LN: {german last name}
DH: {german first name / middle name honoring his father: Curtis Richard}
DW: {scandinavian first name / nature middle name}
their first names should honor mom or dad and have middle names that reflect their mother's love of William Shakespeare
his first name should be scandinavian like his mom's and a middle name that reflects his father's love of Star Wars
her first name should have three syllables and her middle name have a stereotype attached to it
their first names should be typically surnames and middle names that end in Y
her first name should be from nature and a middle name that honors her maternal grandmother Eliza Sophia Harriet
their first names should start with the same letter but be different lengths and their middle names should be unisex
his first name should be "word name" and his middle name should be from pop culture
their first names should be four letters long and middle names that go together in some way {i.e alphabetical order, character names from a book, etc}