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New Congrats Game! R.13 (Final)

Round 13 Final Round

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#21 thenamer007


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 03:58 PM

My name is Nico and I am 28 years old! I'm the younger brother of Esme and Bella. Bella has asked me to be the best man of honor at her wedding to Derry! 

Bella and Derry have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming winter! He gave her a beautiful braided diamond ring set. We've all been so busy picking out outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! They had their dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful princess red dress. He wanted an orange sunset color theme and Ada and Cora wanted lilies for the flower arrangements! Our nieces had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a gorgeous silk flower dress. Our nephews had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Rafael who picked a handsome set of forest green suits. They all wanted the wedding to be a medium affair at a nice restaurant. They got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that they wanted a soft green cake.

Finally the day came and they were married! Everything was beautiful and the children were precious in their outfits! I was right there through it all as the best man of honor and I cried like a baby when they said their vows. As the day came to a close they all went to take a well deserved rest so that they could enjoy their wonderful honeymoon in the Caribbean!

After the wedding, I went home to my daughter, her name is Antonia Charlotte and she is one year old now! I'm a single parent to my child because my girlfriend at the time walked out on me once she was born. It's tough but I'm handling it well enough and my child is happy and that's all that matters. She has auburn hair and blue eyes.

I actually begin to notice the person that was the best maid of honor in the wedding. Her name is Harriet Lauren Jensen and she has brown hair and gray eyes. She's nice and we begin to start talking and hanging out pretty often! After a couple of weeks of casually seeing each other we end up back at her place one night for some fun and a few weeks later I find she is pregnant! 8 months later we welcome a baby girl, Juliet Willa into the world. She has brown hair and blue eyes.














Ten years later


My name is Brady and I'm 33 years old. I live in London with my wife, Miranda Celia (nee Smith). I used to be big into sports but after an accident which caused me to break my leg, I can't run as fast as I used to and I turned to be a teacher instead. I like working with kids, and while Miranda and I have no children we're open to the idea.




I'm Brady's twin brother, Cooper. I live in London as well, just a few blocks away from him. My girlfriend Chloe Eliza Donnell and I have two daughters, Penelope Olivia (4) and Abigail Madison (2). Chloe's a writer and works at home while I'm a scientist. I've always been fascinated with science as a kid and I'm glad to continue with it today. I'm considering proposing to Chloe soon.




My name is Gabriel and I'm 28. I still live in Moscow near my parents and I have twin daughters named Violet Eleanor and Emily Isla, who are both seven months old. I married Julia Beatrice three years ago, but she died in a car accident when Emily and Violet were just four months old. I'm still in the process of healing from such a loss.




My name is Lily, I'm 28 and I moved to Los Angeles because an old friend told me there were more job opportunities there. She must've heard falsely because so far there aren't. I haven't found anyone there yet, and like Brady I have no children. I work as an amateur artist, and I'm planning on going to college because I'm going to run out of money if I don't find a real job soon.




I'm Amber and I'm 27. I moved to Saint Petersburg and went to college there, where I met Andrew Felix Thompson. We married and were blessed with quintuplets! May we present Maisie Claire, Sebastian Lucas, Ryder Benjamin, Evelyn Scarlett, and William August - they just turned two.

#22 littlerhody95


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 01:32 AM

My name is Ana Julia Harrison , I am 19 and I live in Canada. I have  brown hair and blue eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became too obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job at a bar and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after I gave birth to twins, Richard Garrison and Amelia Seraphina. Now they are four years old and doing well. They have brown hair and blue eyes.


It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since I was born. A beautiful cottage in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Christina Nicole Roster, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the babies and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a pastel yellow dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Philip Pascoe O’Neil. He has brown hair and blue eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the children are asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He completely nervous, but is willing try to be a parent.

Later that year I give birth again, this time to another set of boy/girl twins, Atticus Finn and Cassia Laurel. Cassia is sick though with breathing difficulties and must stay in the hospital until she is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. They have brown hair and blue eyes.


It's been 5 years since I had my last children and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that four children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

Philip and I weren't as careful as we thought we'd been and a month after my birthday I was told I was pregnant by my doctor! When I broke the news to Phillip, he was neutral. Then I was told that it was going to be a high risk pregnancy due to severe low blood pressure. I was to be on permanent bed rest until I gave birth and with four children that near impossible! While I was pregnant, Phillip was also given a promotion but had to work a lot more hours, making keeping up with the children and their messes even more difficult.

In the middle of my pregnancy, Richard was sent home from school early from school. The stress of dealing with the incident by my self cause even more complications and I had to rushed to the hospital to prevent further damage. My oldest child felt awful after that and from then on, was the best little helper for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Finally, despite the complications, I give birth to a healthy twin girls by C-Section, Finley Leonora and Violet Giovanna. When the children are brought in to see the babies their reactions were that they wanted a boy. The babies have red hair and brown eyes.


Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Philip and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful pink drop ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful elegant silver dress. Phillip wanted a wisteria and peridot color theme and Amelia wanted tulips for the flower arrangements! Girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a pretty rose ribbon dress. The boys had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Richard who picked a handsome set of pure angel white suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a small affair at our house. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a fancy chocolate one.

Finally the day came and Philip and I were married! Philip looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Philip's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Russia! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.


It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Philip and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Philip he was once again neutral and the children were all excited.

Soon enough our newest bundle(s) of joy arrive! A healthy set of girl twins, Louise Ruby and Charlotte Ivory! They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest baby is developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest addition is!



Brown hair, blue eyes

Studious, Kind and Gentle



Brown hair, blue eyes

Studious, Kind and Gentle



Brown hair, blue eyes

Quite, Intelligent and A Loner



Brown hair, blue eyes

Strong, Motivated and Funny



Red hair, brown eyes

Honest, Trusting and Courageous



Red hair, brown eyes

Studious, Kind and Gentle



Red hair, brown eyes

Strong, Motivated and Funny



Red hair, brown eyes

Studious, Kind and Gentle


It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Philip and I did decide that eight children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Philip and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during an airplane ride I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Philip was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy baby boy, Forest Justice. Despite the unconventional way our last little one arrived, we loved him and knew he would grow up to abide by their own rules.

After Forest was born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Philip and I were told that Charlotte was in an accident at school. Luckily, it was very minor and she ended up being okay.


It's been another year since I've had my last child. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.

Richard (20) – got someone pregnant

Amelia (20) – no prob

Atticus (14) – no prob

Cassia (14) – no prob

Finley (9) – starting fights

Violet (9) – no prob

Louise (4) – no prob

Charlotte (4) – no prob

Forrest (2) – attitude problem

With all of this happening at once, Philip and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Paris, France. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that Finley’s grades are slipping, but Forrest’s attitude problems have gotten better.

5 months after the move Richard’s girlfriend gives birth to a healthy baby girl, Pippa Rain. She has red hair and brown eyes. While we weren't expecting grandchildren so early, we love the newest addition to the family, especially since they share my birthday!





I'm Richard Harrison, but you can call me Rich! I am twenty-one years old and I was born in Canada but now I live in Paris, France. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a coffee shop and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love science class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend, her name is Kinsley Pippa O’Malley and their in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! We also have a daughter together, Pippa Rain. I had a serious scare the last week though because Kinsley’s house almost burnt down and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.


It's been two years and now that I am twenty-two, I can begin looking for my own place with Kinsley and Pippa! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little two bedroom trailer just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in, Kinsley and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have another baby in the house. After a lot of careful thought we decide to NTNP.


After a little while of not really being careful one way or the other, We discovered that a baby would soon be joining the household! The pregnancy was pretty uneventful as far as sickness or surprises and within the year, we had new twin girls, Lexus Scarlet and Mercedes Mauve, to welcome home! They have auburn hair and blue eyes.


It's been 8 years and our little ones have grown up so fast! Kinsley and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to foster children in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to foster cute little twin boys, Cody Lewis and Austin Wayne. They have auburn hair and blue eyes. They are newborns and have had quite the rough life already due to being orphans. The caregivers warned us that they could be problem children but we didn't care, we knew from the moment we saw them that they were meant for our family.






My name is Amelia Harrison and I am thirty-two years old! I'm the younger sister of Rich and the aunt of Pippa, Lexus, Mercedes, Cody, and Austin, whom I love to death! I currently work as a cook for a catering company so that I can finish up my schooling at the University of Toyko to become a genealogist. I also have a live in boyfriend named Jasper Morris Carter who also attends the University of Tokyo.

I'm very attached to my nieces and nephews and I want children of my own someday. Jasper and I have discussed having children but we have decided that right now, with both of us in school, it's not the right time. But we do have a mousy chinchilla named Cosmo that will do for us to love and adore until the time is right for us to have our own children.


It's been a year and Jasper and I have both graduated our classes and I now work full time as a genealogist! We've also moved into a new house! Its a nice cottage just outside of town! We've also decided that we're ready to start our family! We've decided to hire a surrogate for a baby! We know that any option we chose could take an unknown amount of time but we're hoping to have our own little one(s) soon!


After nearly a year of trying we are successful in our attempts! We knew that it'd be a long road to wait for our little bundle of joy but when we saw our little baby girl, Lydia Pearl, all the fears and worries melted away at the sight of their precious little face. She has red hair and brown eyes. 



My name is Atticus and I am twenty-eight years old! I'm the younger brother of Rich and Amelia. Amelia has asked me to be their best man at their wedding to Jasper.

Amelia and Jasper have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming winter! He gave her a beautiful braided diamond ring set. We've all been so busy picking out outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! They had their dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful blue bows dress. He wanted a pink and chocolate color theme and my niece wanted roses for the flower arrangements! Our nieces had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a gorgeous polka dot pink. Our nephews had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Cody who picked a handsome set of angel white suits. They all wanted the wedding to be a small affair at the beach. They got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that they wanted a cake with grey roses.

Finally the day came and they were married! Everything was beautiful and the children were precious in their outfits! I was right there through it all as the best man and I cried like a baby when they said their vows! As the day came to a close they all went to take a well deserved rest so that they could enjoy their wonderful honeymoon in Alaska!

After the wedding, I went home to my twins, Emily and Ella. They are two years old now! I'm a single parent to my children because their mother walked out on me. It's tough but I'm handling it well enough and my children are happy and that's all that matters. They have black hair and green eyes.

I actually begin to notice the person that was the maid of honor in the wedding. Their name is Bella Lillian Johnson and they have black hair and green eyes. Their nice and we begin to start talking and hanging out pretty often! After a couple of weeks of casually seeing each other we end up back at their place one night for some fun and a few weeks later I find she is pregnant! 8 months later we welcome twin boys into the world, Luke Maxwell and Levi Riley. They have black hair and green eyes.



Ana & Philip










Richard (44) & Kinsley (44)







Amelia (44) & Jasper (45)



Atticus (38) & Bella (38)




Cassia (38) & Willa (30)







Finley (33) & Malcolm (32)



Violet (33) & Simon (35)



Louise (28) & Henry (29)




Charlotte (28) & Jonah (26)

(No children)


Forrest (26) & Oliver (28)

(No children)

#23 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 27 February 2015 - 04:26 PM

My name is Alexandria Helen Bauer, but everyone calls me Lexi. I am 19 years old and I live in Germany. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. On my fifteenth birthday my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell me mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after I gave birth to -twins, a boy and a girl. I named them Marcus Jet Bauer and Claudia Evangeline BauerMarcus and Claudia are now 4 years old and doing well. They have brown hair and green eyes.





It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Marcus and Claudia were born. It's a  beautifulsaltbox house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Christina Nicole Roster, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the twins and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a red butterfly party dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name isFrederick Thurstan Maguire. He has red hair and green eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the children are asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He is shocked and demands a DNA test, but in the end agrees to support me.

Later that year I give birth again, this time to a second set of twins, another boy and girl. Frederick and I name them Atticus Wolf Maguire and Flavia Rowan Maguire.  Atticus had red hair and green eyes, just like Frederick, and Flavia has blonde hair and hazel eyes like me. Flavia is sick with a minor heart condition, and must stay in the hospital until she is stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. 




It's been 5 years since I had my last children and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that 4 children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

Frederick and I weren't as careful as we thought we'd been and a month after my birthday I was told I was pregnant by my doctor! When i broke the news to Frederick, he was stressed. Then I was told that it was going to be a high risk pregnancy due to severe low blood pressure. I was to be on permanent bed rest until I gave birth and with 4 children that near impossible! While I was pregnant Frederick was also given a promotion but had to work a lot more hours, making keeping up with the children and their messes even more difficult.

In the middle of my pregnancy, my oldest child was sent home from school early for starting a fight on the playground. The stress of dealing with the incident by myself cause even more complications and I had to rushed to the hospital to prevent further damage. My oldest child felt awful after that and from then on, was the best little helper for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Finally, despite the complications, I give birth to a healthy baby boy by C-Section. All of my children had different reactions to the birth of their little brother. Marcus is excited to have another little brother, Claudia doesn't mind having another baby around, Atticus is jealous, and Flavia is disappointed, since she wanted a little sister.


Frederick and I name the baby Dylan Jack Maguire. He has auburn hair and blue eyes.




Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Frederick and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful rainbow ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful -blue satin gown. Frederick wanted a purple plum color theme and Claudia wanted tulips for the flower arrangements! Girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a pretty bluebell chiffon, a similar color to my dress. The boys had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Marcus, who picked a handsome set of stately grey suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a large affair in the forest. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted an elegant grey and white cake.

Finally the day came and Frederick and I were married! Frederick looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Frederick's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close we all went to take a well-deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.




It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! SO and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Frederick, he was stressed. The children had a variety of reactions. Marcus pretty much ignored the news. At sixteen, he's too busy with school, sports practice, and his new girlfriend to get excited about yet another baby. Claudia was excited, especially when she found out it was another set of boy/girl twins like her and Marcus and Atticus and Flavia. Atticus was excited too. Flavia wanted a girl, since there are more boys in the family. She was excited when she found out one of the babies was a girl, but wasn't too thrilled about getting another little brother. Dylan wanted a little brother, and was excited that one of the twins was a boy.

Soon enough our newest bundles of joy arrive! A healthy set of twins! The boy is named Frederick Byron Maguire and the girl is Anastasia Ruby Maguire! They are welcomed home with open arms and is spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest baby is developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slate" our newest addition is! 

Marcus [16] is aggressive, tough, and loud. He had some behavior problems when he was younger and tended to get into fights, but he has since learned to channel his aggressiveness into sports. He plays soccer and basketball, and is great at both. Marcus is proud of being the oldest child in the family, and is fiercely protective of all of his younger siblings.


Claudia [16] is worrisome, honest, and brilliant. She is never one to keep her opinion to herself, which sometimes leads her to accidentally hurt the feelings of others. Claudia is the near the top of her high school class, and excels academically. She wants to go into law after high school.


Atticus [10] is neat, decisive, and a perfectionist. Even though he is only ten, he has the makings of a natural leader already. Atticus is very organized and likes to take charge in most situations. His perfectionist nature makes him excel in everything he does, but sometimes I wish he would just relax and be a kid.


Flavia [10] is the opposite of her twin brother. She is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. She hates being the center of attention, and is happiest when she can be by herself. She loves to read and write stories of her own. Of all her siblings, she is closest to her older sister Claudia.



Dylan [5] is open-minded, laid-back, and kind. He is the sweetest little guy, and is great at cheering people up when they are sad. He is friends with nearly everybody in his kindergarten class. Dylan is very easygoing, and isn't easily upset. 




It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Frederick and I did decide that 7 children were enough though and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Frederick and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when I went into labor during a massive blizzard!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Frederick was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy set of triplets!!! Despite the unconventional way our last little ones arrived, we loved them and knew they would grow up to abide by their own rules. We named them Magnolia Grace Maguire "Maggie," Peregrine Justice Maguire "Perry," and Dahlia Faith Maguire "Lia."

After the triplets were born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Fredrick and I were told that his sister Penelope was terminally ill with breast cancer. It was a major blow to the whole family, but especially to Frederick, who is very close to his sister. We've been trying to be extra supportive of Frederick, and makes sure he gets to go to the hospital to visit Penelope often. 




It's been another year since I've had my last children. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.


Marcus [18] is a happy, well-adjusted high school senior with no problems. He became captain of the soccer team this year, and is doing well in school. The behavior problems he had a child are gone.


Claudia [18] who has mostly been a well-behaved child, has recently been starting fights with other students. Claudia has always been opinionated and honest, and recently, she's been having a lot of difficulty keeping he opinions to herself. The stress of trying to get into college has really taken a toll on her.


Atticus [12] is having a problem with his grades falling. Frederick and I are completely at a loss, since Atticus is such a perfectionist.


Flavia [12] has no problems. She has actually started to come out of her shell a little more, and has recently made several friends.


Dylan [7] has no problems. He's still the sweet, laid-back kid he's always been.

With all of this happening at once, Frederick and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to New York, USA. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are still present. Claudia hasn't improved and still starts fights. Frederick and I decide to put her into counseling. Atticus grades are improving, though. Apparently, he was having some trouble with math, and was too embarrassed to ask for help, and instead just gave up. He had always excelled in school, and he couldn't handle not being good at something. After working with a peer tutor (who happened to be one of his best friends), Atticus' grades have gone back up. 


Guten Tag! My name is Marcus Jet Bauer, and I'm the oldest child in a family of ten! I am 19 years old and I was born in Koln, Deutschland (that Cologne, Germany) but now I live in Rochester, New York. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at the local swimming pool and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school at community college, which is fine because I love Spanish class and I get to go every day. I can speak three languages: German, English, and now Spanish! Right now I have a girlfriend, her name is Kiera Robin Danvers and she’s in the same grade as me so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because my youngest sister Lia had a serious allergic reaction to an antibiotic, and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.



It's been two years and now that I am 21, I can begin looking for my own place with Kiera! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little 2 bedroom house just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in Kiera and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house After a lot of careful thought we decide that we both want a baby. After just a few months of trying we find out that Keira is pregnant! Thankfully the pregnancy goes smoothly and soon enough we have a beautiful boy/girl twins, just like me and my twin sister Claudia! We name them Roderick Caspian Bauer and Audrey Rose Bauer.


My name is Flavia Rowan Maguire and I am 25 years old! I'm the younger half-sister of Marcus Bauer and the aunt of Roderick, Audrey, and Axel, whom I love to death! I currently work as a cook for a catering company so that I can finish up my schooling at Oxford University to become a defense attorney. I also have a live in boyfriend named Russell Donovan Finley who also attends Oxford.

I'm very attached to my niece and nephews and I want children of my own someday. Russell and I have discussed having children but we have decided that right now, with both of us in school, it's not the right time. But we do have a pet: an English lop rabbit named Charles Dickens (after my favorite writer) that will do for us to love and adore until the time is right for us to have our own children.


It's been a year and Russell and I have both graduated our classes and I now work full time as a defense attorney! We've also moved into a new house! It’s a nice farmhouse just outside of town! We've also decided that we're ready to start our family! We've decided to try to conceive a baby! We know that any option we chose could take an unknown amount of time but we're hoping to have our own little one(s) soon! After nearly a year of trying we are successful in our attempts! We knew that it'd be a long road to wait for our little bundle of joy but when we saw our little baby boy/ girl twins, all the fears and worries melted away at the sight of their precious little face. We named them James Cabot Finley and Georgia Avril Finley. James has blonde hair and green eyes, and Georgia has brown hair and blue eyes.



My name is Dylan Jack Maguire and I am 23 years old! I'm the younger half-brother of Marcus and Claudia Bauer and the younger brother of Atticus and Flavia Maguire. Flavia has asked me to be their best man/maid of honor at their wedding to Russell Finley ! 

Flavia and Russell have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming winter! He gave her a beautiful braided diamond ring set. We've all been so busy picking out outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! Flavia had her dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful princess red gown. He wanted a fresh mint color theme and Audrey wanted lilies for the flower arrangements! Our nieces had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a gorgeous green sparkles. Our nephews had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Roderick who picked a handsome set of angel white suits. They all wanted the wedding to be a medium-sized affair in a small country church in Russell's hometown. They got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that they wanted a soft green tiered cake.

Finally the day came and they were married! Everything was beautiful and the children were precious in their outfits! I was right there through it all as the best man and I cried like a baby when they said their vows. ! As the day came to a close they all went to take a well deserved rest so that they could enjoy their wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii!

After the wedding, I went home to my 2-year-old son, Luke Matthias Maguire. I'm a single parent to my child because his mother, my fiancee Julia Simone Gallagher, was killed in a car accident when Luke was 6 months old. It's tough but I'm handling it well enough and my child is happy and that's all that matters. Luke has auburn hair and blue eyes.

I actually begin to notice the person that was the maid of honor in the wedding. She's Russell's younger sister, and her name is Aurora Jane Finley, but everyone calls her Rory. She has brown hair and blue-green eyes. Rory is really nice and we begin to start talking and hanging out pretty often! After a couple of weeks of casually seeing each other we end up back at her place one night for some fun and a few weeks later I find she is pregnant!  At first I was shocked and terrified to be having a baby with a woman I didn't know very well, especially after what happened to Julia. But I was starting to truly fall in love with Rory, so we decided to move in together and raise the baby. Luke fell in love with Rory too, and was excited to be a big brother. Eight months later we welcome a baby boy into the world. We named him Harry Russell Maguire. Harry has brown hair and green eyes.


Dylan Maguire [23] and Rory Finley [24]



Luke Maguire [2]



Harry Maguire [nb]





10 Years Later


DW: Alexandria Helen Maguire (nee Bauer) "Lexi" [58]

DH: Frederick Thurstan Maguire [59]


DS: Marcus Jet Bauer [43]

DD: Claudia Evangeline Bauer [43]

DS: Atticus Wolf Maguire [37]

DD: Flavia Rowan Maguire [37]

DS: Dylan Jack Maguire [33]

DS: Alexander Byron Maguire "Alex" [28]

DD: Anastasia Ruby Maguire "Anya" [28]

DD: Magnolia Grace Maguire "Maggie" [27]

DS: Peregrine Justice Maguire "Perry" [27]

DD: Dahlia Faith Maguire "Lia" [27]


Lexi and Frederick Maguire

Marcus, Claudia, Atticus, Flavia, Dylan, Alex, Anya, Maggie, Perry, and Lia



The Bauer Family


DS1: Marcus Jet Bauer [43]

DW: Kiera Robin Bauer (nee Danvers) [43]


DS: Roderick Caspian Bauer [22]

DD: Audrey Rose Bauer [22]

DS: Axel Lennon Bauer [14]


Marcus and Kiera Bauer

Roderick, Audrey and Axel



The Cohen Family


DH: Isaac Judah Cohen [45]

DD2:   Claudia Evangeline Cohen (nee Bauer) [43]


DS: Asher Gabriel Cohen [18]

DS: Gideon Malachi Cohen [14]


Isaac and Claudia Cohen

Asher and Gideon




The Maguire Family


DS2: Atticus Wolf Maguire [37]

DW: Sophie Amabel Maguire (nee Mueller) [35]


DS: Lucas Emmanuel Maguire [12]

DS: Nicholas Marco Maguire "Nico" [10]

DS: Erik Felix Maguire [7] 

DD: Annika Charlotte Maguire "Anna" [4]

DS: Jacob Simon Maguire [1]


Atticus and Sophie Maguire 

Lucas, Nico, Erik, Anna, and Jacob





The Finley Family 


DD2: Flavia Rowan Finley (nee Maguire) [37]

DH: Russell Donovan Finely [37]


DS: James Cabot Finley [11]

DD: Georgia Avril Finley [11]

DD: Leah Annabelle Finley [7] 


Bunny: Charles Dickens [deceased]

Dog: William Shakespeare "Willie"


Flavia  Russell Finley

James, Georgia, and Leah

Charles Dickens the Bunny [deceased]

Willie the Dog 




DS3: Dylan Jack Maguire [33]

---DFiancee: Julia Simone Gallagher [deceased]


DS: Luke Matthias Maguire [2]


Dylan Maguire and Julia Gallagher



DGF: Aurora Jane Finley "Rory" [25]


DS: Harry Russell Maguire [10]

DS: Christopher Alfie Maguire "Kit" [7]


Dylan Maguire and Rory Finley

Luke, Harry, and Kit



The Maguire Family


DS4: Alexander Byron Maguire "Alex" [28]

DD: Gabriella Beatrice Maguire (nee Parker) "Bree" [26]


DS: Ethan David Maguire [6]

DD/DD/DD: Cora Evelyn / Luna Elizabeth / Lily Eleanor [4]

DS: Cedric Matthew Maguire [nb]


Alex and Bree Maguire

Ethan, Cora, Luna, Lily, and Cedric



The Jackson Family


DD3: Anastasia Ruby Jackson (nee Maguire) "Anya" [28]

DH: Malcolm Tobias Jackson [31]


DD: Amelia Grace Jackson [5]

DD: Madeline Octavia Jackson [3]

DD: Samantha Caroline Jackson[nb]


Anya and Malcolm Jackson

Amelia, Madeline, and Samantha



The Brooks Family


DD4: Magnolia Grace Brooks (nee Maguire) "Maggie" [27]

DH: Dominic Alonzo Brooks [27]


DS: Gavin Thomas Brooks [3]

DD: Zara Rosalind Brooks [nb]


Maggie and Dominic Brooks

Gavin and Zara



The Maguire Family


DS5: DS: Peregrine Justice Maguire "Perry" [27]

DW: Daisy Flora Maguire (nee Rickman) [29]


Perry and Daisy Maguire



The  Kent Family


DD5: Dahlia Faith Kent (nee Maguire) "Lia" [27]

DH: Henry Jasper Kent [27]


DS: Sean Nathaniel Kent [2]


Lia and Henry Kent


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#24 astrothief42


    Power Baby Namer

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  • Interests:Baby Names, DIY, Grand Theft Auto, Harry Potter, Hawaii Five-0, Kingdom Hearts, Music, The Sims, Writing

Posted 29 October 2019 - 08:15 PM

My name is Catriona Eliana Harper, I am 16 and I live in France. I have red wavy hair and brown eyes. On my fifteenth birthday, my older brother convinced me to come with him to a party so that I could finally have a "proper" party experience. While I was there, something horrible happened, something I never told anyone. I was convinced I was over it until a few weeks later I started throwing up and gaining weight. My doctor said I was pregnant and when I wouldn't tell my mother what happened, she promptly threw me out. I stayed with a few friends until it became to obvious that I was pregnant. So I found a job at a general store and began staying in the small "apartment" above my workplace. Soon after I gave birth to twin boys, named Lucian Dagger and Falcon Arrow Harper. Now they are 1 year old and doing well. Lucian has red straight hair and brown eyes and Falcon has red wavy hair and brown eyes.

It's been two years and I've finally saved enough money to buy the home I've wanted since Lucian and Falcon were born. A beautiful saltbox house in the country. Soon after I bought the house, one of my work friends, Christina Nicole Roster, convinces me to come to her birthday party and have a sitter watch the babies and house. She insists that I let her pick out my wardrobe for the night and she ends up making me wear a pastel yellow dress. Though I'm uneasy, I go along with her since it's her birthday.

At the party, I noticed a handsome man about my age across the room and my friend caught me staring and introduces us. He says his name is Simon Rayner O'Neil. He has curly red hair and brown eyes. We get along well and we end up back home, but the boys are asleep and he doesn't see them. The next morning I wake up to a note on the night stand with his number and an offer to go on a date. I pin it to my mirror before eventually forgetting about it until nearly a month later when I become sick again. I feared the worst and sure enough, the test comes back positive. It's then that I remembered his number and I gave him a call to break the news. He wants a DNA test, then supports me.

Later that year, I give birth again, this time to triplet girls, named Valentina EveAurelia Blair, and Florentina Olive O'Neil. The babies are sick (severely underweight) though, and must stay in the hospital until they are stable enough to go home without the need of constant medical care. Val has curly brown hair and blue eyes, Ari has wavy red hair and brown eyes, and Flora has curly black hair and green eyes.
It's been 5 years since I had my last children and life has been good to us. I make decent money since I was promoted at my job. I have decided that 5 children was enough for me but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

My brother set me up on a date with a man he knew. I should have known better than to listen to my brother considering what it did for me the last time, but I went along with it since he was my brother. The man's name is Jacques Felix Chandler and he has straight brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed like a nice guy but I also knew that not all nice guys are actually nice. We actually got along rather well, though, and eventually ended up back at his house since Christina was watching the children.

At the end of the date, he asked if we could see each other the next week. I agreed and soon enough we were seeing each other regularly. It wasn't until nearly three months later when my oldest child pointed out that I had gained weight, did I realize something wasn't quite right. When I went to the doctor and was told I was pregnant, I couldn't have imagined a bigger shock! I had had none of the symptoms I'd had with my other pregnancies and I had even had my regular monthlies! I went home to call him and break the news, hoping for a better outcome than the last time. He starts a more serious relationship with me.

6 months later I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Haisley Juliette Chandler. Lu wanted a boy, Fal didn't mind, Val was jealous, Ari didn't care, and Flora was excited. The baby has straight red hair and brown eyes.
Its been 3 years and my children are growing like weeds! I am still making decent money and am able to provide for my large family despite all the hardships thrown our way!

Jac and I have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming summer! He gave me a beautiful sapphire band ring set. We've been so busy picking out the children's outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! I had my dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful red waves dress. Jac wanted a orange and cerulean color theme and Luc and Fal wanted lillies for the flower arrangements! The girls had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on pretty white ruffles dresses. The boys had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Luc who picked a handsome set of pure angel white suits. We all wanted the wedding to be a small affair at our house. I got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that I wanted a fancy chocolate cake.

Finally the day came and Jac and I were married! Jac looked so handsome and the children were precious in their outfits! My brother, after all the hardships, walked me down the aisle and gave me away! He was also Jac's best man and he even cried as we said our vows! The guests were surprised at how the wedding turned out with so many different styles but everyone agreed that it fit perfectly! There were lots of pictures taken, all of which had the children being silly! As the day came to a close, we all went to take a well deserved rest so that we could enjoy our wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica! My brother insisted he pay for it to make up for him not trying harder to convince our mother to let me stay.
It's been two years since I had my dream wedding! The children are still growing and some of them will be leaving the nest in just a few short years! They've all begun to show their individual traits and personalities and as they are growing so is our family! Jac and I and just found out that we're expecting another baby!!! When I first told Jac he was unsure and the children had mixed reactions. Luc and Fal were jealous, Val was excited, Ari didn't mind, and Flora and Haisley wanted a girl.

Soon enough our newest bundles of joy arrive! Two healthy boys and one healthy girl! They are named Magnus ChaucerVincent Tennyson, and Anastasia Silver Chandler.  Magnus has straight blonde hair and hazel eyes, Vince has wavy blonde hair and hazel eyes, and Ana has orangish-red hair and glasz eyes. They are welcomed home with open arms and are spoiled rotten!

It's as our newest babies are developing that I begin to notice all of the older children's personalities in detail. They are all so different it's amazing compared to the little "blank slates" our newest additions are!
Luc is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. He enjoys reading and programming.
Fal is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. He enjoys reading, writing, and programming. 
Luc and Fal are one of a kind in almost every way. Someday they may start their own business.
Val is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. She can be seen writing and drawing in her own spare time. She expresses an interest in being an artist.
Ari is quiet, intelligent, and a loner. She loves math and anything to do with numbers. She also has taken an interest in astronomy.
Flora is studious, kind, and gentle. She loves school and anything to do with history. She is a very sweet girl and can be seen helping other students in her class.
Haisley is studious, kind, and gentle. Although she's only in kindergarten, she has shown an interest in school and seems to enjoy learning. She loves playing with her classmates, and she's overall very generous.

It's been a year since I gave birth to my youngest children and I couldn't be happier! Jac and I did decide that children were enough, though, and I scheduled an appointment to get my tubes tied. The surgery went off without a hitch and Jac and I were ready to enjoy our children without worrying about another little one coming along. However, just 6 months after the surgery, I began to experience the same symptoms as with most of my other pregnancies. Concerned, I called the doctor who told me that it was normal due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medications. 3 months later, the entire family was surprised when during a camping trip, I went into labor!!! There was no way to get to a hospital and our final little one had be born right then! Jac was the one who delivered our surprise bundle of joy, a healthy set of triplets! Two girls and a boy. They are named Dalia LoveLark Spirit, and Hawk Valiant Chandler. Despite the unconventional way our last little ones arrived, we loved them and knew they would grow up to abide by their own rules.

After Dalia, Lark and Hawk were born, it seemed that more ''surprises'' were in store for us. Jac and I were told that Fal has run away




It's been another year since I've had my last children. The children are still doing wonderfully and most of them are in school! They all have a lots of friends for the most part and often bring home wonderful grades! Though lately some of the children have been having a few problems with their behavior and school.


Luc's grades are failing. With Fal briefly running away last year, it has caused him some emotional distress and anxiety. 

Fal was only gone for a couple days last year, and ever since then he seems to be fine. Ironically, his twin is the one that is having problems now.

Val is doing alright for herself and there are no issues.

Ari and Flora are also doing fine.

Haisley is a bit chipper and is also doing great.

Magnus is doing well. He's a spunky little guy. 

Vince has a bit of an attitude problem and likes to stomp his feet.

Ana is doing well. She's a quiet little girl.

Dalia, Lark and Hawk are all doing well. 

With all of this happening at once, Jac and I have decided to move and hope that perhaps a change of pace will help the children to settle down and become a bit happier. We ultimately decide to move to Quebec, Canada. After the move and once everything is unpacked and the children have started school again, we notice that the children's problems are mixed. 


Luc is not doing any better. His grades are still failing. We will have to get him into therapy. 

Vincent is doing great. He is not having any more attitude problems.




I'm Lucian but you can call me Luc! I am 16 years old and I was born in France but now I live in Canada. My mother and step-father moved us here when my siblings and I were having problems and I'm so glad that we moved! I have so many new friends, plus the sights are great! I've just started my first job at a grocery store and I'm hoping to make enough to move out as soon as possible! Right now I'm still in school, which is fine because I love Language class and I get to go everyday. Right now I have a girlfriend. Her name is Keira Everly Bell and she's in the same grade as me, so we see each other every day! I had a serious scare the last week though because we had a pregnancy scare and I didn't know what I was going to do. Thankfully, it all worked out and life can go on normally again.




It's been two years and now that I am 18, I can begin looking for my own place with Keira! Eventually, after months of saving and searching, we find the (almost) perfect place! A nice little two bedroom house just a few minutes away from my family! A few months after we move in, Keira and I begin thinking about what it might be like to have a baby in the house). After a lot of careful thought we decide we're not trying, not preventing.


 After a little while of not really being careful one way or the other, Keira discovered that a baby would soon be joining the household! The pregnancy was pretty uneventful as far as sickness or surprises and within the year, we had a new baby boy to welcome home! His name is Remington York Harper. He has straight blonde hair and hazel eyes like his mother.




It's been 8 years and our son has grown up so fast! Keira and I were married last year as well! We want to have another baby but we've had trouble conceiving. We have decided to do surrogacy in order to have more children. It takes a while but eventually we are able to have a cute little girl. She has orangish-red hair and glasz eyes.


It take a few months, but eventually we are successful and on Valentines Day, our beautiful baby was born! Sophia Poet Harper is a good baby. She sleeps through the night and cries very little. Remi adores her to death and was ecstatic to have a new baby in the house to play with and cuddle!




My name is Falcon and I am 28 years old! I'm the younger brother of Lucian and the uncle of Remington and Sophia, whom I love to death! I currently work as a manual laborer so that I can finish up my schooling at California Institute Technology to become a Genealogist. I also have a live in girlfriend named Ginger Darcy Morgan who also attends Cal-Tech.

I'm very attached to my niece and nephew and I want children of my own someday. Ginger and I have discussed having children, but we have decided that right now, with both of us in school, it's not the right time. But we do have a kitten named Ollie that will do for us to love and adore until the time is right for us to have our own children.




It's been a year and Ginger and I have both graduated our classes and I now work full time as a Genealogist! We've also moved into a new house! It's a nice Cape Cod just outside of town! We've also decided that we're ready to start our family! We've decided to go with in-vitro fertilization for a baby! We know that any option we chose could take an unknown amount of time but we're hoping to have our own little one soon!


After nearly a year of trying, we are successful in our attempts! We knew that it'd be a long road to wait for our little bundle of joy, but when we saw our boy/girl twins all the fears and worries melted away at the sight of their precious little faces. Their names are Noah Canyon and Lydia Journey Harper. Noah has wavy red hair and brown eyes like me and Lydia has straight brown hair and blue eyes like her mother. 




My name is Valentina and I am 28 years old! I'm the younger sister of Lucian and Falcon. Falcon has asked me to be his maid of honor at his wedding to Ginger!

Falcon and Ginger have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming winter! He gave her a beautiful golden citrine ring set. We've all been so busy picking out outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! They had their dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful princess red dress. He wanted a pink and chocolate color theme and my nieces and nephews wanted lilies for the flower arrangements! Our nieces had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a gorgeous silk flowers dress. Our nephews had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Remi who picked a handsome set of apple red suits. They all wanted the wedding to be a medium affair at my house. They got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that they wanted a gray roses cake.

Finally the day came and they were married! Everything was beautiful and the children were precious in their outfits! I was right there through it all as the maid of honor and I cried like a baby when they said their vows! As the day came to a close, they all went to take a well deserved rest so that they could enjoy their wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica!

After the wedding, I went home to my triplet sons. They are just newborns! Their names are Nico Maxwell, Wyatt Mason, and Brock Maddox O'Neil. I'm a single parent to my children because the father told me he didn't love me or the boys. It's tough, but I'm handling it well enough and my children are happy and that's all that matters. Nico has curly orangish-red hair and glasz eyes, Wyatt has straight brown hair and blue eyes, and Brock has straight blonde hair and hazel eyes.

I actually begin to notice the person that was the best man in the wedding. His name is Alexander James Cooper and he has straight auburn hair and blue eyes. He's nice and we begin to start talking and hanging out pretty often! After a couple of weeks of casually seeing each other, we end up back at his place one night for some fun, and a few weeks later I find I am pregnant! 8 months later, we welcome boy/girl twins into the world. Alex was shocked at first, but then ecstatic. Their names are Cruz Gabriel and Aubrey Georgia Cooper. Cruz and Aubrey have wavy brown hair and blue eyes.




Ari is a divorced mother to a three year old daughter named Amelia "Amy." She works two part-time jobs to support her and her daughter. She is on good terms with her ex-husband, but he only gets visitation rights as he had some alcohol problems in the past. 

Flora lives in a beautiful country house with her husband of two years, Isaac. They do not currently have any children, as they are establishing themselves in their career. They would love to have several children in the future, though. They are happy with their home and both enjoy gardening together. Flora became a history teacher and is loving her students. Isaac is an accountant.

Haisley is a single mom to a two year old daughter named Aurora "Rory." Haisley does not know who the father is as she had a one-night stand back in her college drinking stage. She had to drop out of school when she got pregnant. Now she is going to school online and has a full-time job to take care of her daughter. Haisley is ashamed of herself, but is trying to do right by her daughter and is putting money in a college fund for her. 

Magnus has a live-in girlfriend named Addison whom he's been dating for 2 years now. He loves her to death and has known her since elementary school. He's working a full-time job and is going to school part-time so he can afford to buy her a ring. He's hoping if she says yes ("she will!"), that they will marry within the year. Magnus doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, but he is working as an auto mechanic right now. Addison is going to school to become a hair stylist.

Vince and Gabby are newlyweds. They just moved into their own apartment. They don't know if they want any children yet (and certainly aren't planning right now), but they are happy. Vince is working in the IT department at a large firm, and is about ready to get promoted to supervisor. Gabby is a manager in the department store she works in, but she is going to school to study Business.

Ana is a single student living in her own apartment off campus. She is taking a double major in Business and Finance. She is also working as a shift manager at a local fast food chain to help her afford her bills. Back in high school, she managed straight As and got a full ride to her university. She is enjoying being single and is perfectly fine with testing the dating pool waters. She does not want a boyfriend any time soon.

Dalia had her first children, Charlie and Jack, when she was 16. Cat was not thrilled when she heard the news, but knows the feeling. Dalia's parents were supportive in this time. Dalia's boyfriend, Hunter, is actually not the father of her twins, but he formally adopted them and is raising them as his own since the father is not a part of his children's lives. They are living with Dalia's parents and recently had triplets, Aaron, Eve, and Miles.

Lark and Dalia are two of a kind, it seems. Lark also has children, although, she had her twins first. They are named Maisie and Clementine. Funnily enough, Lark and Dalia are both raising a set of twins and triplets. The triplets are named Willow, Cassius, and Emmett. Lark is living with her fiancé, Nathan, at his parent's estate with his wealthy parents. His parents don't seem to mind spoiling five grandchildren. Lark doesn't have a job right now as she is helping her future in-laws with the children. Nathan is a trust fund baby and also doesn't work. He, however, is finishing up school and frequently does volunteering. Cat must be experiencing déjà vu something terrible. 

Hawk is in his senior year of high school and just had a daughter named Maddy "Madeline." Maddy's mother died in childbirth, leaving Hawk devastated. Hawk and Sawyer have known each other since they were tots. His parents are helping support him so he can finish up his education. Right now he doesn't know if he wants to go to college, but his priority is taking care of his daughter.

The Chandler Family
DW: Catriona Eliana Chandler {46}
DH: Jacques Felix Chandler {46}
DS/DS: Lucian Dagger Harper/Falcon Arrow Harper {31}
DD/DD/DD: Valentina Eve O'Neil/Aurelia Blair O'Neil/Florentina Olive O'Neil {28}
DD: Haisley Juliette Chandler {23}
DS/DS/DD: Magnus Chaucer Chandler/Vincent Tennyson Chandler/Anastasia Silver Chandler {18} 
DD/DD/DS: Dalia Love Chandler/Lark Spirit Chandler/Hawk Valiant Chandler {17}
Cat & Jac with;
LuFalValAriFloraHaisleyMagnusVinceAnaDaliaLark Hawk
The Harper Family
DH: Lucian Dagger Harper {31}
DW: Keira Everly Harper (nee Bell) {31}
DS: Remington York Harper {13}
DD: Sophia Poet Harper {5}
Luc Keira with;
Remi Sophia
The Harper Family
DH: Falcon Arrow Harper {31}
DW: Ginger Darcy Harper (nee Morgan) {31}
DS/DD: Noah Canyon Harper/Lydia Journey Harper {2}
DP: Ollie {Cat, 3}
Fal Ginger with;
Noah Lydia + Ollie
The O'Neil/Cooper Family
DM: Valentina Eve O'Neil {28}
DF: Alexander James Cooper {30}
DS/DS/DS: Nico Maxwell O'Neil/Wyatt Mason O'Neil/Brock Maddox O'Neil {9 mos.}
DS/DD: Cruz Gabriel Cooper/Aubrey Georgia Cooper {0}
Val & Alex with;
Nico, Wyatt, Brock, Cruz & Aubrey
The O'Neil Family
DM: Aurelia Blair O'Neil {28}
DEx-H: Aidan Booker Cloutier {29}
DD: Amelia Eloise Cloutier {3}
Ari with;
The Adams Family
DW: Florentina Olive Adams (nee O'Neil) {28}
DH: Isaac Foster Adams {28}
Flora & Isaac
The Chandler Family
DM: Haisley Juliette Chandler {23}
DD: Aurora Grace Chandler {2}
Haisley with;
The Chandler/Kennedy Family
DBF: Magnus Chaucer Chandler {18}
DGF: Addison Neva Kennedy {18}
Magnus & Addy
The Chandler Family
DH: Vincent Tennyson Chandler {18}
DW: Gabriella Lela Chandler (nee Bell) {18}
Vince & Gabby
The Chandler Family
DSF: Anastasia Silver Chandler {18}
The Chandler/Walsh Family
DGF: Dalia Love Chandler {17}
DBF: Hunter Lowell Walsh {18}
DD/DS: Charlotte Isla Walsh/Jack Theodore Walsh {1}
DS/DD/DS: Aaron Thomas Walsh/Genevieve Rose Walsh/Miles Samuel Walsh {0}
Dalia & Hunter with;
Charlie, Jack, Aaron, Eve & Miles
The Chandler/Hamilton Family
DFiancée: Lark Spirit Chandler {17}
DFiancé: Nathan Enoch Hamilton {17}
DD/DD: Maisie Anna Hamilton/Clementine Esme Hamilton {2}
DD/DS/DS: Willow Jane Hamilton/Cassius Jude Hamilton/Emmett John Hamilton {1}
Lark & Nathan with;
Maisie, Clem, Willow, Cassius & Em
The Chandler Family
DF: Hawk Valiant Chandler {17}
DM: Sawyer Veronica Baker {17} [deceased]
DD: Madeline Ivy Chandler {0}
Hawk with;

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#25 WriterJones


    Epic Baby Namer

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Posted 31 October 2019 - 10:28 PM

My name is Hugo and I am 28years old! I'm the younger brother of Arbor and Hudsons triplet brother. Hudson has asked me to be his best man at his wedding to Crimson Rost!

Hudson and Crimson have been engaged for a year and are due to be married the coming winter! He gave her a beautiful braided diamond ring set. We've all been so busy picking out outfits, picking the theme and colors and choosing all the goes into a wedding but we think we may finally have it down, even if it is a little mismatched since everyone wanted something different! They had their dress picked out from the minute he proposed, a beautiful white gown with ruffles. He wanted an orange sunset color theme and Ada and Alice wanted wildflowers for the flower arrangements! Our nieces had to compromise on what kinds of dresses they wanted to wear and finally settled on a gorgeous polka dot pink dress. Our nephews had less trouble, giving all responsibility to Beckham who picked a handsome set of gold vested suits. They all wanted the wedding to be a small affair at a nice restaurant-. They got to choose the wedding cake and knew immediately that they wanted a soft green cake.

Finally the day came and they were married! Everything was beautiful and the children were precious in their outfits! I was right there through it all as the best man/maid of honor and I cried like a baby when they said their vows. ! As the day came to a close they all went to take a well deserved rest so that they could enjoy their wonderful honeymoon in -Japan!

After the wedding, I went home to my twins, they are 5 years old now! I'm a single parent to my children because they are actually adopted: they were my godchildren, and both of their parents died. It's tough but I'm handling it well enough and my children are happy and that's all that matters. They have black hair and green eyes.

I actually begin to notice the person that was the maid of honor in the wedding. Their name is Mirabella Lux Jones and they have black hair and green eyes. Their nice and we begin to start talking and hanging out pretty often! After a couple of weeks of casually seeing each other we end up back at their place one night for some fun and a few weeks later I find they are pregnant! 8 months later we welcome a baby girl into the world named Theodora Carys. We decide to move in together and raise when together right, seeing where our relationship goes.


West & Mireya:


The Jensen Family, Generation 1:
DW: Alexandrie Faith Jensen (45)
DH: Dante Omari Jensen (né Okonma) (47)
DTS: Arbor Gray Jensen (born Lena Roxanne Jensen) (30)
DS/DS/DD: Hudson Ben/Hugo Birch/Horatia Blair Jensen (28)
DD/DS: Luna Benoit/Tyler Boone Jensen (23)
DS: Casimir Lowell Jensen (18)
DD/DS: Aspen Honor/Acre Bright Jensen (17)

The Jensen-Kim Family:
DTS1: Arbor Gray Jensen-Kim: born Lena Roxanne Jensen) (30)
DH: Kaden Beckett Jensen-Kim (30)
DS/DS: Beckham Cash/Bronson Rex Jensen-Kim (5)

The Jensen-Rost Family:
DS1: Hudson Ben Jensen (28)
DGF: Crimson Amaya Rost (28)
DD/DD: Ada Byrd/Alice Jayne Jensen-Rost (2)

The Jensen-Jones-Moore Family:
DS2: Hugo Birch Jensen (28)
DGF: Mirabella Lux Moore (28)
DAS/DAD: West Abner/Mireya Simone Moore (5)
DD: Theodora Carys Jensen-Jones (nb)

Alexandrie and Dante with... Arbor, Hudson, Hugo, Horatia, Luna, Tyler, Casimir, Aspen, and Acre

Arbor and Kaden with... Beckham and Bronson

Hudson and Crimson with... Ada and Alice

Hugo and Mirabella with... West, Mireya, and Theodora

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Round 13, Final Round

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