Posted 05 November 2016 - 09:25 PM
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 06 November 2016 - 12:50 AM
Ashley Jade 'AJ' Marilyn
Isiana 'Izzy' Delaney Brooke/Isiana 'Izzy' ?? Ivy
Brooks (as a mn)
Ashley Jade 'AJ' Marilyn: Right away, I'll say that the sound of these 3 names together is great! I'm not a huge fan of Ashley (it was big around the time I was born so I know a ton and I'm just over it haha) but it's not a bad name overall. Jade and Marilyn are nice names, even though Jade is a 'filler' name. Absoultely nothing wrong with the flow of this one. I do hesitate at AJ, just because I really don't care for initial nicknames, even moreso on girls, but nicknames are fluid...you never know what will or won't stick...and of course, to each their own. (7/10)
Isiana 'Izzy' Delaney Brooke/Isiana 'Izzy' ?? Ivy: I've never heard Isiana before but I guess it's not that bad, better than the other Is names. Izzy makes sense as a nickname for it. Even though I hate when Anna is pronounced like Ana (ann-uh v. awn-uh), I think it looks better like Isianna. As for Delaney Brooke, I think they are a beautiful match and pair nicely with Isiana. As for the other combo, I checked out your profile for some ideas so...
Isiana Alexis Ivy? Isiana Paige Ivy? Isiana Kaelyn Ivy?
I think I like the combo with Paige the most and maybe Kaelyn the least but from what I saw, those would be your three best options. (IDB: 7/10, IAI: 6/10, IPI: 8/10, IKI: 6/10)
Brooks: I see absolutely nothing wrong with this as a middle name for a boy. It definitely works. And like the last one, I got some suggestions from your page...
Austin Brooks? Adam Brooks? Nathaniel Brooks? Nicholas Brooks? In order of favorites I'd probably say...Nathaniel, Adam, Austin, then Nicholas. (AusB: 8/10, AdB: 9/10, NathB: 9/10, and NicB: 7/10)
- HaydensMama18 likes this
Posted 06 November 2016 - 09:07 PM
Kenzo Theodore
Mary-Pearl Susannah
Kenzo Theodore: I've never heard of Kenzo before but it's a nice, unique twist for an Enzo name. I thoroughly enjoy it. As for Theodore, I've always a soft spot for the name. The pair together is really handsome. Great choice! (10/10)
Mary-Pearl Susannah: Double barrelled names aren't really my style. I don't mind Mary or Pearl, mainly as middles though, but I'm not quite sure I like them together honestly. As a double middle name, I could see them being okay but I don't care for the sound of them as one first name. As for Susannah, nothing against the name itself but I really don't think it flows with Mary-Pearl. I could see myself potentially enjoying Mary-Pearl more with a different middle name. (6/10)
Posted 06 November 2016 - 09:11 PM
rilee jayde or amya jayde?
First off, I'm not a huge fan of spelling it as Jayde but it's not the worst.
I've never seen it spelled Rilee and I'll be honest with you...I don't like it. I know Riley is typical but there's even others than that that are okay. Rylee, Ryleigh, etc.
I'm hoping you pronounce Amya as uh-my-uh. Otherwise, I'd have no clue.
Both of those pronunciations (Rilee's and Amya's) do flow well with Jayde.
But based off the way you're spelling the names, my vote goes towards Amya.
(RJ: 5/10, AJ: 7/10)
Posted 06 November 2016 - 09:14 PM
Thoughts on sib set: Wilder, Finn, Asher, and Bennett
I think it's great!
I feel like they all compliment each other well. None feel too 'out there' compared to the others.
Wilder and Asher both have the -er in common and Finn and Bennett both have double initials.
Definitely feels outdoors-y/woods-y but that's not a bad thing.
(Sibset: 9/10, Wilder: 8/10, Finn: 10/10, Asher: 10/10, Bennett: 10/10)
- Barbie likes this
Posted 07 November 2016 - 10:37 AM
Rowan Leyla Eve
Audrey Maya Katherine
Peyton Iris
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 07 November 2016 - 08:47 PM
Thanks! Isiana is prn. Iz-ee-AWN-uh lol so I prefer this spelling to match the sound. I love Alexis and Paige! I love Kaelyn as well but I already have a few -lyn names on my list. And thanks for the suggestions for Brooks, but I already have a fn picked out, I didn't put it on here because I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Rowan Leyla Eve
Audrey Maya Katherine
Peyton Iris
That's how I pronounced it too, which is why I said I don't usually like Anna spelled Ana (especially since I have Anna in my name and I'm sick of the mispronunciations...Frozen hasn't helped lol) Now that I think about it, I do like the Isiana spelling more actually so scratch that comment anyway.
Alexis and Paige definitely work with it!
Well despite knowing what the first name is, Brooks is just fine as a middle name. My whole list consists of "not everyone's cup of tea" which is why I'm hesitant to ask for opinions so I get it. If you want to share in a message, feel free. I won't judge the name, I'll just focus on how they sound together if you'd like.
Rowan Leyla Eve: I don't have a preference on Rowan/Rohan but I like the option of Ro/Roe as a nickname and I think I like the sound of that on a girl. I think I like the spelling Layla better but this is still pretty. I absolutely adore Eve. I think the flow would be slightly better as Leyla Rowan Eve but this combo still works. (7/10)
Audrey Maya Katherine: I'm not the biggest fan of Audrey but it's not too bad. Audrey Maya alone doesn't work imo but adding the Katherine really completes the combo. Maya Katherine really work as a pair. (8/10)
Peyton Iris: Oh no This might be the biggest disagreement we have with names...I love Peyton so so much for a boy but am hesitant to use it because it is so popular for girls now, not a fan at all. The only thing that has made me *slightly* come around to Peyton on a girl is watching OTH and hearing it on there so much...otherwise, all boy imo. However, props for spelling it Peyton as opposed to Payton, I'll give you that. As for Iris, I'm not a huge fan of the name but I guess it flows okay with Peyton. (6/10)
Posted 08 November 2016 - 11:50 AM
Hayden Gabrielle Rayne/Hayden Cherry Alexa/Hayden Katarzyna Rose
Javelin Brooks
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 08 November 2016 - 05:04 PM
Lol, weirdly enough I've never seen frozen but I know their names xD Do you also think Isiana Katherine Ivy works? I love the Layla spelling as well, but the Leyla spelling honors someone. I like Payton for a boy and Peyton for a girl. & I personally don't mind putting the name here, I'll just put it below (:
Hayden Gabrielle Rayne/Hayden Cherry Alexa/Hayden Katarzyna Rose
Javelin Brooks
I have two younger sisters, no escaping the movie for me!
Yes it does! Very girlie yet classic and strong at the same time!!
Well, it always means more to me when it's honoring someone so Leyla is fine then. I have Rourke on my list and spell it like that to honor family. Same with Bryan as opposed to Brian.
Hayden Gabrielle Rayne/Hayden Cherry Alexa/Hayden Katarzyna Rose: Well, first off...after how much I adored your options for Hayden on a boy, I'll admit that it'll be hard to like these as much. I like Hayden Gabrielle Rayne a lot, maybe even better than the Gabrielle Victoria Rayne combo from before. The flow of these 3 together just really works. As for the second, Cherry does make me hesitate but then I remember The Outsiders and from a book-lover standpoint I think it's a cool name. I think Hayden Alexa Cherry might sound better but the last name would also be a factor. As for the last one, I find Katarzyna alone a bit of a mouthful and the whole thing together is definitely one. I think Katarzyna might be best paired with just one name...or with two one syllable names, Katarzyna Rose is fine...I just think the 3 together is too much. (HGR: 8/10, HCA: 6/10, HKR: 5/10)
Javelin Brooks: I actually like the name! With all the other names out there these days, I would not at all be shocked to meet a boy named Javelin. I think this is another one where the last name will influence my opinion a bit because Brooks is already surname-y but I do like the names together! (9/10)
Posted 08 November 2016 - 06:25 PM
Thanks again for some more great feedback! Azelin is pronounced ays/(h)aze-lyn. The spelling Aislinn (which I would prefer) is Irish and actually pronounce ash-lyn so I created an alternate spelling for the pronunciation I liked.
Odeya (oh-DAY-a)
Annika (ON-ih-ka)
Harper (I know it’s very popular for girls now, but when I was younger I read a book with a male character named Harper and I’ve adored it for a boy ever since!)
Bellamy (It sounds girly to some, I know, but it’s all boy to me!)
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 09 November 2016 - 06:08 AM
Pascal Orion
Edie Ramona
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 10 November 2016 - 09:38 AM
Thanks! I plan on using Hayden for a boy, but if I don't get to have a boy, I'm naming one of the girls Hayden. I gotta plan ahead
Demetria 'Demi'
Hardy (as a mn)
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 10 November 2016 - 12:07 PM
Elijah (suggestions?)
Jackson Oliver
Silas (suggestions?)
Davina Rayne or Davina Claire
Chloe Sutton
Freya Juliet
Brynn (suggestions?)
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 10 November 2016 - 07:44 PM
Paige Madeleine/Paige Adeline(Prn -line)
Mackenzie Caitlyn/Katelyn 'Kenzie'
Lila Isabelle/Lila Emily(Prn like Isla with an L)
Annabelle Faith
Chandler Joseph (I came up with this while watching friends and I actually love it in a guilty pleasure way lol)
Jackson Connor
Noah Rylan
Christian Matthew
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 11 November 2016 - 04:49 PM
I've always loved the name Piper and thought a middle name beginning with J would flow well. I already have:
Piper Jolie (Joe-leee (long E sound)) I've also considered the spelling Joleigh.
Piper Josephine
I also don't care for for the name Jaqueline, no matter how you spell it. Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks!
- brimariiee likes this
Posted 11 November 2016 - 05:37 PM
Thanks again for some more great feedback! Azelin is pronounced ays/(h)aze-lyn. The spelling Aislinn (which I would prefer) is Irish and actually pronounce ash-lyn so I created an alternate spelling for the pronunciation I liked.
Odeya (oh-DAY-a)
Annika (ON-ih-ka)
Harper (I know it’s very popular for girls now, but when I was younger I read a book with a male character named Harper and I’ve adored it for a boy ever since!)
Bellamy (It sounds girly to some, I know, but it’s all boy to me!)
Well I think that's how I'd pronounce it if I saw it out somewhere.
Laureline: I'm assuming this has the -line pronunciation at the end and not -lyn? It definitely feels a little made up to me (idk if it actually is or not) but it does fit right in with other names that are around so it's not bad. I think Laur- names are great but none I 'love' so this actually is a nice and different twist to them. I would worry about the risk of mispronunciation with -lyn/-line (depending on what you prefer) but otherwise, I think it's a fine choice. (7/10)
Adelaide: I've always had a weird, mostly negative reaction to this name. The -aide part being in a name is what I think throws me off, I don't care for it. i hope this doesn't ruin the name for you if you really like it but it always makes me think of Kool-Aid even though they don't have anything similar other than the ending. I would much prefer seeing Adeline. Overall, nothing really wrong with the name exactly...just nms. (6/10)
Odeya: How you have it written is exactly how I would pronounce it too so I'm sure that's reassuring. I'm not sure what the origin of this name is but it does sound very foreign and I love that about it. I wouldn't personally use this but I'm definitely for keeping it on your list!! (8/10)
Annika: Welllll, my opinion on this changed slightly when I read your pronunciation...To me, on/awn pronunciations have one N (even though that's not how an/and works) and the two n's give it the anne sound, so I would definitely pronounce it more like ann-ih-kuh and I'm not a fan of pronouncing it the other way. Overall, I do like the name though. (7/10 for the way you pronounced it, 9/10 otherwise)
Brogan: I've only met one Brogan in my life and it was a girl, but I've always felt the name was very masculine...especially with Brady and Brody being around (which I also consider boys names). While this name isn't my style at all and I would be more inclined to use Brady or Brody...I do think it is a nice change from those names as they are more popular, as far as I know. (7/10)
Philip: This name is definitely dated imo. And I definitely would stick it in the middle name slot myself. However, I love when unexpected older/outdated names make a comeback! You didn't mention a nickname or anything but I definitely like this a lot better as the full Philip as opposed to Phil, then I think it's just too much. (7/10)
Harper: I have mixed feelings on this being for a boy I guess. The 'harp' part definitely gives me a feminine vibe but I feel like there are more -er names for boys than for girls. I know it to be a girl's name way too much honestly. And with it being so popular for girls right now, you have to ask yourself if you would want your son to be a male Harper with other Harper's in his class, all girls. (I've had to do the same with Peyton, so I get it). I guess I could see it growing on me and with 'boys names on girls' being a trend, why not this? It's unisex enough and not super feminine to do. (7/10)
Bellamy: To some? Unfortunately, I'm going to have to say that's probably most. I would've never considered this to be unisex or a boys name at all. I can't see a hint of 'boy' in this name at all. Any sort of belle/bella name to me would be all girl. I could see this on a boy...as a last name...but that's about it. On a girl though, the name isn't bad. (5/10)
Posted 12 November 2016 - 03:38 PM
Pascal Orion
Edie Ramona
Pascal Orion: While neither name is my style, I actually like both of these names. Orion took some time to grow on me, after I learned the correct way to pronounce it. So while the overall combo isn't anywhere close to what I'd go with, I do think the two names work really well together. Handsome and unique combo! (9/10)
Edie Ramona: I'm assuming this is pronounced like Evie, e-d and not eddie? I think Edie is an adorable name, though I'm not really a fan of nickname sounding names/nickname names as the given name. But at the same time, I can't think of a longer name for Edie that would be worth using. Ramona works really nicely with the name, great flow. (9/10)
Posted 12 November 2016 - 03:59 PM
Thanks! I plan on using Hayden for a boy, but if I don't get to have a boy, I'm naming one of the girls Hayden. I gotta plan ahead
Demetria 'Demi'
Hardy (as a mn)
Very smart! Haha.
Demetria 'Demi': If I think of Demi Moore, I like the name...if I think of Lovato, it feels a bit ruined to me. The nickname Demi itself isn't all that bad, but I feel like Demetria is a lot. Definitely would suggest keeping a shorter middle name with it since it's a mouthful on it's own. (6/10)
Ruby: Looove this name! Can't remember if I kept it on my list but I did have it on for a while. It's such a beautiful name! (10/10)
Hardy: I'm pretty open to people using whatever in the middle name slot, as long as they sound good together so I see absolutely nothing wrong with Hardy. I personally prefer Harvey or Harley to it but it's fine. (9/10)
If you were looking for suggestions with those names, let me know and I'll do it.
Posted 14 November 2016 - 12:01 AM
Elijah (suggestions?)
Jackson Oliver
Silas (suggestions?)
Davina Rayne or Davina Claire
Chloe Sutton
Freya Juliet
Brynn (suggestions?)
Elijah: I love the name and the nickname Eli (but I refuse to use it as a first name due to popularity). I see you have Brooks on your profile with it, I think that is a good choice, I see nothing wrong with it. As for the other names I saw you listed, Elijah Colton or Elijah Oliver (I know you have it with Jackson though) would be my other suggestions. And based off names you like, maybe....Elijah Tanner, Elijah Daniel, or Elijah Maxwell. I really love the sound of Elijah Michael but I'm sure that's an overdone combo. (Elijah: 10/10, EB: 10/10, EC: 9/10, EO: 10/10, ET: 9/10, ED: 8/10, EMax: 9/10, EMike: 9/10)
Jackson Oliver: Jackson isn't really my taste and it's popularity doesn't help but it's a fine name overall. Oliver is a great name and flows really well with Jackson. Very handsome, though I'm sure popular, combo! (9/10)
Silas: I'm not a huge fan of this name (I've only ever met one irl and he ruined it) but the overall sound of the name is nice imo. As for middles...(some from your profile, some not) Silas Elliot, Silas Hudson, Silas Reid, and Silas William come to mind. (Silas: 8/10, SE: 9/10, SH: 9/10, SR: 9/10, SW: 8/10)
Davina Rayne/Davina Claire: I've actually met a Davina before and the name fit her very well! It's nms but I think it's a really pretty name that I'm surprised isn't more popular. While I do like both middle names equally and while I feel Rayne might flow a little better with Davina, I think Claire balances out the name better. Maybe a different spelling for Rayne would look better with it, I don't know. (DR: 8/10, DC: 9/10)
Chloe Sutton: Chloe was on my list for a long while, it's definitely one of the better C names for girls imo. (I like very few). As for Sutton, I adore the name and it's unusable for me so I love seeing someone use it...however, it's all boy to me. I guess as a middle name it's not too bad but I really can't picture a girl Sutton. (7/10)
Freya Juliet: Probably unpopular opinion here but I don't care for Freya. In some ways, I can see why others may find it beautiful but, I personally don't. However, Juliet is a gorgeous name (I prefer Juliette but still love Juliet too). Overall, I'd say the names flow together and if you enjoy the beauty of Freya...Juliet is another beautiful name to pair with it. (7/10)
Brynn: Eh, not a huge fan of this as it's own first name. I think I'd prefer seeing this as a nickname from a longer name or just straight in the middle name slot. It's kind of clunky so find a 'sweet sounding' middle name would be my suggestion. Something like Brynn Elizabeth or Brynn Madeline (pronounced mad-uh-line). Other ones that I think flow...Brynn Hazel, Brynn Jolene, Brynn Giselle, or Brynn Margaret. (Brynn: 7/10, BE: 8/10, BMaddie: 9/10, BH: 7/10, BJo: 7/10, BG: 8/10, BM: 9/10)
Posted 14 November 2016 - 01:03 PM
Well I think that's how I'd pronounce it if I saw it out somewhere.
Laureline: I'm assuming this has the -line pronunciation at the end and not -lyn? It definitely feels a little made up to me (idk if it actually is or not) but it does fit right in with other names that are around so it's not bad. I think Laur- names are great but none I 'love' so this actually is a nice and different twist to them. I would worry about the risk of mispronunciation with -lyn/-line (depending on what you prefer) but otherwise, I think it's a fine choice. (7/10)
Adelaide: I've always had a weird, mostly negative reaction to this name. The -aide part being in a name is what I think throws me off, I don't care for it. i hope this doesn't ruin the name for you if you really like it but it always makes me think of Kool-Aid even though they don't have anything similar other than the ending. I would much prefer seeing Adeline. Overall, nothing really wrong with the name exactly...just nms. (6/10)
Odeya: How you have it written is exactly how I would pronounce it too so I'm sure that's reassuring. I'm not sure what the origin of this name is but it does sound very foreign and I love that about it. I wouldn't personally use this but I'm definitely for keeping it on your list!! (8/10)
Annika: Welllll, my opinion on this changed slightly when I read your pronunciation...To me, on/awn pronunciations have one N (even though that's not how an/and works) and the two n's give it the anne sound, so I would definitely pronounce it more like ann-ih-kuh and I'm not a fan of pronouncing it the other way. Overall, I do like the name though. (7/10 for the way you pronounced it, 9/10 otherwise)
Brogan: I've only met one Brogan in my life and it was a girl, but I've always felt the name was very masculine...especially with Brady and Brody being around (which I also consider boys names). While this name isn't my style at all and I would be more inclined to use Brady or Brody...I do think it is a nice change from those names as they are more popular, as far as I know. (7/10)
Philip: This name is definitely dated imo. And I definitely would stick it in the middle name slot myself. However, I love when unexpected older/outdated names make a comeback! You didn't mention a nickname or anything but I definitely like this a lot better as the full Philip as opposed to Phil, then I think it's just too much. (7/10)
Harper: I have mixed feelings on this being for a boy I guess. The 'harp' part definitely gives me a feminine vibe but I feel like there are more -er names for boys than for girls. I know it to be a girl's name way too much honestly. And with it being so popular for girls right now, you have to ask yourself if you would want your son to be a male Harper with other Harper's in his class, all girls. (I've had to do the same with Peyton, so I get it). I guess I could see it growing on me and with 'boys names on girls' being a trend, why not this? It's unisex enough and not super feminine to do. (7/10)
Bellamy: To some? Unfortunately, I'm going to have to say that's probably most. I would've never considered this to be unisex or a boys name at all. I can't see a hint of 'boy' in this name at all. Any sort of belle/bella name to me would be all girl. I could see this on a boy...as a last name...but that's about it. On a girl though, the name isn't bad. (5/10)
Thanks once again! I'm one of those people who looks at the history or the name to determine the gender usage rather than the popularity of use right now so all surnames, including Harper and Bellamy (which means "handsome friend" btw and is also the name of a pretty fierce male character on The CW's The 100 based on the book series), are completely masculine to me. I also grew up with a boy named Harper so I also think of him. I'm hoping that maybe in a few years this trend of boy names on girls might die down so I can use some names that I love!
- brimariiee likes this
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