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Game of Thrones/ASOIAF Congrats (Round 7)

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#1 Kinola


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Posted 17 October 2022 - 07:30 PM

Question 7: Which 2 "Slaver's Bay" cities would you like to visit?
1) Meereen
2) Yunkai
3) Astapor
4) Elyria
5) New Ghis
6) Tolos
7) Bhorash
8) Ghozai
Round 7: First child’s family (first answer applies here!)
1) Vale | LN: Sunderland, Elesham, Pryor, Melcolm, Tollett
2) The Reach | LN: Inchfield, Caswell, Dunn, Westbrook, Osgrey
3) The North | LN: Glover, Dustin, Ashwood, Stane, Mollen
4) Iron Islands | LN: Ironmaker, Blacktyde, Codd, Farwynd, Orkwood
5) Stormlands | LN: Herston, Buckler, Penrose, Hasty, Musgood
6) Dorne | LN: Gargalen, Uller, Drinkwater, Toland, Manwoody
7) Riverlands | LN: Darry, Butterwell, Perryn, Keath, Ryger
8) Westerlands | LN: Payne, Hetherspoon, Greenfield, Lefford, Hawthorne
If your lord’s first child is a girl, her husband’s name is either Eddard, Osmynd, Tristan, Aeron, or Theomore.
If your lord’s first child is a boy, his wife’s name is either Alayne, Nolla, Wylla, Elinor, or Perra.
Their children have the following initials (sexes are up to you!) (second answer applies here):
1) C, A, T, E, L, Y, N
2) E, D, D, A, R, D
3) R, O, B, B
4) J, O, N
5) S, A, N, S, A
6) A, R, Y, A
7) B, R, A, N, D, O, N
8) R, I, C, K, O, N

#2 Kinola


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Posted 17 October 2022 - 08:07 PM

Lord Quellon Harlaw of Harlaw

Lady Myranda Belmore Harlaw (of Strongsong)


Lady Valena Harlaw 

Lord Ormond Harlaw

Lord Gwayne & Lord Samwell Harlaw

Lady Maris Harlaw



Lady Valena Harlaw Orkwood

Lord Osmynd Orkwood of Orkmont


—Lady Alysanne Orkwood 

—Lord Rodrik Orkwood

—Lord Yoren Orkwood

—Lord Alesander Orkwood

#3 MalloryMae


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Posted 22 October 2022 - 09:23 AM

Lord Arthur Florent of Brightwater Keep

Lady Talla Beesbury Florent of Honeyholt


Lady Ashara Florent of Brightwater Keep

Lord Euron Florent of Brightwater Keep

Lord Osric Florent of Brightwater Keep

Lady Larissa Florent of Brightwater Keep

Lord Gregor Florent of Brightwater Keep




Lady Ashara Florent Pryor of Brightwater Keep

Lord Osmynd Pryor of Pebble


Lord Steffon Pryor of Pebble

Lord Alyn Pryor of Pebble

Lord Narbert Pryor of Pebble

Lord Symond Pryor of Pebble

Lord Alester Pryor of Pebble

#4 Marvelous_Things


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Posted 23 October 2022 - 02:52 PM

Lord Rodrik Goodbrother of Hammerhorn the Iron Islands

and his lady wife

Lady Margaery Fossoway Goodbrother of Cider Hall in the Reach


with their children


Lady Alannys Goodbrother of Hammerhorn

Lord Paxter Goodbrother of Hammerhorn

Lady Theresa Goodbrother of Hammerhorn

Lady Shiera Goodbrother of Hammerhorn

Lord Cedrik Goodbrother of Hammerhorn




Lady Alynnys Goodbrother Melcolm of Hammerhorn in the Iron Islands

and her lord husband

Lord Tristan Melcolm of Old Anchor in the Vale


with their children


Lady Cassandra Melcolm of Old Anchor

Lord Alaric Melcolm Old Anchor

Lord Thomax Melcolm of Old Anchor

Lord Edmund Melcolm of Old Anchor

Lady Leona Melcolm of Old Anchor

Lord Yoren Melcolm of Old Anchor

Lady Nymeria Melcolm of Old Anchor

#5 Meghan<3


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Posted 27 October 2022 - 05:19 PM

Lord Arthur Hightower of the Reach

Lady Anya Pryor of the Vale


Lord Jon Hightower of the Reach

Lord Tommen Hightower of the Reach

Lord Haldon Hightower of the Reach / Lord Symon Hightower of the Reach

Lady Elinor Hightower of the Reach


Arthur, Anya, Jon, Tommen, Haldon, Symon, & Elinor




Lord Jon Hightower of the Reach

Lady Wylla Blacktyde of the Iron Islands


Lady Jeyne Hightower of the Reach

Lord Owen Hightower of the Reach

Lady Nella Hightower of the Reach


Jon, Wylla, Jeyne, Owen, & Nella

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: game of thrones, kinola, a song of ice and fire, congrats

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