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How did you name your LO's, and what would you change?

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#1 MommaMeg


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:11 PM

I love hearing stories about how people choose names for their children! Is it a family name? The name you loved since you were a kid? A name with a great meaning? etc...



Would you like to share the story of how you chose your baby's name? And if you could change anything about their name now, would you? 


I look forward to hearing your stories! 

#2 MommaMeg


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:20 PM

Nora Kate

When we were newly married, a pastor that we listened to often and greatly admired named his daughter Norah. We LOVED the name, and it stuck with us for the next few years. Norah means 'Honor' and we certainly believe that we want to raise her up to honor God. I left the 'h' off the end because I felt it was unnecessary. We played around with mn's until we thought Kate sounded good, and most of the time, she goes by Nora Kate instead of just Nora. But now and again, I wish that I had called her Nora Katherine. It would make it more of a first and middle instead of a double first name. 


Wyatt Cohen


We had two boy choices, Jude (my pick) and Wyatt (DH's pick) neither of us wanted to back down. At about 34 weeks in, we went to see our favorite band play and while we were waiting to take a picture with them, DH said "These guys are incredible writer's, let's ask them for their opinion. 2 of the three band members chose Wyatt, and so that was it! Wyatt means 'Warrior' and Cohen means 'Priest' we loved the idea of our son being a warrior priest! Although I sometimes think I should have left out the silent 'h' and just went with Coen.

#3 EmilyA


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:03 PM

Hayes Montgomery 


When I moved here from Europe I always thought 'southern' names were SO tacky that I told myself that if I ever had kids I would name them something more modern and trendy. Which is the total opposite of what we done with Hayes and the rest of our children. But it never dawned on me that my name was classified as southern because where I'm from it was sort of common with many variations. Anywho, when I entered high school here in the states I met a guy who I thought was cute that I always pegged him as my "secret" husband. His name was Hays (he said his mother had a superstition of e's in the first name spot...go figure!). I had never heard it before and just thought it sounded so freaking cool! He reminded me of a professional surfer who would always say, "Gnarly Dude(s)!!!!".  So once Craig and I found out that we were expecting, I knew the whole time we were having a boy so I always referred to him in utero as Hayes. So when we had confirmation that he was in fact going to have to stand up to pee I told Craig we were naming Hayes and that he shouldn't even bring me more names or anything. He barely obliged. When it came to his middle name I wanted something strong and very cowboy-ish. I searched and searched but could never find anything I liked, until the day before he was born! I was watching 'Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta' and it was like the hallelujah choir was singing! Monte! I knew we couldn't use just Monte so we lengthened it to Montgomery. And presto, that's how we got Mr. Hayes Montgomery. 




Easton Alexander


Easton was THE hardest child to name. We had so many doubts, contemplation's, unresolved compromises, just everything did not sound right when trying to name him. We thought we were settled on Solomon but we trashed that instantly. Then it went to Cyrus Dean, which I still love! Hubby didn't like it after he slept on it. Then it was Nash Alexander, for which I love love love Nash. Alexander is a family name on both sides so we knew all along we were going to use it so the middle name was never the problem because it was long, classic, and southern just like Montgomery. I was never sold on Easton because it was rising in popularity but hubby adored it. So that's when I felt bad because I had so much passion towards Hayes' name that I felt like Craig never had a say. So he got his wish with Easton Alexander and I have to say that it is perfectly fitting for him. 



Vivienne Isla 


My first daughter deserved to have the most beautiful name my scatterbrain could think of. I can't tell you how many times we changed it around. It wasn't that we didn't like any names it was the mere fact that we never thought it was good enough for her. I knew as soon as they told she was a girl that I wanted to pay homage to my mother, Lisa. I searched and searched for different variations and they were all nms: Aaliyah, Leah, Alissa, and everything in between. So when I stumbled upon Isla I thought it was perfect. Same letters just rearranged. The reason I didn't want it as her first name was because we knew people would mispronounce it out the yinyang! Vivienne popped up while I was watching Legally Blonde one night and it just stuck. Hubby and I never truly agreed on it 100% until we saw her precious face and knew she was a Vivienne. We always call her Viv/Vivi for short. Everyone is always blown away at how classic her name is. We love it and hope she will too! 



Baby # 4 


Still a mystery that I will not reveal until he/she is born! :P 

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#4 HxppySxng


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

Ivory Janae

I've always loved the name Ivory, and I had a friend named Ivori when I was about 9 years old and I absolutely adored her name. Janae is the middle name of my best friend, Isabelle. Isabelle has helped me since I started dating the girls' dad and hasn't left my side since I found out I was pregnant, so I wanted to honor her.


Jade Isabelle

​I had originally named Jade Jayde, with a y. But I've recently changed it because I think the spelling error was a dumb trendy thing that I don't want my child to live with. I only added the y to make Ivory and Jayde have the same amount of letters but it wasn't worth it, she's just Jade. Isabelle is, again, after my friend. 



I knew the moment I found out I was having twins that I wanted their names to be connected in some way, but I didn't want identical initials, so I did reversed initials. I chose the letters I & J because I wanted to honor Isabelle Janae, but I also knew I wanted her name in the middle spots for the girls. I also was really into colour names at the time, so I ended up deciding on Ivory and Ja(y)de. Other names I was considering were India, Ireland, Isis, Iris, Ivana, Irina, and Ivette. For the J, I was thinking about Jacqueline, Janessa, Jayleen, Jazmine, Jessica, Jubilee, Juliet, and Jeanie. But I wouldn't change either of the names. 

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#5 Remy Hadley

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Posted 29 September 2014 - 08:14 PM

Archer Cohen Bear E.

I saw Archer on Nameberry I think it was, while searching for names similar to Roman... Which was mine and Mike's favorite for a while before getting pregnant. Mike liked the TV show reference. I liked the nick name Archie that goes with it. I wanted old fashioned, he wanted modern. Archer felt like a nice mix. Mike wanted ACE as the initials, so we wanted a C mn.. Originally we liked Cole, but I really loved Cohen after a best friend of mine. And Bear is to honor my little brother who passed away when I was 28 weeks pregnant. I used to call him Bear pretty much always, so it felt right to use Bear rather than his real name, Joshua.

It's a bonus that Archie Bear works as a great nn, along with Ace. Though honestly we mostly call him Arch ;)
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#6 Remy Hadley

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Posted 29 September 2014 - 08:16 PM

And I forgot to add, I have no regrets on Archers name and I don't wish I'd have done anything different. His name really suits him, I just love it. And I love that Mike and I are equally in love with his name. :wub:

#7 ValerieYeamanXO


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 02:11 AM

My first baby is due in December and my husband and I could not be more excited, nothing could have brought us closer than a baby girl.

It's actually a funny story how we went about choosing her name, because when we found out we were having a girl was when we decided to tell our friends we were expecting (I didn't start to show around 4/5montha or so) I was craving Peach cobbler so so bad that day and we got all of the ingredients to make it fresh and it was the best I've ever made.

To make this pointless rant end a little faster, my husband joked and was like we could be like Bob Geldof and Paula Yates and name her Peaches, you look like her anyway you know...we might as well name our daughter after her too. We laughed about it, but when we went to bed I was dead serious when I looked him in the eyes and said to him "that's her name. It has to be. Her name is Peaches."

And it was so.

I don't regret it, if my daughter hates me, she hates me, but she'll be a unique soul. I can already tell she will be special because she will be mine. My sister says I'm setting my daughter up to be bullied and to be made fun of, but im confident in my choice and hope she'll be confident in herself as well.
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#8 Katie-Nana


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 06:28 AM

Wiley James Benjamin


My SO is named James Benjamin "Ben."   I've loved the name Wiley for several years before I found out I was pregnant. As a name nerd, I've had a lot of favorite boy names, but Wiley has stuck around the longest, so I knew it was a keeper. When we found out we were having a boy I suggested Wiley, Ben didn't like it at first but when I came up with the combo Wiley James Benjamin after him, he was sold! LOL.  Ben has been wanting a son for a long time and he just new that Wiley was going to be a boy from the start. I knew it would mean a lot to him to have the first boy named after him and I really liked how the whole name flowed.  I like to call him Wiley J.B. for short.


We have also already picked out a name for baby #2 if it is a boy (although we aren't planning on trying for #2 until next year).  Theodore Lark Alfred was our second choice for Wiley.  I had a list of names that I liked and Ben picked out Theodore off the list as one that he really liked and we both agreed that we liked the nn Teddy.  Lark Alfred is my grandfather's full name.  My grandfather is a very important person in my life.  My father has never been really involved in my life so my grandfather (mom's dad) has been the most influential male figure in my life.  He is the head of a family of all girls with three daughters, seven grandaughters, soon to be four great granddaughters and just two great grandsons the oldest one not yet two.  He never had a boy named for him so I'd love to honor him in our next son's name. 


But when it comes to girl names, we can't agree on anything.

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#9 PaperHeart


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 10:30 AM

Archer Cohen Bear E.

I saw Archer on Nameberry I think it was, while searching for names similar to Roman... Which was mine and Mike's favorite for a while before getting pregnant. Mike liked the TV show reference. I liked the nick name Archie that goes with it. I wanted old fashioned, he wanted modern. Archer felt like a nice mix. Mike wanted ACE as the initials, so we wanted a C mn.. Originally we liked Cole, but I really loved Cohen after a best friend of mine. And Bear is to honor my little brother who passed away when I was 28 weeks pregnant. I used to call him Bear pretty much always, so it felt right to use Bear rather than his real name, Joshua.

It's a bonus that Archie Bear works as a great nn, along with Ace. Though honestly we mostly call him Arch ;)


Can I just.. UGH :wub: :wub: :wub:

Also, coughcough, Cohen was brilliant choice.

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#10 Remy Hadley

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Posted 06 October 2014 - 06:41 PM

Can I just.. UGH :wub: :wub: :wub:
Also, coughcough, Cohen was brilliant choice.

I happen to agree ;) <3

#11 PotassiumIodine


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 02:46 AM

My parents chose my name because my grandmother who I was going to be named after (Cathleen) said 'Just as long as you don't call her Corinne', so my parents called me Corinnette to annoy her, and my middle name was going to be from my other grandmother, Evelyn, but she had an argument with my parents a few days before I was born, so they reversed the meaning and gave me the middle name Thana. Mine just have Romanian and Icelandic names that we thought sounded good (Emilian Vladlen, Einar Vasilica and Loredana Svanhildur, with Torin Matthias on the way).

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