Hello! So I had a thought that I would like to share. Many of us are constantly updating our lists or see/hear so many new names all the time that we just want to discuss. Especially those names that get stuck in our heads for better or for worse! So here's the deal. Instead of creating a whole new topic or asking one member at a time on opinion threads, I thought maybe here could be an open discussion to get opinions from many different members on some good or bad names you have had stuck in your head.
These posts will be open for anyone to respond to, not just myself, although I will try to fill in responses to those who don't get attention if that should occur, so that hopefully everyone will get the feedback they are looking for!
I guess this is kind of a quick question thread, but we'll see how it goes!
I will start.
I recently read a book and the main character's name was Aila. Most people would probably immediately say ay-la, but I read eye-la (like Isla) and fell in love with it. I literally cannot get this name out of my head! I have always adored the sound of Isla, but I've never been a fan of the spelling. And although there are names where the ai sounds like ay, I always think of Kai. So what do you think of Aila, said eye-la? Is it nice or too complicated?