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Can Michael be a girls name ???

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#1 Peacebewithyou


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 08:41 AM

do you think that Michael can be a girls name ??? and i dont mean Michaela
do you have any ways of spelling Michael to make it look more feminine or do you think it cant be a girls name ??

#2 AutumnRose99


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:47 AM

It can totally be a girl's name. How about losing the and having it as 'Michal'?

#3 Remy Hadley

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:02 PM

I'm sorry.... but NO. Michael for a girl is as bad as Thomas or Henry or Alexander or Charles or Zachary on a girl :) or equal to Alice or Katherine or Isabel on a boy ;) Its all round full out masculine to me, no offense! <3 Like I hear Michael and I think of a burly strong and handsome boy<3

Also, I think it'd be really hard for a girl to be called Michael, with it in the top 5 most popular names for boys... for over 20 years :L Or at least I think its been over 20 years. Making it fully established as all boy<3

I have seen Michel on a girl though, in the bible. King Saul's daughters name is Michel, which my church pronounces like Michael, but a lot of churches pronounce it MEE-shell or like Michelle.

I'm sorry, and I really hope none of this comes off as offensive! I just honestly can't fathom the name Michael on a girl :)

#4 ShannonElizabeth


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:08 PM

I personally don't think Michael can be used on a girl either.

It's all boy to me. But that might be because my dads middle name is Michael, and my sister is naming her son Michael.

Anyway, it's just my opinion. <3

#5 Peacebewithyou


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:11 PM

I'm sorry.... but NO. Michael for a girl is as bad as Thomas or Henry or Alexander or Charles or Zachary on a girl :) or equal to Alice or Katherine or Isabel on a boy ;) Its all round full out masculine to me, no offense! <3 Like I hear Michael and I think of a burly strong and handsome boy<3

Also, I think it'd be really hard for a girl to be called Michael, with it in the top 5 most popular names for boys... for over 20 years :L Or at least I think its been over 20 years. Making it fully established as all boy<3

I have seen Michel on a girl though, in the bible. King Saul's daughters name is Michel, which my church pronounces like Michael, but a lot of churches pronounce it MEE-shell or like Michelle.

I'm sorry, and I really hope none of this comes off as offensive! I just honestly can't fathom the name Michael on a girl :)

it alright !!! the reason i was asking was because my mom was watching supernanny and there was a girl called Michael on it and i thought it was interesting but a bit wierd and wanted to see what you thought of it on a girl

#6 Remy Hadley

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:15 PM

Alright, I'm glad you don't take it badly! ;) But huh, thats peculiar! I kinda want to see a girl names Michael though... and like, as them about how they feel of their name and all :) It is very interesting... even if I dislike it so much lol <3

#7 AutumnRose99


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:17 PM

it alright !!! the reason i was asking was because my mom was watching supernanny and there was a girl called Michael on it and i thought it was interesting but a bit wierd and wanted to see what you thought of it on a girl

I saw that episode this morning and they spelt it Michal, I quite like it but prefer it on a boy

#8 PaperHeart


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 01:04 PM

Stupid question, but were they middle-eastern?
Michal {PRN. Mih-al, the 'H' being that throaty sound I can't describe...} is a common name in Israel and Jewish culture. I know quite a few, though they tend to be over 15 nowadays.

Michael or Micha {Again, the throaty "H"} on a boy, Michal on a girl. Here it's a female name, not unisex like a lot of our names tend to be.
I COULD see Micah {& Mika} on a girl.

Michael on a girl though, {prn. Mike-all} isn't for me. Makes me think of the way Michael Jackson decided to honour himself in his daughter's name and named her Paris Michael. OR Princess Michael of Kent. But otherwise, it's a no-go for me.
My step-dad's name is Michael and sister's boyfriend's mn is... so I suppose I see it as a DUDE kind of name.

#9 -Regan<3


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 03:35 PM

For a short answer NO!

Micah maybe for Michael no

#10 -TebowTime-


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 05:17 PM

I've heard Michael on a girl, but NO. One of my favorite BOY's names is Michael.

#11 alyssa897


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 09:43 PM

I agree with Hayden. Michael would be really weird on a girl. I think if it was paired with Ann or Jo it would be acceptable like Michael Ann or Michael Jo (as a first name). I was almost named Michael Ann after my biological father. Thank goodness that never happened (for a number of reasons). Other than that I don't like it for a girl at all.

#12 Starlight


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 07:02 PM

No, no, no, no, no!
I see it as a totally 100% Boys name. :wub:

#13 Michael720


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 02:42 PM

Yes, it most certainly can. I have it and don't even have a middle name to accompany it. I think it works best if there is a good reason behind the name. As for me, it was a typo from my father because he was unsure how to write it. Since I was in P.R., this was never an issue since they pronounce every letter. It was when I came to the states that I found out it was mainly a male name.
It is a great ice breaker when meeting new people. Although I've encountered a really dumb person in my life, I would not change it for the world. I have continued the use of this name through my daughter but as a middle name. She loves it and can't imagine having anything different. So again, it depends on the reason you have to name a girl Michael.
I realize this post is old but it's never too late to share some insight. Coming from the other side of the coin, I felt I should share how I feel about my name. I totally respect everyones thought process, though.

#14 ABR


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 10:11 AM

It's my little sister's middle name and she hates it with every fiber of her being. I wouldn't recommend it.

#15 GravitonX


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Posted 28 January 2019 - 02:44 PM

I'm a guy, and I think the name 'Michael' for a girl would be super cool, but maybe because I might be biased towards boy names.

Incidentally, and I hope this doesn't come off as too sexist, but I think a girl with the name 'Michael' would be taken more seriously than a girl name 'Michelle."  That might be a consideration if you are one of those people who believe one's name sets one up for success.  I mean which name would YOU expect to be the name of a CEO...

#16 brimariiee


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Posted 03 February 2019 - 08:54 PM

I'm a guy, and I think the name 'Michael' for a girl would be super cool, but maybe because I might be biased towards boy names.
Incidentally, and I hope this doesn't come off as too sexist, but I think a girl with the name 'Michael' would be taken more seriously than a girl name 'Michelle."  That might be a consideration if you are one of those people who believe one's name sets one up for success.  I mean which name would YOU expect to be the name of a CEO...

It is completely sexist to say that and for you to bump a ghost thread just to bring your sexist views in here is disgusting.
I'd hire Michael OR Michelle as CEO. Because it depends on the person, not what's in their pants. That has no bearing on the job.

#17 brimariiee


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Posted 03 February 2019 - 08:59 PM

And I know this post is old but I opened it to say something so I'll throw it up here anyway.

The Bates family (Duggar sized, friends with them, has a tv show) has a daughter named Michael Christian. Idk the story behind giving their daughter a masculine first and middle name but she, understandably, goes by Michaela as well.

#18 kwatts59


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Posted 08 March 2019 - 03:26 PM

Michael can be a girls name. There is a Michael Webber who was a brilliant doctoral student at UNLV. See her link below.




#19 Mr.Sunshine


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Posted 10 January 2021 - 06:22 PM

No,No,No,No,No, Never!!!! I'm a male with the name Dion and it was a pure nightmare growing up with that name in the 80's. Everything changed after the athlete Dion Sanders became a celebrity but before him the only person that anyone knew with that name was the Solid Gold host Dionne Warwick. In school everyone asked me continually why my parents gave me a girl's name. Before Dion Sanders became a celebrity I could just as well have been named Sue like the Johnny Cash song. My Mom said she named me after the oldies band Dion and the Belmonts but by the 80's and 90's no-one had heard of that band. The bullying throughout my school years was continual and intense. Please, never put your children through what I had deal with. Everything is different now that Dion Sanders is well known but that doesn't remove the damage done during childhood. I hated my parents for naming me that. Don't put your kid through hell just to make a little statement. Just don't do it! I know from personal experience!

#20 .:alexandra:.


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Posted 13 January 2021 - 09:29 PM

Any name can be a girls or a boys name. I think having the name Michael as a girl would be really cool. You could pair it with the nickname Mickie or Micah. You could even get away with the nickname Maia. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I personally wouldn't really think much of it if I met a girl named Michael.

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