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1900's Classroom

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#1 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 01 March 2024 - 07:10 AM

Class 1 


Teacher: Mr. Paulie | Adam, Ernest, Joseph, Nathaniel, Raymond, Ted, Walter 

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Leobo | Alberta, Barbara, Frances, Nina, Pauline, Sarah, Verna


Allen | Clinton, Dave, Jesse, Kenneth, Louis, Roy, Tony

Blakely | Alice, Clara, Dora, Ellen, Josephine, Laura, Mildred

Bolton | Aaron, Archie, Dewey, Emmett, James, Michael, Mike

Chalouf | Allie, Jeanette, Miriam, Nora, Opal, Rose, Sylvia

Crowell | Amelia, Amy, Estella, Hazel, Juanita, Leona, Mattie

Densmore | Allen, Frederick, Morris, Rudolph, Sylvester, Will, William 

Eckley | August, Elmer, Max, Patrick, Ray, Sam, Samuel, Thomas

Fisher | Betty, Catherine, Ella, Isabelle, Maude, Nell, Vivian

Greenwood | Arnold, Bert, Gerald, Jerry, Leonard, Matthew, Russell

Harden | Agnes, Beatrice, Christine, Eula, Luella, Norma, Winifred 

Kensies | Della, Emma, Flora, Lydia, Madeline, Matilda, Ruth

Lamenski | Anna, Gertrude, Grace, Lena, Mary, Rebecca, Victoria

Martin | Elbert, Harold, Hugh, Lewis, Orville, Percy, Roosevelt

McCallum | Andrew, Clarence, Dennis, Edwin, Oliver, Ollie, Rufus

Musgrave | Caroline, Etta, Georgia, Lucy, Naomi, Viola, Violet

O'Connell | Daisy, Emily, Jennie, Kathleen, Kathryn, May, Sophie

Paquin | Cornelius, Curtis, Douglas, Juan, Luther, Nathan, Roger

St. John | Albert, Alfred, Edward, Gordon, Lloyd, Norman, Perry

Vallier | Horace, John, Mark, Nelson, Otto, Vernon, Willis

Whitmore | Dorothy, Eliza, Elizabeth, Goldie, Helen, Jane, Janie


Class 2 


Teacher: Mrs. Wagner | Hannah, Jean, Lillie, Lillian, Nancy, Susan, Susie 

Teachers Assistant: Mrs. McIntire | Ada, Charlotte, Irene, Lela, Lottie, Rosie, Sara


Bouchard | Audrey, Cecelia, Celia, Fern, Geraldine, Inez, Olive

Burnette | Arthur, Clayton, Felix, Harry, Henry, Leslie, Stanley

Clearson | Addie, Adeline, Evelyn, Louise, Mae, Nettie, Pearl

Davis | Bill, Calvin, Earl, George, Jerome, Phillip, Ralph

Dutcher | Alvin, Amos, Charles, Charlie, Jimmie, Mack, Willard 

Furlong | Beulah, Carrie, Eunice, Henrietta, Julia, Lucille, Maria

Gregg | Amanda, Jessie, Mamie, Marjorie, Ola, Rachel, Ruby 

Hassling | Chester, Harvey, Pete, Lonnie, Melvin, Stephen, Wayne

Lapinance | Ann, Esther, Marie, Martha, Nannie, Theresa, Virginia

Marquis | Bernard, Eddie, Floyd, Francis, Richard, Vincent, Warren

Mitchell | Alex, Alexander, Clyde, Ellis, Irving, Leo, Otis

Pollard | Blanche, Florence, Harriet, Hattie, Ina, Katherine, Marguerite

Pond | Elsie, Eva, Frieda, Maggie, Margaret, Sadie, Vera

Small | Anthony, Frank, Franklin, Ira, Jose, Marshall, Oscar 

Stiles | Eugene, Everett, Jack, Jay, Philip, Theodore, Wilbur

Sullivan | Anne, Annie, Bernice, Edith, Iva, Minnie, Mollie

Thomas | Cora, Eleanor, Effie, Lula, Mabel, Myrtle, Sophia

Visnau | Alton, Dan, Lawrence, Paul, Roscoe, Tom, Virgil

Wall | Benjamin, Bennie, Emil, Isaac, Jacob, Leon, Nicholas

Zed | Cleo, Geneva, Genevieve, Isabel, Lola, Rosa, Stella

#2 glitchinggecko


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 05:10 PM

Class 1
Mr Nathaniel 'Nate' Joseph Paulie
Miss Pauline 'Polly' Barbara Leobo

Clinton 'Clint' Jesse Allen
Josephine 'Josie' Alice Blakely
James 'Jamie' Michael Bolton
Sylvia 'Sylvie' Rose Chalouf
Amelia 'Amy' Hazel Crowell
William 'Will' Allen Densmore
Thomas 'Tom' Max Eckley
Catherine 'Cate' Ella Fisher
Leonard 'Leon' Matthew Greenwood
Beatrice 'Bea' Agnes Harden
Madeleine 'Maddie' Emma Kensies
Victoria 'Vicki' Grace Lamenski
Lewis 'Lewie' Hugh Martin
Oliver 'Olly' Andrew McCallum
Georgia 'Gia' Naomi Musgrave
Emily 'Em' Kathleen O'Connell
Nathan 'Nate' Douglas Paquin
Edward 'Ted' Alfred St. John
John 'JV' Vernon Vallier
Elizabeth 'Beth' Jane Whitmore

Class 2
Mrs Lillian 'Lily' Jean Wagner
Mrs Charlotte 'Charlie' Irene McIntire

Cecelia 'Celia' Fern Bouchard
Henry 'Harry' Arthur Burnette
Evelyn 'Evie' Pearl Clearson
Philip 'Phil' George Davis
Charles 'Charlie' Alvin Dutcher
Henrietta 'Hen' Lucille Furlong
Amanda 'Amy' Rachel Gregg
Stephen 'Ste' Chester Hassling
Esther 'Essie' Marie Lapinance
Richard 'Rich' Warren Marquis
Alexander 'Alex' Otis Mitchell
Katherine 'Kitty' Florence Pollard
Margaret 'Molly' Vera Pond
Oscar 'Ozzy' Anthony Small
Theodore 'Theo' Wilbur Stiles
Edith 'Edi' Bernice Sullivan
Sophia 'Soph' Eleanor Thomas
Roscoe 'Ross' Paul Visnau
Nicholas 'Nick' Leon Wall
Isabelle 'Izzy' Rosa Zed

#3 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 04 March 2024 - 03:32 PM

Class 1 


Teacher: Mr. Raymond Nathaniel Paulie 

Teacher's Assistant: Miss Alberta Frances Leobo "Bertie" 


Clinton Jesse Allen 

Josephine Laura Blakely "Josie" 

Emmett James Bolton 

Opal Jeanette Chalouf 

Leona Hazel Crowell

William Rudolph Densmore "Will"

Samuel Ray Eckley "Sam"

Isabelle Catherine Fisher 

Matthew Russell Greenwood 

Beatrice Luella Harden "BeeBee"

Flora Madeline Kensies 

Rebecca Grace Lamenski "Becca"

Percy Lewis Martin 

Oliver Clarence McCallum "Ollie"

Lucy Caroline Musgrave

Daisy Cathleen O'Connell 

Roger Douglas Paquin 

Edward Norman St. John "Eddie"

Horace Otto Vallier 

Eliza Jane Whitmore


Mr. Paulie and Miss Leobo's Class

Clinton, Josie, Emmett, Opal, Leona, Will, Sam, Isabelle, Matthew, BeeBee, Flora, Becca, Percy, Ollie, Lucy, Daisy, Roger, Eddie, Horace, and Eliza


Class 2 


Teacher: Mrs. Nancy Susan Wagner 

Teachers Assistant: Mrs. Charlotte Irene McIntire "Lottie"


Audrey Cecelia Bouchard 

Henry Clayton Burnette "Harry"

Adeline Louise Clearson "Addie" 

Calvin Philip Davis 

Charles Amos Dutcher "Charlie"

Maria Lucille Furlong 

Ruby Amanda Gregg 

Chester Wayne Hassling

Esther Virginia Lapinance 

Richard Floyd Marquis "Ritchie" 

Leo Alexander Mitchell 

Harriet Ina Pollard "Hattie" 

Margaret Sadie Pond "Peggy" 

Franklin Anthony Small "Frank"  

Wilbur Eugene Stiles 

Mollie Anne Sullivan 

Cora Eleanor Thomas

Roscoe Lawrence Visnau 

Jacob Benjamin Wall 

Stella Genevieve Zed


Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. McIntire's Class

Audrey, Harry, Addie, Calvin, Charlie, Maria, Ruby, Chester, Esther, Ritchie, Leo, Hattie, Peggy, Frank, Wilbur, Mollie, Cora, Roscoe, Jacob, and Stella

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