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Game of Thrones Namebank CAF (Long)

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#1 Kinola


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Posted 27 October 2021 - 07:41 PM

So my "Dice game" version of this didn't fly over with anyone, since NO ONE bothered to give it a try anywhere. Not even on the Forum of Ice and Fire! So I'm going to revise this with a namebank CAF. It's going to be long, but maybe this'll be easier with everyone. If you guys still want to give the dice game a shot, go over here.


Titles should be Lord and Lady, but Targaryen will be our default ruling family here, so for them, you can use King and Queen and/or Prince and Princess. Go here to learn more about the houses of Westeros.


Names are down below. No need for middle names. Each region will have a "baseborn" name, so you'll have to look up the house names you're using in order to know which to use. Snow is for the North, Pyke for the Iron Islands, Storm for the Stormlands, Flowers for the Reach, Hill for the Westerlands, Stone for the Vale, Rivers for the Riverlands, Sand for Dorne, and Waters for the Crownlands.










































——Baseborn Son:









——Baseborn Daughter:

——Baseborn Son:

——Baseborn Son:













































——Husband’s Baseborn Son:

——Husband’s Baseborn Daughter:

































——Baseborn Son:






































——Wife’s Baseborn Daughter:



















































——Baseborn Daughter:

——Baseborn Daughter:

























































——Baseborn Son:






































——Baseborn Son:

——Baseborn Daughter:












Male Names: Aberdolf Addam Adrack Adrian Aegon Aegor Aelor Aelyx Aemon Aemond Aenar Aenys Aeron Aerion Aeryn Aerys Aethan Aggar Agramore Aladale Alaric Albar Alekyne Alesandor Alester Alfador Alfred Allar Allard Allaquo Alleras Alliser Alton Alvyn Alyn Amaury Ambrose Amory Amos Andrey Andrik Androw Anguy Argilac Argoth Argrave Arlan Armistead Armen Armond Arnold Arnolf Arron Arryk Arson Arstan Arthur Artos Artys Arwood Asher Aubrey Aurane Axell Bael Baelon Baelor Balerion Balder Balmon Balon Bambarro Bannen Barristan Barth Bartimos Barquen Bayard Belwas Benedar Benedict Benethon Benfred Benfrey Benjen Benjicot Bennard Bennarion Bennis Benton Beric Beron Berrican Bertram Bessaro Bonifer Boremund Boros Borroq Borros Bowen Brandon Branston Braxton Bronn Brus Bryan Bryce Brynden Buford Burton Bywin Byren Caggo Caleotte Calon Casper Casso Cayn Cedric Cedrik Cerion Cetherys Chayle Chett Clarence Clayton Clement Cleoden Cleon Cleos Cley Clifford Clydas Colin Colmar Corlys Cortnay Corwin Cossomo Cotter Craghorn Cregan Cregard Creighton Cressen Crispin Criston Cromm Daario Daegon Dale Damon Daemion Daemon Daeron Dagmer Dagon Dalton Danos Daragh Dareon Daryn Daven Davos Dellono Dennet Denys Denzo Dermot Derrick Desmond Devan Deziel Dhako Dickon Dirk Domeric Donal Donald Donnel Donnis Donnor Dontos Doran Dorian Dormund Drako Drazenko Drennan Duncan Dunstan Duram Duran Durran Dykk Dywen Ebben Ebrose Eddard Edderion Eddison Edgerran Edmund Edmure Edric Edwell Edwyd Edwyle Edwyn Eggon Eladon Eldiss Eldon Eldred Ellard Elmo Elric Elwood Elyas Elys Elysar Emerick Emmon Emmond Emmett Emrick Endehar Endrew Eon Erich Erik Erreck Erren Errold Erryk Ethan Euron Eustace Eyron Farlen Fennesz Fergon Fergus Ferrego Florian Forrest Forley Franklyn Fredo Gaemon Gage Galbart Gared Gargon Garlan Galyeon Garth Gareth Garibald Garin Garlan Garrison Garse Gascoyne Gawen Gedmund Gelmarr Gendry George Geremy Gerold Gerrick Gerris Gevin Gilbert Gilwood Glendon Godric Godry Gormon Gormond Goren Gowen Grazdan Grazhar Gregor Grenn Groleo Grover Gulian Gunthor Gurn Guyard Guymon Gwayne Gyldayn Gyles Gynir Haegon Hagen Haggon Hagon Haldon Halleck Hallis Halys Hamish Harkon Harlan Harmen Harmond Harmund Harmune Harrag Harras Harren Harrion Harrold Harwood Harwin Harwyn Harys Helman Henly Herman Herrock Herryk Hilmar Hizdahr Hobber Hodor Hotho Hothor Horas Horgan Horton Hosman Hosteen Hoster Hugh Hugo Hullen Humfrey Humphrey Huzhor Hyle Igon Illifer Illyrien Ilyn Imry Isembard Izembaro Jack Jacaerys Jacelyn Jaehaerys Jafer Jaime Jalabhar Jammos Janos Jaqen Jared Jaremy Jarl Jarman Jason Jasper Jate Jeffory Jeor Jeren Jhaqo Jhogo Joffrey John Jojen Jokin Jommo Jon Jonah Jonnel Jonos Jonothor Jorah Jore Joron Jory Joseran Joseth Josmyn Joss Josua Jothos Julian Jyck Karlon Karyl Kear Kedge Kemmett Kennos Kermit Kerwin Kevan Khorane Kirth Koss Kovarro Kraznys Kromm Kurleket Kyle Laenor Lancel Larence Laswell Lenwood Lenyl Leo Leobald Leslyn Lester Lewyn Lewys Leyton Lharys Lodos Lomas Lomys Lonnel Loras Lorent Loreth Lorimar Lorimas Lorimer Lorren Lothar Lucamore Lucas Lucan Lucantine Luceon Lucerys Lucias Lucifer Luco Luthor Luton Luwin Lyle Lyman Lymond Lyonel Lysandro Lysaro Mace Maekar Maegon Maegor Maelor Maelys Mago Malentine Mance Maladon Malcolm Malegorn Malthar Malwyn Mandon Manfrey Manfryd Maric Marillion Mark Maron Marq Marselen Marston Martyn Matarys Mathis Marwyn Maynard Medger Medrick Meldred Mellos Melwyn Mero Merrell Merrett Meribald Meryn Mervyn Mikken Mohor Mollander Monford Monfryd Monterys Moqorro Morden Moredo Moreo Morgan Morgarth Moribald Morrec Morros Mors Morton Mossador Murmison Mycah Mychel Myles Narbert Nestor Norbert Norjen Norman Norren Nyles Oberyn Ollidor Olyvar Omer Ondrew Oppo Orbert Orland Ormund Orryn Orson Orton Orys Osbert Oscar Osgood Osfryd Osmund Osney Osric Ossifer Oswald Othell Othgar Otto Owen Oznak Parmen Pate Patrek Paxter Peremore Perceon Perkin Petyr Philip Podrick Portifer Poul Prentys Pycelle Pykewood Pypar Qano Qarl Qarlton Qarro Qavo Qhored Qhorin Qhorwyn Qoren Qos Qotho Quellon Quence Quenton Quentyn Quhuru Quincy Qyburn Qyle Rafford Rakharo Ramsay Randyll Ravos Rayford Raylon Raymar Raymond Raymund Raynard Regenard Regis Rego Renfred Renly Rennick Reynard Reysen Rhaegar Rhaegel Rhaego Rhodry Rhogar Ricasso Richard Rickard Rickon Robar Robard Robb Robert Robett Robin Roderick Rodrik Rodwell Roger Roggon Rogin Rolfe Rolland Rolph Romny Ronald Ronard Ronnel Roone Roose Roryn Rossart Roy Royce Rufus Rugen Runcel Runciter Russell Rupert Ryam Ryben Rycherd Ryk Ryles Rymolf Ryon Saathos Salladhor Salloreon Samarro Samwell Sandor Sargoso Sawane Sebaston Selwyn Shagga Sharako Sherrit Sigfryd Sigorn Sigrin Simon Skahaz Skyte Stafford Stannis Stanton Steffar Steffon Sterven Stygg Sylas Symon Symond Syrio Talbert Talbot Tallad Terrance Terrence Thaddeus Theo Theobald Theodan Theomar Theomore Theon Therry Thoren Thormor Thoros Thurgood Timoth Timotty Tion Titus Timeon Timett Tobho Togarion Tommard Tommen Torghen Torgold Torman Tormo Toron Torrek Torren Torrhen Torwold Torwyn Tregar Tremond Tristifer Tristan Tormund Torres Torrhen Trystane Tybolt Tymor Tyrion Tyrek Tygett Tyler Tytos Tywin Ulf Uller Ulrick Umar Umfred Ummet Unwin Urek Urrathon Urreg Urrigon Urron Urzen Utherydes Uthor Vaegon Vaemond Valarr Valerion Varamyr Vardis Vargo Varly Varys Vayon Veron Vickon Victarion Viserys Vorian Vortimer Vylarr Walder Walderan Waldon Walgrave Wallace Walter Walton Walys Warryn Waymar Wendel Werlag Wex Wilbert Willam Willas Willem Willis Wolmer Wulfgar Wyland Wylis Wyman Wynton Yandel Yandry Yezzan Ygon Yohn Yorbert Yoren Yorick Yurkhaz Zachery


Female Names: Aelinor Aelora Aemma Aerea Aglantine Agnes Alanna Alannys Alarra Alayne Alayaya Alerie Alia Aliandra Alicent Alla Allyria Alyce Alys Alyse Alyssa Alysanne Alyx Amabel Amanda Amarei Amarylis Amarys Amerei Annara Anya Aregelle Argella Arianne Armeca Arra Arsa Arwaya Arwen Arwyn Arya Asha Ashara Assadora Baela Bandy Barba Barbrey Barra Barsena Beatrice Becca Belandra Bella Bellegere Bellena Bellenora Bellonara Beony Berena Bessa Beth Betha Bethany Beony Branda Brea Brella Brienne Calla Carellen Carolei Cassana Cassandra Cassella Catelyn Cedra Celia Cerelle Cerenna Cerissa Cersei Ceryse Chatana Chataya Chella Clarice Clarisse Corenna Corin Coryanne Craya Cyrenna Cynthea Cyrelle Dacey Daella Daena Daenaera Daenerys Daenora Daenys Daeryssa Daisy Dalla Dancy Danelle Darla Darlessa Deana Delena Della Delonne Denyse Deria Derwa Desmera Dirah Donella Donyse Dorcas Dorea Doreah Dorna Doshi Dyanna Eddara Edyth Elaena Eleanor Elenei Eleyna Elia Elinda Elinor Elissa Ella Ellaria Ellyn Elyana Emberlei Emilia Emma Emphyria Erena Ermesande Eroeh Esgred Ethelide Ezzara Falena Falia Falyse Fern Florence Floris Florys Frances Frenya Gael Galazza Gella Genna Gilliane Gilly Gretchel Grisel Gwenys Gwin Gwynesse Gwyneth Gysella Hali Hanna Harma Harra Hazel Hazzea Helaena Helicent Helya Henrietta Holly Hollys Hostella Irri Jaehaera Jaenara Janei Janeya Janna Janyce Jayde Jayne Jena Jennelyn Jennis Jenny Jessamyn Jeyne Jezhene Jhiqui Jirelle Joanna Jocasta Jocelyn Johanna Jonelle Jonquil Jorelle Joy Joyeuse Jyana Jyanna Jynessa Jyzene Karolyn Katrina Kayla Kella Kezmya Khiara Kiera Kinvara Kojja Kyra Lacey Laena Lanna Larissa Larra Layna Leana Lelia Lemore Leona Leonella Leonette Leyla Lia Liane Lianna Lily Lollys Loreza Lorra Lucinda Lyanna Lyarra Lyessa Lynara Lynora Lynesse Lyra Lysa Lysara Lythene Maege Maegelle Maerie Maisie Malazza Malora Mara Marei Margaery Margaret Margot Mariah Marilda Maris Marissa Mariya Marla Marna Marsella Martha Mary Marya Maryam Masha Matrice Meera Megette Megga Meha Mela Melantha Melara Melessa Meliana Melisandre Melissa Mellara Mellario Mellei Melony Meralyn Mercy Meredyth Meria Merianne Meris Mezzara Mhaegen Mina Minisa Mira Mirri Missandei Moelle Monica Morag Mordane Morgana Moriah Morna Morra Munda Mya Mylenda Myrmadora Myranda Myrcella Myrielle Myria Myriame Myrtle Mysaria Naerys Narha Nolla Nora Nymella Nymeria Nysterica Obara Obella Olene Olenna Ornela Osha Palla Patricia Penny Perra Perrianne Petra Pia Priscella Prudence Prunella Qezza Quaithe Ragwyle Randa Ravella Raya Regan Rhaella Rhaelle Rhaena Rhaenyra Rhaenys Rhea Rhialta Rhonda Robyn Roelle Rohanne Rosamund Rose Roslin Rowena Ryella Rylene Rylona Sabitha Saera Saffron Sallei Sally Samantha Sansa Sansara Sara Saranella Sarella Sarra Sarya Scolera Selyse Senelle Serena Serenei Serra Shae Shaena Shaera Sharis Sharna Sharra Shella Shiera Shierle Shireen Shyra Sybell Sylva Sylvenna Sylwa Taena Talea Talia Talisa Talla Tanda Tanselle Tansy Teela Teora Tess Theresa Thistle Trianna Tya Tyanna Tyene Tysha Tyshara Tyta Umma Unella Ursula Vaella Val Vala Valaena Valena Victaria Violante Violet Visenya Viserra Vivian Walda Wenda Wendeyne Willow Wylla Wynafrei Wynafryd Xanda Ygritte Yna Ynys Yrma Ysabel Ysilla Zahrina Zei Zhea Zhoe Zia


Noble Houses (note: some of these houses are extinct in the books): Algood Allyrion Ambrose Antaryon Appleton Arryn Ashford Baelish Ball Banefort Baratheon Bar-Emmon Bazanne Belgrave Belmore Bettley Bigglestone Blackbar Blackfyre Blackmyre Blacktyde Blackwood Blanetree Blount Boggs Bole Bolton Borrell Botley Bracken Branch Branfield Brax Breakstone Briar Bridges Brightstone Broome Brownhill Brune Buckler Buckwell Bulwer Burley Bush Bushy Butterwell Byrch Bywater Cafferen Cargyll Caron Cassel Casterly Caswell Cave Cerwyn Celtigar Chambers Charlton Chelsted Chester Chyttering Clegane Clifton Cobb Cockshaw Coldwater Cole Condon Conklyn Connington Corbray Cordwayner Costayne Cox Crabb Crakehall Crane Cray Crayne Cressey Crowl Cupps Cuy Dalt Dargood Darke Darklyn Darkwood Darry Dayne Deddings Doggett Dondarrion Donnerly Donniger Drinkwater Drox Drumm Dryland Dunn Dunwell Durrandon Durwell Dustin Dutton Edgerton Egen Elesham Eraz Erenford Errol Estermont Estren Falwell Farring Farman Farwynd Fell Fenn Ferren Fisher Flint Florent Follard Forrester Foote Footly Fossoway Fowler Foxglove Fregar Frey Frost Gardener Gargalen Garner Gaunt Glenmore Glover Goodbrook Goodbrother Goode Gower Graceford Grafton Grandison Graves Greenfield Greengood Grell Greyiron Greyjoy Grimm Groves Haen Haigh Hamell Harclay Hardyng Harlaw Harroway Harte Hasty Hastwyck Hawick Hawthorne Hayford Heddle Hetherspoon Hersy Hightower Hoare Hoat Hogg Hollard Holt Hornwood Hook Horpe Humble Hunt Hutcheson Inchfield Ironmaker Ironsmith Jast Jordayne Justman Karstark Keath Kettleblack Kellington Kenning Kidwell Knott Kyndall Ladybright Lake Langward Lannister Lansdale Lantell Leek Lefford Leygood Liddle Lightfoot Lipps Locke Lohar Lolliston Long Longthorpe Longwaters Lonmouth Lorch Lothston Lowther Lyberr Lychester Lydden Lynderly Magnar Mallery Mallister Manderly Manwoody Marbrand Marsh Martell Massey Melcolm Merlyn Merreq Merryweather Mertyns Middlebury Mollen Moore Mooton Mopatis Moreland Mormont Morrigen Moss Mudd Mullendore Musgood Myatt Myre Nakloz Naqqan Nayland Netley Norcross Norrey Norridge Nutt Oakheart Oldflowers Orkwood Orme Osgrey Otherys Overton Paege Pahl Payne Peake Peasebury Peat Peckledon Pemford Penrose Perryn Piper Plumm Pommingham Poole Potter Prestayn Prester Pryor Pyne Qo Qoherys Qorgyle Quagg Quazzar Rambton Rankenfell Redbeard Redfort Redwyne Reed Reyaan Reyne Rhysling Risley Rodden Rogare Rollingford Roote Rosby Rowan Roxton Royce Ruskyn Ruthermont Ruttiger Ryder Ryger Rykker Ryswell Saan Saltcliffe Santagar Sarsfield Sarwyck Sawyer Scales Seaworth Selmy Serrett Serry Shawney Shell Shepherd Shermer Shett Slate Sloane Slynt Smallwood Spicer Stackhouse Stackspear Staedmon Stane Stark Stokeworth Stonehouse Stonetree Stout Strong Sunderland Sunderly Suggs Sunglass Swann Sweet Swyft Swygert Tallhart Tarbeck Targaryen Tarly Tarth Tawney Teague Templeton Terrick Thenn Thorne Toland Tollett Torrent Towers Toyne Trant Tudbury Tully Turnberry Tyrell Uffering Uller Upcliff Vaith Vance Varner Velaryon Vikary Volmark Vypren Vyrwel Wagstaff Waterman Waxley Wayn Waynwood Weatherwax Weaver Webber Wendwater Wells Wensington Westerling Westbrook Westford Whent Whitehill Willum Wode Woodfoot Woodhull Woods Woodwright Woolfield Wull Wydman Wyl Wylde Wynch Wythers Xaq Xho Yarwyck Yelshire Yew Yronwood Zhak Zherzyn 


“Baseborn” Surnames: Flowers Hill Pyke Rivers Sand Snow Stone Waters


#2 Kinola


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Posted 29 October 2021 - 01:30 PM

Husband: Lord Walys Mallister of Seagard

Wife: Lady Eleanor Smallwood Mallister (of Acorn Hall)


Son: Joffrey Mallister

Son: Theomar Mallister

Daughter: Cerissa Mallister

Daughter: Barbrey Mallister


Son: Lord Joffrey Mallister

Wife: Lady Perrianne Upcliff Mallister (of Witch Isle)


-Son: Otto Mallister

—Wife: Teela Ruttiger Mallister (of the Westerlands)

—Son: Horton Mallister

——Wife: Jeyne Merryweather Mallister (of Longtable)

——Daughter: Frenya Mallister

——Daughter: Ethelide Mallister

——Son: Lucan Mallister

—Daughter: Mordane Mallister Stonetree

——Husband: Paxter Stonetree of Harlaw

——Son: Horton Stonetree

——Son: Olyvar Stonetree

——Daughter: Alys Stonetree

——Son: Kerwin Stonetree

—Son: Martyn Mallister

——Wife: Palla Egen Mallister (of the Vale of Arryn)

——Son: Jared Mallister

——Daughter: Alanna Mallister

——Daughter: Layna Mallister

——Son: Benjicot Mallister

——Son: Vardis Mallister


-Daughter: Gilliane Mallister Gaunt

—Husband: Jon Gaunt of the Crownlands

—Daughter: Eddara Gaunt Crayne 

——Husband: Garlan Crayne of the Vale of Arryn

——Son: Jasper Crayne 

——Son: Joffrey Crayne

—Daughter: Wylla Gaunt

——Baseborn Son: Daegon Waters

——Husband: Warryn Moreland of the Westerlands

——Son: Jon Moreland

——Daughter: Sarella Moreland


-Son: Guyard Mallister 

—Wife: Mira Penrose Mallister (of Parchments)

—Son: Robert Mallister

——Paramour: Sylvenna Lohar of Lys

——Baseborn Daughter: Aelinor Lohar

——Baseborn Son: Walys Lohar

——Baseborn Son: Thoros Lohar

—Daughter: Ceryse Mallister Durwell

——Husband: Damon Durwell of the Reach

——Son: Jason Durwell

——Son/Son: Mycah & Janos Durwell

——Daughter: Mira Durwell

—Daughter: Lia Mallister Pommingham

——Husband: Aladale Pommingham of the Reach

——Son: Eddard Pommingham

——Son: Hothor Pommingham

—Daughter: Marissa Mallister Hastwyck 

——Husband: Unwin Hastwyck of the Reach

——Son: Gawen Hastwyck

——Son: Timotty Hastwyck

——Daughter: Wylla Hastwyck

——Son: Argoth Hastwyck 


Son: Theomar Mallister

Wife: Catelyn Mooton Mallister (of Maidenpool)


-Son: Wilbert Mallister

—Wife: Teora Cole Mallister (of the Dornish Marches in the Stormlands)

—Daughter: Mellei Mallister Rhysling

——Husband: Peremore Rhysling of the Reach

——Daughter: Margaery Rhysling

——Daughter: Arwyn Rhysling

——Son: Samwell Rhysling

—Daughter: Eleanor Mallister Stokeworth

——Husband: Mathis Stokeworth of Castle Stokeworth 

——Son: Garin Stokeworth

——Daughter: Jennelyn Stokeworth

——Son: Theomar Stokeworth

—Son: Humfrey Mallister 

——Wife: Sallei Pemford Mallister (of the Riverlands)

——Son: Walton Mallister

——Daughter: Jonquil Mallister

——Daughter: Desmera Mallister

——Son: Dorian Mallister

——Son: Casso Mallister

——Daughter: Sabitha Mallister


-Son: Emmett Mallister

—Wife: Celia Paege Mallister (of the Riverlands)

—Daughter: Randa Mallister Allyrion

——Husband: Gascoyne Allyrion of Godsgrace

——Husband’s Baseborn Son: Maegor Sand

——Husband’s Baseborn Daughter: Baela Sand

——Son: Daemion Allyrion

——Daughter: Visenya Allyrion

——Son: Rhaegar Allyrion

—Daughter: Zhoe Mallister Crakehall

——Husband: Addam Crakehall of Crakehall

——Daughter: Celia Crakehall

——Daughter: Jeyne Crakehall

——Son: Rogin Crakehall

——Daughter: Perrianne Crakehall


-Daughter: Beatrice Mallister Locke

—Husband: Torrhen Locke of Oldcastle

—Son: Merrett Locke

——Wife: Larra Goodbrother Locke (of Hammerhorn)

——Son: Benedar Locke

——Son: Cregan Locke

——Son: Haldon Locke

——Daughter: Arya Locke

——Daughter: Minisa Locke

——Son: Walter Locke

—Daughter: Sansa Locke Harlaw

——Husband: Drako Harlaw of Ten Towers

——Son: Alaric Harlaw

——Son: Torrhen Harlaw

——Daughter/Daughter: Falena & Dorcas Harlaw

——Daughter: Rylona Harlaw

—Son: Martyn Locke

——Wife: Unella Bettley Locke (of the Westerlands)

——Daughter: Cersei Locke

——Daughter: Joanna Locke

——Daughter: Melessa Locke

—Son: Bayard Locke

——Baseborn Son: Podrick Snow

——Wife: Senelle Bushy Locke (of the Reach)

——Daughter: Valena Locke

——Daughter: Gwyneth Locke

—Daughter: Allyria Locke Lipps

——Husband: Jarman Lipps of the Vale of Arryn

——Son: Elric Lipps

——Daughter: Beatrice Lipps

——Daughter: Lyessa Lipps 

——Son: Talbot Lipps


-Daughter: Eleyna Mallister Peckledon 

—Husband: Marston Peckledon of the Westerlands

—Son: Luwin Peckledon

——Wife: Janyce Lefford Peckledon (of the Golden Tooth)

——Daughter: Catelyn Lefford

——Daughter: Prudence Lefford

——Daughter: Myrielle Lefford

—Son: Gwayne Peckledon 

——Wife: Lysa Banefort Peckeldon (of Banefort)

——Son: Lorimar Peckeldon

——Daughter: Cerissa Peckledon

——Daughter: Assadora Peckledon

——Son: Rickard Peckledon

——Daughter: Floris Peckledon


Daughter: Cerissa Mallister Overton

Husband: Myles Overton of the North


-Daughter: Valena Overton Hornwood

—Husband: Marwyn Hornwood of Hornwood

—Son: Myles Hornwood

——Wife: Martha Branfield Hornwood (of the North)

——Daughter: Jennis Hornwood

——Daughter: Arsa Hornwood

——Daughter/Son: Shaena & Selwyn Hornwood

—Son: Benjen Hornwood

——Wife: Tyta Grafton Hornwood (of Gulltown)

——Wife’s Baseborn Daughter: Ryella Stone

——Son: Jon Hornwood

——Son: Domeric Hornwood

——Daughter: Cedra Hornwood

——Daughter: Sarra Hornwood

——Son: Andrey Hornwood

—Son: Robb Hornwood

——Wife: Morna Dutton Hornwood (of the Vale of Arryn)

——Son: Wyman Hornwood

——Daughter: Barbrey Hornwood

—Son: Edwyle Hornwood

——Wife: Talla Marsh Hornwood (of the North)

——Daughter: Alannys Hornwood 

——Son: Philip Hornwood

——Son: Rodwell Hornwood


-Son: Raymar Overton

—Wife: Coryanne Musgood Overton (of the Stormlands)

—Daughter: Alicent Overton Fenn

——Husband: Luthor Fenn of the Neck

——Son: Petyr Fenn

——Son: Walys Fenn

——Daughter: Emberlei Fenn

—Daughter: Falia Overton Longthorpe

——Husband: Argrave Longthorpe of Longsister

——Son: Jasper Longthorpe

——Daughter: Lysa Longthorpe

——Daughter: Coryanne Longthorpe

——Son: Trystane Longthorpe


-Son: Manfrey Overton

—Wife: Morgana Condon Overton (of the North)

—Daughter: Rhonda Overton Mormont

——Husband: Paxter Mormont of Bear Isle 

——Son/Daughter: Lyonel & Lyarra Mormont

——Son: Gelmarr Mormont

——Son: Kevan Mormont

—Daughter: Elissa Overton Shermer

——Husband: Mace Shermer of Smithyton 

——Daughter: Emilia Shermer

——Daughter: Ysilla Shermer

——Daughter: Chatana Shermer

——Son: Morton Shermer

——Son: Cedrik Shermer

——Son: Kyle Shermer

—Daughter: Harma Overton Stane

——Husband: Walderan Stane of Driftwood Hall

——Daughter: Kayla Stane

——Son: Manfrey Stane

——Daughter: Leonella Stane

—Son: Umfred Overton

——Baseborn Daughter: Morgana Snow

——Baseborn Daughter: Barbrey Snow

—Son: Rodrik Overton

——Wife: Marissa Lyberr Overton (of the Reach)

——Daughter: Dalla Overton

——Daughter: Elinor Overton

——Son: Allard Overton


-Son: Edric Overton 

—Wife: Walda Vypren Overton (of the Riverlands)

—Daughter: Cerenna Overton Sloane

——Husband: Tommen Sloane of the Reach

——Daughter: Yrma Sloane

——Son: Warryn Sloane

——Son: Benedar Sloane

——Daughter: Alys Sloane

—Son: Torwyn Overton

——Wife: Perra Manderly Overton (of White Harbor)

——Daughter: Tanselle Overton

——Son: Ulrick Overton

——Son/Son: Endrew & Elwood Overton


Daughter: Barbrey Mallister Jordayne

Husband: Thaddeus Jordayne of the Tor


-Daughter: Nymeria Jordayne Manwoody

—Husband: Rossart Manwoody of Kingsgrave

—Son: Titus Manwoody

——Wife: Cassella Edgerton Manwoody (of the Crownlands)

——Daughter: Elia Manwoody

——Daughter: Barra Manwoody

——Son: Rego Manwoody

——Son: Mycah Manwoody

—Son: Ebrose Manwoody

——Wife: Mysaria Drumm Manwoody (of Old Wyk)

——Son: Thaddeus Manwoody

——Daughter: Chataya Manwoody

——Daughter: Pia Manwoody


-Daughter: Ornela Jordayne Estermont

—Husband: Victarion Estermont of Greenstone

—Daughter: Frenya Estermont Grandison

——Husband: Utherydes Grandison of Grandview

——Son: Gilwood Grandison

——Daughter: Marilda Grandison

——Son: Joffrey Grandison

——Son: Nyles Grandison

——Daughter: Ornela Grandison

——Son: Damon Grandison

——Daughter: Hostella Grandison

—Son: Gwayne Estermont

——Wife: Desmera Rosby Estermont (of Rosby)

——Daughter: Roslin Estermont

——Son: Rolland Estermont

——Son: Renly Estermont

——Son: Runcel Estermont 

—Daughter: Obara Estermont Fossoway

——Husband: Jafer Fossoway of New Barrel

——Baseborn Son: Jason Flowers  

——Son: Victarion Fossoway 

——Son: Robin Fossoway

——Daughter/Daughter: Rylene & Rhaelle Fossoway

—Daughter: Tyanna Estermont Mollen

——Husband: Jeor Mollen of the North

——Daughter: Lysa Mollen

——Son: Gwayne Mollen

——Son: Argilac Mollen


-Daughter: Alyssa Jordayne Morrigen

—Husband: Stannis Morrigen of Crow’s Nest

—Daughter: Dyanna Morrigen

——Husband: Horgan Farwynd of Sealskin Point

——Daughter: Asha Farwynd

——Daughter: Naerys Farwynd

——Daughter: Palla Farwynd

—Son: Qyle Morrigen

——Wife: Beony Heddle Morrigen (of the Riverlands)

——Daughter: Gella Morrigen

——Son: Gyldayn Morrigen

——Son: Eustace Morrigen


-Son: Duncan Jordayne

—Wife: Dorea Blackwood Jordayne (of Raventree Hall)

—Daughter: Marya Jordayne Buckwell

——Husband: Ethan Buckwell of the Antlers

——Daughter: Saranella Buckwell

——Son: Ilyn Buckwell

——Son: Duncan Buckwell

——Son: Jasper Buckwell

——Daughter: Elyana Buckwell

—Son: Selwyn Jordayne

——Wife: Wenda Drox Jordayne (of the Westerlands)

——Daughter: Sansara Jordayne

——Son: Jaime Jordayne

——Son: Daeron Jordayne

—Son: Osbert Jordayne

——Baseborn Son: Runciter Sand

——Baseborn Daughter: Lyra Sand

——Wife: Meliana Stackspear Jordayne (of the Westerlands)

——Daughter: Trianna Jordayne 

——Daughter: Irri Jordayne

—Daughter: Delena Jordayne Rollingford

——Husband: Leslyn Rollingford of the Crownlands

——Son: Benethon Rollingford

——Son: Jate Rollingford

——Daughter: Qezza Rollingford

——Son: Qhorin Rollingford

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: game of thrones, kinola, a song of ice and fire, namebank, long

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