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#41 Barbie


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Posted 14 November 2016 - 08:16 PM

Thoughts on combo: Lincoln Hawthorne
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#42 brimariiee


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 12:02 AM

Paige Madeleine/Paige Adeline(Prn -line)
Mackenzie Caitlyn/Katelyn 'Kenzie'
Lila Isabelle/Lila Emily(Prn like Isla with an L)
Annabelle Faith

Chandler Joseph (I came up with this while watching friends and I actually love it in a guilty pleasure way lol)
Jackson Connor
Noah Rylan
Christian Matthew

Paige Madeleine/Paige Adeline: Since you said pronounced line, I'm going to assume you mean for both of them? I love Madeleine pronounced as -line so much better than -lyn. I've always thought Mad-uh-line sounded so pretty. As for Paige, that's always been more of a middle name for my personal taste but, I think these two options paired with it make awesome combos. I think both are great choices no matter what...however, I do feel Madeleine sounds a bit more...'complete' paired with Paige. While I personally would love the reverse, I think these are both beautiful options. (PM: 9/10, PA: 8/10)

Mackenzie Caitlyn/Mackenzie Katelyn 'Kenzie': I adore the nickname Kenzie, first off. So I already think Mackenzie with Kenzie as a nickname is a great choice! As for Caitlyn/Katelyn...my preferred spelling is actually Caitlin and I'm not a super huge fan of either -lyn spellings...but, if I had to pick one of those two, I think I'd have to go with Katelyn as it looks more 'proper' in regards to spelling. As for the flow of Mackenzie Katelyn, it's really not as strong as it could be because it is really 'k' heavy.  (MC: 6/10, MK: 8/10)

Lila Isabelle/Lila Emily: I'm not sure if others pronounce it differently but I pronounce it the way you do. As for the middles, I'm really not a fan of Isabelle in general but Emily is alright. However, I do feel like Lila Isabelle flows together better than Emily....unless you plan on using the Annabelle combo below, then that's too much haha. Either way, I think the combination is overall pretty. (LI: 7/10, LE: 7/10)

Annabelle Faith: I absolutely adore the name Annabelle!! So many nickname options too. Faith is such a simple yet beautiful pair with it but could also be meaningful. This is probably my favorite combo of yours. The flow is great as well. (10/10)

Chandler Joseph: I don't think this needs to be a guilty pleasure name! I don't think it'd be too weird for someone to name their child Chandler, there's some out there! And I think Joseph is a way to make the combo a little more common (I like to do that so it's not too obscure of a combo). So while neither name is what I would use, I think this is a perfectly fine, handsome combo. (9/10)

Jackson Connor: Like I've said before, Jackson isn't my style and the popularity doesn't help but it's a good name. I worry how a surname would flow with this combo as it already sounds very surname-y but the pair itself work so far. I actually wouldn't be surprised to find a lot of Jackson's with Connor as a middle name, sounds like something that would be popular. (8/10)

Noah Rylan: I used to love the name Noah, it's too popular now, but it's a really sweet name. I also love Rylan so much and hate that it seems to be more common on girls these days. Noah Rylan sounds so handsome and perfect together...but...because they are both 'unisex' names, this combo doesn't lean one way or the other in regards to 'gender'. If that's fine with you, great. But if you want a 'boy sounding' name then, this isn't it. I personally love both names and would say keep them on your list no matter what you decide. (10/10)

Christian Matthew: I honestly can't think of anything to say about this name other than what a handsome combo this is. The two names are absolutely wonderful together. They even technically are similar in theme...But yes, this is a strong, handsome, traditional combo in my opinion and while it's very different from your others, I think this is a great option. (10/10)

#43 brimariiee


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 12:11 AM

I've always loved the name Piper and thought a middle name beginning with J would flow well. I already have:


Piper Jolie (Joe-leee (long E sound)) I've also considered the spelling Joleigh.

Piper Josephine


I also don't care for for the name Jaqueline, no matter how you spell it. Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks!

I love Piper too!
A J name sounds just fine with it.

Piper Jolie: I have both of these on my list and the two together works really well! I think if you want a J name with Piper, this is your best bet, I'd stick with it for sure. Sounds great! And, I'd keep the Jolie spelling, not a fan of Joleigh. (10/10)

Piper Josephine: I think because Piper is a bit of a clunky name, although amazing, I think Josephine is too long of a name to pair with it, I just don't think the flow of it is as good as Jolie. They are both pretty names, I just think it's too long. (8/10)

...I'm not a fan of any Jaqueline names either. Every one I've ever met hasn't been the nicest....

If you're looking for more J names with Piper, Piper Jade comes to mind. Piper Jolene is a spin off what you already have or even Piper Joelle.
In order for me I'd say...Piper Jolie > Piper Jolene > Piper Joelle > Piper Jade > Piper Josephine

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#44 brimariiee


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 12:13 AM


Thanks once again! I'm one of those people who looks at the history or the name to determine the gender usage rather than the popularity of use right now so all surnames, including Harper and Bellamy (which means "handsome friend" btw and is also the name of a pretty fierce male character on The CW's The 100 based on the book series), are completely masculine to me. I also grew up with a boy named Harper so I also think of him. I'm hoping that maybe in a few years this trend of boy names on girls might die down so I can use some names that I love!

I didn't know that about Bellamy, that's interesting. Despite the meaning, it still has a feminine sound imo.
I think Harper would be less shocking to hear on a boy out of the two.
But I'm hoping the trend dies off too, because they're turning a lot of good boy  names into 'unisex' names and it stinks!

#45 brimariiee


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 12:15 AM

Thoughts on combo: Lincoln Hawthorne

Love it!
I think both names are great, especially in each spot that they're in.
And they sound absolutely wonderful together.
However, this is another name where I'd be concerned with whatever the surname was because it could be too much.
Otherwise, just fine!

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#46 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 06:15 PM

Brother set: Brogan Robert James, Vander Graeme Keith, and Kenzo Andrew Paul?


Sister set: Pearl Samantha Jane and Willa Gwendoline Kate?


(All middles are honouring)

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#47 brimariiee


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Posted 15 November 2016 - 10:48 PM


Brother set: Brogan Robert James, Vander Graeme Keith, and Kenzo Andrew Paul?


Sister set: Pearl Samantha Jane and Willa Gwendoline Kate?


(All middles are honouring)


I love that all of these middles are honoring btw.

Brogan Robert James/Vander Graeme Keith/Kenzo Andrew Paul: I think Brogan and Vander work together as brothers but I think Kenzo throws it off a bit for me. I think Brogan and Kenzo's middle names are a similar feel but Vander's are a totally different style. I have total respect for the middles themselves, I think I would just rearrange them a little differently but I'm not sure how because I think that's the best arrangement flow wise. (BRT: 8/10, VGK: 7/10, KAP: 8/10, Sibset: 8/10)

Pearl Samantha Jane/Willa Gwendoline Kate: I think Pearl and Willa make an adorable sister pair! I think it'd flow better to have Samantha and Gwendoline switch but otherwise I think the pair work really well together for sisters. (PSJ: 7/10, WGK: 8/10, Sibset: 9/10)

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#48 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 16 November 2016 - 04:21 AM

I love that all of these middles are honoring btw.

Brogan Robert James/Vander Graeme Keith/Kenzo Andrew Paul: I think Brogan and Vander work together as brothers but I think Kenzo throws it off a bit for me. I think Brogan and Kenzo's middle names are a similar feel but Vander's are a totally different style. I have total respect for the middles themselves, I think I would just rearrange them a little differently but I'm not sure how because I think that's the best arrangement flow wise. (BRT: 8/10, VGK: 7/10, KAP: 8/10, Sibset: 8/10)

Pearl Samantha Jane/Willa Gwendoline Kate: I think Pearl and Willa make an adorable sister pair! I think it'd flow better to have Samantha and Gwendoline switch but otherwise I think the pair work really well together for sisters. (PSJ: 7/10, WGK: 8/10, Sibset: 9/10)


Thank you :) Brogan Robert James is actually the name that my partner and I have picked for our first son, whenever that time comes!


Robert, James, Andrew, and Paul honour all four of the grandfathers (my partner and I both have step-parents), Graeme Keith is actually my partner's name, Samantha, Jane, and Kate honour my sisters as well as my mum, step-mum, and aunt, and Gwendoline honours my step-grandmother who passed away around 6-7 years ago.

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#49 brimariiee


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Posted 16 November 2016 - 11:50 AM


Thank you :) Brogan Robert James is actually the name that my partner and I have picked for our first son, whenever that time comes!


Robert, James, Andrew, and Paul honour all four of the grandfathers (my partner and I both have step-parents), Graeme Keith is actually my partner's name, Samantha, Jane, and Kate honour my sisters as well as my mum, step-mum, and aunt, and Gwendoline honours my step-grandmother who passed away around 6-7 years ago.

Of the 3, I think Brogan's combo is my favorite tbh. Not my favorite names but the sound of it is really handsome!

I have quite a few names on my list to honor people so I think it makes it way more meaningful. I also think it gives you more leeway on what's 'acceptable', like the flow can be off a bit or the name can be a bit unusual if it has a special meaning.


#50 HaydensMama18


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Posted 17 November 2016 - 03:31 AM

If I need any suggestions, I'll put '??' where I need it, thanks :)


Audrey Natalia Quinn/Natalia Audrey Quinn


Mackenzie Aleah Rose or Mackenzie Alexa Rose?

Matthew Gray

Elijah Grant

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#51 brimariiee


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Posted 17 November 2016 - 03:19 PM

If I need any suggestions, I'll put '??' where I need it, thanks :)


Audrey Natalia Quinn/Natalia Audrey Quinn


Mackenzie Aleah Rose or Mackenzie Alexa Rose?

Matthew Gray

Elijah Grant

That works. Just making sure :)

Audrey Natalia Quinn/Natalia Audrey Quinn: What beautiful combos, both of them (and I'm not even a fan of Audrey)! The three names go together so well. As for which one I like better, I'd have to, surprisingly, give it to Audrey Natalia Quinn...as much as I prefer Natalia over Audrey, I think Audrey Natalia Quinn has a slightly better flow than Natalia Audrey Quinn. If it were just the two without Quinn, I'd say Natalia Audrey but having the Quinn there is what makes me switch. Overall, I'd say you can't go wrong with either though. (ANQ: 9/10, NAQ: 9/10)

Alexa: Looove this name. I adore the nickname Lexie and Alexa is one of my top two options to get it (other is Alexis). Great choice! (10/10)

Mackenzie Aleah Rose/Mackenzie Alexa Rose: I already gave my opinion on Mackenzie Aleah Rose before in comparison to the other Mackenzie combo so you know how I feel about it (I love it but the flow on the other one was better) However, I do feel it has grown on me since then so higher rating overall. As for Mackenzie Alexa Rose, again...I love all 3 names but I'm not too sure about the flow of them. If you like Alexis as well, I could see that working in there (even though you aren't looking for suggestions, just wanted to throw that in). This time, I'd have to give it to the Aleah combo. (MAleahR: 8/10, MAlexaR: 7/10)

Matthew Gray: So handsome! Matthew is such a great, strong name! Not sure if you're planning any nicknames for it (I only really like Matty myself tbh) but if not, I think Matthew on it's own with no nicknames is amazing. I'm pretty neutral about Gray but I think it works with Matthew well. It gives it a bit of an original twist to a common name (as opposed to going with another super common name), though Gray is common enough that it's not super unique either. (MG: 10/10)

Elijah Grant: I love both of these names and they are so great together! I wish Elijah's popularity didn't bother me so much that I could use it as a first name. And Grant flows so amazing with it. Perfect, perfect combo! (10/10)

#52 HaydensMama18


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Posted 17 November 2016 - 07:43 PM

I love Alexis (as well as Alexia, Alexandra & Alexandria.) I'm testing Alexa out (: Alexander is my youngest brother's mn so it's kinda honoring him (weirdly enough, I'm not a fan of Alexander). I also have a question. Are Rowan and Rose too close? I plan on using Rowan as a fn and Rose as a mn (in different combos of course). But are they too close?



Louise (honors my deceased cousin, Luis)


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#53 ColinSkymn


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 08:43 AM

We just found out we are expecting our tth baby girl I love the name Olivia but also love Grace. So I think we are going to combine the two. Olivia-Grace??? I love it But is it to long???
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#54 pinkmonkey23


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 11:33 AM

I don't have many combos i'm afraid.. All new with expecting so things have changed a little...


Marnie Isabeau


Kairi Peyton


Bonnie Amara 


Cassidy Lilith


Jadie Adecyn




Harley Auron Phoenix 


Brodie Enzo


Casey Roscoe


Jesse Orion

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#55 brimariiee


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 02:29 PM

I love Alexis (as well as Alexia, Alexandra & Alexandria.) I'm testing Alexa out (: Alexander is my youngest brother's mn so it's kinda honoring him (weirdly enough, I'm not a fan of Alexander). I also have a question. Are Rowan and Rose too close? I plan on using Rowan as a fn and Rose as a mn (in different combos of course). But are they too close?



Louise (honors my deceased cousin, Luis)


Well with that one specific combo, I think Alexis works better than Alexa but, either one is great and it is a good way to honor him.

Rowan and Rose: They are not too close especially in different spots. It's not like you'd be calling her Rose right? And if it's the second middle, how often do you see yourself actually say it out loud? Don't think it'd be confusing when calling them...which is really the only time it matters tbh. (I'm Brianna, my sister's Savannah...it's confusing who our mom wants but otherwise doesn't matter)

Louise: I think this would be a great way to honor him. I love it as a middle name personally and not sure if that's where you want to use it or not but, I think it's a cute name for whichever spot you want it in. Even some cute potential nicknames there! (10/10 because of honoring)

Noah: I really can't stand the popularity of this name but otherwise, I absolutely love it. It is such a strong and handsome name for a little boy and a grown man. (10/10)

#56 brimariiee


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 04:13 PM


I don't have many combos i'm afraid.. All new with expecting so things have changed a little...


Marnie Isabeau


Kairi Peyton


Bonnie Amara 


Cassidy Lilith


Jadie Adecyn




Harley Auron Phoenix 


Brodie Enzo


Casey Roscoe


Jesse Orion


First off, congrats! And I think this is a decent sized list to start out with.

Marnie Isabeau: Marnie is cute and works with your other kids names I think. As for Isabeau, I'm not really a fan. I don't really like Isabelle to begin with but Beau is all boy imo so smashing them together just isn't my style. However, they sound alright paired together. (6/10)

Kairi Peyton: Pronounced like Carrie? If not, I don't even know how to pronounce this (Kere-ee, Ky-ree, ky-ri?)...Unless it's a common name where you're at, the pronunciation might be questioned a lot. And as for the spelling of it, not too big of a fan of names ending in just an I like that. Kairie would be better I think. As for Peyton, I adore the name but on a boy so I'm not the biggest fan but I guess it's alright in the middle. (7/10 if it's pronounced like Carrie, otherwise 5/10)

Bonnie Amara: This is a cute combo! I personally do not care for either name myself but I don't dislike them either. I do think it might be a bit much having a Bonnie and a Bailey but otherwise, I'd say there's nothing wrong with keeping this name on your list. I think Amara is a good strong middle name paired with Bonnie. (9/10)

Cassidy Lilith: I think this is my favorite combo you have listed for a girl. Cassidy is a great name, I absolutely love it. As for Lilith, I'm not the biggest fan (of any of the Lil- names tbh) but I think it flows well with Cassidy. (9/10)

Jadie Adecyn: I'm assuming this is an option to go with a similar ending sound to your other kids? Honestly, I'd prefer seeing Jade and just calling her Jadie as a nickname. As for Adecyn...it took me a bit to figure out that it's Addison. I'm normally all for using unusual/guilty pleasure names in the middle name slot but I think this spelling of Adecyn is just too much for me. Not a fan sorry. (5/10)

Harley Auron Phoenix: I'm torn between this being my favorite option of your boy names and thinking it's actually best to stay away. I like that this is 3 names like your other kids...however, I think having a kid with Arizona as a middle name and one with Phoenix might be too much, as much as I like both names. But this combo really is good. All 3 names work well together and while I do like Harley and Phoenix, Auron does throw me off a bit but not enough to dislike the combo overall. (9/10)

Brodie Enzo: This is a pretty good combo too! I much prefer the Brodie spelling and this one feels a bit more feminine but, it's growing on me...it's decent. Like Bonnie though, it may be too much with having Bailey. It would seem intentional to have both boys with B names. As for Enzo, it's adorable. The pair together overall is amazing! (9/10)

Casey Roscoe: I'm pretty neutral on Casey, I know both males and females with the name so it's hard for me to feel like it's feminine or masculine and because of that, I'd like to see a strong masculine name paired with it and Roscoe just doesn't do the trick imo. However, Roscoe is my favorite part of this combo. I think it's an adorable name and would even make a good first name (but doesn't fit for you if you're sticking with the ending theme). While I'm not sure about the pair itself, I do think Casey would be one of the better fits with your other kids names since Bailey is already a 'unisex' name and I feel like this seems the most similar to it. (8/10)

Jesse Orion: Sound wise, this is hands down my favorite pair. I'm not a fan of Orion myself (it's a good name just nms) but it sounds so handsome with Jesse! And Jesse itself really is a wonderful name. (10/10)

My one question for you would be, do you not plan on doing two middle names like you did for your other kids? I think it might be odd to not at this point.
And also, don't feel like you have to try hard to push the same ending sound (using unique spellings and nicknames), there's lot of good choices out there and you have a few of them here already!
Good luck! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery!

#57 HxppySxng


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 06:44 PM








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#58 brimariiee


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Posted 19 November 2016 - 09:31 AM

We just found out we are expecting our tth baby girl I love the name Olivia but also love Grace. So I think we are going to combine the two. Olivia-Grace??? I love it But is it to long???

Didn't mean to skip you, just didn't see your post for some reason...

Olivia and Grace are both great names, despite their popularity.
However, I'm not a huge fan of double barreled names mainly because I feel like you'd rarely call them by the full name anyway so what's the point?
But no, Olivia-Grace is not too long of a name. It's no worse than Anastasia, Annabelle, Alexandria, or any other long name like that.
Would you still have a middle name or just keep the double barrel and last name?

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Posted 19 November 2016 - 10:37 AM










Sedona: This name isn't really my style but I think it does work well with your daughter's names. (7/10)

Manon: I'm not 100% sure how to pronounce this, man-un? Not sure how I feel about giving a girl a name that starts with "man". I could maybe see this more as a middle name or even on a boy tbh. (5/10)

Austa/Asta: I kind of like that Austa sounds like a more feminine form of Austin, could be a good way to honor if there's an Austin in the family. I definitely like it better than Asta. (Austa: 8/10, Asta: 6/10)

Wooda: Never heard of this as a name before. Most 'uh' ending names are feminine though imo. I think Woody or something else with Woody as a nickname would work better. (5/10)

Parker: A great name/option! I love it! It's on my list! (10/10)

Auggie: This is an alright nickname, I prefer Gus personally but Auggie is okay. That's it for me though, I see it as a nickname for some Aug- name (August, Augustus, Augustine, etc) and don't really like nicknames on their own. (7/10)

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#60 pinkmonkey23


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Posted 20 November 2016 - 04:08 AM

First off, congrats! And I think this is a decent sized list to start out with.

Marnie Isabeau: Marnie is cute and works with your other kids names I think. As for Isabeau, I'm not really a fan. I don't really like Isabelle to begin with but Beau is all boy imo so smashing them together just isn't my style. However, they sound alright paired together. (6/10)

Kairi Peyton: Pronounced like Carrie? If not, I don't even know how to pronounce this (Kere-ee, Ky-ree, ky-ri?)...Unless it's a common name where you're at, the pronunciation might be questioned a lot. And as for the spelling of it, not too big of a fan of names ending in just an I like that. Kairie would be better I think. As for Peyton, I adore the name but on a boy so I'm not the biggest fan but I guess it's alright in the middle. (7/10 if it's pronounced like Carrie, otherwise 5/10)

Bonnie Amara: This is a cute combo! I personally do not care for either name myself but I don't dislike them either. I do think it might be a bit much having a Bonnie and a Bailey but otherwise, I'd say there's nothing wrong with keeping this name on your list. I think Amara is a good strong middle name paired with Bonnie. (9/10)

Cassidy Lilith: I think this is my favorite combo you have listed for a girl. Cassidy is a great name, I absolutely love it. As for Lilith, I'm not the biggest fan (of any of the Lil- names tbh) but I think it flows well with Cassidy. (9/10)

Jadie Adecyn: I'm assuming this is an option to go with a similar ending sound to your other kids? Honestly, I'd prefer seeing Jade and just calling her Jadie as a nickname. As for Adecyn...it took me a bit to figure out that it's Addison. I'm normally all for using unusual/guilty pleasure names in the middle name slot but I think this spelling of Adecyn is just too much for me. Not a fan sorry. (5/10)

Harley Auron Phoenix: I'm torn between this being my favorite option of your boy names and thinking it's actually best to stay away. I like that this is 3 names like your other kids...however, I think having a kid with Arizona as a middle name and one with Phoenix might be too much, as much as I like both names. But this combo really is good. All 3 names work well together and while I do like Harley and Phoenix, Auron does throw me off a bit but not enough to dislike the combo overall. (9/10)

Brodie Enzo: This is a pretty good combo too! I much prefer the Brodie spelling and this one feels a bit more feminine but, it's growing on me...it's decent. Like Bonnie though, it may be too much with having Bailey. It would seem intentional to have both boys with B names. As for Enzo, it's adorable. The pair together overall is amazing! (9/10)

Casey Roscoe: I'm pretty neutral on Casey, I know both males and females with the name so it's hard for me to feel like it's feminine or masculine and because of that, I'd like to see a strong masculine name paired with it and Roscoe just doesn't do the trick imo. However, Roscoe is my favorite part of this combo. I think it's an adorable name and would even make a good first name (but doesn't fit for you if you're sticking with the ending theme). While I'm not sure about the pair itself, I do think Casey would be one of the better fits with your other kids names since Bailey is already a 'unisex' name and I feel like this seems the most similar to it. (8/10)

Jesse Orion: Sound wise, this is hands down my favorite pair. I'm not a fan of Orion myself (it's a good name just nms) but it sounds so handsome with Jesse! And Jesse itself really is a wonderful name. (10/10)

My one question for you would be, do you not plan on doing two middle names like you did for your other kids? I think it might be odd to not at this point.
And also, don't feel like you have to try hard to push the same ending sound (using unique spellings and nicknames), there's lot of good choices out there and you have a few of them here already!
Good luck! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery!



Thank you!! And to your question yes we will be doing the 2 middle names.. just a bit unsure on what names at the present to choose from lol..


The Kairi name is pn Kye or Kai - ree..  Just a few names that are being thrown around at the mo :)

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