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20 Years very detailed CAF

Long detailed Dice Game

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#1 Remy Hadley

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Posted 20 September 2020 - 07:12 AM

Here's your dice: https://www.wizards....d/dice/dice.htm


You decide the gender and ages of each person. The name banks and such are at the bottom.


First we'll name the families. 


Person 1's Family: 



Parent 1: 

Parent 2: 


Older sibling: 

Person 1: 

Younger sibling: 


Person 2's Family 




Parent 1: 
Parent 2: 

Older sibling: 

Person 2: 




Feel free to do as many or few years as you'd like. 




Year 1


This year, person 1 and 2 get married! Describe the wedding and honeymoon in as much or little detail as you'd like. 


Year 2


You move into your first house! Roll a 10 sided dice to decide what kind of house you two buy. You decide how you decorate the interior. You also can decide the location (country/ state/ city) you live in. 


1. Cape Cod

(typically 1 or 1.5 story, steep roof line, wood siding, multi pane windows, hard wood floors) 

2. Country French-Style 

(often 1 story with many narrow windows and paired shutters, stucco walls, often feature stunning driveways + landscape) 

3. Colonial-Style 

(usually 2-3 stories, fireplaces, brick/wood facades, kitchen/family room normally on 1st floor)

4. Victorian 

(romantic, distinctive, detailed, steeply pitched roof, dominant front facing gable, cutaway bay windows, full width front porch)

5. Tudor-Style 

(steeply pitched roof, prominent cross gables, decorative half timbering, tall/narrow windows with small windowpanes) 

6. Craftsman 

(lots of interior woodwork, low pitched roofs w/ wide eave overhangs, decorative beams, porches framed w/ tapered square columns) 

7. Cottage-Style 

(steep roof and cross gables, arched doorways, casement windows with small panes, brick/stone/stucco siding) 

8. Mediterranean-Style 

(low pitched red tile roofs, arches, grillwork, stucco/adobe exterior, U shape floor plan centered around a fountain) 

9. Traditional Ranch 

(Simple floor plan, attached garage, generally appear plain)

10. Contemporary 

(lots of glass, open floor plans, inventive designs, normally lack elaborate ornamentation/unecessary detail but feature contrasting materials and textures, exposed roof beams, and flat/low pitched roofs) 


(I got all this info from a Better Homes & Gardens website post) 


Year 3


You and your spouse adopt your first pet(s)! Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what kind of pet. Names are your choice. You can have more than one. 


1. Bird 

2. Dog 

3. Fish 

4. Reptile

(tortoise, snake, lizard, turtle, etc)

5. Cat 

6. Mammal/Rodent

(Rabbit, hedgehog, sugar glider, hamster, chinchilla, rat, mouse, guinea pig, etc)


Year 4


You and your spouse are talking about growing your family, but before you do, you'd like to have a nice vacation together. Where do you go? Roll a 6 sided dice to determine location. 


1. Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 

2. Dublin, Ireland 

3. El Mirador Ruins, Guatamala, 

4. Glacier National Park, MT, USA 

5. Auckland, New Zealand 

6. Paris, France 


Year 5


Growing your family this year ends up being successful! You or your partner fall pregnant within the first few months of trying. 


Use the below options to determine details of the baby/babies, their name(s), and their appearance(s). 


Year 6


What a busy year! Nothing can quite prepare you for being a first time parent. The birth giving parent thankfully got the first year home on leave while the other parent got two months leave. As that year is coming to a close, you and your partner discuss whether the birth giving parent will continue to be a stay at home parent, whether the birth giving parent will go back to work, or whether you'll switch with the birth giving parent going back to work while the other parent is a stay at home parent (your choice)


Year 7


With baby/babies nearing two years old, you and your spouse decide to TTC (try to conceive) again. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be happening this year. 


You decide to take a small family vacation while still TTC in hopes that relaxing will help conception. (Chose a vacation spot near wherever you've chosen to live)


Year 8


You and your partner decide to visit a fertility specialist after still not conceiving. They talk with you about secondary infertility and offer to look into things further but you and your spouse decide you'll pursue adoption instead. Even if it hurt to think that your body wasn't working as you felt it should, being pregnant wasn't exactly an amazing feeling and you/ your spouse were glad to think of not experiencing it again. 


You and your spouse began the adoption process quickly, knowing it can take a lot of time. You found a reputable adoption agency and got your home study completed, filled out your APQ (adoption planning questionaire), and created your adoption profile. 


Thankfully, your families wait time was only a few months! You met a birth mother (roll below for a name and appearances), who was pregnant with (roll below), and was interested placing her child with your family. While (birth mother) was interested in a closed adoption, she wanted to feel confident that your family was a good one. You communicated quite a lot and found that you really clicked, so she chose your family. 


Months down the road, (birth mother) gave birth to (baby/babies)! You and your spouse decided to name them (roll below). (Older sibling[s]) was/were thrilled to be a big sibling! She/He/They loved cuddling with the baby/babies. She/He/They did need some time to learn how to be gentle but usually it was out of excitement and love. 


Year 9


This year, something good happens to your family! Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what it is. 


1. You/ your spouse filled out an application to their dream job and they got accepted! 

2. Someone accomplished a life goal/ ambition! 

3. You/ your spouse get a new vehicle! What kind do you get? 

4. You come into a large sum of money! What do you plan on doing with it?  

5. Your choice. 

6. You/ your spouse win an all expenses paid vacation! 


Year 10


You and your spouse had long since stopped using birth control, after dealing with secondary infertility. It became the new normal to the point where you two hadn't even considered that a pregnancy might occur. You/ your spouse were pleasantly surprised when you/ your partner announced they were pregnant! You/ your spouse welcomed (roll below for sex of baby/ babies, appearances, and names)


Your oldest was excited to be a big sibling(s) again. They also began kindergarten this year, which was very exciting! Your second child(ren) is/are now 2 and isn't/aren't too sure how they feel about being a big sibling. Eventually they grow fond of the new baby/babies though. 


Year 11


Something bad happens in the family this year. Roll a sided dice to determine what happened. 


1. You/ your spouse lose a parent. 

2. Someone in your family is diagnosed with a serious allergy. 

3. You/ your spouse get injured. Will there be a full recovery or have lasting effects?  

4. A friend or a loved one passes away. You choose if they leave behind any children to come into your care.

You can chose how many children, use the dice to determine the rest below. 

5. You/ your spouse have a serious argument with your family and cut contact. Will this be something you can

resolve over time or will it be a permanent good bye? 

6. You/ your spouse are diagnosed with a chronic illness. 


Year 12


Your oldest child is now 7, your second is now 4, and your youngest is now 2 (if you added children in Year 11, add them in). You and your spouse talk about whether you'd like to have just one more child in the family. One partner feels they'd love to have more while the other is unsure. What do you ultimately decide? Will you TTC again? Will you adopt again? Or do you decide that your family is complete? (Your choice)


On a smaller scale, you decide to enroll your 7 and 4 year olds in a sport/ activity! What do they get enrolled in? (your choice) 


Year 13


Your spouse comes home with another pet! While you weren't expecting it, you had to admit you were happy about it. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what kind of pet. Names are your choice. You can have more than one. 


1. Bird 

2. Dog 

3. Fish 

4. Reptile 

(tortoise, snake, lizard, turtle, etc)

5. Cat 

6. Mammal/Rodent 

(Rabbit, hedgehog, sugar glider, hamster, chinchilla, rat, mouse, guinea pig, etc)


Year 14


One of your children picks up a new hobby, discovering they are very talented at it. What hobby is it? And which child? 


Year 15


You and your spouse decide to have a family vacation. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine where you go. 


1. Madrid, Spain 

2. Rome, Italy 

3. Washington D.C., USA 

4. Faroe Islands, Denmark 

5. Guacalito De La Isla, Nicaragua 

6. Boston, MA, USA 


Year 16


You/ your spouse become an aunt/uncle! Which sibling has a baby? (Use the options below to determine the sex, name, etc)


Year 17


Your children are now 12, 9, and 7 (if you added children in year 11, add them here). Your children have encompassed most of your life for the past 12 years and your social life has lacked. This year, you and your partner decide to attempt to make friends and enjoy a hobby. 


What do you and your partner decide to join? (your choice)


1. Book club 

2. Pottery/ Art class 

3. Gym class 

4. Language driven event/group 

5. Wine/ beer tasting club 

6. Join a local bowling league 


Year 18


Something bad happens this year. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what happened.  


1. You or your partner have a health scare. What happened? Will it have lasting effects or resolve after treatment? 

2. In a horrible turn of events, multiple appliances break in your home, adding up to costly repairs. 

3. A natural disaster happens locally (your choice). How does it effect your family? 

4. One of your children is diagnosed with an illness or disease. Will it be chronic or resolve after treatment? 

5. You get in a car accident and the car is totaled but thankfully everyone is okay. 

6. Someone lost their job/ laid off/ fired. What happened? What do you do from there? 


Year 19


Your 14 year old begins high school this year! Your 11 year old begins middle school as well. You/ your spouse also get a raise this year! What do you plan to do with the extra money? 


Year 20


You and your spouse decide to renew your vows this year! Where will the ceremony take place? Will it be a big or a small gathering? 


Years down the road...


Feel free to give each of your kids a spouse and kids of their own! Use the dice and charts below to name them and give them appearances. Completely optional as this is already long.  ^_^



Name Lists: (roll a 20 sided dice, once for first name and once per middle name. Your choice if you want multiple middle names.) 


1. https://nameberry.co...or-Powerful/all

2. https://nameberry.co...pace-Baby-Names

3. https://nameberry.co...ames-new-trends

4. Boys: https://nameberry.co...es-for-boys/all

Girls: https://nameberry.co...s-for-girls/all

5. https://nameberry.co...-Baby-Names/all

6. https://nameberry.co...-baby-names/all

7. https://nameberry.co...-Baby-Names/all

8. https://nameberry.co...-baby-names/all

9. https://nameberry.co...-baby-names/all

10.  https://nameberry.co...-Baby-Names/all

11. https://nameberry.co...-Baby-Names/all

12. https://nameberry.co...they-re-out/all

13. https://nameberry.co...rious-names/all

14. https://nameberry.co...-baby-names/all

15. https://nameberry.co...ional-style/all

16. https://nameberry.co...-names-showdown

17. https://nameberry.co...by-maternal-age

18. https://nameberry.co...The-O-Names/all

19. https://nameberry.co...ries-babies/all

20. https://nameberry.co...rpio-babies/all


Pregnancy: (roll a 20 sided dice to determine the sex of baby and whether it's a singleton or multiples) 


1. DD: 

2. DS: 

3. DS: 

4. DD: 

5. DD/DD: 

6. DS: 

7. DD: 

8. DS/DS: 

9. DD: 

10. triplets (sex your choice) 

11. DD: 

12. DS: 

13. DS: 

14. DS: 

15. DD: 

16. quadruplets (sex your choice) 

17. DS/DD: 

18. DD: 

19. DS: 

20. DD: 




https://www.randomli...lack, Grey eyes



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#2 MalloryMae


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Posted 20 September 2020 - 11:33 AM

The Lacy Family


DH [59]: Cassius Isiah Lacy "Cass" [brown hair & grey eyes]

DW [54]: Felicidad Rowenna {nee Obando} Lacy "Feliz" [black hair & grey eyes]


DS [29]: Cassius Nico Lacy "Nico" [brown hair & green eyes]

DS [26]: Lorcan César Lacy "Lox" [brown hair & blue eyes]

DD [21]: Philomena Magdalena Lacy "Mena" [brown hair & green eyes]


Cass and Feliz Lacy, with their three children; NicoLox, and Mena


The Lafrenz-Wesley Family


DW [52]: Oriana Maude Lafrenz-Wesley [red hair & green eyes]

DW [53]: Emily Natasha Lafrenz-Wesley [black hair & grey eyes]


DD [26]: Cerise Poppy Lafrenz-Wesley [blonde hair & grey eyes]

DD [24]: Desdemona Maeve Lafrenz-Wesley "Mona" [red hair & grey eyes]


Oriana and Emily Lafrenz-Wesley, with their two daughters; Cerise and Mona



Year One

Lox and Mona got married! They had a beautiful outdoor wedding with only close friends and family. [https://bit.ly/2EnWpu0] They honeymooned in the Dominican Republic. [https://bit.ly/3kyMtNt]


Year Two

Lox and Mona move into a newly-built Mediterranean-style home near the coast of Florida. [https://bit.ly/3ceE4Mp]


Year Three

Lox and Mona adopt two kittens, Lily (left) and Plum (right). [https://bit.ly/3mAjWZL]


Year Four

Lox and Mona take a vacation to Glacier National Park before growing their family. [https://bit.ly/3iR80k0]


Year Five

Lox and Mona got pregnant within a few months of trying! A little while later, their twin daughters are born! Daphne Lucine [brown hair & blue eyes] & Edwina Rosalind [red hair & blue eyes] Lacy are here at last! [https://bit.ly/32MUXL9]


Year Six

After having the twins, Mona got a year of maternity leave and will be returning to work soon. Lox, on the other hand, got two months after their birth and will be resigning from his job to be a stay-at-home parent to the girls in just a few short months.


Year Seven

With Daphne and Edwina nearing two years old, Lox and Mona begin TTC once again. They take a small vacation to a nearby beach in hopes that relaxing will help conception. [https://bit.ly/3hL6rmj]


Year Eight

Lox and Mona visit a fertility specialist after their difficulty with secondary infertility. They decide to pursue adoption and the process begins almost immediately. In only a few months, Lox and Mona find a birth mother willing to place her child with them. Andrea is pregnant with a little girl. Only a few months later, Andrea gives birth to Lilith Guinevere Lacy, who has black hair and brown eyes. [https://bit.ly/2RFTuzI]


Year Nine

Lox and Mona win an all-expenses-paid vacation to San Diego, CA! [https://bit.ly/35RGsr7]


Year Ten

Mona hadn't been taking birth control in years after the family's struggle with infertility, and everyone was happily surprised when they found she was pregnant! Opaline Matilda Lacy was born with red hair and green eyes. [https://bit.ly/2ZW37ip]


Year Eleven

Lilith is diagnosed a very serious nut allergy after a scary reaction.


Year Twelve

Lox and Mona are on the fence about another child. Lox would really like one more child to finish their family, while Mona really doesn't want to be pregnant again. They ultimately decide to wait, when Andrea calls them to say that she is pregnant again. A few months later, Vesper Hermione Lacy is born with black hair and brown eyes. [https://bit.ly/2RLsIG6]


Year Thirteen

Lox comes home one day with a new dog for the family! Winslow is loved dearly by his family. [https://bit.ly/2RIKZUD]


Year Fourteen

Edwina picks up a new hobby- cross stitching- and discovers she is very good at it.


Year Fifteen

The Lacy family takes a vacation to Faroe Islands, Denmark. [https://bit.ly/3kxM261]



The Lacy Family


DH [41]: Lorcan César Lacy "Lox" [brown hair & blue eyes]

DW [39]: Desdemona Maeve {nee Lafrenz-Wesley} Lacy "Mona[red hair & grey eyes]


DD/DD [10]: Daphne Lucine & Edwina Rosalind Lacy [brown hair & blue eyes // red hair & blue eyes]

DAD [7]: Lilith Guinevere Lacy [black hair & brown eyes]

DD [5]: Opaline Matilda Lacy [red hair & green eyes]

DAD [3]: Vesper Hermione Lacy [black hair & brown eyes]


DCat & DCat [12]: Lily & Plum [brown & white // black & white]

DDog [6]: Winslow [beagle]


Lox and Mona Lacy, with their five daughters; DaphneEdwinaLilithOpaline, and Vesper, and their three pets; LilyPlum, and Winslow

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#3 Permanent Rose

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Posted 20 September 2020 - 08:27 PM

The Gonzales Family


DH Fernando Cesar Gonzales II (73)

DW Marisol Camila {nee Lopez} Gonzales (70)


DS Fernando Nando Cesar Gonzales III (50)

DS Leonardo Leo Raul Gonzales (47)

DD Elisa Ellie Marisol Gonzales (31)




The Stephens Family


DH Oliver Thomas Stephens (deceased)

DW Eleanor Tess {nee Rylan} Stephens (71)


DD Evelyn Evie Charlotte {nee Stephens} Harrison (46)

DH Archer Theodore Harrison (48)


DD/DD Cleo Florence Olive Amelia Harrison (4)


DD Clementine Clem Sophie Stephens (44)




The Gonzales Family


DH Leonardo Leo Raul Gonzales (47)

DW Clementine Clem Sophie {nee Stephens} Gonzales (44)


DS Maddox Fernando Gonzales (15)

DS Cassius John Gonzales (12)

DS/DS Finlay Thomas Gonzales Samson Oliver Gonzales (10)

DD Vera Marisol Gonzales (8)



Cat - Marmalade Marmie (17) 

Dog - Tulip Tully (9)


Leo and Clem with their children Maddox, Cassius, Finlay, Samson and Vera




On a blustery October afternoon in Boston, Leo met Clem quite by accident. 


Leo was in his final year of law school at Harvard University. He had moved from a tiny town in New Mexico to pursue his dream of becoming a lawyer, hoping to provide aid and legal guidance to his fellow Hispanic community. His parents has immigrated from Mexico shortly after marrying and had settled their family in New Mexico. His older brother, Nando, had pursued the religious life and become a priest in the Catholic church, and his younger sister Ellie, only nine years old, called him weekly and wrote him letters decorated with stickers and colorful pens. His parents missed him dearly but were very proud to see their son pursue his dream, especially at such an esteemed university. 


Clem had lived just outside of Boston her entire life. Her father was a professor of physics at Harvard, and she and her sister Evie had grown up roaming and exploring the campus. While Evie had traveled to California for college, Clem had always dreamed of going to Harvard. She had fulfilled her dream and was now a senior art student at Harvard, majoring in art history and the visual arts.


On this particular afternoon, Clem was running late to turn in her portfolio for evaluation. She kept her paintings and sketches in a large leather folder and struggled to carry the heavy item as she jogged across campus. With a particularly violent gust of wind, Clem stumbled, her portfolio spilling from her arms, and the wind scattered her art in all directions. 


A flimsy sketch of a woman hit Leo in the face as he headed for his dormitory from his last class of the day. He peeled it away to find Clem scrambling to collect the scattered pieces and without a word, Leo began to help her retrieve them all. She was very grateful and relieved, and although running late, she scribbled her phone number on his arm before hurrying away. 


And as they say, the rest is history. Two years later, they were engaged, and they held a small wedding in a small ivy covered chapel in near Leo's New Mexico home, where Leo's brother Nando presided over the service and married the two.


Leo and Clem stayed in the Boston area, moving into a quaint cottage that Clem's family owned. Leo worked for a local law firm and Clem worked as a barista at a small coffee shop while finding an occasional painting commission here and there. Though they spoke of having children, they found themselves in no rush as they both established their lives. When their neighbors' cat had kittens, the pair adopted the smallest one, a tiny orange female kitten (a rare occurrence, their neighbors informed them, as ginger cats are almost always male), and named her Marmalade


And for two years, it remained the three of them - Leo, Clem, and the ever curious Marmie. Still not ready to start their family, they decided to travel. They did a long, three month trip to Central America and Mexico, first to explore the El Mirador Ruins in Guatemala, where Clem took many photographs to reference in her artwork, and then to visit Leo's extended family in Mexico that he had never had the chance to meet. It was there, while interacting with all of Leo's young cousins, that Clem and Leo decided they were ready to start their family. 


They were pregnant just a few months later and welcomed their first child, a boy. The named him Maddox Fernando, keeping a piece of Leo's father's name alive that his brother Nando would never be able to pass on. Leo had begun to make a nice living for their family at his law firm, so Clem quit her job as a barista and decided to stay home full time with Maddox and continue to pursue her art in her free time. 


Clem began to get more commissions and Maddox started a morning preschool program. Leo continued to work for his law firm, but still dreamed of starting his own firm that would help the Hispanic community. The couple wanted to expand their family, but conceiving was difficult this time around. With the extra income from Clem's art commissions, the couple decided to take a vacation to Cape Cod, leaving Maddox with Clem's parents so the couple could relax and hopefully successfully conceive. 


However, after trying for over a year and visiting a fertility specialist who did not provide them with hopeful news, Clem and Leo decided to adopt. They met with Anna Cassidy Holmes, a young pregnant woman in search of a better life for the baby she never planned to conceive. They had an instant connection and Anna knew that she had found her baby the perfect home. Anna gave birth to boy that Clem and Leo named Cassius John - Cassius to honor his mother (Anna Cassidy) and John to honor Clem's grandfather. 


A year later, Clem's great aunt Ruthie passed away. Aunt Ruthie had always loved Clem's art and had surprised Clem by leaving her a large sum of money that she instructed her to use to pursue her art. The family made the decision to buy a larger house to accommodate their growing family, and then converted one of the rooms into a gorgeous studio for Clem to do her art. 


Their lives began to pass by in a flurry of activities. Clem filled commissions, Maddox started kindergarten and Cassius began a morning preschool program, and Leo and his colleague, Manuel, began making plans to eventually start their own law firm. Clem's father, Oliver, was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and Clem found herself unexpectedly pregnant again. 


The news that Clem was pregnant again, and with twins no less, came as quite a shock, but Leo and Clem were excited to see their family grow. Clem's father grew sicker, and when Clem gave birth to her twin boys, they named them Finlay Thomas and Samson Oliver to honor her dying father. Shortly after the twins were born, Clem's father passed away. 


Life continued at a maddening pace in a house full of four rambunctious boys. While Clem was content with the size of their family, Leo longed for a daughter and a sister for his sons. He persuaded Clem with tales of his relationship with his younger sister, Ellie. They adopted again, this time internationally from Guatemala, and finally welcomed a daughter into their family of boys, and Vera Marisol was adored very much by her brothers indeed. 


The years continued to pass. Maddox and Cassius joined the school soccer team. Leo acquired a dog whose owner had lost custody of her in a legal case, and Tulip, a friendly, slobbering lovable pup of indeterminable breed joined the Gonzales family. The twins began school, and little Vera showed quite a propensity for art even at the young age of two. 


As the years continued to pass along, Leo's older brother Nando moved to Rome to pursue further religious studies, and Leo and Clem, both thriving in their work, decided they had the means to plan a family vacation to Rome to visit Uncle Nando and enjoy the history and sights. Clem's sister Evie and her husband Archer, after years of struggling with fertility, finally welcomed twin girls, Cleo Florence and Olive Amelia, making Clem and Leo an aunt and uncle and giving their children their first cousins. 


The Gonzales children continued to grow and pursue new hobbies. All five children were excellent soccer players, though they each pursued their own unique hobbies as well. Maddox found himself to be a talented actor and participated in all the school plays. Cassius wrote poetry, and Finlay and Samson enjoyed chess. Vera continued to show surprising artistic talent for her age and often joined her mother in her art studio. Clem and Leo joined a book club and left the children with Clem's mother one evening a month, deciding they needed to schedule time for just the two of them to reconnect every now and then. 


Eighteen years into their marriage, a particularly bad hurricane season hit, causing damaging flooding to their home and to Clem's art studio. Luckily, insurance paid for much of the damage, but the disaster propelled the family to make a drastic life change. Leo and his colleague Manuel finally had the means to begin their own law firm. After much deliberation, they decided they wanted to begin their firm in New Mexico to serve a larger Hispanic community, and Clem agreed that their family could use a fresh start, so they moved their family to New Mexico. 


Leo and Clem had completed the move just shy of their twentieth wedding anniversary, and to honor the many years, joys and sorrows they had endured, they decided to renew their vows in the very same chapel that they had been married in so many years before.


The End  :)

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#4 glitchinggecko


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Posted 22 September 2020 - 06:24 AM

Theodore 'Ted' Samson Martin [83]
m. Lucia 'Lucy' Charlotte Martin [81]

Andrea 'Andy' Ivy Martin [54]

Evander 'Evan' Wyatt Martin [50]

Dylan 'Dyl' Joel Martin [48]


Andrea 'Andy' Ivy Rodriguez [54]

m. Bentley 'Ben' Owen Rodriguez [55]

Isabella 'Izzy' Ruby Rodriguez [17]

Gabriella 'Gabbie' Iris Rodriguez [15]


Dylan 'Dyl' Joel Martin [48]

m. Catherine 'Cate' Olivia Martin [45]

Sophie 'Soph' Elizabeth Martin [10]

Alexander 'Al' Jameson Moore [71]
m. Josephine 'Josie' Delilah Moore [70]

Dexter 'Dex' Rhett Moore [47]

Calliope 'Callie' Luna Moore [47]


Dexter 'Dex' Rhett Taylor-Moore [47]

m. Oliver 'Olly' Cain Taylor-Moore [44]

Rosalind 'Roz' Isla Taylor-Moore [4]

Lilith 'Lil' Maeve Taylor-Moore [4]

Jasper 'Jas' Felix Taylor-Moore [4]

Sebastian 'Seb' Hugo Taylor-Moore [4]


Evander 'Evan' Wyatt Martin [50]

m. Calliope 'Callie' Luna Martin [47]

Joseph 'Joe' Callahan Martin [15]

Gareth 'Gaz' Whittaker Martin [15]

Emma 'Em' Anastasia Martin [12]

Lucas 'Luke' Maverick Martin [10]

Year 1 - Evan and Callie get married. They honeymoon in Rome.
Year 2 - Evan and Callie move into their first house. A three-bed craftsman in San Bernadino.
Year 3 - Evan and Callie adopt a pet. A pair of rats named Simon and Lewis
Year 4 - Evan and Callie go on vacation. They go on a road trip to the Grand Canyon.
Year 5 - Callie is pregnant! She gives birth to twin boys. They name them Joseph 'Joe' Callahan and Gareth 'Gaz' Whittaker.
Year 6 - Callie decides to go back to work, and Evan quits his job to stay home.
Year 7 - The family go on vacation. They drive to San Diego and spend time at the beach.
Year 8 - Evan and Callie decide to persue adoption. Emma 'Em' Anastasia joins the family.
Year 9 - Evan and Callie decide they need a bigger house. They move into a five-bed mediterranean style home in San Diego.
Year 10 - Callie is pregnant! She gives birth to a baby boy. They name him Lucas 'Luke' Maverick. 
Year 11 - Evan is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
Year 12 - Joe and Gaz take up flag football. Em starts karate lessons.
Year 13 - Callie finds a stray dog on the way home from work. They decide to keep him, and name him Duncan.
Year 14 - Luke starts playing the piano.
Year 15 - Evan and Callie decided to take the family on vacation. They go back to Rome.
Year 16 - Callie's brother Dex becomes a father! He and his husband Olly adopt quadruplets and name them Rosalind 'Roz' Isla, Lilith 'Lil' Maeve, Jasper 'Jas' Felix and Sebastian 'Seb' Hugo.
Year 17 - Evan and Callie join a gym class together.
Year 18 - Gaz is diagnosed with Crohn's disease. 
Year 19 - Callie gets a raise. With the extra money, Luke starts going to a private music school.
Year 20 - Evan and Callie renew their vows.

#5 PaperHeart


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Posted 23 September 2020 - 12:16 PM

Hank Nolan and Martina Mabel


DD Lucia Mabel

DD Lila Joan

DD Lena Hazel


Hank and Mattie with their daughters, Lucy, Lila and Lena.



Ross Finnian and Alma Eloise 

DS Tristan Rhett

DD Piper Alice


Ross and Alma with their children, Tristan and Piper.




Year 1


Lila and Piper get married! Their wedding takes place in Lila's parent's house surrounded by their family and friends.


Year 2


Lila and Piper move into their first house (A Victorian home) in New Haven, Connecticut.


Year 3


Lila and Piper adopt their first pet, a tortoise named Speck.


Year 4


The girls decide to take a vacation before expanding their family. They take a trip to Glacier National Park in Montana.


Year 5


The couple decides to expand their little family and use a sperm donor in order to conceive their first child, a little girl. Piper becomes pregnant on the first go and welcomes their daughter.


DD Olympia Ollie Joan

Blond hair, hazel eyes


Year 6


Piper thankfully got the first year home on leave while Lila got two months leave. Piper continues to stay at home with Ollie as they consider having another child.


Year 7


Ollie is now 2 and the couple start a new round of IVF. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be happening this year. 

The couple decides to take a vacation in the hopes that relaxing will help conception. This year they travel to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.


Year 8


Piper and Lila decide to pursue adoption instead instead of insemination. The couple began the adoption process quickly, knowing it can take a lot of time. They found a reputable adoption agency and got their home study completed, filled out the APQ and created and adoption profile. 


Thankfully, the family's wait time was only a few months! They met a birth mother, Rosa Marisol, who was pregnant with a little girl, and was interested placing her child with their family. While Rosa was interested in a closed adoption, she wanted to feel confident that the family was a good one. Piper and Lila communicated quite a lot and found that they really clicked, and Rosa chose them to be her baby's family. 


Months down the road, Rosa gave birth to a little girl!


DD Hermione Minnie Grace

Black hair, brown eyes


Olympia was thrilled to be a big sibling! She loved cuddling with her baby sister. She did need some time to learn how to be gentle but usually it was out of excitement and love. 






Year 9


This year, something good happens to your family! Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what it is. 


1. You/ your spouse filled out an application to their dream job and they got accepted! 

2. Someone accomplished a life goal/ ambition! 

3. You/ your spouse get a new vehicle! What kind do you get? 

4. You come into a large sum of money! What do you plan on doing with it?  

5. Your choice. 

6. You/ your spouse win an all expenses paid vacation! 


Year 10


You and your spouse had long since stopped using birth control, after dealing with secondary infertility. It became the new normal to the point where you two hadn't even considered that a pregnancy might occur. You/ your spouse were pleasantly surprised when you/ your partner announced they were pregnant! You/ your spouse welcomed (roll below for sex of baby/ babies, appearances, and names)


Your oldest was excited to be a big sibling(s) again. They also began kindergarten this year, which was very exciting! Your second child(ren) is/are now 2 and isn't/aren't too sure how they feel about being a big sibling. Eventually they grow fond of the new baby/babies though. 


Year 11


Something bad happens in the family this year. Roll a sided dice to determine what happened. 


1. You/ your spouse lose a parent. 

2. Someone in your family is diagnosed with a serious allergy. 

3. You/ your spouse get injured. Will there be a full recovery or have lasting effects?  

4. A friend or a loved one passes away. You choose if they leave behind any children to come into your care.

You can chose how many children, use the dice to determine the rest below. 

5. You/ your spouse have a serious argument with your family and cut contact. Will this be something you can

resolve over time or will it be a permanent good bye? 

6. You/ your spouse are diagnosed with a chronic illness. 


Year 12


Your oldest child is now 7, your second is now 4, and your youngest is now 2 (if you added children in Year 11, add them in). You and your spouse talk about whether you'd like to have just one more child in the family. One partner feels they'd love to have more while the other is unsure. What do you ultimately decide? Will you TTC again? Will you adopt again? Or do you decide that your family is complete? (Your choice)


On a smaller scale, you decide to enroll your 7 and 4 year olds in a sport/ activity! What do they get enrolled in? (your choice) 


Year 13


Your spouse comes home with another pet! While you weren't expecting it, you had to admit you were happy about it. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what kind of pet. Names are your choice. You can have more than one. 


1. Bird 

2. Dog 

3. Fish 

4. Reptile 

(tortoise, snake, lizard, turtle, etc)

5. Cat 

6. Mammal/Rodent 

(Rabbit, hedgehog, sugar glider, hamster, chinchilla, rat, mouse, guinea pig, etc)


Year 14


One of your children picks up a new hobby, discovering they are very talented at it. What hobby is it? And which child? 


Year 15


You and your spouse decide to have a family vacation. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine where you go. 


1. Madrid, Spain 

2. Rome, Italy 

3. Washington D.C., USA 

4. Faroe Islands, Denmark 

5. Guacalito De La Isla, Nicaragua 

6. Boston, MA, USA 


Year 16


You/ your spouse become an aunt/uncle! Which sibling has a baby? (Use the options below to determine the sex, name, etc)


Year 17


Your children are now 12, 9, and 7 (if you added children in year 11, add them here). Your children have encompassed most of your life for the past 12 years and your social life has lacked. This year, you and your partner decide to attempt to make friends and enjoy a hobby. 


What do you and your partner decide to join? (your choice)


1. Book club 

2. Pottery/ Art class 

3. Gym class 

4. Language driven event/group 

5. Wine/ beer tasting club 

6. Join a local bowling league 


Year 18


Something bad happens this year. Roll a 6 sided dice to determine what happened.  


1. You or your partner have a health scare. What happened? Will it have lasting effects or resolve after treatment? 

2. In a horrible turn of events, multiple appliances break in your home, adding up to costly repairs. 

3. A natural disaster happens locally (your choice). How does it effect your family? 

4. One of your children is diagnosed with an illness or disease. Will it be chronic or resolve after treatment? 

5. You get in a car accident and the car is totaled but thankfully everyone is okay. 

6. Someone lost their job/ laid off/ fired. What happened? What do you do from there? 


Year 19


Your 14 year old begins high school this year! Your 11 year old begins middle school as well. You/ your spouse also get a raise this year! What do you plan to do with the extra money? 


Year 20


You and your spouse decide to renew your vows this year! Where will the ceremony take place? Will it be a big or a small gathering? 

#6 Meghan<3


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Posted 29 September 2020 - 05:30 PM

Person 1's Family:


LN: Blake

Parent 1: Jackson Archer

Parent 2: Elodie Pearl, née Hart


Older sibling: Henry Thomas

Person 1: Leo Samson

Younger sibling: Georgia Piper 


Jackson, Elodie, Henry, Leo, & Georgia


Person 2's Family 


LN: Marino


Parent 1: Daniel Jose
Parent 2: Audrey Gabrielle, née Warrick

Older sibling: Payton Gabriella

Person 2: Hannah Lynn 


Daniel, Audrey, Payton, & Hannah




The Blake Family


DH: Leo Samson

DW: Hannah Lynn, née Marino


DS: Emmett Sawyer 

DAD: Lyra Nell

DD: Kennedy Scarlett 


Rabbit: Zoe

Chinchilla: Maverick


Leo, Hannah, Emmett, Lyra, Kennedy, Zoe, & Maverick

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