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Another Create A Family With a Twist

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#81 MiaKatie


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:44 PM


Lord Nicholas Julian Oliver "Nico" Forsythe (16) is Henry's little brother. Nico is much more outgoing and confident than his brother. He loves surfing and flirting. He has a girlfriend of royal blood and the relationship is front-cover news in his country. Nico is also a bit of a rebel and despises most royal traditions. He feels bad for Cecilia, but he knows his brother is a good guy and will do anything to make her happy.

#82 Aquarius101


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 06:19 PM

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Princess Adelia Margaret Alice Windsor [16] is Nico's girlfriend. It is not at all a secret she is dating the Lord Nicholas, but her mother does not approve believing that Nico boy is a bad influence. Adelia has older siblings who were very traditional and she seems to be the odd rebel one. She once dyed her hair at the tips, and her mother outraged chopped off the tips. Adelia owns modern clothes, short shorts, miniskirts, middrifts,and cut off tops which in her mother's opinion are not lady like. Adelia sneaks out of the castle with the help of her close servant to meet up with Nico and surf the waves alone, without a paparrazzi. 

#83 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 06:35 PM

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Princess Beatrice Amelia Caroline Windsor [19] is the older sister of Princess Adelia. Like her mother, she is very conservative and traditional. She is currently at university studying literature, and plans on writing children's books. Though she is currently single, she expects to marry young to some man of noble blood that her parents approve of. She is often shocked by the things that Adelia does, but she sometimes Beatrice wishes she were a bit more adventurous and not so much the perfect princess. 

#84 MiaKatie


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 05:27 PM


Princess Camilla Scarlett Evelyn "Cam" Windsor (20) is the older sister of Adelia and Beatrice. Cam was disowned by her family at seventeen for reckless behavior and alcohol abuse. She's been on and off the radar of her family and the general public, living in nice hotel suites with an endless string of boyfriends. Cam has ADD, which made life in front of the cameras difficult. Constantly having to impress people filled her with anxiety. Eventually she just snapped. Cam goes to elite parties with rich kids all the time. She's that scary player girl at the bar, the one that everyone knows and likes. Cam half wishes she stayed with her family and likes to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

#85 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 07:19 PM

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Earl Thomas Xavier Henry Montgomery "Tom" [25] is Princess Cam's current boyfriend. Like Cam, Tom is into the hard partying lifestyle. His family is much more accepting of his wild ways, because he is the heir to his family's title. They generally just assume that Tom's partying and drug use is just a phase he's going through, and that he'll come to his senses soon enough. Tom is generally a pretty selfish guy, and he is using Cam to get publicity, knowing that being photographed with the disgraced princess will bring him his fifteen minutes of fame.

#86 MiaKatie


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 08:34 PM



Earl Judah Samuel Rhydian Montgomery (17) is Earl Tom's little brother. Judah disapproves of almost everything Tom does, especially using Cam to get publicity. He really likes his brother's girlfriend; she thinks he's "cute." Judah has strong morals and a level head. He doesn't like paparazzi, but they sure love him. His face is everywhere all the time and he hates it. His brother loathes him even more for it. Judah is currently single and working up the courage to ask his best friend (girl) out.

#87 Aquarius101


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:59 PM

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Baroness Lydia Therese Abigail Shrodes [17] is Judah's best friend. Their families weren't necessarily very fond of each other, butLydia and Judah grew up together. They are both similar in hating the paparrazzi, even though Lydia is very photogenic. She has a level head like Judah, and is modest. She is down to earth and enjoys horseback riding, and sculpting. She has actually started to develop feelings for Judah but doesn't have the courage to tell him. she doesn't want to ruin their friendship

#88 MiaKatie


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 05:32 PM


Baroness Rebecca "Becca" Lucy Camille Shrodes (20) is Lydia's older sister. Becca is much more outgoing than her sister. She's always telling Lydia to "go for it! He totally likes you!" Sometimes her sister's reserved manner annoys her. Becca loves the paparazzi, but there is a point at which even she can't handle it and sneaks off at night with her boyfriend, who is not of royal blood, much to her parents' disapproval.

#89 Aquarius101


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:30 PM

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Drew Bryant Evans [23] is Becca's non-royal boyfriend. He is son of a blacksmith and his mother is an excellent seamstress and tailor. He has only one younger sibling, a sister. Drew and his sister get along very well and he is very protective of her. When Drew was younger they would mistake his sister and him as twins, until Drew hit his teens and sprouted upward reaching the height 6 foot 3 inches. He enjoys making and welding his own swords with his father. It seems to be the only way they bond, because of the very few words they exchange. Drew loves Rebecca. He has been dating her for three years now and wants to pop the question but doesn't know how with her family all nodding in disapproval.  

#90 MiaKatie


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:52 PM


Margaret Ashley Evans (21) is Drew's younger sister. She has been close to her brother ever since one day when she was in third grade-- she was walking home from school with him and some kids in Drew's class pushed her into the lake and held her head underwater. Drew came to her rescue and beat the kids up within an inch of their lives. Margaret doesn't like the simple life. She wants to go out in the world and write stories about everything so she can tell all the people living in small towns like hers what the world is like. Margaret is quiet and intelligent. She only has a few close friends.

#91 Aquarius101


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 09:13 PM

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Amara Lee Ngyuen [20] is one of Margaret's close friends. Amara has five other siblings, and her parents died out at sea when she was in fourth grade. She and her siblings were orphaned and were enslaved as servants to a royal family, The Shrodes.  Her siblings were treated well, except for her brothers who were always warned to never lay eyes on the Baron's daughters, Lydia and Rebecca. And her brothers never did. Amara and her siblings live in an outhouse, and have one cot, a worn out rug, two blankets and one bed. They would all take turns sleeping in the bed and on the floor. It was a tough life. When Amara entered high school she met Margaret through a writing contest they both entered and the win was tied. Amara has a passion for poetry and hopes to become a famous poet one day. 

#92 MiaKatie


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Posted 28 September 2014 - 01:34 PM


Lionel "Leo" Vincenzo Ciccone (21) is one of the Shrodes' servants and happens to be very good friends with Amara and her family. He also happens to be the boyfriend of Becca and Lydia's older sister. They sneak out at night together and sit in a special place overlooking their favorite waterfall. Leo is a very strong, overprotective guy and he loves his girlfriend for helping him stay loose and not freak out as much. He in turn grounds her and keeps her from doing stupid things. Leo has a younger sister who is a servant in another royal family.

#93 Aquarius101


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Posted 28 September 2014 - 03:17 PM

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Luciana "Luci" Veronica Ciccone [17] is the younger sister of Leo, and a servant of a neighboring royal family, The Bachen Family. She like her brother has had a bit of romance with the prince of the family, but has kept it secret. She thinks she has finally found true love. What she doesn't know is that the Prince is engaged oin an arranged marriage and they are going to wed next week. The Prince hasn't told her, because he doesn't know how to break the bad news to her. 

#94 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 28 September 2014 - 06:59 PM

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Prince Oliver Maximilian David Bachen [19] is the boyfriend of Luci Ciccone. He is the middle child in his family, and the only son and heir. He has one older sister and one younger sister. He is engaged to be married to a princess of a small kingdom bordering his, but he does not want to get married. Oliver loves Luci, and wants to marry her instead. He has pleaded with his parents to let him choose who he wants to marry, but they refuse to let their only son marry a servant girl. He's starting to get desperate and is planning on asking Luci to run away with him. 

#95 MiaKatie


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Posted 28 September 2014 - 07:43 PM


Princess Anneliese Emery Clara Bachen (17) is Oliver's younger sister. Anneliese is very easygoing and mellow. She gets along with everyone and is very bright and friendly. She has a kitten named Rascal who keeps her company most of the time. She is always at music festivals and indie concerts as she loves music and wants to discover the next big artist before anyone else. Her older sister is always pressuring her to ask someone out. She's single and loving it, though her best friend is living it up with some prince.

#96 RainstreamofSpiritClan


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 10:08 AM

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Princess Victoriana Anastasia Marie Bachen (23) is the older sister of Anneliese and Oliver. Unlike her brother and many other royals, she never had a problem with her lifestyle. She is a kind girl and is always giving money to the poor. She is elegant and graceful, it just comes naturally to her, but she has a mischievous side too, and enjoys playing pranks, though he parents think she's the perfect daughter and don't really realize this. She had an arranged marriage, but the man she married had been her best friend for a long time, they had spent their childhoods together, in fact he was her coconspirator in her pranks.  and she was already starting to fall in love with him so she is happy. They married when she was 16 and have a five-year old daughter, a two-year old daughter, and a baby son.

#97 Aquarius101


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:12 PM

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Miss Aubriana "Aubri" Vivienne Sarah Bachen [5] is the daughter of Princess Victoriana. she has a younger sister who is two years old, and a newborn baby brother. She is pretty girly and loves and hue of pink. She always likes having her hair done, and if she runs around and gets it messed up she is always asking the maid to redo her hair or her mother to help her wash up. she always tries to keep her clothes clean and stands straight up like a little princess. 

#98 MiaKatie


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 05:25 PM


Rowan Elodie Mansbach (6) is the daughter of Aubri's maid. Rowan and Aubri are practically inseparable, much to the dismay of Princess Victoriana. Rowan brings out the quieter, more curious, thoughtful side of Aubri, while Aubri brings out the crazy wild hot pink side of Rowan. Rowan loves drawing and running around in the courtyard. She wishes that her mommy, who is around Victoriana's age, could be with her more often.

#99 Aquarius101


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 07:27 PM

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Lord Ricardo Matthias Bernal [24] is the father of Rowan and Aubri. Before Ricardo was with Aubri's mother, Victoriana, he had an affair with the maid, Rowan's mother. But Victoriana does not know. And Rowan is not aware of who her father is or that Aubri is her half sister. Ricardo told the maid to swear to never tell and he threatened to hurt her if she did. He doesnt want to ruin the relationship he has with Victoriana.

#100 RainstreamofSpiritClan


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:39 AM

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Lady Isana Marietta Amelia Bernal (2) is the daughter of Ricardo and Victoriana, sister of Aubri, and half-sister of Rowan. She loves her sister, mother, and baby brother, but the person she loves most in the world is her daddy. Whenever Ricardo comes home, she loves to run to him squealing and throw her arms around his legs, then demand "Up! Up!" She loves animals and loves pretending to be an animal. It is common to see her crawling around the floor barking like a puppy or roaring like a lion. She's a very cheerful little girl, rarely without a smile.

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