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Create a Family with A Twist- Harry Potter Style

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#61 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 01 November 2015 - 06:33 PM



Hikaru Edward Miyamoto [35] is Emi and Nico's uncle, their mother's older brother. Hikaru's father is Japanese, and his mother is English. He has always been close to his mother's family, and spent every summer in Japan as a child. Even though Hikaru attended Hogwarts, where he was in Ravenclaw, he has always been very interested in the ancient magic practiced by Japanese wizards, and has become proficient in a special kind of kanji calligraphy imbued with spells, which his grandfather taught him. Hikaru is married to his Hogwarts sweetheart, a Scottish witch, and they have three children. There oldest child has received a Hogwarts acceptance letter as well as a letter of acceptance to Kitsune no Yama, the magical school in Japan. Hikaru and his wife are currently discussing which school they think their child should attend.

#62 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 04 November 2015 - 07:44 PM



Fiona Mayako Miyamoto [6] is the middle child of Hikaru and his wife, cousin of Emi and Nico. Fiona is an outgoing, quirky little girl who loves bright colours and things that fly. She has shown really strong bouts of accidental magic, and is excited to get to go to school and learn magic with a wand. Her best friend at primary school is a muggleborn who currently doesn't know she can do magic, and Fiona can't wait until she figures it out so they can talk about magic together. When she grows up Fiona wants to be a horticulturalist, and study all kinds of muggle and magical plants.

#63 Holloway


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Posted 05 November 2015 - 09:13 PM


Aila Nozomi Miyamoto (11)

Aila Is the eldest child of Hikaru the older Cousin of Emi and Nico and the older sister of Fiona and one brother.Though Aila doesn't yet know which magical school she will be attending she secretly wishes to go to Hogwarts like both of her parents, she has heard their stories of their time at the castle longs to explore it and discover it's secrets for herself. She has some knowledge of magic because she managed to convince her father to start teaching her some of his Kanji calligraphy but she is far from proficient at it and he has told her that it will take many years of hard work, she is very excited to get to school where she can learn to use magic with a wand but she is a bit nervous about leaving all of her muggle friends as the only other witches and wizards she knows are her cousin and the children of her parents friends.

#64 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 06 November 2015 - 10:32 AM



Duncan Hikaru Miyamoto [4] is the younger brother of Aila and Fiona, son of Hiraku, and cousin of Emi and Nico. Duncan is loud and outgoing, he loves sports and dressing up in costumes, and often plays pretend games with his older sisters. He is very close to all of his family members, he's loving and caring and very empathetic. At the moment he wants to be a truck driver when he grows up.

#65 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 06 November 2015 - 07:01 PM



Leslie Catrina Miyamoto (nee Macmillan) [35] is Hikaru's wife and the mother of Aila, Fiona, and Duncan. Leslie comes from a long line of Scottish wizards and witches, and grew up in Hogsmeade within sight of Hogwarts. She met her husband Hiakru at the famous wizarding school, where they were both in Ravenclaw. Hikaru wasn't the type of guy she pictured herself marrying, but the two of them are very happy. Leslie teaches Study of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts, and hopes that Aila will choose to go to Hogwarts rather than Kitsune no Yama, though she will support her daughter's decision either way.

#66 Holloway


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Posted 07 November 2015 - 02:23 AM


Moira Skye Graeme (13): Moira is Leslie's niece and Aila, Fiona, and Duncan's Cousin. She is a  Hufflepuff at Hogwarts and her family still lives in Hogsmeade where her mother and Aunt Leslie grew up. She's typically a quiet person and likes being in Hufflepuff because her housemates have always made a conscious effort to welcome and get to know her despite her initial shyness, Her favorite subject is care of magical creatures and she has made friends with the man who owns the magical menagerie in Hogsmeade and he says that when she's a little older he'd be happy to have her work there when she isn't at school.

#67 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 08 November 2015 - 08:03 PM



Maisie Sorcha Graeme [11] is Moira's sister, Leslie's niece, and Aila, Fiona, and Duncan's cousin. She just started her first year at Hogwarts, where she was sorted into Slytherin. Maisie is quiet like her sister, but is much more intense, and is a bit of a loner. She doesn't really like other people much, because she never really feels like she can make a connection with others. Her Aunt Leslie believes it's because she is very smart and precocious for her age, and this makes it harder for her to socialize with her peers. Leslie is attempting to help her find friends at Hogwarts, and she sometimes lets Maisie sit in on her advanced Study of Ancient Runes classes. Maisie has managed to become friends with a few of the older students in her aunt's class, whom she feels like she has more in common with. Maisie is happiest when she is outside, and has taken to wondering in the Forbidden Forest during her free time. Her favorite class is Herbology, and she loves to search for interesting plants.  

#68 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 09 November 2015 - 10:12 AM



Malcolm 'Mac' Sawyer Graeme (6) and Meredith 'Merry' Sloane Graeme (5) are the younger siblings of Moira and Maisie, the nephew and niece of Leslie, and the cousins of Aila, Fiona, and Duncan.

Mac is the only boy in his family of five children, but he doesn't mind as he is very close to all of his sisters. He is outgoing and bubbly, but can be shy around people he doesn't know. He can't wait to go to Hogwarts in five years, he really misses Moira and Maisie while they are there and is looking forward to them coming home for Christmas. At the moment his dream job would be a fireman, but that might change when he starts to learn magic.

Merry is a little shyer than Mac, she likes to spend a lot of time by herself reading and colouring. Her favourite hobby is painting, she shares the studio in the family's garden with her mum. She is incredibly close to her older sister Maisie, and really misses her while she is away at Hogwarts.

#69 Holloway


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Posted 09 November 2015 - 10:23 PM


Morgana "Gana" Shea Graeme (8): Moira and Maisie's little sister and big sister to Mac and Merry. Gana is probably the most outgoing of her siblings with the possible exception of Mac, and has gotten used to being the one who talks when they meet new people or when her siblings feel uncomfortable. Gana misses her older sisters very much but loves that she gets to be the big sibling while they are away at Hogwarts. Her favorite thing to do is take Mac on adventures around the neighborhood and meet new people, of all of her siblings she is closest with Mac. She isn't sure what she wants to do when she grows up but she knows she wants to keep having adventures and to explore the world. 

#70 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 02:41 PM



Caitlin Lindsay Graeme (nee Macmillan) [37] is the mother of Moira, Maisie, Gana, Mac, and Merry, the sister of Leslie Miyamoto, and the aunt of Aila, Fiona, and Duncan. Caitlin is a loving, family-oriented witch, and she loves that she still lives in the place where she grew up. Caitlin was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, and she was very proud when her oldest daughter was sorted into Hufflepuff as well.  is very much like her daughter Gana and her son Mac, outgoing and friendly. Her other daughters tend to take after her husband, who is shy and reserved. Caitlin's  favorite time of year is Christmas, when her older daughters are home from Hogwarts, and her entire family comes to visit. She always looks forward to cooking a big holiday dinner and decorating her house with enchanted decorations. 

#71 Holloway


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 09:40 PM


Jana Lynette and Jamie Dera Macmillan (14): Jana and Jamie are Leslie and Caitlin's Nieces, (their brother's children) and cousins to Moira, Maisie, Aila, Gana, Mac, Merry, Fiona, and Duncan. They love having so many cousins and siblings and enjoy their family trips to their Aunt Caitlin's every year where their dad likes to show them all of the best places in Hogsmeade that he and his siblings discovered when they lived there as children. Jana and Jamie are both Gryffindors at Hogwarts and hope that will Aila join her bigger cousins their, Jamie secretly hopes Aila will be in Ravenclaw so that their family will be in all four houses and they can "Rule the school", and so that they can finally see what all four common rooms look like. Jamie is outgoing and popular among the Gryffindors her favorite classes are Divination and Astronomy, Jana is quieter than her sister but still well liked in Gryffindor, though she thinks some of that might be do to Jamie's popularity, she doesn't understand her sisters obsession with Divination and prefers "more practical classes" like Charms and Transfiguration. They both enjoy investigating the castle's secrets in their free time though Jana is usually just as happy playing Wizards Chess with her friends in the common room.

#72 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 29 November 2015 - 04:49 AM



Bentley Isaiah Scott {1m} is the cousin of Jana and Jamie on their mother's side. Bentley is the youngest of four children, and the only boy. He is a very quiet, sleepy baby who is always showered in cuddles by his family.

#73 Holloway


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Posted 30 November 2015 - 09:53 PM


Lydia Rachel Scott (3): Lydia is a very bubbly outgoing child, she loves cuddling her little brother Bentley. She was a little worried about having a little brother at first but now that he's here she loves him and can't wait until he's big enough to play with her. Lydia has two older sisters and her favorite thing to do is to read books with them (have them read to her).

#74 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 08:58 PM



Rebecca Evelyn Scott "Becca" [10] is the older sister of Lydia and Bentley. She also has another little sister who is 7 years old. Becca is very close to her sisters, and loves reading books to Lydia. She likes to act out the stories she reads, in order to make them come to life for her little sisters. She especially loves the Tales of Beedle the Bard, and wishes she could be the hero of her own fairy tale. Becca is excited to go to Hogwarts next year. She hopes to get sorted into Ravenclaw, because her cousins told Jana and Jamie told her that "Ravenclaws do nothing but read all day." To Becca, that sounds like the perfect life.

#75 SelenaK


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 11:55 AM

Anna Caroline Scott [7] is the younger sister of Rebecca Evelyn Scott and the older sister of both Lydia Rachel and Bentley Isaiah Scott. She is very close to all her siblings and along with Becca likes to act out the tales they tell to Lydia. She is really interested in Quidditch and loves Quidditch through the Ages and can't wait until she gets her first proper broom instead of the toy one she has now. She wants to be Sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin as she sees them as the most 'interesting' in comparison to Hufflepuff which seems dull and Ravenclaw which is too much work.

#76 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 08:10 PM



David Nicodemus Scott [37] is the father of Becca, Anna, Lydia, and Bentley Scott. He is a somewhat eccentric wizard with a big imagination. Most people say that Becca gets her vivid imagination from her father.He works for the Daily Prophet as a Quidditch writer. His fans love his amusing and unorthodox reporting on the teams and games. David dreamed of being a professional Quidditch player himself, and played as a beater on the Gryffindor team while at Hogwarts. After his sixteenth broken bone, Madame Pomfrey informed him that magic can only do so much to heal, and that if the clumsy David didn't quit playing Quidditch, he might end up doing himself permanent damage. Nevertheless, David is happy to see Anna take such an interest in Quidditch, and he often takes her and her sisters to Quidditch matches. He can't wait until Bentley is old enough to join them.

#77 Holloway


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 08:50 PM


Charles Orson Huff "Charlie" (7): Charlie is Anna's best friend, he's the youngest child in his family, He and Anna spend a lot of time flying their toy brooms and he can't wait to go to Hogwarts were he can fly a real broom and hopefully even play on a Quidditch team. Charlie adores his older brother who is a chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and hopes to be in Gryffindor just like him. When his brother went to Hogwarts he told Charlie it was his job to look after his brothers dog Axel, Charlie takes this job very seriously and brings Axel with him where ever he goes.

#78 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 06:55 AM



Cooper Elise Huff {2} is the younger sister of Charlie. She loves to watch him fly on his broom, and adores Anna Scott. She is friends with Anna's little sister Lydia, and has another friend who she goes to daycare with. Cooper is very outgoing and loud, and loves to be outside climbing hills or running around and getting dirty.

#79 SelenaK


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:54 AM

Christopher Neil Huff is the older brother of Charlie and Cooper. He is a Gryffindor in his second year of Hogwarts and plays Chaser on the House team. He loves his siblings and misses them loads but not as much as he misses his dog Axel. His favourite subject is Transfiguration as he desperately wants to be an animagus and least favourite is Herbology as he thinks 'plants are boring'. He is quite popular with a wide circle of friends but has one best friend whom he speaks to all the time even though she's in Slytherin.

#80 Holloway


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 08:46 PM


Livinia Ruth Dawson "Livi" (12): Livi is Christoper's best friend, she's a Slytherin but is closer with Christopher than she is with anyone in her own house. She and Christopher have their love of transfiguration in common and she plans to try to become an animagus with him in the future. Livi doesn't have the same hatred for herbology that Chris has and actually enjoys the class very much as its one of the few classes that lets you be out in nature. Her least favorite class is potions because it takes too much time and feels too much like cooking which she prefers to do by magic anyway.

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