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Story CAF 5/?

Story Caf round 5

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#1 Puppylover12397


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Posted 18 March 2015 - 10:04 PM

Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4


Story CAF Part 5/?


It has been two years since you and [love interest] have welcomed [child #2] into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and [love interest] love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your [insert age you started CAF at] would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Things are very good though [your restaurant] has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month [love interest] got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for [child #1] and [child #2]. As you and [love interest] have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with [child #1] starting kindergarten - you and [love interest] have decided to expand your family with another little one.


[If trying for a baby] - However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and [love interest] do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with multiples! - [Roll]. You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and [love interest] want to have a large family. 


[If you use a surrogate/sperm donor] - It takes three months for you/your surrogate to get pregnant. You go to a visit to get the first scan and lo and behold you're expecting multiples! It seems more than one of the eggs you implanted ended up taking and while at first you and [love interest] feel a little worried as you never expected multiples, you knew there was a possibility though and look on the brighter side, you have always wanted a big family and this is just makes it a little faster.


[If Adopting]  - You and [love interest] have chosen to adopt from [Roll] - (Explain why you and [love interest] picked to adopt from this location). You expected it to take a long time, but it only takes five months for you to be matched with a baby in fact you're not just match with one baby, but with two! Twins, [Roll for Genders]. They were born earlier in the week. The openness of your adoption paper and your mention of willingness to adopt twins, however you find that there is another reason, both twins have cleft lips which will require two minor surgeries a piece which might have made it very difficult to adopt them out, especially together. You tell your adoption agent that the two of you need to talk about it. When you and [love interest] talk it over you do have some concerns, but you find out that your insurance will cover the surgery for both twins unlike most others which is good because it means the surgeries will not cost you an arm and a leg. However what really seals the deal is when you get the adoption package in the mail and see a photo of the twins. They melt your heart and you just know they are meant to be a part of your family. The first twin has [roll] hair and [roll] eyes and the second twin has [roll] hair and [roll] eyes. You call your agent and tell them you would like to go through with the adoption of the twins.


(As the pregnancy progresses you and [love interest] find out that you're expecting [Roll for Genders].) You inform [child #1] and [child #2] about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react, [Roll for each Child].  (How does this make you feel and love interest feel?). You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and [love interest] for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them - [Pick]. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make [child #1] and [child #2] feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - [Roll] and [Roll]. You and [love interest] also redo your room to fit your tastes [Roll]. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and [children] redid a little area by the stairs for [Pet #1] and [Pet #2] - (Dog or Cat). You, [love interest] and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies [are born/you go to pick them up]. (Tell us what happened, how it went, was [love interest] there? Parents? Siblings? Make it interesting!]


As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. (Roll for Hair and Eye Color of each child if you have not yet). You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and [love interest] named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names [Roll].


(If you TTC or used Surrogate/Sperm Donor)  [Love Interest] graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time they asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You ask them to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them.


(If You Adopted) - You and [love interest] have thought a lot about what to give as middle names for your children over the past few months, and you have decided that you would like to honor the place that they were born, [Adoptive Country]. You want to do this so your twins can carry bits of that culture with them despite the fact that they will be growing up in the United States.


As you watch [Child #1] and [Child #2]  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their [hospital bassinets/car seats]. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you [had no siblings/were not close with your siblings until after the birth/adoption of child #1]. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns/infants will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


Please list your family - furry members included!




# of Multiples for TTC:


1. Twins

2. Triplets

3. Twins.

4. Triplets

5. Twins

6. Twins



# of Multiples for Surrogate/Sperm Donor:


1. Twins

2. Triplets

3. Twins

4. Triplets

5. Quadruplets

6. Triplets


Country of Adoption:


1. France

2. Scotland

3. China

4. Ireland

5. India

6. Ukraine


Children's reaction:

(Roll for Child #1 and then Child #2)

1) Excited
2) Wanted a boy
3) Doesn't understand
4) Jealous
5) Wanted a girl
6) Doesn't care/mind




Twins: Girls - Boys - Boy/Girl - Girls - Boys - Boy/Girl

Triplets: Boys - Girls - Mixed

Quadruplets: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4


Master Bedroom:

1. Simple

2. Classical

3. Exotic

4. Simple

5. Traditional

6. Minimalistic


Child #1's Room:


1. Panda Bedroom

2. Race-Car Bedroom

3. Harry Potter Bedroom

4. Micky Mouse Bedroom

5. Safari Bedroom

6. Nautical Bedroom


Child #2's Room:


1. Pink Room - Blue Room

2. Green Room

3. Red Room

4. Winnie the Pooh Room

5. Other Red Room

6. Grey Room - Purple Room



Baby Information



(Roll for Each Baby)


1, 3 & 5: Girl

2, 4 & 6: Boy


First Names:

1. List #1

2. List #2

3. List #3

4. List #4

5. List #5

6. List #6


Middle Names:

(If you Adopt Your Multiples, they should have two middle names from their birth country. IE: Baby from China - Addison Mei Lixue Greenberg.

If you you had a pregnancy or used a surrogate/sperm donor, pick two middle names from the lists below per baby)


Boys Middle Names

Girl Middle Names


Hair Color:

(Roll for Each Child)


1. Blonde Hair - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

2. Red Hair - Mother - Biological Parent

3. Brown Hair - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

4. Black Hair - Mother - Biological Parent

5. Red Hair - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

6. Your Pick - Mother - Biological Parent


Eye Color:

(Roll for Each Child)


1. Blue Eyes - Mother - Biological Parent

2. Green Eyes - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

3. Hazel Eyes - Mother - Biological Parent

4. Brown Eyes - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

5. Almond Eyes - Mother - Biological Parent

6. Hazel Eyes - Father - Sperm Donor/Surrogate

#2 Puppylover12397


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Posted 18 March 2015 - 11:37 PM

My name is Romy Pepper Talbot, I have Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes and I'm Twenty-Three Years Old. I'm an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Le Cirque. I graduated at the top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of my dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. I have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards my life goal.


One night while I'm at work my head chef tells me that a patron wishes to speak to me out in the dining room. I tell him I'm  too busy, but he insists I go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. I sigh and throw my apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where I see one of the most attractive looking persons I have ever seen. They have Red Hair and intriguing Brown Eyes and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. I do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich debutant. As I walk over, a forced pleasant smile on my face the last thing I expect is the cockiest of grins on her face before she point blank informs me of just how terrible she thinks my dessert is.


I'm stunned. No one has ever spoken to me like this or challenged my cooking skills. I retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that she takes back her comment and who does she think she is to insult me in such a way! She simply smiles vivaciously and informs me that she is Althea Laken Godfrey. I'm stunned, she's the newest food critic for the New York Times. I demand that she tries something else that this must have been a fluke. Althea only laughs and walks out. I'm infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once I get home I research more about Althea and find out everything she loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as she despises anise. I also find out that Althea is one of the city's hottest bachelorettes, they're Twenty-Two Years Old.  I work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on her favorite flavors - Almond, Guava and White Truffle.  I use all my contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night I show up at Althea's apartment.


I knock on her door until she answers and make my demand - that she try my new desserts before they send in their review of Le Cirque. At first Althea is reluctant, but she notices the spark in my eyes and lets me in. I watch her devour my desserts in silence before Althea suddenly asks me to leave. I ask her what she thought, but she refuses to tell me and says that I will find out in next week's paper. I go home feeling worried.


I spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful my boss did not fire me for my altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes I come into work and am greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from my colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Althea goes into detail after detail and I get flustered as I read the copy of the paper shoved into my hands - I feel my heart flutter and my knees go weak. I only come back to the world when I'm told I have a phone call for me and its from Althea!


I pick up and she does something I never expected her to do... She asks me out on a date! I'm stunned into silence for a few moments, but I do say yes and agree to meet her at her apartment on my next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.



I have been seeing Althea for a  year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from our very first date! Out first date was magical, Althea showed up to Le Cirque to pick me up from work and she even brought me Homemade Carmels. From there she took me out to do a very upscale date; A Private Cooking Lesson with Tom Colicchio ! We had a fantastic time.


Althea and I just have so much in common - it tuns out that we both come from large families and enjoyed having lots of siblings, we both have a fondness for classical french cuisine and we're both huge fans of the Harry Potter Series! After our date Althea  and I go for a walk through Central Park and the two of us discuss our desires, hopes and dreams together. Althea's love of writing and food and my own wish to one day open my own restaurant. The next thing I notice as we were sitting on a park bench was the sun rising, Althea and I had spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then I take every one of  my days off and spend them with Althea. As much as I have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to my career I find that since I started seeing Althea my palate had become better and I'm working harder than before to strive for my dreams because now I have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates my drive and passion.


Our relationship moves fast in that first year and I honestly have no idea how I have lived my life without Althea as a part of it. On the morning of our one year anniversary, Althea wakes me up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts I fed to him the night we first met - Almond, Guava and White Truffle. There is a Guava filled pancake popper with white truffle shaved onto it and topped with candied almond brittle. I nosh down on it in quite the uncivilized manner given just how tasty the dish is that it is not until I got a for a sip of the mimosa that I notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Vintage Engagement Ring. I say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited I am to be engaged to Althea. However I realize we have so much to do! It takes Althea and I a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done I know it is perfect, the wedding I have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute Althea proposed, a beautiful Ballgown Wedding Dress. Althea wanted a French Rose, Orange & Pink color theme and we  wanted Tulips for the flower arrangements! Althea picked out the most gorgeous gown - Vintage Wedding Dress. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful in L. We all wanted the wedding to be a Large Affair at Le Cirque. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful Elegant Wedding Cake..

Finally the day came and Althea and I were married! My head chef - Sirio Maccioni -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on Almond, Guava and White Truffles. The meal was divine! My father and Althea's Father walked us down the isle and Althea's maid of honor even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Althea and I left on our honeymoon to France.  We spent two weeks having a blast going wine tasting, visiting the Eiffel Tower, truffle hunting, sight seeing around Paris and dining at every restaurant we could!



It has been two years since Althea and I married and went off on our extravagant honeymoon together. We have been living together in his apartment ever since our return back into the city, but recently the two of us  have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that we could start a family there. We  know this means both Althea and I will need to commute to work from now on, but both of us want our future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Hudson and I had and we did not enjoy.


Althea and I visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Manhasset. We both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, A Seven-Bedroom Home with a ton of beautiful land, it is gorgeous and another reason Althea and I love it is because it has a very large kitchen equipped with all the fancy gadgets I could dream of, a big pool with a water slide and a huge already set up and life filled herb and produce garden, not to mention some apple trees. It is a little out of our price range, but Althea and I decide that it is a worthy investment. Althea and I made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month Althea and I are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that we have a home of our own and not an apartment, both Althea and I have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! We both settle on a Dog, but there is one problem. We cannot agree on a breed! I would like a Australian Shepherd and Althea would like a Shih Tzu. We both try and make a choice, convince Althea while he tries to convince me that our pick is better. Finally, we both come to a unanimous agreement - we'll get both!


It takes us another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning we can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and our puppies are born only three days apart and we end up with little ones of the same gender - Boys. Althea and I decide to name them in a matching theme - Space Theme. We are so excited and spend most of our time when we're not at work playing or codling Atlas and Vega


It's a good thing that we got Atlas and Vega because they've been great experience! So much so that Althea and I decide maybe its time to have our first baby. We begin to search for a sperm donor. Althea and I talk about who will carry the baby, and both decide that we would like to experience pregnancy, and draw straws to see who will go first; you win the draw. Althea's brother offers to be a donor for us, and we are both very grateful for his selfless decision. Ennis Jack Godfrey has the same Red Hair as Althea, but his eyes are blue like his mother's. As the pregnancy progresses Althea and I find out that we're expecting a Baby Boy. After Althea and I spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for our little one and it looks absolutely stunning - It's a boy's blue room covered in lots of soft plush animals and toys.


The time finally arrives and our baby is born! The labor is fast and I actually deliver our little man only six hours after going into labor, thankfully Althea had decided to work from home that day so she was able to be with me through the labor and delivery. If she had been at work when my water had broken - three in the afternoon - she probably would not have made it back in time to be there for our son's birth.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Althea and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that we're biased or anything and he has my Blonde Hair and surprisingly he has Blue Eyes from Ennis. Althea and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decided we really wanted to thank Ennis for being out sperm donor and allowing our baby to be related to both of us and so we decide to give the baby a first name after Ennis - Jackson. The problem is that Althea and I had a much harder time picking a middle name for Jackson- Althea wanted to name them after a famous writer, but I wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, we decided to give Althea two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. We picked Louis after Louisa May Alcott - Althea's favorite author and Ramsay for Gordon Ramsay- my biggest culinary inspiration. Our little man is Jackson Louis Ramsay Talbot-Godfrey and as soon as we look at our baby, we know that this is the name for him. Althea and I are absolutely in love with Jackson.



It has been two years since Althea and I welcomed Jackson. Things have been going well and both Althea and I have been recently promoted in our jobs - the only problem is, I'm not very happy at work anymore. I'm tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate my own dreams and desires for all things culinary. I decide to talk to Althea about it and they support me fully on my passion and drive, offering to help me as much as they can. I speak with my employer - Sirio - and while they are sad to see me go, they understand and implore me for my drive and promise to assist me as I am one of their favorite proteges. They lead me to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products I need. It helps that just last year I won a James Beard Foundation Award so people know who I am and trust that I have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes me the rest of the year, but I draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of my own money to finally buy a place. I even have a name picked out - Thea and Jackson's and it will feature a simple and light French menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. I've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Althea and one for Jackson and it is made of their favorite flavor, Guava for Thea and Peanutbutter for Jackson. Thea and Jackson's  is in Manhasset and I'm a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Le Cirque in the city.


It has been a full three years now since Althea and I welcomed Jackson and we feel it might be time to give them another sibling. We  begin to look into adoption. We enjoyed our time in France so much on our honeymoon and thus we have decided to adopt from there. It takes a lot less time and only after two months, but we're matched with a baby and Althea and I could not be more excited. I explain to Jackson that they're going to become a big brother and they are feeling upset and I'm feeling concerned by Jackson's reaction.


As the adoption progresses Althea and I find out that we're expecting another Baby Boy, we inform Jackson of the baby's gender and they are a lot more excited now as they wanted a baby brother and they got one. Due to Jackson's reaction Althea and I decide to let him help out with the nursery and let them pick a theme - Fairytale - though we tone it down to slight theme for Jackson's current favorite author, Hans Christan Anderson. After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Nursery- and Jackson is very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and our second baby is arriving in the airport for us to pick him up. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms and for him to be truly with us all. In our home and as a part of our family. When the women bringing him lands and hands him to us, I hold our little man ever so tightly and never want to let him go. I do though, I let Althea hold him and our parents and siblings come and see him, give him kisses and welcome him to the Talbot-Godfrey clan.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Althea and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. Our little man has Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. Althea and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name, Dashiell. Althea and I remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Jackson and decide earlier in the pregnancy we actually flipped a coin and I won the coin flip and picked the middle names - Sirius Garrick. Althea and I are happy with the name as when I look down at our button nosed newborn, it feels right to call him Dashiell Sirius Garrick Talbot-Godfrey.


The moment finally comes when we introduce Jackson and Dashiell and despite all prior reactions we worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Jackson is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Dashiell. He asks to hold Dashiell and Althea helps them become situated and to hold the baby and the four of us sit together as a family and I feel entirely blessed. I only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.



It has been two years since Althea and I have welcomed Dashiell into our home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but I expected it and honestly both Althea and Ilove being parents even more than we love anything elsewe have ever done and I can only imagine how Twenty-Three Year me would have felt back then if I told them that. I probably would have laughed at myself.


Things are very good though at Thea's and Jackson's and we have been very good and the restaurant has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Althea  got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. We've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Jackson and Dashiell. As Althea and I have been doing so well, not to mention I feel like the house is a little empty with Jackson starting kindergarten - Althea and I have decided to expand our family with another little one.


We decide this time that Althea will carry the baby's and my younger brother - Jasper Chadwick Talbot- inspired by Ennis' donation to me, decides to donate for Althea to use. He has Blonde Hair, but he has Hazel Eyes. It takes three months for Althea to get pregnant. When we go to a visit to get the first scan and lo and behold you're expecting multiples - Triplets! It seems more than one of the eggs we implanted ended up taking and while at first Althea and I feel a little worried as we never expected multiples, we knew there was a possibility though and look on the brighter side, we have always wanted a big family and this is just makes it a little faster.


As the pregnancy progresses Althea and I find out that we're expecting Three Girls! We inform Jackson and Dashiell about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react, Jackson doesn't seem to mind ore care, he's just excited he'll be even more of a big brother and Dasheill does not really understand which makes sense since he is so young, but he picks up on Jackson's vibe and is also excited. While it might have been nice for them to to be more excited, as long as the boys are okay with it, we do not mind.


Althea and I decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on us for late night feedings, changing and other things. We set up a beautiful nursery for them - Nursery. While fixing up a room for the girls we decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. We don't want to make Jackson and Dashiell to  feel left out so we let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Jackson picks ends up with a Safari Themed Room and Dashiell gets a Winnie the Pooh Themed Room. Althea and I also redo our room to fit our tastes and it is both simple and elegant. we then decided not to leave out anyone so Jackson, Dashiell and I redid a little area by the stairs for Atlas and Vega - A Little Doggie Pad. Althea, Jackson, Dashiell and I have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and our babies are born. This time we end up having a planned c-section and all of our family is in attendance, they help us keep Dash and Jackson occupied through the procedure which is thankfully an effortless one, the birth goes fine and takes less than three to four hours and though nurses have to check and look over the babies, in the end they are healthy and content little lasses.


As I look at our babies and hold them for the first time I feel a tug in my heartstrings. Althea and I love them so much already and we could not imagine our life without each and every one of them. Althea and I named them with a coordinating theme, Starting with the letter L, since they were multiples and picked out the names Lavender, Leah and Lydia. Lavender and Leah are identical and have Blonde Hair and Hazel Eyes while Lydia is out little spitfire with Red Hair and Hazel Eyes.


Althea graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since she was a small child. When we were expecting this time Althea asked if I would be alright letting her pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in her studies and past readings. I say yes - I did get to pick Dash's middle names after all - and I just ask Althea to run them by me first and she picked Elizabella Isolde, Silvia Minerva and Severina Aurelia and I have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and we decide we will use them. Our names fir our little beauties perfectly; Lavender Elizabella Isolde Talbot-Godfrey, Leah Silvia Minerva Talbot-Godfrey and Lydia Severina Aurelia Talbot-Godfrey.


As Althea and I watch Jackson and Dashiell  smile, make faces and wave fingers at the girls while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. I just know that our children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what I have always wished for as I was not close with any of my siblings until after Jackson's birth. Though I know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful Irelish the challenge as I know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


The Talbot-Godfrey Families


DW: Romy Pepper Talbot-Godfrey [33] [Blonde Hair & Brown Eyes] [Pastry Chef]

DW: Althea Laken Talbot-Godfrey [32] [Red Hair & Brown Eyes] [Food Critic]


DS1: Jackson Louis Ramsay Talbot-Godfrey [5] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes]

DAS1: Dashiell Sirius Garrick Talbot-Godfrey [2] [Blonde Hair & Green Eyes]

DD1: Lavender Elizabella Isolde Talbot-Godfrey [0] [Blonde Hair & Hazel Eyes] [IT]

DD2: Leah Silvia Minerva Talbot-Godfrey [0] [Blonde Hair & Hazel Eyes] [IT]

DD3: Lydia Severina Aurelia Talbot-Godfrey [0] [Red Hair & Hazel Eyes]


Dog: Atlas [Australian Shepherd, 6]

Dog: Vega [Shih Tzu, 6]


Romy and Althea Talbot-Godfrey; with Jackson, Dashiell, Lavender, Leah & Lydia + Atlas & Vega

#3 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 06:42 AM

It has been two years since you and Jane have welcomed Margo into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Jane love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your younger self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.
Things are very good though Landon's Place has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Jane got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Landon and Margo. As you and Jane have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Landon starting kindergarten - you and Jane have decided to expand your family with another little one.
You and Jane have chosen to adopt from Scotland - Jane has family from there. You expected it to take a long time, but it only takes five months for you to be matched with a baby in fact you're not just match with one baby, but with two! Twin girls. They were born earlier in the week. The openness of your adoption paper and your mention of willingness to adopt twins, however you find that there is another reason, both twins have cleft lips which will require two minor surgeries a piece which might have made it very difficult to adopt them out, especially together. You tell your adoption agent that the two of you need to talk about it. When you and Jane talk it over you do have some concerns, but you find out that your insurance will cover the surgery for both twins unlike most others which is good because it means the surgeries will not cost you an arm and a leg. However what really seals the deal is when you get the adoption package in the mail and see a photo of the twins. They melt your heart and you just know they are meant to be a part of your family. The first twin has blonde hair and brown eyes and the second twin has red hair and hazel eyes. You call your agent and tell them you would like to go through with the adoption of the twins.
You inform Landon and Margo about the gender of their expected little siblings, Landon is upset because he wanted a brother, and Margo doesn't really understand what is happening. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Jane for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them - grey walls with hot pink accents, and white and grey chevron patterns. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Landon and Margo feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - a Panda room for Landon and a green room for Margo. You and Jane also redo your room to fit your tastes, a simple, elegant room. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and Landon and Margo redid a little area by the stairs for Giada and Topaz. You, Jane and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.
The time finally arrives and you go to pick up the babies. Landon and Margo stayed with Jane's parents, and you flew out to pick up the twins. The flight was long, and you were tired when you arrived, but couldn't wait to meet the girls.
As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Jane named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Avalon and Aurora.
You and Jane have thought a lot about what to give as middle names for your children over the past few months, and you have decided that you would like to honor the place that they were born, Scotland. You want to do this so your twins can carry bits of that culture with them despite the fact that they will be growing up in the United States.
As you watch Landon and Margo  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their car seats. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you were not close with your siblings until after the birth of Landon. Though you know the coming months with multiple infants will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.
Matilda Rosemary Taliani-Encinas (35) - Red hair, green eyes; pastry chef
Jane Calliope Taliani-Encinas (36) - Brown hair, blue eyes; food critic
Landon Ramsay Poe Taliani-Encinas (5) - Red hair, brown eyes
Margo Alanis Pearl Taliani-Encinas (2) - Brown hair, blue eyes
Avalon 'Ava' Isobel Mairi Taliani-Encinas (0) - Blonde hair, brown eyes; adopted from Scotland
Aurora 'Rory' Kirstin Elise Taliani-Encinas (0) - Red hair, hazel eyes; adopted from Scotland
Giada Taliani-Encinas - Standard Poodle
Topaz Taliani-Encinas - Australian Shepherd
Matilda & Jane Taliani-Encinas w/ Landon, Margo, Ava, & Rory

#4 glitchinggecko


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 11:01 AM

It has been two years since you and Harry have welcomed Jon into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Harry love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 23 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.

Things are very good though, La Estomac Heureux has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Harry got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Old Wetburywhich is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Jack and Jon. As you and Harry have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Jack starting kindergarten - you and Harry have decided to expand your family with another little one.

You talk to your sister Eleanor about it, and her and husband aren't planning on having another child yet, and she'd be happy to carry another baby for you! It takes three months for your sister to get pregnant. You go to a visit to get the first scan and lo and behold you're expecting quadruplets! It seems more than one of the eggs you implanted ended up taking and while at first you and Harry feel a little worried as you never expected two babies, let alone four! You always knew there was a possibility though and look on the brighter side, you have always wanted a big family and this is just makes it a little faster. Eleanor's husband is very hesitant about the pregnancy, but Eleanor is positive she wants to continue.

As the pregnancy progresses you and Harry find out that you're expecting two boys and two girls. You inform Jack and Jon about the gender of their expected little siblings. Jack doesn't really care what gender they are, he's just happy to have more siblings. Jon is jealous! He wants to be the youngest! You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Harry for late night feedings, changing and other things, so you set up a beautiful nursery for them. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Jack and Jon feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms, jungle themed for Jack and Winnie the Pooh themed for Jon. You and Harry also redo your room to fit your tastes and settle on a classic theme. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and the children redo a little area under the stairs for Rigby and Brady, even though they spend most of their time on your bed! You, Harry and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.

The time finally arrives and your babies are born! Eleanor thankfully holds out until 32 weeks before she goes into labour, so whilst the babies will be premature, the doctors think they'll be perfectly healthy, just a little small. Of course, it was still unpredictable so Harry almost didn't make it back in time! He was out of town on business and had to break a few traffic laws to get to the hospital in time, but he made it just as Eleanor was wheeled into theatre.

As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. The two identical girls have Harry's black hair and Eleanor's hazel eyes, whilst the two identical boys have Eleanor's blonde hair and Harry's green eyes. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Harry decide on a coordinating name theme since they were multiples.

Harry graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time he asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You wholeheartedly agree and name your children, Amelia Persis Lucia, Angelina Juno Felicia, Anderson Felix Marcus and Alexander Theon Cyrus. More often known as, Amy, Angie, Andy and Alex.

As you watch Jack and Jon smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you know that Harry has never been particularly close to his siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.

Dexter 'Dex' Quince Weiger [33]
Brown Hair and Hazel Eyes

Henry 'Harry' Jasper Weiger [36]
Black Hair and Green Eyes

Jackson 'Jack' William Sirio Weiger [5]
Black Hair and Green Eyes

Jonathan 'Jon' Nicholas Dean Weiger [2]
Brown Hair and Brown Eyes

Amelia 'Amy' Persis Lucia Weiger [0]
Black Hair and Hazel Eyes

Angelina 'Angie' Juno Felicia Weiger [0]
Black Hair and Hazel Eyes

Anderson 'Andy' Felix Marcus Weiger [0]
Blonde Hair and Green Eyes

Alexander 'Alex' Theon Cyrus Weiger [0]
Blonde Hair and Green Eyes

Rigby the Bernese Mountain Dog [7]
Black, Rust and White Hair and Brown Eyes

Brady the German Shepherd [7]
Pure White Hair and Brown Eyes

#5 Puppylover12397


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:27 PM

My name is Duke Yarrow Vanderberg, I have Brown Hair and Blue Eyes and I'm Twenty-Five Years Old. I'm an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Eleven Madison Park. I graduated at the top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of my dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. I have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards my life goal.


One night while I'm at work my head chef tells me that a patron wishes to speak to me out in the dining room. I tell him I'm  too busy, but he insists I go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. I sigh and throw my apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where I see one of the most attractive looking persons I have ever seen. They have Blonde Hair and intriguing Green Eyes and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. I do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich debutant. As I walk over, a forced pleasant smile on my face the last thing I expect is the cockiest of grins on her face before she point blank informs me of just how terrible she thinks my dessert is.


I'm stunned. No one has ever spoken to me like this or challenged my cooking skills. I retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that she takes back her comment and who does she think she is to insult me in such a way! She simply smiles vivaciously and informs me that she is Cornelia Evangeline Carlisle. I'm stunned, she's the newest food critic for the New York Times. I demand that she tries something else that this must have been a fluke. Cornelia only laughs and walks out. I'm infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once I get home I research more about Cornelia and find out everything she loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as she despises anise. I also find out that Cornelia is one of the city's hottest bachelorettes, they're Twenty-Three Years Old.  I work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on her favorite flavors - Strawberry, Cherimoya and Black Truffle.  I use all my contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night I show up at Cornelia's apartment.


I knock on her door until she answers and make my demand - that she try my new desserts before they send in their review of Eleven Madison Park. At first Cornelia is reluctant, but she notices the spark in my eyes and lets me in. I watch her devour my desserts in silence before Cornelia suddenly asks me to leave. I ask her what she thought, but she refuses to tell me and says that I will find out in next week's paper. I go home feeling worried.


I spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful my boss did not fire me for my altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes I come into work and am greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from my colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Cornelia goes into detail after detail and I get flustered as I read the copy of the paper shoved into my hands - I feel my heart flutter and my knees go weak. I only come back to the world when I'm told I have a phone call for me and its from Cornelia!


I pick up and she does something I never expected her to do... She asks me out on a date! I'm stunned into silence for a few moments, but I do say yes and agree to meet her at her apartment on my next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.



I have been seeing Cornelia for a  year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from our very first date! Out first date was magical, Cornelia  showed up to Eleven Madison Park to pick me up from work and she even brought me Belgian Chocolates. From there she took me out to do a very upscale date; Making Our Own Cheese at a Local Fromagerie! We had a fantastic time.


Cornelia and I just have so much in common - it tuns out that we both are only children and we know we want differently for our own children, we both have a fondness for modern cuisine and we're both huge fans of Lacrosse! After our date Cornelia and I go for a walk through Central Park and the two of us discuss our desires, hopes and dreams together. Cornelia's love of writing and food and my own wish to one day open my own restaurant. The next thing I notice as we were sitting on a park bench was the sun rising, Cornelia and I had spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then I take every one of  my days off and spend them with Cornelia. As much as I have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to my career I find that since I started seeing Cornelia my palate had become better and I'm working harder than before to strive for my dreams because now I have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates my drive and passion.


Our relationship moves fast in that first year and I honestly have no idea how I have lived my life without Cornelia as a part of it. On the morning of our one year anniversary, I woke Cornelia up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts I fed to her the night we first met - Strawberry, Cherimoya and Black Truffle. There is a Cherimoya custard topped with a balsamic strawberry compote, fresh slices of black truffle and of strawberry . I watch as she noshes it down in quite the uncivilized manner given just how tasty the dish is and I was when she first notices the box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Luxurious Engagement Ring. Cornelia says yes without any hesitation and I cannot believe how excited I am to be engaged to Cornelia. However I realize we have so much to do! It takes Cornelia and I a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done I know it is perfect, the wedding I have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! Cornelia had her dress picked out from the minute I proposed, a beautiful Experimental Wedding Dress. Cornelia wanted a Rose, Corn Silk & Olive Green color theme and we  wanted Lilies for the flower arrangements! I picked out the most handsome suit - Slim Suit. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful in Peach Dresses and the Groomsmen looked dashing in Grey Vest Suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a Small Affair at a Stadium. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful Blue & Mint Green Wedding Cake.

Finally the day came and Cornelia and I were married! My head chef - Daniel Humm -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on Strawberry, Cherimoya and Black Truffles. The meal was divine! Cornelia's Father walked her down the isle and Cornelia's maid of honor even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Cornelia and I left on our honeymoon to Santorini, Greece. We spent two weeks having a blast going we visit Kamari Beach, Indulge in Fresh Shellfish and Attend Recreation of Ancient Grecian Festival!


It has been two years since Cornelia and I married and went off on our extravagant honeymoon together. We have been living together in her apartment ever since our return back into the city, but recently the two of us  have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that we could start a family there. We  know this means both Cornelia and I will need to commute to work from now on, but both of us want our future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Cornelia had and we did not enjoy.


Cornelia and I visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Roslyn. We both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, A Five-Bedroom Home with a vast backyard, it is gorgeous and another reason Cornelia and I love it is because it has a very large kitchen equipped with all the fancy gadgets I could dream of, a big pool with a water slide and a huge already set up and life filled herb and produce garden, not to mention some apple trees. It is a little out of our price range, but Cornelia and I decide that it is a worthy investment. Cornelia and I made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month Cornelia and I are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that we have a home of our own and not an apartment, both Cornelia and I have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! We both settle on a Dog, but there is one problem. We cannot agree on a breed! I would like a Border Collie and Cornelia would like a Dachshund. We both try and make a choice, convince Cornelia while he tries to convince me that our pick is better. Finally, we both come to a unanimous agreement - we'll get both!


It takes us another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning we can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and our puppies are born only three days apart and we end up with little ones of the same gender - Boys. Althea and I decide to name them in a matching theme - Famous Poets. We are so excited and spend most of our time when we're not at work playing or codling Tennyson and Chaucer


It's a good thing that we got Tennyson and Chaucer because they've been great experience! So much so that Hudson and I decide maybe its time to have our first baby. We begin to try for a baby. It takes six months, but Cornelia then falls pregnant and I could not be more thrilled! As the pregnancy progresses Cornelia and I find out that we're expecting a Baby Boy. After Cornelia and I spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for our little one and it looks absolutely stunning - an elegant white unisex nursery.


The time finally arrives and our baby is born! Cornelia went into labor in the middle of the work day, thank goodness I was only just getting to work and was able to talk to my chef who was very understanding and let me go so I could meet her at the hospital. Though there was not too much of a need to rush it would seem. Cornelia ended up being in labor for fifteen hours before our little man was ready to come out. We almost had to move in for a c-section, but luckily for us little man decided to make an appearance without too much medical intervention.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Cornelia and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that we're biased or anything and he has all my own features, but with Cornelia's coloring with Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. Cornelia and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby a first name after her maiden name - Carlyle. The problem is that Cornelia and I had a much harder time picking a middle name for Carlyle - Cornelia wanted to name them after a famous writer, but I wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, we decided to give Carlyle two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. We picked Thackery after William Makepeace Thackeray- one of Cornelia's favorite authors and Jacques for Jacques Pepin - my biggest culinary inspiration. Our little man is Carlyle Thackery Jacques Vanderberg and as soon as we look at our baby, we know that this is the name for him. Cornelia and I are absolutely in love with Carlyle.



It has been two years since Cornelia and I welcomed Carlyle. Things have been going well and both Cornelia and I have been recently promoted in our jobs - the only problem is, I'm not very happy at work anymore. I'm tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate my own dreams and desires for all things culinary. I decide to talk to Hudson about it and they support me fully on my passion and drive, offering to help me as much as they can. I speak with my employer - Daniel - and while they are sad to see me go, they understand and implore me for my drive and promise to assist me as I am one of their favorite proteges. They lead me to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products I need. It helps that just last year I won a Michelin Star so people know who I am and trust that I have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes me the rest of the year, but I draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of my own money to finally buy a place. I even have a name picked out - A Bushel and a Peck and it will feature a simple and light Farm to Table  menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. I've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Cornelia and one for Carlyle and it is made of their favorite flavor, Cherimoya for Cornelia and Marshmallow for Carlyle. A Bushel and a Peck is in Roslyn and I'm a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Eleven Madison Park in the city.


It has been a full three years now since Cornelia and I welcomed Carlyle and we feel it might be time to give them another sibling. We begin to try for a baby. It takes a lot less time and only after two months we find ourselves with a positive pregnancy test. I explain to Carlyle that they're going to become a big brother and he is afraid. Carlyle asks if you and Cornelia will love the baby more than him and you feel a gut wrenching amount of concern but you keep yourself composed and assure him that you and his mommy will do no such thing. That you will love them just as much as you do now. It calms Carlyle down, but you're still worried about it.


As the pregnancy progresses Hudson and I find out that we're expecting our first little Baby Girl, we inform Carlyle and he bursts into tears demanding that he get a baby brother instead and I am honestly at a loss of what to do. I try and calm him and so does Cornelia, but it does not work out well at all. Finally he cried himself to sleep. I call my parents, but considering I'm their only child they do not have much advice. So we try another route, we have Carlyle help out with the nursery and let him pick a theme - Animals - and we throw in pink, grey and other vibrant colors. After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Nursery- and now Carlyle is very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and our second baby is arriving and Cornelia went into labor in the middle of the night, and I had to call our parents, but there was no way they could get here soon enough and so we took Carlyle to the hospital were they met us so they could watch him. The baby was in distress and so we had to rush Cornelia for an emergency c-section. the waiting was crazy, but thankfully both mother and baby came through okay.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Cornelia and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. Our little lady has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, a perfect mix of Cornelia and I. Now, Cornelia and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name, Heather. Cornelia and I remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Carlyle and decide earlier in the pregnancy we actually flipped a coin and Cornelia won the coin flip and picked the middle names - Aja Presley. Cornelia and I are happy with the name as when I look down at our button nosed newborn, it feels right to call her Heather Aja Presley Vanderberg.


The moment finally comes when we introduce Carlyle and Heather. despite all prior reactions we worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Carlyle is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Heather. He asks to hold Heather and I help him become situated and to hold the baby and the four of us sit together as a family and I feel entirely blessed. I only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.


It has been two years since Cornela and I have welcomed Heather into our home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but I expected it and honestly both Althea and I love being parents even more than we love anything elsewe have ever done and I can only imagine how Twenty-Five Year Old me would have felt back then if I told them that. I probably would have laughed at myself.


Things are very good though at A Bushel and a Peck and we have been very good and the restaurant has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Cornelia got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. We've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Carlyle and Heather. As Cornelia and I have been doing so well, not to mention I feel like the house is a little empty with Carlyle  starting kindergarten - Cornelia and I have decided to expand our family with another little one.


However, Cornelia and I experience a little trouble and when we attempt to conceive and so Cornelia visits her doctor and they recommend we try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems Cornelia's cycle is a little off. Cornelia and I take the suggest and every week I give Cornelia an injection in her rear. Three months later we find out that noy only is Cornelia pregnant, but she is expecting multiples! Twins! We feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than we are nervous as Cornelia and I want to have a large family.


As the pregnancy progresses Cornelia and I find out that we're expecting Two Boys! We inform Carlyle and Heather about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react, Carlyle is very excited to have two little brothers, but Heather is a little disappointed, she wanted a sister. While it might have been nice for them to to be more excited, as long as the they are okay with it, we do not mind.


Cornelia and I decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on us for late night feedings, changing and other things. We set up a beautiful nursery for them - Nursery. While fixing up a room for the boys we decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. We don't want Carlyle and Heather to feel left out so we let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Carlyle picks a Nautical Themed Room and Heather gets a Pink Room. Cornelia and I also redo our room to fit our tastes and it is something fun and slightly exoitc. we then decided not to leave out anyone so Carlyle, Heather and I redid a little area by the stairs for Tennyson and Chaucer - A Little Doggie Pad. Cornelia, Carlyle, Heather and I have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and our babies are born. This time we end up having a planned c-section and all of our family is in attendance, they help us keep Carlyle and Heather occupied through the procedure which is thankfully an effortless one, the birth goes fine and takes less than three to four hours and though nurses have to check and look over the babies, in the end they are healthy and content little lads.


As I look at our babies and hold them for the first time I feel a tug in my heartstrings. Althea and I love them so much already and we could not imagine our life without each and every one of them. Cornelia and I named them with a coordinating theme, Names ending in -son, since they were multiples and picked out the names Hudson and Emerson. Hudson is a mini me with Brown Hair and Blue Eyes while Emerson is a mix of us with Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.


Cornelia  graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since she was a small child. When we were expecting this time Cornelia asked if I would be alright letting her pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in her studies and past readings. I say yes - I just ask Cornelia to run them by me first and she picked Atticus Tarquin and Demetrius Lucius and I have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and we decide we will use them. Our names fir our little men perfectly; Hudson Atticus Tarquin Vanderberg and Emerson Demetrius Lucius Vanderberg.


As Cornalia and I watch Carlyle and Heather smile, make faces and wave fingers at the girls while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. I just know that our children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what I have always wished for as both Cornelia and myself were only children. Though I know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful I relish the challenge as I know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


The Vanderberg Family


DH: Duke Yarrow Vanderberg [34] [Brown Hair & Blue Eyes] [Pastry Chef]

DW: Cornelia Evangeline Vanderberg (nee Carlisle) [32] [Blonde Hair & Green Eyes] [Food Critic]


DS1: Carlyle Thackery Jacques Vanderberg [5] [Blonde Hair & Green Eyes]

DD1: Heather Aja Presley Vanderberg [2] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes]

DS2: Hudson Atticus Tarquin Vanderberg [0] [Brown Hair & Blue Eyes]

DS3: Emerson Demetrius Lucius Vanderberg [0] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes]


Dog: Tennyson [Border Collie, 6]

Dog: Chaucer [Dachshund, 6]


Duke and Cornelia Vanderberg; with Carlyle, Heather, Hudson & Emerson + Tennyson & Chaucer

#6 Puppylover12397


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 07:43 PM

My name is Violet Clementine Benedetti, I have Dyed Purple Hair (Originally Brunette) and Brown Eyes and I'm Twenty-Three Years Old. I'm an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Momofuko. I graduated at the top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of my dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. I have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards my life goal.


One night while I'm at work my head chef tells me that a patron wishes to speak to me out in the dining room. I tell him I'm  too busy, but he insists I go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. I sigh and throw my apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where I see one of the most attractive looking persons I have ever seen. They have Blonde Hair and intriguing Purple Eyes (Naturally Blue)  and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. I do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich heir. As I walk over, a forced pleasant smile on my face the last thing I expect is the cockiest of grins on his face before he point blank informs me of just how terrible he thinks my dessert is.


I'm stunned. No one has ever spoken to me like this or challenged my cooking skills. I retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that he takes back his comment and who does he think he is to insult me in such a way! He simply smiles vivaciously and informs me that he is Hudson Orion Westfall. I'm stunned, he's the newest food critic for the New York Times. I demand that he tries something else that this must have been a fluke. Hudson only laughs and walks out. I'm infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once I get home I research more about Hudson  and find out everything he loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as he despises anise. I also find out that Hudson is one of the city's hottest bachelors, they're Twenty-Five Years Old.  I work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on his favorite flavors - Clementine, Passion Fruit and Saffron.  I use all my contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night I show up at Hudson's apartment.


I knock on his door until he answers and make my demand - that he try my new desserts before they send in their review of Momofuku. At first Hudson is reluctant, but he notices the spark in my eyes and lets me in. I watch him devour my desserts in silence before Hudson suddenly asks me to leave. I ask him what he thought, but he refuses to tell me and says that I will find out in next week's paper. I go home feeling worried.


I spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful my boss did not fire me for my altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes I come into work and am greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from my colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Hudson goes into detail after detail and I get flustered as I read the copy of the paper shoved into my hands - I feel my heart flutter and my knees go weak. I only come back to the world when I'm told I have a phone call for me and its from Hudson!


I pick up and he does something I never expected him to do... He asks me out on a date! I'm stunned into silence for a few moments, but I do say yes and agree to meet him at his apartment on my next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.


I have been seeing Hudson for a  year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from our very first date! Out first date was magical, Hudson showed up to Momofuko to pick me up from work and he even brought me Italian Bicotti. From there he took me out to do a very upscale date; A Private Pastry Lesson with Johnny Iuzzini! We had a fantastic time.


Hudson and I just have so much in common - it tuns out that we both come from small families, but we want to have large families ourselves despite working demanding jobs, Hudson has a love for any and all things travel based and if he could he would drop everything - except me of course - to go and travel the world for a whole year and we also both adore dogs! After our date Hudson and I go for a walk through Central Park and the two of us discuss our desires, hopes and dreams together. Hudson's love of writing and food and my own wish to one day open my own restaurant. The next thing I notice as we were sitting on a park bench was the sun rising, Hudson and I had spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then I take every one of  my days off and spend them with Hudson. As much as I have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to my career I find that since I started seeing Hudson my palate had become better and I'm working harder than before to strive for my dreams because now I have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates my drive and passion.


Our relationship moves fast in that first year and I honestly have no idea how I have lived my life without Hudson as a part of it. On the morning of our one year anniversary, Hudson wakes me up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts I fed to him the night we first met - Blackberry, Passion Fruit and Foie Gras. The breakfast is a passion fruit crepe filled with succulent chunks of seared foie gras, ricotta cheese and topped with a tangy blackberry jam and syrup. I nosh down on it in quite the uncivilized manner given just how tasty the dish is that it is not until I got a for a sip of the mimosa that I notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Pearl Engagement Ring. I say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited I am to be engaged to Hudson. However I realize we have so much to do! It takes Hudson and I a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done I know it is perfect, the wedding I have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute Hudson proposed, a beautiful Bohemian Wedding Dress. Hudson wanted a Varying Purples & White color theme and we  wanted Daffodils for the flower arrangements! Hudson picked out the most handsome suit/tux - Purple Tuxedo. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful in Lavender Dresses and the Groomsmen looked dashing in Grey and Orange Suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a Small Affair on The Beach. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful Purple Rose Cake.

Finally the day came and Hudson and I were married! My head chef - David Chang -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on Blackberry, Passion Fruit and Foie Gras. The meal was divine! My father walked me down the isle and Hudson's best man even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Hudson and I left on our honeymoon to Denmark.  We spent two weeks having a blast doing - We visit a cherry winery, go to Hamlet's Castle, find the little mermaid and even eat at the number one restaurant in the world- Noma!


It has been two years since Hudson and I married and went off on our extravagant honeymoon together. We have been living together in his apartment ever since our return back into the city, but recently the two of us  have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that we could start a family there. We  know this means both Hudson and I will need to commute to work from now on, but both of us want our future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Hudson had and did not enjoy.


Hudson and I visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Brookvile. We both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, A Six-Bedroom Home with lots of space in the front and backyard, it is gorgeous and another reason Hudson and I love it is because it has a very large kitchen equipped with all the fancy gadgets I could dream of, a big pool with a water slide and a huge already set up and life filled herb and produce garden, not to mention some apple trees. It is a little out of our price range, but Hudson and I decide that it is a worthy investment. Hudson and I made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month Hudson and I are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that we have a home of our own and not an apartment, both Hudson and I have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! We both settle on a Dog, but there is one problem. We cannot agree on a breed! I would like a Standard Poodle and Hudson would like a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. We both try and make a choice, convince Hudson while he tries to convince me that our pick is better. Finally, we both come to a unanimous agreement - we'll get both!


It takes us another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning we can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and our puppies are born only three days apart and we end up with little ones of the same gender - Girls. Hudson and I decide to name them in a matching theme - Nature Themes. We are so excited and spend most of our time when we're not at work playing or codling Briar and Aspen.


It's a good thing that we got Briar and Aspen because they've been great experience! So much so that Hudson and I decide maybe its time to have our first baby. We begin to try for a baby. It takes six months, but I fall pregnant and Hudson and I could not be more thrilled! As the pregnancy progresses Hudson and I find out that we're expecting a Baby Boy. After Hudson and I spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for our little one and it looks absolutely stunning - It's an interesting number with fun and funky colors.


The time finally arrives and our baby is born! The labor is fast and I actually deliver our little man only six hours after going into labor, thankfully Hudson had decided to work from home that day so he was able to be with me through the labor and delivery. If he had been at work when my water had broken - three in the afternoon - he probably would not have made it back in time to be there for our son's birth.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Hudson and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that we're biased or anything and it's nice that he's a mix of us both with Brown Hair and Blue Eyes. Hudson and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby a first name after my maiden name - Benry. The problem is that Hudson and I had a much harder time picking a middle name for Benry - Hudson wanted to name them after a famous writer, but I wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, we decided to give Benry two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. We picked Vladimir after Vladimir Nabokov - Hudson's favorite author and Julian for Julia Child - my biggest culinary inspiration. Our little man is Benry Vladimir Julian Westfall and as soon as we look at our baby, we know that this is the name for him. Hudson and I are absolutely in love with Benry.


It has been two years since Hudson and I welcomed Benry. Things have been going well and both Hudson and I have been recently promoted in our jobs - the only problem is, I'm not very happy at work anymore. I'm tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate my own dreams and desires for all things culinary. I decide to talk to Hudson about it and they support me fully on my passion and drive, offering to help me as much as they can. I speak with my employer - David - and while they are sad to see me go, they understand and implore me for my drive and promise to assist me as I am one of their favorite proteges. They lead me to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products I need. It helps that just last year I won a ICAP Award so people know who I am and trust that I have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes me the rest of the year, but I draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of my own money to finally buy a place. I even have a name picked out - Benedetti's and it will feature a simple and light New American menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. I've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Hudson and one for Benry and it is made of their favorite flavor, Passion Fruit for Hudson and Cherry for Benry. Benedetti's  is in Brookville and I'm a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Momofuku in the city.


It has been a full three years now since Hudson and I welcomed Benry and we feel it might be time to give them another sibling. We begin to try for a baby. It takes a lot less time and only after two months we find ourselves with a positive pregnancy test. I explain to Benry that they're going to become a big brother and he is so happy, he cannot wait to be a big brother and I'm thrilled by that as I had been worried he might be upset or have a negative reaction.


As the pregnancy progresses Hudson and I find out that we're expecting our first little Baby Girl, we inform Benry of the baby's gender and he is just thrilled. He has all these ideas about what he and his little sister will do, what they can play once she comes out of mommy's tummy. Due to Benry's reaction Hudson and I decide to let him help out with the nursery and let him pick a theme - Birds - which mix in with a light pink and some grey tones and throw in some bunnies as well. After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Nursery- and Benry is very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and our second baby is arriving and I went into labour in the middle of the night, and Hudson had to call our parents to come and look after Benry. My labor took longer this time than the last one and the baby was in distress at one, but we were able to move positions and she was no longer distressed and only an hour after that our little girl was born.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Hudson and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. Our little lady has Brown Hair and Blue Eyes just like her big brother Benry, another perfect mix of Hudson and I. Now, Hudson and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name, Vanessa. Hudson and I remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Benry and decide earlier in the pregnancy we actually flipped a coin and I won the coin flip and picked the middle names - Arabella Rowena. Hudson and I are happy with the name as when I look down at our button nosed newborn, it feels right to call her Vanessa Arabella Rowena Westfall.


The moment finally comes when we introduce Benry and Vanessa  and despite all prior reactions we worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Benry is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Vanessa. He asks to hold Vanessa and Hudson helps him become situated and to hold the baby and the four of us sit together as a family and I feel entirely blessed. I only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.



It has been two years since Hudson and I have welcomed Vanessa into our home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but I expected it and honestly both Hudson and I love being parents even more than we love anything else we have ever done and I can only imagine how Twenty-Three Year Old me would have felt back then if I told them that. I probably would have laughed at myself.


Things are very good though at Benedetti's and we have been very good and the restaurant has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Hudson got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. We've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Benry and Vanessa. As Hudson and I have been doing so well, not to mention I feel like the house is a little empty with Benry  starting kindergarten -Hudson and I have decided to expand our family with another little one.


However, Hudson and I experience a little trouble and when we attempt to conceive and so I make a visit with my doctor and they recommend we try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems my cycle is a little off. We take the suggest and every week I get a lovely injection in my rear given to me by my beloved husband. Three months later we find out that not only did the injections work, but I am expecting multiples! Twins! We feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than we are nervous as Hudson and I want to have a large family.


As the pregnancy progresses Hudson and I find out that we're expecting Two Girls! We inform Benry and Heather about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react, Neither of them are all that happy as they wanted the babies to be boys. While it might have been nice for them to to be more excited, as long as the they are okay with it, we do not mind.


Hudson and I decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on us for late night feedings, changing and other things. We set up a beautiful nursery for them - Nursery. While fixing up a room for the girls we decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. We don't want Benry and Vanessa to feel left out so we let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Benry picks a Micky Mouse Themed Room and Heather gets a Green Room. Hudson and I also redo our room to fit our tastes and it is something fun and classical. we then decided not to leave out anyone so Benry, Vanessa and I redid a little area by the stairs for Briar and Aspen - A Little Doggie Pad. Hudson, Benry, Violet and I have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and our babies are born. This time we end up having a planned c-section and all of our family is in attendance, they help us keep Benry and Vanessa occupied through the procedure which is thankfully an effortless one, the birth goes fine and takes less than three to four hours and though nurses have to check and look over the babies, in the end they are healthy and content little ladies.


As I look at our babies and hold them for the first time I feel a tug in my heartstrings. Hudson and I love them so much already and we could not imagine our life without each and every one of them. Hudson and I named them with a coordinating theme, Names starting with the letter F, since they were multiples and picked out the names Flora and Flannery. - Flora is our first little one to have Blonde Hair and she has Brown Eyes - another first - while Flannery has Brown Hair though she also has Brown Eyes.


Hudson graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since she was a small child. When we were expecting this time Hudson asked if I would be alright letting him pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in his studies and past readings. I say yes - I just ask Hudson to run them by me first and he picked Viviana Livia and Juno Sabina and I have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and we decide we will use them. Our names fit perfectly; Flora Viviana Livia Westfall and Flannery Juno Sabina Westfall.


As Hudson and I watch Benry and Vanessa smile, make faces and wave fingers at the girls while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. I just know that our children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what I have always wished for as I was never close with my siblings until Benry's birth. Though I know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful I relish the challenge as I know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


The Westfall Family


DW: Violet Clementine Westfall (nee Benedetti) [33] [Brown Hair & Brown Eyes] [Pastry Chef]

DH: Hudson Orion Westfall [35] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes] [Food Critic]


DS1: Benry Vladimir Julian Westfall [5] [Brown Hair & Blue Eyes]

DD1: Vanessa Arabella Rowena Westfall [2] [Brown Hair & Blue Eyes]

DD2: Flora Viviana Livia Westfall [0] [Blonde Hair & Brown Eyes]

DD3: Flannery Juno Sabina Westfall [0] [Brown Hair & Brown Eyes]



Dog: Briar [White Standard Poodle, 6]

Dog: Aspen [Cavalier Charles King Spaniel, 6]


Violet and Hudson Westfall; with Benry, Vanessa, Flora & Flannery + Briar & Aspen

#7 brimariiee


    Epic Baby Namer

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  • 2,477 posts
  • Gender:Female
  • Location:FL - IL
  • Interests:My son, diamond painting, reading, exploring with my family

Posted 20 March 2015 - 10:28 PM

Your name is Piper Sage Chamberlin, you have black hair and hazel eyes and you're 24 years old. You're an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Le Cirque. You have graduated at the top of your class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of your dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. You have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards your life goal.


One night while you're at work your head chef tells you that a patron wishes to speak to you out in the dining room. You tell him you're too busy, but he insists you go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. You sigh and throw your apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where you see one of the most attractive looking persons you have ever seen. They have blue eyes and blonde hair and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. You do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich heir. As you walk over, a forced pleasant smile on your face the last thing you expect is the cockiest of grins on their face before they point blank inform you of just how terrible they think your dessert is.


You're stunned. No one has ever spoken to you like this or challenged your cooking skills. You retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that they take back their comment and who did they even think they were to insult you in such a way! He simply smiles vivaciously and informs you that they are Christopher Nash Grenon. You're stunned, they're the newest food critic for the New York Times. You demand that they try something else that this must have been a fluke. They only laugh and walk out. You're infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once you get home you research more about Chris and find out everything he loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as the critic despises anise. You also find out that they are one of the cities hottest bachelors, they're 24 years old.  You work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on his favorite flavors - chocolate, pomegranate and Aztec chocolate and caramel.  You use all your contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night you show up at their apartment.


You knock on his door until they answer and make your demand - that they try your new desserts before they send in their review of your restaurant. At first they are reluctant, but they notice the spark in your eyes and let you in. You watch them devour your desserts in silence before they ask you to leave. You ask what he thought, but they refuse to tell you and say that you will find out in next week's paper. You go home feeling worried.


You spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful your boss did not fire you for your altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes you come into work and are greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from your colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Chris goes into detail after detail and you get flustered as you read the copy of the paper shoved into your hand - you feel your heart flutter and your knees go weak. You only come back to the world when you're told you have a phone call for you and its from Chris!


You pick up and they do the one thing you never expected them to do... Ask you out on a date! You're stunned into silence for a few moments, but you do say yes and agree to meet him at their apartment on your next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.


You have been seeing Chris for only a year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from your very first date! On said date he showed up to Le Cirque to pick you up from work and he even brought you white lilies. From there he took you out to do a very upscale date; it was to a little hole in the wall with fantastic food and you two had a fantastic time. You had so much in common - we both love kids, have a great sense of humor and love to travel. After your date he takes you for a walk through Central Park and the two of you discuss your desires, hopes and dreams together. His love of writing and food and your own wish to one day open your own restaurant one day. The next thing you notice and the sun is coming up, you two have spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then you take every one of your days off and spend it with Chris. As much as you have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to your career you find that since you started seeing Chris your palate had become better and you're working harder than before to strive for your dreams because now you have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates your drive and passion.


Your relationship moves fast in that first year and you honestly have no idea how you have lived your life without Chris as a part of it. On the morning of your one year anniversary, Chris wakes you up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts you fed to him the night you first met - chocolate, pomegranate and Aztec chocolate and caramel. Then you notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Vintage Engagement Ring. You say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited you are to be engaged to Chris. However your realize you have so much to do! It takes you and Chris a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done you know it is perfect, the wedding you have always dreamed of.


You've both been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but you think you may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! You had your dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful Vintage Wedding Dress. Chris wanted a French Rose, Orange & Pink color theme and you both wanted daffodils for the flower arrangements! Chris picks out the most handsome suit - Red and White Suit. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful Light Blue Dresses and the Groomsmen looked dashing in Steel Grey Suits. Everyone wanted the wedding to be a large affair in a small church. You knew that there was no way that anyone, but yourself was going to make your wedding cake and so you worked tirelessly on it until you had a wonderful Traditional Wedding Cake.

Finally the day came and Chris and you were married! Your head chef - Sirio Maccioni -  insisted he cook the meal for you both and it was spectacular and was focused on chocolate, pomegranate and Aztec chocolate and caramel. The meal was divine! Your father walked you down the isle and Chris' best man even cried as you said your vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close everyone went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Chris and you left on your honeymoon to Barcelona.  You both spent two weeks there having a blast - you tried all the local food, went to the Boqueria market, visited a Cava Vineyard, took a few dance classes and just toured the area.


It has been two years since you and Chris married and went off on your extravagant honeymoon together. You have been living together in his apartment ever since your return back into the city, but recently the two of you have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that you could start a family there. You know this means both you and Chris will need to commute to work from now on, but both of you want your future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Chris had and did not enjoy.


You two visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Syosset. You both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, House #4, it is gorgeous and another reason you and Chris love it is because it's spacious, has a beautiful view and a nice modern layout. It is a little out of your price range, but you and Chris decide that it is a worthy investment. Chris and yourself made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month you and Chris are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that you have a home of your own and not an apartment, both you and Chris have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! You both settle on Cat, but there is one problem. You cannot agree on a breed! You would like a maine coon and Chris would like munchkin. You both try and make a choice, convince your spouse as they try to convince you that your pick is better. Finally, you both come to unanimous agreement - you'll get both!


It takes you another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three kittens available still meaning you can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and your kittens are born only three days apart and you end up with little ones of the same gender - female. You decide to name them in a matching theme - List #6. You both are so excited and spend most of your time when you're not at work playing or codling Meadow (maine coon) and Clover (munchkin). 


It's a good thing that you both got Meadow and Clover because they've been great experience! So much so that you and Chris decide to maybe its time to have your first baby. You begin to try for a baby. It takes six months, but you fall pregnant and you and Chris could not be more thrilled! As the pregnancy progresses you and Chris find out that you're expecting a baby boy. After you and Chris spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for your little one and it looks absolutely stunning - Nursery #6.


The time finally arrives and your baby is born. The pregnancy was rough as tasting food for work wasn't the same but the natural unmedicated birth went smoothly.


Your baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. You cannot believe that you and Chris are going to have such an amazing little person in your life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that you're biased or anything- and have black hair and hazel eyes. You and Chris have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby Cooper as a first name. You and Chris had a much harder time picking a middle name for your little one - Chris wanted to name them after a famous writer, but you wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, you two decided to give your baby two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. Cooper Anthony Michael Grenon was what you decide and as soon as you look at your baby, you know that this is the name for them. You and Chris are absolutely in love with your little one.


It has been two years since you and Chris welcomed Cooper. Things have been going well and both you and Chris have been recently promoted in your jobs - the only problem is, you're not very happy at work anymore. You're tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate your own dreams and desires for all things culinary. You decide to talk to Chris about it and they support you full on your passion and drive, offering to help you as much as they can. You speak with your employer - Sirio and while they are sad to see you go, they understand and implore you for your drive and promise to assist you as you are one of their favorite protege's. They lead you to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products you need. It helps that just last year you won a ICAP Award so people know who you are and trust that you have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes you the rest of the year, but you draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of your own money to finally buy a place. You even have a name picked out - Haca and it will feature a simple and light French menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. You've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Chris and one for Cooper and it is made of their favorite flavor, pumpkin (Chris) and mint chocolate chip (Cooper). Haca is in Syosset and you're a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Le Cirque in the city.


It has been a full three years now since you and Chris welcomed Cooper and you feel it might be time to give them another sibling. You begin to try for a baby. It takes a lot less time and only after two months, but you fall pregnant and you and Chris could not be more excited. You explain to Cooper that they're going to become a big brother and they are feeling upset and you're concerned by their reaction.


As the pregnancy progresses you and Chris find out that you're expecting a baby girl, you inform Cooper of the baby's gender and they are jealous. Due to Cooper's reaction you and Chris decide to let them help out with the nursery and let them pick a theme of patterns. After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Nursery #3 - and Cooper is now very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and your second baby is born. This pregnancy went a lot smoother followed by another smooth natural unmedicated birth.


Your baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. You cannot believe that you and Chris are going to have such an amazing little person in your life. They have blonde hair and hazel eyes. You and Chris have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby Amber as first name. You and Chris remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Cooper and decide earlier in the pregnancy so you actually flipped a coin and you go with Chris' choice. You and Chris are happy with the name as when you look down at your button nosed newborn, it feels right to call them Amber Dylan Grenon.


The moment finally comes when you introduce Cooper to Amber and despite all prior reactions you worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Cooper is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Amber. They ask to hold Amber and Chris helps them become situated and to hold the baby and the four of you sit together as a family and you feel entirely blessed.  You only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.


It has been two years since you and Chris have welcomed Amber into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Chris love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 24 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Haca has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Chris got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Cooper and Amber. As you and Chris have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Cooper starting kindergarten - you and Chris have decided to expand your family with another little one.


However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Chris do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with multiples! - triplets. You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Chris want to have a large family. 


As the pregnancy progresses you and Chris find out that you're expecting two boys and a girl. You inform Cooper and Amber about the gender of their expected little siblings. Cooper wanted all boys and Amber didn't care either way.  You both were thankful neither were upset. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Chris for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them - Mixed Nursery. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Cooper and Amber feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Micky Mouse Bedroom and Red Room. You and Chris also redo your room to fit your tastes Traditional . You then decided not to leave out anyone so you, Cooper, and Amber redid a little area by the stairs for Meadow and Clover - Cat area. You, Chris and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies are born. Chris was there while my parents watched Cooper and Amber.


As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Chris named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names that begin with L: Leo, Lincoln and Luna. Leo has blonde hair and hazel eyes, Lincoln has black hair and hazel eyes, and Luna has blonde hair and blue eyes.


Chris graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since he was a small child. When you were expecting this time he asked if you would be alright letting him pick the babies middle names from some of his favorites he has run into in stories/research/history. You ask him to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them. Their full names are Leo Felix Augustus Grenon, Lincoln Cyrus Horatio Grenon, and Luna Juno Felicia Grenon.


As you watch Cooper and Amber  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you were not close with your siblings until after the birth of Cooper. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns/infants will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.



Piper and Chris with Cooper, Amber, Leo, Lincoln, Luna

and furbabies Clover and Meadow

#8 Addison


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 12:26 PM


I'm Lennon Rosemary [Exner] Bridgeman.



He's Finn Constantine Bridgeman.



Exner Maia Florence "Flora" Bridgeman



Harris Colin Gideon "Harry" Bridgeman



Abraham Titus Cato "Abe", Annabel Gaia Lucia, and Adeline Sylvia Juno Bridgeman



Dogs: Carson and Fallon

#9 Kookie


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 01:41 PM

It has been two years since you and Jackson have welcomed Margot into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Jackson love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 23 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Things are very good though Roma has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Jackson got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for McClennan and Margot. As you and Jackson have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with McClennan starting kindergarten - you and Jackson have decided to expand your family with another little one.


However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Jackson do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with multiples! – triplets. You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Jackson want to have a large family. 


 As the pregnancy progresses you and Jackson find out that you're expecting a boy and two girls. You inform McClennan and Margot about the gender of their expected little siblings and McClennan wanted more boys but Margot is excited. This makes you and Jackson feel lucky to have these two in your life. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Jackson for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them – a lovely lime and chocolate coloured room. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make McClennan and Margot feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms – a Harry Potter room for McClennan and a pink room for Margot. You and Jackson also redo your room to fit your tastes- classical. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and McClennan and Margot redid a little area by the stairs for Astra and Navi. You, Jackson and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies are born! All of the family are there to meet them.


As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. The boy has blonde hair and green eyes, a girl has brown hair and blue eyes and the other girl has blonde hair and green eyes. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Jackson named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Leo Augustus Urban, Liza Gwenore Marciana and Lucy Viviana Jonet.


As you watch McLennan and Margot  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their car seats.  You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you had no siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.



India Cherry Bronars (McClusky) (34, blonde hair, green eyes)

Jackson Lorenzo Bronars (35, brown hair, blue eyes)

McClennan Orwell Oliver Bronars (5, blonde hair, blue eyes)

Margot Everly Audra Bronars (2, blonde hair, blue eyes)

Leo Augustus Urban Bronars (nb, blonde hair, green eyes)

Liza Gwenore Marciana (nb, brown hair, blue eyes)

Lucy Viviana Jonet (nb, blonde hair, green eyes)

Astra (border collie, 6)

Navi (Samoyed, 6)


India and Jackson Bronars with McClennan, Margot, Leo, Liza and Lucy & Astra and Navi the dogs

#10 Puppylover12397


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 02:35 PM

My name is Sebastian Sage Vanderbilt, I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes and I'm Twenty-Two Years Old. I'm an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Le Bernadine. I graduated at the top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of my dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. I have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards my life goal.


One night while I'm at work my head chef tells me that a patron wishes to speak to me out in the dining room. I tell him I'm  too busy, but he insists I go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. I sigh and throw my apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where I see one of the most attractive looking persons I have ever seen. They have Black Hair and intriguing Green Eyes and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. I do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich heir. As I walk over, a forced pleasant smile on my face the last thing I expect is the cockiest of grins on his face before he point blank informs me of just how terrible he thinks my dessert is.


I'm stunned. No one has ever spoken to me like this or challenged my cooking skills. I retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that he takes back his comment and who does he think he is to insult me in such a way! He simply smiles vivaciously and informs me that he is Fletcher Thorne Waldorf. I'm stunned, he's the newest food critic for the New York Times. I demand that he tries something else that this must have been a fluke. Fletcher only laughs and walks out. I'm infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once I get home I research more about Fletcher and find out everything he loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as he despises anise. I also find out that Fletcher  is one of the city's hottest bachelors, they're Twenty-Two Years Old.  I work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on his favorite flavors - Blackberry, Finger Lime and Saffron.  I use all my contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night I show up at Fletcher's apartment.


I knock on his door until he answers and make my demand - that he try my new desserts before they send in their review of Le Bernadine. At first Fletcher is reluctant, but he notices the spark in my eyes and lets me in. I watch him devour my desserts in silence before Fletcher suddenly asks me to leave. I ask him what he thought, but he refuses to tell me and says that I will find out in next week's paper. I go home feeling worried.


I spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful my boss did not fire me for my altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes I come into work and am greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from my colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Fletcher goes into detail after detail and I get flustered as I read the copy of the paper shoved into my hands - I feel my heart flutter and my knees go weak. I only come back to the world when I'm told I have a phone call for me and its from Fletcher!


I pick up and he does something I never expected him to do... He asks me out on a date! I'm stunned into silence for a few moments, but I do say yes and agree to meet him at his apartment on my next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.


I have been seeing Fletcher for a  year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from our very first date! Out first date was magical, Fletcher showed up to Le Bernadine to pick me up from work and he even brought me French Macaroons. From there he took me out to do a very upscale date; An Exclusive Wine Tasting at Trump Towers! We had a fantastic time.


Fletcher and I just have so much in common - it tuns out that we both come from small families, but we want to have large families ourselves despite working demanding jobs, Fletcher has a love for any and all things travel based and if he could he would drop everything - except me of course - to go and travel the world for a whole year and we also both adore dogs! After our date Fletcher and I go for a walk through Central Park and the two of us discuss our desires, hopes and dreams together. Fletcher's love of writing and food and my own wish to one day open my own restaurant. The next thing I notice as we were sitting on a park bench was the sun rising, Fletcher and I had spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then I take every one of  my days off and spend them with Fletcher. As much as I have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to my career I find that since I started seeing Fletcher my palate had become better and I'm working harder than before to strive for my dreams because now I have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates my drive and passion.


Our relationship moves fast in that first year and I honestly have no idea how I have lived my life without Fletcher as a part of it. On the morning of our one year anniversary, Hudson wakes me up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts I fed to him the night we first met - Blackberry, Finger Lime and Saffron. The breakfast is a saffron jimmy cake and a finger lime whipped cream and topped with a tangy blackberry jam and syrup. I nosh down on it in quite the uncivilized manner given just how tasty the dish is that it is not until I got a for a sip of the mimosa that I notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Engagement Ring. I say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited I am to be engaged to Fletcher. However I realize we have so much to do! It takes Fletcher and I a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done I know it is perfect, the wedding I have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had our suits picked out from the minute Fletcher proposed, we will wear matching and beautiful Slim Suits. Fletcher  wanted a Peach, Sage & Medium Green color theme and we  wanted Wildflowers for the flower arrangements! The Groomsmen looked dashing in Paisley Vest Suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a Gigantic Affair at Fletcher's Family Home in The Hamptons. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful Traditional Wedding Cake.

Finally the day came and Fletcher and I were married! My head chef - Eric Ripert -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on Blackberry, Finger Lime and Saffron. The meal was divine! My father walked me down the isle and Fletcher's best man even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Fletcher and I left on our honeymoon to Santorini, Greece.  We spent two weeks having a blast! We indulged in fresh local shellfish, relaxed on Kamari Beach, and explored the ruins at Akrotiri.


It has been two years since Fletcher and I married and went off on our extravagant honeymoon together. We have been living together in his apartment ever since our return back into the city, but recently the two of us  have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that we could start a family there. We  know this means both Fletcher and I will need to commute to work from now on, but both of us want our future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like we both had and did  not enjoy.


Fletcher and I visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Old Westbury. We both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, A Nine-Bedroom Home with lots of space in the front and backyard, it is gorgeous and another reason Fletcher and I love it is because it has a well-lit library to keep Fletcher's extensive book collection, a master bath with jacuzzi garden tub, plenty of outside space with trees to climb, and of course a large luxury kitchen. It is a little out of our price range, but Fletcher and I decide that it is a worthy investment. Fletcher and I made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month Hudson and I are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that we have a home of our own and not an apartment, both Fletcher and I have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! We both settle on a Dog, but there is one problem. We cannot agree on a breed! I would like a Siberian Husky and Fletcher would like a Samoyed. We both try and make a choice, convince Fletcher while he tries to convince me that our pick is better. Finally, we both come to a unanimous agreement - we'll get both!


It takes us another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning we can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and our puppies are born only three days apart and we end up with little ones of the same gender - Girls. Fletcher and I decide to name them in a matching theme - Color Themes. We are so excited and spend most of our time when we're not at work playing or codling Cerise and Claret.



It's a good thing that we got Cerise and Claret because they've been great experience! So much so that Fletcher and I decide maybe its time to have our first baby. We begin to search for a surrogate and egg donor. Fletcher's twin sister offers to be a donor for us, and we are both very grateful for her selfless decision. Celia Blythe Waldorf has the same Black Hair as Fletcher, but her eyes are blue like her mother's. We then find and pay a reliable surrogate who had our close friends', Kurt and Blaine,  daughter two years ago. Using Celia's egg, my sperm and the surrogate's womb we get pregnant on the round of IVF! As the pregnancy progresses Fletcher and I find out that we're expecting a Baby Girl. After Fletcher and I spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for our little one and it looks absolutely stunning - It's a pink room that is singing in luxury and decadence.


The time finally arrives and our baby is born! The labor is fast and I actually deliver our little lady only six hours after going into labor. We watch in awe as our surrogate gives birth to our little princess, the experience is hard, but we each hold one of her hands and let her squeeze as much as she wants.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Fletcher and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that we're biased or anything and she has Celia/Fletcher's Black Hair and she has Blue Eyes. Fletcher and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decided we really wanted to thank Celia for being our egg donor and allowing our baby to be related to both of us and so we decide to give the baby a first name after Celia - Blair. The problem is that Fletcher and I had a much harder time picking a middle name for Blair- Fletcher wanted to name them after a famous writer, but I wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, we decided to give Blair two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. We picked Austen after Jane Austen- one of Fletcher's favorite authors and Nigella for Nigella Lawson- my one of biggest culinary inspirations. Our little lady is Blair Nigella Austen Vanderbilt-Waldorf and as soon as we look at our baby, we know that this is the name for her. Fletcher and I are absolutely in love with Blair.


It has been two years since Fletcher and I welcomed Blair. Things have been going well and both Fletcher and I have been recently promoted in our jobs - the only problem is, I'm not very happy at work anymore. I'm tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate my own dreams and desires for all things culinary. I decide to talk to Fletcher about it and they support me fully on my passion and drive, offering to help me as much as they can. I speak with my employer - Eric - and while they are sad to see me go, they understand and implore me for my drive and promise to assist me as I am one of their favorite proteges. They lead me to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products I need. It helps that just last year I won a Food and Wine Magazine Best New Chef Award so people know who I am and trust that I have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes me the rest of the year, but I draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of my own money to finally buy a place. I even have a name picked out - Blackberry and Saffron and it will feature a simple and light Italian menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. I've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Fletcher and one for Blair and it is made of their favorite flavor, Saffron for Fletcher and Almond for Blair. Blackberry and Saffron is in Old Westbury and I'm a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Le Bernadine in the city.


It has been a full three years now since Fletcher and I welcomed Blair and we feel it might be time to give them another sibling. We  begin to look into adoption. We enjoyed our time in Greece so much on our honeymoon and thus we have decided to adopt from there. It takes a lot less time and only after two months, but we're matched with a baby and Fletcher  and I could not be more excited. I explain to Blair that they're going to become a big sister and they are feeling uneasy and I try to be cajoling with her.


As the adoption progresses Fletcher and I find out that we're expecting another Baby Girl, we inform Blair of the baby's gender and they are a lot more excited now as they wanted a baby sister and they got one. Due to Blair's reaction Fletcher and I decide to let her help out with the nursery and let her pick a theme - Patterns - After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Nursery- and Blair is very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and our second baby is arriving in the airport for us to pick her up. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms and for her to be truly with us all. In our home and as a part of our family. When the women bringing her lands and hands her to us, I hold our little lady ever so tightly and never want to let her go. I do though, I let Fletcher hold her and our parents and siblings come and see her, give her kisses and welcome her to the Vanderbilt-Waldorf clan.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Fletcher and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. Our little lady has Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. Fletcher and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name, Astrid. Fletcher and I remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Fletcher and decide earlier in the pregnancy we actually flipped a coin and I won the coin flip and picked the middle names - Pansy Hermione. Fletcher and I are happy with the name as when I look down at our button nosed newborn, it feels right to call her Astrid Pansy Hermione Vanderbilt-Waldorf.


The moment finally comes when we introduce Blair and Astrid and despite all prior reactions we worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Blair is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Astrid. She asks to hold Astrid and Fletcher helps them become situated and to hold the baby and the four of us sit together as a family and I feel entirely blessed. I only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.


It has been two years since Fletcher and I have welcomed Astrid into our home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but I expected it and honestly both Fletcher and I love being parents even more than we love anything elsewe have ever done and I can only imagine how Twenty-Two Year me would have felt back then if I told them that. I probably would have laughed at myself.


Things are very good though at Blackberry and Saffron and we have been very good and the restaurant has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Fletcher got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. We've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Blair and Astrid. As Fletcher and I have been doing so well, not to mention I feel like the house is a little empty with Blair starting kindergarten - Fletcher and I have decided to expand our family with another little one.


We decide this time that Fletcher will donate the sperm and thankfully, my older sister, Stella Scarlett Sanders (nee Vanderbilt)  - inspired by Celia's' donation to me, decides to donate for Fletcher to use. She has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. It takes three months for our surrogate, the same as our last one, to get pregnant. When we go to a visit to get the first scan and lo and behold you're expecting multiples - Quadruplets! It seems more than one of the eggs we implanted ended up taking and while at first Fletcher and I feel a little worried as we never expected multiples, we knew there was a possibility though and look on the brighter side, we have always wanted a big family and this is just makes it a little faster.


As the pregnancy progresses Fletcher and I find out that we're expecting Three Boys and One Girl! We inform Blair and Astrid about the gender of their expected little siblings and they do not really understand which makes sense since they are so so young. While it might have been nice for them to to be more excited, as long as the girls are okay with it, we do not mind.


Fletcher and I decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on us for late night feedings, changing and other things. We set up a beautiful nursery for them - Nursery. While fixing up a room for the babies we decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. We don't want to make Blair and Astrid feel left out so we let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Blair picks ends up with a Harry Potter Themed Room and Astrid gets a Purple Room. Fletcher and I also redo our room to fit our tastes and it is both Classical and elegant. we then decided not to leave out anyone so Blair, Astrid and I redid a little area by the stairs for Cerise and Claret - A Little Doggie Pad. Fletcher, Blair, Astrid and I have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and our babies are born. This time we end up having a planned c-section and all of our family is in attendance, they help us keep Blair and Strid occupied through the procedure which is thankfully an effortless one, the birth goes fine and takes less than three to four hours and though nurses have to check and look over the babies, in the end they are healthy and content little lasses.


As I look at our babies and hold them for the first time I feel a tug in my heartstrings. Fletcher and I love them so much already and we could not imagine our life without each and every one of them. Althea and I named them with a coordinating theme, Starting with the letter S, since they were multiples and picked out the names Silas, Sloane, Spencer and Stellan. Silas is a mini Fletcher with Black Hair and Green Eyes as is Sloane as she also has Black Hair and Green Eyes, Spencer has Blonde Hair and Green Eyes and Stellan has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.


Fletcher graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since he was a small child. When we were expecting this time Fletcher asked if I would be alright letting him pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in his studies and past readings. I say yes - I did get to pick Astrid's middle names after all - and I just ask Fletcher to run them by me first and he picked Tauria Crispina, Theon Romulus, Titus Cassius and Tiberius Severus and I have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and we decide we will use them. Our names fir our little beauties perfectly; Silas Theon Romulus Vanderbilt-Waldorf, Sloane Tauria Crispina Vanderbilt-Waldorf, Spencer Titus Cassius Vanderbilt-Waldorf and Stellan Tiberius Severus Vanderbilt-Waldorf.


As Fletcher and I watch Blair and Astrid smile, make faces and wave fingers at the babies while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. I just know that our children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what I have always wished for as I was not close with any of my siblings until after Blair's birth. Though I know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful I relish the challenge as I know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.



The Vanderbilt-Waldorf Families


DH: Sebastian Sage Vanderbilt-Waldorf [32] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes] [Pastry Chef]

DH: Fletcher Thorne Vanderbilt-Waldorf [32] [Black Hair & Green Eyes] [Food Critic]


DD1: Blair Nigella Austen Vanderbilt-Waldorf [5] [Black Hair & Blue Eyes]

DAD1: Astrid Pansy Hermione Vanderbilt-Waldorf [2] [Blonde Hair & Green Eyes]

DS1: Silas Theon Romulus Vanderbilt-Waldorf [0] [Black Hair & Green Eyes]

DD2: Sloane Tauria Crispina Vanderbilt-Waldorf [0] [Black Hair & Green Eyes]

DS2: Spencer Titus Cassius Vanderbilt-Waldorf [0] [Blonde Hair & Green Eyes]

DS3: Stellan Tiberius Severus Vanderbilt-Waldorf [0] [Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes]


Dog: Cerise [Siberian Husky, 6]

Dog: Claret [Samoyed, 6]


Sebastian and Fletcher Vanderbilt-Waldorf; with Blair, Astrid, Silas, Sloane, Spencer & Stellan + Cerise & Claret

#11 Puppylover12397


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Posted 03 April 2015 - 02:21 PM

My name is Poppy Clove Bowen, I have Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes and I'm Twenty-Four Years Old. I'm an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants - Le Cirque. I graduated at the top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of my dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. I have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards my life goal.


One night while I'm at work my head chef tells me that a patron wishes to speak to me out in the dining room. I tell him I'm  too busy, but he insists I go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. I sigh and throw my apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where I see one of the most attractive looking persons I have ever seen. They have Red Hair and intriguing Hazel Eyes and are dressed to the nines in designer fashion. I do not recognize them and figure they are some prissy rich debutant. As I walk over, a forced pleasant smile on my face the last thing I expect is the cockiest of grins on her face before she point blank informs me of just how terrible she thinks my dessert is.


I'm stunned. No one has ever spoken to me like this or challenged my cooking skills. I retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that she takes back her comment and who does she think she is to insult me in such a way! She simply smiles vivaciously and informs me that she is Zora Willow Heffner. I'm stunned, she's the newest food critic for the New York Times. I demand that she tries something else that this must have been a fluke. Althea only laughs and walks out. I'm infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once I get home I research more about Althea and find out everything she loves and hates and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked as she despises anise. I also find out that Zora is one of the city's hottest bachelorettes, they're Twenty-Six Years Old.  I work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on her favorite flavors - Blood Orange, Dragon Fruit and Yubari King Melon.  I use all my contacts and find out where he lives and at three am that very same night I show up at Zora's apartment.


I knock on her door until she answers and make my demand - that she try my new desserts before they send in their review of Le Cirque. At first Zora is reluctant, but she notices the spark in my eyes and lets me in. I watch her devour my desserts in silence before Zora suddenly asks me to leave. I ask her what she thought, but she refuses to tell me and says that I will find out in next week's paper. I go home feeling worried.


I spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful my boss did not fire me for my altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes I come into work and am greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from my colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Zora goes into detail after detail and I get flustered as I read the copy of the paper shoved into my hands - I feel my heart flutter and my knees go weak. I only come back to the world when I'm told I have a phone call for me and its from Zora!


I pick up and she does something I never expected her to do... She asks me out on a date! I'm stunned into silence for a few moments, but I do say yes and agree to meet her at her apartment on my next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.


I have been seeing Zora for a  year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from our very first date! Out first date was magical, Zora showed up to Le Cirque to pick me up from work and she even brought me White Lillies . From there she took me out to do a very upscale date; Making our Own Cheese at a Local Fromagerie! We had a fantastic time.


Zora and I just have so much in common - it tuns out that we both come from large families and enjoyed having lots of siblings, we both have a fondness for tropical fruits and love classic cinema and literature. After our date Zora  and I go for a walk through Central Park and the two of us discuss our desires, hopes and dreams together. Zora's love of writing and food and my own wish to one day open my own restaurant. The next thing I notice as we were sitting on a park bench was the sun rising, Zora and I had spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then I take every one of  my days off and spend them with Zora. As much as I have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to my career I find that since I started seeing Zora my palate had become better and I'm working harder than before to strive for my dreams because now I have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates my drive and passion.


Our relationship moves fast in that first year and I honestly have no idea how I have lived my life without Zora as a part of it. On the morning of our one year anniversary, Zora wakes me up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts I fed to her the night we first met - Blood Orange, Dragon Fruit and King Yubrai Melon. I nosh down on it in quite the uncivilized manner given just how tasty the dish is that it is not until I got a for a sip of the mimosa that I notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful Pearl Engagement Ring. I say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited I am to be engaged to Zora. However I realize we have so much to do! It takes Zora and I a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done I know it is perfect, the wedding I have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute Zora proposed, a beautiful Ballgown Wedding Dress. Zora wanted a Red & Gold color theme and we  wanted Iris' for the flower arrangements! Zora picked out the most gorgeous gown - Bohemian Wedding Dress. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful in Seafoam Green Dresses. We all wanted the wedding to be a Gigantic Affair at Le Cirque. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful Elegant Wedding Cake..

Finally the day came and Zora and I were married! My head chef - Sirio Maccioni -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on Blood Orange, Dragon Fruit and King Yubari Melon. The meal was divine! My father and Zora's Father walked us down the isle and Zora's maid of honor even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.


The very next day, Zora and I left on our honeymoon to Italy. We spent two weeks having a blast going to Italian Wine Tastings, Visiting the Colosseum & Perusing Italian Farmers Markets.


It has been two years since Zora and I married and went off on our extravagant honeymoon together. We have been living together in his apartment ever since our return back into the city, but recently the two of us  have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that we could start a family there. We  know this means both Zora and I will need to commute to work from now on, but both of us want our future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Zora and I had and we did not enjoy.


Zora and I visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Old Westbury. We both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, A Seven-Bedroom Home with a ton of beautiful land, it is gorgeous and another reason Zora and I love it is because it has a very large kitchen equipped with all the fancy gadgets I could dream of, a big pool with a water slide and a huge already set up and life filled herb and produce garden, not to mention some apple trees. It is a little out of our price range, but Zora and I decide that it is a worthy investment. Zoraand I made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month Zora and I are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that we have a home of our own and not an apartment, both Zora and I have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! We both settle on a Dog, but there is one problem. We cannot agree on a breed! I would like a Golden Retriever and Zora would like a Dachshund. We both try and make a choice, convince Zora while he tries to convince me that our pick is better. Finally, we both come to a unanimous agreement - we'll get both!


It takes us another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning we can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and our puppies are born only three days apart and we end up with little ones of the same gender - Girls. Zora and I decide to name them in a matching theme - Famous Poets. We are so excited and spend most of our time when we're not at work playing or codling Keats and Angelou


It's a good thing that we got Keats and Angelou because they've been great experience! So much so that Zora and I decide maybe its time to have our first baby. We begin to search for an adoption agencey. We take some time to think about it and we decide we would like to adopt from Italy, as we loved our time honeymooning there so much and Zora has a strong Italian family background on her mother's side. It takes five and half months before we're matched up with a baby and Zora and I then find out that we're going to be adopting  a Baby Boy. After Zora a and I spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery for our little one and it looks absolutely stunning - Boy Nursery.



The time finally arrives and our baby has arrived in the U.S. It only took a quick process to get him here thankfully, we got him in our arms as soon as we could, he's so precious and small. Only two months old.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Zora and I are going to have such an amazing little person in your life. They're the cutest baby in the world -not that I'm biased or anything and have Brown Hair and Brown Eyes. Zora and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby Jordan as a first name. Zora and I had a much harder time picking a middle name for our little one - Zora wanted to name them after a famous writer, but I wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, we decided to give Jordan two middle names, double the honor and inspiration. Our little man is Jordan Thomas Bronte Bowen-Heffner and as soon as I look at Jordan, I know that this is the name for him. Zora and I are asolutely in love with our little one.


It has been two years since Zora and I welcomed Jordan. Things have been going well and both Zora and I have been recently promoted in our jobs - the only problem is, I'm not very happy at work anymore. I'm tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate my own dreams and desires for all things culinary. I decide to talk to Zora about it and they support me fully on my passion and drive, offering to help me as much as they can. I speak with my employer - Sirio - and while they are sad to see me go, they understand and implore me for my drive and promise to assist me as I am one of their favorite proteges. They lead me to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products I need. It helps that just last year I won a Michelen Star so people know who I am and trust that I have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes me the rest of the year, but I draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of my own money to finally buy a place. I even have a name picked out - Blood Organge and it will feature a simple and light vegetarian menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. I've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Zora and one for Jordan and it is made of their favorite flavor, Dragon Fruit for Zora and Apple for Jordan. Blood Orange is in Old Westbury and I'm a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Le Cirque in the city.


It has been a full three years now since Zora and I welcomed Jordan and we feel it might be time to give them another sibling. We  begin to look into adoption. We decide the adoption process went so smoothly last time that we will once again be adopting from Italy. It takes a lot less time and only after two months, but we're matched with a baby and Zora and I could not be more excited. I explain to Jordan that they're going to become a big brother and they are feeling happy and I'm thrilled that Jordan is happy to become a big brothr


As the adoption progresses Zora and I find out that we're expecting another Baby Boy, we inform Jordan of the baby's gender and he's a little jealous, he wanted the baby to be a girl because he wants to be the only boy. Due to Jordan's reaction Zora and  I decide to let him help out with the nursery and let them pick a theme -Blue and Orange- though we tone it down to slight theme. After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned - Boy Nursery and Jordan  is very excited about the baby.


The time finally arrives and our second baby is arriving in the airport for us to pick him up. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms and for him to be truly with us all. In our home and as a part of our family. When the women bringing him lands and hands him to us, I hold our little man ever so tightly and never want to let him go. I do though, I let Zora hold him and our parents and siblings come and see him, give him kisses and welcome him to the Bowen-Heffner clan.


Our baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. I cannot believe that Zora and I are going to have such an amazing little person in our life. Our little man has Black Hair and Green Eyes. Zora and I have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name, Monroe. Zora and I remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Jordan and decide earlier in the pregnancy we actually flipped a coin and I won the coin flip and picked the middle names - Orion Horace. Zora and I are happy with the name as when I look down at our button nosed newborn, it feels right to call him Monroe Orion Horace Bowen-Heffner.


The moment finally comes when we introduce Jordan and Monroe and despite all prior reactions we worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Jordan is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking to Monroe. He asks to hold Monroe and Zora helps them become situated and to hold the baby and the four of us sit together as a family and I feel entirely blessed. I only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.


It has been two years since Zora and I have welcomed Monroe into our home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but I expected it and honestly both Zora and I love being parents even more than we love anything else we have ever done and I can only imagine how Twenty-four Year me would have felt back then if I told them that. I probably would have laughed at myself.


Things are very good though at Blood Orange and we have been very good and the restaurant has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Zora got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. We've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Jordan and Monroe. As Zora and I have been doing so well, not to mention I feel like the house is a little empty with Jordan starting kindergarten - Zora and I have decided to expand our family with another little one.


Zora and I have chosen to adopt from China - we decided on this location as we know there is a large population of children in need og food homes. We expected it to take a long time, but it only takes five months for us to be matched with a baby in fact we''re not just match with one baby, but with two! Twins, Boy/Girl Twins. They were born earlier in the week. The openness of our adoption paper and our mention of willingness to adopt twins, however we find that there is another reason, both twins have cleft lips which will require two minor surgeries a piece which might have made it very difficult to adopt them out, especially together. We tell out adoption agent that the two of us need to talk about it. When yZora and I talk it over we do have some concerns, but we find out that our insurance will cover the surgery for both twins unlike most others which is good because it means the surgeries will not cost you an arm and a leg. However what really seals the deal is when we get the adoption package in the mail and see a photo of the twins. They melt our hearts and I just know they are meant to be a part of our family. Both twins have Black Hair and Almond Eyes. We call our agent and tell them we would like to go through with the adoption of the twins.


We inform Jordan and Monroe about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react, both are excited, though for different reasons, Jordan is happy to get a little brother while Monroe is the opposite, he wanted a little sister and now they get both! Zora and I are so glad that they're both excited.


Zora and I decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on us for late night feedings, changing and other things. We set up a beautiful nursery for them - Nursery. While fixing up a room for thetwins we decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. We don't want to make Jordan and Monroe to  feel left out so we let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Jordan picks ends up with a Safari Themed Room and Monroe gets a Red Room. Zora and I also redo our room to fit our tastes and it is both, minimalistic. we then decided not to leave out anyone so Jordan, Monroe and I redid a little area by the stairs for Keats & Angelou - A Little Doggie Pad. Zora, Jordan, Monroe and I have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and we go to pick up the babies. Jordan and Monroe stayed with Zora's parents, and you flew out to pick up the twins. The flight was long, and we were tired when we arrived, but we couldn't wait to meet the twins.
As I look at our babies and hold them for the first time I feel a tug in my heartstrings. I love them so much already and I could not imagine our life without each and every one of them. Zora and I named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Elliot and Willow. Both contain double L's and even more so, Willow is after my beautiful beloved wife.


Zora and I have thought a lot about what to give as middle names for our children over the past few months, and we have decided that we would like to honor the place that they were born, China. We want to do this so our twins can carry bits of that culture with them despite the fact that they will be growing up in the United States. We picked Kong Syaoran for Elliot and Xiao Hong for Willow.


As I watch Jordan and Monroe smile, make faces and wave fingers at Elliot and Willow while they sleep in their car seats. I just know my children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what I have always wished for as I was not close with my siblings until Jordan's adoption. Though I know the coming months with multiple infants will be stressful I relish the challenge as I know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


The Bowen-Heffner Families


DW: Poppy Clove Bowen-Heffner [34] [Blonde Hair & Brown Eyes] [Pastry Chef]

DW: Zora Willow Bowen-Heffner [36] [Red Hair & Hazel Eyes] [Food Critic]


DAS1: Jordan Thomas Bronte Bowen-Heffner [5] [Brown Hair & Brown Eyes]

DAS2: Monroe Orion Horace Bowen-Heffner [2] [Black Hair & Green Eyes]

DAS3: Elliot Kong Syaoran Bowen-Heffner [0] [Black Hair & Almond Eyes]

DAD1: Willow Xiao Hong Bowen-Heffner [0] [Black Hair & Almond Eyes]


Dog: Keats [Golden Retriever, 6]

Dog: Angelou [Dachshund, 6]


Poppy and Zora Bowen-Heffner; with Jordan, Monroe, Elliot & Willow + Keats & Angelou

#12 PaperHeart


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Posted 03 April 2015 - 03:46 PM

It has been two years since you and Chris have welcomed Imogen into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly you both love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 24 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Things are very good The Rosemary Hart and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month, Chris got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in The Hamptons which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Harper and Ginny. As you and Chris have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Harper starting kindergarten - you and Chris have decided to expand your family with another little one.


However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Chris do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with TWINS! You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Chris want to have a large family.

As the pregnancy progresses you find out that you're expecting boy/girl twins. You inform Harper and Ginny about the gender of their expected little siblings and they react a little differently than expected. Both appear excited about the prospect of two new babies around the house. Obviously you are overjoyed. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Chris for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them, a green jungle bedroom. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Harper and Imogen feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms. Harper picks out a panda themed bedroom and Ginny decides on a bright pink one. You and Chris also redo your room to fit your tastes, a minimalistic, beach house styled bedroom. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and the kids redid a little area by the stairs for Sterling and Roux. You, Chris and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies are born at 34 weeks.
"Christopher had taken the girls to the beach while I was preparing lunch. All of a sudden I began to feel pains which I immediately recognised to be contractions. At 34 weeks, I knew the babies could come at any time and so called Chris to immediately return home. We left the girls with our neighbour, Emily, and rushed to the hospital. Although my water hadn't broken, our doctor confirmed labour had started. After 10 hours of contractions and no sight of our girls, we were sent for a C-section. Within an hour, we had both our little miracles held tightly in our arms."


As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. Two little brown haired, hazel eyes angels. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Chris gave them names with similar styles, but not exactly matching.

Chris graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time they asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You ask them to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them.

You end up calling them Nolan and Stella.

As you watch Harper and Imogen smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their incubators. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you are an only child. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns/infants will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


Leonora Rosemary Gibbs-Greyson

DH Christopher Hart Greyson

DD Harper Delia Jane

DD Imogen Lavender


DS/DD Nolan Magnus Theon and Stella Viviana Gwen.


Pets: Roux and Sterling

#13 Meghan<3


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 07:23 PM

It's been two years since I gave birth to Lauren.  Growing up, I never thought I wanted to have kids, but being a mother and having Chris as my kids' father has brought me so much happiness.  Les Trois Plats is doing exceptionally well, better than I expected, and it's rare to have an unbooked evening!  Chris got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times.  His increased paycheck has helped pay off our mortgage - Long Island is quite expensive!  We've even been able to add some money to Paige's and Lauren's college funds.  Our house is a little quieter with Paige at preschool, so we decide that we'd like to have another baby.


We seem to be having a harder time conceiving this round than we did with either Paige or Lauren, so Chris and I visit our doctor, who suggests we have a round of fertility treatment via injections.  It works, and a few months later, I find out I am pregnant with twins!  We find out that they are both girls.  We're nervous about caring for not one baby but two, but we are excited to have a house of four little girls, as we both want to have a big family together.  We tell Paige and Lauren the news.  Lauren is only 2, so she doesn't understand just yet.  Paige wanted a brother, but she's excited nonetheless.  Chris and I decide that we'll have the twins share a nursery for their first few years, and we spend the months of my pregnancy decorating it.  We also decide to renovate all the bedrooms in the house, as well as to make a chic little dog area for Mars and Mercury beneath the stairs.  Chris and I decide on a traditional look for the master bedroom.  We like how the muted tones and plush bedding makes it feel like a hotel suite.  Paige helps pick out a Safari theme for her bedroom, and we repaint Lauren's room purple, since it's her favorite color.


The day finally arrives!  I give birth to two healthy little girls!  We name them Madison Elizabella Juno and Ellison Minevra Jonet.  We wanted their names to have a similar theme, since they're twins, and we liked that Madison and Ellison have such different beginnings (and nicknames - Maddie and Ellie), but they both end in -son.  For the middle names, we were inspired by ancient cultural names, and we liked that they had anagram initials - MEJG and EMJG.  Both twins have brown hair and hazel eyes, like Chris.


Lila Rosemary Cross Golightly (33)

Christopher Cane Golightly (35)

Paige Austen Ray Golightly (5)

Lauren Amelia Fleur Golightly (2)

Madison Elizabella Juno Golightly & Ellison Minerva Jonet Golightly (0)

Mars (Siberian Husky) (6)

Mercury (Cavalier KC Spaniel) (6)


The Golightly Family

Chris, Lila, Paige, Lauren, Maddie, & Ellie

#14 Holloway


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Posted 30 November 2015 - 08:30 PM

It has been two years since you and Cooper have welcomed Edmund into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Cooper love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 24 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Things are very good though Rose Tree has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Cooper got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Thea and Edmund. As you and Cooper have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Thea starting kindergarten - you and Cooper have decided to expand your family with another little one.


However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and [love interest] do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with twins!. You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Cooper want to have a large family. 


As the pregnancy progresses you and Cooper find out that you're expecting Boys!. You inform Thea and Edmund about the gender of their expected little siblings and Thea doesn't care but Edmund is jealous and feels as though he is being replaced.  You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Cooper for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Tea and Edmund feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Nautical Bedroom and Blue Room . You and Cooper also redo your room to fit your Traditional tastes. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you, Thea and Edmund redid a little area by the stairs for Venus and Nova. You, Cooper and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies are born. As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Cooper named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Arthur and Atticus.

Cooper graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time they asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You ask them to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them. Arthur Magnus Nero and Atticus Theon Marius


As you watch Thea and Edmund  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you had no siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


Delilah Clove Benedict nee Thierfelder

Blonde hair Green eyes


Cooper Thorne Benedict

Red hair brown eyes


Thea Joyce Soyer Benedict

Red hair Hazel eyes


Edmund Cole Jackson Benedict

Blonde hair Hazel eyes


Arthur Magnus Nero Benedict and Atticus Theon Marius Benedict

Blonde hair brown eyes and Red hair green eyes




#15 Marvelous_Things


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  • Interests:Movies, music, psychology, history, literature, anime, cosplay, and names.

Posted 01 December 2015 - 09:51 PM

Your name is Sadie Clementine Haskell, you have red hair and hazel eyes and you're 22 years old. You're an up and coming pastry chef in one of NYC's hottest restaurants -Marc Forgione. You have graduated at the top of your class at Le Cordon Bleu in France and nothing has ever gotten in the way of your dream to become a world wide known name in the pastry circuit. Not family, not friends and most certainly not love. You have no time for any of those as they're all distractions towards your life goal.


One night while you're at work your head chef tells you that a patron wishes to speak to you out in the dining room. You tell him you're too busy, but he insists you go out and speak to this customer as it is very urgent. You sigh and throw your apron to him before walking out of the kitchen and over to a table where you see one of the most attractive looking men you have ever seen. He has blue eyes and blond hair and is dressed to the nines in designer fashion. You do not recognize him and figure they are some prissy rich heir. As you walk over, a forced pleasant smile on your face the last thing you expect is the cockiest of grins on his face before he point blank informs you of just how terrible he thinks your dessert is.


You're stunned. No one has ever spoken to you like this or challenged your cooking skills. You retort back and cause a scene in front of the whole room, demanding that they take back their comment and who did they even think they were to insult you in such a way! He simply smiles vivaciously and informs you that he is Fletcher Deacon Guerin. You're stunned, he's the newest food critic for the New York Times. You demand that they try something else; that this must have been a fluke. He only laughs and walk out. You're infuriated and storm back into the kitchen. 


Once you get home you research more about Fletcher Deacon Guerin and find out everything he loves and hates, and it turns out the fennel panna cotta would have never worked, as the critic despises anise. You also find out that he is one of the cities hottest bachelor, and he is 23 years old.  You work tirelessly for hours to create three perfect desserts based on his favorite flavors - peach, Bavarian creme and dark Colombian chocolate.  You use all your contacts and find out where he lives, and at three am that very same night you show up at their apartment.


You knock on his door until he answers and make your demand - that they try your new desserts before they send in their review of your restaurant. At first he is reluctant, but he notices the spark in your eyes and lets you in. You watch him devour your desserts in silence before he asks you to leave. You ask what he thought, but he refuses to tell you and say that you will find out in next week's paper. You go home feeling worried.


You spend the next week on edge - worried about the paper, but also thankful your boss did not fire you for your altercation in the dining room. When the day finally comes you come into work and are greeted with applause and a giant mash of hugs from your colleagues. The review was spectacular and the highlight of it your desserts. Fletcher goes into detail after detail and you get flustered as you read the copy of the paper shoved into your hand - you feel your heart flutter and your knees go weak. You only come back to the world when you're told you have a phone call for you and its from Fletcher!


You pick up and they do the one thing you never expected them to do... Ask you out on a date! You're stunned into silence for a few moments, but you do say yes and agree to meet him at his apartment on your next day off. Suddenly, the prospect of love does not seem so frivolous after all.




You have been seeing Fletcher for only a year, but it has been a whirlwind romance from your very first date! On said date he  showed up toMarc Forgione to pick you up from work and he even brought you Belgian chocolates. From there he took you out to do a very upscale date. You and Fletcher took a private pastry lesson with Johnny Iuzzini, and you  had a fantastic time. You had so much in common - besides your mutual passion for food, you both love collecting vintage vinyl  rock albums, love to travel, and you both are avid readers. particularly of fantasy and science fiction . After your date he takes you for a walk through Central Park and the two of you discuss your desires, hopes and dreams together including his love of writing and food and your own wish to one day open your own restaurant one day. The next thing you notice and the sun is coming up, you two have spent all night out in the park just talking. Since then you take every one of your days off and spend it with Fletcher. As much as you have worried in the past that having a relationship might do damage to your career you find that since you started seeing Fletcher your palate had become better and you're working harder than before to strive for your dreams because now you have someone to share it with and that someone appreciates your drive and passion.


Your relationship moves fast in that first year and you honestly have no idea how you have lived your life without Fletcher as a part of it. On the morning of your one year anniversary, Fletcher wakes you up with breakfast in bed featuring the three flavors of the desserts you fed to him the night you first met peach, Bavarian creme and Colombian dark chocolate. Then you notice a box on the breakfast tray and open it up to to reveal an engagement ring! It is a beautiful unique engagement ring. You say yes without any hesitation and cannot believe how excited you are to be engaged to Fletcher. However your realize you have so much to do! It takes you and Fletcher a whole year in and of itself to plan the wedding, but by the time it's done you know it is perfect, the wedding you have always dreamed of.


We've been so busy picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful vintage wedding dress. Fletcher wanted a peach, sage, and medium green color theme and we  wanted tulips  for the flower arrangements! Fletcher picks out the most handsome penguin suit. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful peach dresses and the Groomsmen looked dashing in grey vest suits with peach ties. We all wanted the wedding to be a large affair at my restaurant, Marc Forgione, the place where we met. I knew that there was no way that anyone, but myself was going to make my wedding cake and so I worked tirelessly on it until I had a wonderful elegant wedding cake.

Finally the day came and Fletcher and I were married! My head chef - Marc Forgione -  insisted he cook the meal for us and it was spectacular and was focused on peach, Barvarian creme, and Columbian dark chocolate. The meal was divine! My father walked me down the aisle and Fletcher's best man even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest.



The very next day, Fletcher and I left on our honeymoon to Santorini, Greece.  We spent two weeks having a blast! We indulged in fresh local shellfish, relaxed on Kamari Beach, and explored the ruins at Akrotiri.




It has been two years since you and Fletcher married and went off on your extravagant honeymoon together. You have been living together in his apartment ever since your return back into the city, but recently the two of you have been considering moving out of the city and onto Long Island so that you could start a family there. You know this means both you and Fletcher will need to commute to work from now on, but both of you want your future children to grow up with a backyard and in a community instead of in a city like Fletcher had and did not enjoy.


You two visit some different areas on the island and finally decided on Syssoset. You both take some more time and absolutely fall in love with one home, a modern mansion, it is gorgeous and more reasons you and Fletcher love it because it includes a well-lit library to keep your extensive book collection, a master bath with jacuzzi garden tub, plenty of outside space with trees to climb, and of course a large luxury kitchen. It is a little our of your price range, but you and Fletcher decide that it is a worthy investment. Fletcher and yourself made a bid and it is accepted the next day, it turns out that the previous owners are going through a divorce and want to get everything settled quickly, so within a month you and Fletcher are able to purchase the home and even move into it!


Now, that you have a home of your own and not an apartment, both you and Fletcher have always wanted pets and decide that now is the time to make a move on it and get a pet! You both settle on a dog, but there is one problem. You cannot agree on a breed! You would like a Standard Poodle and Fletcher would like a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. You both try and make a choice, convince your spouse as they try to convince you that your pick is better. Finally, you both come to unanimous agreement - you'll get both!


It takes you another month to find a reputable breeder for each breed, but the good thing is they have only a medium sized waiting list, but each are currently expecting half a dozen litters in the next two months and they should just be able to fill the waiting list and have two or three puppies available still meaning you can get one despite the short notice. The time comes sooner rather than later and your puppies are born only three days apart and you end up with little ones of the same gender - two handsome boys. You decide to name them in a matching theme -astronomical names. You both are so excited and spend most of your time when you're not at work playing or coddling Altair and Orion. 


It's a good thing that you both got Altair and Orion, because they've been great experience! So much so that you and Fletcher decide to maybe its time to have your first baby. You begin to try to conceive a baby. It takes six months, but you finally get pregnant, and you and Fletcher could not be more thrilled! The pregnancy is relatively uncomplicated, but you do experience some cravings that affect your work at the restaurant. You start craving mint, and mint seems to end up in all of your new desserts. If you can't eat it, at least you can smell it! As the pregnancy progresses, you and Fletcher find out that you're expecting a baby girl! After you and Fletcher spend weeks setting up the perfect nursery- a pretty purple nursery- for your little one and it looks absolutely stunning.


The time finally arrives and your baby is born. You go into labor around 10:00 at night. The labor lasts throughout the whole night, and your baby girl is born shortly before 7:00 am, just as the sun is coming up. As the new day dawns, so to does a new chapter in your life- parenthood. 



Your baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. You cannot believe that you and Fletcher are going to have such an amazing little person in your life. She's the cutest baby in the world -not that you're biased or anything, and she has red hair and blue eyes. You and Fletcher have had a lot of time to think about it and decide to give the baby the first name Kelly, after Haskell, your maiden name. You and Fletcher had a much harder time picking a middle name for your little one - Fletcher wanted to name them after a famous writer, but you wanted to name them for a famous chef. In the end, you two decided to give your baby two middle names, double the honor and inspiration.  Her full name ends up being Kelly Austen Julia Guerin. As soon as you look at your baby, you know that this is the name for her. You and Fletcher are absolutely in love with your little one.




It has been two years since you and Fletcher welcomed Kelly. Things have been going well and both you and Fletcher have been recently promoted in your jobs - the only problem is, you're not very happy at work anymore. You're tired of working for someone else's vision and want to orchestrate your own dreams and desires for all things culinary. You decide to talk to Fletcher  about it and they support you full on your passion and drive, offering to help you as much as they can. You speak with your employer - Marc Forgione, and while he is sad to see you go, he understands and applauds you for your drive and promise to assist you as you are one of their favorite proteges. He leads you to possible investors, people to talk to for advice and assistance in garnering the location and products you need. It helps that just last year you won a ICAP Award, so people know who you are and trust that you have a lot of potential in the industry.


It takes you the rest of the year, but you draw up a plan, get proper investors and save up enough of your own money to finally buy a place. You even have a name picked out - Cafe Clémentine  (the French translation of your middle name) and it will feature a simple and light French menu and be more about the pastries and desserts than anything else. You've even invented two special desserts for the menu, one for Fletcher and one for Kelly and it is made of their favorite flavors, peach for Fletcher, strawberry for Kelly. Cafe Clémentine is in Syssoset, and you're a little more than thrilled to have a much shorter commute to work than when you worked at Marc Forgione in the city.




It has been a full three years now since you and Fletcher welcomed Kelly and you feel it might be time to give them another sibling. You begin to try for another baby . It takes a lot less time and only after two months, but you fall pregnant and you and Fletcher could not be more excited. You explain to Kelly that she's going to become a big sister. She's  excited and you and Fletcher are relieved by her reaction.


As the pregnancy progresses you and Fletcher find out that you're expecting a baby boy, you inform Kelly of the baby's gender and she is upset. She wanted a little sister.  Due to Kelly's reaction, you and Fletcher decide to let her help out with the nursery and let them pick a theme. She picks out a fun animal and star theme.  After that you all assemble what you need to make the nursery for the new baby. It takes weeks setting it up, but the nursery comes out just as planned. Kelly is now excited to welcome her baby brother.


The time finally arrives and your second baby is born. You go into labor in the middle of the night. Fletcher's parents were supposed to watch Kelly when you were in labor, but they won't answer the phone! You end up having to wake Kelly up and take her to the hospital with you. Fletcher ends up reaching his parents while they're prepping you to go into the birthing room, and they come get your now sleepy and irritable toddler. The rest of the labor goes smoothly, and the next morning, you welcome your darling baby boy. 


Your baby is perfect with ten fingers and ten toes and healthy as a horse. You cannot believe that you and Fletcher  are going to have such an amazing little person in your life. He has blond hair and blue eyes. You and Fletcher have had a lot of time to think about it and decide the baby's first name will Caspian. You and Fletcher  remember how much of a stress it was picking the middle name for Kelly and decide earlier in the pregnancy you actually flipped a coin. Fletcher gets to pick the middle names.  You and Fletcher  are happy with the name as when you look down at your button nosed newborn, it feels right to call them Caspian Jagger Elton Guerin.


The moment finally comes when you introduce Kelly to Caspain and despite all prior reactions you worry for a second that something might go wrong, but thankfully Kelly is all wide eyed wonder and glee when looking at Caspian. She asks to hold Caspian and Fletcher helps her become situated and to hold the baby and the four of you sit together as a family and you feel entirely blessed.  You only hope the future holds things as bright as they are now in the days to come.




It has been two years since you and Fletcher have welcomed Caspian into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Fletcher love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 22-year-old self. would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.


Things are going very well for you. Cafe Clémentine has never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened, and just last month Fletcher got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Kelly and Caspian. As you and Fletcher have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Kelly starting kindergarten. You and Fletcher have decided to expand your family with another little one.


However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Fletcher do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with twins!  You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Fletcher want to have a large family. 


As the pregnancy progresses you and Fletcher find out that you're expecting twin boys. You inform Kelly and Caspian about the gender of their expected little siblings. Kelly is somewhat disappointed, since she wanted a little sister. Caspian doesn't really understand, since he is only two years old. For his part, Fletcher is excited to have more boys. He keeps teasing you and Kelly about how the men will outnumber the women in the family. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Fletcher for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a fun green nursery for them. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Kelly and Caspian feel left out, so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms. Both kids want their rooms to be decorated with their favorite characters. Kelly picks a  Harry Potter-themed room, and Caspian gets a Winnie The Pooh room. You and Fletcher also redo your room to fit your tastes. You go with a simple gold design. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and the kids redid a little area by the stairs for Orion and Altair. You, Fletcher, and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.


The time finally arrives and your babies are born. Luckily, this time you went into labor during the day, so it was easy to get in contact with Fletcher's parents, who were planning on watching the kids. Not so luckily, you were at your restaurant when your water broke! Fletcher ended up picking you up at the back door, so you didn't have to walk through the crowded dining room while you were in labor. Luckily, you were prepared and had put a suitcase in the car a few days before.  You and Fletcher were both concerned that you would be in labor longer with twins, but it was actually shorter than your labor with Kelly. After only five hours, the twins were born. It was still early enough in the evening that Fletcher's parents were able to bring Kelly and Caspian to meet their baby brothers.


As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Fletcher named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Alexander Horatio Cassius Guerin and Atticus Cato Lucius Guerin. Alexander has red hair and blue eyes like you. Atticus has your red hair, but Fletcher's grey eyes.


Fletcher graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time they asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You ask them to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them.



As you watch Kelly and Caspian  smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you had no siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.


Kelly [5]



Caspian [2]



Alexander and Atticus [nb]




The Guerin Family


DW: Sadie Clementine Haskell-Guerin [30]- Owner and head chef of Cafe Clémentine

DH: Fletcher Deacon Guerin [31]- Senior New York Times food critic and editor


DD: Kelly Austen Julia Guerin [5]

DS: Caspian Jagger Elton Guerin [2]

DS: Alexander Horatio Cassius Guerin [nb]

DS: Atticus Cato Lucius Guerin [nb]


Orion the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel [6]

Altair the Standard Poodle [6]



Fletcher Guerin and Sadie Haskell-Guerin

Kelly, Caspian, Alexander, and Atticus


Furry Friends Orion and Altair

#16 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 05:12 AM

It has been two years since you and Baxter have welcomed Jeremy into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Baxter love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 23 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.
Things are very good though Henceforth has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Baxter got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for Annabel and Jeremy. As you and Baxter have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with Annabel starting kindergarten - you and Baxter have decided to expand your family with another little one.
However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Baxter do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with twins. You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Baxter want to have a large family. 
As the pregnancy progresses you and Baxter find out that you're expecting a boy and a girl. You inform Annabel and Jeremy about the gender of their expected little siblings, Annabel is excited because she wanted a sister, and Jeremy doesn't really understand. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Baxter for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make Annabel and Jeremy feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - Annabel picks race cars and Jeremy wants a red room. You and Baxter also redo your room in an exotic style. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you, Annabel, and Jeremy redid a little area by the stairs for Mei and Addy. You, Baxter, and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.
The time finally arrives and your babies are born.
As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. Baby boy has dirty blond hair and blue eyes, and baby girl has red hair and blue eyes. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Baxter named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Alexander Cyrus Theon and Amelia Minerva Gwenore.
As you watch Annabel and Jeremy smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you had no siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.
Baxter Aristotle Hence {32} - Red hair, brown eyes, food critic
Delilah 'Della' Honey [Cesana] Hence {33} - Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, chef
Annabel Harper Alice Hence {5} - Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes
Jeremy Arthur Phineas Hence {2} - Dirty blond hair, brown eyes
Alexander Cyrus Theon Hence {0} - Dirty blond hair, blue eyes
Amelia Minerva Gwenore Hence {0} - Red hair, blue eyes
Meissa 'Mei' the Himalayan
Adhara 'Addy' the Cornish Rex
Baxter and Della Hence with Annabel, Jeremy, Alexander, and Amelia

#17 glitchinggecko


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 05:35 AM

It has been two years since you and Jack have welcomed Archer into your home. As many people say, it has been a lot harder with two than with one, but you expected it and honestly both you and Jack love being parents even more than you love anything else you have ever done and you can only imagine how your 27 year old self would have felt back then if you told them that. They probably would have laughed at you.

Things are very good though. Ambrosia has been very good and you have never not had a fully booked Thursday-Sunday since it opened and just last month Jack got promoted to senior food critic and editor at The New York Times. The influx of money has been helpful in living in Long Island which is quite the expensive town. You've even been able to add quite a chunk of money to the college funds you have set up for JR and Archer. As you and Jack have been doing so well, not to mention you feel like the house is a little empty with JR starting kindergarten - you and Jack have decided to expand your family with another little one.

However, you experience a little trouble and when you attempt to conceive and so you visit your doctor and they recommend you try a round of fertility treatment injects since it seems your cycle is a little off. You and Jack do as your doctor advises and three months later you find out you're pregnant with multiples - Twins! You feel a little overwhelmed, but are more excited than you are nervous as you and Jack want to have a large family.

As the pregnancy progresses you and Jack find out that you're expecting boys. You inform JR and Archer about the gender of their expected little siblings. JR is sad, as he wanted a sister, but Archer is too young to really understand. You decide that the babies will share a room for the first year or two to make it easier on you and Jack for late night feedings, changing and other things. You set up a beautiful nursery for them in blue and lime. While fixing up a room for the new babies you decide it would be maybe a good idea and re-do the other bedrooms in the house. You don't want to make JR and Archer feel left out so you let them each pick out themes for their rooms - JR chooses race-cars and Archer asks for red and white. You and Jack also redo your room to fit your tastes cyan and yellow. You then decided not to leave out anyone so you and JR redo a little area by the stairs for Atlas and Mars. You, Jack and your children have a very fun time fixing up the house.

The time finally arrives and your babies are born.

As you look at your babies and hold them for the first time you feel a tug in your heartstrings. They both have Black hair and Blue eyes. You love them so much already and you could not imagine your life without each and every one of them. You and Jack named them with a coordinating theme since they were multiples and picked out the names Lucas 'Luke' Marcus Theon and Leon 'Leo' Maximus Thor.

Jack graduated from NYU with a minor in Classical Civilizations and has been in love with history since they were a small child. When you were expecting this time they asked if you would be alright letting them pick the babies middle names from some of their favorites they have run into in stories/research/history. You ask them to run the names by you and you have to admit that there is a sort of charm to them and decide you will use them.

As you watch JR and Archer smile, make faces and wave fingers at their little siblings while they sleep in their hospital bassinets. You just know that your children will be close and be able to rely on one another which is what you have always wished for as you had no siblings. Though you know the coming months with multiple newborns will be stressful you relish the challenge as you know the benefits will far outweigh the sleepless nights and hectic days.

Delilah 'Dee' Rosemary Hall [35]
Jackson 'Jack' Rex Hall [30]
Jackson 'JR' Ramsey Charles Hall [5]
Archibald 'Archer' James Hall [2]
Lucas 'Luke' Marcus Theon Hall [0]
Leon 'Leo' Maximus Thor Hall [0]

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