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Five girls names.. all I want is opinions :)

Caroline Clara Bonnie Ardith Mabel

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#1 Remy Hadley

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 01:27 PM

I've been searching around for girls names lately.. and mostly unsuccessful. I can't seem to fall in love with most names. However, I am really liking these names at the moment! Could I have some opinions on names? Try and sway me a bit, I suppose? <3 I'm open to any opinions, suggestions, whatever.

I've passed it quite a few times in searches and never really thought much of it, but the more I hear it the more I like it! Its not horribly popular, number 87 for 2011 SSA charts. It is in the top hundred, but at least its not in the top 50? Idk. I have an Aunt Carol I can honor through Caroline. I've always liked the name Cara, but it feels more dated I think, less usable to me. I was thinking of potentially Caddie as a nick name? Like Caddie Woodlawn? Or whatever her name is lol.

It feels plain and simple, but not necessarily boring. I know Claire is pretty popular, but Clara itself doesn't seem to be. 151 on the SSA charts, as opposed to Claire at 50. Not that that matters really, they sound far to alike for it to really make a difference. I was thinking this might make a better middle name, maybe?

I'm not sure of this name yet, but its in my mind. Like Bonnie Anderson from Toy Story 3? :) I think its almost darling! I can't decide yet, but I kind of like it. I'm having a bit of a brain block and can't think of any longer versions of Bonnie to make Bonnie the nick name.. but maybe I can even do that.

I found this on Nameberry and found it to be interesting. It doesn't really sound to "made up" or out there to me, but it doesn't sound plain or boring either. I like names like Aria, Ariana, Arabella, Arielle, etc that have that Ar- beginning, very attractive! And the ending makes me think of Edith, which I am also fond of. The blog post said Ardith is a nature name, my internet search says Ardith is Hebrew meaning "blooming meadow". Apparently its also an old swedish name that means "spiritual prosperity" and traditionally given to a girl as a blessing. I thought that sounded sweet! Other variations are: Ardath, Ardelia, Ardell, and Ardis. I do think Ardell is quite charming as well, but I am loving Ardith. It might remain just a GP. I'll ask Mike tonight when I see him what he thinks! Saying it out loud sounds pleasant I think. Your opinions?

Right now, this is the name I can picture myself using most of this list. Of any girls name at this very moment. I have a lot of family members with the middle name Mae, I think Mabel would carry that name down very well. Plus, it just sounds attractive saying it out loud I think. I can hear myself yelling this name out at the store, or introducing my daughter with this name. Soft, sweet, usable. Agreed?

Thanks for any and all opinions!! I really appreciate it! <3

#2 Untitled


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 01:46 PM

I like Caroline. I know people who have Carrie and Caro as nicknames for Caroline, I think I prefer these over Caddie, which makes me think of golf! I don't think it's too popular.

I think it's really pretty. Simple but definitely feminine and I think it's nicer than Clare.

Cute, although maybe a bit too cute? I think it wouldn't age particularly well, as its quite nicknamey. Also I know a dog called Bonnie, so that's kind of what I think of.

Meh, it's okay, but it does sound made-up to me. Your other names on this list are all so much better.

Love it! It's so sweet and classy and old fashioned, but without being dowdy or dated. I feel it has a similar feel to Hazel, which I also really like. It's probably my favourite on the list.

#3 Ivee(:


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 02:42 PM

Caroline: I love this name! Its one im actually considering for when I have a little girl some day.I think its very classy and traditional and timelessly pretty.

Clara: It reminds me of the nutcracker and ive never been a huge fan, but its not terrible.

Bonnie: I think its very dated and it reminds me of an old lady.

Ardith: I don't really like it, Meredith would be better.

Mabel:I had a cow named Mabel when I was little, so too me its a cow name.

#4 Meghan<3


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 03:09 PM

Caroline - I love this name! It's very pretty. I would totally use it, but personal associations have ruined it for me. :unsure: I think it's a great name though. Both Cara and Caddie seem like cute nicknames to me... I love Carly as well. <3

Clara - I love this name, too. It's on my list. I went back and forth for a while on it, but I really love it now. I think it's a great alternative to Claire (which is also lovely, but as you mentioned, consistently popular).

Bonnie - So cute / pretty! I agree that it sounds more like a nickname, but I still think it's darling, and very useable.

Ardith - Not my favorite. Doesn't sound very feminine to me. I prefer other versions you mentioned like Ariana, Ardelia, or even Meredith.

Mabel - I personally dislike this name, but I still think it's useable. I agree, it's very soft and sweet sounding.


Nice names! I think you should definitely consider adding them to your list. :)

#5 Katie-Nana


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Posted 18 July 2012 - 07:19 AM

I adore the name Caroline, although I never can decide which pron. I like better Care o LYN or Care uh LINE? Both are lovely. I really like this name but it has more potential as a middle name IMO. Not sure that I love it enough for a first name, however I think the nn Cara would make this more wearable as a first name.

To me Clara has always seemed like a name for an older Aunt, probably something to do with growing up on Bewitched re-runs. But my cousin recently used it for her daughter. I've always like Claire in the middle name spot but never felt it had enough substance for a first name. Clara on the other hand works well in the first name spot.

My g-grandpa's sister was named Bonnie. My mom says he always called her Bonnie Blue. I think it is very cute. Reminds me a lot of Molly which is a new favorite of mine. Both have the same sort of feel. This is a name that I think would be adorable on a little blue eyed girl yet still wearable on an adult.

I think I like the variant Ardis a bit more. Ardith is nice but the overall sound is a bit too harsh for my taste. It reminds me of the word ardent which has a great meaning.

Agreed! I think Mabel is adorable. It has the softness of Mae paired with the beautiful and spunky Bell.

#6 Remy Hadley

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 11:57 AM

Thanks everyone!!

I don't care for Carrie, Caro, or Carly as nick names for Caroline, but they are okay. I am loving Caddie. It does make me think golf a little bit, but its not a bad association. And I always pronounce it Care-oh-line, cause its how it looks. To me, Carolyn would be care-oh-lyn. Which is an equally lovely name, really!! I know a Carolyn, kinda. My best friends older sisters name is Carolyn :)

Clara does make me think of the nutcracker, actually! :P I used to see it every year with my mum when I was little.. and I was always waiting until I was old enough to audition for the Arabian girls part (which was mt fave for whatever reason). But its not a bad association for me.. its happy. Clare I do love as well, but I feel like it'll cause confusion on the spelling, with Claire being so mainstream. I'm still iffy on it, idk if its going to be added to my list. If it is, it'll be a middle name <3

I agree Bonnie is pretty cutesy. I'd love a full name for it, so Bonnie cold just be a nick name.. but I have no idea what full name goes to Bonnie :( It almost does have that old woman feel to it, but I can picture it so well on a little girl as well! Then again, I'm a big fan of older names. I normally go for very old lady names like Harriet, Olive, and Mabel, but Bonnie is nice too. It might end up being just a GP for me. Agreed Katie! It does have a similar feel as Molly to me <3

Mmm, I think it was a one day crush sort of thing. I've been so desperate to find a girls name I could really fall for, and really love.. that wasn't so mainstream as Isabel or Sophie <|3 I really do still like Ardith, but I can't see myself really using it. Definitely a GP. It kinda does make me think of ardent, which is a good word. I think I almost just love the meanings that I found to come with Ardith, and how its such a blessing of a name. I like that <3 Idk, I'll have to think it over more.

Mabel is 100% on my list! The more I think about it, I just might be falling for it! I think I'll sleep on it a little while longer before bothering Mike about it.. but so far, I'm falling :wub: Now I just need to find a good middle name for it! Mabel Caroline could be nice, but it doesn't have anything.. interesting to it? Feels plain. I'm going to go search for something suiting to add to it! Thank you so much ladies!!!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Caroline, Clara, Bonnie, Ardith, Mabel

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