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1910's Classroom

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#1 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 03 March 2024 - 01:36 PM

All names are taken from the SSA's top 200 names per decade page for the 1910's decade. I googled popular surnames. 




Class 1: 


Teacher: Miss. Brown | Alma, Betty, Esther, Jeanne, Lorraine, Mary, Rosie

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Martinez | Anna, Clara, Doris, Edna, Julia, Leona, Theresa


Baker | Anthony, Daniel, Emil, Felix, Manuel, Nathaniel, Vincent

Buchanan | Amelia, Ella, Isabelle, Jane, Lottie, Ora, Violet 

Camacho | Dolores, Evelyn, Juanita, Lena, Lydia, Maria, Norma 

Clarke | Allen, Cecil, Douglas, Gerald, Phillip, Roger, Sylvester

Cooper | Clinton, Eugene, Jesse, Nicholas, Ray, Tony, Wesley

Delgado | Anita, Grace, Kathryn, Lorene, Marion, Pauline, Sara

Garrett | Gordon, Harvey, Joe, Marshall, Rufus, Walter, Willard 

Hansen | Alice, Daisy, Christine, Jennie, Patricia, Shirley, Velma 

Jordan | Clarence, Henry, Isaac, Leo, Max, Oscar, Paul

Kennedy | Arnold, Curtis, Everett, Harold, Lawrence, Roy, Warren

Lopez | Barbara, Carolyn, Geneva, Martha, Nina, Rita, Veronica 

McKinney | August, Clayton, Jack, Leland, Matthew, Orville, Ralph

Mejia | Antoinette, Irene, Joan, Lois, Regina, Rosemary, Victoria 

Nelson | Alex, Jay, Karl, Kenneth, Louis, Pete, Richard

Patterson | Alton, Bruce, Carl, Lyle, Merle, Otto, Wilbur 

Potter | Charlotte, Dorothea, Elaine, Frances, Mae, Nellie, Winifred

Riley | Adeline, Josephine, Lillian, Myrtle, Olive, Sophie, Vivian 

Soto | Aaron, Calvin, Edwin, George, Lee, Nathan, Wayne

Tran | Adam, Dale, Joseph, Julian, Leon, Thomas, William

White | Addie, Bessie, Edith, Lucille, Mildred, Muriel, Phyllis


Class 2: 


Teacher: Mrs. Carter | Elsie, Katherine, Laura, Minnie, Nancy, Naomi, Ruth

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Turner | Blanche, Elizabeth, Katie, Louise, Mabel, Rebecca, Rose


Blaire | Audrey, Cora, Della, Genevieve, Lucy, Marcella, Sylvia 

Bush | Ann, Emily, Erma, Jeanette, Marguerite, Rachel, Wanda

Cruz | Abraham, Angelo, Benjamin, John, Raymond, Salvatore, Samuel

Cunningham | Arthur, Elmer, Forrest, Francis, Harry, James, Peter

Dunn | Caroline, Hazel, Janet, Kathleen, Lillie, Mattie, Nora 

Fitzgerald | Ellen, Hattie, Maxine, Lola, Pearl, Sarah, Virginia

George | Chester, Delbert, Edmund, Leroy, Lewis, Roland, Stephen

Hawkins | Albert, Charles, Edward, Patrick, Russell, Stanley, Theodore

James | Eleanor, Harriet, Isabel, Marie, Miriam, Ruby, Stella

Kramer | Arlene, Eileen, Gladys, Helen, June, Margaret, Sally

Lawson | Edgar, Franklin, Hugh, Jacob, Morris, Norman, Woodrow

Moran | Bernard, Clifford, Ernest, Floyd, Frederick, Leonard, Oliver 

Nguyen | Catherine, Emma, Flora, Inez, May, Rosa, Vera 

Powell | Agnes, Beatrice, Bonnie, Georgia, Loretta, Marjorie, Susie

Rogers | Gilbert, Johnnie, Leslie, Melvin, Sidney, Vernon, Wilson

Salazar | Andrew, David, Ivan, Jerome, Jose, Martin, Victor 

Tatum | Anne, Carrie, Cleo, Eloise, Goldie, Jean, Madeline

Thornton | Archie, Homer, Maurice, Michael, Otis, Philip, Willis

Washington | Ada, Alberta, Estelle, Eva, Florence, Henrietta, Viola

Wolfe | Alexander, Ben, Charlie, Ellis, Julius, Ronald, Wallace

#2 glitchinggecko


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Posted 04 March 2024 - 06:26 AM

Miss Esther 'Essie' Jeanne Brown
Miss Theresa 'Resa' Doris Martinez

Daniel 'Dan' Anthony Baker
Amelia 'Amy' Isabelle Buchanan
Evelyn 'Evie' Lydia Camacho
Philip 'Phil' Douglas Clarke
Nicholas 'Nick' Wesley Cooper
Kathryn 'Kat' Grace Delgado
Harvey 'Harv' Rufus Garrett
Christine 'Chrissie' Alice Hansen
Oscar 'Ozzy' Isaac Jordan
Everett 'Rhett' Warren Kennedy
Carolyn 'arrie' Martha Lopez
Matthew 'Matt' Jack McKinney
Rosemary 'Rosie' Joan Mejia
Richard 'Rich' Louis Nelson
Wilbur 'Will' Carl Patterson
Dorothea 'Thea' Mae Potter
Sophie 'Soph' Lillian Riley
Nathan 'Nate' Lee Soto
Leon 'Leo' Thomas Tran
Lucille 'Lucy' Edith White

Mrs Katherine 'Kate' Ruth Carter
Miss Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Rose Turner

Sylvia 'Sylv' Cora Blaire
Emily 'Em' Ann Bush
Benjamin 'Ben' Samuel Cruz
James 'JP' Peter Cunningham
Caroline 'Cara' Hazel Dunn
Maxine 'Max' Pearl Fitzgerald
Stephen 'Ste' Chester George
Theodore 'Theo' Edward Hawkins
Eleanor 'Ellie' Ruby James
Margaret 'Molly' June Kramer
Jacob 'Jake' Edgar Lawson
Oliver 'Olly' Leonard Moran
Emma 'Em' Inez Nguyen
Beatrice 'Bea' Georgia Powell
Gilbert 'Gil' Wilson Rogers
Jerome 'Jez' Andrew Salazar
Madeleine 'Maddie' Anne Tatum
Michael 'Mikey' Otis Thornton
Florence 'Flora' Estelle Washington
Alexander 'Alex' Ellis Wolfe

#3 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 04 March 2024 - 03:57 PM

Class 1: 


Teacher: Miss Alma Lorraine Brown 

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Clara Anna Martinez 


Felix Nathaniel Baker 

Amelia Violet Buchanan "Amy"

Lydia Evelyn Camacho  

Douglas Allen Clarke 

Wesley Ray Cooper 

Marion Anita Delgado 

Harvey Walter Garrett 

Alice Patricia Hansen 

Clarence Henry Jordan 

Roy Lawrence Kennedy 

Martha Carolyn Lopez  

Clayton Matthew McKinney 

Victoria Irene Mejia "Tori" 

Kenneth Jay Nelson "Kenny"

Carl Bruce Patterson 

Dorothea Mae Potter "Thea"

Sophie Lillian Riley 

George Edwin Soto 

Thomas Dale Tran "Tommy"

Edith Lucille White 


Miss Brown and Miss Martinez's Class

Felix, Amy, Lydia, Douglas, Wesley, Marion, Harvey, Alice, Clarence, Roy, Martha, Clayton, Tori, Kenny, Carl, Thea, Sophie, George, Tommy, and Edith


Class 2: 


Teacher: Mrs. Ruth Naomi Carter 

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Mabel Elizabeth Turner 


Della Sylvia Blaire 

Rachel Emily Bush 

John Abraham Cruz "Jack"

James Arthur Cunningham "Jimmy"

Caroline Hazel Dunn "Carrie"

Virginia Ellen Fitzgerald "Ginny"

Roland Leroy George 

Albert Theodore Hawkins 

Ruby Eleanor James 

Sally Helen Kramer 

Hugh Edgar Lawson 

Frederick Oliver Moran "Fred" 

Flora Inez Nguyen 

Georgia Beatrice Powell 

Sidney Melvin Rogers 

Andrew Victor Salazar "Andy"

Goldie Madeline Tatum

Otis Michael Thornton 

Ada Estelle Washington 

Ronald Ellis Wolfe 


Miss Carter and Miss Turner's Class

Della, Rachel, Jack, Jimmy, Carrie, Ginny, Roland, Albert, Ruby, Hugh, Fred, Flora, Georgia, Sidney, Andy, Goldie, Otis, Ada, and Ronald

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