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15 Years of Your Life Game *Very Detailed*

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#61 brimariiee


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 08:30 PM

LN: Bartlett

DW: Brianna Marie Bartlett (Straight blonde hair, blue eyes)

DH: David Alexander Bartlett (Wavy brown hair, green eyes)


Year 1: Family matter. "You and SO get in a huge fight, resulting in SO to pack his/her bag and leave. The two of you reconcile after a few days. How has this changed your marriage? Did this brawl make the two of you more vulnerable to future disputes, or has it strengthened your marriage?" This was our first major fight since marriage and it made us realize that we want to work that much harder and stay together. It definitely was just what our relationship needed.


Year 2: Job. "You have lost your job. For what reason has this happened? Have you found a new job?" I lost my job due to funding and cut-backs and I'm still looking for a new one.


Year 3: Moving. "You permanently move into a new country – See the country events category below." "C or O" "One-story condominium" We move into a one-story condominium in Canada.


Year 4: Moving. "You permanently move into a new city – You may choose the city, however it must be in the same state/region you currently reside in (in this game). See the home events category below to determine what type of home you move into." "Two-story condominium" We stay in Canada but move from Toronto to Windsor and we go from a one-story condominium to a two-story condominium.


Year 5: Child. "You give birth to a baby girl! - Choose any two letters (these will not necessarily be the initials) and and a number from 1-12. These letters and number will be needed in the CHILDREN DETAILS section." ~I chose B and O and 5~ "Your child arrived during a busy time in your career. Talk about how you balanced work and a newborn." "B: After a deceased relative" "O: You choose" "September" "6-8" "Most common color in your immediate family" "Least common in your immediate family" "Recessive (least dominate) color between you and SO"  For me, family comes first. So I cut back at work to make time for the baby. She was born on my father's birthday, September 7th and we named her after his sister who passed, Sandra. Her name is Sandra Monroe Bartlett. She has curly blonde hair and blue eyes.


Year 6: Moving. "You permanently move into a new state/region/etc – See the state/region events category below." "Two-story condominium" We move out of Windsor, Ontario and to Winnipeg, Manitoba. There we do find another two-story condominium to live in.


Year 7: Child. "You give birth to a baby girl! - Choose any two letters (these will not necessarily be the initials) and and a number from 1-12. These letters and number will be needed in the CHILDREN DETAILS section." ~I chose H and T and 2~ "Your whole family has surprised you with a party welcoming your newborn. What was the party like? What type of gifts did you receive?" "You choose" "You choose" "July" "21-23" "Dominant color between SO’s siblings (EX: Black is dominant to brown, brown to blonde, and blonde to red)" ~They both have brown, one is not more dominant than the other~ "Yours" "Dominant color between SO’s siblings" It was a Cookie Monster themed party celebrating her birth. Most gifts received were blankets and clothes because we still had a lot of the main things from Sandra. She was born on July 23rd and was named Scotlynn Grace Bartlett. she has straight brown hair and green eyes.


Year 8: Random. "Your pet has had babies! Were you surprised, or had you known she was pregnant? What are you planning on doing with the babies?" We have a pet cat named Lucy and after letting her roam outside, we quickly learn she is pregnant. She has 3 kittens. We keep a girl and give the other two to my sisters.


Year 9: Pet. "You buy a puppy or a kitten. What type? What did you name it? Are your children helping in taking care of it?" We buy a beagle puppy named Charlie. Sandra and Scotlynn are still too young to take care of him but they do play with him!


Year 10: Travel. "You must go on a business trip. Where? Are your SO or children accompanying you?" The business trip is in Los Angeles, California and David, Sandra, and Scotlynn come with because Sandra and Scotlynn have yet to see the United States.


Year 11: Child. "After having trouble conceiving you turn to fertility drugs and it is possible you are pregnant with multiples! Look to the “Multiples” events section to determine the number and genders of your children." "Identical twin sons- Choose any four letters (these will not necesarily be the initials) and and a number from 1-12. These letters and number will be needed in the CHILDREN DETAILS section." ~L, Y, X, N and 3~  "Your SO missed the birth of your baby. Why didn’t he or she attend? How did he or she feel knowing that they did not experience this special event? Who was more upset about their absence – you or him/her?" "You and SO meet a charming person from a foreign country at a restaurant while you are six months pregnant. You immediately fall in love with his or her name and decide you will use this name when your baby is born. (Choose a name with an origin other than one of your own country or the country you reside in within this game)" "Very unusual" "You choose" "Your mother-in-law is insisting you name your newborn after a relative. However, you find the name to be hideous! Do you follow her suggestion or somehow work around it?" "October" "26-28" "A recessive hair color common on both your side of the family and SO’s side of the family" "Least common in SO’s immediate family" "Dominant color between SO’s siblings" David is unable to be there for the birth of the twins because it is an emergency delivery and no one was able to watch Sandra and Scotlynn. He was more disappointed than I was because he was finally happy to have not one, but two sons. They were born on October 26th and we named them Sebastian Horatio Bartlett and Sylvester "Sly" Alastar Bartlett. David's mother wanted us to honor her name as Sylvester's middle name, however, it was too feminine for me so we chose a name I did like but changed the spelling to honor her. Sebastian and Sylvester have curly blonde hair and green eyes.


Year 12: Job. "You have lost your job. For what reason has this happened? Have you found a new job?" Having 4 kids, 2 being twins, definitely had an affect on me and caused me to lose my job. I have decided that I want to devote all of my time to the kids anyway and have decided not to find a new job and just be a stay-at-home mom.


Year 13: Random. "You and a good friend have started or taken on a small business. What type of business is it? Why did you decide to do this? Are you happy in this decision or is the business just another pain?" We have decided to open our own little kids clothing store because we both have a handful of kids and are very passionate about kids. We make it work and it seems to be a good decision in the long run.


Year 14: Pet. "SO comes home with a new addition to the family – a pet. What species is it? He/she did not talk to you about buying or adopting a pet. How do you react?" David brings home a pet red fox named Scout. We had previously talked about getting one when the kids were older so I was a little unhappy that he did not wait, however he seems to do just fine with the kids.


Year 15: Family matter. "You take in two children for foster care. How old are they? Are they related? What are their names? How long do they stay with you?" We take in two siblings that are 15 and 16 years old. Their names are Leah Violet Peterson (girl; 15) and Noah Elliot Peterson (boy; 16). They stay with us until they are out of the system.

#62 Puppylover12397


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 12:41 PM

The Savon Family

Elijah "Eli" Donald [22] & Marlene Lorelei [22]

Eli was born on the tenth of March and is 22 years old. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
Marlene was born on the fourth of December and is 22 years old. She has blonde hair and brown eyes.


{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [22] & Marlene Lorelei [22]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [0]

Child - Well, it would seem our honeymoon ended in the quite a big way. Eli and I are pregnant. I found out about it in an unusual way. I was having these weird cravings for fried pickles and ice cream or chocolate pudding and hot peppers for example. Eli had made a joke about me eating like a pregnant woman and we just stared at each other. an hour and five different pregnancy tests later and well, we knew were expecting. So, on January 21st, 1997 Eli and I welcomed home our daughter Aria Gretchen Savon. We picked her first name Aria because we felt its meaning was special and beautiful while we picked the middle name Gretchen to honor my family's German heritage as I'm a first generation German-American. Aria has her daddy's brown hair and blue eyes, but she's totally me in her face with our both having button noses and pouty full lips. 

Family Matter - My younger sister, Stefanie Greta Ziegler, decides to come and stay with us for a week to go and look at colleges for a week and a half, we of course offer to have her stay here instead of having to pay for a motel, it helps us as Stefanie is more than happy to babysit for us a few times for free while she is staying with us. This is great because it allows for Eli and I to go on some dates and take time away from being parents which we thinks is super important for us as young parents. I'll miss Stefanie when she goes back home, but her time with us and her getting to know her niece was a wonderful experience for us all.


{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [23] & Marlene Lorelei [23]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [1]

Job - Well, today has not been that great of a day. Our company has been losing money and I knew that it was only a matter of time as their most recent hire, but sooner than I expected I was given my pink slip and released from work. My boss apologized thrice over saying I was one of their best employees and if I needed a letter of recommendation they would be more than willing to provide me with a glowing one. I thanked her and moved on making sure to get a letter of course, hopefully I'll find another job soon for now I'll be playing stay-at-home mom with Aria which while fun doesn't seem like a good long time strategy for our finances. 

Family Matter - As horrible as losing my job is horrible, something much worse has happened. Eli's mother, Elizabeth Heather Abbott (formerly Savon), died last week after fighting a long battle with breast cancer. Eli's extremely distraught and I do my best to console him though this hardtime. Though I was never close with Elizabeth, Eli was a diehard momma's boy. I'm thankful now that we had Aria so young so that Elizabeth at least had sometime to experience the joy of being a grandmother, I know Aria was the light of her life and she adored her granddaughter like no one else.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [24] & Marlene Lorelei [24]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [2] Heath Elias [0]

Moving - Well, with some inheritance coming our way from Elizabeth's passing and Eli getting offered a promotion we decide it is time for us to move out of our two bedroom apartment and move somewhere a little more homey for our budding family. We pick out a two-story house. It has four bedrooms and two full baths and one half bath. It has a backyard with a playset and attatched swingset that the previous owners are willing to throw in for us since their kids are too old for it now. It's the whole white picket fence dream that I've had for a while.

Child - Having moved into our new home with so much room and well, while christening the place we got a little more than we bargained for and our expecting our second child now. I am convinced that we are having a second little girl. I just know it. We decide not to look at the gender as I am so assured that we'll be having a little girl. We picked out the name Heather Elizabeth Savon for her after Eli's mother who passed last year. We paint her room a bright pink and use a lot of our leftover stuff from Aria for her room and such. However, we got a bit of surprise on August 24th, 1999 we welcomed a baby boy! Eli and I were a little shocked, Eli walked into the waiting room and told our shocked family. Eli handed off a credit card to his eldest younger half-brother brother, Jeremiah Bernard Savon, who along with step-brother and his two younger half-brothers, Armand Horatio De Sousa-Savon, Micah Leland Savon and Isaiah Lewis Savon, and the four of them went off to get paint and repaint the bedroom a nice light blue and get some more boyish things to replace the very girly detailing of the room. We augumented our chosen name into
Heath Elias Savon. Just like Aria was for Eli, Heath has all of my coloring with blonde hair and brown eyes. While he was a shock, we adore Heath nevertheless and I know grandma Elizabeth is watching down on her little grandson.


{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [25] & Marlene Lorelei [25]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [3] Heath Elias [1]

Random - Well, having had our second child it was time for Eli to finally cave in and exhange his not so friendly kid car in for an SUV. It isn't as practical as the minivan I was hoping he would get, but it is a nice compromise in the middle and we can fit the kids car seats in his car as well as mine which is good in case Eli needs to go somewhere with the kids when I'm already out and about. I know it was really hard for Eli to sell his baby, but it's the best move for our family right now.


Job - Eli's been given another promotion which while wonderful for our income isn't that great for family time, while we both work and leave the kids with Eli's stepmother, Giselle Lucretia Savon, who babysits for us for free. However, we always try to make time for us all as a family. We don't want to just be paycheck providers for our kids. We want to be parents for them. It's a lot harder now as Eli's got some crazy hours at work now and the money is great and I know, I shouldn't be complaining, but I miss him and so do Aria and Heath. Hopefully his hours will get better soon.


{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [26] & Marlene Lorelei [26]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [4] Heath Elias [2] Jade Elisabeth [0]


Child - For the first time Eli and I have decided to try and conceive for our third child together. Eli came from a medium sized family of five kids and I come from a large family of six kids and we both enjoyed having a lot of siblings to play with and to rely on as we got older. So, we'd like to have at least four kids ourselves. We did check the gender this time to make sure we painted the room the right color for our newest little one. We're having our second girl. This pregnancy is pretty easy on me, the real trouble comes when both of our parents, my own parents, Wendell Dieter Ziegler and Bernadette Adele Ziegler,  and his dad and step-mother, Donald Uriah Savon and Giselle, ask to be in the room for when our little girl is born. Eli and I talk it over, and well, we decide it might be best to have neither in the room as it will be too crowded. Our parents are disappointed, especially Giselle, but they move past it and respect our choice. On June 2nd, 2001 we welcomed into the world Jade Elisabeth Savon. Jade has Eli's brown hair and oddly fitting she has my mother's green eyes which look just stunning on her.

Travel - My girlfriends decided that with so many young kids that I could use some time off to just be me and they were right, as a secondary baby shower gift they took me to a spa and we all got manicures, pedicures and some different treatments like facials, massages and waxing. It was relaxing and I really enjoyed it. It felt nice to be away from the kids and work at the same time. I did miss them though for the weekend I was away and it felt nice to get home and see them.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [27] & Marlene Lorelei [27]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [5] Heath Elias [3] Jade Elisabeth [1] Skye Marlena [0]

Random - Eli and I leave Aria, Heath and Jade with Giselle and Donald for the weekend and go to see our favorite band, Bastille, in concert. It's nice and relaxing to go there and just listen to them and see what they play, have a couple of drinks and simply not worry about kids because we know that they were safe with Eli's dad and step-mother.

Child - It would seem that Eli's and I's little concert night we're expecting our fourth child. It's a lot sooner than we had planned to be having another child, we'd planned to wait another two to three years after having Jade so Heath would be in school and a little older and so would Jade, but we're still feeling blessed to be expecting our third daughter. I'm a little discouraged because I can't seem to progress much in my career because of the pregnancies. Though, we set up the room so Jade and the new baby will be sharing and are considering seeing if moving will be possible sometime in the near future, or expanding our home that we have right now.  On October 9th, 2002 we welcomed home our third princess Skye Marlena Savon. She has my blonde hair and she has Eli's blue eyes.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [28] & Marlene Lorelei [28]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [6] Heath Elias [4] Jade Elisabeth [2] Skye Marlena [1]


Travel - Oddly enough, my worry about Skye's birth impeding my career was actually wrong. When I got back to work I put in a lot of effort and I got promoted. With that promotion I have to go and take a business trip for two weeks. It wasn't really what I would like, but it is important for my career and so Eli is going to watch the kids with help from his dad and step-mother. The business trip is to Tokyo and while I am somewhat excited to go and see someplace new, learn some new cultural aspects of the world that I've never been exposed to before now. I'll miss my kids terribly, but we have plans to skype and such for the two weeks I'm gone, but in the end, what I'm doing is what is best for my family.

Moving - Well, with my job promotion and Eli's work going so well, and with our new addition last year we decided to move. We find a beautiful home a town over. It's a two-story house like the one we have now and we will be bringing the playset with us to our new home. The new house will have seven bedrooms, four full bathrooms and three half bathrooms and a very large kitchen that was new and modernized with its own breakfast bar. Currently, Skye and Jade share a room for convience, but when they get a little older we will give them their own rooms.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [29] & Marlene Lorelei [29]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [7] Heath Elias [5] Jade Elisabeth [3] Skye Marlena [2]

Family Matter - Eli and I have decided to move the kids into a different school system after moved to our new home. The school we pick, Davenport Academy, is a private school. The school goes from elementary to middle school as well as the fact that the grounds has a pre-k and daycare center for children before they go into the academy. We've enrolled Aria into 2nd grade, Heath into kindergarten, Jade into pre-k and Skye into their daycare program. It's going to cost us, but it's the best step for the kids education so they can do well and go to good high schools and colleges. 

Random - For the past seven years I have worked as a paralegal and after talking to Eli I have decided that while keeping my full time job I also will start attending night classes at a local private university. I have already taken my LSATs and done well in them and will be taking classes now so that I can become a lawyer instead of just a paralegal. The best part is, my current firm I work with is more than willing to take me on as a lawyer once I graduate.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [30] & Marlene Lorelei [30]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [8] Heath Elias [6] Jade Elisabeth [4] Skye Marlena [3]

Random - I am not sure what is up with Eli, but it would seem him and his brothers are on a kick for construction and remodeling. They've remodeled his step-brother's Armand's home, his younger half-brother Jeremiah's home and now, it's our homes turn it would seem. They've been doing additions to our home and those additions include another two bedrooms and one more full bathroom. Apparently, we've decided we're going to need some more room soon. Eli and I finally gave Skye her own room from Jade so we have nine bedrooms in our room with five of them being occupied and the other four aren't in use, but we've taken one and converted it into a guest room.


Random - Well, it would seem after our first set of remodeling, we're remodeling once more. This time we're adding a pool to our spacious backyard and then we've also redone all of the rooms and bedrooms to update them, repaint and then do some hardwood flooring and carpeting in fun colors that look good in our house. Some new furniture is made by the boys to and in addition to our pool we've added a gazebo. The house just looks amazing and well, Eli and his brothers have done a fantastic job making our house into a home and not even just a home, but a stunning home.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [31] & Marlene Lorelei [31]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [9] Heath Elias [7] Jade Elisabeth [5] Skye Marlena [4] Chase Seifer [0]

Child - Well, with all the new room in the house, Eli and I decided we weren't really getting any younger and that it might be nice to fill said space and so a year ago we started trying to conceive and we finally did this year. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to tell Eli myself about the pregnency, his stepmother Giselle caught me taking the test right before he came home from work and blurted it out to Eli before I could. I was a little upset with her, but that kind of action is just who Giselle is and I take it with a grain of salt. What can you do about it? Nothing. We're having our second boy this time and we're super excited as is Heath who can't wait to finally have a brother. On April 24th, 2006 we welcomed into the world Chase Seifer Savon. Just like Skye, Chase has my blonde hair and he has Eli's blue eyes. He's one of the cutest little babies I have ever seen and the whole family adores.

Random - Well, it would seem Eli and his brothers aren't over their remodeling kick. They just redid  all of our ceilings and to make a further point we expanded the master bed and bathroom, added on a huge walk in closer for me and took the steps to build a brand new swing and play set from scratch. All of the work must be exhausting, but well, Eli adores wood work and working with his hands. It pleases him to no end and so we just let him have at it with his brothers.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [32] & Marlene Lorelei [32]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [10] Heath Elias [8] Jade Elisabeth [6] Skye Marlena [5] Chase Seifer [1] Troy Ludwig [0]


Travel - Well, it seems it would be Eli's turn for a business trip, thankfully his is half the time span that mine took. Eli will be spending a week in Toronto. I hem and haw a little, but decide to have my parents, Wendall and Bernadette, come stay with us in the guest room for that week, as much as I don't think with some of the kids being older that I will need much help, but it will be good for my kids to spend more time with my parents and not just with Eli's dad and step-mother. Overall, I think it will be very good for us all for Eli take the trip despite how much we'll miss him.

Child - Well, thought not planned in the slightest, it would seem the little good bye fun Eli and I had before he left for his trip to Toronto took quite the interesting turn and we're pregnant once more. We're expecting our third little boy and we're very excited to be evening out our numbers. This pregnancy is a little rougher on me, but that might just be my age kicking in at this point in my pregnancy. We paint up the room ready for our newest addition with some help from the family and of course, Eli and his brother's make every ounce of furniture from scratch. On August 9th, 2007 we welcomed Troy Ludwig Savon into the world. Troy has Eli's brown hair and my brown eyes. When we brought Troy home we were welcomed to a huge party thrown by our families and friends in our home. Lots of gifts and food for the next couple of weeks while we got through Troy's rough weeks.



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [33] & Marlene Lorelei [33]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [11] Heath Elias [9] Jade Elisabeth [7] Skye Marlena [6] Chase Seifer [2] Troy Ludwig [1]

Random - I've finally compleated one of my life long goals. Yesterday, I walked across the stage and graduated from law school. I'm certified to work in multiple areas thanks to the test accommodations that I took and paid for and well, it feels wonderful. I've already been hired and my pay is nearly doubling from the already well off paycheck I was getting before hand. This will be a wonderful thing for my family and I cannot wait to start working as a full on lawyer.


Job - To top off the wonderful happenstance of my own career change, Eli just received a promotion himself. Not only does this promotion give us more money in the bank, the position will give Eli less hours which means he will be home more to be there for me and for the kids. We couldn't be more excited!



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [34] & Marlene Lorelei [34]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [12] Heath Elias [10] Jade Elisabeth [8] Skye Marlena [7] Chase Seifer [3] Troy Ludwig [2] Dean Wendell [0] Brynn Donna [0]

Random - Well, with all of our promotions and the family doing so well, I decide to indulge Eli for his birthday, ever since we had kids he had to give up his favorite car and so now, I'm going to do a little something for him and I'm going to buy him a Ferrari. It's bright red and perfect. Eli adores it when I show him it in the driveway with the big black ribbon tied up all around it. He's so excited. I'm glad I can do this for him. 

Child - So, Eli and I may have gotten a little over excited about the Ferrari, we had a little car fun and um, well not only are expecting another baby, we're expecting two new babies! They're fraternal boy/girl twins. Again, both of our sets of parents want to come and be in the room for the labor and well, we decide to tell them yes this time. I think having twins, I'll need all the support I can get. So, we remove the guest bedroom and set up a room for each of the twins in the house. Once more, Eli and his brothers make all the furniture for each twin from scratch and well, despite the fact that they want to be there...I go into early labor on Febuary 14th, 2009 which is otherwise known as Valentines Day. On that day we welcomed Dean Wendell Savon and Brynn Donna Savon. They're perfect with each of them having ten fingers and toes. Both of the twins have brown hair while Dean has green eyes, Brynn has blue eyes. 



{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [35] & Marlene Lorelei [35]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [13] Heath Elias [11] Jade Elisabeth [9] Skye Marlena [8] Chase Seifer [4] Troy Ludwig [3] Dean Wendell [1] Brynn Donna [1]

Job - Well, after a year and a half of working my tail off, despite being pregnant with twins no less it all paid off as I got a promotion! That's right, I'm going to a full on partner at my law firm, now, while may name won't be on the firm's name so it technically isn't a full on partner, but I could care less about the name. I only go into work for ten hours a week and then spend maybe another ten doing work at home and I get paid nearly triple! The whole thing is excellent for our family. I'll be able to spend more time with the kids. 

Travel - Well, having had so many kids we made the choice to take a family vacation. We're traveling to a midway point between all of our families so we can have the best of both worlds. His family and all of mine. The place has a waterpark and we've rented a group of bungalows for all of us to share. Eli's step-brother Armand, his wife and their three kids, Eli's half-brothers Jeremiah, his wife and his three kids, Micah, his wife and his two kids and Isaiah, his husband and their two kids. Then all six of my siblings and their broods of children. It's a lot of family in a full three weeks of summer fun. It's a wonderful opportunity.




{Couple} Elijah "Eli" Donald [36] & Marlene Lorelei [36]

{Children} Aria Gretchen [14] Heath Elias [12] Jade Elisabeth [10] Skye Marlena [9] Chase Seifer [5] Troy Ludwig [4] Dean Wendell [2] Brynn Donna [2]

Family Matter - Well, sadly, my brother-in-law Armand and his wife are getting a divorce and well, it's messy. As they say Brazilian blood runs hot. So their daughter and twin boys, Larissa Thais De Sousa-Savon, Rafael Bruno De Sousa-Savon and Renan Gabriel De Sousa-Savon are staying with us for the whole summer. It's a little rough on them, but they enjoy hanging out with their cousins and hopefully the time will allow their parents passions to cool so they can agree to everything amicably.

Random - Well, once more Eli and his brothers are in the mood to do some fixer up stuff and well, yeah, they now they're adding another full bathroom, a half-bathroom and another bedroom which we will make into a permanent guest room since the twins were our last children. Having our home, our work and our children, Eli's and I's lives feel complete.


The Savon Family


DH: Elijah "Eli" Donald Savon  [36] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 3/10/1975]

DW: Marlene Lorelei Savon (nee Ziegler) [36] [Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 12/4/1975]


DD: Aria Gretchen Savon [14] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 1/21/1997]

DS: Heath Elias Savon [12] [Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 8/24/1999]

DD: Jade Elisabeth Savon [10] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 6/2/2001]

DD: Skye Marlena Savon [9] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 10/9/2002]

DS: Chase Seifer Savon [5] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 4/24/2006]

DS: Troy Ludwig Savon [4] [Brown Hair and Brown Eyes] [b. 8/9/2007]

DS: Dean Wendell Savon [2] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 2/14/2009]

DS: Brynn Donna Savon [2] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 2/14/2009]


Eli and Marlene Savon; with Aria, Heath, Jade, Skye, Chase, Troy, Dean & Brynn

#63 HxppySxng


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 02:40 PM

LN: Davis

DW: Bailey Sarah (34 )
DH: Noah Owen (37)


DAD: Adelina Jordan Davis (18)

DAD: Rachael Savina Davis (16)

DD: Dominique *Domo* Destiny Davis (8)

DS/DS: Jacob *Jake* Remy Davis & Lucas *Luke* Terk Davis (5)

DAD: Takura *Nana* Nanami Davis (5)

DD: Dakota Jenna Davis (4)


Cat 1: Pandora

Kittens 1/2/3/4: Atlas & Electra & Sabbath & Misfit

Bunny: Floof


(Ages above calculated at the end of the 15 Years)




Year 1:

Travel- Noah & I take a nice weekend trip to Liverpool, to see Noah's family. While there, we visit the Woolton Picture House, the Liverpool Central Library, Albert Dock, Pier Head, & spent a lot of time with his brothers. It's a lovely visit but doesn't last nearly long enough. 


Year 2:

Pet- Noah comes home with a wonderful new addition to the family, a white Siberian kitten. As Noah didn't talk to me previously about a pet, I'm a bit caught off guard but immediately fall in love with the fur ball we call Pandora. 


Year 3:

Moving- Noah and I permanently move to Liverpool as he misses his family. So we load up Pandora and make the drive. We move into a duplex not far from his sister's house. It's a bit bigger than the small studio we'd lived in previously.


Year 4:

Random- Pandora has kittens! Four new Siberians are running around the house. We keep them all as Noah's nieces are in love with them. We name them Atlas (B), Electra (g), Sabbath (B), and Misfit (g). All the babies are making me want some of my own.


Year 5:

Job- I quit my job. After working for the same nail salon for years, I decide to take a leap at a bigger dream. After much looking, I find a job as a secretary for a fashion magazine. Maybe I can move up to becoming a writer.


Year 6:

Family Matter- Noah's sister, Leah, has died, leaving her two daughters to us. We happily take them in, but going from having a couple of kittens to two growing girls is a bumpy transition. We decide to formally adopt Rachael Savina and Adelina Jordan. Rachael is 7, Adelina is 9. It's a big change.


Year 7:

Child- I give birth to a baby girl! Dominique Destiny Davis is born on September 2nd. She has thick black hair and blue eyes. During your pregnancy, your mother-in-law constantly bugged you regarding how she believed you should raise your children. Since Noah & I are firm Agnostics, and Missy doesn't like that, she practically demanded that the child be Baptized as a Catholic. Noah and I refused. We got Dominique from one of my favourite books, although the sensitive nature, we loved the name. We wanted her middle name to start with the same letter as her surname.


Year 8:

Random- We buy a new car! The new Honda Pilot was much more family-friendly, compared to the Jeep Wrangler Sport we'd previously driven. Although we love our Jeeps, we had to get something else.


Year 9: 

Family Matter-  Noah & I get in a huge fight, resulting in Noah to pack his bag and leave. We reconcile after a few days. Honestly, the fight has strengthened our marriage. We now see each other as partners in the game that is life, not just a couple. 


Year 10:

Children- I give birth to identical twin boys! Jacob *Jake* Remy & Lucas *Luke* Terk Davis are born on January 13. They have black hair and blue eyes. I went into labor a few weeks earlier than was anticipated. Since this was unexpected; I almost delivered in the car on the way to the hospital as I was at work when my water broke. I had to have Noah come pick me up and drive all the way out to Birmingham, an hour and a half drive. We made it to the hospital in the end. Jake & Luke go by nicknames. Their middle names are after Disney characters that Domo had suggested. 


Year 11:

Child- I give birth to another baby girl! Dakota Jenna Davis is born on April 1, April Fools Baby! She has black hair and brown eyes, like her Daddy. I had believed that I was having a boy, however, when Dakota  was born, she was a girl; going against what I had strongly believed. We named her Dakota after one of Noah's close friends, and we got Jenna from Jenna McDougall. 


Year 12:

Pet- Our family welcomes a rabbit to our family. Dakota names it Floof after it's fuzziness. We just hope Sabbath and Misfit (the only living cats we still have) don't eat him. 


Year 13:

Random- I see my all-time favourite band in concert! My Chemical Romance does one year of reunion touring, and they come to Liverpool. We bring Rachael, Adelina, and Domo. We leave the twins and Dakota with Noah's parents for the night.


Year 14: 

Travel- Noah, the kids, and I pack up and head to Florida. We take a family vacation to Orlando so we can go to Universal Studios. As big Harry Potter nerds, we spend a lot of time in the Wizarding World there. It's lots of fun, and offers valuable family bonding time. The airport is quite hectic with six children running around.


Year 15:

Child- We adopt a 5 year-old girl from Japan! Takura Nanami Davis is what her name is. We call her many nicknames including Taki, Kura, Nana, Nami, and Tami. Mostly Nana as that's the easiest for the kids to pronounce. Nana completes our family.

#64 littlerhody95


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 11:05 PM

LN: Holmes

DW: Deborah Anne

DH: Samuel Michael


Year 1:

On January 20, we welcomed our first child into the world, a little girl named Laura Hayden. Samuel couldn't make it to the birth since he was away on a business trip and Laura decided to make her entrance into the world a bit earlier than we were expecting. We were both very upset about him missing the birth of our first child and although I have forgiven him, I think Samuel still beats himself up about it.


Later on in the year, on December 26th, we welcomed our second daughter into the world. Her name is Rachel Sarah-Marie. Though I handled having Laura around pretty well, with the addition of Rachel, I felt as though our lives were completely changed and we wouldn't be able to travel nearly as much as Sam and I had planned on doing.


Year 2:


The company that I work at has started losing money and fast. As a result, many people were laid off. I was one of the lucky ones that got to stay, but it makes for long days at the office for me since we're so understaffed.


As a way to get away from the stress for a bit, but still being cautious with our finances, Sam let me and an old friend of mine go out to a nearby city for the day. We hit the spa and got pampered and then mostly just walked around acting as touristy as possible. 


Year 3: 


Something really amazing happened to us this year. I entered a contest at the mall and won a cruise to Bermuda! I have always wanted to travel and go on a cruise, so this prize was amazing for us.


Sam and I cashed in our prize later on in the year as a second honeymoon for us. Sam's parents were kind enough to take the girls for us while we were away. It was definitely a much needed vacation for the two of us, though we did miss the girls and bought them a couple gifts while we were away.


Year 4:


Sam had to go on another business trip and the girls and I couldn't accompany him. It wasn't worth taking them out of pre-school for two days when I knew they would just be bored in the hotel room and would much rather be with their friends. It was tough being away from Sam, but I knew he had to go and someone had to stay with the girls.


When Sam came home from his business trip, he brought home a new addition to our family, without talking to me about it first. I was furious with him at first for just bringing home a puppy with him, but when I finally had the little King Charles Spaniel in my arms, I couldn't help but be won over by his sweet face. So, Jerry joined our family.


Year 5:


I entered another contest and won again! It wasn't a huge prize, just a gift certificate to the spa. But I took full advantage of it and spent the afternoon there one day while the girls were with Sam's parents for the night and Sam had to work late.


Later on in the year, it was my turn to take a business trip. It wasn't too far, just a short plane ride away really. This time, Sam stayed home with the girls and I went by myself. It was lonely and I was definitely ready to get back to my family as soon as possible by the end of the trip.


Year 6:


Surprise! Sam and I had a little boy named Andy Finnegan. His name came about when I was talking to a neighbor and the girls had over heard me. They both had been obsessed with Toy Story and begged me to name our little guy Andy. The more I thought of it, the more I liked the name and Sam agreed. His middle name was after Sam's father and we agreed that he'll go by the nickname Finn. Though I love my little guy, he arrived during a really busy time in my career. It's been really tough managing a colicky newborn and a full time job, but thanks to a lot of help from Sam's parents, we're all managing.


Since we're all so busy, I didn't want the girls to feel like they were being left out. As a result, they both started gymnastics and they absolutely love it! They look so cute in their little unitards too.


Year 7:


I finally achieved one of my life-long goals. I ran a full marathon and beat my best time ever in doing so! I feel really proud of myself for accomplishing something and making positive changes in my life.


Since my workplace first started losing money, it has only lost more and more of it. As a result, my wages have been reduced, which means money is tight. We make things work by not going out as much and relying on Sam's parents a lot for free babysitting. Unfortunately, the girls have to stop doing gymnastics for a while since we just can't afford it. But I hope they get to get back to it soon.


Year 8:


My older sister passed away this year, leaving behind two children, two girls named Lily Marie, who is the same age as the girls, and Olive Jane, who is Finn's age. After a lot of discussion between Sam and I, we agreed to adopt them. It was a big adjustment for all of us, but the kids have really gotten on well with each other.


Later on in the year, I became pregnant, but lost the baby to a miscarriage. Though I felt devastated about the loss, I knew it wasn't the right time to bring in another child to our large family already, especially when money was so tight. However, I still have hopes for more children in the future.


Year 9:


I had to take a business trip again, but this time to Denmark. Since there was speculations going around at work that a few people would probably be transferred over there to work, I decided to take all five kids and Sam with me.


A few months later, we moves into a single story house since my job had transferred me over there.


Year 10:


Even with all the new updates at work, they're still losing money. When Sam got a huge pay raise and a promotion, I decided to leave my job and become a stay at home mom. Especially since I felt like I was really missing out on the kids lives.


Since I was home more, I agreed to bringing in another pet to the family. We added a ferret to our home and name him Stinky and boy does he smell.


Year 11:


After taking a year off from work, I decided to go back and get my degree in psychology instead. I wanted a new start in my career and psychology had always appealed to me.


Sam's job moved us to a little single story house in the Dominican Republic. The change has been really interesting for all of us and I'm glad that the kids are getting to experience another culture.


Year 12:


Since Stinky passed away and the kids were all heartbroken, Sam and I agreed to getting them a sugar glider as a pet next. He's a cute little guy named Sugie. The kids love him and Jerry finds him amusing.


I became pregnant again that year, but I lost that baby too to a miscarriage. This loss hit me a lot harder and I felt as though Sam and I would never have another child again. The older girls were eleven and Finn and Olive were six and I was worried that there was going to be too big of an age gap between them if we didn't have anymore children soon.


Year 13:


Sam quit his job this year. They were overworking him and he just wasn't happy anymore. After about three really long months, he found a new job and everything is back to normal again.


We temporarily moved to a different city for those three months that neither Sam nor I had a job in a single story house. It was cheaper to live in and we all got along fine. But once Sam got his new job, we moved back to our old house.


Year 14:


We struggled financially for a little while since we had some many people living off of one income. To help take some of the burden off of Sam, I found a job as well.


I had started having dizzy spells and feeling nauseous all the time. I figured it was just being out in the heat all the time, but it turns out that I was pregnant! I went to the doctor to see if there was anything that I could do about feeling sick when she told me that I had a little bun in the oven. On March 22nd, Megan Claire joined our family as a healthy little girl.


Year 15:


Sam's little sister has always had drug issues and has a two kids from two different fathers. WHile she was away for rehab, Sam and I watched her two kids for the summer.


After all our adventures, we decided to move to a two story house in a small town in the US. We have plenty of space for all the kids, plus guests, and a lot of acres for everyone to just run around in. Looking back, these past fifteen years haven't been easy, but I wouldn't trade a single moment of them. I'm very happy with my life and where I have ended up.


Family 15 years later:

Deborah Anne (35)

Samuel Michael (36)

Laura Hayden (14)

Rachel Sarah-Marie (14)

Lily Marie (14)

Andy Finnegan (9)

Olive Jane (9)

Megan Claire (3)


Jerry the dog

Stinky the Ferret

Sugie the Sugar Glider

#65 ABR


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:11 AM

 I haven't visited this thread for a while, and just noticed the the disclaimer I tried to post must have dissapeared! I didn't write this game, I found it a very long time ago on a site I can't remember. I did look for the original poster but I could never find the thread again. Just making sure they get credit!

#66 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 01:44 PM

LN: Pixton
DH: David Levi (22) - Curly brown hair, green eyes. Accountant.
DW: Jacqueline Martha (21) - Straight blonde hair, brown eyes. Day care assistant.
Dave and Jackie Pixton
Year 1
Buy a pet turtle named Skeeter.
Dave transfers companies because his old company kept passing him up for a promotion. He's a lot happier at his new place.
Year 2
Give birth to a baby girl! Dave found out about the pregnancy from our doctor, he called to confirm my first appointment and Dave answered the phone. He was a little annoyed that I didn't tell him as soon as I found out, but he was still incredibly excited to become a daddy. We decide to name our baby girl Imogen Katherine and call her Katy. She is born on November 30th, she has her daddy's curly brown hair and green eyes.
About three months after Katy's birth she is diagnosed with Leukemia. Dave and I struggle through her treatments, but she's a fighter and pulls through, although it takes a couple of years. It brings Dave and I a lot closer, and we feel that our relationship is stronger because of it. We're so grateful for everything that we have, and celebrate every day that Katy gets stronger and more cancer free.
Year 3
Give birth to a baby boy! Dave missed the birth of our son because he was spending time with Katy in the hospital. Katy had been very sick the day before I went into labour, and we had taken her to the emergency room. The next morning I went into labour, but Katy was very ill and so Dave had to stay with her. As soon as she was more stable he came up to see his new son. We decided to name our son Finnick Robert and call him Finn. He is born on October 4th, he also has his daddy's curly brown hair but has my brown eyes.
Dave's older sister Lucy and her husband pass away in a car crash. Their children survive and we offer to take them in. Cadence Delilah is 3 and Genesis Tina is 1. Both girls have curly brown hair and blue eyes, and don't really understand what is going on. We have a lot of tears from Cadence because she misses her parents, but eventually both of the girls settle in. This year has been incredibly hard on all of us, but we have three new children to take care of, and so we make the best of it.
Year 4
I achieved one of my lifelong goals this year of becoming a vegan. I had always wanted to do it but never actually gone through with it. I am so glad that I made the decision to do it, and am really proud of myself for doing it. The kids and Dave still eat meat and dairy, but it doesn't bother me that much. When the children are older they can make the decision for themselves.
Skeeter has been very ill this year and the vet tells us that he doesn't expect him to live for much longer. We take him home and let the children say goodbye, and then ask the vet to put him down. We don't want him to suffer in vain, and feel it was the best decision.
Year 5
Dave and I made the huge decision to move to a new country this year. Dave had an offer from his company for a promotion in Germany, and so we decided to take it. It was a really big decision, and we uhmmed and ahhed for a while over it, but ultimately we think that it will be great for the whole family. We buy a lovely single story house with five bedrooms, and give each of the children their own room. We all pick up German quite quickly, and the children love it here.
Give birth to a baby girl! I went into labour a few weeks earlier than expected. Luckily I was in the hospital with Katy, but I almost gave birth in the elevator! I was also a little worried that the baby would be ill, but she was healthy and happy. Dave almost missed this birth too, but his work let him leave early to be there. We decided to name our daughter Aurora Liesel and call her Rory. She is born on November 14th, and has straight brown hair and brown eyes.
Year 6
Give birth to a baby girl! Dave and I were convinced that we were having a boy throughout the whole pregnancy, so we were incredibly surprised when our little girl arrived. We didn't mind though, and love her just as much as we would have if she'd been a boy. We decided to name our daughter Jasmine Louise and call her Jazz. She is born on September 10th and has curly blonde hair and brown eyes.
Dave has to take a business trip to China for two weeks in August. I would love to go with him but I am heavily pregnant, and so I stay at home with the kids. He sends us a postcard, and the kids love reading it with me. We plan to take a family vacation there later on.
Year 7
My older sister goes into labour at 28 weeks and the baby has to stay in the NICU for a couple of months. Dave and I take in her 2 year old son Daniel James during that time so that her and her husband can spend all of their time at the hospital. They are incredibly grateful, and give the new baby boy, Thomas, the middle name Jackson after me.
Dave's company hasn't been making as much money as it was and have been making staff cutbacks. Dave still has his job but has been working a lot more than usual to make up for the staff losses. He comes home stressed most days, and doesn't get to see the kids a lot. We pull through it though, and the company starts doing better.
Year 8
Give birth to a baby girl! This baby arrived during a busy time in my career. There are a lot of children both at home and at day care, and I have just been promoted to manager. It's tough handling more responsibility as well as a growing family, but I buckle down and get it done. We decided to name our daughter Marlene Sierra and call her Marli. She was born on December 31st, and has straight brown hair and green eyes.
We move to Berlin for 11 months because our kitchen gets flooded. We rent a single story cottage with three bedrooms, and it's very crowded. We're incredibly happy to get back to our house once the renovations have been done.
Year 9
Even after the renovations on our house the damage is still there, and so we decide to move to a new home. We buy a two story condominium with 8 bedrooms, and settle in very quickly.
I become pregnant in March but experience a miscarriage at seven weeks. Dave and I are devastated, but it makes us even more grateful for the children that we have already.
Year 10
Dave and I decide to move countries again, and decide on Canada. It's closer to our families than Germany, and Dave has gotten a rather substantial pay raise for transferring there. We buy a two story house with 8 bedrooms, and are glad that we made the decision to move here.
Give birth to a baby girl! Our family surprised us with a party celebrating the arrival of our baby girl. My parents were looking after the other kids while we were in the hospital, and organised the party while we were in there. We were really shocked and touched, and it was a wonderful way to welcome the new baby. We decided to call our daughter Lauren Christiana and call her Ren. She was born on March 3rd, and has wavy brown hair and brown eyes.
Year 11
Dave received a raise! He treats the whole family to dinner out at our favourite restaurant, and he even buys me flowers! We're all happy that his hard work has been recognised.
Dave took another business trip to China this November, and the kids and I went with him this time. We went for a month, and really enjoyed ourselves. We're hoping to go back there in the future.
Year 12
We decided to enroll Marli in a different day care. She's not been doing great in the one that she's at, and we think she will benefit from a change of environment. She really starts to come out of her shell after she starts there, and we notice a real change. We're really glad we made the decision to move her.
I got a raise! I am extremely happy, and decide to treat the kids and Dave to a weekend away. We spend the weekend at Disney world, and everyone enjoys it a lot.
Year 13
Dave and I experience another miscarriage in January of this year. We're very sad, and I fall into a state of sadness that it takes me a couple of months to get out of. We take each day that it comes and thank God for each of our precious children.
Give birth to a baby boy! There was almost a mix up of babies in the hospital. The lady next to us was given our son to take home instead of her daughter. She noticed as she was changing his diaper, and alerted a nurse. We found it amusing, but were very grateful that she discovered it before taking him home! We decided to name our son Jude-Milo Benjamin and call him Benny. He was born on December 9th, and has straight brown hair and green eyes.
Year 14
Dave received another raise this year! He treats the kids to a toy each, and buys me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I volunteer at the local animal shelter during my maternity leave. I fall in love with a boxer puppy, and talk to Dave about bringing her home. We decide that we will, and let the older children name her. They decide to call her Galaxy, and the whole family falls in love with her.
Year 15
We adopt a three year old girl locally this year. Her name is Millicent Davina, and her birthday is July 15th. She has wavy blonde hair and grey eyes, and gets along with our other children really well. We decide to call her Milly, and are so relieved when our adoption is finalised and we can bring her home.
Give birth to a baby girl! During my pregnancy Dave's mom kept bugging me about how to raise my children. She had some really wacky punishment ideas, including feeding them cold porridge when they were bad! I told her that I would raise my children the way I wanted, and if she didn't agree then she should keep it to herself. She came around once baby girl arrived though, and apologised for her behaviour. We decided to name our daughter Emma Margaret and call her Em. She was born on January 22nd, and has wavy brown hair and green eyes.
LN: Pixton
DH: David Levi (37) - Curly brown hair and green eyes. Accountant.
DW: Jacqueline Martha (36) - Straight blonde hair and brown eyes. Day care assistant.
DAD: Cadence Delilah (15) - Curly brown hair and blue eyes.
DD: Imogen Katherine (13) - Curly brown hair and green eyes.
DAD: Genesis Tina (13) -  Curly brown hair and blue eyes.
DS: Finnick Robert (12) - Curly brown hair and brown eyes.
DD: Aurora Liesel (10) - Straight brown hair and brown eyes.
DD: Jasmine Louisa (9) - Curly blonde hair and brown eyes.
DD: Marlene Sierra (7) - Straight brown hair and green eyes.
DD: Lauren Christiana (5) - Wavy brown hair and brown eyes.
DAD: Millicent Davina (3) - Wavy blonde hair and grey eyes.
DS: Jude-Milo Benjamin (2) - Straight brown hair and green eyes.
DD: Emma Margaret (nb) - Wavy brown hair and green eyes.
Female boxer dog: Galaxy
Dave and Jackie Pixton with Cadence, Katy, Genesis, Finn, Rory, Jazz, Marli, Ren, Milly, Benny, and Em
Galaxy the dog

#67 HxppySxng


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 03:07 PM

LN: Davis
DW: Bailey Sarah
DH: Noah Owen


Year 1:

Job- Noah receives a raise! With the new money, we are able to go get tattoos and pay for weekly dinner dates. The extra money really helps with groceries, we don't have to have Ramen Noodles every night. 



Year 2:

Pet- I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter. I become so moved by one of the puppies at the shelter and end up adopting it. Attila, a male, is a 8 month old Alaskan Malamute. He's huge. We plan on breeding him at some point in the future as Malamute puppies are adorable.



Year 3:

Pet- Noah comes home from work one day with a new addition to the family – a female Alaskan Malamute. I fall in love with the dog we call Lionize. Attila takes well to the new dog and they become mates. I pray for puppies.



Year 4:

Family Matter- Morgan, my sister, and her husband, Elliot, have decided to divorce. To help out, her children have to stay with Noah and I for the summer. Her three children; Edward Matthew, Brittany Ambrosia, and Cruz Wyatt, become mine for a few months. It really gives me a chance to see what motherhood is like. 



Year 5:

Child- After having trouble conceiving I turn to fertility drugs and I become pregnant with fraternal twins- a boy and a girl. On 18 July, Kellin Noah & Kendra Missy are born. Noah found out about your pregnancy from my friend, Isabelle, instead of myself. Although he was happy he was finally going to be a father, he was disappointed that I'd kept it from him. I'd planned on surprising him but Isabelle isn't good with secrets. 



Year 6:

Random- Isabelle and I decide to start a small business. We open an online store for maternity items. It's been a great success and we are proud to have our own brand called MummyLotus. 



Year 7:

Child- I give birth to a baby girl! On 31 January, Kitty Sloane is born. After Kitty was born, there was a mix-up with another little girl named Katherine. The nurse must have thought that Kitty was a nickname and brought us the wrong baby. It's a good thing we could tell that our baby was not fully white, as Noah is half Japanese. Everything was resolved before the babies left the hospital. 



Year 8:

Travel- I have to go on a business trip with Isabelle to promote our products in Australia. Noah stays home with our three children for the two weeks I am gone. I bring the babies back souvenirs, however. 



Year 9:

Random- Noah decides to write a book. It focuses on some of the more outrageous requests he's gotten, as a tattoo artist. He calls it Crazy Ink, it becomes somewhat popular.



Year 10:

Child- I become pregnant but experience a miscarriage after a couple of months. This experience makes me want another child even more. Noah and I keep trying. 



Year 11:

Family Matter- We decide to enroll Kellin & Kendra in a private school. As they've only been exposed to at-home schooling, this is a huge change. They start primary school and make loads of new friends. 



Year 12:

Random- Noah takes me to see Black Veil Brides in concert! It is a much needed experience for the two of us. I have a hell of a time and couldn't have asked for a better gift. 



Year 13:

Child- I become pregnant with a baby boy! On 28 October, Kaiden Jonathan is born. We name his middle name after Noah's close friend Johnny. Noah, however, wasn't present for Kaiden's birth. He was at work and Nick wouldn't let him leave. If he'd of left, he'd of lost his job and we cannot afford that. Noah was extremely upset by this, although I assured him it wasn't a huge deal. 



Year 14:

Random- Lionize has puppies! Finally! We welcome 4 new puppies to the family, each of our children name one. Kellin names his Quinn, Kendra names hers Maitai. Kitty names hers, well, Kitten. Kaiden names his DogDog, as his vocabulary is still developing. 



Year 15:

Family Matter- Noah's youngest brother, Alec, runs into some legal trouble which causes Missy and TJ to kick him out. We let him live in our basement until he is able to get back on his feet. He's a big help with the kids, particularly Kaiden, who's been giving us behavioral issues lately. 

#68 Jenna_Lee


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Posted 14 July 2014 - 12:54 PM

Sara Lee [O'Brien] Carter

[Nurse, reddish brown curly hair & brown eyes]


Jeremiah Michael "Jerry" Carter

[FBI agent, dark brown straight hair & blue eyes]


Living in Washington, DC, USA.


Year 1 - Child

Right after we married, I found out I was pregnant! We were excited and nervous but ready when the baby came, and on July 31st I gave birth to a baby girl, whose name we had planned ahead: Annaliese Julie, since both Jerry and I loved Annaliese and Julie is my mother's name. Our beautiful little baby girl has brown hair, curly like mine, and brown eyes, also like mine.


However, Jerry missed Annaliese's birth. He had been gone that weekend on an important case that he couldn't get out of (though he tried). He flew home once my mother called him and said I was going into labor, but wasn't able to arrive until a few hours after her birth. He felt horrible, but I told him it was okay, I'd had my mother there to support me and I knew he would be there as a great father for the rest of our little girl's life, even if he had to be gone for work sometimes.


Year 2 - Travel

I go with my close friend Amy to a beach on a lake in Washington for a girls' day in summer, me leaving Annaliese behind with Jerry, who had the day off, though other times we left her with Jerry's mom, who was retired. Amy and I had a great time getting out and relaxing for the day.


Year 3 - Travel

This year, Jerry and I decide to go on our first little getaway without the baby, leaving her in the care of my mother. For a weekend that Jerry was lucky to get a break from work, we drove down to a hotel that was right on the ocean and had a nice romantic weekend, though we were both admittedly feeling weird not being with our two-year-old daughter.


Year 4 - Child

Jerry and I had been talking about having another baby for a while and hadn't been trying for very long when I got pregnant. The doctor's appointment told us it was another little girl, so we got everything ready, picking up a name and setting up the nursery, but when the big day came (and this time Jerry made it)---surprise! The baby was a boy! It was a big hassle exchanging all the girly clothes and supplies, but we were very pleased with our new little man, who we named Timothy Jack, his first name chosen because we like it and his middle because it's Jerry's deceased grandfather's name who he was very close with (and also his father's middle name). Little Timothy was born on February 22nd, with dark brown straight hair (like Jerry and his father) and brown eyes (like me). Annaliese was very fascinated when we told her we were having a baby, and loved the heck out of her little brother since the minute she saw him.


Year 5 - Pet

One evening when I'm home from work, watching TV with the kids, Jerry comes home with a young cat. He hadn't said anything about it before, so I was surprised, but I liked animals and Jerry promised it was friendly and if it caused any problems with the kids we'd get rid of it. The cat was young and female, a little white-and-gray sweetie that Jerry and his team had found at a crime scene where her owners had been murdered. We let 4-year-old Annaliese help with her name, since we didn't know it, and the little kitty came to be called Ellie Muffin (guess which part was Annaliese's decision?). And, as promised, Ellie turned out to be a great, sweet cat.


Year 6 - Travel

I go on another day-long summer beach trip with Amy for a day to get out of DC and have a relaxing day while my mother watched the Annaliese and Timothy.


Year 7 - Moving

We temporarily move to a two-story townhouse, still in DC, for nine weeks while our old house is under construction--adding on another bedroom and bathroom, in the anticipation of hopefully having another child in the future or just using it as a guest room, and being able to give the kids their own bathroom other than a powder room so that they don't have to share a shower with us when they're older. After it's done, we move back to our newly expanded home, very happy with it, though the whole moving process was quite hectic with a six-year-old and a three-year-old.


Year 8 - Family Matter

This is the year that we enroll 4-year-old Timothy into pre-school, which will be his first school experience. We're a little nervous because Timothy is a bit shy, but a week after it starts, the teacher assures us that Timothy is doing well. 


Year 9 - Random

Jerry has started writing in his free time about his experience as an FBI agent as well as doing his best to be a family man. He doesn't let me read it until it's done, but it ends up being really interesting, getting into details he'd never even told me about some of his cases.


Year 10 - Child

It took us a long time to have another child, just because we were busy, but both Jerry and I had been hoping for one so we were excited when I got pregnant with a little girl. She is born on January 16th, with her daddy's dark brown hair though it ends up curly like mine and my mother's, and Jerry's blue eyes. We choose to name her Vivienne June, just because we love both names and her long first name goes with her siblings', as does her middle name starting with a J. When we got home from the hospital, our parents, siblings, and even our two kids had been in on planning a surprise party to welcome the baby home, and it was really great.


(I'm only doing ten years since it took a long time.)


Sara Lee [O'Brien] Carter [34]

Jeremiah Michael "Jerry" Carter [36]

Annaliese Julie Carter [9]

Timothy Jack Carter [6]

Vivienne June Carter [0]


Ellie Muffin Carter, the cat [roughly 7]

#69 Puppylover12397


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 04:09 PM

The Rothschild Family

Caleb Oliver Rothschild [22] & Ava Rae Rothschild [22]

Caleb was born on the thirteenth of July and is 22 years old. He has blonde hair and green eyes.
Ava was born on the tenth of July and is 22 years old. She has brown hair and blue eyes.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver  [22] & Ava Rae [22]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 0]

Pet - Well, as much as both of us missed having pets in college it would seem that Caleb missed them even more because all of a sudden with no notice for me he shows up at our apartment with what looks like the cutest kitten in the world. It turns out that the little girl kitten he brought isn't just any kind of kitten, but she's a Savannah. A cat breed which is a mix between the domestic cat and a Serval. She's the sweetest thing and has a wonderful temperament. We pick the name Anya as it's meaning of grace feels right for her, Caleb and I knowing with time she'll grow from a flustered kitten into an elegant mock jungle cat.


Random - It takes a lot of time and thought, but well after working for someone else I'm just so unhappy working for someone else and making their vision come true and not my own and so in combination with my best friend and fellow culinary school graduate, Julian Ayinde Towne, we open up a cafe together which we name Whisk Me Away~ as most of the things we choose to make are on the sweeter side, though we also serve gourmet soups and sandwiches. It's a little rocky and rough at first, but four months in we get featured in not one, not two, but three different magazines. Business kicks up like wildfire and we garner a ton of new customers who become repeat customers, we got a little over a dozen wedding cake orders and nearly double that in anniversary and birthday cakes as well. The whole thing is a triumph, and I'm so glad that I followed my vision. 



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [23] & Ava Rae [23]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 1]

{Children} Sage Clementine [0]


Travel - Caleb has to go away for his job. He's an entry level accountant at his firm. They're sending Caleb to a conference and well, if he does well with them then he could be looking at a promotion in the near future. Hopefully of course. While I hve my dream with the cafe, Caleb has been the responsible one and I'm so thankful for it so when he goes away I plan to work super hard. He'll be gone in Chicago for a full week and a half and I plan to spend nearly every second of it at Whisk Me Away. Of course, Anya will be with me, but she'll be confined to the back office/living area we have and will be nowhere near the food or anything, but just with me. The time there is fun for me and though I miss Caleb we're both excited to work hard in our careers.


Child - Of course, nothing is ever that simple is it. It would seem Caleb's going away special night led to our very first pregnancy. It is a little sooner than Caleb and I planned to have children, we've only been married for two years and it seems really early for us, but well, what can we do? We'll love our baby of course. We're having a little girl and I couldn't be more excited! I've always wanted a daughter to dress up and who I can give a frilly and feminine name. Our apartment is a little small, but thankfully it does have a second bedroom in it that I'd been using as a home office, but we're converting it into a nursery for our sweet pea which is the theme of the room. Even more shocking then the pregnancy, was going into early labor and welcoming Sage Clementine Rothschild on January 1st, 1998, aka New Years Day. Sage is a mix of us both, she has Caleb's blonde hair and my blue eyes.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver  [24] & Ava Rae [24]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 2]

{Children} Sage Clementine [1]


Moving - Having expanded our family so much Caleb and I feel that we need to move as the room for all of us just isn't there in our apartment. Not to mention both Caleb and I are doing so well in both of our jobs and making so much money. It helps that we don't need daycare as I can take care of Sage and do my job at the same time. In fact, she's a wonderful helper at work and the customers all adore seeing her at the cafe. We end up picking a single story house to move into as it is just lovely. The house has four bedrooms, two full bathrooms, one half-bathroom and a wonderful kitchen that I just fell in love with, though of course the backyard isn't that big which is a shame, but it is close enough to park that we can walk to with Sage and Anya to go and play at. Currently we made one of the two extra bedrooms into a shared office for myself and Caleb and the second spare one into a guest room for when either of our parents or siblings come to visit.

Travel - Once again, it would seem they're sending Caleb away, though this time it is for less time, but farther away which is a little disconcerting. Before it was fun when he went away and could go travel for work and I could focus on the cafe, but now we have Sage so it is a little harder. She'll miss her daddy and We both feel a little bad about it, but well, it's what we have to do as working, young parents. So, Caleb takes his trip to Brazil for a single week. I'm hoping that if they're going to keep running him around like this Caleb will get a raise or a promotion or something soon.




{Couple} Caleb Oliver  [25] & Ava Rae  [25]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 3]

{Children} Sage Clementine [2]

Moving - Well, It would seem Caleb did get a promotion and with that promotion came with a big client, of course it wasn't that simple. The client's primary residence is in New Zealand. Not only that, but for the client to test Caleb out we're going to need to move there for a bit as the man is so damn eccentric. I'm not pleased in the slightest, but we really can't say no. Thankfully, the move is only temporary for nine weeks. It's going to be horrible to be away from the business, but I know Julian will take care of our shop just as good as I can. So, we pack up Anya and Sage and then move into a two-story condominium that Caleb's company will be paying for the whole time including utilities. I'll miss working, but getting to spend that nine weeks as a stay-at-home mom to Sage will be wonderful.


Family Matter - My grandmother, Mimi Edith Day, passed away this year and it was very disorienting. I wasn't sure what to feel when she died. Yes, she was my grandmother and she had that role as a person, but she and I were never really close to one another. Mimi likes having an appearance and she just did strange things. She always tried to undermine my mom and dad, and she was just...something. I'll miss her and it is a low blow to my father who will miss his mother greatly. I do my best to help him though it, but he had my mother and my siblings to help as well.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver  [26] & Ava Rae  [26]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 4]

{Children} Sage Clementine [3] Brent Edward [0]

Child - As Sage is getting older and well, Caleb and I know we want children and we don't want them to be too far apart in age so we decided to start trying and got pregnant right away with our second baby. We're very excited to find out that we're having a baby boy this time. We remove the home office and make it into a room for him, painting it light blue with clouds all over and it's wonderful. We're all set and ready so when August 8th, 2001 rolls around and in a very easy labor came Brent Edward Rothschild. He's a chubby little boobear. He's a miniature of his dad with his blonde hair and green eyes. The scary thing though, the hospital actually brought me the wrong baby! I could tell from his dark locks which were not my baby's perfect blonde curls. Thankfully he was just a room over and we got him back in under five minutes.

Travel - Well, Caleb and I decided to go on a little vacation together after having Brent and with  having two young kids, Caleb and I know we need some time alone together so we can appreciate each other and well, we let my parents, Rebecca "Becky" Ann Day and Andrew Robin Day, come and stay at our house and take care of Sage and Brent while Caleb and I go on a second honeymoon to Hawaii for two weeks. We get three couples massages and a mudbath. 


{Couple} Caleb Oliver [27] & Ava Rae [27]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 5]

{Children} Sage Clementine [4] Brent Edward [1]


Travel - Caleb's parents, Samuel Frederick Rothschild and Lisa "Lia" Lane Rothschild,  live all the way away in LA and haven't seen sage since her second birthday or have met Brent, so we decide to take the whole family on a trip to go see them. They're marveled to see Brent, especially as he looks so much like Caleb did when he was a little kid, and they can't believe how much Sage has grown. Though, we made a conversation that we'd do every other year of them coming to us and us going to them as it really isn't right for the kids to not see their grandparents or for them to not be able to see the kids that much and well, that is what we'll do to make it work for all of our family.


Pet -  Sage finds a golden, little fluffy puppy  in the yard of our home when she and I go to take Anya out for a long walk. At first when sage sees it she instantly deems the puppy to be hers as she has been wanting one for the past few months since meeting Julian's new puppy Senna when he brought her into Whisk Me Away~ for the first time. Sage absolutely begs us to just keep the puppy, but I know looking at how well cared for he/she happens to be that there is no way that no one is out there looking for him/her. So, I bring Anya back inside and we take a ride to the local vet and get the puppy checked over. We find out it is a he, he's a golden lab and his name is Dash and yes, he has owners who are looking for him. Sage is disappointed, but we're glad to return him to his owners.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [28] & Ava Rae [28]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 6]

{Children} Sage Clementine [5] Brent Edward [2]

Job - Things have just been amazing at Whisk Me Away~ since it first even opened and things have gotten just so much better. Recently, Julian an I went to Ironchef together and competed against Morimoto in the storyed kitchen in Battle Corn  and we won and not only that we kicked his arse and that one showing has nearly tripled our business for the past six months so much so that both myself and Julian can give each other raises to enjoy, and put more money into the business as well.

Moving - Well, sadly life keeps handing us lemons. I'm not happy in the slightest and Caleb and I had a huge blow out fight and he ended up sleeping at work for a whole weekend. His company is asking us all to move away for huge promotion that will start with him taking an executive position starting up a new outpost for their firm in Switzerland. We'll need to move there for eight whole months. I'm livid. I can't be away from my business that long, but, what can we do? If Caleb doesn't do this he'll end up fired. I'm not happy about this, moving our kids around haphazardly and just...Hopefully patience will keep me sane. 



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [29] & Ava Rae [29]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 7]

{Children} Sage Clementine [6] Brent Edward [3] Cole Andrew [0]

Child - Well, just on time and with a little work for it, Caleb and I are happily expecting our third child together. We're having our second son and with that we converted the guest bedroom into a bedroom for the new baby, this time we did a navy blue paint on the room and decorated the nursery in a nautical theme. This pregnancy was a lot rougher on me for some reason and I ended up spending a lot of the earlier months of the pregnancy in bed feeling sick to my stomach.  The whole thing was honestly miserable which is surprising as my previous two pregnancies went so smoothly. Of course, oddly enough, the pregnancy ended sooner then expected when on July 1st, 2004 I gave birth to Cole Andrew Rothschild oh and he was born at home, and not at the hospital as I went into labor two weeks early and well, very fast and sudden, thankfully my father, Andrew, had been over and as a surgeon he helped me birth his second grandson. So, in honor of that we got rid of our original middle name and picked Andrew to honor my father. The baby has blonde hair once again and he has my blue eyes. 

Family Matter - As our family budget has so greatly increased with both my own business doing exceedingly well and Caleb getting to move onto a few higher points in his career, well, we've decided to put some of that money to a very important factor of our life. Our children. Caleb and I have decided to move the kids to a private school Delacroix Academy. It is a very fine institution with 95% of its former students all attending ivy league colleges after graduation. The school runs from pre-k to high school. It is difficult to get into, but luckily Caleb's boss' wife is the school's current head of trust and Caleb's boss is very fond of him so she took our application in and moved it up to the top of the board. We've enrolled Sage into their first grade class, she'll need to do some catching up to the other kids but we feel she'll adjust well, and Brent into their starting pre-k course. Cole will start attending Delacroix when he is three as well.  It's going to cost us, but it's the best step for the kids education.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [30] & Ava Rae [30]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 8] Oreo [Great Dane, 0]

{Children} Sage Clementine [7] Brent Edward [4] Cole Andrew [1]

Child - Only a year after having Cole, Caleb and I get the shock of a lifetime. We found out we were pregnant again, however we found out in the worse way possible. I experienced a miscarriage. It was horrendous to go through, even though we hadn't tried for the child that we lost, Caleb and I were devastated. We both love children and have always taken a stance of what will be will be and if we get pregnant than we'll welcome more light and love into our life, thankfully we're able to think this way as we both work in situations that our providing us with an abundance of money to rely on where we can put half of our earnings to our living now, a quarter of it into savings and another quarter into investment. The loss of this child certainly fuels both my own and Caleb's desire to treasure our family. We don't tell the kids about it though, they're too young.


Pet - After losing our latest child something at home just feels empty and after some discussion, Caleb and I decide to get another pet. We take a poll at home and the pet of choice happens to be to get a dog. However, we're having some trouble picking what kind of breed we're going to get. The choices are a Bernese Mountain Dog, a Siberian Husky, a Samoyed or a Great Dane. We decide to do some coin flipping and in the end the Great Dane, Brent's choice,  won.  We picked out a female puppy that is mostly white with some black spots on it. As Brent's choice in dog was chosen we allowed Sage to name her, she picked the name Oreo. Not what Caleb and I were going for, but we allowed it. She's a happy welcome member of our family. 



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [31] & Ava Rae [31]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 9] Oreo [Great Dane, 1]

{Children} Sage Clementine [8] Brent Edward [5] Cole Andrew [2]

Pet - Lately, since we've gotten Oreo she's been a lot of trouble. We adore her greatly, but she just isn't taking to training and learning her commands and not destroying things. Let's just say we're currently on our third couch since we've gotten her and Caleb and I were nearly at our wits end, thankfully, my best friend and business partner Julian provided us with the name of a great trainer in the local area that he used when he got his puppy, Senna. We make the choice to bring Oreo to classes twice a week on Wednesday and Sunday, Eery other day we swtich who goes with either me and Brent or Caleb and Sage going each time for the most part unless one of the kids are sick or Caleb and I have work issues, we then just swap places. Thankfully, the training goes well and we'll continue it through the year. 

Job - Things have been going well lately and just as I prayed when we were trapped in Switzerland for many, many months things are getting better for Caleb in the workplace and for example he'd just received another promotion. We're both pretty sure his boss is very fond of him for a multitude of reasons. It's giving us a wonderful time here at work, the extra cash making other burdens of life not so burdensome at all.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [32] & Ava Rae [32]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 10] Oreo [Great Dane, 2]

{Children} Sage Clementine [9] Brent Edward [6] Cole Andrew [3] Flora Rosemary [0]


Travel - Caleb and I have decided to treat ourselves to a little fun time together as a couple. We call up his parents, Sam and Lia, and let them know a month beforehand what we'd like to do and they of course agree to fly down for five days, the day before we leave until the day after we leave so we can spend some time with them as well. The trip will be a three day weekend trip to Niagara Falls. We see the falls, spend some time in Canada and even find a field where we pick wild raspberries. It's a wonderful time and it is good for Sam and Lia to spend time with their grandkids.

Child - It seems perhaps that we're on a three year continuing streak.  We're expecting once more and I am doing everything to keep this new little miracle child here and safe. We're expecting our second girl and Sage is thrilled to bits. She had wanted Cole to be a little sister, and though she loves her brother, and she was disappointed when he wasn't one. It's been two years since my miscarriage and I feel like I've moved on from it and this new baby will make the weight a little less heavy. Currently, we've set up the crib in our room for her, but we'll need to either make some kind of expansion, change something up or move homes soon as we don't have a fifth bedroom planned in the house. On June 30th, 2007 we welcomed little Flora Rosemary Rothschild into the world three days early, oh and without Caleb there. Caleb had been picking Sage, Brent and Cole up from Delacroix when I went into labor and unfortunately they got stuck behind rush hour traffic after already being delayed by a minor car accident slowing traffic before even that so he missed Flora's birth. I wasn't angry with him, just the situation itself. However, when he got there and held Flora my heart melted, she's so beautiful with her soft downy, brown hair and green eyes.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [33] & Ava Rae [33]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 11] Oreo [Great Dane, 3]

{Children} Sage Clementine [10] Brent Edward [7] Cole Andrew [4] Flora Rosemary [1] Kane Beckett [0]

Child - Well, our three year stint didn't work out anymore it would seem as I'm pregnant once more, just like the last pregnancy I'm much more careful and spend more time off of my feet both at work and at home and Caleb really steps up as well as Sage helping him out which I am so appreciative of in light of the situation. I just don't want to risk anything. We're expecting our third boy. We're currently stuck on a first name as I like the name Kane and Caleb likes the name Holt for his first name. We're going to hold onto the names and then when he's born we'll make a choice. Both sets of our parents come in to make sure the occasion is right and as to be a aprt of the birth and be in the room when I give birth and Caleb and I decide to let them. On November 15th, 2008 with both sets of his grandparents there our little man arrived and with his brown hair and green eyes, and we just knew that he was meant to be Kane Beckett Rothschild. Needless to say that with his birth, having two little ones in our room just isn't going to work.


Random - Thankfully, we have the money to make it all better. We decide to do some remodeling on the house, some serious remodeling. First we purchased a lot behind us that gave us a large addition of space, a whole acres worth of space, We then rented a two-story cottage and it is a little big of a squeeze for six full months of near torture in all honesty, but we get through it and in the end come out better, as the house gets the addition of five new bedrooms, three full bathrooms, two half bathrooms, our kitchen in made larger and has new counters and in addition we have a much larger backyard that we've given fences that are not chain, just stone walls that are a nice twelve feet high so no one can see into our backyard and Anya cannot jump out. When we move back, all the kids have their own room and we even have room for three guest room for our family.



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [34] & Ava Rae [34]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 12] Oreo [Great Dane, 4]

{Children} Sage Clementine [11] Brent Edward [8] Cole Andrew [5] Flora Rosemary [2] Kane Samuel [1] Luke Dayton [0] Holt Samuel [0]

Child - I'm not even sure how this has happened, not including the older kids we have two kids two and under! Oh, it's going to now be four kids under three. That is right, we're expecting not one more child, but two more. I'm completely shocked and so is Caleb. This was not something we were planning for any time soon and well, we're rethinking our whole let what will be will be. Not to say we aren't excited for the twins, but it puts some pressure and strain on my career and on Whisk Me Away~, not to mention it didn't help that Caleb didn't find out from me, he found out from Julian. We're expecting boys, and so for now we'll keep them in one room to make things easier, but after their third birthday we'll separate them into their own rooms. On May 31st, 2009 we welcomed our two new boys, Luke Dayton Rothschild and Holt Samuel Rothschild. They're perfect. Holt has blonde hair and blue eyes while Luke has brown hair and blue eyes.

Random - I will never take my family for granted again. Today I was in a car accident, a drunk driver hit my car and thankfully it was just me in the car and no one got hurt, the car did roll over and get beat up, but well, that is a small price to pay instead of someone in he family getting hurt. I'll certainly continue to treasure my family and be much more careful. 


{Couple} Caleb Oliver [35] & Ava Rae [35]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 13] Oreo [Great Dane, 5]

{Children} Sage Clementine [12] Brent Edward [9] Cole Andrew [6] Flora Rosemary [3] Kane Samuel [2] Luke Dayton [1] Holt Samuel [1]

Moving - Well, we're moving once more for Caleb's job. Thankfully it is during the summer. We'll be moving for two whole months and get back just in time for the kids to start the school year. I'm once more not happy, but this is just our life as it is. We're going to Holland. We're staying in a very large one story cottage. It's very homey which helps and everything, but it isn't home. I can't wait to get back to my own house my business. Of course we bring Anya and Oreo with us, which helps a little.


Random - Well, while we're away, I decide at least we can get something nice done. I have the house renovated, the kids rooms all redone with fun themes pertaining to their current likes for the older kids such as Harry Potter, Space and Frozen for an example of some of them. I also have the family room redone, add in space for a new duel office for myself and Caleb, a second guest bedroom and the addition of  large pool with a jacuzzi for the backyard, the pool even has a bar to swim up to. Oh, and a ginormous luxury tree mansion, yes, mansion. 



{Couple} Caleb Oliver [36] & Ava Rae [36]

{Pets} Anya [Savannah, 14] Oreo [Great Dane, 6]

{Children} Sage Clementine [13] Brent Edward [10] Cole Andrew [7] Flora Rosemary [4] Kane Samuel [3] Luke Dayton [2] Holt Samuel [2]

Job - Caleb received a much deserved this year, it felt wonderful, and well, money always coming into the home considering the cost of sending five, soon to be seven kids to a private school that is off the charts expensive. Not to mention all their activities and things they need in their lives. It's hard, but we're thankfully well off enough to do it and do it right.

Travel - I've been invited to be a guest judge on Top Chef: Desserts. I'm floored and super excited, so I'll have to fly out to LA, where Top Chef: Desserts is being hosted, for a whole week. In the end, we deicde to go as a family. We drop Anya and Oreo off with my parents for the week and head to LA. While there we stay with Caleb's parents and take the time to visit and be with them while we're there.


The Rothschild Family


DH: Caleb Oliver Rothschild  [36] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 7/13/1975]

DW: Ava Rae Rothschild (nee Day) [36] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 7/10/1975]


DD: Sage Clementine Rothschild [13] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 1/1/1998]

DS: Brent Edward Rothschild [10] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 8/8/2001]

DS: Cole Andrew Rothschild [7] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 4/1/2004]

DD: Flora Rosemary Rothschild [4] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 6/30/2007]

DS: Kane Beckett Rothschild [3] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 11/15/2008]

DS: Luke Dayton Rothschild  [2] [Brown Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 5/31/2009]

DS: Holt Samuel Rothschild [2] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 5/31/2009]


Cat: Anya [14] [Savannah] [b. 1997]

Dog: Oreo [5] [Great Dane] [b. 2005]


Caleb and Ava Rothschild; with Sage, Brent, Cole, FloraKane, Luke & Holt + Anya & Oreo

#70 Puppylover12397


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 08:32 PM

The Clouser Family

Brett Terrence Clouser [23] & Natalie Blanche Clouser (nee White) [26]

Brett  was born on the twenty-seventh of December and is 23 years old. He has brown hair and green eyes.
Natalie was born on the twenty-second of April and is 26 years old. She has blonde hair and blue eyes.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [23] & Natalie Blanche [26]

{Children} Dean Cassius [0]

Child - It would seem my own dream to become a mother is coming a little sooner than I had expected. Brett and I have only been married for a year and a half and we'd intended to wait until we'd been married for three years before having our first child, but Brett and I have a strong personal faith and in that faith we do not believe in abortion. In addition we're in a very fincaelly secure situation with my job in Pharmaceutical Sales and Brett's job as an Engineer. We're expecting a baby boy and are very excited. The only issue going on is Brett's mother, Laura Morell Clouser, has been nagging me constantly, she wants me to name the baby after her father, Caspian Eamon Mortimer. The reason it is an issue is Brett and I already agreed on the baby's first name and having it be after my mother, Diane Paula White, who died from Breast Cancer when I was in college. In the end, when I told Laura about our choice she was furious with me. We ended up not talking for a month or so, until she came around and apologized. We had a heart to heart moment and in the end, I promised her we would on her father in the name; just not in the first name. On May 4th, 1997 we welcomed Dean Cassius Clouser into the world. Unfortunately, Brett hadn't been there for Dean's birth. When we were coming into the hospital he caught sight of a patient being rushed in, bleeding and he fainted. Eitherway, it doesn't mean much because Dean is here with his perfect cherubic cheeks, blonde hair and green eyes.


Family Matter - As much as I would prefer to be a stay-at-home mom with Dean, that just isn't an option that we have in our family, not to mention I really do love my job, and so Brett and I make the difficult choice of enrolling him into daycare. There are more than a dozen in our area and I spend quite  bit off my maternity leave, which was five months, looking at all of the different ones and even visiting. In the end, Brett and I picked the daycare being run by our church. Both of us have a strong faith and we'd like that to be a strong part of Dean's upbringing. Therefore, this is the best choice for us and for Dean.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [24] & Natalie Blanche [27]

{Children} Dean Cassius [1]

Travel - Brett and I make the choice to take a nice weekend trip. Being parents is rewarding, but at the same time it is also difficult on a relationship. Knowing that, and having raised seven kids of her own, Brett's mother Laura offers to take Dean for the weekend so Brett and I can have a little one on one time with each other. We make the choice to go to Eureka, CA. The weather is nice this time of year and we can have a little fun on the beach, not to mention one of my sister's has a summer home there and offers to let us use it for the weekend. It's a nice re-centering for us to just be a couple and not be mom and dad for a minute. Although, once the weekend is over I'm more than ready to get Dean back in my arms.


Travel - Not long after we get back from our weekend together Brett's work informs him that he will be needed to take a trip for them to check out a project they have working over in Belgium. We aren't too pleased with the news, but it's work and it is something that he has to do. Of course, we're thankful he only has to go for a week. It'll be a hard week with him gone but, we'll get through it. The bottom line is we know we need our jobs to support Dean and help us build a nest egg for any future children we may be blessed by having in our family. So, Brett goes on the trip.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [25] & Natalie Blanche [28]

{Pets} Demetra [Silver Fox, 0]

{Children} Dean Cassius [2]


Pet - Brett and I recently had quite the odd experience. We've gotten ourselves a pet without really trying to get one. The reason for this was that one of Brett's coworkers from Russia had mentioned working with a fund doing work on domesticating silver foxes. Not only that, but he mentioned that the project had been going on for a very long time. The biggest issue is that the research the group is doing has lost most of its funding and needs to find homes for their hand raised, domesticated foxes and in the end, Brett and I just couldn't say no to them about taking one of the young kits in so we could help keep the kit from being culled. Something we find to be ever so terrible. We're matched up and given a female kit, we name her Demetra because of her Russian origins. She's sweet and quite the cuddle bug. I'm glad we have her in our life.

Travel - Me and a few friends decided to go out on a day trip . All of us have young children and families now and so making time for ourselves is very important. We're sorority sisters and that is just a bond for life that our group will share commonly, and of course our faith. We end up just heading into Portland for some light shopping and eating. While I'm out with my friends, I leaved Dean with Brett's mother watching him at our home whilst Brett is at work. It is a good way to unwind as well as we're lucky to be in a situation where I can do a little work while I have fun by marketing for some of my work groups.




{Couple} Brett Terrence [26] & Natalie Blanche [29]

{Children} Dean Cassius [3] Samuel Easton [0]

Child - Brett and I are currently expecting our second child and we couldn't be more thrilled. We're both getting older and so is Dean, in fact just a few weeks before I fond our I was pregnant Dean was asking for a little brother or sister to play with and now Brett and I will be giving him one. We're expecting our second son. Thankfully, there is no bickering between me and Laura over how to name the baby and she is actually really wonderful with me, taking me to get a manicure and pedicure every week and she even approves of some of the names that I've mentioned to her that Brett and I happen to be thinking of lately. On June 5th, 2000 we welcomed Samuel Easton Clouser. This time thnkfully, Brett is there to hold my hand for the birth and even cut Sam's cord. Just like his big brother, Sammy has blonde hair and green eyes, a perfect mixture of both Brett and myself. Baby Sam and I only stay in the hospital for a day and when we get back, we're warmly welcomed back by some of our family who have thrown us a party welcoming Sam. There is a big banner with his name on it, and so many gifts, just oodles of them and we're so thankful, between the few purchases we made, Dean's old things and what we were given at the party we have more than enough things for Sammy.


Pet - Our whole family is currently devastated. We've lost Demetra. Not in the sense that she's gone missing, but that she is up there in heaven for pets. Brett had taken her to the vet for a check up and we found out that she had a third stage cancer through multiple sections of her body. The cancer had happened and advanced so quickly as she'd been to the vet less than six months ago and had been perfectly healthy. Sadly, the cancer was causing Demetra so much pain and pressure on her longs that the vet thought it was best to end her suffering as she would probably not last long and it would be in discomfort. In just a year, we've gotten so close to her and she'll be forever in my heart and in my family's heart.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [27] & Natalie Blanche [30]

{Children} Dean Cassius [4] Samuel Easton [1]


Moving - Between losing Demetra and having Samuel last year, Brett and I make the choice that we could use a change of scenery and a little more space for our growing family. Beforehand, our family resided in Salem, Oregon and after this move we will be living Portland, Oregon. The city will be a little more modern for our tastes and it is only an our from where we used to live and where most of our family resides. We settle on a nice single story home with a perfect little white picket fence. The home is being sold as a 4 bedroom, 2 full bathrooms and 1 half-bathroom. It also has a little patio section with a grill built into the whole thing. It'll be a nice cure place to raise the boys and any future children Brett and I decide to have down the line.

Moving - Well, just as we were settling into our new home we were given quite the shock. Brett's job needed him to transfer. For the transfer we'll have to be in Seattle, Washington. We're both a little floored as we'd just moved less than three months ago and well, that cost us a pretty penny. It wasn't a happy thing for our family to hear, but it is what we have to do now. It is only three hours away from where we moved to in Portland, but the situation is not a good one as we'd put a lot of money into buying our home in Portland and in trying to sell it fast, we only got back two thirds of the money we got when we bought it. So, in the end when in Seattle we ended up purchasing a Two-story townhouse. The townhouse isn't the big and space is tight. It has the same deal of having 2 full bathrooms and 1 half-bathroom, but it only has three bedrooms and its kitchen is very small, not to mention the real lack of backyard. I'm not liking our new home much, but hopefully we'll make it better and maybe move or look into expanding or remodeling in the near future.


{Couple} Brett Terrence [28] & Natalie Blanche [31]

{Children} Dean Cassius [5] Samuel Easton [2]


Random - Well, between moving two different times and dragging around all of our things, our old beat up car is just not looking good in the slightest or holding up, and so Brett and I make the choice to get rid of it and invest in a nice mini van. It has enough room for all of us and another four more people! Now that is some real space. Not to mention the safety rating on the vehicle is off the charts making it in fact the safest vehicle of its kind on the market right now. So, it is the best car for Clouser family and we get it.


Travel - Brett's saint of a mother has offered to pay for both Brett and I to take a second honeymoon. Not only is she paying for us to go on this trip, she is going to be taking Dean and Samuel for us so we can enjoy ourselves on this second little honeymoon.  Laura knows how rough the past year and a half have been on us finance wise and emotionally as well. The trip itself will be lasting a whole week and we will be traveling to Honolulu, Hawaii. A location very close to our first honeymoon which was located in Maui, Hawaii. Brett and I were so thrilled to go and Laura even signed us up to get a couple's massage one day, attend a pig roast and then for us to get some water skiing lessons and a coral reef scuba diving adventure.





{Couple} Brett Terrence [29] & Natalie Blanche [32]

{Children} Dean Cassius [6] Samuel Easton [3] Lawrence Peter [0]

Child - Brett and I are currently expecting our third bundle of joy. It will also be our third son. Brett and I are quite excited to be welcoming another little member into our family, though we're somewhat worried about space as we'll have five people in our tiny little townhouse and only three bedrooms. Once the baby is born we'll need to make the choice on if Dean and Sam should move into the same room and we'll give the baby his own room or if we will make the choice to have Sam share a room with the new baby. The pregnancy is well recieved in the family and we're not the only people who are overjoyed, but so is our extended family. However, the person most excited about the pregnancy is Dean who adores being a big brother. In fact, Dean overheard me talking to his Grandma Laura about a middle name for the baby as his first name is picked out already to honor Laura, he'll be the third grandchild named in honor of her though the first grandson, and oddly enough Dean suggested a middle name from his favorite Disney movie, Peter Pan. He recommends Peter. The idea seems ridiculous, however I do become fond of the name and end up deciding to use Peter as a middle name. I actually went into labor a week earlier than expected and had a fast rapid birth and with no one there, not Brett once again which was not a happy moment, but hospital workers on September 9th, 2003 we welcomed Lawrence Peter Clouser. He's perfect with his blonde hair and his blue eyes.


Random -  It would seem that lady luck was truly on our side. I like to do a lot of little contests and things along the way, just entering small things from a couple of dollars to my limit was doing one or two twenty dollar contests. Brett thinks I'm crazy to throw money away on these things, but most recently it has actually payed off and on one of my bigger contests as well. It cost me twenty dollars, but in all honesty it was totally worth it. The contest that I just so happened to win was for a cash prize. Not a little cash prize, but for 250,000 dollars. Oh, and that is after taxes on the prize money. The money is huge, a ton, a whole lot and Brett and I are thrilled. Well certainly put the money to good use.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [30] & Natalie Blanche [33]

{Children} Dean Cassius [7] Samuel Easton [4] Lawrence Peter [1] Adam Jacob [0]

Child - Well, it would seem Brett and I are in a little bit of a pickle. Though not planned, especially after having Lawrence so recently we're pregnant once more. The thought in and of itself is a little baffling for us. I was told that as long as I was breastfeeding I shouldn't have been able to get pregnant, of course. I later learned that that was just an old wives tale and would also be the reason why Brett's two older sisters happen to be Irish twins, just like Lawrence and the new baby. Of course, we'd never think of abortion and with winning all of that money last year, we're financlly stable. The issue is our home is a little small, but Brett and I know we can make it work, espcially when we find out the baby will be our fourth son. We arrange for Dean and Sam to share a room together and the new baby will share a room with Lawrence. So, on August 14th, 2004 our family welcomed Adam Jacob Clouser. Of course, Brett got stuck at work and missed the birth once again. As much as I'd like to be upset about it, it just isn't worth it. Space will be a little tight, but it'll be worth it for our precious blonde haired and green eyed bundle of joy.

Job - Not long after I had Adam, I ended up quitting my job. Of course, when I quit I had a new job offer in place that will pay me nearly double what I was getting paid at my last job. Though, I'll miss some of my coworkers, I know in the long run this is the best decision for me and my family which will always be what matters most.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [31] & Natalie Blanche [34]

{Children} Dean Cassius [8] Samuel Easton [5] Lawrence Peter [2] Adam Jacob [1] Grace Larissa [0]

Job - After only just a few months working my new job, the company makes an effort to think I would be better in a different section and they transfer me. I was a little unclear why at first, and espcially why the transfer came with a bonus, but I learned why soon after getting there. The whole section was a total catastrophe and a lot of the other salesman and women didn't seem to know whaty they were doing. It takes a few months of getting into a successful working order, but with my assistance we're able to get people doing the right thing and turn the whole section around.


Child - Dear lord, I am not sure what Brett and I are going to do. It would seem god was gracious enough to bless us with another child, but it was causing a little tension as we weren't feeling that ready for the new baby considering the ages of our youngest children. This time we're expecting our first little girl, which is such a blessing. We've had a girl name in our hearts for our longtime and that is Grace, which will be her first name. However. Brett and I are quite stuck on a middle name. That is all changed when Brett and I met this wonderful woman when out on our anniversary. She was from Russia and her life story was just...amazing. Her name was Larissa. I immediately fall in love with  her name and made the choice that we'd use her name as our middle name for Grace. Hopefully she'll have just as exciting and fulfilling a life as the woman we met. I went into labor a few weeks earlier than was anticipated. Since this was unexpected; I almost delivered in quite an unusual place. My office! Thankfully, one of my co-workers got me to the hospital in time and Brett was even able to get there to be present when on July 8th, 2005 we welcomed Grace Larissa Clouser. Baby Grace with her downy, blonde hair and big blue eyes already has her daddy wrapped around her finger, which is good as she'll be staying in our room for now.


{Couple} Brett Terrence [32] & Natalie Blanche [35]

{Children} Dean Cassius [9] Samuel Easton [6] Lawrence Peter [3] Adam Jacob [2] Grace Larissa [1]

Family Matter - Well, with both myself and Brett working a lot of long hours lately we decide it might be best to sign the kids up with some after school activities and things like that to help them have things to do to keep them active when we aren't around. We sign Dean up for a little football league, Sam up for a soccer league, Lawrence for a little kid's karate class, Adam for toddler music class and we sign Grace up for a baby gymnastics course. I'm hoping taking part in these activities will allow the kids to be more well rounded as people as they get older.

Moving - All of the hardwork and effort Brett and I have been putting into our careers has finally, finally paid off and we're moving out of this tiny townhouse that is terribly too small for our family. We'll be moving into a single story house in Vancouver, Washington. We'll have to change the school the kids are going to as well as move churches once more. It's a little rough, especially as we'll have to resign the kids from their new activities. Though as soon as we move we'll sign them up for the same thing, just in our new area. The house we're getting is similar to the lovely one we got in Portland a few years back. It is a single story home with six bedrooms, four full bathrooms and two half-bathrooms. It has the whole white picket fence, the backyard even has a wonderfully crafted play and swing set. It's the perfect place for our family. We make the choice to give Dean, Sam and Grace their own rooms and have Lawrence and Adam share one. When they're older we'll reconsider putting them in separate rooms, for now though, we're happy to move closer to most of our family, closer to my own work and actually closer to Brett's work thanks to a recent promotion he received. 



{Couple} Brett Terrence [33] & Natalie Blanche [36]

{Pets} Katniss [Savannah, 0]

{Children} Dean Cassius [10] Samuel Easton [7] Lawrence Peter [4] Adam Jacob [3] Grace Larissa [2]


Random - Not long after we bought our new home did Brett and I notice that perhaps a few of the things in the house just weren't what we were thinking and not working out. Not to mention the kids are kind of growing out of the furniture in their room and well, considering Brett's recent promotion we decided to higher his eldest sister's husband to do some work on our home, mostly involving building new furniture and re-doing our kitchen and upgrading the appliances. It'll be wonderful for our home and family.

Pet - Lately, at the kids prompting for another pet, Brett and I have well, given in. This time we decide it might be safer to go for a more traditional style of pet. Of course, that didn't work out. We'd had a hard time deciding between a dog or a cat, but we found out about a rather large cat that happened to act quite dog like in a nature. They're called Savannah cats. They're a mix of the wild Serval and domestic cats. They're fully domesticated and very social. We pick a girl kitten in the end and name her Katniss after the character from The Hunger Games that the kids adore to read. She's a wonderful addition and the kids love her so much.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [34] & Natalie Blanche [37]

{Pets} Katniss [Savannah, 1]

{Children} Dean Cassius [11] Samuel Easton [8] Lawrence Peter [5] Adam Jacob [4] Grace Larissa [3]

Moving - Well, despite finally having our lovely new home renovated and ready for all of us to enjoy, Brett's job has made quite the request. They need us to temporarily relocate where we to another country. I'm floored. They want us to move to Japan and not just that, they want us to move their for a full eight months which is over half a year. I speak with my bosses and they're actually very understanding. I'll take a leave of absence from work and they'll actually give me four months of paid leave and four months of unpaid leave and that my job will be there when I get back. Brett's company actually rents us a wonderful home, a two-story house that is just amazing. It is high tech and has nine bedrooms in it and each bedroom has its own full bathroom not to mention also having five half bedrooms and a state of the art kitchen, a big pool with a jacuzzi and water slide plus in addition to all that amazingness it had its own movie theater! It actually makes up for having to miss everyone and be away.


Travel - While we're staying in Japan, Brett's work has a nine-one-one emergency in one of its Russian offices. Seeing as Brett is close by here in Japan, well lets just say that they've decided that he needs to go and end up taking come control there so they need to send him there for two whole weeks. I'm floored and not happy in the slightest. We're in a strange country and Dean is not happy about being here at all, so he's been acting up. However, there is nothing we can do and he goes and I have the most miserable two weeks trying to navigate being in Japan and taking care of five kids on my own.




{Couple} Brett Terrence [35] & Natalie Blanche [38]

{Pets} Katniss [Savannah, 2]

{Children} Dean Cassius [12] Samuel Easton [9] Lawrence Peter [6] Adam Jacob [5] Grace Larissa [4] Faith Erica [0]


Job - The dynamics in my old place of work has just been totally off since I came back from Japan. This is just a total mess and after some discussion with my bosses we make the decision to have me transfer to a different location of my company and get some new coworkers to try and be with instead of the others I have now who are treating me quite poorly after I helped them so much when I transferred in here. So, I relocate to a section of the company which is closer to where I live so I guess all things ended as they should.

Child -Well, thank goodness that we moved because our old townhouse would no0t have had the room  for us as we're welcoming another baby soon. I'm a little worried as I'm on the older side now and well, the baby wasn't planned, but we're excited anyway. Even more so because we will be welcoming our second daughter. Then again, I'd be excited no matter the gender of our child, because he or she would be ours and would therefore be perfect. The only issue at hand would be that both of our parents want to come and be in the room for her birth. Brett's parents, Laura and Joseph Adam Clouser Sr., and my father, Kenneth "Ken" Nathan White. Of course, we agree to let them be there for us and Brett is actually here for her birth! On, November 28th, 2009 we with so much family love came Faith Erica Clouser. She's the first of our babies to have Brett's brown hair and she also has his green eyes. We picked the first name Faith due to our own strong faith and then the middle name Erica after Brett's good friend Erik Donovan Cardona.



{Couple} Brett Terrence [36] & Natalie Blanche [39]

{Pets} Katniss [Savannah, 3]

{Children} Dean Cassius [13] Samuel Easton [10] Lawrence Peter [7] Adam Jacob [6] Grace Larissa [5] Faith Erica [1]


Travel - As a little gift for having our sixth child and of course as a fifteenth anniversary present for us Laura is giving us a week and a half long trip to Kauai, Hawaii as a third honeymoon. I'll miss spending time with my kids and it is hard to be away from Faith as she's so little right now, but it is good to get down with some Mom and Dad time. Especially in Hawaii as it is very romantic and Brett spent a large part of his childhood living there as Laura is Hawaiian and Swedish herself. We get mud bath treatments, walk along the beach and have a lovely time there. Though, I can't wait to hold all of my babies when I get back. They did have a good time though staying with my father while we were gone.


Travel - Well, Brett has to go away once more, thankfully it is just for a weekend and it'll be somewhere inside of the country. He'll be going to do a presentation in San Francisco, California. As the kids are a little older I should be fine by myself, but just to be sure my dad comes and stays for the weekend. I know that he is a little lonely, he misses my mom a lot and he refuses to go and date anyone. I think spending time with the kids will make him feel better so its nice to have him around.





{Couple} Brett Terrence [37] & Natalie Blanche [40]

{Pets} Katniss [Savannah, 4] Hermione [Lionhead Rabbit, 0]

{Children} Dean Cassius [14] Samuel Easton [11] Lawrence Peter [8] Adam Jacob [7] Grace Larissa [6] Faith Erica [2]

Family Matter - Well, lately, Brett and I have been having issues with the school's policies. So, in the end, considering how our finances have been flowing we decide to enroll all of them into a private school which reflects our religious values. A parochial school. It runs all through pre-k and high school and only has seven hundred kids in total. Therefore, the school is small and will give our kids the proper attention and time they need.


Pet - Lately, the kids have been asking for another pet and as much as we want one we're a little worried about getting a smaller pet as they want because of Katniss' breed. She's a hunter, small pray attracts her and she is very good at opening doors and chests. If we were to get them the bunny that they want well, Katniss may actually end up eating it which would be scary as all can be for the children. In the end, we make the choice to get them the rabbit, however it will be kept in a separate room and we won't allow Katniss in the room. She's a lionhead rabbit. We name the rabbit Hermione after one of their favorite series, Harry Potter.



The Clouser Family


DH: Brett Terrence Clouser [37] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 12/27/1974]

DW: Natalie Blanche Clouser (nee White) [40] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 4/22/1971]


DS: Dean Cassius Clouser [14] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 5/4/1997]

DS: Samuel Easton Clouser [11] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 6/5/2000]

DS: Lawrence Peter Clouser [8] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 9/9/2003]

DS: Adam Jacob Clouser [7] [Blonde Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 8/14/2004]

DD: Grace Larissa Clouser [6] [Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes] [b. 7/8/2005]

DD: Faith Erica Clouser [2] [Brown Hair and Green Eyes] [b. 11/28/2009]



Cat: Katniss [4] [Savannah] [b. 2007]

Rabbit: Hermione [0] [Lionhead Rabbit] [b. 2011]


Brett and Natalie Clouser; with Dean, Samuel, Lawrence, Adam, Grace & Faith + Katniss & Hermione


#71 AmyB


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:55 PM

The Porter Family

Harry Adam & Anna Margaret

Harry was born on the thiry-first of  March, in 1975. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
Anna was born on the ninth of August, in 1975. She has brown hair and green eyes.



Harry [25] & Anna [25]


moving - Only a month after our wedding, Harry was offered a job in Nice, France working for the Chamber of Commerce in the International Relations sector. We found out that Harry had the job on August 23rd, and on September 17th we were on a plane to Nice, France.

job - Initially I just found a job working in a café near our apartment but after filing some paperwork with the embassy and the government, I was able to find a job teaching English in a secondary school.



Harry [26] & Anna [26]


random - Because I only worked three days of the week, I had a lot of free time on my hands so I decided to take a few college courses. Starting in January I enrolled in a photography program. Once finished I started a blog of my pictures, and even began taking some wedding, newborn, and family photos.

family - At the beginning of June, my older sister Evelyn and her husband Mark visited us with their three children: Noah (10), Callum (8) and Lucy (6). When they arrived their plans were to stay for only a couple weeks, but after a week, Evelyn and Mark decided they wanted to stay in Europe for the rest of the summer. Both authors, their schedule allowed them to do that.



Harry [27] & Anna [27]


moving - With the news that Harry would be at his job for at least another five years, we chose to move out of our rented 3-bedroom condo and purchase our first house together. After a couple months of searching, we found a two-storey refurbished farm house, a little bit outside the city. We both fell in love upon seeing it, and could instantly picture starting a family there.

travel - For Valentine's Day, Harry surprised me with a second honeymoon. He presented me with two plane tickets to Athens and then two ferry tickets to the island of Thera.



Harry [28] & Anna [28]


family - Just after Christmas, Harry and I received the horrible news that our close friend from university had been killed in a car accident. Harry was especially saddened as Nolan had been one of the groomsmen at our wedding and Harry was set to be a groomsman at Nolan's wedding in April. While dealing with the shock, Harry and I both agreed that we didn't want to wait any longer to start our family, seeing how quickly things can change.

job - After about two years of running my photography business on the side while teaching, I decided to quit my job and focus everything on photography. With a client base already created, it was an easy transition from teacher to photographer and I absolutely loved every minute.



Harry [29] & Anna [29]

Bowen [0]


child - Once Harry and I decided it was time to start our family, it wasn't long before we found out we were expecting. Throughout the pregnancy, both my parents and Harry's parents consistently asked if they could be in the delivery room. However, without even talking it over, Harry and I were both in consensus that it would be just him and I in the room. On February 17th, 2004 we welcomed Bowen Jack Porter into the world.

child - Although we had not expected to be pregnant again so soon, in early November, the pregnancy test confirmed my sneaking suspicions: I was pregnant again! Baby number two was due in July and we couldn't wait to meet him or her.



Harry [30] & Anna [30]

Bo [1.5], Matilda [0]


travel - In January, Harry, Bo and I traveled to Palermo, Italy where we lounged, relaxed and explored for ten days. It was our first big trip with Bo, but he was absolutely wonderful and save for a little bout of morning sickness, we all had a splendid time.

child - Our sweet little girl, Matilda Finley Porter was born on July 14th, 2005, which is also French National Day, so the roads were a little crowded and busy when trying to get to the hospital. But we made it in time, and an hour later, Bo's little sister was born.



Harry [31] & Anna [31]

Bo [2.5], Tilly [1]


pet - As a Christmas present to the whole family, Harry surprised us with a kitten on Christmas morning. Bo instantly fell in love, and although Tilly was a bit skeptical, she grew to love the rascal, who we named Jem.

child - A couple months before Matilda turned one, we began trying for another baby. Shockingly, it only took one try and we were pregnant! At our 16 week scan we found out Bo and Tilly were getting a little brother and that his due date was Valentine's Day.



Harry [32] & Anna [32]

Bo [3], Tilly [2], Cormac [0]


child - Arriving a bit earlier than expected, our third baby was born on January 29th, 2007. We named him Cormac Nolan Porter, after our friend Nolan who passed away four years earlier. When we arrived home the next day with Mac, my mom and Harry's mom had decorated the whole house with congratulation and welcome signs. All our close friends were there and they had made weeks worth of food and treats so that I wouldn't have to worry about that.

random - With three young kids, Harry and I decided to upgrade from our sedan and purchase a bigger family car. After much contemplation, we chose a black 2007 Range Rover.



Harry [33] & Anna [33]

Bo [4], Tilly [3], Mac [2], Elliot [0]


moving - In January, Harry and I decided it was time to take our family back to Canada. Harry began applying to financial institutes in Toronto and Vancouver, and I began looking for teaching jobs. Luckily we both found jobs and by May we had purchased a two-storey house in the suburbs of Toronto. And in July we packed up and moved back to Canada.

child - At the same time that all the moving madness was going on, I found out I was once again pregnant. We had been discussing trying for another and it seemed that just even talking about it was enough. Our fourth child would be our first born in Canada, as the due date was in November. Unfortunately since I would be quite pregnant upon starting my job, I opted to spend the year at home, working on my photography business instead. On November 8th, 2008, Elliot Rose Porter joined our family and immediately had us all wrapped around her little fingers.



Harry [34] & Anna [34]

Bo [5], Tilly [4], Mac [3], Ellie [1], August [0]


pet - For Bo's fifth birthday we decided to add to our fur family and give Jem a companion. So we took Bo and Tilly to the SPCA and they found a lovely tabby kitten for us to adopt. They named her Scout (with some prompting from Harry and I). She was super playful and mischievous but warmed up to all the kids right away.

child - When I heard the doctor tell me I was pregnant again, I almost fainted. It was less than six months after having Ellie, and already having four kids at home was really wearing me down. The baby was due in early December and Ellie would be just a little over a year old. On December 3rd, 2009 I went from no labour at all, to fully-fledge active labour in a matter of an hour. At the exact same time, Bo and Harry were at a different hospital because Bo had slipped on ice and broken his collarbone. As much as I wanted Harry with me, I knew I would be fine without him and that Bowen needed him. And then, only 3 hours after labour started, August Milo Porter was born.



Harry [35] & Anna [35]

Bo [6], Tilly [5], Mac [4], Ellie [2], Gus [1]


random - Having five rambunctious and rowdy children in a 4-bedroom house with no playroom started to become a bit of an issue when Bo and Tilly started playing soccer in the kitchen. So Harry and I made the executive decision to put a massive addition onto the back of our house. The addition included 3 bedrooms on the top floor, 1 bathroom on the top and one on the bottom, a huge playroom, and a photo studio. As well, Harry and I redid our washroom and added a big jacuzzi tub.

child - Harry and I had made it a goal to go a year without being pregnant. And we were so close to making it...except then on November 21st, I realized I was almost 3 weeks late. So I took a home pregnancy test and there was that ohso familiar positive sign. I was absolutely floored. Harry and I had always talked about having a big family but we never expected to have six kids so close in age.



Harry [36] & Anna [36]

Bo [7], Tilly [6], Mac [5], Ellie [3], Gus [2], Flynn [0]


child - Our sixth baby was due on July 11th, however it seems that our little boy was ready to make his entrance quite a bit earlier than that. On June 19th, I thought I was just having Braxton Hicks contractions but it turns out they were the real deal. The labour was so unexpected that I barely made it to the birthing center in time. In fact, I started pushing while we were still parking the car but luckily we made it inside and that is how Flynn Archibald Porter was born.

family - For summer activities, we enrolled all the kids, save for Flynn, in new programs. Bo started flag-football, Matilda decided on mountain biking, Mac attended art camp, and Ellie and Gus went to swimming lessons.



Harry [37] & Anna [37]

Bo [8], Tilly [7], Mac [6], Ellie [4], Gus [3], Flynn [1]


job - In January I began teaching again, as a fill-in for a teacher on maternity leave. Then the teacher's wife was offered a job in London, so the job became completely vacant. It took me less than a heartbeat to accept the offer as I truly missed teaching so much.

travel - In August, Harry had to go on a business trip to Los Angeles. As Bowen, Tilly and Cormac were desperate to go to Disneyland, we decided that the three older kids would accompany Dad and I to LA while the three babies stayed home for the 5 days with my parents.



Harry [38] & Anna [38]
Bo [9], Tilly [8], Mac [7], Ellie [5], Gus [4], Flynn [2], Lila [0]


pet - Since we already had two cats, Harry and I decided it was time for a dog in the family. We spent a long time debating what type of dog we wanted and then decided to just head to the SPCA and take home the one we felt most connected to. So in April we visited the SPCA a few times and finally found our puppy, a golden retriever-spaniel mix and the kids named him Benji.

child - Baby number seven was not a surprise, as Harry and I had been trying for a couple months before we fell pregnant. And we were incredibly excited that for the first time there would be more than 2 years between kids. Throughout the whole pregnancy I was convinced it was another boy just because of the way I was carrying, so I was entirely shocked when on August 12th, I gave birth to wailing baby girl, Lila Hadley-Anne Porter.



Harry [39] & Anna [39]
Bo [10], Tilly [9], Mac [8], Ellie [6], Gus [5], Flynn [3], Lila [1]


family - After heading back to work, I was super busy with the kids, teaching and a few photography projects. Eventually I gave in, and asked my younger cousin, who was in Toronto attending university for an early-childhood education degree, if she would want to move-in and help look after the kids. She immediately said yes, and all at once, my life got much less stressful.

travel - For the 20th anniversary of Harry and I meeting each other, he surprised me with a "third honeymoon". It was a trip to North Carolina where we would spend a kid-free week in a seaside cottage just relaxing. It was absolutely wonderful, and when it came time to leave I knew I would miss that place.




Harry + Anna








#72 RainstreamofSpiritClan


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 08:19 PM

(Using a different 12-sided die, since that one doesn't work on my Nook)

LN: Clearwater
DH: Hector Menelaus Clearwater (23)
DW: Eva Rain [Rellin] Clearwater (18)


As excited as you are about your new baby, you are somehow disappointed because this birth has affected your plans for the future. In which way have your plans been affected?

Eva and Hector planned to get their life settled, and spend some time just enjoying being a married couple, a husband and wife, before they became a mom and dad too. They knew they wanted kids eventually though, so they're still excited.

You and SO meet a charming person from a foreign country at a restaurant while you are six months pregnant.
You immediately fall in love with his or her name and decide you will use this name when your baby is born.

You choose.

When Eva is 5 months pregant, she and Hector go out to eat. Their waitress is a pretty she foreign, exchange student from Spain, named Innocencia. Eva thinks her name is simply beautiful and falls in love with it, and Hector screws they can use it for the baby.

On December 4th, 2014, Innocencia Olivia Clearwater is born. She is 18 inches long and weighs 6 lbs. She has straight brown hair and beautiful bright, green eyes.

You have been experiencing problems with your pet. What problems is your pet causing? How do you deal with the problems?

When baby Inny was two months old Eva and Hector bought a sweet ginger tabby kitten, who they named Firepetal (Eva loves Warriors). Unfortunately Firepetal developed a habit of yowling loudly in the middle of the night waking up Eva, Hector, and the baby. They solved this problem with spray bottle training. Every time Firepetal yowled at night she got sprayed and soon learned not to do it.

Inny's first word was "kiddy!" (kitty), at ten months. In December, Inny celebrated her first birthday!


YEAR 3: Family matter
You and SO are experiencing difficulties in your relationship. You have decided to try marriage counseling. Roll the twelve-faced dice once more. If you roll a number from one to eight, the counseling has worked and things are getting better. If you roll a number from nine to twelve, the counseling is not enough to mend the problems, so you and SO divorce.

Being young parents is tough. Lately Eva and Hector have been fighting a lot, arguing over seemingly every little thing. The couple decides to get counseling and the counselor helps them work out their problems, and after going through the counseling program, the two are closer than they've ever been. Innocencia takes her first steps at 13 months, and in December, she celebrates her second birthday.


Both your parents and SOs parents have asked to be present in the delivery room. How do you respond to this? Why are they so interested in being a part of this particular birth?

Eva finds out she's pregnant a second time, with another baby girl! Eva and Hector's parents want to be present in the delivery room, and the couple says of course. They know this means a lot to their parents.When Innocencia was born, her grandparents had really wanted to be there, and Eva could have used the comfort of her mom and dad, but at the time the hospital only allowed the baby's father to be in the room. Since then the policy has changed. So when the time comes for the baby to be born , all four of her grandparents are there.

You choose.

You decide to honor your heritage with a name from a country your ancestors are from.

Some of Eva's roots can be traced back to Wales so the couple decides their little girl's middle name will be Welsh.

On August 16th, 2017 Cassandra Bethan Clearwater is born. She weighs 7 and a half pounds is 21 inches long, and has straight brown hair and grey eyes.

Innocencia loves her new baby sister and is very sweet to her.

In December, when Cassandra is about 3 and a half months old, Inny turns three!


You permanently move into a new state/region/etc You may choose the state/region/etc, however it must be in the same country you currently reside in (in this game). See the home events category below to determine what type of home you move into.

Hector gets a new job opportunity in New York City, so the family moves in April, from Bethany, Oklahoma. They don't really want to live in such a huge city though, o they instead settle in Stony Brook, Conneticutt, a little over an hour from the city. It's a bit of a long commute to work for Hector, but he doesn't mind too much.

They move into.a duplex. On the other side live a nice family, a fairly young couple named Arthur and Katie (Catherine) with a 5-year old girl, a two-year old boy, and a 3-month old baby girl, Emily, Nicholas, and Grace. In August Cassie has her first birthday, and in December, Inny, turns four.


SO found out about your pregnancy from someone other than yourself. How did he/she find out? How did he/she react? Were you disappointed in not being the one to give him/her the news?

Eva is pregnant again, this time with a little boy! Innocencia overhears Mommy on the phone with the doctor, without Mommy realizing it. When Daddy gets home Inny is only too thrilled to tell him that Mommy's going to be getting a baby boy. Hector is thrilled at the thought of having a son. Eva is a little disappointed she didn't get to tell him herself though.

Your mother-in-law is insisting you name your newborn after a relative. However, you find the name to be hideous! Do you follow her suggestion or somehow work around it?

You choose.

Hector's mother is insisting that the couple should name the baby Humphrey, after her father (Hector was named after his father's father, but they never had a second son to name Humphrey), but Eva finds the name distinctly unattractive. However, she looks it up and finds out that it means "peaceful warrior". In order to make Hector's mother happy, while at the same time choosing a name they actually like for their son, Hector and Eva decide that his first name will have a meaning associated with peace and his middle name will mean warrior.

On April 27th,2019, Callum Charles Clearwater is born. He weighs 8lbs and is 21 inches long. He has straight brown hair and dark brown eyes like his daddy's.

Inny is as sweet a big sister to the new baby as she was to Cassie. Cassie is a little jealous and unsure of this new addition to her family at first, especially since she can see how excited Hector is to finally have a boy, but her parents are quick to reassure her of their love and she soon gets used to the new baby.

Cassie is now best friends with little Nick from next door, while Inny is best friends with his older sister Emily.

In August Cassie celebrates her second birthday, and in December Inny turns five!


Years 7-10 were deleted accidentally and I can't get them back, but I remember what happened. Year seven: financial trouble, Eva got a job at a daycare to help out. Year 8: Eva quit her job at the daycare and started her own nanny service. Year 9: Pet: A 1 year old lop eared bunny, named Caramel Cream by Inny for his colors and her favorite sweet.
Year 10: Eva has a girls night out in NYC with her friends, Statue of Liberty, Empire's State Building, picnic in Central Park, dinner at a nice restaurant, Wicked on Broadway.

Year 11: RANDOMLN: Clearwater
You and a good friend have started or taken on a small business. What type of business is it? Why did you decide to do this? Are you happy in this decision or is the business just another pain?

Eva's nanny business has been getting more popular, and so she asks their neighbor Katie to join her. Now they have the whole duplex to use and to nanny's to care for the kids. Innocencia and Emily like to help some with the younger kids too. It's great for Eva to have some help, and see her little nanny service increase in this way.

In April Callum turns five. Cassandra turns seven in August, and Innocencia turns ten, in December. Double digits is a pretty exciting birthday for Inny, so she gets a special party, and a special present, a charm bracelet that Eva's grandmother gave her mother when she was ten and Eva's mother gave her when she was ten.

All the kids are in school now! Callum started kindergarten in August, Cassie is in second grade, and Inny is in fourth.


You and SO take a second honeymoon. Where to? If you have children, where were they when you were away? How did you afford to take this vacation?
As a surprise for their anniversary, Hector's and Eva's parents team up and pay for them to take a second honeymoon. Their first honeymoon was in Ireland, and this time Hector and Eva go to Greece, since both love Greek mythology. They spend one week in Greece.

While they are gone their neighbors Katie and Arthur watch the kids, who are excited to have a week-long sleep over with their friends.

In April Callum turns six, Cassie turns eight in August, and Inny turns eleven in December.


Eva is pregnant again! Eva and Hector are somewhat surprised, they thought they might be done having kids, but they're very happy.

You were very convinced you were having a girl/boy, however, when the baby was born, the gender was opposite of what you strongly believed.

After an ultrasound, the doctor told Eva she was having a little girl, however when the baby is born, the family are shocked to discover it's a boy! Callum is very excited, he hadn't been thrilled with the idea of ANOTHER sister.

You choose.
Begins with same letter as surname in this game

On March 24th, 2026 Alexander Connor Clearwater is born. He weighs 7lbs 13oz and is 20 inches long. He has wavy blackhair and bright green eyes like his sister Inny.

Innocencia starts middle schol, this year, sixth grade!

In April, when Xander is just about a month old, Callum turns seven. Cassandra turns nine in August, and Innocencia twelve in December.



SO quits their job. What was their reason for quitting? Have they found a new job?
With four kids, Hector decides he doesn't want to work so far from home anymore, so he quits his job in NYC, finding a new position at home in Stony Brook, coaching an equestrian team at Stony Brook University.

In March Xander has his first birthday! Callum turns eight in April. Both girls have big birthdays this year, Cassie entering double digits at 10, in August, and Inny becoming a teenager at thirteen in December! The special family charm bracelet belongs to Inny, but Cassie receives a new charm bracelet of her own, while Inny gets her very own laptop,as well as both girls getting extra special parties.

SO has lost their job. For what reason has this happened? Have they found a new job?
SBU decided to cut their equestrian program and so Hector lost his job. This was a blow, but knowing how good he was with horses, a local stable offered him a job, he gladly accepted. He trains horses and also teaches riding classes for children, including his own three older ones, alonbg with neighbor kids Emily, Nicholas, and Grace.

Cassie's got her first crush this year, none other than Nick, her best friend and their neighbor. He has a crush on her too. Each is too shy to tell the other, but, Emily and Inny are plotting to set them up.

In March, Alexander turns two, in April, Callum turns nine, in August, Cassandra turns eleven, and in December, Innocencia turns fourteen.

Callum is in fourth grade this year. Cassie starts middle school, going into sixth grade! Inny is in eigth.

Firepetal and Caramel Cream are both fairly old now, but both are in good health.


After 15 years:
LN: Clearwater
DH: Hector Menelaus Clearwater (38)
DW: Eva Rain [Rellin] Clearwater(33)
DD: Innocencia Olivia "Inny" Clearwater (14)
DD: Cassandra Bethan "Cassie" Clearwater (11)
DS: Callum Charles Clearwater (9)
DS: Alexander Connor "Xander" Clearwater (2)

DCat: Firepetal (14)
DRabbit: Caramel Cream (7)

#73 RoseByAnyOtherName


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 10:06 AM

15 years in the life of the Wesson family


My name is Megara "Meg" Marie Wesson and I met my husband Michael "Mike" James Wesson in college at his graduation party. I was just getting started on my masters degree in journalism when I unexpectedly fell pregnant with a little girl, Calliope "Callie" Riva Wesson. She's a beautiful baby girl, born December 5th, with straight blonde hair and brown eyes. Mike and I got married soon after and I dropped out of school to take care of our daughter and work a bit on the side.


15 years ago:

A little while after our wedding, Michael got a lucrative job offer with great income which prompted me to quit my job, go back to college and finish that masters degree I had started. Since I had already started coursework while pregnant, I only had some classes to take. I was glad to finish my studies and have the prospect of a better job at a good newspaper despite having a baby at home.


14 years ago:

To celebrate my graduation and Michael's first successful year on the job, we decided to take a summer vacation with the entire family. We headed to the Côte d'Azure in France, spent some time on the beach and touring nearby cities. We even took a day trip to Paris. It was the first time for any of us to travel to France, so we were very excited.


13 years ago:

Home life had begun to settle in, Mike and I were working our respective jobs and handling the whirlwind that was our toddler, when one day he came home with a little kitten he had gotten from a co-worker. We hadn't talked about adopting pets so I was obviously quite surprised. At first I wasn't sure the kitten would be a good idea, what with a little kid running around the house. However, the little guy wrapped me around his paw quickly and I figured if we can raise a child we might as well raise a kitten too. We named him Ricky.


12 years ago:

My boss asked me to go on a business trip to New York City, where a great story was waiting for me. Obviously I jumped at the chance, but since we couldn't find anybody to take care of Ricky on short notice, Mike stayed home with Callie. I enjoyed the Big Apple very much and my article turned into quite a widespread story, but I couldn't wait to get back to my family.


11 years ago:

Having juggled being a young mom on top of making a career for myself for four years, I needed something just for myself, to wind down after a long day. I've always been passionate about creative writing, so over the years I started writing a story of a teenage mother who worked her way through college all the while relating the character's story to what I was dealing with at the time. By the time Callie's fifth birthday rolled around, the book was done and to my big surprise a publisher actually picked it up.


10 years ago:

My book turned out to be very popular and climbed the bestseller lists quickly. With all the book signings I had to do, I was in terrible need of a break. Luckily, Mike noticed and booked a quaint little weekend trip to a spa resort for just the two of us. Callie and Ricky stayed home with their grandma while Michael and I took some time to recover and enjoy each other's company before we had to head back to work.


9 years ago:

A year after my book was published, it received such good feedback that eventually a film studio decided to ask for the rights to the movie. Until the deal was hashed out and filming started, we temporarily moved our family to Los Angeles. Due to the temporary nature of the move, we made do with a spacious one-story condo. By the time the movie premiered, we had lived in California for 12 months and were finally able to move back home.


8 years ago:

Once the hype surrounding the movie calmed down, Mike and I decided it would be time to try for a new baby. We were financially secure this time around and could afford to invest more time in the little one. After two tries I ended up pregnant. I went into labor a few weeks earlier than anticipated. Since this was so unexpected, I almost ended up giving birth at the restaurant Mike and I were eating at at the time. Luckily there was still enough time to get into the nearest hospital where I gave birth to a healthy, if premature, boy named Alexander "Alec" David Wesson, born August 25th. He had a mop of brown curly hair from the get go and beautiful black eyes.


7 years ago:

While I stayed home looking after Alec and Callie as well as working on my next novel, Mike threw himself back into his work, which he had put on the back burner in favor of the movie to my first book. The hard work payed off and he got a promotion to a management position which he gladly accepted. 


6 years ago:

For a long time, Callie kept asking for her own pet. With a new baby at home, we figured it would be good for her to not feel left behind and learn some responsibility if we got her a small easy pet. We decided on a goldfish, which was tricky with the cat at first, but we figured out a way to have them co-exist at home. Callie loved feeding her fish - which she had called Dory after her favorite movie fish - and finding new ways to decorate her tank.


5 years ago:

Because of the busy past years, I didn't get around to writing many actual newspaper articles anymore and since I didn't produce enough material regularly, the newspaper decided to fire me. Luckily we had quite the financial cushion from the movie revenues as well as Mike's steady management position to fall back on. Still, with two kids to raise, I couldn't stay too long without a source of income, so I decided to finish my second book and send it in to my publishers. They were very happy with the result and the book went into print soon after.


4 years ago:

With Alec and Callie growing like weeds, soon the space in our old home wasn't enough for us anymore. We decided to move into a bigger house but all the while staying in Seattle, so as to not uproot the kids too much. My book was selling well, so we could afford a nice single-story house with a great backyard for the kids to play in.


3 years ago:

For business, Mike had to take an assignment in Europe for half a year which left me with our kids and pets at home. At first it was hard to adapt to life without him around, but we videochatted every other day and got used to our new routine. By now I had a trilogy in the works, so I could comfortably work from home while watching the little ones. Still, I was extremely glad when Michael came back home from London and we could finally enjoy our regular family life again.


2 years ago:

The whole family got back into their groove soon and the kids grew at the speed of light. Soon they both started taking up after-school activities. Callie had always been interested in acting and was enrolled in a theater class. Alec was taking after his dad, who taught him how to play basketball until he was old enough to join the school's team. They were both doing great at their hobbies and Mike and I made sure to be there at every play and game to support them.


1 year ago:

With the release of my third book and the subsequent movie, the already existing fanbased tripled in size and awarded the work with many prizes over the years. The highlight came when the last movie of the trilogy was amazingly nominated for an Academy Award. I was very excited at the prospect of dressing up for the award show and enjoying the night out with my husband to get the recognition for all the years I invested in my books. Callie, of course, was very happy with being introduced to famous film stars along the way, which was how she landed her first little role in a movie. 


This year:

Sadly, the beginnning of the year was marked by the passing of a close family member, which left Mike and me to step up to the plate and adopt the two kids they left behind. The oldest, Aliyah "Ally" Cassidy Devereaux, a year and a half older than Callie in fact, was having a hard time adapting to this new family life but soon took on the role of protective older sister to our kids. The younger one, Liam Justice Devereaux, fit in very quickly and became a role model to our three years younger son.



So this is our family today:


DH: Michael James Wesson "Mike" (40)

DW: Megara Marie Wesson "Meg" (38)


ADD: Aliyah Cassidy Deveraux "Ally" (18)

DD: Calliope Riva Wesson "Callie" (16)

ADS: Liam Justice Devereaux "LJ" (11)

DS: Alexander David Wesson "Alec" (8)


DCat: Ricky (13)

DFish: Dory (6)

#74 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 03:07 AM

LN: Henderson


DH: Atwood Liam (22)

DW: Lydia Katherine (21)


Atwood and Lydia Henderson


Atwood works as an accountant for a top London firm, and Lydia is a nursery worker. They live in London in a one bedroom flat. Atwood has straight brown hair and blue eyes, and Lydia has curly blonde hair and brown eyes. They married last year in a small ceremony, and honeymooned to Japan.



Year 1 - 2010

Atwood and Lydia have been talking about starting a family, and decide that a move is in order. They stay in London, but move to a two story condominium with two bedrooms. It's still pretty small, but they love it. They also decide to purchase a kitten, in order to make their home feel more homey. They buy a ginger tom cat who they name Cheese Puff. On April 20th Atwood turns 23, while Lydia turns 22 on December 1st.


Year 2 - 2011

Atwood hears about a new managerial position in his firm, and decides to apply for the job. He gets it, but the family must move to Cardiff. They don't mind, and end up finding a lovely one story townhouse with three bedrooms for the price of their old house. They love it in Cardiff, although sometimes they miss London, but they're glad they decided to move. In December of last year Lydia had discovered she was pregnant! She made an appointment with the doctor for an ultrasound, and was planning on telling Atwood that evening at dinner. The doctor called before she got home, however, and Atwood found out from her. He was upset that he didn't get to hear it from Lydia, but excited to become a father. Lydia gave birth to the couples first child on the eleventh of June, just three weeks after they'd moved. They decided to name her Cooper Roisin Henderson, and she brought so much joy to their lives.


Year 3 - 2012

In January of this year Lydia falls pregnant again. The couple are ecstatic, but worry how they'll manage two children under two. Their worries are all for naught though, as Lydia experiences a miscarriage in April. It affects Lydia more than Atwood, although both are extremely upset. They decide to focus their lives on Cooper, and become stronger as a couple from the experience. In July they take a second honeymoon to Ireland. As Cooper is so young they take her with them, and they all enjoy their two week holiday.


Year 4 - 2014

Lydia gets promoted this year! In March she gets promoted to senior nursery worker, a position she's proud of. She takes the family out to dinner to celebrate. Some more good news comes in April, when Lydia discovers she's pregnant! The couple are happy, but try not to get too attached in case something happens. Their worst fears come true when, in May, Lydia miscarries again. They're heartbroken, but find themselves even more grateful for the daughter they already have.


Year 5 - 2015

In January Lydia once again discovers that she is pregnant. When they pass the three month mark, Lydia and Atwood breathe easier, and start to become really excited to meet their new baby. On July seventh Lydia gives birth to the couple's first son! Avery-Lyle James Henderson is welcomed with open arms by the whole family, and Cooper especially adores her baby brother. Lydia and Avery stay in hospital for a couple of days, and arrive home to a surprise party thrown by Lydia's parents. It's a very thoughtful gesture, and brings Lydia to tears. Cooper presents baby Avery with a teddy bigger than he is to show how much she loves him. In December the whole family takes a one week holiday to Scotland. Cooper enjoys seeing the reindeer and playing in the snow, and her parents adore watching her play.


Year 6 - 2016

Atwood's job demands a temporary relocation to Belgium this year. The family moves there for ten months, and really enjoy the experience. Lydia takes time off of work, and helps out a few days a week at a local nursery. They're not used to living in a two story house, but find the experience very fun. They still prefer their one story house though, and are glad to get back when Atwood's work is done. Lydia and Atwood buy Cooper a fish for Christmas. She names him Bob.


Year 7 - 2017

Atwood takes a three week business trip to China this year. Lydia decides to stay at home with the children, as she's missed a lot of time off of work recently. When Atwood gets back the couple experience a few difficulties in their relationship, and separate for a week. They decide to try marriage counselling, and find that it works really well for them. All of their troubles are put behind them, and Atwood comes home.


Year 8 - 2018

In January Atwood and Lydia get into a huge fight over something trivial. Atwood packs his bags and leaves for a couple of days, giving everyone time to let off some steam. When he comes back they talk it over, and everything gets sorted out. In May Lydia discovers that she's pregnant, which Atwood is excited about. Lydia is also excited, but her job is very busy at the moment, and she almost doesn't sort out any maternity cover. She manages to though, and by the time their son is born on October nineteenth everyone is very excited to meet him. Dillon Septimus Henderson arrives right on time, and is soon making himself a part of the family.


Year 9 - 2019

Lydia discovers that she's pregnant in March of this year. The couple decide to wait a few months to tell the kids, and their instinct was right. Just a couple of weeks later Lydia loses the baby. They're both devastated, and despite all of their recent fights this brings the couple a lot closer. They decide to stop trying to get pregnant, and just let it happen when it happens. Atwood's sister and her husband are also experiences some marriage difficulties, and so Atwood and Lydia offer to look after their children for the summer while they take some counselling sessions. Atwood's nephews Henry Elijah (10) and Kevin Jacob (8) stay with the Hendersons for six weeks.


Year 10 - 2020

Last year Lydia discovered that she was pregnant when she took the kids for their flu shots. It was a shock after her miscarriage in April, but the couple were quietly excited. When Lydia was four months they told the children, who were excited as well. On April twenty sixth Lydia gives birth to a boy, who the couple named Floyd Matthew Henderson. In June Atwood has to take another business trip to China for a couple of weeks, and Lydia stays at home with the children. They all miss Atwood terribly, and are overjoyed when he arrives home a day earlier than expected.


Year 11 - 2021

In January Atwood and Lydia both get two weeks off of work and take the family on holiday to Japan. They all enjoy it, although Floyd is a little young to appreciate it fully, and plan to go back there some time. While on their holiday Lydia discovers that she's once again pregnant. She's happy, but a little upset as she hadn't wanted to get pregnant so quickly after giving birth to Floyd. When their baby girl arrives on August fourteenth all of her worries are forgotten, and the whole family falls in love with little Rowen Zelda Henderson.


Year 12 - 2022

During Atwood's last business trip to China the couple had organised adopting a little girl from an orphanage there named Xiang Xiu. In February this year they finally bring her home, and she fits right in with the rest of the family. Since she is four years old already they decide against changing her name, and find that it really suits her. Only a month after bringing Xiang home, Lydia gets a promotion! She is now a supervisor for the baby room in her nursery, and adores her job.


Year 13 - 2023

On the first of March Lydia gives birth to the couple's third daughter, Gemma Elizabeth Henderson. When she discovered she was pregnant last year, Lydia was crestfallen. She was still happy to be having another baby, but with Floyd and Rowen still being little, and having just adopted Xiang she felt that it wasn't the best timing. By the time that little Ellie arrived she'd gotten used to the idea, and fell in love with her as soon as she saw her face. While on maternity leave with Ellie, Lydia decides to go back to college for a couple of months to boost her degree. She enjoys it a lot, but after finishing she decides that she never wants to write another essay again!


Year 14 - 2024

Whilst having renovations done to their house, the family move to another one story townhouse for eight months this year. They enjoy it, but are glad to get back their own, extended, house. They have put four new bedrooms in, and extended the kitchen. They love it! While they were relocated the family's beloved cat, Cheese Puff, died. It was a huge shock, and everyone spent a few days feeling pretty sad.


Year 15 - 2025

The family purchase another pet fish this year, which the kids name Billy. In July Lydia went into labour a month early. She and Atwood were both panicking, but were relieved when their baby girl was born healthy, just a little too small. Lola-Kate Madeleine Henderson had to stay in the NICU for a month, but was eventually allowed to come home. The couple decide that they are done having children, and are very grateful for the ones that they have.



LN: Henderson


DH: Atwood Liam (37)

DW: Lydia Katherine (36)


DD: Cooper Roisin (13)

DS: Avery-Lyle James (10)

DS: Dillon Septimus (7)

DAD: Xiang Xiu (7)

DS: Floyd Matthew (5)

DD: Rowen Zelda (4)

DD: Gemma Elizabeth (2)
DD: Lola-Kate Madeleine (0)


Atwood and Lydia Henderson with Cooper, Avery, Dillon, Xia, Floyd, Rowen, Ellie, and Lola-Kate



The Henderson family lives in Cardiff in a one story town house with seven bedrooms. Atwood is an accountant with straight brown hair and blue eyes, and Lydia has curly blonde hair and brown eyes and works in a nursery. They have eight children. Cooper was born on the eleventh of June, and has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Avery was born on the seventh of July, and has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Dillon was born on the nineteenth of October and has curly brown hair and blue eyes. Xiang was adopted from China, but her birthday is the twenty second of February, and she has straight black hair and brown eyes. Floyd was born on the twenty sixth of April, and has straight brown hair and brown eyes. Rowen was born on the fourteenth of August, and has straight brown hair and blue eyes. Ellie was born on the first of March, and has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Lola-Kate was born on the third of July, and has curly brown hair and brown eyes.

#75 RaeMarieSmiles


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:17 AM

DH: Joshua Caleb Greene

DW: Rae Marie Greene


Year One 2000

Child: Shortly after we are married I find out that I am expecting a baby girl.  We are thrilled.  Immediately both my parents and Josh's parents want to be in the delivery room when she is born.  She isn't my parents first grandchild since both my sisters have sons but it will be the first granddaughter and it is Josh's parents first grandchild.  Eventually I tell them that only my mother and Josh's mother can be in the delivery room but they can all see her as soon as the doctors say she can have visitors.  The grandfathers are gracious and understanding about it.  We decide on the double first name Jaime-Claire following Josh's initials and after my beloved grandmothers, we also decide on the middle name Temperance after our favorite television character from when we first met.  Jaime-Claire Temperance Greene arrives on June 12th.  She has my blonde, straight hair and both of our blue eyes.


Year two 2001

Moving: Jaime-Claire isn't even a year old when we decide that we need to get out of New York city.  We soon decide on a town in Rhode Island in August, only two months after Jaime-Claire's first birthday , we move to a large two story home in New Port.  She loves the extra space and is happy.  It is a bit inconvenient to have to relocate to a new branch of my firm, and Josh has to begin working at a different hospital but once we adjust we really love the new place and are glad that we moved.


Year Three 2002

Random: In November 2002 we find a stray dog.  We try not to encourage her presence but Jaime-Claire, now two, follows her around calling her Doc.  Soon she sleeps on her veranda and we can't get rid of her, then towards the end of the month she has puppies in our backyard!  She has three puppies and Jaime-Claire loves them.  She calls them Mimi, Ants, and Rick.  When Doc's original owner comes asking about her we ask to keep Ants and she agrees.  By then it is December twentieth so we pick him back up on the twenty-fourth to give to Jaime-Claire from Santa.


Year Four 2003

Moving: My firm closes it s location in Rhode Island so we decide to move back to New York city.  We move into a two-story town house. This means that we have to say goodbye to our dog Ants and Jaime-Claire is heartbroken.  Once we get to New York, I am happy with the constant hustle and bustle of the city and Josh loves his work as a trauma surgeon in a hospital with a little more trauma.  Jaime-Claire begins to settle in once we get her enrolled in preschool since we moved in September and she is now three.


Year Five 2004

Family Matter: In January we are told that Joshua's beloved father, Roger, was diagnosed with cancer.  We all traveled to Boston to be with him for a month.  At the end of the month Josh knows that he can't leave his father in his failing state of health but Jaime-Claire and I have to head back.  We go back to New York city and visit as much as possible.  One night in March we get a call late at night and Josh tells me that his father passed away.  The next morning I tell Jaime-Claire and since she is not quite four, she doesn't understand.  When we travel to Boston for the funeral she keeps asking for Pop and we have to explain it again.  It is a hard time for the family but Josh learns to take less hours at work and we cherish the time that we have with Jaime-Claire.


Year Six 2005

Random: We purchase a new car because all of the travel between Boston and New York makes us realize that we could use a different mode of transport.  It is a little, white four door car.  It isn't anything fancy but we won't need it most of the time in the city.


Year Seven 2006

Child: We never planned for Jaime-Claire to be an only child but life seemed to move so quickly, now that she is getting older, five almost six, we decided that we wanted another baby.  We soon find out that I am pregnant with another baby girl.  During my pregnancy Naomi, Josh's mother, is very involved and she constantly warns us that having two kids is going to be so much harder than having one, even though Josh is an only child.  At one point she even tells me that I should send Jaime-Claire to Boston for a year so that I can get used to having a new baby without any distractions.  I am furious.  Just a month after Jaime-Claire's sixth birthday I give birth to our second daughter.  We name her Amelia, which is our favorite name and her middle name is Heather Naomi after our mothers.  Amelia Heather Naomi Greene is born on July 6th.  She has my blonde, straight hair and blue eyes like her parents and sister.


Year Eight 2007

Random: My friend Stefany and I decide to open a small weekend bookshop to follow our childhood dreams.  She is even more busy than I am so it is hard to get it going at first but I love to bring the girls to the shop and Jaime-Claire loves to read so it turns into a large bonding experience for us.  I hope that Amelia will love it as much as we do one day.


Year Nine 2008

Pet- In August Josh begins to use the time on the weekends that I spend at the store to volunteer at an animal shelter.  Since the girls are eight and two we decide that he can bring home a medium sized dog.  We know it will be hard to make sure he gets enough exercise in the city but we think it would be good for the girls.  They name him Saber.  Jaime-Claire loves him and often remembers to walk him and feed him.  Amelia is still too young to do much for him.


Year ten 2009

Travel: At the end of July we decide to take the family on vacation to California to visit my family.  The girls love playing with their cousins and I am glad to see my sisters and parents.  We also visits the major tourist attractions because Josh and the girls hadn't seen them.


Year Eleven 2010

Pet: For Jaime-Claire's birthday we get her a gold fish who she name Lucy-Kevin since she can't tell if it is a boy or girl.  She is a great pet owner and is very responsible, Amelia is jealous but Jaime-Claire lets her feed Lucy-Kevin sometimes.


Year Twelve 2011

Child: We want another child badly so in October of 2010 we begin trying for another child.  We don't want to wait too long since the girls are ten and five.  We eventually turn to fertility drugs and in January we find out that we are pregnant.  We know there is a chance that it is multiples but we soon find out that it is just one beautiful baby girl.  I go into labor on September 16th which is two weeks early and I am in the middle of the girl's play.  I nearly deliver in the cab on the way to the hospital but luckily we make it to the hospital before our third daughter is born.  We name our daughter Margret but plan to call her Molly and her middle name is Callie-Marie as a variant on Jacob and my middle names.  Margret "Molly" Callie-Marie has her father's brown, straight hair and blue eyes to match the rest of our family.

The girls love their little sister.  Amelia thinks that she is a doll and likes to play mommy.  Jaime-Claire loves to show her to her friends.


Year Thirteen 2012

Pet: Josh still volunteers at the animal shelter and he didn't think that our house was crowded enough so he brought home another puppy named Scoot.  I am furious but eventually he grows on me and I like the little guy.  Jaime-Claire loves him too.


Year Fourteen 2013

Family Matter: Naomi passes away suddenly in November and I am hit with how fast life can change with three daughters we know we need to make sure that they are okay so we set up a will and make sure that they would be left with Stefany.


Year Fifteen 2014

Pet: Jaime-Claire has been begging for a cat and even though we have two dogs, we give in.  Julio joins the family on May ninth.  We discover that Molly doesn't like cats very much and Amelia doesn't seem to notice.


The Greene Family: Joshua Caleb, Jaime-Claire Temperance (14), Amelia Heather-Naomi (9), and Margret "Molly" Callie-Marie (3)

#76 RaeMarieSmiles


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:14 PM

Last Name: Wismar

DW: Savvy Jay Wismar

DH: Lincoln Benjamin Wismar


Year One 2000 

Child: In the middle of March you find out that you are pregnant.  You are excited and plan a nice dinner to tell Link, you even order a cake.  Then the baker sees Link after dropping off the cake and congratulates him on being a dad.  Link is confused and confronts you about it you are sad that your surprise is ruined but you are both happy about the baby.  On December 19th your daughter is born.  You decide to name her Dillian because it is your favorite name and Amabelle after you heard it on a French woman at a restaurant one night.  Dillian Amabelle has wavy, brown hair like her mother and green eyes like her father.


Year Two 2001

Travel: Savvy must go on a business trip to North Dakota for a photo-shoot, in February, and Dillian is too young to tag along so she leaves her with Lincoln.  It is hard to leave Dill when she is so young but Savvy knows that she has to work


Year Three 2002

Random: When your old car breaks down you buy a sports van, in a brilliant navy blue.  You love having a new car to drive your almost-two-year-old but unfortunately she is a bit messy.


Year Four 2003

Child: You find out that you are pregnant again on April 1, and soon find out that it is a girl.  She is due on December 27th but you go into labor on Christmas.  She is born at 4:30 PM on Christmas day.  You decide to name her Media after your deceased aunt and James because Lincoln loves the name.  Media James has brown hair like both of her parents but it is curly like her paternal grandma and she has hazel eyes like her grandpas.

Dillian likes her little sister but she gets a little jealous of all the attention Media gets.


Year Five 2004

Job: You quit your job as a photographer to spend more time with the girls since they are three and not even a year old.  You plan to go back to work when they are a bit older.


Year Six 2005

Moving: You want to see the world and you want the girls to be bilingual so in the November before Dill turns five and Mimi turns two you move to France.  You buy a large single story house just outside of Paris and the girls pick of French very quickly, as do you, but Link is a different story.


Year Seven 2006

Job: In France you began freelance photography but you are not well known so you are loosing money.  By the end of December you decide to turn your attention to your six and three year old girls.


Year Eight 2007

Child: In April you find out that you are pregnant.  You are excited to be welcoming another baby girl.  However, it is a big shock when you go into labor on Christmas AGAIN!!  Once your daughter arrives you name her Lacey because it is one of the few girl names you and Link have left that you agree upon and her middle name is Clover to honor your British heritage.  Lacey Clover has straight blonde hair like her aunt and green eyes like her father.

Dill is better with Lacey than she was with Mimi

Mimi doesn't know why you are at the hospital on her birthday at first but when she realizes she loves HER new present


Year Nine 2008

Travel: In January Link has to go on a business trip to Germany and he leaves you alone with the girls.  It is hectic and it takes some getting used to but by the time he returns you have child care down to a science.


Year Ten 2009

Pet: Dill Is begging for a pet and Link thinks that a nine year old needs a chance to learn responsibility so you take her to a pet store.  She sees the cutest little puppy but you reject the idea and get her a red beta fish she names him Oliver.  You are glad that you opted for the fish since two weeks later she forgets to feed him and he dies.


Year Eleven 2010

Moving: It turns out that Link's company needs a representative that speaks English in England so you decide to move there for three months.  The two story town house you rented is fabulous and the girls think it is really cool to live in a new place where everyone speaks English.


Year Twelve 2011

Travel: Your two best friends from the US CC and Al come visit and you all spend a weekend in Paris.  They have never been so you act as their tour guide and you all have a great trip.  However you miss the girls and are glad to be home.


Year Thirteen 2012

Pet:  The girls want another pet and since they are older, (Dill is 12, Mimi is 9, and Lace is 5) you relent on December 26th you take them to a pet store where they each pick out a different puppy however you and Link let them get another Beta fish instead they creatively name him Puppy and this time they take much better care of their pet although you suspect that Mimi is doing most of the work, not her older sister.


Year Fourteen 2013

Pet: Exactly one year later you decide it is time for the girls to move up from a Beta fish and you surprise them with an exotic lizard who they name Shrek.  Mimi is very fond of him but he scares Lace and Dill is still not the best pet owner.  The lizard wasn't the best idea.


Year Fifteen 2014 TT

Child: In October of 2013 you find out that you are pregnant again.  You are surprised but eventually you become more excited.  Your mother-in-law is around a lot during your pregnancy and constantly reprimands you for having another baby when the girls are so old.  Then when you find out it is a girl she blames you that she doesn't have a grandson  You put up with her until your daughter is born on July 11th.  You name her Kennedy because it fits well with Link's name and you give her the middle name Jay like you.  Kennedy Jay has brown curly hair and green eyes.

Dill likes Kenz but they are too far apart in age for them to be too close

Mimi loves helping you with her and showing off the new baby to everyone that she meets

Lace is sad that she is not the baby anymore but you know that they will bond when she is older.


The Wismar Family: Lincoln "Link" Benjamin, Savvy Jay, Dillian "Dill" Amabelle (14), Media "Mimi" James (11), Lacey "Lace" Clover (7), and Kennedy "Kenz" Jay (NB)

#77 thenamer007


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Posted 24 December 2014 - 01:12 AM

LN: Cash


DH: Arthur Felix

DW: Eleanora Lynn


Year 1

Me and Arthur took a nice weekend trip to California. We just wanted to take a quick break and spend some time together. We went to Disney Land for a day, even though it felt a bit childish since we have no children, and the next day we drove along the coastline and ended up swimming at the beach. It was quite fun.


Year 2

We bought a brand new SUV! It's a light gray color and quite roomy. Our old car kept breaking down, and we figured we should start planning to get a new one.


Year 3

We had some trouble conceiving and ended up using fertility drugs, and we managed to have fraternal twins - a boy and a girl! During the pregnancy, my mother-in-law kept bugging me on how I should raise my children. She told me some of the most absurd things; the craziest one of them was to never let my kids eat bananas. "They'll go bananas if they eat bananas!" Arthur told me not to listen to her.


I named my son Andre Luke. Andre after the fact that my ancestors were French, and Luke because my husband and I are huge Star Wars fans.

I named my daughter Lily May. Lily after my Aunt Leah and May because Arthur picked it out and we both liked it.


They were born September 30th. Andre has straight red hair and blue eyes. His hair is straight from Arthur, and his hair and eye color are both recessive genes. Lily has loosely curled brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair is loosely curled from Arthur's father (my hair has bigger waves), and hair and eye color from me.


Year 4

We let my parents take care of Andre and Lily (because bananas have become Andre's favorite food, thank you very much) while Arthur and I took a second honeymoon! We went to Costa Rica. It was absolutely gorgeous! Arthur got a huge bonus, so that's why we were able to afford it.


Year 5

The company I work for has been bought out by a large one and I have unfortunately lost my job. The economy has been so bad lately that I haven't been able to find a new one. I've been thinking of going back to school, but I don't know how I'll be able to do that when my kids have just turned two...


Year 6

I ended up going back to school and bringing my kids to a daycare. But now Arthur has been down lately and after seeing a doctor he's been diagnosed with depression. Nothing's been able to cheer him up and the pills he takes haven't been doing much. He hasn't been eating a whole lot either. I've been extremely concerned. I tried to talk to him about it, he says he doesn't know why he's been like this. I just hope he can feel better.


Year 7

Arthur's been a lot happier recently, so that's a good thing. However, Lily won't stop asking for a pet. After some consideration, I took her to the pet store. A puppy caught her eye and she begged me to get it. I explain to her that a dog comes with a lot of responsibility, and she says she can handle it; however I just don't see a four year old remembering to take the dog out. I ask her if she would like a fish instead, and she reluctantly agreed. She picked out a Rosy Barb - the man who helped us pick out one said they were good starter fish. She named him Levi after a boy at her preschool.


Year 8

I now work as a writer and I work at home. As a self-reward, I saw OneRepublic in concert! I thought it was amazing.


Year 9

We had a surprise baby, and it was a beautiful baby girl! Arthur missed the birth of her, however. She was born a few weeks early when he had a meeting to attend. He was so depressed...I kept telling him that it was okay and that it wasn't his fault. He was definitely more upset about than me, so I let him name her. He chose Margaret Elizabeth and calls her Maggie. I love the name.


She was born May 2nd. Her hair is blonde and straight like Arthur's, and has my brown eyes. She's precious!


Year 10

We redid our house! Our kitchen and bathrooms are brand-new, the kids' rooms are a dream, and the living room is coziest place ever. My new job has been reeling in a ton of money. The kids love it!


Year 11

Some friends and I went to Tucson for a day. We went on hikes and things like that. They said the place was gorgeous, so I went with them. It was pretty fun.


Year 12

I made this machine where you type something, and it sends the data to an electrical pen that writes it down on a piece of paper. I was quite proud of it! I didn't get a whole lot of money from it, but I did get a fair amount of recognition for it.


Year 13

Andre and Lily turned ten and Maggie's now three. Arthur got a job transfer and we moved to Prescott. We're not used to snow down in Phoenix so it's an interesting experience for us! We moved into a four-bedroom, single-story house. Andre misses his friends but he said he can manage.


Year 14

One of my stories was getting unexpected criticism and the publishing company wanted me to respond to everyone about the book at several conferences. During this stressful time I gave birth to my fourth child - a boy. Arthur had to take a ton of time off to help me with him. How we named him was quite funny - Maggie overheard me talking with a neighbor about possible names and asked me if I could name him Abu. "You know, like the monkey from Aladdin?" I thought it was a little silly to name a child after a Disney movie. But when I told Arthur about it, he pointed out that Abu Cash does have a ring to it. I didn't know it but I fell in love with the name. We gave him the full name of Abraham so he could use a professional name if needed and called him Abu for short. His full name is Abraham George (the latter after Arthur's father).


His birthday is June 9th. He has my wavy brown hair and Arthur's green eyes.


Year 15

My uncle passed away. When I heard the news, I completely dropped everything I was doing and started crying. When I was a kid, he would pick me up, twirl me around, and say that he would always be there for me. Well, now he's not. Arthur came and comforted me. It took me awhile to get over it, but I eventually realized that we all must pass at some point in our lives. Poor Uncle Tom. He may be gone, but he'll always have a special place in my heart.




DS/DD: Andre Luke/Lily May (12)

DD: Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" (6)

DS: Abraham George "Abu" (1)

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Posted 25 December 2014 - 04:01 AM

LN: Romijnders


DH: Paul Elian (23) - Dentist, blonde hair, blue eyes

DW: Hanne Stien Mina [Aldenkamp] (22) - Trainee lawyer, brown hair, grey eyes


Paul and Hanne met in high school and started dating aged 18 and 17 respectively. They live in Utrecht in the Netherlands, and married on December 9th 2014.


Paul and Hanne Romijnders




Year 1 - 2015

This year starts of really well for the Romijnders family, as Paul receives a promotion in January! It comes with a raise, and Paul takes Hanne out for a really lovely dinner to celebrate. In April Hanne buys Paul a pet rabbit, something that he has wanted since he was a little boy, and Paul names her Spikkel (speckle). Things start to get a bit worrisome towards the end of the year as Paul learns that the company he works for is going bankrupt.


Year 2 - 2016

After learning that his company was going bankrupt at the end of last year, Paul decides to transfer to a new company. He now works for Chriurgie van de tandarts Utrecht (the Utrecht dentist's surgery), and is glad to have kept his job. Later on in the year though Paul goes through a really bad few weeks, and Hanne insists he go to the doctors. Paul is diagnosed with depression, and the whole family rallies around him to help him cope.


Year 3 - 2017

In January of this year Hanne learns that she is pregnant, and the couple are incredibly excited! Paul is managing his depression really well, and has been back at work for a month already. During her maternity leave Hanne spends two days a week at the local dog shelter, and falls in love with a Jack Russell puppy. She talks to Paul about it, and they decide to adopt the puppy, who they name Koekje (cookie). A few weeks before her due date Hanne goes into labour, but Paul is still at work. Hanne's mother drives her to the hospital, but by the time Paul arrives from work the baby has already arrived. Paul is upset to have missed the birth of his first baby, but it's all forgotten when he holds her for the first time. Mirjam Willemijn Romijnders is born on August 7th 2017, weighing 6lbs 6oz. She has Hanne's brown hair and grey eyes, but looks just like Paul in the face.


Year 4 - 2018

Paul and Hanne discuss getting a new pet, however they can't decide on which type to get. Paul would like another rabbit while Hanne wants another dog. In the end they get a rabbit who they name Pluizig (fluffy), as they both finally agree that it will be less work than another dog. Hanne also makes the decision this year to go back to college. She's not happy working as a lawyer, and with Mirjam still a baby she decides that she'd love to become a childminder instead. She loves it, and can't wait until she can start looking after other people's children.


Year 5 - 2019

Paul and his best friend Mozes Anton Van Altena start their own dental business, something that they'd talked about since the start of high school. They really enjoy being self employed, and a lot of Paul's clients transfer to his new practice. Hanne is very proud of him, and the business does really well in their first year. In May the family take in two young children for foster care. Jordaan Diederik is five, and his younger sister Lotte Minke is two. They stay with the family for seven months before moving on, and everyone enjoys having them around. Paul and Hanne discuss having another baby, and decide to start trying to conceive.


Year 6 - 2020

In February Hanne discovers that she is pregnant, and the whole family is ecstatic. Paul takes the two weeks around her due date off from work, so that he doesn't miss the birth this time. Throughout Hanne's pregnancy Paul's mother, Silke, constantly bugs her about how she thinks Hanne should raise her children. Hanne does her best to ignore it, but when Silke says that Hanne shouldn't coddle her children and just leave them to cry it out Hanne breaks down and starts to cry. Paul has a word with Silke, and she doesn't mention anything like that again. On September 25th 2020, baby Bartholomeus Floris Romijnders joins the family. He has blonde hair and blue eyes like Paul, as well as Paul's nose and mouth, but his eyes are just like Hanne's. Mirjam is a very caring big sister, and Hanne and Paul are glad they made the decision to have another child. After Bartholomeus is born the couple make the decision to move house, and decide to move into a new city as well. They buy a two story townhouse in Langboerk that has five bedrooms, and settle in very quickly.


Year 7 - 2021

At the beginning of the year Paul has to take a business trip to Sweden to promote his new business, and try and get some partnerships going. He is only gone for two weeks, and so Hanne and the children stay at home. Hanne has recently become a childminder, and so this is another reason for her to stay behind. The family misses Paul a lot, but the trip passes very quickly, and he is soon back home. Paul and Hanne decide to buy a pet fish for Mirjam on her birthday this year. She is very excited, and names her little goldfish Bloem (flower).


Year 8 - 2022

Unfortunately Paul's business goes under, and he loses his job. He fights his depression for a few weeks, and then hears about a new job from Hanne's sister, Leonie. He applies, and it doesn't take long for him to hear that he has the job! Paul's new job is quite far away from the house, and the couple make the decision to move into a house closer to his job. They buy a two story house with four bedrooms very close to the city centre, and the whole family adores it.


Year 9 - 2023

Hanne volunteers at an animal shelter again during the summer, and falls in love with a Siamese kitten there. She talks it over with Paul, and they decide that they are able to take her in. They name the little kitten Jenever (juniper), and the children fall instantly in love with her. Koekje takes a little while to get used the the new kitten, but they are soon fast friends. In January of this year Hanne finds out that she is pregnant, and is a little shocked. Her career as a childminder has just started to get busy, and so having a baby isn't the best thing to happen right now. The thought of having another baby is very exciting though, and Hanne juggles her career and being pregnant very well. Luckily Evelien Lysanne Romijnders arrives during the summer holidays on August 27th 2023, and Hanne takes two weeks off after the birth to get adjusted to being a mother of three. Evelien has blonde hair and blue eyes, but looks just like Hanne in the face. Her big sister and brother love her lots, and Hanne is glad that she arrived, even though she wasn't expected. Only a month after Evelien is born, Hanne learns that she is pregnant again. The baby is once again unplanned, but Hanne and Paul are excited to be welcoming another a baby into their family.


Year 10 - 2024

On June 30th 2024 Hanne gives birth to Bastiaan Cornelius Romijnders, who is born with a head of dark brown hair and blue eyes. They stay in the hospital for three days, and arrive home to a party thrown by Paul's parents, Silke and Geert. Hanne is overwhelmed by the kindness, and is so happy to have such a loving family. Bastiaan fits into the family straight away. In December, six months after Bastiaan is born, the family takes a vacation to Sweden. Paul had really enjoyed it there when he went a few years ago, and he convinces Hanne that the family would enjoy it. He is right, the family really enjoys their holiday, and make plans to go back again soon.


Year 11 - 2025

Hanne's childminding service is doing really well, and she can afford to employ someone else to help her take care of the children. This is a sort of promotion for her, and so she takes Paul and the children out to celebrate. Paul is very proud of her, and the family enjoys a really nice meal out. After their lovely family holiday last year, Paul and Hanne book another holiday to Sweden, this time during the summer holidays. It is nice to see the country during a different season, and everyone agrees that the holiday was better than last year.


Year 12 - 2026

In February Paul and Hanne take a second honeymoon to England, leaving the children with Paul's parents, Silke and Geert. They really love seeing London, and taking a boat ride on the Thames, and discuss bringing the children here one day. While on their honeymoon Hanne starts to feel ill, and thinks that she may have appendicitus. Paul takes her to the hospital, where they discover that she is four months pregnant! They are overjoyed, and can't wait to get home to tell their families. Albertus Sjors Romijnders arrives on July 1st 2026 sporting a few tufts of blonde hair, and Hanne's grey eyes. Having five children is hard work, but Paul and Hanne love it.


Year 13 - 2027

In July of this year Hanne becomes pregnant, and she and Paul are very excited to welcome another baby to their family. Unfortunately Hanne experiences a miscarriage in August, and she is devastated. It takes her a few months to start coping, and she finds herself incredibly grateful for the five beautiful children she already has. Paul had entered a contest back in December of last year, and gets the news that he has won! The family receives a brand new car, which is something they had been needing for a while, and Paul is very happy. Their new car has eight seats, and fits the whole family very nicely. They still have one of their old cars with five seats, so that Paul can get to work during the week.


Year 14 - 2028

Last year Hanne and Paul's rabbits, Spikkel and Pluizig, passed away, and so the couple have been looking to get another small pet. They make the decision to buy a hamster, who they name Kat (cat), and encourage the older children to take responsibility and help look after her. Hanne falls pregnant again this year, but tries not to get her hopes up after her unfortunate miscarriage last year. Her fears turn out to be right when she once again miscarries, this time at only six weeks pregnant. It takes her less time to bounce back this year, but she is still devastated at the loss. The whole family comes together to help her get through this tough time.


Year 15 - 2029

Paul takes a business trip to London this year, and Hanne and the children go with him. They are there for a month, and they all enjoy seeing the sights and spending family time together. When they get home, the children ask to go on holiday there again, and Hanne and Paul tell them they will think about it. After having trouble conceiving since the miscarriages, Hanne and Paul turn to fertility drugs to help them conceive one last child. Hanne become pregnant, and at the first ultrasound it is discovered that she is carrying twins! The couple are over the moon, and Hanne especially is very excited to welcome two new babies to the family. To prepare for the birth, the family adds an extension to the house, which has three extra bedrooms and two bathrooms in it. On Christmas day, three weeks before her due date, Hanne goes into labour, which panics everyone. Hanne stays calm though, and gets to the hospital in time. Katinka Liesbeth Romijnders and Marjolein Lotte Romijnders are born at 5lbs and 5lbs 3oz respectively, and are, surprisingly to Hanne and Paul, fraternal. Katinka has brown hair and blue eyes, while Marjolein has blonde hair and blue eyes. They are a lot of work, but everyone adores them, and they are a welcome addition to the family.




LN: Romijnders


DH: Paul Elian (38) - Dentist, blonde hair, blue eyes

DW: Hanne Stien Mina [Aldenkamp] (37) - Childminder, brown hair, grey eyes


DD: Mirjam Willemijn (12) - Brown hair, grey eyes

DS: Bartholomeus Floris (9) - Blonde hair, blue eyes

DD: Evelien Lysanne (6) - Blonde hair, blue eyes

DS: Bastiaan Cornelius (5) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DS: Albertus Sjors (3) - Blonde hair, grey eyes

DD: Katinka Liesbeth (0) - Brown hair, blue eyes

DD: Marjolein Lotte (0) - Blonde hair, blue eyes


Paul and Hanne met in high school and started dating aged 18 and 17 respectively. They live in Langboerk in the Netherlands, and married on December 9th 2014. Together they have seven children, aged 12-0.


Paul and Hanne Romijnders with Mirjam, Bartholomeus, Evelien, Bastiaan, Albertus, Katinka, and Marjolein

#79 AmyB


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 04:41 PM

LN- Bay


DH- Joel Edward

b: January 29, 1972

DW- Eva Ruth

b: April 9, 1973


Year 1 - 2001

Joel (29), Eva (28), Nora (0)


A year to the date after our wedding, Joel and I found out we were expecting our first baby. This news came a month after I received a promotion to Junior Partner at my law-firm, becoming the youngest ever to be made Junior Partner. I worked up until 37 weeks, and then began my maternity leave. I barely had time to get anything ready for the baby however, because at 38 weeks and 1 day, I went into labor. On November 3rd, I was at a prenatal yoga retreat and for the first 3 hours of contractions, I thought it was just gas and muscle aches from being active. When I finally realized, it was another hour-and-a-half drive to the hospital and by that point our little baby girl was almost born in the car. Fortunately we made it into the birthing center and after only 10 minutes in the room, Nora Violet Bay was born.


Year 2 - 2002

Joel (30), Eva (29), Nora (1)


Only a few months after having Nora, I had to go on a week long business trip to the New York offices. Because it was also coming up on mine and Joel's 2nd wedding anniversary we decided to make a whole family trip out of it. In February 2002, our precious Nora took her first plane ride across the country. Later in the year, the architecture company that Joel was working for went bankrupt and so he lost his job. At this point he is staying home with Nora, because I am back at work full-time, but in a couple months he will begin looking for another job.


Year 3 - 2003

Joel (31), Eva (30), Nora (2)


Although Joel and I are not exactly believers in fate, it definitely seemed like a miracle when we were both offered positions at the same time, in the same city: Vancouver, Canada. Joel was offered a contract working on a new quad of buildings in the downtown core that would last at least 4 years. I was offered the role of Equity Partner at my law-firm's new offices in Vancouver. We found a two-story house with a large backyard, and a very good selection of schools for Nora (and any more to come!). And the final part of the move was a new car for me, while Joel continued to use his Ford F-150. After much deliberation we settled on the Volvo XC60.


Year 4 - 2004

Joel (32), Eva (31), Nora (3)


This was the year that Joel and I finally decided to take the plunge and get a dog. A couple weeks after making the decision, we went to the SPCA and absolutely fell head-over-heels in love with a 2-year-old Brittany Spaniel named Brie. Within hours of bringing Brie home, she and Nora had become best friends. As a pet project (because apparently I thought I wasn't busy enough) my two sisters and I decided to start a joint blog together about life as Laywer-Doctor-Engineer moms.


Year 5 - 2005

Joel (33), Eva (32), Nora (4), Henry (0)


Early in the year, Joel was called away to Chicago to consult on another one of his company's projects. It was a long-trip of almost 3 weeks and by the end, Nora and I really missed him. We surprised him by picking him up at the airport with signs and balloons and then going out for ice cream. Later that night, after putting Nora to bed, I surprised Joel one more time with the news that I was pregnant! I had known for a while but wanted to wait and tell Joel in person. By then, I was 8 weeks along and due in early October and although I knew that month was set to be a very busy time at the firm, I was sure that Joel and I would make it work. We found out we were having a boy in May, and on September 28th Nora's baby brother Henry Jude Bay arrived into our perfect little family.


Year 6 - 2006

Joel (34), Eva (33), Nora (5), Henry (1)


In June my 17-year-old niece Kate Lewis moved in with Joel and I for the summer while she completed a two-month internship at a fashion house downtown. In September she moved to Toronto to continue pursuing a career in Fashion Design at Ryerson University. While Kate was staying with us, her parents (my eldest brother and sister-in-law) came to visit us for 10 days. Joel and I politely escaped for 3 days while they were visiting and took a mini-vacation to Whistler for a weekend while Kate, Peter and Michelle looked after the kids.


Year 7 - 2007

Joel (35), Eva (34), Nora (6), Henry (2), Milo (0)


Upon Nora's jubilant graduation from Kindergarten, Joel and I took her to the local pet store to pick out a fish that would be her very own. She chose a turquoise and dark blue Siamese fighting fish and named him Sam, after her best friend, Joel's dad (aka Grandpa). A couple months after bringing home Sam, we bring home another addition, but this time it's a human. Our third pregnancy came as a huge surprise to us, as we were not trying at all. For the rest of the pregnancy Joel's mother did not stop nagging me about being extremely careful and taking it easy. She even went so far as to contact my boss in an effort to force me to take the whole pregnancy off. Our second boy was born on August 11th and we named him Milo Atticus Bay.


Year 8 - 2008

Joel (36), Eva (35), Nora (7), Henry (3), Milo (1)


With the wrapping up of Joel's project, we had to start thinking about where we were heading next, or if we would be staying in Vancouver. After nights of talking and consideration, we decided to move back to Los Angeles where I could easily slide back into my old position at the LA firm. Furthermore, Joel was in talks with his best friend from school and they were considering starting their own Architecture firm. Only two weeks after deciding, we had the cars all packed up and were on our way to LA where we would be renting a four-bedroom for the first year while Joel built our dream home. After arriving, Nora told us she not only wanted to play soccer and baseball, but also wanted to start taking ballet class. So we signed her up for ballet and while at the Community Center, we enrolled Henry in gymnastics.


Year 9 - 2009

Joel (37), Eva (36), Nora (8), Henry (4), Milo (2)


In February, we found out we were expecting again, this time only a half-surprise. However, we hadn't even made it to the first doctor's appointment when devastatingly, I suffered a miscarriage. It was tough explaining to Nora and Henry that the baby went away, but luckily we hadn't told anyone else yet and so we were able to keep the sorrow to ourselves. I knew that eventually I would want that fourth baby, but for many months, I couldn't even bring myself to think about trying again. Finally, in September, I told Joel that I was ready and a month later I was holding a positive pregnancy test. With lots of tears we began preparing for baby number four.


Year 10 - 2010

Joel (38), Eva (37), Nora (9), Henry (5), Milo (3), Ellie (0)


Even after an uneventful, smooth first trimester, I spent the whole pregnancy with white knuckles, counting down the hours until our baby was full-term and we could meet our girl. She decided to make a grand entrance on July 4th and a mere two-hours after her birth, Joel and I watched the fireworks snuggled up with Eloise Coralie Bay. While out on a walk with Milo and Ellie, after the other two were back in school, Milo found a frog and begged to keep it. I had to put my foot down though, and with cries of anguish, we released Mr. Green back into the pond.


Year 11 - 2011

Joel (39), Eva (38), Nora (10), Henry (6), Milo (4), Eloise (1)


In May, we received the news that Joel's younger brother Stuart and his wife Liza would be travelling to Australia on a nature photography project for 6 weeks. Happily, we offered to look after their two kids while they were away. Once school ended, River (6) and Fern (4) came to stay with us and what resulted was "the best summer ever". After the two additions left, Joel and I took on the project of building a deluxe tree house in the backyard, something we had been promising the kids for a while.


Year 12 - 2012

Joel (40), Eva (39), Nora (11), Henry (7), Milo (5), Eloise (2)


For Joel's 40th birthday, we took a family vacation to Hawaii for the two weeks of spring break. It was the perfect balance of relaxation and adventure, enjoyed by all 6 of the Bays. Later in the year, my girlfriends and I took a weekend trip to the Napa Valley where we sampled too much wine and ate way too much cheese.


Year 13 - 2013

Joel (41), Eva (40), Nora (12), Henry (8), Milo (6), Eloise (3), Jane (0)


For my 40th birthday, I surprised the family with the news that we were expecting again! This time, the baby was planned, although Joel and I had been skeptical of whether we would be able to conceive. Baby #5 was born on October 15th and a day later we brought home Jane Willa Bay to a surprise welcome home part, put together by my two sisters Natalie and Collette. For Christmas, once we were all settled with Jane, we brought home a baby kitten for the kids, and they named her Lulu.


Year 14 - 2014

Joel (42), Eva (41), Nora (13), Henry (9), Milo (7), Eloise (4), Jane (1), August (0)


It was the biggest shock of our lives so far, when only 6 months after having Jane, we found out we were a month pregnant with another baby. We waited until 3 months to tell the family, and when we did they were just as floored as us. We told them with a scavenger hunt at our spring BBQ. August Ezra Bay was born on December 6th. A couple months before having Gus, Joel and I took a babymoon to Whistler.


Year 15 - 2015

Joel (43), Eva (42), Nora (14), Henry (10), Milo (8), Eloise (5), Jane (2), August (1)


With two new babies in such quick succession, Joel and I decided to put an addition on the house: two new bedrooms and another bathroom. It took about 3 months, but luckily we were able to stay in the house during the renovations. We also had to purchase a new car: a GMC Yukon XL to accommodate for all 8 of us.

#80 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 01 October 2016 - 06:17 PM

LN: Smith


DH: Lewis Alexander (22) - Straight red hair, green eyes, accountant

DW: Maybelle 'May' Rose [Johnson] (23) - Curly blonde hair, brown eyes, care worker


Lewis and May Smith




Year 1

Moving: Lewis and May temporarily move to a new city in order for Lewis to attend some training for his job. They rent a one story condominium for three months.

Random: May and her friend start a small business selling hand made cards. It makes a bit of extra money, and May finds it relaxing and really enjoys it.

Lewis - 23

May - 24


Year 2

Moving: Once again Lewis and May have to move temporarily in order for Lewis to attend some training for his job. This time they are renting a one story town house for nine months in the next state over.

Child: May and Lewis become parents! The baby arrives at a busy time in May's career. May is doing a qualification at work, and only just manages to finish it before she starts her maternity leave. On June 24th the couple welcome a little girl, who they name Scarlet Wilhelmina Smith.

Lewis - 24

May - 25

Scarlet - 0


Year 3

Moving: Another year another move. This time the move is permanent as Lewis' company offered him a big promotion if he transferred to their Malta branch. The couple buy a beautiful one story condominium with three bedrooms, and enjoy decorating it and exploring their new country.

Random: May decides to go back to college. While still working as a carer May's dream job has always been to be a school counselor, and so takes a college psychology course in the hopes of achieving her dream.

Lewis - 25

May - 26

Scarlet - 1


Year 4

Moving: Once again the Smiths are moving. Lewis' company have transferred him to a branch in a different region, and so the little family buys a 3 bedroom apartment and packs their bags.

Pet: Lewis and May decide to buy a small pet for their apartment. They decide on a cute little guinea pig, who Scarlet immediately christens Cuddles.

Lewis - 26

May - 27

Scarlet - 2


Year 5

Travel: Lewis and May take a second honeymoon this year. They decide to spend a week in Belgium, and take Scarlet with them as she's still quite young. They enjoy seeing all the sights, and the chocolate is delightful.

Random: Lewis decides to write a book about his experiences living without a limb. He was born with just one fully developed leg, and uses a prosthetic and has done since he was young. He hopes that it will help people who are living with a missing limb, and maybe help those who aren't understand a little better about what it is like living without a leg.

Lewis - 27

May - 28

Scarlet - 3


Year 6

Pet: Lewis comes home one day with a little tabby kitten. May is upset that he didn't check with her first. She's never really been a cat person, and would probably have objected to having one if it wasn't already done. Scarlet completely adores the cat, and christens him Mr. Snowball. The little ball of fluff grows on May, and she comes to love him in the end.

Travel: Lewis and May take a weekend trip to Italy. Scarlet stays at a friend's house for the weekend, and the couple enjoy some time together without her around. They all miss each other though, and by the time the weekend is over they are glad to be home.

Lewis - 28

May - 29

Scarlet - 4


Year 7

Travel: For May's 30th birthday some of her friends treat her to a day out in the nearest big city. They spend the day shopping, getting manicures, and enjoying fine food and drink at some lovely cafes. Lewis and Scarlet spend their day at the local pool, and Scarlet is all too happy to tell mummy all about her day when she gets home.

Family matters: Lewis and May get into a huge fight over money. It's so bad that Lewis packs a bag and leaves. After calming down and spending a few days thinking and processing everything Lewis returns. They reconcile, and are more determined to communicate better and try not to argue like that again.

Lewis - 29

May - 30

Scarlet - 5


Year 8

Travel: The family takes a vacation to Germany this year. They have a wonderful time sightseeing, and Scarlet is big enough to take it all in this time. They try lots of new foods, and are eager to come back again soon.

Pet: Unfortunately Cuddles the guinea pig passed away last year. Scarlet was devastated, and so Lewis and May decide to buy her another guinea pig for her birthday. She is overjoyed, and immediately christens the new ball of fluff Cuddles Jr.

Lewis - 30

May - 31

Scarlet - 6


Year 9

Child: Scarlet became a big sister! May went into labor on June 5th, a few weeks earlier than expected, and was actually still at work! She was on her last day before her maternity leave and nearly gave birth in the school nurse's office. Luckily an ambulance showed up pretty quickly and whisked her away to hospital where she gave birth to a little boy, duly named Bastjan Lewis Smith. They chose the name Bastjan after a kind gentlemen who they met when they had just moved to Malta.

Moving: The family has to move once again because of Lewis' job. Just a new city this time, and it's not far away from their old house. They buy a single story house with four bedrooms and a large garden for the kids to run around in.

Lewis - 31

May - 32

Scarlet - 7

Bastjan - 0


Year 10

Travel: Lewis has to go on a business trip to England for three weeks. May decides to stay at home with the children, partly because Bastjan is still very little and partly because Scarlet still has to attend school. They miss Lewis terribly, and are glad when he returns.

Pet: Mr. Snowball gave birth to two kittens. Lewis and May had assumed that Mr. Snowball was a boy cat, and so it was a little bit of a shock when they came downstairs one morning to find him curled up in the laundry room with two little kittens. Scarlet names them Lola and Honey, and they plan to give them to her friends, with their parents' permission of course.

Lewis - 32

May - 33

Scarlet - 8

Bastjan - 1


Year 11

Pet: Scarlet declares that her guinea pig, Cuddles Jr., is lonely, and so Lewis and May buy him a friend. The new guinea pig gains the name Fuzzy courtesy of the youngest Smith.

Child: Bastjan became a big brother! Lewis and May welcome a baby girl on January 14th, who they decide to name Pamina Gwendoline Smith. There was almost a mix up with Mina and another baby at the hospital. Fortunately the other family noticed that their baby didn't want to eat when she should be hungry, due to the fact that she had already been fed as it was Mina! Thankfully both families went home with the right baby!

Lewis - 33

May - 34

Scarlet - 9

Bastjan - 2

Mina - 0


Year 12

Job: May decides to quit her job. With Lewis' blessing she becomes a stay at home mum, and spends her days looking after the kids.

Child: May discovers that she is pregnant in early February of this year. She and Lewis decide not to tell the children until May is at least three months along, and it turns out that their decision was wise. May unfortunately miscarries the baby a few weeks later, and she and Lewis are devastated. They decide to stop actively trying to get pregnant, and that it will happen if it's meant to. They make sure to spend more time with the children they already have, and become so much closer as a couple.

Lewis - 34

May - 35

Scarlet - 10

Bastjan - 3

Mina - 1


Year 13

Child: Mina became a big sister! Due to their miscarriage last year Lewis and May keep this pregnancy a secret until May passes the six month mark. On June 17th they welcome a little boy who they name Johannes Nicolai Smith. Lewis' mother had been pestering them to name him Nicholas after Lewis' late father. They liked the sentiment, but Nicholas was not a name that either of them liked, and so they decided to compromise and make his middle name Nicolai. It turns out that Lewis' mother is so touched that she organised a surprise party for them in order to celebrate little Hansi's birth.

Random: Lewis and May decide to buy a new car. With the birth of baby Hansi their little five seat car is far too small, and so they buy a nice eight seater that fits their family just nicely.

Lewis - 35

May - 36

Scarlet - 11

Bastjan - 4

Mina - 2

Hansi - 0


Year 14

Child: Hansi became a big brother! Lewis found out about the pregnancy from his mother rather than May, when she found May's pregnancy test in the bathroom bin. He was a little upset that she hadn't told him, but still excited to be welcoming another baby to their growing family. On August 15th they welcomed their third son, Lukas Simon Smith, to the family.

Travel: Before the birth of baby Luka, Lewis and May decide to take another little weekend honeymoon. They spend a couple of days in Greece, and enjoy the peace and quite before returning home to their children.

Lewis - 36

May - 37

Scarlet - 12

Bastjan - 5

Mina - 3

Hansi - 1

Luka - 0


Year 15

Moving: Lewis' company relocate him once again, and so the family packs up and moves to a different region. They buy a lovely 4 bedroom duplex, and the children don't mind sharing rooms. Scarlet and Mina share, Bastjan and Hansi share, and Luka sleeps in the nursery.

Child: Luka became a big brother! May didn't know that she was pregnant until she went in for her regular health check up. She was already four months pregnant! Both she and Lewis were shocked, but still happy and excited to welcome the new baby. On September 3rd they welcomed their fourth son, Michael Maxwell Ross Smith, to the family.

Lewis - 37

May - 38

Scarlet - 13

Bastjan - 6

Mina - 4

Hansi - 2

Luka - 1

Cael - 0




LN: Smith


DH: Lewis Alexander (37) - Straight red hair, green eyes, accountant

DW: Maybelle 'May' Rose [Johnson] (38) - Curly blonde hair, brown eyes, stay-at-home mum


DD: Scarlet Wilhelmina (13) - Wavy red hair, brown eyes

DS: Bastjan Lewis (6) - Wavy red hair, brown eyes

DD: Pamina 'Mina' Gwendoline (4) - Straight blonde hair, blue eyes

DS: Johannes 'Hansi' Nicolai (2) - Wavy blond hair, green eyes

DS: Lukas 'Luka' Simon (1) - Straight blond hair, green eyes

DS: Michael 'Cael' Maxwell Ross (0) - Straight blond hair, green eyes


Lewis and May Smith with Scarlet, Bastjan, Mina, Hansi, Luka, and Cael

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