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Bri's feedback thread

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#1 brimariiee


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Posted 29 October 2016 - 01:04 PM

I've seen a couple of these before but I don't think there are any active ones so thought I'd make one

Feel free to give a couple names/combos from your list (no limit, just nothing crazy haha) and I'll let you know what I think.

If anyone else sees a name they want to chime in on, feel free!

#2 Riley_Jane


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Posted 29 October 2016 - 08:24 PM

I love these threads! It's always great to hear feedback from you guys! Here are some names I've been loving lately...



Wendy Moira (Yes, like the girl from Peter Pan)

Gemma Caroline

Sophie Helen



Miles Aaron

Jones Elliot

Grover Thomas

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#3 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 05:08 PM

Vander Sebastian

Pearl Gwendoline
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#4 brimariiee


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 10:48 PM

I love these threads! It's always great to hear feedback from you guys! Here are some names I've been loving lately...



Wendy Moira (Yes, like the girl from Peter Pan)

Gemma Caroline

Sophie Helen



Miles Aaron

Jones Elliot

Grover Thomas


Wendy Moira: I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I like how bold of a move it would be especially since Peter Pan won't be dying out anytime soon. However, I also feel like the amount of people who know that her full name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling has decreased greatly (I mainly know it because of the movie Hook) and will continue to do so as generations go on. I do adore the name Wendy and have it on a list myself and I'm not a fan of the name Moira itself but I do like the Wendy Moira pair. It has a nice flow and rolls of the tongue nicely. It has a very elegant and classic feel to it. (7/10)

Gemma Caroline: This is definitely one of my favorites that you listed. I love both names and they are amazing together. I actually have Gemma on my list for first names and Caroline for middles but never thought to put them together 'til now! This combo is equal amounts of sweet and elegant. Can't think of anything negative to say, really. (10/10)

Sophie Helen: Well, I'll be honest with you...Sophie is on my list of names I dislike the most. I don't even really care for Helen that much either. However, despite not liking either name, I can recognize that they do in fact work together. With Sophie being (slightly, though decreasing) popular, I think a uncommon name like Helen is a good choice. (5/10)

Miles Aaron: This is probably my favorite of the boys you listed. I adore the name Miles. I can't use Aaron myself but I do love the sound of it so while I personally would not pair Aaron with it, I would probably go with something of similar style. The combo as a whole feels really strong. I definitely think I'd enjoy meeting a baby, kid, teenager, adult, or old man with this name so I can see it aging very well. (9/10)

Jones Elliot: I can't help but enjoy this in a guilty pleasure sort of way. One of my favorite shows has a character named Jones and I had developed a crush on the name but unfortunately find it too uncomfortable to use because of someone I know....I probably would've had it in the middle name slot had I chosen to keep it on my list BUT, I do like the idea of someone going for it as a first name!! I do think the combo sounds a little business-y/lawyer-y but I still enjoy them together. Elliot really is a great match with Jones imo. (7/10)

Grover Thomas: Tbh, I don't think I ever would've considered the name Grover but it's not too far from names I look at. I do think some may still see the Sesame Street connection and I'm pretty sure there's been a movie (or two) I've seen recently with a Grover in it but, I wouldn't let the SS connection bother you. I could even see Jones and Grover making a handsome sibset together! And like Jones, I think you've chosen a great pairing for Grover. Grover Thomas really flows well together. (8/10)

Overall, I'd have to say I really enjoy your taste in names...based off these few at least.

#5 brimariiee


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 11:03 PM

Vander Sebastian

Pearl Gwendoline

Vander Sebastian: I really had to do some thinking on how I feel about Vander. I don't hate it, or even dislike it, but something just feels..off about it. However, I do think the style of the name works with Sebastian. The two names even work (about equal) in reversal; Sebastian Vander, and I like when combos can be flexible like that. So while it's not really my cup of tea, I do think it's a sophisticated choice. (I totally picture a boy with black hair and light eyes btw!) (7/10)

Pearl Gwendoline: I have really been crushing on Pearl lately but don't love it enough myself to bump it to the first name position. With that said, it does work there. Now as for Gwendoline and the combo as a whole...my opinion would change depending on how you pronounce it I guess. If you use the -lyn(n) pronunciation, I think it sounds too clunky and L heavy and just seems to end abruptly. I feel it even kind of takes away from the sweetness of Pearl. But, if you are going with the -line pronunciation, then I do enjoy the pair a lot better. The -line pronunciation definitely keeps the sweetness, elegance, and "girly-ness" of Pearl and I just think overall, it flows better. (5/10 for -lyn combo and 8/10 for -line combo)

#6 Riley_Jane


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Posted 31 October 2016 - 06:26 PM

Thanks so much for the feedback! While this poll isn't flooded yet I'll try a few more on you!



Azelin Cora

Melanie Ruthann

Theresa Morgan “Thea”

Anastasia Brynn “Tasie”



Holt Sebastian

Asher Hale

Jeremy Thayer

Rhydian Oliver


Some of these are bolder for me, which is why I would like opinions. Especially on Azelin, I like the spelling Aislinn but since it’s pronounced ash-lyn I changed it up a bit. I’m excited to see what you think!

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#7 HaydensMama18


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 06:52 AM

Gabrielle 'Gabi' Victoria Layne/Rayne

Mackenzie 'Mickie' Elizabeth/Aleah Rose

Kendrick 'Ricky' Allen

Hayden Seth/Dean/Colby

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#8 RaeMarieSmiles


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 09:55 PM



1. Caroline "Ollie" Sadie

2. Adeline "Addie" Media

3. Amelia "Amy" Flynn

4. Temperance "Emmie" Harper




1.Sebastian "Bash" Atticus

2. Jameson "Ames" Blake

3. Simon "Monty" Thatcher

4. Harrison "Henry" Jude

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#9 brimariiee


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 11:16 PM

Thanks so much for the feedback! While this poll isn't flooded yet I'll try a few more on you!



Azelin Cora

Melanie Ruthann

Theresa Morgan “Thea”

Anastasia Brynn “Tasie”



Holt Sebastian

Asher Hale

Jeremy Thayer

Rhydian Oliver


Some of these are bolder for me, which is why I would like opinions. Especially on Azelin, I like the spelling Aislinn but since it’s pronounced ash-lyn I changed it up a bit. I’m excited to see what you think!


Azelin Cora: I'm confused on if you want it pronounced like Aislinn or closer to how it's spelled? I'd see Azelin and pronounce it similar to Aslan, just with the lyn sound at the end instead. (As-lyn, unless you're thinking more end of h'aze'-lyn) With that said, I'm not one of those who hates the whole -lyn trend, I have an uncommon -lyn name on my list so overall I think the name is fine. I think both as-lyn and ayes-lyn pronunciations are pretty, but if you were still planning ash-lyn for it, I think that's too much of a stretch. I think as-lyn Cora has a better flow than ayes-lyn Cora but overall not a huge fan of Cora with either one. (Though nothing against the name Cora itself, just the pair) (6/10)

Melanie Ruthann: Melanie isn't my style but not bad. Ruthann flows with it nicely though I'm not sure I like seeing it as one name, just going with two middles might look better. Or maybe even Melanie Ruthanne looks more...complete (?) The combo itself is great and strong. A bit of a mouthful but not necessarily in a bad way. (8/10)

Theresa Morgan 'Thea': Don't really care for Theresa tbh and I feel like Thea is a bit of a stretch for a nickname for it, too different sounding. Thea on it's own isn't bad though. Theresa Morgan isn't a bad combo, the flow is nice could be made or broken depending on the surname I feel. (6/10)

Anastasia Brynn 'Tasie': I adore Anastasia, I think it's a beautiful name. Brynn is an unexpected middle and a bit clunky but I think it works. I'd probably say this is my favorite of the girls names you listed this time. However, I don't care for Tasie as a nickname for Anastasia. (9/10)

Holt Sebastian: Holt is another unexpected name that I think is actually nice and Sebastian fits with it really well. The name feels really comfortable and familiar. My only issue with Holt would be that I feel it's very abrupt and I think again, the surname would be make or break for this combo. (7/10)

Asher Hale: Gorgeous combo. The flow with these two are absolutely wonderful, they compliment each other really well. I guess my only 'issue' with this name could be that they both seem kind of 'nature'-y (ash...hail..) but it's not too close where I think it's an actual problem. (9/10)

Jeremy Thayer: This is another name that I think sounds comfortable and familiar. I have a guilty pleasure crush on Jeremy, I think it's a great choice! I adore a lot of -er names but find it doesn't always work with surnames, so just be careful of that, otherwise I think this is a great choice! (10/10)

Rhydian Oliver: Rid-e-an or Ry-dee-an? That would make a huge difference in my opinion. I think the Rid-e-an pronunciation just doesn't work for English countries (America), I'm sure that pronunciation is just fine over in Wales but I just don't see it going well in the US, plus I do think it would be (technically) mispronounced a lot as Ry-dee-an. As for Ry-dee-an, I have quite a few Ry- names on my list, I love the sound of them and I guess this name isn't any weirder than those. I am a little hesitant against the spelling, just seems like either way you'll hit pronunciation issues. It's also a bit of a mouthful and while Oliver does sound nice with it, it might be a bit too much. I think a one syllable middle name might be best. (If it's Rid, I like Oliver with it better than if it's Ry, btw) (7/10)

And even if this does get flooded, don't hesitate to send more in if you want...I'll just get to them when I can, doesn't bother me any :)

#10 brimariiee


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 11:43 PM

Gabrielle 'Gabi' Victoria Layne/Rayne

Mackenzie 'Mickie' Elizabeth/Aleah Rose

Kendrick 'Ricky' Allen

Hayden Seth/Dean/Colby

Gabrielle 'Gabi' Victoria Layne/Gabrielle 'Gabi' Victoria Rayne: Going to be honest and say right off the bat that Gabrielle is one of my least favorite names. However, I do like it better than Gabriella and the nickname Gabi isn't bad (though fair warning, using that spelling of Gabi, it'll probably get misspelled quite a bit..most I see is either Gabby or Gabbie, but I do know someone who uses the Gabi spelling as well). I also have a really hard time liking two middle names because I never feel like the flow is 'right'...and I feel that way about one of these. For the most part, I feel like Gabrielle Victoria is already a lot together so it's hard to find a second to keep the flow but I think Rayne works best with them, out of those two at least. I do like both Layne and Rayne, about equally, so it really just came down to the fact to the flow. (GVL: 6/10, GVR: 7/10)

Mackenzie 'Mickie' Elizabeth Rose/Mackenzie 'Mickie' Aleah Rose: This is hard...Mackenzie is a lovely name and I like the unusual twist of using Mickie as a nickname. Different in a good way! I like all middle name options, even though Elizabeth and Rose are 'filler' middle names. As for Aleah, I love the name. I've had it on and off my list for a couple years now. But...Elizabeth Rose has the better flow than Aleah Rose, as much as I hate to say that. And just in case you just meant, Mackenzie Elizabeth or Mackenzie Aleah Rose, I'd still have to go with the Elizabeth combo. (MER: 8/10, MAR: 7/10, ME: 9/10)

Kendrick 'Ricky' Allen: This one threw me off a bit, never would've considered another name for Ricky other than Richard, but I like it! Ricky is an amazing name though I'm not sure I like the thought of 'Ricky Allen' though so I'm glad you have a longer name and just Ricky as the nickname. The combo has a nice flow, the names definitely work well together. I think the less unusual name (Allen) helps balance out Kendrick since it's a lot less common. (8/10)

Hayden Seth/Hayden Dean/Hayden Colby: When it comes to Hayden, I'm not sure I have a preference on it being for a male or female...however, you have chosen middles names that definitely make Hayden sound like it's a "boy's name". I do think all 3 middle names are great choices and they all technically work but, I would have to say that Hayden Dean is my favorite and Hayden Seth is my least favorite. With Dean, I just love it as a middle name and it is very versatile/works with a lot of first names and Colby still has a really good flow to it. While Seth does work, it's flow isn't as good as Dean or Colby. (HS: 7/10, HD: 9/10, HC: 8/10)

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#11 HaydensMama18


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 06:21 AM

Thanks for the great feedback :3


Rebecca 'Reby' Taryn Celeste/Rebecca 'Reby' Celeste Quinn

Andrew 'Andy/Drew' Cliff

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#12 Barbie


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 07:35 AM

Piper Rosalie Mae
Larsen Bristol Kathleen
Millie Scarlett Faith
Paisley Brielle
Hadley Edelweiss
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#13 Barbie


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 07:36 AM

Wiley Judson Knox
Bennett Asher Ford
Finn Theodore Jude
Apollo Augustine
Hawthorne Wilde
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#14 brimariiee


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 01:47 PM



1. Caroline "Ollie" Sadie

2. Adeline "Addie" Media

3. Amelia "Amy" Flynn

4. Temperance "Emmie" Harper




1.Sebastian "Bash" Atticus

2. Jameson "Ames" Blake

3. Simon "Monty" Thatcher

4. Harrison "Henry" Jude


Caroline 'Ollie' Sadie: I do enjoy the name Caroline and Sadie isn't a bad name either, but I'm not too sure they really work together. I think Sadie Caroline flows a lot better actually. I think with Caroline, a more classic middle name/filler name could work. (Elizabeth, Margaret, Rose, etc) Or if you want to combine some of your other suggestion, Caroline Harper is a decent combo. Not sure Sadie works with any of the first names you listed. Not a huge fan of Ollie as a nickname for Caroline either. I think Oliver when I hear Ollie. I try not to give unwanted suggestions but have you considered Carrie as a nickname? (6/10)

Adeline 'Addie' Media: Adeline is a really beautiful name. (Assuming you're going with -line not -lyn) The name is good enough on it's own that I wouldn't even say you need a nickname, but Addie does work and is 'cutesy' for it. As for Media, like social media? mee-dee-uh? I'm sorry but I just can't see that as anyone's name..even in the middle slot. At the same time, I won't be too surprised to see it used with some of the other names around. I guess the flow is fine but I really can't like Media enough to overall like the combo...(3/10)

Amelia 'Amy' Flynn: Amelia is such a pretty name. Amy really isn't necessary for it and I actually like Amelia a lot better than Amy anyway. I'd say if you really wanted Amy to just go with it as it's own name. Saw that you have Ames as a nickname for boys, but Ames also works for Amelia. Until this, I never would've even thought Flynn could be considered unisex. I'm pretty open to a lot of unisex names but this just isn't one of them. Flynn is a boys name for sure. Not sure if meaning counts for you but Flynn means son of the red-haired one. The combo does have decent flow but Flynn just really takes away from the beauty of Amelia. But I do like Flynn paired with any of the boys names you listed. (5/10)

Temperance 'Emmie' Harper: I love love love Temperance and I think this is your best girls combo. Emmie isn't the nickname I'd go with for Temperance but it does still work and is still pretty. Harper does toughen the combo up a little imo instead of making it more on the girly side, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. (Plus, you have Emmie giving it that girly side) The names definitely sound good together. (9/10)

Sebastian 'Bash' Atticus: I really love Sebastian and I think Bash is such a great nickname for it. I also have Atticus on my list for middle names and I think it works really well with Sebastian. I adore the combo. No issues imo. (10/10)

Jameson 'Ames' Blake: Jameson is cute but you may run into a decent amount who think he'd be named after the Whiskey. I don't even drink it and that's the first thing I thought of. And like I said with Amelia, I see Ames more as a girls nickname...and Jameson doesn't make the Ames sound really. Even using James as a nickname here feels like a bit much to me but does still work, Jamie is probably where I'd suggest going with it. With all that said, this is a great combo, really enjoy the pair. (8/10)

Simon 'Monty' Thatcher: Part of me has a hard time seeing Monty as a nickname for Simon and part of me can't help but appreciate the originality. I really do think Simon is fine on it's own and can't really see much of a nickname with it. However, I think it'd be refreshing to meet a Monty. Undecided on if I'd prefer seeing it as a nickname for another name or as it's own name. As for the combo, I think they names sound nice together. I have nothing against surname names (I have a ton on my list) my only hesitation with them in the middle slot is whatever the actual surname is, especially with -er middle names. (8/10)

Harrison 'Henry' Jude: This is such a handsome combo! Not sure if it's intended but I love the Beatles feel to it. The two names really go wonderfully together though. My hesitation lies with Henry. I don't think Harry and Henry are the same name, even though I know they technically are. I do like Henry (more now than I ever have at least) but I just don't feel like it works as a nickname for Harrison. My suggestion would be Harris honestly, very handsome. (9/10)

#15 brimariiee


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 08:37 PM

Thanks for the great feedback :3


Rebecca 'Reby' Taryn Celeste/Rebecca 'Reby' Celeste Quinn

Andrew 'Andy/Drew' Cliff



Rebecca 'Reby' Taryn Celeste/Rebecca 'Reby' Celeste Quinn: I always find it nice to see Rebecca still around but I gotta admit, I don't care for Reby as a nickname (Reba or Becca would be my go to). As for the middle names, I love the sound of Celeste Quinn together, absolutely gorgeous. However, I don't like Celeste Quinn paired with Rebecca that much. So while Taryn isn't my favorite, I'd have to say that Rebecca Taryn Celeste does in fact sound a lot better as a whole. (RTC: 7/10, RCQ: 6/10)

Andrew 'Andy/Drew' Cliff: What a handsome and strong combo! I adore it. Cliff really is NMS but I do think it pairs with Andrew really nicely! I would be a little careful with it just depending on the surname so it doesn't sound too abrupt. As for Andy v. Drew, my vote is 100% Drew. I love the name and even have it on my list as a standalone name. (A'A'C: 8/10, A'D'C: 9/10)

Anytime! Hope it helped! :)

#16 brimariiee


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 09:53 PM

Piper Rosalie Mae
Larsen Bristol Kathleen
Millie Scarlett Faith
Paisley Brielle
Hadley Edelweiss

Piper Rosalie Mae: Ugh, I loooove Piper! I always have a hard time finding a middle name with it that I actually love but these two flow with it really well. It could even stand well just being Piper Rosalie (not that I'm saying get rid of Mae because it's fine). Great combo imo. (10/10)

Larsen Bristol Kathleen: Is Larsen unisex? The sound of it screams boy to me honestly (spelled Larson though maybe). Bristol Kathleen isn't a bad pair for a double middle name though, they sound nice together. The three names together just doesn't sound right to me. If anything, maybe go with two 'feminine' sounding names with Larsen, Kathleen I think works but Bristol definitely doesn't give off that vibe. (3/10)

Millie Scarlett Faith: I'm not a super huge fan of using nicknames as the original name so Millie isn't my favorite...however, I think this is a beautiful combo. The three names flow together quite nicely. Scarlett & Faith are equally beautiful and work well together and with Millie. (7/10)

Paisley Brielle: Brielle is such a pretty name, I will probably end up using it in the middle slot myself one day. But as for Paisley, I just can't get behind it as a name. The sound of it is fine so I don't really know what my problem is with it. However, they do (overall) sound fine together. If you really love Paisley, I think Brielle is a good middle name option with it. (5/10)

Hadley Edelweiss: Not going to lie, I had to look up how to pronounce Edelweiss. I honestly don't care for it. I know it's in the middle name slot so it won't be used too much but I think it's a lot for a kid and there will be questions on pronunciation a lot. Hadley isn't my style but it's not a bad name. (Sisters, Piper and Hadley??). I just really can't come around to Edelweiss or how it sounds. Not sure if you're open to suggestions but I'd combine this with the last combo and go with Hadley Brielle. (2/10)

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#17 brimariiee


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Posted 04 November 2016 - 12:22 AM

Wiley Judson Knox
Bennett Asher Ford
Finn Theodore Jude
Apollo Augustine
Hawthorne Wilde

Wiley Judson Knox: I do like each of these names, Knox the most probably. This is a handsome (though a little country sounding) combo. I honestly don't have much to say about it because I don't see any issues. Even with Wiley, that's the way I'd spell it for a male/in the first name spot..Wylie just wouldn't work imo. My only preference I guess would be seeing it as Judson Wiley Knox just because I think that flows just a *little* better but there's nothing wrong with the way it is now. (9/10)

Bennett Asher Ford: Another great combo! I love both Bennett and Asher (I believe they are both on my list of middles) but Ford really isn't my style. However, that doesn't take away from my appreciation of the 3 together. Not sure if you considered it but I love Asher Bennett Ford as equally as Bennett Asher Ford, so not necessarily a suggestion because one is better...just an observation. (10/10)

Finn Theodore Jude: Love all 3 of these names, again. I really love Finn Theodore together but Jude does throw it off for me a bit. I just feel like it's too much of a mouthful but it's not terrible either. (9/10)

Apollo Augustine: While I personally prefer August to Augustine, Augustine isn't bad. Apollo is another name I have on my list (for middles) so I definitely do like the combo overall. My hesitation lies within the alliteration. I really don't care for alliteration names and try to stay away from it (only have 2 on my list for the nickname factor) so I don't like that part too much but they do sound okay together so it does work. (7/10)

Hawthorne Wilde: Hawthorne is such a cute name. However, I do associate it with Hawk(e) as it's nickname which doesn't exactly work with Wilde as the middle name. There is nothing wrong with Wilde as a middle name, just don't think it's suitable for Hawthorne. (6/10)

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#18 HaydensMama18


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    My favorite actors are Grace Phipps & Garrett Clayton

    Current favorite songs: Anything by Little Mix, Ariana Grande-Boyfriend Material & Anything by Bruno Mars

Posted 04 November 2016 - 03:09 AM

Ashley Jade 'AJ' Marilyn 

Isiana 'Izzy' Delaney Brooke/Isiana 'Izzy' ?? Ivy

Brooks (as a mn)

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#19 Laugh-Dream-Love


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  • Interests:Watching movies and snuggling with my boyfriend; Writing; Reading; Listening to music; Drawing; Singing

Posted 04 November 2016 - 02:55 PM

Kenzo Theodore

Mary-Pearl Susannah
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#20 Kare bear

Kare bear

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Posted 04 November 2016 - 09:16 PM

rilee jayde or amya jayde?

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