiencing difficulties in our relationship and decide to try marriage counseling. Counseling works well for us and things are getting better.

Moving- We decide to move to Michigan, into a two-story house. We've been needing the extra space for awhile now and a change in surroundings will be good for us all. The children take it better than we anticipated.

Year 11 [Thomas {39} Ylva {38} Andy {8} Rakel {8} Jazzy {7} Mason {6} Jack {5} Joey {3} Mogli {3} Cowey {0}]

Random- I bought a black 2008 Saturn Outlook after my 97' Taurus finally went caput.

Random- Our dog Jazzy has had puppies. We had had her breed with another border collie, this is actually her third litter so the risks weren't as high given her age. We plan on selling all of the puppies except one. We chose to keep the runt. Mason named him Cowey.

Year 12 [Thomas {40} Ylva {39} Andy {9} Rakel {9} Jazzy {8} Mason {7} Jack {6} Joey {4} Mogli {4} Cowey {1}]

Travel- Thomas, myself, and the children take a family vacation to Orlando, Florida, where we took the children to Disney World for the first time.

Job- Management relocated the office to another location, forcing me to quit or more than double my commute, and it just wasn't worth it so I quit. Thomas and I have concluded that I be a stay at home mom/wife for awhile, and not to stress over finding a new job right away.

Year 13 [Thomas {41} Ylva {40} Andy {10} Rakel {10} Jazzy {9} Mason {8} Jack {7} Joey {5} Mogli {5} Cowey {2} Matty {NB}]

Child- January 31st I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy with straight brown hair and big blue eyes. We had been convinced we were having a girl and were prepared to name her Matlin Cathleen, but she turned out to be a he and we named him Matthew Travis-Neal instead. We gave him the nickname of Matty.

Travel-Come August, Thomas and I take a second honeymoon and go on a cruise to Hawaii, we had been saving up for it for a while now. The children stay with my mother whild we're gone.

Year 14 [Thomas {42} Ylva {41] Andy {11} Rakel {11} Jazzy {10} Mason {9} Jack {8} Joey {6} Mogli {6} Cowey {3} Matty {1}]

Travel- Myself and a group of friends go out of town for the day to nearby Harbor springs to go skiing at Nub's Nob.

Moving- We temporarily move into a single-story house for nine weeks while our home gets fixed after a severe flood.

Year 15 [Thomas {43} Ylva {42} Andy {12} Rakel {12} Jazzy {11} Mason {10} Jack {9} Joey {7} Mogli {7} Cowey {4} Matty {2}]

Travel- Thomas takes a business trip to Seattle, and I tag along and the children go on to stay with his parents.

Family Matter- Thomas's widowed sister Noelle got re-married and asked us to watch her twin girls Maisie and Lennon, who are Joey's age, for the summer while her and her new husband Sam honeymoon in Europe.

LN: Clark

DH: Thomas Nathaniel

DW: Ylva Danielle

DAS: Leandro 'Andy' Noe

DAD: Rakel Marina

DS: Mason Nikolai

DD: Jacklin 'Jack' Anastasia

DD: Joelin 'Joey' Sophia

DS: Matthew 'Matty' Travis-Neal

D: Barkley

D: Jazzy

I: Mogli

D: Cowey

The Clark Family after 15 years...

Thomas & Ylva.

Andy, Rakel, Mason, Jack, Joey, and Matty.

With pets Jazzy, Mogli, and Cowey.

#49 AmyB


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 01:23 PM

the Butler family.

dh- Finn Joseph

b: Sept 17, 1971 // tv journalist

dw- Rose Amelia

b: June 18, 1972 // teacher

married: May 29, 1998

September 1998

Finn (27), Rose (26)

moving: On arriving home from our honeymoon, Finn and I moved into the city for both of our jobs. The city is lovely and our recently renovated duplex is perfect for the two of us.

random: Only a month later, my best friend Margot and I decided to start a business. She and I have been friends since we were five and have been baking cupcakes, muffins and cakes for just as long. So we are opening a dessert catering company called Orchard Desserts.

July 1999

Finn (27), Rose (27)

family: In early March, my sister found out that she and her husband were expecting quadruplets. Four months later they drove to Arizona so that their quads could be born at Banner Good Hospital. Finn and I offered to look after their three older kids while they were away. Alice (8), Oliver (6), and Zachary (3) miss their mom and dad a lot but we have been to visit them a couple times.

random: As well, at the end of June, I was honoured for my teaching efforts by the school board. I was so humbled and appreciative.

November 2000

Finn (29), Rose (28), Alfie (0)

child: Last fall, I surprised Finn with the wonderful news that we were expecting our first baby. Alfred Jack Butler was born on August 2, 2000. When we arrived home from the hospital the whole family was there to surprise us, including Alfie's quadruplet cousins: Lilah, Rhiannon, Everly and Jade.

travel: Alfie was only four weeks old when Finn was called away on an emergency business trip. He was gone for 10 days and I missed him so much but it was a good learning experience for me and Alfie. Now I think I am ready for when Finn goes back to work.

May 2001

Finn (29), Rose (28), Alfie (9m)

travel: To celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary, Finn and I took a weekend trip to San Fransisco and left Alfie with Finn's brother and his wife, who are expecting their first baby in 2 months.

family: Because I will be going back to work in September, I enroll Alfie in daycare starting in the fall.

June 2002

Finn (30), Rose (30), Alfie (22m), Mac (0)

child: Our second baby, another boy, was a bit of a surprise for Finn and I. We were definitely not trying to get pregnant and only took the pregnancy test because we were bored one Saturday afternoon. Nonetheless, Cormac James Butler was born 8 months later on May 11, 2002. Both sets of our parents wanted to be in the delivery room, however Finn and I limited it to just Mums.

moving: With another baby on the way, Finn and I began looking for a bigger house. In January we found the perfect 2-storey townhouse with a big backyard for BBQs and playing around.

October 2003

Finn (32), Rose (31), Alfie (3), Mac (17m)

pet: Finn and I have always wanted to get a pet for the family and so when Mac turned one, we adopted a 2-year-old border collie named Coco.

travel: This time when Finn was assigned a business trip, myself and the boys went with him. The trip was a week long in Seattle and it was very fun for all of us.

September 2004

Finn (33), Rose (32), Alfie (4), Mac (2), Lucy (0)

pet: Although the boys love Coco and adore running around the yard with her, Alfie has developed a new obsession with the ocean and so for his fourth birthday we purchase two goldfish for him. He names them Dinosaur and Bob.

child: Just before our trip to Seattle, I was feeling very ill and queasy so I took a pregnancy test and found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. During the pregnancy I had to listen to a lot of parenting advice from my visiting mother-in-law. The craziest being that I should not let my children listen to any music besides classical music. It was an exhausting three weeks of being hostess, but after Debbie left, the pregnancy was smooth sailing and now we have a little girl named Lucy Theodora Butler, born June 4.

July 2005

Finn (33), Rose (33), Alfie (4), Mac (3), Lucy (13m)

pet: We had only been a family to Coco for two years when she suddenly passed away. She was an energetic and loving dog but our backyard was not enough to contain her and one morning she hopped the fence and ran out into the street where she was unavoidably in the path of many cars. Her passing was toughest on Finn and I, but the kids were also very sad.

random: With three growing kids, Finn suggested maybe a new car would be a good idea. So we said adios to our trusty station wagon and bought a new 7-seater crossover with plenty room for the kids.

March 2006

Finn (34), Rose (33), Alfie (5), Mac (3), Lucy (21m)

job: Unfortunately, right after Christmas, Finn was let go from his job as an TV news journalist. He absolutely loved his job, but the station didn't have a budget for two anchormen and so they kept the more senior. Quickly though, Finn found a new job as a radio host for the major news radio station. The hours are little crazy but we are getting used to it.

child: And, just last week we found out that we are expecting number 4!!! We couldn't be more thrilled and can't wait to meet our next babe after a couple months of trying.

February 2007

Finn (35), Rose (34), Alfie (6), Mac (4), Lucy (2), Tristan (4m)

child: Another boy for the Butler family! Tristan Leo Butler was born on September 17, 2006 and is now four months old and the sweetest thing. He was named Tristan because of my Welsh heritage and Leo, after Finn's best mate. He was born 3 weeks early and so I was working a very important wedding when I went into labour, but that's alright.

child: SURPRISE! We were not planning it at all, but we are pregnant again! I am only 4 weeks along but at least that means I don't have to lose the baby weight from Tristan.

April 2008

Finn (36), Rose (35), Alfie (7), Mac (5), Lucy (3), Tristan (19m), Stella (5m)

child: Butler #5 surprised two more times during the pregnancy. Firstly, I was convinced it was another boy, however at the last ultrasound I finally gave in, and we learned it was a girl! Secondly, she decided it was time to meet the world while I was at a soccer tournament with Alfie. And so, like a devoted soccer-mom, I stood by the sidelines, timing my contractions until I realized that this baby was quite impatient and ready to make her entrance. And that is how Stella Maeve Butler was almost born on a soccer field on November 20, 2007.

moving: With 7 people in the house, it was definitely time to find a bigger dwelling place. Luckily, the day after we began looking, a 3600 sq. ft two-story house came on the market and a week later, it was ours.

October 2009

Finn (38), Rose (37), Alfie (9), Mac (7), Lucy (5), Tristan (3), Stella (23m)

child: Totally unexpectedly, I am pregnant again! We found out when I donated blood and a couple days later they phoned me to tell me I was pregnant. I am now 6 months pregnant with our 6th baby and 4th son. The boys are all very excited, but Lucy definitely wanted another sister. We have already chosen the name: Zayn Richard Butler and he is due on January 19, 2010.

travel: Last weekend, my three closest friends and I took a day trip to Malibu where we spent the whole day relaxing and enjoying the peacefulness.

June 2010

[size=10]Finn (38), Rose (38), Alfie (9), Mac (8), Lucy (6), Tristan (3), Stella (2), Zayn (5m)[/size]

pet: We have a new pet in the family! For Lucy's 6th birthday we got a kitten for her. She named the kitten Bailey.

random: Also, Finn and I have just begun our kitchen renovation. It is a little hectic with a new baby and a new kitten, but the old kitchen was so cramped and dysfunctional that I could not stand to cook in it anymore.

December 2011

[size=10]Finn (40), Rose (39), Alfie (11), Mac (9), Lucy (7), Tristan (5), Stella (4), Zayn (23m)[/size]

job: I have received a raise... of sorts! Because the dessert catering company has been doing so well, we have been making a lot more money which means some new shoes for me! (And I guess some money in the college funds).

travel: Just before summer ended we took a family vacation to Hawaii. The kids had such a blast and it was so great to be able to relax. It was also really nice because we were accompanied by my best friend Margot, her husband Luke and their four kids: Olivia (9), Hudson (8), Millie (4), and Piper (3).

August 2012

[size=10]Finn (40), Rose (40), Alfie (12), Mac (10), Lucy (8), Tristan (5), Stella (4), Zayn (2)[/size]

moving: Back in March we decided that we needed to expand the house a little bit to account for our growing kids. Originally the house was five bedrooms. Finn and I were in one, Alfie and Mac were in one, Lucy was in one, Tristan and Stella were in another, and the fifth was the office. Then we had Zayn, and the boys started growing, and now we need more room. So we moved out in May and we are getting three more bedrooms and 2 more bathrooms added on. Plus an in-ground pool!

travel: I just got back from a business trip to Los Angeles where Margot and I are considering opening up another branch of our catering business.

September 2013

[size=10]Finn (42), Rose (41), Alfie (13), Mac (11), Lucy (9), Tristan (7), Stella (5), Zayn (3), Ben (2m)[/size]

job: Finn recently transferred from his original radio show to the coveted breakfast show slot! Which is awesome, because now he is home when the kids come home from school and it is a big help. Oh and also, he's making more money. So I'm not complaining.

child: And in bigger news: We had our seventh baby! (And last!) When I found out, I decided to surprise Finn and asked the kids to come up with a play to tell him, since they love creating plays and performing. 7 months later, we were bringing home Benjamin Hugo Butler. He is now 9 weeks old.


Finn & Rose

Alfred, Cormac, Lucy, Tristan, Stella, Zayn, Benjamin

#50 Addison


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 06:48 PM

LN: Carsten

DW: Silas Noah
DH: Isabel Anna

DS: Arthur Auden-Caio {17}
DS: Josiah Oliver "Joey" {16}
DS/DD: Samuel Zion "Sam" / Senna Juliet {15}
DD: Evangeline Sophia {14}
DS: Andrew Blair {13}
DS: Nicholas Kirk "Nick" {10}
DD: Nahla Primrose {7}
DS: Steffen Paul "Finn" {6}
DD: Matteo Milton {4}
DS: Oliver Callum {2}
DD: Chandler Jude {NB}

DAS: Zacarias Fito {6} -from Ecuador-
DAD: Mei Jian {5} -from China-
DAS: Obi Nkosana {4} -from DR Congo-
DAD: Ekundayo Nnenna {2} -from Uganda-

Silas & Isabel Carsten; Arthur, Joey, Sam, Senna, Evangeline, Andrew, Nicholas, Nahlie, Finn, Zacarias, Mei, Obi, Matteo, Oliver, E'Dayo, and Chandler Carsten.

#51 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 06:47 AM

Graeme Keith Neilson (33)

Hannah Margaret Neilson (20)



Year 1 - 2014

Take a second honeymoon to Venice.

Find a stray cat in the garden. Search for an owner, but no-one comes forward. Decide to keep the cat, and name her Buttons.


Graeme (34) and Hannah (21) with Buttons the cat



Year 2 - 2015

Adopt a newborn girl from a teenage mother in the local area. Name her Corrine Sofia. She has wispy blonde hair and clear blue eyes.

Get into car crash. Nobody is badly injured, but opens our eyes and we decide to live life to the full more.


Graeme (35) and Hannah (22) with Corrine (nb) and Buttons the cat



Year 3 - 2016

Adopt a 5 year old boy from Asia named Saburou James. He has black hair and brown eyes.

Decide to write a book on experiences with depression. Hope it would help someone else with coping with it.


Graeme (36) and Hannah (23) with Sab (5), Corrine (1), and Buttons the cat



Year 4 - 2017

Give birth to a baby girl. Went into labour a few weeks early, and nearly gave birth at Corrine's playgroup. Norah Elisabeth is born on 24th June, and has brown hair and blue eyes.

Take a holiday before Norah is born. Go to Japan to visit Sab's birth country.


Graeme (37) and Hannah (24) with Sab (6), Corrine (2), Norah (nb), and Buttons the cat



Year 5 - 2018

Buy a pet lizard who we name Squeak.

Permanently move to Scotland. Buy a 2 story house with 4 bedrooms.


Graeme (38) and Hannah (25) with Sab (7), Corrine (3), Norah (1), Buttons the cat, and Squeak the lizard



Year 6 - 2019

Buy a kitten named Poppy

Quit job to become a stay-at-home mum.


Graeme (39) and Hannah (26) with Sab (8), Corrine (4), Norah (2), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, and Poppy the kitten



Year 7 - 2020

Having trouble conceiving so turn to fertility treatment. Give birth to a baby boy. Went into labour on Christmas day. Brogan Leonard has brown hair and green eyes.

Graeme's father passes away.


Graeme (40) and Hannah (27) with Sab (9), Corrine (5), Norah (3), Brogan (nb), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, and Poppy the kitten



Year 8 - 2021

Go out with some friends. Have lunch and catch up. Good to get out of the house for a few hours.

Buttons has kittens! We keep one which we name Rio, and sell the rest.


Graeme (41) and Hannah (28) with Sab (10), Corrine (6), Norah (4), Brogan (1), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, and Rio the kitten



Year 9 - 2022

Temporarily move to an apartment for 3 months while some renovations are done on the house.

Fall pregnant but experience a miscarriage after a few months. We're devastated, but we pull through.


Graeme (42) and Hannah (29) with Sab (11), Corrine (7), Norah (5), Brogan (2), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, and Rio the kitten



Year 10 - 2023

Sab starts trumpet lessons after school, Corrine starts doing art club, and Norah decides she wants to take up ballet.

Give birth to a baby boy. Our family surprises us with a party for our newborn. We are shocked, but enjoy the party, and everyone dotes on the baby. Hugo-Marc Sebastian has brown hair and blue eyes.


Graeme (43) and Hannah (30) with Sab (12), Corrine (8), Norah (6), Brogan (3), Hugo (nb), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, and Rio the cat



Year 11 - 2024

Graeme takes a business trip to Ireland. I stay at home and watch the children.

I volunteer at the local animal shelter. I become attached to one of the puppies, and end up bringing her home. We name her Violet.


Graeme (44) and Hannah (31) with Sab (13), Corrine (9), Norah (7), Brogan (4), Hugo (1), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, Rio the cat, and Violet the puppy



Year 12 - 2025

Graeme loses his job, but soon finds another doing the same work but for better money.

We take a family holiday to Jamaica. Everyone enjoys the warm weather, but we are glad to get home.


Graeme (45) and Hannah (32) with Sab (14), Corrine (10), Norah (8), Brogan (5), Hugo (2), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, Rio the cat, and Violet the puppy



Year 13 - 2026

Give birth to a baby girl. Throughout the pregnancy we were convince that the baby was a boy, but she surprised us all in the delivery room. Elsie Annika is born on July 10th with brown hair and green eyes.

Graeme gets a promotion.


Graeme (46) and Hannah (33) with Sab (15), Corrine (11), Norah (9), Brogan (6), Hugo (3), Elsie (nb), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, Rio the cat, and Violet the dog



Year 14 - 2027

Adopt a 2 year old boy from South America. Rafinha George has brown hair and brown eyes.

Buy a pet rabbit named Nugget.


Graeme (47) and Hannah (34) with Sab (16), Corrine (12), Norah (10), Brogan (7), Hugo (4), Rafi (2), Elsie (1), Buttons the cat, Squeak the lizard, Poppy the cat, Rio the cat, Violet the dog, and Nugget the rabbit



Year 15 - 2028

Buy a guinea pig friend for Nugget. The kids call him Lettuce.

Give birth to a baby boy. Graeme found out about the pregnancy from his mother, she was there when I took the pregnancy test. Ari Robert is born on November 8th and has brown hair and blue eyes.



Graeme Keith Neilson (47)

Hannah Margaret Neilson (34)

Saburou James Neilson (17)

Corrine Sofia Neilson (13)

Norah Elisabeth Neilson (11)

Brogan Leonard Neilson (8)

Hugo-Marc Sebastian Neilson (5)

Rafinha George Neilson (3)

Elsie Annika Neilson (2)

Ari Robert Neilson (nb)


Buttons the cat

Poppy the cat

Rio the cat

Squeak the lizard

Violet the dog

Nugget the rabbit

Lettuce the guinea pig

#52 Cascadia


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:35 PM

The Taylor Family 


Eliza Faith (27) and Isaac Joel (28)


Year 1: 1999


We permanently moved into a single-story cottage in Seattle, Washington. 


Eliza Faith (28) and Isaac Joel (29) Taylor


Year 2: 2000


I quit my job because I wasn’t happy working for a big corporation and I wanted to work for a non-profit organization. Isaac was very supportive.  


Eliza Faith (29) and Isaac Joel (30) Taylor


Year 3: 2001


I gave birth to our first child, a baby girl! We named her Aurora Jayne “Rory”. She was born December 20th, 2000. She has thick, light brown hair and blue eyes. When we got home from the hospital, my whole family surprised us with a party welcoming our new bundle of joy. The party was wonderful and my whole family loved their new family member. We received several gifts, like diapers and baby toys. However, my favorite gift was from my parents, a little onesie that said “Best Grand Daughter Ever!” 


Eliza Faith (30) and Isaac Joel (31) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (NB)


Year 4: 2002


We’d been having financial trouble. I supposed it was because I had quit my job and we no longer had two incomes to rely on. I helped solve our problem by getting another job as an administrative assistant. 


Eliza Faith (31) and Isaac Joel (32) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (1) 


Year 5: 2003


We welcomed a new pet rabbit, who we named Cherry. Rory loved to play with her in the garden.


Eliza Faith (32) and Isaac Joel (33) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (2) 

Cherry (1)


Year 6: 2004


I received a raise! With the extra money we decided to take Rory on her first vacation to Florida and spent a week in the sun. 


Eliza Faith (33) and Isaac Joel (34) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (3) 

Cherry (2)


Year 7: 2005


I saw my all-time favorite singer in concert! Me and Isaac found a babysitter for Rory and went to go see Michael Bublé live! 


Eliza Faith (34) and Isaac Joel (35) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (4) 

Cherry (3)


Year 8: 2006


We decided to take two children in from foster care. A nine-year-old girl named Tessa Harriet Mills and a four-year-old boy named Noah Matthew Harrison. They are staying with us until the organization can find permanent homes for them. They are so polite and Rory is wonderful with them. 


Eliza Faith (35) and Isaac Joel (36) Taylor

Tessa Harriet (9)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (5)

Noah Matthew (4) 

Cherry (4)


Year 9: 2007


Isaac and I took a nice weekend trip. We went up to the Cascades Mountains because both of us love nature and wanted to relax somewhere peaceful. We left Rory at my parent’s house (since Tessa and Noah found homes during that year) and drove up to our rented cottage. We bird-watched, hiked and just de-stressed all weekend. 


Eliza Faith (36) and Isaac Joel (37) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (6)

Cherry (5)


Year 10: 2008


We temporarily moved into a single-story house in Vancouver, Canada for 6 months while Isaac was working on a special project for his architecture firm. 


Eliza Faith (37) and Isaac Joel (38) Taylor

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (7) 

Cherry (6) 


Year 11: 2009


Sadly, my brother and his wife died in a car accident, leaving two children. We offered to adopt them and raise them as our own. So we took in eight-year-old Ella Madeleine and ten-year-old Henry Finnegan. Rory was ecstatic about her cousins living with us and loved to play with Ella. 


Eliza Faith (38) and Isaac Joel (39) Taylor

Henry Finnegan (10)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (8)

Ella Madeleine (8)



Year 12: 2010


We decided to adopt a child because we always wanted a big family. So we adopt a ten-year-old boy from Africa named Ayo Abioye. He has dark brown hair and eyes. He’s delightful and Henry is thankful for another boy in the family.


Eliza Faith (39) and Isaac Joel (40) Taylor

Henry Finnegan (11)

Ayo Abioye (10)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (9)

Ella Madeleine (9)


Year 13: 2011


We permanently moved into a two-story townhouse in Seattle. We moved so we’d have more room for our big family. 


Eliza Faith (40) and Isaac Joel (41) Taylor

Henry Finnegan (12)

Ayo Abioye (11)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (10)

Ella Madeleine (10)


Year 14: 2012


My friend, Hayley and I decided to go out of town for a day to a nearby city. We went to Anacortes, the harbor city and had a spa day. She had recently lost her job and needed cheering up so I thought that would be the perfect thing. 


Eliza Faith (41) and Isaac Joel (42) Taylor

Henry Finnegan (13)

Ayo Abioye (12)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (11)

Ella Madeleine (11)


Year 15: 2013


We decided to adopt another child because we enjoyed adopting Ayo and he has really become apart of our family. We adopt a one-year-old girl from South America named Sofia Raquel. Henry, Ayo, Rory and Ella love her and take turns caring and singing to her. 


Eliza Faith (42) and Isaac Joel (43) Taylor

Henry Finnegan (14)

Ayo Abioye (13)

Aurora Jayne “Rory” (12)

Ella Madeleine (12)

Sofia Raquel (1) 

#53 Bewitching


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:01 AM

LN: Sweeney

DW: Zaina Malak

DH: Nathan Miller


1st year:

Zaina and Nate has been on the road for quite sometime, they had been together with some distant family and was now heading home. Outside everything was foggy and the road was a little hard to see. Zaina was driving the car, as Nate had been drinking at the gathering. Suddenly they see distant light, driving towards them and it’s easy to see that this car is speeding. Zaina wants to make sure that nothing happens to them, so she pulls over the wrong lane, but when she does that, the ghost driver slams his car into the side of theirs. Everything goes black.

When waking up, Zaina is alone in a hospital room, with a tube in her nose and two broken bones in her right arm. The dr. says they’re lucky they survived, as the other driver died on the spot.  Zaina ask for Nate, who’s being operated. There was some glass from the car window stuck in his thigh.  When sure they’re all right, a young dr. drives them home.


2nd year

Nate is working for a big firm, but it’s slowly losing money and it worries Zaina. Of course there is still enough money, but they are not sure if they will be able to have children soon, due to the money loss. You agree on starting to save more money, as you still need a new car and maybe cutting down on all the good things they’re used to.


3rd year

This weekend Zaina and Nate are going to a weekend trip in Leeds, to clear their mind. It was a gift from Zaina’s parents, to show their support about the marriage.
All weekend they are doing nothing and just enjoying each other’s company.


4th year

Nate knows how sad Zaina is about not being pregnant, so he brings home a cat named Willa. Of course this a huge surprise for his wife and Zaina gets teary eyed and hugs him close. Happy about the new family pet, she cares for it 24/7.


5th year

Araz Ripkard born January 4th has dark brown hair and big curly hair like granny Falak and hazel coloured eyes. Zaina is in love with her little boy and so is Nate. Of course while being preggo, nana Sweeney has been all over the place, trying to tell Zaina to raise her son like she raised her children. Of course Zaina refuses to use spanking as a method to discipline her own son and when she was told that, she threw out her mother in law.


6th year

November the 12th sweetheart Fatima Badriya was born. Zaina completely convinced that Leland Iesa was coming, they hadn’t even thought about a name for their sweet little girl! Fatima has the same dark brown hair as her brother and quite wavy already! Her eyes are a stunning dark brown. Nate and Zaina are in love with their little girl and Raz keeps calling her Ima.


7th year

Even if both kids are young, Zaina and Nate take them to London on a vacation. Araz who’s 2 and a half enjoys to get out of Natland for a while. They spend the time by taking a tour in one of the big red buses and goes to the national museum. Zaina and Nate loves how happy Araz is around the big dinosaurs and he says that he wants to be one when he grows up!
They’re only in London a little week, but the children have enjoyed themselves!


8th year

Due to Nate’s work, the family are temporarily moving to Hungary and Araz just want to know if they have dinosaurs there too. The workplace gives them a two-story home, in the middle of a little town, so that they will have no problem with getting to work or the children in some sort of day care. Zaina decides that she can’t be bothered putting the children in day care for the only 4 months they have to stay. All of her time is used on her two precious toddlers.


9th year

After living in Hungary and coming back, they both realise they miss the place. The Sweeney family packs up and moves back to the same town, just in a one-story house, as there is no need for more. Both Araz and Fatima already speak Hungarian, so there is no problem with getting them enrolled in school for when that time comes and Nate can easily get a job transfer. Zaina will be a stay-at-home mum, until she’s found something to do. She still secretly hopes to become pregnant again.


10th year

The 28th March Salwa Israh meets the world for the first time. There was made a mistake in the nursery room, where a little baby boy had been put in the wrong sleeping area and therefore the doctors thought that it was Zaina. Of course when they realised that she was supposed to have a girl and another couple a boy, they corrected the mistake and apologised. Her hair is totally black just like her mother and Salwa has straight hair, not curly or wavy like her siblings. What shocked both of her parents was the dark green eyes.


11th year

After talking for a while about starting to foster, Zaina and Nate gets two brothers to foster. They are identical twins, so the only way to tell them apart is that one of them has glasses and never uses contacts. Adam and Edvin are 13 years old and they aren’t staying with them that long. Only 6 months, before their mother gets one chance to try and give them both a good home.


12th year

Nate comes home one day, telling Zaina he found the perfect two-story house for the family in town, they move in the middle of August. One of the things Zaina notices when they’d moved, is there is two rooms left and maybe that will be for the twins or she might be lucky enough to have more children.


13th year

April the 1st Zaina gives birth to Ellerux Nabil & Omar Zaahair. The family decide to fly in and be in delivery room, all of them! Yet Zaina isn’t happy about this, but of course it’s exciting to see the twins. Nate and her decides for this to be their last children, having five children is what they consider the perfect family.


14th year

Nate goes on a business trip back to England, while Zaina stays behind to take care of the children. It's quite easy, as Araz and Fatima is more than willingly to help her with chores and their two little brothers.


15th year

Rima Mukupa is born 25th December, making her a special christmas baby. Even though she wasn't planned, Rima fits perfectly into the family of 8. Zaina and Nate goes home with her the very next day.


Zaina & Nathan w/ Araz *Raz*,10, Fatima *Ima*, 9, Salwa *Sal, 5,Ellerux *Rux*,2, Omar *Ommie*, 2, & Rima *Rii* newborn

#54 AmyB


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:39 AM

Logan Jack Dayes

b: January 4th, 1979

job: physical therapist


Ava Louise Dayes

b: June 21st, 1979

job: sports agent


year 1 (December 2003)

random: Logan decides to write a nutrition and fitness book based on his career as a college basketball player and as physical therapist.

pet: As an early Christmas present, Logan brings home a rescued golden retriever puppy who we name Harold.


year 2 (October 2004)

travel: In June, I took a business trip to Atlanta where I was scouting a high school soccer team. Logan accompanied me, and we had a wonderful get away.

child: As well, in July we found out we were pregnant! Now we are awaiting the arrival of our baby girl!


year 3 (July 2005)

child: On February 7th, I went into labour 4 weeks early while Logan was in Arizona at a conference for physical therapy. Unfortunately he was not able to make it back for the birth of our little Leah Vivienne Dayes but he was there within an hour after her birth.

family matter: My brother and his wife Jane are musicians and they are going on a world tour this summer, so Logan and I are looking after their two kids: Jensen (5) and Ivy (3).


year 4 (June 2006)

travel: In March, Logan and I decided to jet away for a weekend to San Francisco where we relaxed and enjoyed the peace and quiet. This time is was my brother's turn to look after Leah.

random: Right now we are in the process of redoing our kitchen, master bathroom and basement. We are hoping to be done soon but since we are completely gutting the kitchen and bathroom, it could take a while.


year 5 (November 2007)

moving: In April, Logan got a job offer from the Washington Redskins to work on their medical team and so in July we packed up our family and moved to Washington, D.C. We found a two story house with a cute backyard and a nice eat-in kitchen however I was sad to leave our recently renovated home.

child: Not only do we know live in a new city with new jobs, we have a new baby! We were terrified when we found out but now we couldn't be happier with baby boy Dayes. Nathaniel Lachlan Dayes was born on September 23rd.


year 6 (July 2008)

family matter: Although we still hadn't fully finished unpacking (hard with a new baby!!) Logan's younger brother moved in with us while doing an internship in January through to April. It was a full house, but Max was such a help with the kids, and they absolutely loved him.

job: Just this month, Logan signed on with the Redskins for another two years and received a raise. Hopefully that means a new car!!


year 7 (March 2009)

child: We were very shocked when in July we found out we were expecting again so soon after having Nate. An early ultrasound revealed we were having another princess, and on March 3rd we welcomed Beatrice Nora Dayes into the world. We were totally shocked when we arrived home to find our whole family and flown to Washington to surprise and help us with the new baby!

family matter: We have another house guest staying with us: my mom! She offered to stay with us for a little while after bringing home Bea which is a total blessing.


year 8 (March 2010)

pet: Now that Leah is old enough to help take care of a pet we decide to get two goldfish for her birthday. She names them Tiana and Naveen.

random: Finally, Logan and I decided to buy a new car! Our old Subaru Outback was getting a little small for three kids and a dog so we decided to upgrade and went for a 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe.


year 9 (January 2011)

child: What a surprise! In early May I found myself holding yet another positive pregnancy test. Baby Dayes #4 was initially due to arrive on Christmas Day but then we found out we were expecting twin boys! We were able to make it to 35 weeks before going into labour. Both my mom and dad, Logan's mom wanted to be in the delivery room and since I knew I would need all the support I could get, I said yes. Theo Benjamin and Oliver Tristan Dayes were born on November 22nd.

moving: With Logan on another 3 years of contract, we decided to officially settle ourselves in DC. We moved out of our cramped 2 story house and into a much larger 2 story home in Bethesda, Maryland.


year 10 (October 2012)

travel: As a girls trip, my three best friends (Lou, Emily and Sarah) and I decided to drive up to New York City in April for a broadway and shopping filled weekend. At first I can't stop worrying about Logan with the five kids on his own, but eventually I realize he will do fine.

child: We are expecting again!! The next addition to the Dayes family is due in early May of next year. We can't wait to meet him or her! (Although we are probably crazy for having another baby so soon after the twins!)


year 11 (June 2013)

family matter: Logan and I went through a really rough patch in January and February where he and I barely talked to each other. After almost two months of hostility, we enrolled in counseling and eventually things got better. We are still working on a few issues but we had to sort things out for our family and for our new baby.

child: Actually, the fighting all started when completely by accident, my husband found out from one of the players that I was expecting a girl. I had told his wife, who had told him, who had then told Logan, all within a day. Logan was angry and upset, which became a downward spiral. But that is in the past! Our sixth child and third daughter, Alice Penelope Dayes was born on May 11th.


continued later...


#55 BabyNameRater


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 02:45 PM

LN: Rosenthal


DH: Cassius Adair [22] Wavy Dark Brown Hair, Green Eyes

DW: Emma Clarice [20] Straight Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes


~Year One~


Adopt A Pet

Cassius and I decide that instead of jumping right into having children, we'll adopt a pet first until we decide to add a child in the future. We decide one a small little white kitten who we name Snowberry! She has long, pure white fur and pale blue eyes!


Move Homes

A few months after we adopt Snowberry we decide that our apartment is much to small and we want to live closer to our families anyway, so we begin house hunting and finally find a wonderful two story house in Knoxville, TN, only a few minutes away from our family!



~Year Two~



Right before our anniversary Cassius receives a generous raise at work. He decides that we should take a second honeymoon and we decide to go to Japan! We had a blast and saw a lot of amazing sights and ate lots of incredible food!


Adopt A Pet

While in Japan we come across a charity event dedicated to helping animals that were effected by the frequent natural disasters Japan endures. I decide to volunteer for the day and by doing so catch sight on a tiny little Japanese Bobtail kitten with solid black fur who is covered in muck and grime. The poor dear can't be past weaning age and I ask the charity leader if I can keep the kitten and they allow it. After filling out the necessary paperwork, we take our new pet through customs and on towards home and introduce the kitten, who we named Mulberry, to Snowberry and the two get along wonderfully. 



~Year Three~


Adopt A Pet

We decide that we want one more pet to help fill in the space in the house. So Cassius and I head down to the animal shelter to adopt another kitten. When we get there we see a litter of kittens and their mother, in the far corner is a steely blue kitten all by itself. It sees Cassius and takes a shine to him and so we adopt him on the spot and name him Huckleberry!



Soon after adopting our third feline Cassius and decide to try for a baby. After many months of no luck we turn to fertility treatments and soon we are pregnant! When we go in for our first ultrasound we are shocked when the technician tells us that we are expecting identical twins! 

On November 13th, Alistair Bailey and Alaric Samuel were born! They both have Curly Light Brown Hair and Brown Eyes. Your whole family has surprised you with a party welcoming our newborns. Everything was Red, White and Blue and Nautical themed, it was so cute! We recieved many clothes, blankets, bottles, coupons and even cribs and strollers!



~Year Four~



The next year we find ourselves pregnant again and the ultrasound reveals that we are once again have identical twins! Almost exactly one year after A.B & A.S were born we welcome Paul Raleigh & Lyle Etienne-Cade three weeks early! They both have Curly Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. We were doing our early Christmas shopping when I went into labor and I nearly had the boys in the mall!



Just after the twins were born, and right before Christmas, Cassius lost his job as a teacher, luckily, a school across town hired him immediately!





(Will continue shortly!)

#56 glitchinggecko


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 08:27 PM

March 28th - Benjamin 'Ben' Thomas Mitchell is born
April 1st - Lucinda 'Lucy' Charlotte Mitchell is born

June 21st - Ben and Lucy meet aged 16 and begin dating

April 1st - Ben and Lucy get married
April 15th - Ben joins the army
June 30th - Lucy discovers she's pregnant
December 16th - Sophia 'Soph' Alexandra Mitchell is born
December 17th - Soph is diagnosed with jaundice and must spend time in the hospital

April 1st - Ben buys Lucy a Kitten (Clara) for her birthday
May 19th - Lucy's father William dies

April 1st - Ben's parents give them tickets for a weekend away for their anniversary
October 27th - Clara gives birth to 5 kittens
November 11th - Alyssa 'Ally' Caitlin Mitchell is born

January 18th - Ben's mother Samantha has asked them to name the baby Phyllis after her mother
February 24th - Philip 'Phil' Tobias Mitchell is born
December 17th - Ben receives a promotion to a base in England

February 14th - The family relocates to England
September 21st - Lucy wins a free trip to Paris

April 11th - The family move to the adjoining county so the children can attend a better school
October 3rd - Alyssa 'Ally' Caitlin Mitchell Adopted

May 22nd - Lucy adopts a Puppy (Boris) from the local animal shelter
June 26th - Eleanor 'Ellie' Rosalie Mitchell and Emily 'Em' Rhiannon Mitchell born

September 3rd - Boris misses Ally when she starts school and whines until she returns home
December 21st - Dexter 'Dex' William Mitchell born

January 15th - Lucy is finding it hard to cope, so her mother Alexandra comes over to help out for a while
February 28th - Lucy's mother Alexandra makes friends in the area and is delighted when Lucy and Ben ask her to move in permanently
September 27th - Lucy and Ben have a second honeymoon in Scotland

June 12th - Daniel 'Dan' James Mitchell born
June 25th - Theodore 'Theo' Henry born
June 26th - Lucy almost dies from blood loss when Theo is born

May 15th - After 10 years in army Ben decides to quit
July 9th - Samuel 'Sam' Sebastian born
September 7th - Ben starts university to become a teacher

June 4th - Daniel 'Dan' James Mitchell Adopted
December 27th - Jackson 'Jack' Matthew Mitchell and Jonathan 'Jon' Marcus Mitchell born

June 29th - The family take a vacation to visit old friends and family
November 30th - Nicholas 'Nick' Oliver born

2nd March - The family move into a larger house in the same area
2nd September - Ben starts a job as a student teacher at the kids school
25th December - Lucy and Ben adopt two puppies as a Christmas suprise



Benjamin 'Ben' Thomas Mitchell [23]
Wavy Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes
Joined the Army at 18
Lucinda 'Lucy' Charlotte Mitchell [23]
Straight Brown Hair & Grey Eyes
Stay at Home Mom
Sophia 'Soph' Alexandra Mitchell [13]
Straight Brown Hair & Blue Eyes
Born December 16th 2000
MN after Lucy's Mom
Philip 'Phil' Tobias Mitchell [10]
Wavy Brown Hair & Grey Eyes
Born February 24th 2003
MN is after Ben's Friend
Alyssa 'Ally' Caitlin Mitchell [11]
Curly Black Hair & Green Eyes
Born November 11th 2002
Adopted in 2005
Eleanor 'Ellie' Rosalie Mitchell [7]
Straight Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes
Born June 26th 2006
Emily 'Em' Rhiannon Mitchell [7]
Straight Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes
Born June 26th 2006
Dexter 'Dex' William Mitchell [6]
Straight Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes
Born December 21st 2007
MN is after Lucy's Dad
Theodore 'Theo' Henry Mitchell [4]
Wavy Brown Hair & Grey Eyes
Born June 25th 2009
FN is after Ben's Dad
Samuel 'Sam' Sebastian Mitchell [3]
Wavy Brown Hair & Blue Eyes
Born July 9th 2010
FN is after Ben's Mom (Samantha)
Jackson 'Jack' Matthew Mitchell [2]
Wavy Brown Hair & Blue Eyes
Born December 27th 2011
Jonathon 'Jon' Marcus Mitchell [2]
Wavy Brown Hair & Blue Eyes
Born December 27th 2011
Daniel 'Dan' James Mitchell [4]
Curly Black Hair & Green Eyes
Born June 12th 2009
Adopted in 2011
Nicholas 'Nick' Oliver Mitchell [1]
Straight Brown Hair & Blue Eyes
Born November 30th 2012
MN is Lucy's Friend

#57 CLA


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Posted 09 December 2013 - 02:04 AM

LN: Sloan

DH: Mark Everett
DW: Alexandra Caroline

Year One

Mark comes home with a golden retriever puppy without talking to me first, but that puppy was just too cute to stay mad at him for more than a minute.

We decide to name her Gracie.


Year Two

We temporarily move to Clarkston, WA, 320 miles from our home in Tacoma for 9 weeks for Mark and I's job. We're staying in a two-story condominium.


Year Three

Gracie had puppies, she snuck into the neighbor's yard a while back and they have a male Siberian husky named Kimo. She had 1 girl and 4 boys, we're planning on selling the boys and keeping the girl, we've named her Dakota.


Year Four

September 9, I gave birth to our first baby, a baby boy who we named Tyler Grey Sloan. Ty has straight blonde hair and brown eyes. Mark didn't make it to the birth because he was in the middle of surgery and we're both pretty upset but we both understand the complications of his job.


Year Five

Mark and I decide to take a second honeymoon in the Bahamas. Tyler goes to stay with my sister and her family while we are away. 


Year Six

Gracie got out and was ran over and killed down the road from us, we're all taking it pretty hard. She was a great dog.


Year Seven

We decide to buy a kitten. He is a toyger which is a cross between a striped domestic short-haired cat and a standard Bengal tabby, bred to look like a tiger. Ironically we named him Roar, Ty had a little something to do with that. 


Year Eight

We enroll Tyler into a Montessori preschool, this isn't a major adjustment since he'd been attending daycare previously.


Year Nine

January 5, I give birth to our second son who we name Micah Derek Sloan, he has wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Mark found out about the pregnancy from an intern at work who had overheard me talking to my sister and made a comment to Mark assuming that he already knew. He was excited about the pregnancy but mad about the way he found out, as was I.


Year Ten

November 23, Thanksgiving, I went into labor during our holiday brunch and our baby girl was born that night. We decide to name her Anniston Sofia Sloan, she has curly blonde hair and blue eyes.


Year Eleven

Mark and I take a nice weekend trip to Los Angeles to meet up with an old colleague to discuss a case regarding work. While we're their we don't leave the hotel room too often but we do take a couple of trips to the beach.


Year Twelve

The family wants a new pet, however, we all have our own ideas as to what we should get. We finally decide by writing down the different ideas and drawing one out of a hat, the winner is Tyler and his choice was a turtle who Ty names Squirtle.


Year Thirteen

We move into a two-story home about 15 blocks from our old one.


Year Fourteen

I was very convinced that I was having a girl, however on February 9th when the baby was born I gave birth to a baby boy instead. We named him Vincent Samuel Sloan, he has wavy brown hair and brown eyes.


Year Fifteen

August 20th I went into labor a few weeks earlier than was anticipated and almost delivered our baby girl at Tyler's school play. Our beautiful little girl has curly brown hair and blue eyes. We name her Brooklyn Noelle Sloan.


The Sloan Family


Mark Everett & Alexandra Caroline

Tyler Grey {11}

Micah Derek {6}

Anniston Sofia {5}

Vincent Samuel {1}

Brooklyn Noelle {nb}


Mark & Lexie Sloan w/ Ty, Mike, Annie, Vince, & Brook.

#58 Puppylover12397


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:08 AM

The Beaupre Family

Lawrence Roland [21] & Josephine Greer [21]

Lawrence was born on the third of August and is 21 years old. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
Josephine was born on the tenth of December and is 21 years old. She has black hair and brown eyes.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [21] Josephine Greer [21]

Job  - Being newly married and fresh out of college has been very hard for Lawrence and I, Josephine. However, the good news for all of this heavy working was that quite quickly I was given a promotion! The people I've been working for have given me a huge one up and said they see so much potential in me for the job we're doing and I feel fabulous about doing it all. This extra income will be very helpful for allowing Lawrence and I to build up and continue working on our nest egg for the future. 

Pet - Lately, I've been feeling a little down and Lawrence and I decide that our home for now is just a little dull. It's an apartment with one and a half bedrooms and just one bathroom. It has a joint kitchen/dining room/living room area and a closet which contains both a washer and a dryer. So, to liven the place up as well as to give both Lawrence and I a little something pretty to look at we get a fish tank. We load it up with some glow in the dark fancy tailed guppies and they all look very pretty. We don't give them names or anything like that, but we enjoy having them and they help ease our blood pressure.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [22] Josephine Greer [22]

Moving  - Well, I recently got some very interesting news from my job. It would seem the promotion I got next year was only a first step for me. They want me to take a better job in another state. We currently reside in Massachusetts and the move will take us to New York. The main office for the company I work for resides there and they want me to take an important position there. I talk to Lawrence about the move and we agree his company doesn't seem to want to take him anywhere and so he quits and we agree to the move. The company even sweetens the pot by offering us a large sum of money to be used for a home near the office which is in a very good neighborhood. We end up with a two-story house that is fantastic. It has four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, a nice living room/den area and a recently renovated kitchen with a chrome table. It even has a vegtable garden that Lawrence and I can do together. I think this move will be good for both of us.

Random - The great thing about being in New York is that there are so many events that go on here. To be more specific things like concerts. For my birthday Lawrence got us tickets to go and see Maroon 5 together. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to have some fun together and really enjoy one anothers company.  We watched the band and relaxed, enjoying some shared kisses and then even a little more together in a quiet area. This made us feel reinvigorated and reminded us just how young we really are. We're twenty-two and sometimes we just need to be twenty-two.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [23] Josephine Greer [23]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [0]

Travel - With some extra money in the bank and our anniversary coming up Lawrence and I decide to take a second honeymoon together to celebrate three years strong and still very much in love. Our first honeymoon was to Hawaii and this time we decide to go to the Bahamas for two weeks of relaxation and love. We sign up for a honeymooners package and take in all of the special treatment. We get a couple's massage and go snorkling as well as going to a luminescent bay to see light up fish that remind of us of our tank back home although these fish are clearly much bigger. It was a wonderful time and Lawrence and I loved it.

Child - Lawrence and I are a little shocked but more than excited to find out we're expecting. It would seem that  our little second honeymoon resulted in our first child. We both knew we wanted a big family, so even though it's happening a little faster than we expected we're happy nonetheless. We found out we were having a baby boy and painted the nursery a nice light blue with tons bear imagery. It'll be perfect for our little man.  I was a little shocked on December 13th 1999 as I went in labor three weeks early! However, everything worked out and we welcomed into the world Matthew Joseph Beaupre. His first name is after my grandmother, Matilda Greta Potter, who I was exceptionally close to throughout my childhood and who I simply adored. His middle name is after myself. He has Lawrence's brown hair and then my brown eyes. A nice mixture of us both.



{Couple} Lawrence Roland [24] Josephine Greer [24]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [1] Delilah Lauren-Rose [0]

Random - With a little one now Lawrence and I know our old car just isn't going to do, especially since we know we would like to have more children in the future. So we make the executive decision to sell our old car and then we end up buying a mini-van instead so it'll have more room for kids and be much safer. Lawrence is a little upset as he knows he'll miss his car, but well it just isn't right for us to keep it anymore with Matthew now. We know this is the right choice.

Child - It would seem we defenitly made the right choice in selling our old car because not long after found out we were pregnant again much to my shock. The both of us knew that we were being careful with protection and everything, but we had to have slipped up once because here we are. We aren't that upset or anything like that, but well, this wasn't something we were expecting so soon after having Matthew. We realized I was pregnant after I started to consume just mounds of oranges which I usually detest and then I started to mix eating them with green olives of all things. A pregnancy test later and well, we found out. This time we'll be expecting a little girl. On July 17th 2000 we welcomed our little princess, Delilah Lauren-Rose Beaupre. We thought Delilah worked well with Matthew and then Lauren-Rose is after Lawrence. Delilah has Lawrence's brown hair and oddly enough she has beautiful green eyes. We're not really sure where they are from in the family, but they're stunning.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [25] Josephine Greer [25]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [2] Delilah Lauren-Rose [1]

Random - I was in the grocery store and decided to enter into a little competition there. It was only a dollar after all, of course though I was totally shocked when I got a phone calling telling me I had won! The prize was free groceries for a whole year! Now of course, I couldn't spend like a thousand dollars at a time when there and I can only use it once a week, but it is amazing. I can only imagine how much money this is going to save Lawrence and I. I get tons of fresh fruit, vegetables and even some toys and things. It'll be perfect.

Travel - Lawrence has been asked to spend three weeks in Beijing for his job. It would be good for his career and possibly put him up for a promotion. As much as I don't want him to go and he doesn't want to leave me and the kids, we both know it's for the best. My parents, Randolph Josiah Potter and Charlotte Elizabeth Potter, come and stay with me to help me take care of the kids. It was hard when the kids kept asking for their daddy but we made it through and everything worked out well.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [26] Josephine Greer [26]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [3] Delilah Lauren-Rose [2] Henry Randolph [0]

Child - Well, let's just say I was more than a little excited to have Lawrence back after his three week trip. We fell pregnant for a third time and couldn't be more delighted. We've always wanted a large family and well, starting it young is a great idea. We find out that we are going to have a little boy again and paint the last available room a mixture of navy blue and red. We give it a nautical theme to boot for him and the pregnancy is quite easy as all of them have been. My body just seems well suited for pregnancy thank goodness. On November 13th, 2002 we welcome into the world our second little prince Henry Randolph Beaupre. We picked Henry as we liked it and then Randolph after my father. He's a miniature of his father and has his brown hair and his blue eyes. When we brought Henry home we were welcomed with the surprise of both of our families. They'd thrown us a little party with just family and close friends. It was wonderful way to welcome little Henry home.

Pet - Sadly fish don't last forever and all of our little glow fish have passed away. It was a little sad to be without them, but we're okay with that and understand they only have a pretty short life span and well, that is totally alright. We'll miss having them and Matthew keeps asking where they went, but it'll be alright.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [27] Josephine Greer [27]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [4] Delilah Lauren-Rose [3] Henry Randolph [1]

Family Matter - My best friend, Jillian Louise Xavier, died just a week ago. It was devestating. Jillian was my roommate all throughout college and we were inseperable for years. She was also the person who introduced me to Lawrence, my life would have never been the same without her. She had been driving home from work when a drunk driver crashed into her car and killed her. I was devastated and so was her family. Jillian was married and had year old fraternal boy/girl twins, who I and Lawrence are the god parents of. I can only imagine how horrible it would be for my kids to grow up without me and I just can't do it for more than a few minutes or I'll start to sob. Lawrence and I offer to help Jillian's husband, Nolan Willis Xavier, in any way we can and especially with their twins, Justin William Xavier and Natalie Josephine Xavier.

Travel - Lawrence has been asked to go on another long business trip. I'm a little upset since they haven't promoted Lawrence or given him any kind of bonus or anything since the last trip. Time he's been asked to spend a month and a half in Brazil. It would be good for his career and I'm a little worried what will happen if he says no, but he just has to do it and so Lawrence goes.  My parents, Randolph and Charlotte Potter, come again and stay with me to help me take care of the kids. It hurt a lot and Matthew was a mess, on the third week he threw a complete tantrum and it hurt my heart terribly. It's taken a bit of a toll on mine and Lawrence's relationship. 


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [28] Josephine Greer [28]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [5] Delilah Lauren-Rose [4] Henry Randolph [2]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 0]

Pet - Matthew's fifth birthday came along and with that when we asked him what he wanted he gave us one simple decree. He wanted a puppy. Lawrence and I took some thought to it and having both grown up with dogs we thought it would be a very good idea and so we got him the puppy he wanted. For the breed we got an Australian Shepherd. A boy who we named Briar after the kid's favorite fairy tale which was Sleeping Beauty. He is a Blue Merle with Blue eyes and Copper point tips.

Job - Finally, it has taken forever, but Lawrence has finally been promoted on his job since the last two trips he took for the company. With it will come a pay raise as well as less hours, though more actual work to be done with higher executives and things of that nature. It'll really be a helpful tool in getting all of us over and through life. Having both of us doing so well in our jobs is wonderful for the kids and the family and we're feeling very financially secure right now. 



{Couple} Lawrence Roland [29] Josephine Greer [29]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [6] Delilah Lauren-Rose [5] Henry Randolph [3] Louis James [0] Leon Jiles [0]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 1]

Moving - Well, with all good luck must come some bad luck after all. Three of our main pipes in the house burst and destroyed the living room and many walls in our home last week. It is going to take us six months to repair the house so we can live in it again. While that work is being done we're also expanding the house, adding two more bedrooms, extending the living room and kitchen and adding in three more full bathrooms and another half bathroom. We rent a one story condominium which only has three bedroom and one and a half bathrooms in it. We have Matthew and Henry share for the time being and they both seem to be okay with it. It actually is kind of nice, though cramped, as the condo is close enough for us to walk Matthew and Delilah to school in the morning with Briar.

Child - Thank goodness we got some additions with the remodeling. We're pregnant again and this time we're expecting twins. I was so sure that one was going to be a boy and the other a girl. I won't lie, but I'm a little worried about how this pregnancy will effect my career. I've put so much work into my job and now, just seeing this out while I love my babies I worry that it can hurt my job. Of course, I thought wrong it would seem when on September 8th 2005 we welcomed into the world Fraternal Twin Boys! I still love them of course. Though, Delilah is a little disappointed that she will not be getting a little sister as she is quite out numbered boys to girls in the house with just us two against six boys now. So, we named them Louis James Beaupre, who was going to be Louise Jillian, and Leon Jiles Beaupre. Both somewhat named for my best friend Jillian, who passed earlier in the year. Leon is slightly named after Lawrence's french roots. Shockingly, the pair have the recessive blonde hair from Lawrence's side of the family. Louis though has this blonde hair and has brown eyes while Leon has blonde hair and blue eyes.



{Couple} Lawrence Roland [30] Josephine Greer [30]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [7] Delilah Lauren-Rose [6] Henry Randolph [4] Louis James [1] Leon Jiles [1]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 2]

Random - I seem to have quite the lucky chance with entering contests. I recently entered another contest for fun, similar to the other as it had a small dollar fee of twenty dollars and I won it. The prize this time being a cash prize of twenty-five thousand dollars! I couldn't believe that I won and the money was amazing. I knew we could put it to some very good use around a lot of things. I'm surely going to talk to Lawrence, but I have quite the belief that we will make the most of this money.

Moving - Well, with twenty extra thousand dollars in the bank Lawrence and I make he choice to move homes. We sell our old home for quite a large some of cash and from that we take it and move into a huge ranch  one story home. The house has nine bedrooms; eleven full bathrooms and three half bathrooms; a huge basement with an office, a gym and a playroom; a full set dining room; a living room and then an upstairs office and library. The home even has a huge backyard with a play set with swings and then an in ground pool and patio. We also have plots to turn a small back plot area into a vegetable garden. Oh and a two car garage. Plus, we intend to enroll the kids into a private school here with amazing ratings and statistics for getting into colleges as the school hosts from pre-k to high school.



{Couple} Lawrence Roland [31] Josephine Greer [31]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [8] Delilah Lauren-Rose [7] Henry Randolph [5] Louis James [2] Leon Jiles [2] Eric Graham [0]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 3]


Child - Since, we wish to have a large family and with the move last year into a larger home, and well with me not wanting to wait too long Lawrence and I try to get pregnant and get pregnant really quickly. We once more find out that we are going to expecting another little boy. We painted the room up with some help from the kids and they had a lot of fun with it, though once more Delilah is unhappy not getting a sister, but she gets over it after some coaxing. This pregnancy is a little harder on me and the morning sickness is terrible at first, but with a lot of ginger and saltines I get through it. We welcomed our fifth prince into the world on April 26th 2007. We name him Eric Graham Beaupre  and he is absolutely adorable. Somehow he has the same blonde hair from Lawrence's side of the family and he has my brown eyes When we bring Eric home we are greeted by a huge party to welcome home the newest Beaupre. Lots of laughter and fun and my mother agrees to stay with us for the first week to help me take care of all the kids with a newborn.

Pet - While walking Briar around the block Lawrence, Matthew and Delilah find a puppy. She looks to be a little chocolate lab and she is quite cute. We can't find a collar on her and the kids insist on keeping her, but just in case we bring her into the vet and sure enough they find a chip showing that she does indeed have a family and we gave them a call. They had been out looking for her, her name was Georgia, the entire time and were so glad to have her back. Of course, Matthew and Delilah are disappointed that we can't keep the puppy. However, I explain to them about how wouldn't we want Briar back if we lost him and they seem to understand the situation a little bit better. 


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [32] Josephine Greer [32]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [9] Delilah Lauren-Rose [8] Henry Randolph [6] Louis James [3] Leon Jiles [3] Eric Graham [1]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 4] Katrina [Manx, 0]

Pet- Somehow after we had to give back the puppy we lost Lawrence and I got convinced that we should perhaps get another pet. Well, we went along with it, though this time we decided not to go with a puppy. We choose a kitten as that is what Delilah would like and well, Matthew got to pick the last time. We take her to see quite a few different cat breeders, but she tells us she wants to adopt her kitten from a shelter. We take her there and sure enough we find a nice little Manx kitten with a calico coat that is as cute as can be that Delilah likes and we take her some. We pick the name Katrina for her.

Child - A few months after getting Katrina, I start to feel ill. Lawrence takes me to the doctor and we leave the kids with my parents. We learn once we get to the doctor and I am examined that I miscarried our seventh child. I was devastated. We hadn't been trying to get pregnant, but just to know that I had lost our child hurt so much and I felt so much guilt. I came home and held each of my children for a very long time.



{Couple} Lawrence Roland [33] Josephine Greer [33]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [10] Delilah Lauren-Rose [9] Henry Randolph [7] Louis James [4] Leon Jiles [4] Eric Graham [2] Isaac Bernard [0]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 5] Katrina [Manx, 1]

Child - After my miscarriage last year, Lawrence and I made the choice to continue to actively conceive more children. We want a big family and well, our trying worked very well. We are pregnant again. I take a small leave of absence from work to make sure I'm extra careful on this pregnancy. We're expecting our sixth bouncing baby boy. The pregnancy is smooth for us which was wonderful. Before the birth both my parents, Randolph and Charlotte, and Lawrence's parents, Constance Jeanette Beaupre and Bernard Gilbert Beaupre, ask to be in the delivery room with us and of course, we comply and agree. We love our family. It gets a little cramped, but well it is worth it. On February 21st 2009, we welcomed  Isaac Bernard Beaupre into the world. Again, Isaac has Lawrence's family's blonde hair and he has the same shocking green eyes as Delilah.

Pet - After a little while we start to experience some issue with Briar. We have no idea why Briar was acting out. The whole thing was strange. He kept barking at nothing in the backyard and well, we just don't understand it one little bit and we take him to get some extra training with some different people, but then of course...It does nothing. So, Lawrence and I look around and Lawrence sees it! There was a bee hive in the tree that Briar had been barking at. He wasn't barking at nothing which was good to know. We get the bee hive removed and everything settles again.


{Couple} Lawrence Roland [34] Josephine Greer [34]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [11] Delilah Lauren-Rose [10] Henry Randolph [8] Louis James [5] Leon Jiles [5] Eric Graham [3] Isaac Bernard [1] Vaughn Chadwick [0] Violet Nahla [0]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 6] Katrina [Manx, 2]

Child - Well, Lawrence and I have continued to work on extending our family and well, to be honest we tried this interesting fruit mixture with herbs given to us by a friend that was for fertility and soon enough...We got pregnant and not only that, but we were expecting twins again. I found out when my mother-in-law was over and before I could even say anything to Lawrence, Constance was yammering and told him everything before I could even get a word out. I wasn't the happiest with her and it didn't stop there. Suddenly, Constance just coming over all the time and trying to tell me what to do and how to handle my kids. I've been a mother for eleven years. I know my children and how to care for them. She asks to be the delivery room and this time I tell her no. We don't speak for three weeks before finally Lawrence talks to her and she apologizes for being so out of hand. Just in time as only a month and a half later I gave birth a month early to fraternal boy and girl twins. On December 30th, 2010 we welcomed into the world Vaughn Chadwick Beaupre and Violet Nala Beaupre. We picked middle names on two things, Chadwick after my mother Charlotte and the middle name Nala was actually by Delilah who suggested it when she heard me talking to a neighbor about baby names, and oddly, it grew on me. Vaughn has my black hair and my brown eyes while Violet has Lawrence's brown hair and she has his blue eyes, reverse mini mes of us.

Travel - Well, having nine kids and having three of them under two years in age it's more than a little stressful on Lawrence and I and though we love it, we get an offer from our parents and we take it. The four of them, Randolph, Charlotte, Constance and Bernard,  are staying in our home for the weekend. Lawrence and I take the weekend to kind of be our third honey moon together. We go back to Hawaii for a week and just get ourselves pampered while our parents take care of the kids. I worry a little about leaving Vaughn and Violet as they're just a couple of months old, but Lawrence assures me it'll be okay and we enjoy ourselves. We snorkle, go on a pig roast and dance. We come home refreshed and very much in love.




{Couple} Lawrence Roland [35] Josephine Greer [35]

{Children} Matthew Joseph [12] Delilah Lauren-Rose [11] Henry Randolph [9] Louis James [6] Leon Jiles [6] Eric Graham [4] Isaac Bernard [2] Vaughn Chadwick [1] Violet Nahla [1] Aubrey Corrine [0]

{Pets} Briar [Australian Shepherd, 7] Katrina [Manx, 3]

Child - Once more, it would seem being away has related to fertility. It would seem the nights together in Hawaii brought about an unexpected, but not unwelcome, surprise. I'm pregnant. Now, I had thought my last pregnancy with dealing with my mother-in-law was a nightmare, it surely was not as bad as it is now. She's been demanding I name this baby after her brother, Norbert Darville Quillard, I personally never met the man and Lawrence admitted that he wasn't close, or even fond, of Norbert. I tell Constance no and she loses it on me. I abulutely want to kill her and I tell her that unless she changes her attitude she is not welcome in my home. Lawrence is upset being put in the middle, but respects my choices. I do not speak to Constance till about a a month before the delivery and I tell her in no uncertain terms that the baby will not be named after her brother. Though, begrudgingly the baby's middle name will be after her in some way. On August 23rd 2011, we welcomed our third princess Aubrey Corrine Beaupre. She's beautiful and I love her so very, very much. She has my black hair and Lawrence's blue eyes.

Random - Well, after having Aubrey our home as gotten to feeling a little small. We make the choice to remodel our home. We're adding in one more bathroom and another three bedrooms to the place. It is some work, but thankfully we've gotten friendly with out construction workers and they make it happen in four months and we just stay in the other areas of the house, moving the kids around and sectioning it off with some gates to make sure they don't go there. When it is done we have plenty of room for our whole family and it feels great.


The Beaupre Family


DH: Lawrence Roland Beaupre [35] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 8/3/1976]

DW: Josephine Greer Beaupre (nee Potter) [35] [Black Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 12/10./1976]


DS: Matthew Joseph Beaupre [12] [Brown Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 12/13/1999]

DD: Delilah Lauren-Rose Beaupre [11] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 7/17/2000]

DS: Henry Randolph Beaupre [9] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 11/13/2002]

DS: Louis James Beaupre [6] [Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 9/8/2005]

DS: Leon Jiles Beaupre [6] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 9/8/2005]

DS: Eric Graham Beaupre [4] [Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 4/26/2007]

DS: Isaac Bernard Beaupre [2] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 2/21/2009]

DS: Vaughn Chadwick Beaupre [1] [Black Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 12/30/2010]

DD: Violet Nala Beaupre [1] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 12/30/2010]

DD: Aubrey Corrine Beaupre [0] [Black Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 8/23/2011]


Dog: Briar [7] [Australian Shepherd] [Blue Merle with Copper Tips and Blue Eyes] [b. 2004]

Cat: Katrina [3] [Manx] [Calico with Green/Golden Eyes] [b. 2008]


Lawrence and Josephine Beaupre; with Matthew, Delilah, Henry, Louis, Leon, Eric, Isaac, Vaughn, Violet & Aubrey + Briar & Katrina




#59 Puppylover12397


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 11:41 PM

The Khaleesi Family

Gideon Brett [21] & Eleanor Theodosia [21]

Gideon was born on the thirtieth of June and is 21 years old. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Eleanor was born on the twenty-first of February and is 21 years old. She has black hair and hazel eyes.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [21] Eleanor Theodosia [21]

Moving - Well, after Gideon and I graduated college he got the offer of a lifetime. We both did really, he got an offer from a company out in England that wants to have him terribly. He graduated valedictorian from our college, it was Columbia, and well, to put it lightly he's amazing. I love my husband dearly and this opportunity for him is great and so we are going to go there of course. It is what is for the best. I still need to find a job there, but we'll make it work. The company is even providing us with a house! It's a single story home with six bedrooms and six full bathrooms and three half bathrooms. The place is absolutely stunning. Beautifully refurbished with chrome and lots of new appliances. It is a risk to go to a whole new country at the start of our marriage and right after college, but we're going to do it. In the end though, Berkshire, England, here we come.

Pet - I got a call from my mother today and it was devastating. To be honest, I had been expecting it...but, our family dog Lulu died. She was eleven years old and had lived for a long while...We had her since I was ten years old. She was an important part of my life and I adored her. It hurt quite a bit and I cried for a long while. It hurt to know that I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I just felt terrible for her it all. I'm not sure how much I am liking Berkshire right now. Despite the amazing house I haven't found a job just yet or made any friends and Gideon is always, always working. It just...I'm hoping things will get better soon.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [22] Eleanor Theodosia [22]

Travel - To make things any worse, Gideon's work wants him to take a trip to Sweden for two and a half weeks and I cannot go with him. I don't like not being able to accompany him as I'm just terribly lonely here in England. However, this is what Gideon needs to do for his work and so he goes to Sweden for the next two and a half weeks and I just...carry on. I keep the house tidy and read some books. I think about applying to Oxford for graduate school as finding a job hasn't been working for me. Overall, it just isn't good still but I'm not ready to give up on this despite all of the strain. I'll make it work for Gideon and I.

Travel - Gideon has noticed how unhappy I have been so far here in England and so considering all the extra money he's been making lately we're going on a second honeymoon. Our first real honeymoon wasn't much as we were two broke college students and we just drove up to Niagara Falls and stayed in some cheap motel together. Now we're doing it up in style. We went to Paris, Rome and Crete. All three spots were for a week and it was just wonderful. The whole thing was magical and I haven't seen myself laugh or smile that much in the past year while living in England. Gideon notices it to and I know it makes him feel better. He hates seeing me so upset so often. Alas, those three weeks go by fast and it comes to an end and we're back to dreary England.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [23] Eleanor Theodosia [23]

{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 0]

Pet - With everything being well, for lack of a better word miserable and so...Gideon and I made the choice to get a pet. Well, you know, we disagreed though. He wanted to get a Saint Bernard and I wanted to get a Labrador. In the end though he gave in as it was me who really wanted the puppy and everything you know, because well, the thing was that I was the one who needed this puppy most. So we found the best breeder with the soonest available puppies. We picked out a little golden girl and we decided to name her Lola after my old dog Lulu. She's a sweetheart and just, I love her. She makes me feel amazing. I'm hoping getting her well be a turn around for our life here.


Travel - Well,  Gideon's work wants him to take another trip away somewhere. This time they are sending him to Denmark and it will be for a month and a week and again I cannot go with him. Thankfully, it is a little better this time as I have Lola to keep me company so I'm not the only one left in the house all alone an everything. Lola's a great dog and I see so much of Lulu in her. She makes it easier to be here as she gives me something to do. I feed her, bate her and take her for walks. We got to dog parks and play. I've even started talking to a few other dog owners. I miss Gideon while he is away and when he gets back well, I didn't let him go for two days.



{Couple} Gideon Brett [24] Eleanor Theodosia [24]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 1]

{Children} Thea Lunette [0]

Child - It would seem me not letting go of Gideon for those few days ended up in something special. We're pregnant! Both Gideon and I are thrilled beyond belief. We've always wanted to be parents and we are so so financially secure right now, more than we ever could have imagined. The pregnancy isn't so bad. I have decent levels of morning sickness at first and basically live off of saltine crackers and ginger ale for over a month. After that first few months though things seem to get easier and my stomach settles. I can't eat pears anymore, but well, that is definitely worth our baby. Halfway through we find out we're expecting a girl and I can't wait! We paint the first of the five still empty bedrooms a nice light lavender collar and have murals done with a meadow and flowers and some bunnies and bees. It is all very sweet and we're able to buy the newest and best pram and things for our little princess. On July 1st 2000 we welcomed Thea Lunette Khaleesi three weeks before her intended due date. Thea's a little on the small side, but other than that she is totally fine and healthy. Thea has Gideon's blonde hair and my hazel eyes. She's going to be absolutely stunning when she grows up.

Family Matter - Since Thea's arrival neither of our family has been able to see her and so, my parents, Eloisa Charlotte Jules and Oliver Holland Jules, have decided to come stay with us for a few months. One to help me with Thea and the other just to see me as it has been much too long for us not to see each other. I'm really excited to see them and have them here with me. I'm the youngest of all of my siblings and have always just been the baby of the family and not to have my parents around has been so terribly tough. Having them here now to help with Thea and have them see her first steps and see her crawl is a blessing especially since Gideon has had to go right back to working so much.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [25] Eleanor Theodosia [25]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 2]

{Children} Thea Lunette [1] Hollis Jules [0]

Child - Well, it would seem the extra free time as my parents had been over and then stealing Gideon for a weekend from his work to spend time with Thea and then well some special mommy and daddy time for the two of us. That special time got us expecting number two and I'm thrilled. As much as I'd like to be working right now, I like being with my daughter and I'm sure I'll love being with my next child as well. It isn't the life I was expecting or planning, but I do adore it. We find out we're having a little boy this time and I'm glad to have one of each. We go to the next free room of the four left and paint it a sweet mint green and get a mural of the tale of peter rabbit as it was Gideon's favorite story as a child. This time my parents are coming to visit again and so are Gideon's parents, Simon Gabriel Khaleesi and Susannah Grace Khaleesi, and they'd all like to be in the room for the birth of our son. We agree of course as we're so happy to have out parents come and stay for two weeks before and after the birth. On February 15th 2001 we welcome Hollis Jules Khaleesi  into our hearts and home. I pick a name close to my heart for his middle name, my own maiden name. Once more, Hollis has Gideon's blonde hair and my own hazel eyes.

Travel – Despite Hollis being so young, just six months old now, we decide to take a family vacation back to the states. Neither my own or Gideon’s siblings and then extended family have ever gotten to meet Thea or Hollis and we’d like to change that and so Gideon cashes in two weeks of vacation time and we travel to the states and see all our different and beloved relatives. The kids get to meet their cousins for the first time and it is magical. Being home has made me feel so much better, to be honest, I am sad to leave and go back, but Gideon has work.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [26] Eleanor Theodosia [26]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 3]

{Children} Thea Lunette [2] Hollis Jules [1]

Job – Well, everything seems to pay off as it must. Gideon got a raise in his work today and an acknowledgement for the work he has been doing and that it is very helpful to the company. The extra money will be helpful to save up, though to be honest. We’re looking at being quite set for a while. As long as nothing goes wrong though, hopefully it won’t because being here needs to be worth something and right now that is just the money.

Moving -  So, it would seem that the raise Gideon got put him on a target list for the high executives. They want him at a different office in a leader ship position in the hopes that he’ll make it even better than it already is. The company is even providing us with our new home again. It's a single story home with seven bedrooms and five full bathrooms and four half bathrooms. The kitchen is a little old, but I’ll refurbish and renovate it after we move in. It has a nice backyard space for the kids to play in and for Lola to run around. Hopefully I’ll have better luck in Kensington, London, England with meeting people and finding a job.  


{Couple} Gideon Brett [27] Eleanor Theodosia [27]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 4]

{Children} Thea Lunette [3] Hollis Jules [2]

Job – With the move and upgrade Gideon is doing just amazing at work. He’s received another raise already and we’ve only been here for half a year. Things are looking good on Gideon’s work part and well, it always seems to be.  I’m a little jealous to be honest. Hopefully something in the work end will pick up for me soon as well.

Family matter – My brother, Bayard Edmund Jules, is remarrying, his wife had died a few years back, giving birth to their youngest children, to a wonderful woman, Ava Madeleine Jules (nee Solei), and the pair are spending the summer traveling the world and their first stop is London where they will be dropping off Bayard’s children from his first marriage Aurelia Lottie Jules [7], Edward Baylor Jules [5] Olivia Eloise Jules [3] and Ulysses Charles Jules [3] and so they will be staying with us through the summer. It’ll be exciting to have them around and get to know them better. Plus it’ll give the twins a chance to play with them and have more kids around.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [28] Eleanor Theodosia [28]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 5]

{Children} Thea Lunette [4] Hollis Jules [3]

Job – It seems like nothing can stop Gideon from climbing the cooperate ladder. He’s received another raise this year as well and it is twice the bump up that the last one was as well. Things are looking good on Gideon’s work as always, though, he has been at work a lot more recently and I wish the kids and I could see him more. Maybe with this raise he can relax some and spend more time at home with us.

Moving – Well, a water pipe broke in the main section of the house. It sucked horribly. We had to move out to a two-story townhouse for two months. The only good side of this was we could get the kitchen of the house redone at the same time and well, it didn’t go by fast at all and was horrific. Thankfully it was only for two months.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [29] Eleanor Theodosia [29]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 6]

{Children} Thea Lunette [5] Hollis Jules [4]

Random – I decide to go to college again and earn another degree as both Thea and Hollis are in schooling full time now. I signed up to go to Oxford and will be taking and pursing another degree there in the graduate program. Hopefully this will allow me to further myself in a way beyond just raising my kids, as much as I love them…I never wanted to be a stay-at-home mother. That just isn’t who I personally am.

Pet – Lately Lola has been acting rather funny. I think, she mostly misses having us all around with both myself back in school and the kids starting school and Pre-k. So, I start coming home during my lunch hours and plan to make a more concise schedule so I’ll be away in chunks and not sporadically.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [30] Eleanor Theodosia [30]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 7]

{Children} Thea Lunette [6] Hollis Jules [5] Emery Gabriel [0] Finn Olivier [0]

Child – I’m nearly a third of the way through my graduate program when I realized that I was pregnant again. Though, it wasn’t planned, Gideon and I are happy to be welcoming another child as we’ve always wanted more children after having Hollis. We find out we’re having twins half-way through and we make the choice not to find out the gender, but I am quite sure that I am going to have one of each this time and give us some evened out numbers. The pregnancy goes smoothly which is great so that I can continue my program through nearly the entire year which is perfect. On July 5th 2006, we welcomed two little princes into the world. I was a little surprised, but happy nonetheless. We name the boys, Emery Gabriel Khaleesi and Finn Olivier Khaleesi. The boys are actually identical twins! They have my black hair and Gideon’s blue eyes. This is exactly how I knew when they accidentally brought back two wrong babies! Both of them had red hair and dark brown eyes and I nearly freaked out. Thankfully they located Emery and Finn who had been with another mother looking for her twins, which I had been given, it was only for a few minutes thankfully, but Gideon and I already decided to not use this hospital again.

Pet – Since the twins were born Lola has been acting quite strange. We decide to get it looked at as this just doesn’t seem much like her and so we go to the vet and well, it would seem that she got some thick wood stuck in her paw. It was removed and since then Lola’s been much better and happier. I’m glad it wasn’t a more serious issue.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [31] Eleanor Theodosia [31]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 8] Nyx [Dwarf Hotot, 0]

{Children} Thea Lunette [7] Hollis Jules [6] Emery Gabriel [1] Finn Olivier [1]


Pet – Thea has been bugging us for a long time to get another pet, three years to be exact and so we decide to give it to her now. We pick out a rabbit for her, more specifically we get her a Dwarf Hotot as the black around its eyes look like khol and recently Thea has fallen in love with Egyptian mythology. The rabbit is a little girl that she names Nyx and is quite the cute little cuddle monster. Hollis loves to play with her to and I’m sure Emery and Finn will enjoy her when they are a little older.

Travel – Well, as per, expectation, Gideon has to go away on a trip again for work. I’m a little worried as we have double the kids now and our youngest two are just a year old, but duty calls and so Gideon travels to Scotland for three weeks. It is hard. Thea misses school twice because she won’t go and I can’t get her to do it. When Gideon gets back, I’m so glad to see him and I also give him the kids for three days and take a spa weekend.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [32] Eleanor Theodosia [32]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 9] Nyx [Dwarf Hotot, 1]

{Children} Thea Lunette [8] Hollis Jules [7] Emery Gabriel [2] Finn Olivier [2] Quinn Kendrick [0]

Child –Gideon and I are expecting our first planned child. I graduated at the end of last year somewhat early after pushing myself to get through it. We knew we wanted another child and so we decided to do it now while I checked and figured out where I wanted to go with my career. Again our parents come to visit since they missed Emery and Finn’s birth. Thankfully, they got here a week early to spend time with the other kids because our newest prince couldn’t wait for his due date and arrivied early on October 31st, 2008, Halloween Day. We welcomed Quinn Kendrick Khaleesi. He’s a bit on the smaller side, but he is healthy and alright. Quinn is pure Gideon, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s absolutely precious cherub.

Travel – Well with so many young children Gideon and I want some time alone together and so my parents come to stay for a while and watch their grandkids and things of that nature. We ended going to Vienna and a few other select cities in Austria while we are away and it is heavenly, we go on a few architecture tours and everything we see is just fantastic. I adore it so much. This year is going to be fantastic for us, I can feel it.



{Couple} Gideon Brett [33] Eleanor Theodosia [33]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 10] Nyx [Dwarf Hotot, 2]

{Children} Thea Lunette [9] Hollis Jules [8] Emery Gabriel [3] Finn Olivier [3] Quinn Kendrick [1] Noah Levi [0]

Child – Well, despite my last pregnancy being so recent, less than a year ago, I’m pregnant again. It wasn’t planned, but well, it just is what it is. What can I say? Gideon and I are just magnetic. We’re expecting our fifth son this time and though Thea is a little disappointed we’re thrilled just for a healthy baby. The pregnancy is relatively hard this time though, I get a lot of morning sickness for six whole months before it settles down and then I just couldn’t eat any of my favorite foods and was losing weight before my doctor changed my diet and gave me some supplements. Gideon actually missed the birth when it came less than a week early. He had been in an important business meeting teleconference and couldn’t be interrupted. So, without my husband on April 24th, 2009 I welcomed Noah Levi Khaleesi into the world. He had my black hair and my hazel eyes.

Job – Gideon has received another pay raise from his work. Which he better have after missing Noah’s birth. It was upsetting and not alright in any matter as far as I am concerned. It still gets me upset. However, this seems to be what it is when you are on as high a level as Gideon is in his career path in business. It just makes me feel disappointed. I don’t want him to keep missing important points in our childrens’ lives.



{Couple} Gideon Brett [34] Eleanor Theodosia [34]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 11] Nyx [Dwarf Hotot, 3]

{Children} Thea Lunette [10] Hollis Jules [9] Emery Gabriel [4] Finn Olivier [4] Quinn Kendrick [2] Noah Levi [1] Brett Simon [0]

Child – Well, it would seem my desire to get back into the working world will be put off once more as I am pregnant again. We’re expecting our sixth son and while I am happy, I am a little upset by the pregnancy. It has really derailed by plans for going back to work and at this point and just looking to my family and my kids…I don’t think I will get to go and work it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me here now or ever. This pregnancy is easy, limited morning sickness and no food sensitivity. Though, I had a hard time sleeping. It just went smoothly and on August 5th 2010, Gideon and I welcomed Brett Simon Khaleesi. He has Gideon’s blonde hair and my hazel eyes. Not only did my parents and Gideon’s parents come, but my brother Bayard and his Ava came with their kids; Aurelia [14], Edward [12], Olivia [10], Ulysses [10], Yasmine Madison Jules [5] and Ian Evander Jules [3] all come out as well to welcome Brett. It was very nice and I wish my other siblings and Gideon’s could come, but the trip up here is expensive, so I’m simply glad those who could come did come.

Random – A few months later after some time together, Gideon scores the pair of us tickets to see one of our favorite musical groups. Maroon 5. They’ll be on tour in our area and it seems like a wonderful opportunity for us to bond and be with one another. We hire three babysitters to watch the kids while we are out for the night and have a very good time together.


{Couple} Gideon Brett [35] Eleanor Theodosia [35]
{Pets} Lola [Golden Labrador, 12] Nyx [Dwarf Hotot, 4] Perdita [Dalmatian, 0]

{Children} Thea Lunette [11] Hollis Jules [10] Emery Gabriel [5] Finn Olivier [5] Quinn Kendrick [3] Noah Levi [2] Brett Simon [1]

Pet – Well, to add an addition to our family seems crazy right now, but we certainly are. Gideon came home with a puppy today and while I am happy to have a cute puppy, we’re not really able to fully commit to it. However, We have a new puppy. She’s a Dalmatian and we’ve named her Perdita after the different versions of 101 Dalmatians.

Moving – Well, with all of our new people and pets in our home we decide to move temporarily to make some expansions to our home. Nothing too big. We move for four months and have the kitchen redone and expanded, we added two more full bathrooms and one more half bathroom, three more bedrooms and then extend the living room, dining room and play room. Once it’s done we are finally home and everything is right.


The Khaleesi Family


DH: Gideon Brett Khaleesi [35] [Blonde  Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 6/30/1976]

DW: Eleanor Theodosia Khaleesi (nee Jules) [35] [Black Hair and Hazel Eyes] [b. 2/21/1976]


DD: Thea Lunette Khaleesi [11] [Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes] [b. 7/1/2000]

DS: Hollis Jules Khaleesi [10] [Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes] [b. 2/15/2001]

DS: Emery Gabriel Khaleesi [5] [Black Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 7/6/2006]

DS: Finn Olivier Khaleesi [5] [Black Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 7/6/2006]

DS: Quinn Kendrick Khaleesi [3] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 10/31/2008]

DS: Noah Levi Khaleesi [2] [Black Hair and Hazel Eyes] [b. 4/24/2009]

DS: Brett Simon Khaleesi [1] [Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes] [b. 8/5/2010]


Dog: Lola [11] [Golden Labrador] [Yellow Coat with Dark Brown Eyes] [b. 2000]

Rabbit: Nyx [4] [Dwaf Hotot] [White with Black Ringed Eyes] [b. 2007]

Dog: Perdita [0] [Dalmation] [Black and White Spotted Coat with Brown Eyes] [b. 2011]



Gideon and Eleanor Khaleesi; with Thea, Hollis, Emery, Finn, Quinn, Noah & Brett + Lola, Nyx & Perdita


#60 Laugh-Dream-Love


    Genie-ous Baby Namer

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  • Interests:Watching movies and snuggling with my boyfriend; Writing; Reading; Listening to music; Drawing; Singing

Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:27 AM

LN: Williamson


DH: Kyle Fintan (20) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DW: Lily Annabel (20) - Red hair, green eyes


Year 1

Take two children for foster care.

Four year old twins named Luna McKenzie and Eden McKinley

Stay for ten months.


Year 2

Temporarily move to a new State

Single story house in New York

Four months


Year 3

Go out of town for a trip into the city with some friends


Year 4

Take a second honeymoon to Hawaii


Year 5

Give birth to a baby girl

Family threw a surprise part welcoming the newborn

Jane Arietty Williamson

24th November

Red hair, green eyes


Year 6

Give birth to a baby boy

Arrived at a busy time in career

Philip Wesley Williamson

5th April

Brown hair, blue eyes


Year 7

Lily loses her job due to too much maternity leave


Year 8

Give birth to a baby boy

Went into labour a few weeks early

Sebastian Casey Williamson

9th November

Red hair, green eyes


Year 9

Give birth to a baby girl

Went into labour on a major holiday

Emma Laney Williamson

25th December

Brown hair, blue eyes


Year 10

Entered a contest and won an iPad


Year 11

Took a third honeymoon to France

Kids stayed with Lily's parents


Year 12

Give birth to a baby boy

Found out about pregnancy in an unusual way

Alexander Lucas Abel Williamson

28th April

Brown hair, blue eyes


Year 13

Permanently move to a new country

Two story town house



Year 14

Start a business with a good friend

Nail salon


Year 15

Temporarily move to a new country

One story condominium




LN: Williamson


DH: Kyle Fintan (35) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DW: Lily Annabel (35) - Red hair, green eyes


DD: Jane Arietty (10) - Red hair, green eyes

DS: Philip Wesley (9) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DS: Sebastian Casey (7) - Red hair, green eyes

DD: Emma Laney (6) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DS: Alexander Lucas Abel (3) - Brown hair, blue eyes



Kyle and Lily Williamson with Jane, Pip, Sebi, Emma, and Alex

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