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Years of Your Life dice game, Part 1/5 (first 13 years)

dice game part 1

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#1 Remy Hadley

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 11:41 AM

This will be a 5 part series. Part 1 will be years 0-13, Part 2 will be years 14-18, Part 3 will be years 19-40, Part 4 will be years 41-60, and Part 5 will be years 61-80. Of course you can discontinue anywhere along the lines but the option to continue will be there.  :blush: 


Here's your dice: https://www.wizards....d/dice/dice.htm


Roll the dice to determine what happens each year. You can choose whether you want one or two life events to happen per year. It's your choice how detailed you want to be. Since major changes happen every year while we're young, I'm making separate Life Event sections for different stages of life. You can add things like whether they attend preschool and kindergarten before 1st grade, whether there's graduation ceremonies at their schools, etc (those sorts of details are more set per age rather than dice game format  :lol: ) 


Year 1 will be creating your parents, determining whether you have older siblings, and creating you! You can decide the sex/gender of your parents and what they look like. Use the Name section to pick their names.


Next, we'll determine if you have older siblings with a 6 sided dice: (you will decide whether they are adopted or biological) 


1. You have one older sibling 

2. You are the first baby 

3. You have two older siblings 

4. You are the first baby 

5. You have one older sibling 

6. You choose. 


Now, let's create you! Use the Name section to pick your name. Use any dice to determine your appearance (hair, eyes, skin tone). Odd numbers will mean you resemble parent 1 and even numbers will mean you resemble parent 2. 


For the next years, use the dice to pick Life Events. 




Name (roll a 20 sided dice) 

1. First letter is the same as the first letter of a parent.  
2. A name with a double letter (ie Elliott, Camille, Anne, Reese) 
3. You choose. 
4. The name honors a relative in some manner. 
5. First letter is the same as the first letter of the surname. 
6. Name honors a favorite childhood book or movie. 
7. The name ends with a consonant. 
8. The name is unisex or has a unisex nickname possibility. 
9. A nature name or a name that has a nature related meaning. 
10. 6 letter long name. 
11. A top 50 baby name according to the most recent SSA baby names list. 
12. An animal name or a name with an animal meaning. 
13. A word name (includes nature words, inspirational words, etc) 
14. A 2-4 letter name. 
15. Baby name containing the letter O. 
16. A winter related baby name. 
17. A name relating to the space or the sky. 
18. 3+ syllable name. 
19. A name related to science or scientists. 
20. Old fashioned name. 


Life Events: Years 0-5 (roll a 20 sided dice) 


1. You make a friend. What is their name? (you can choose whatever you'd like)  

2. You meet (a) developmental milestone(s) early! What were they? 

3. You attend a big family gathering.  

4. You are diagnosed with an allergy. What are you allergic to? How much does this alter your life? 

5. Your family gains a new pet! What type of animal is it? What do you name it? 

6. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
7. You are diagnosed as Deaf! Do you have Deaf family members to connect to? Does your family already know sign language? 
8. Your parents discover you have a talent! What is it? Do you enjoy it? 
9. You meet (a) developmental milestone(s) late. Are your parents or doctors concerned? Does it end up being nothing or something? 
10. You break a bone! Which one and how did it happen? 
11. Your family goes on vacation. Where do you go? Do you enjoy it? 
12. Your parents are having marital problems. Roll a dice to determine whether they remain together or separate with even being staying and odd being separation. 
13. Your parent goes back to work! Do you go to daycare? Do you have a nanny? Do your parents alternate schedules to watch you? 
14. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
15. Your parent joins a “mummy and me” class/ meeting. Do you make any baby/toddler friends? What kind of get together is it? 
16. You are diagnosed with a neurodiversity! Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc. For reference, ADHD can be diagnosed as young as 4, Autism as young as 18 months, Hyperlexia as young as 18 months, and Dyscalculia/Dysgraphia/Dyslexia/Synesthesia cannot be diagnosed until elementary ages]
17. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
18. If your parents are separated, one of your parents is getting remarried! How do you feel about it? Will you gain any bonus/step siblings? If your parents are still together, they are separating. 
19. You lose a loved one. Who is it? Are you old enough to understand? How do you handle it?  
20. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
Life Events: Years 6-9 (roll a 4 sided dice then a 10 sided dice) 
1.1. This year, you have an amazing teacher! What about her made your school year amazing? What was her name? 
1.2. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
1.3. You break a bone! Which one and how did it happen? 
1.4. You have a surprise party! Were you surprised? Did you love it? 
1.5. Your family moves to a new city! Which city? How do you feel about it? 
1.6. You try out for a sports team but you were rejected. Which sport? How do you handle this rejection? 
1.7. You discover you have a talent! What is it? Do you enjoy it? 
1.8. You are diagnosed with selective mutism. Do you acquire a communication device? Do you learn sign language? How do your loved ones accommodate and support you? 
1.9. You learn how to swim! 
1.10. You get an awful hair cut! Is it able to be fixed or do you have to wait for your hair to grow out? How do you handle this? 
2.1. Your family gains a pet! What kind of animal is it? What do you name it? 
2.2. You lose a loved one. Who is it? How are you effected? 
2.3. You get invited to a birthday party! 
2.4. You are diagnosed with an allergy. What are you allergic to? How much does this alter your life? 
2.5. You discover a favorite book series. Which one is it? 
2.6. You get in a fight at school! Did you instigate? Were you defending yourself? Were you defending a classmate? Did the school resolve it satisfactorily? 
2.7. You make a friend! What is their name? (your choice) 
2.8. Your family takes a road trip! Where to? Do you enjoy it? 
2.9. You join an after school club. 
2.10. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them] 
3.1. Your sibling is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease. What is it? How long will it take to recover? Or will it be a life long illess/disease? How do you handle this news? 
3.2. Your family takes a vacation. Where to? 
3.3. You join an after school sport. What sport is it? 
3.4. You have a most/least favorite class/subject. Why?  
3.5. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
3.6. You attend a big family gathering. 
3.7. You are diagnosed with a neurodiversity! Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc]  
3.8. You are sent to the principals office at school. Your parents are called in. What happened? 
3.9. You learn how to play a musical instrument. Which one? 
3.10. If your parents are separated, one of your parents is getting remarried! How do you feel about it? Will you gain any bonus/step siblings? 
4.1. You learn to ride something with wheels! What did you learn to ride? (Bicycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc). 
4.2. You get to redecorate your room! Do you choose a theme? What does it now look like? 
4.3. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
4.4. You move to a new country. Which one/where to? How do you feel about it? Is it temporary or permanent? 
4.5. Your family goes on vacation! Where to? 
4.6. You come out as LGBTQ+. How do your loved ones react? 
4.7. Your parents are having marital problems. Roll a dice to determine whether they remain together or separate with even being staying and odd being separation. 
4.8. This year, you have an awful teacher. Are you able to switch teachers? Do things begin getting better? 
4.9. You dye your hair a fun color! What color do you choose? 
4.10. You lose a best friend. 
Life Events: 10-13 (roll a 4 sided dice then a 10 sided dice)  
1.1. You go on a school trip! Where to? Was it fun? 
1.2. You join a sport! Which one? 
1.3. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
1.4. Your family takes a vacation. Where to? 
1.5. You get in a fight at school! Did you instigate? Were you defending yourself? Were you defending a classmate? Did the school resolve it satisfactorily? 
1.6. You are diagnosed with an allergy. What are you allergic to? How much does this alter your life? 
1.7. Your parents are having marital problems. Roll a dice to determine whether they remain together or separate with even being staying and odd being separation.  
1.8. You dye your hair a fun color! Which one do you choose? 
1.9. You get invited to a birthday party! 
1.10. You experience an injury that disables you for a period of time. What happened? How are things changing for you?  
2.1. You have a surprise party! Were you surprised? Did you love it? 
2.2. You are diagnosed with a neurodiversity! Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc]  
2.3. Your family takes a road trip! Where do you go? 
2.4. You break a bone! Which one and how did it happen? 
2.5. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
2.6. You move to a new country. Which one/where at? How do you feel about it? 
2.7. Your sibling is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease. What is it? How long will it take to recover? Or will it be a life long illess/disease? How do you handle this news? 
2.8. You try out for a team sport but were rejected. What sport? How do you handle the rejection? 
2.9. You join an after school club! Which one? 
2.10. This year, you have an amazing teacher! What about her made your school year amazing? What is her name? (your choice) 
3.1. Your family moves to a new city. Where? How do you feel about the move? 
3.2. You make a friend. Whats their name? 
3.3. If your parents are separated, one of your parents is getting remarried! How do you feel about it? Will you gain any bonus/step siblings? 
3.4. You have a most/least favorite class/subject. Which one? 
3.5. Your family gains a pet. What kind of animal? What do you name it? 
3.6. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
3.7. Your family takes a vacation. Where to? 
3.8. You come out as LGBTQ+. How do your loved ones respond? 
3.9. You lose a close friend. What happened? 
3.10. You discover a favorite book series! Which one is it? 
4.1. You gain a new sibling! [use Baby Related Events to determine the sex of baby and whether there's multiples. Use Name section to name them]
4.2. You learn to ride something with wheels! What did you learn to ride? (Bicycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc)  
4.3. You lose a loved one. Who was it? Were you close? 
4.4. You are diagnosed with selective mutism! Do you acquire a communication device? Do you learn sign language? How do your loved ones accommodate and support you? 
4.5. You experience an injury that permanently disables you. What happened? How will life change to accommodate this? 
4.6. You learn a musical instrument. Which one? 
4.7. This year, you have an awful teacher. Are you able to switch teachers? Do things begin getting better?  
4.8. You have a weekend getaway with just you and one of your parents. Where did you two go? 
4.9. You discover you have a talent! What is it? Do you enjoy it? 
4.10. Your family takes a vacation! Where to? 
Baby Related Events (Roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll multiples, roll the dice again to determine the sex of each baby. Even will be girl and odd will be boy)
1. Baby boy 
2. Baby girl 
3. Baby boy 
4. Baby girl 
5. Twins 
6. Baby boy 
7. Baby girl 
8. Baby boy 
9. Twins 
10. Triplets 
11. Baby girl 
12. Baby girl 
13. Baby boy 
14. Baby girl 
15. Baby boy 
16. Twins 
17. Baby boy 
18. Baby girl 
19. Twins 
20. Baby girl 



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#2 brimariiee


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Posted 02 May 2021 - 09:31 PM

DH: Matthew Howard Hart [42; brown hair and blue eyes]
DW: Viola Monroe Hart (nee Dodger) [40; blonde hair and green eyes]

DD: Anna Monroe Hart [12;  blonde hair and blue eyes]

DS: Robin 'Robbie' Howard Hart [11; blonde hair and blue eyes]

DD/DD: Arielle Caroline Hart and Holly Mae Hart [9; brown hair and blue eyes/brown hair and green eyes]

DD: Daisy Quinn Hart [8; blonde hair and green eyes]
DS: Peyton August Hart [3, brown hair and blue eyes]


Year 1: Anna Monroe Hart is born to 28 year old Viola Monroe Hart (nee Dodger) and 30 year old Matthew Howard Hart. Matthew has brown hair and blue eyes and Viola has blonde hair and green eyes, Anna is born with a little bit of both of them. Anna has Matthew's blue eyes and Viola's blonde hair. Anna is their first child. Viola is now a stay at home parent and Matthew is a graphic designer. The family lives in North Carolina.
Year 2: Matthew is 31, Viola is 29, and Anna is 1. Matthew is 31. A new baby boy is born into the family. His name is Robin Howard Hart but they call him Robbie. Robbie also has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Year 3: Matthew is 32, Viola is 30, Anna is 2, and Robbie is 1. They discover that Anna has an ant bite allergy. It is nothing too severe, just a minor annoyance and inconvenience. 
Year 4: Matthew is 33, Viola is 31, Anna is 3, and Robbie is 2. A new baby is born, or should I say babies. The family welcomes twin girls, Arielle Caroline Hart and Holly Mae Hart. Arielle takes completely after Matthew and has brown hair and blue eyes. Holly also has Matthew's brown hair but she has green eyes.
Year 5: Matthew is 34, Viola is 32, Anna is 4, Robbie is 3, and Arielle and Holly are 1. Anna is in preschool. The family continues to grow as they welcome their 4th baby girl, Daisy Quinn Hart. Daisy takes completely after Viola and has blonde hair and green eyes. 

Year 6: Matthew is 35, Viola is 33, Anna is 5, Robbie is 4, Arielle and Holly are 2, and Daisy is 1. Anna is in kindergarten and Robbie is in preschool. Anna learns how to swim this year with the help of Matthew.

Year 7: Matthew is 36, Viola is 34, Anna is 6, Robbie is 5, Arielle and Holly are 3, and Daisy is 2. Anna is in 1st grade and Robbie is in kindergarten. The family drives down from North Carolina to Florida to go to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Year 8: Matthew is 37, Viola is 35, Anna is 7, Robbie is 6, Arielle and Holly are 4, and Daisy is 3. Anna is in 2nd grade, Robbie is in 1st grade, and Arielle and Holly are in preschool. Anna struggles with her 2nd grade teacher this year. The family takes this opportunity to switch to homeschooling. 
Year 9: Matthew is 38, Viola is 36, Anna is 8, Robbie is 7, Arielle and Holly are 5, and Daisy is 4.While homeschooled, Anna is in 3rd grade, Robbie is in 2nd grade, Arielle and Holly are in kindergarten, and Daisy is in preschool. Anna broke her wrist while out ice skating. 

Year 10: Matthew is 39, Viola is 37, Anna is 9, Robbie is 8, Arielle and Holly are 6, and Daisy is 5.While homeschooled, Anna is in 4th grade, Robbie is in 3rd grade, Arielle and Holly are in 1st grade, and Daisy is in kindergarten. The family is growing once again. The newest baby boy, Peyton August Hart, has Matthew's brown hair and blue eyes.
Year 11: Matthew is 40, Viola is 38, Anna is 10, Robbie is 9, Arielle and Holly are 7, Daisy is 6, and Peyton is 1.While homeschooled, Anna is in 5th grade, Robbie is in 4th grade, Arielle and Holly are in 2nd grade, and Daisy is in 1st grade. Anna's least favorite subject in school becomes science and she starts to struggle in it. 

Year 12: Matthew is 41, Viola is 39, Anna is 11, Robbie is 10, Arielle and Holly are 8, Daisy is 7, and Peyton is 2.While homeschooled, Anna is in 6th grade, Robbie is in 5th grade, Arielle and Holly are in 3rd grade, and Daisy is in 2nd grade. Anna gets invited to her best friend's 11th birthday bash where they go horseback riding. 
Year 13: Matthew is 42, Viola is 40, Anna is 12, Robbie is 11, Arielle and Holly are 9, Daisy is 8, and Peyton is 3.While homeschooled, Anna is in 7th grade, Robbie is in 6th grade, Arielle and Holly are in 4th grade, and Daisy is in 3rd grade. Matthew's mother passes away. Anna and her grandmother were close and she takes it really hard

#3 MalloryMae


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Posted 03 May 2021 - 05:16 PM

The Uzun Family


DW: Harmony Thérèse née Townsend Uzun [44; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DH: Ajax Alfonso Uzun [42; straight brown hair & brown eyes]


DD: Irina Felicity Uzun [21; straight brown hair & gray eyes]

DS: Gabriel "Gabe" Wolf Uzun [16; wavy black hair & blue eyes]

DD: Anastasia "Ani" Thérèse Uzun [12; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DS: Willem "Will" Lucien Uzun [11; curly red hair & brown eyes]

DS: Lionel Sage Uzun [10; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Theodora "Thea" Mary Uzun [5; frizzy brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Opal Curie Uzun [4, curly black hair & brown eyes]


Harmony & Ajax, with their seven children; Irina, Gabe, Ani, Will, Lionel, Thea, and Opal


Year 1

Harmony and Ajax Uzun welcome a daughter, Anastasia "Ani" Thérèse Uzun, who joins siblings Irina, 9, and Gabe, 4. 


Year 2

Shortly after Ani's first birthday, her little brother Willem "Will" Lucien Uzun is born. They soon become best friends.


Year 3

This year, Ani's third brother, Lionel Sage Uzun, comes into the world. Ani loves helping her family care for Lionel.


Year 4

Ani and her family take a vacation to Richmond, UK, where they see The River Swale, Easby Abbey, and Middleham Castle, among other cool sights.


Year 5

Ani's paternal grandmother, Irina Mary Uzun, whom her sister was named for, passes away. Ani doesn't really understand what's going on because of her age.


Year 6

Ani makes a friend at kindergarten named Lola Hadaway. They enjoy playing board games and going to the park together.


Year 7

Ani tries to make the local competitive dance team, but she doesn't make it. She is disappointed, but her parents make her feel better by signing her up for tap lessons.


Year 8

This year, Ani's family welcomed another little girl, Theodora "Thea" Mary Uzun. Ani is excited to finally have a little sister to play with.


Year 9

Ani's parents had another little girl, Opal Curie Uzun. Ani and Will chose Opal for her first name because of the character in Because of Winn Dixie and Irina chose Curie after Marie Curie.


Year 10

After years of practice, Ani joins and becomes captain of her school's dance team. Her family is very proud of all the hardwork she did to get to this point.


Year 11

Ani discovers a hidden talent-- whistling in perfect pitch. She tries learning as many songs as she can in whistle-form.


Year 12

Ani's family takes a vacation to Chandigarh, India, where they see Sukhna Lake, Elante Mall, and the Rock Garden of Chandigarh.


Year 13

Ani is diagnosed with selective mutism, so she begins therapy. Her family is very accommodating and they help in social situations.

#4 Remy Hadley

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Posted 03 May 2021 - 07:30 PM

The Wentworth Family 


DH: Cecil Avery [blond hair, green eyes] (39) 

DW: Charlotte Lillian {nee Dorsey} [auburn hair, brown eyes] (34) 


DS: Jude August [auburn hair, green eyes] (16) 

DD: Phoebe Emilia (you) [blond hair, green eyes] (13) 

DD: Violet Louise [auburn hair, brown eyes] (12) 

DS: Christopher Avery [auburn hair, brown eyes] (0) 



Year 1 


You, Phoebe Emilia Wentworth, are both to Cecil and Charlotte, younger sister to Jude. You have blond hair and green eyes, just like your father. 


Year 2 


Not long after your first birthday, your parents discover they're expecting! Later that year, you all welcome a little sister, Violet Louise. Your second birthday ends up very low key, as Violet is still so new. 


Year 3 


Your parents notice you were meeting some developmental milestones late. Specifically, you weren't speaking yet, though you had been late to crawl, walk, etc as well. Your pediatrician takes note but isn't too concerned. You do begin speaking not long before your third birthday. 


Year 4 


Your parents bring you, Jude, and Violet to a family gathering on your fathers side. 


Year 5 


Your parents discover you have a talent for drawing! You greatly enjoy quietly drawing pictures. 


Year 6 


Your parents decide to take a road trip to celebrate before you begin first grade! Unfortunately, it ends up a bit hectic as having three young kids in a car would be. You do make some wonderful memories together despite the chaos, though. 


Year 7 


You learn to ride roller skates! You were very anxious to begin but you end up enjoying it. 


Year 8 


Your sister, Violet, begins having significant breathing problems and is soon diagnosed with asthma. It was scary seeing Violet experience these symptoms and you have ongoing nightmares for a while. Thankfully, when Violet begins having an effective treatment and less scary incidents, the nightmares ease up. 


Year 9 


You join an after school art club! Your parents hope it helps you gain friends, as you tend to play alone. You have a good time and meet some nice kids. 


Year 10 


You are diagnosed with selective mutism. Thankfully your parents and siblings are very supportive of you communicating however, whether audibly, written word, or otherwise. Your parents and siblings all begin learning sign language to accommodate these times. School is a little more difficult to work around as your teacher mistakenly believes you are being stubborn or shy but eventually they work around your selective mutism too. As selective mutism comes and goes, often during periods of stress/anxiety, it doesn't effect you at all times. 


Year 11 


Your parents decide to bring home some pet fish! They bring home three and each child got to name one. Jude named his fish Astro, you name your fish Harriet, and Violet names hers Dandelion. 


Year 12 


You have an amazing teacher this year! She's understanding, fun, and seems to genuinely love what she does and it shows through in her teaching. 


Year 13 


Your parents announce they are having another baby! You were pretty surprised but happy to meet your new little brother, Christopher Avery. 

#5 Meghan<3


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Posted 04 May 2021 - 04:50 PM

LN: O'Toole


DH: Albert Harris

DW: Charlotte Rosemary, née Pine


DD: Lily Madison (13)

DS/DS: Chase Oliver / Harrison Mars (12)

DS: Bennett Charles O'Toole (2)


Albert, Charlotte, Lily, Chase, Harrison, & Bennett




When I was one, my parents had twin boys, Chase Oliver & Harrison Mars.

When I was two, I met my best friend at daycare: Grace Alexandra Coleman.

When I was three, my paternal grandmother died. I was too young to understand, but I missed her a lot.

When I was four, my parents separated.

When I was five, I broke my arm while playing on the playground at school.

When I was six, my brother Harrison was diagnosed with cancer. After treatment, he went into remission.

When I was seven, I had an awful teacher.

When I was eight, I learned how to rollerblade.

When I was nine, my brother's cancer returned.

When I was ten, my family went on a vacation to the Grand Canyon.

When I was eleven, my parents had a baby boy named Bennett.

When I was twelve, my parents officially got back together.

When I was thirteen, my family went on a road trip to San Francisco.

#6 Nings8


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Posted 10 May 2021 - 01:55 PM

LN: Hills


DW: Roberta Elizabeth (28)

DSH (Step-Dad): Henry Roscoe Marsh (30)

DH: Harrison Ronald (29)

DSW (Step-Mom): Leora Rose McMillan (20)

DS: Ernest Orion (3)

DD (me): Lily Hermione (nb)


Year 1: My parents give birth to a baby girl! My little sister Sonnet Clover (nn Sonny) joins the family! She is a healthy, happy baby


Year 2: My parents, Roberta and Harrison, are having marital problems. They don't want to split, as they have 3 young kids, but they think that would be best and end up getting a divorce.


Year 3: I finally start walking at age 3. My parents are concerned and take me to a doctor, but with some physical therapy work we are able to get me walking and happy


Year 4: My parents noticed there was something wrong, and take me to a doctor. Turns out, I have hyperlexia, and can read at a very high reading level, but have trouble communicating what I am reading


Year 5: I discover my special talent! Although I have trouble with communicating my thoughts, I am a great writer who can write long, fanciful stories


Year 6: This year, I have an amazing teacher! Mrs. Letterman is incredibly caring and kind, and helps me communicate what I am thinking despite my hyperlexia


Year 7: My mom and my stepdad have a baby girl! Little Primrose Lark is born a very healthy baby, despite being very underweight


Year 8: I make my first real friend! Emersyn Emilia (nn Emmy) is a spunky girl with a big heart, but a knack for getting in trouble


Year 9: While at gymnastics practice, I under-rotate my landing and land on my chest, breaking both of my collarbones. I have to wear a brace for a few months, and am not able to return to gymnastics after I am healed


Year 10: This year my family (mother, step-dad, and siblings) took a road trip! We drove along the Pacific Coast Highway, and made detours for cities such as San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco


Year 11: My dad and stepmom surprise us all when they announce that they're pregnant! After a very difficult pregnancy, my stepmom Leora gives birth to a very big baby boy named Hayden Orville, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome


Year 12: One day on the way home from school, my older brother Ernest brings home a dog! It is a large pit bull mix, who we name Ladybug


Year 13: After a long time of never knowing what was wrong, I am diagnosed with selective mutism. To combat this, my family all decides to learn sign language, and take on the challenge together

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Posted 10 May 2021 - 02:19 PM


DW: Lillian Ann Wolf “Lillie” (20)

DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (26)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia” (nb)


Birth Year: 

Julia’s beautiful, cheerful, loving mother Lillie dies of birth complications whilst in labor. Her abdomen is cut open and Julia is saved, but her mother is gone. Isaac is ripped to shreds, devastated at the loss of his gorgeous wife but elated at the birth of a healthy baby girl. He names her Julia after his own mother, Rosalina Julianna. He holds his wife’s hand as it turns cold, his daughter wailing in the backdrop as the doctors check her over frantically. The body is pulled away, and Isaac is left stricken with pain. He calls on his mother and the parents of Lillie to come quickly, and they show up immediately. They look on at Julia and weep. They weep for the lack of a mother. They weep for the lack of their beloved daughter. And they weep for the widower that is their son. Julia will never know her mother, but it’s clear that she’ll be raised with the feeling of loss. Isaac came to the hospital with the hope of returning with a wife, daughter, and happy couple decades ahead of them. Instead, he returns to his home alone, Julia at the hospital for the birthing complications, exhausted and depressed. Neighbors hover around the little house that the couple had dreamed of filling with joy and children, bringing casseroles and green beans, their feet shuffling awkwardly on the quaint doormat. But a thick cloud of gloom hung over the house. When Julia does come home, Isaac becomes a super-parent, feeding her formula and reading her to sleep each night--even though he barely gets any himself. He manages to shake off the grief momentarily, if only to spare his daughter the burden of loss, but feels his wife’s presence deeply. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (27)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(1)


Year 1: 

Isaac soon begins to realize that he has a very special and precocious little girl. He constantly nourishes her with books, toys, and imaginative play, so when his daughter gravitates towards books, he finds nothing all that remarkable about it. However, at about 16 months, she begins to sound out words. Isaac thinks nothing of it until he asks his mother to babysit for her while he goes to the doctor for a checkup one day. When he returns, his mother is astonished by how quickly she can comprehend books without any prior training of how to read. Over the next couple months, she becomes fascinated beyond words with written material, and learns to spell all without his intervention. Finally, Rosalina suggests that Isaac take Julia to a child psychologist to try and figure out if there was anything that could be causing this remarkable talent. The psychologist examines Julia, and within minutes is able to determine that Julia has Hyperlexia. She informs Isaac that Hyperlexic children are often fascinated by letters or numbers. They are extremely good at decoding language and thus often become very early readers. Some English-speaking hyperlexic children learn to spell long words (such as elephant) before they are two years old and learn to read whole sentences before they turn three. However, the condition isn’t all wonderful. She warns him that the condition is not all positive, though. Almost all hyperlexic children are also autistic, although it’d take longer to get that diagnosis, and some find it hard to speak. Isaac is a bit shocked, but vows to take good care of Julia and continue to help her despite this news. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (28)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(2)


Year 2: 

Isaac is learning to navigate life with a hyperlexic child. Thankfully, Julia is learning to speak perfectly well for her age, and is even reading picture books independently now. Isaac is incredibly proud of his little girl, and with the help of her three grandparents, is able to parent her sufficiently in an environment that is healthy. Once Julia is 2 and 3 months, Isaac begins to notice some strange behaviors that are often characteristic of autistic children. He remembers how the psychologist suggested she be taken in when she was older to test for autism. Isaac decides to bring Julia back for another analysis. This time, a psychologist called Dr. Ralph assesses Julia. A couple hours later, after the evaluation, he tells Isaac that his daughter most certainly has both hyperlexia and autism. Isaac wrestles with this more than he does with hyperlexia, since his cousin suffered greatly socially due to his low-functioning autism. He also learns that Julia’s autism is fairly minor, and that although she will require some fairly substantial assistance at school and in other social situations, she will have no difficulties being non-verbal or have mobility issues. To help Julia, Isaac takes multiple courses on having an autistic child and joins a support group for parents. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (29)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(3)


Year 3: 

Her father’s work as a school psychologist has begun to pay off. Isaac gets a sizable bonus, and with some advice from Julia’s therapist, decides that taking a vacation with Julia the summer before preschool would help her get acclimated to new sights and sounds that she typically avoids due to her autism. With Rosalina set up to water the plants, Isaac packs his and Julia’s bags and flies out of their home country of Italy and to Germany. He gets a hotel room in Lautertal, and they go to Felsenmeer, a beautiful path of rocks along a scenic view. Despite Julia breaking down at first, Isaac is gentle with her and allows her to adjust for a couple days before they leave the hotel. By the end of the five day outing, the pair have hiked about Felsenmeer a couple times and tasted some nice German food. Even Julia took a small bit of something. Afterward, they lugged their two suitcases: one for necessities, the other almost entirely filled with Julia’s books, onto a plane home. This trip did help Julia with preschool. She made a huge fuss the first week, crying and screaming and covering her ears, but Isaac got her some headphones that just played white noise, which calmed her down quite a bit. The teachers were kind and accommodating, and pretty soon, Julia considered preschool her second home, even though Isaac worries that she has yet to make a single friend at school. Meanwhile, at the support group, Isaac meets a lovely woman named Ivey and her 9 year old autistic niece, who she’s caring for while her mother is gone on a month long work conference, Lillian. They exchange friendly conversation, and Isaac begins to feel attracted to her. He can’t muster up the courage to betray Lillie and ask her out, but when Ivey asks him, he can’t say no. They go on two dates toward the end of the year, and they both feel their relationship deepening. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (30)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(4)


Year 4: 

Even after Ivey leaves the autistic help group once her sister is back to take care of Lillian, Isaac can’t get her off of his mind. They go on a date every week on Tuesdays all year until they both know that they can’t play off their relationship as casual anymore. One night out, when Rosalina was watching Julia and Isaac was out with Ivey, he asks her to be his girlfriend. She agrees happily, and they talk about their potential future together as the clock strikes twelve on new years. Meanwhile, Isaac takes Julia to a doctor for an allergy check, and discovers that his little girl is developing an allergy to wheat. Isaac purchases all of the gluten free snacks on the market to ensure that his little girl doesn’t feel left out, and even convinces preschool teachers to have a stash of gluten free snacks on hand for snack time when the rest of the class has graham crackers or animal crackers. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (31)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(5)


Year 5: 

Julia continues to blaze through reading standards and crush her classmates. She loves the land of stories and Harry Potter, and has developed a love for anything Titanic related as well. Although Julia is supposed to go to kindergarten, the school just can’t imagine her having to comply with the easy reading there. Instead, Julia is moved up to 1st grade. Although she vigorously enjoys her classes and the ability to read for reward at school, she still has yet to make a friend, a fact that continuously worries Isaac. Isaac and Ivey become more serious, and now that Julia is at school longer hours than he is, Isaac and Ivey are able to spend even more time together. Nearly once every three days they get together for a hike or a coffee shop meeting. Ivey is a statistician, so she has very flexible work hours outside of the office. Julia also begins to develop a bond with Ivey, and Ivey adores children dearly, so she too dotes on Julia. Isaac feels guilty as he sees Ivey creeping into the position that Lillie should’ve taken, but also happy and fulfilled as he sees a family unit coming together. 


DBF: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (32)

DGF: Ivey Maybell Maude (33)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(6)


Year 6: 

After two years of dating, Ivey is solidly a part of the family. Isaac and Julia both accept her as one of their own. So they all decide that during summer break, Isaac, Ivey, and Julia would all go on the road trip of a lifetime. They would go from the suburbs of Italy to the shores, Julia’s first time seeing the ocean. It was thoroughly chaotic, but Isaac couldn’t think of a better way to reveal his big surprise to Ivey. Although partially scared she would reject him, Isaac was also convinced that she just couldn’t say no. They drove for 8 hours down to the coast, and Isaac and Ivey lay together, hands interlaced, as they watched Julia dip her toes curiously in the water. Julia finally got tired and lay on the towel, reading a well-worn copy of Lord of the Rings in the waning sunlight. Isaac led Ivey to the water’s edge, kissed her slowly, and barely breathed his question. “Do you want to move in with us?” She smiled slightly, their silhouettes dark against the pink sky. “Of course.” She responded. When they returned home, Ivey moved in with nearly nothing. The little white-siding, one bedroom home (with an office where Julia slept) was boho and chic with Ivey’s touch, and she prided herself on her renovation of the little home.  


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (33)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(6)


Year 7: 

Being together under the same roof is tough for Ivey and Isaac’s relationship to sustain. Both ends suffer, and although it pains the two lovers, they agree that they can’t continue messing with their hearts, much less the sensitive and impressionable little girl they were caring for together. Isaac’s guilt over Lillie was catching up to him, and Ivey didn’t understand how hard it really was to care for a gluten-free, hyperlexic, autistic child. They decided that they weren’t meant to be, and while it was deeply painful for Isaac to bear, he recognized that it wasn’t right to keep his poor daughter in an unsteady household with bickering and fighting all the time. Julia is old enough to understand this now, and she is disappointed, but also relieved that the source of the fighting and banter would finally be gone forever. Her father took his frustration and poured that passion into his daughter, showering her with love, time, and kindness that made both feel warm and homey. After three years of Ivey, of course it was hard for the Wolf and Maude family to go their separate ways. But in the end, both sides benefitted. Ivey moved across the country, and there found a new life that was much more beneficial and fulfilling for her.

#8 DelphiMoon


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Posted 10 May 2021 - 06:17 PM

DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (34)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(7)


Year 8: 

Isaac takes Julia to a big family gathering. This gathering takes place annually, but in the past, Julia had been far too sensitive to noise to go. However, she had begun to make substantial progress with noise management with her therapist, and Isaac brought the topic up to the therapist in one of her visits. With the go ahead from the therapist, Isaac eagerly got in the car, strapped Julia into her carseat with a copy of the Britannica Titanic edition book, and drove the hour east to the gathering place. Here, Julia got to meet Isaac’s 4 brothers: Jacob, Samuel, Caleb, and Joshua. Jacob had two children, being 37, while the others, Samuel, Isaac’s twin, 34, Caleb, 28, and Josh, 22, had none. Jacob’s daughter was 4 and his son was 3, and Julia immediately took a liking to his son Jason, whom she read to for multiple hours as he sat, patiently listening to her ramble on and on. Isaac was delighted to see Julia connecting with a child somewhat near her age, although he had yet to see her cultivate a relationship with any of the children from her class. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (35)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(8)


Year 9: 

Isaac decides to let Julia decorate her room how she likes. Her room decor has been the same since she was born, and Lillie designed it, since Isaac couldn’t bear to part with something of Lillie’s. But he knew his 8 year old daughter couldn’t live in a room made for a baby for much longer, so he thought giving her the reins might make the destruction of Lillie’s pride and joy nursery less painful. Julia happily accepts the offer, taking the yellow floral nursery with patchwork quilting and flower bed skirts and turning it into the bedroom of her dreams. She requests a rock climbing wall, which her father provides, and a black trundle bed with simple white sheets, a bookcase filled with her favorite novels behind her, and a ladder by her bed up to a reading nook with beanbags. It was all very clean, neat, and tidy, just like Julia. Isaac was happy to pour some of Julia’s birthday cash from her grandparents into the room reconstruction, and at the end, Julia was thrilled with the result. Isaac was happy that she felt safe and loved at home, but he also felt worry begin to creep up on him. Sure, she was safe here. But what happens in two years when she goes to middle school with no friends and is scared to death of the outside world? Isaac decided to take a more hands on approach, begging Julia’s third grade teachers to try and pair her up with some nice potential friends, but all for naught. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (36)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Julia”(9)


Year 10: 

Isaac sees the bus pulling up to his house one afternoon, and goes to meet his little fifth grader, smiling. “How’s my little girl?” He asks, arms stretched open. “I’m not a girl,” Julia responds matter-of-factly, and goes to her room to read. “What do you mean, you’re not a girl?” Isaac echoes, confused. He remembers something he read online about transgender bathroom laws and asks. “Are you a boy, honey?” She shakes her head. “No. I am not a boy. I am not a girl.” Isaac panics, running to his laptop, searching ‘not boy, not girl.’ What he finds in a term and a community of people that comfort him. After an hour of research, he finds Julia and asks “Julia, there is a word for people who are not boys or girls. Would you like to read about it?” Silently, Julia took the computer and read the whole article quickly. She then smiled, beamed even, and said “Yes. That is me. I am non-binary.” Isaac stares for a minute. He nodded. “How can I help with that, Julia? Would you like me to call you Julia anymore?”. She looked confused. “Of course. And I like my pronouns.” she explains. “I saw that in the article.” Isaac smiles at her. “Okay. I love you Julia.” After a week of Julia continuously upholding that fact that she was non-binary, Isaac talks to the school about how Julia did not like being referred to as a girl. The school was happy to comply. Isaac knew that he had a very special child, and he was proud of Julia for standing up for herself. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (37)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Jules”(10)


Year 11: 

Julia is enrolled in middle school. She’s terrified at first, but loves middle school even more than elementary. There are more challenges academically, and she finds that very appealing. But Isaac is still worried about the friends. He pressures Julia to join a sport or club, trying to get her to bond with those with a similar interest. Julia joins a French club, as she loves language and words following much persuasion and pressure from her father. She greatly enjoys learning French, and it’s here that she finally meets her first friend, Leo, who also is learning French. They aren’t besties by any means, but the two hang out at school and sit together on the bus, which thrills Isaac. He’s elated that his child might be on the road to a healthy social life. One day, Isaac offers to Julia that her and Leo could hang out after school at the park. Julia agrees, and Isaac drives the two to the park, getting some work done in the car while the two play soccer. They soon abandon the ball and turn to conjugating French verbs on the swings. After a few minutes, Isaac hears a scream. Panicked, he bolts from the car to see that Julia has fallen off the swing, landing hard on her arm and badly injured. Leo backed away awkwardly as Isaac helps his daughter up. He drives her to the hospital while Leo waits for his parents to pick him up. Following an examination and an X-ray, the doctor concludes that Julia has broken her arm. Leo brings her a sweet card the next day, and his mother drops by to offer a cake as well. Thankfully, Julia isn’t out of commission for long. She’s back on her feet and healed 4 months later. One night, Julia pulls Isaac aside, saying that she needs to tell him something. “I don’t like my pronouns anymore. I would like to not be a she anymore.” Isaac nods, and smiles. “What would you like your pronouns to be, honey?” She responds “I don’t know any other pronouns that are grammatically correct.” Isaac pauses, then goes to look some up. “How about they?” He asks. Julia beams. “That’s perfect.” They add. “Thanks daddy. And can you call me Jules? Less girly.” They smile wider. Isaac had never seen his child so happy. “Of course, Jules.” 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (38)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Jules”(11)


Year 12: 

Seventh grade rolls around, and Leo joins band. Their friendship has strengthened, and since Leo was already an outcast because of his membership to French club, he didn’t mind being friends with someone that the other kids thought was weird. It definitely didn’t help Jules that they were non-binary, hyperlexic, and autistic. All of those qualities added up to mean weird to a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds. But to Leo, that wasn’t really a concern. He loved his friendship with Jules, and was very gracious with their name change. So glad, in fact, to have their trust, that he suggested Jules join band with him. “It’ll be just like learning another language,” he suggested. This Jules could not resist. “Okay.” And so Jules went home to their busy father, Isaac. He was happy to hear that Jules wanted to try something new. And so he humored their desire for an instrument. “What do you think you want to play, Jules?” He asked. “I don’t know.” Was their response. “Alright. What does Leo play?” Jules dipped a celery stick in peanut butter. “Trombone.” Isaac got a stick of his own. “Okay. Do you want to play trombone with Leo?” Jules shook their head, their cheeks stuffed with celery. “How about...Flute?” Another no. “Clarinet?” That got Jules excited. “That’s the one I want.” They said. Then they retreated to their reading nook to take on Hamlet for the second time. Over the next few months, Leo and Jules grew closer, bonding over their time in band, and Jules got good at the clarinet. They became obsessed with practicing and getting better and better; of playing more and more, and Isaac was sure to reward their perseverance. Isaac meets a stunning school nurse at school, and is instantly drawn to her. Her kindness and selflessness are striking to him, and the way she treats students with such care and passion really made an impact on him. When he spotted a glimpse of a bare ring finger, he knew he had to introduce himself. She wasn’t the most stereotypically beautiful, but it was the way in which she had this kindness about her that was the most endearing to him. She introduced herself as Allison, and asked him if he wanted to meet after work for a coffee. He agreed gleefully. After three hours pouring out their life stories in a coffee shop, they agreed to meet again. They met four more times, each time in their little coffee shop, almost always staying for the four hours until closing time. Isaac introduced Allison to Jules, and Allison was the most, kind, motherly, compassionate person Isaac could’ve ever imagined. Immediately, he asked her to be his girlfriend right then and there, and she said yes without even thinking. They went on several dates after that, and even took an entire road trip together while Jules stayed with Rosalina. They spent three long days hiking along a national park, kissing under trees and holding hands along the trails. It was here that they both fell in love, Allison with the loyal, bold, but kind Isaac and Isaac with the soft, sweet, endearing Allison. It was a match made in heaven. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (39)

DW: Allison Amelia Brown (35)

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Jules”(12)


Year 13: 

Isaac, Allison, and Jules go on a vacation to the United states. They decide to go to Florida, spend four days in Disneyworld, then spend a couple weeks by the beach, hiking in nearby parks and spending days lounging in the sand. First, the family made their way to Disneyworld, Allison acting as as much of a mother as Jules had ever known. They were thrilled by the rides and with headphones on, Jules had a wonderful time observing every little detail on it’s a small world. They loved Animal Kingdom most of all, particularly the fish in Rainforest Cafe, which they begged for Isaac and Allison to bring them to on the daily. After that, they spent the rest of the time on the beaches of Florida, letting Jules hang around by the parks and playgrounds and even sit in the water or read on the sand while Isaac and Allison enjoyed a romantic walk by a beach or a loving kiss on a path. This experience drew the couple closer and closer: 2 weeks on a romantic getaway will do that. One night, Jules had gone to bed and begged to stay home alone for a couple hours, so Isaac and Allison left for a walk. After half an hour sharing secrets and having deep, meaningful conversations, Isaac stopped completely unprompted and kneeled to the ground. “Will you marry me, Allison?” Her eyes welled with tears, and she kissed him gently. “I never thought anyone would ask me that.” She smiles sweetly, then mouths “yes” in the twilight. They kiss, staring off the edge of the railing at the stunning view. When they come back to the home, Jules is asleep with a book on her chest, which Allison tenderly moves, planting a kiss goodnight on Jules’s forehead. When the family returns from the vacation, Allison begins planning the wedding. It ends up being a small ceremony, maybe 17 people. A couple of Allison’s best friends, her parents, and Isaac’s mother Rosalina along with his four brothers and their partners, and Jacob's son Jason and daughter Rose. It was small and sweet, set in a small white chapel with lilies and tulips strung about everywhere, the closest and most intimate friends and family of both parties crying with joy. Even Jules felt tears running down their face with the sweet scene. A month later, Allison discovered that she was pregnant with a baby, whom they decided not to discover the gender of. Instead of uprooting Jules to make room for the baby, Allison was considerate of her new daughter’s needs and avoided changing anything about Jules’s situation. Instead, they hired a team to build an extension for a room for their child that was coming. Jules was scared to be a big sibling, but they were happy that the sibling was coming from Allison, whom they loved more than anything. 


DH: Isaac James Wolf  “Isaac” (40)

DW: Allison Amelia Wolf  “Allison” (36) 

DD: Julia Hope Cora Wolf “Jules”(13)

DS: Reed Charles Robbie Wolf “Reed” (newborn)


Year 14: 

Isaac, Allison, and Jules welcome Reed Charles Robbie Wolf into the world in the early winter of year 14. Jules is immediately offset by the change, and it takes a few ugly months for her parents to acclimate the hormonal teenager with autism to their new baby brother. However, once they get past the initial shock, Jules is proud to discuss their brother with Leo, their extended family, and their teachers. But the happiness and balance in the newly wedded couple and their children hardly lasts long. Before long, their child begins to get rashes that concern Allison quite a bit. However, in the business of having a high schooler and a newborn, they only worry for a moment. This gets far worse when Isaac and Allison get a call in the middle of the work day: Jules has been whisked off to the hospital in an ambulance after they ate a peanut butter celery stick and experienced swelling in their throat that cut off their breathing. It was a suspected peanut allergy. Both quickly raced to the hospital, asking that Rosalina take Reed and bring him to the hospital as well. They sat by their child’s side as the drugs they’d been given kicked in. It was a close call, and an incredibly scary and overwhelming process for Jules to endure, especially given their sensitivity and proneness to over stimulation. Jules tested positive for a peanut allergy, and both parents were relieved that nothing more dangerous was affecting them. 

*Very sorry if I mess anything up about hyperlexia, autism, non-binary people, or Jules's pronouns.* 

#9 MalloryMae


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Posted 13 May 2021 - 11:00 AM

The Gorman Family


DW: Eve Vincenza Ybarra-Gorman [50; straight blonde hair & gray eyes]

DH: Christopher "Chris" Cedar Gorman [48; curly brown hair & green eyes]


DS: Cedar Albert Gorman [14; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Claire Vincenza Gorman [13; straight brown hair & blue eyes]

DD: Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman [8; wavy brown hair & green eyes]


DCat: Godfrey [11; tuxedo]


Eve and Chris, with their three children; Cedar, Claire, and Callie, and their cat; Godfrey



One Year Old

My parents worry because I start walking late, but doctors confirm nothing is wrong.


Two Years Old

I make a best friend at daycare named Abram Brown.


Three Years Old

My family adopts a pet cat! We give him the name Godfrey.


Four Years Old

I am diagnosed with a shellfish allergy.


Five Years Old

My little sister, Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman, is born!


Six Years Old

My family moves to San Francisco, California.


Seven Years Old

My parents are having issues in their marriage, but they work them out and stay together.


Eight Years Old

I learn how to swim in my neighborhood pool!


Nine Years Old

I teach myself to roller blade in my basement!


Ten Years Old

I have a terribly mean teacher for the first semester, but I am able to switch teachers for the second.


Eleven Years Old

My sister Callie is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.


Twelve Years Old

I join my school's chess club after learning my chess talent!


Thirteen Years Old

My family takes a vacation to the Everglades, Florida.

#10 MalloryMae


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 07:33 PM

The Good Family


DH: Zacharias "Zach" Wendell Good [42] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DH: Leopold "Leo" Honor (Flores) Good [46] {wavy brown hair & brown eyes}


DD: Oona Belle Good [16] {straight brown hair & green eyes}

DD: Fern Darcy Good [13] {curly brown hair & blue eyes}

DS: Bram Peter Good [9] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}

DS: Emil Isaac Good [8] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DS: Remy Tobin Good [6] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}


Zach and Leo Good, with their children; Oona, Fern, Bram, Emil, and Remy


Year Zero

Fern Darcy Good is born to her parents, Zach and Leo, and older sister, Oona.


Year One

The Good family goes on vacation to Nerja, Spain, where they explore caves.


Year Two

Fern hasn't yet started to talk, so she is enrolled in speech therapy.


Year Three

Fern is diagnosed with a wasp allergy after being stung.


Year Four

Zach and Leo have another baby, Oona and Fern's brother! His name is Bram Peter Good.


Year Five

Oona, Fern, and Bram gain a little brother named Emil Isaac Good!


Year Six

Fern is diagnosed with synesthesia.


Year Seven

Zach and Leo have their fifth child- a third little boy! His name is Remy Tobin Good.


Year Eight

Fern makes a new friend named Raine O'Brien.


Year Nine

Fern begins taking trumpet lessons.


Year Ten

Fern loses a best friend due to a disagreement.


Year Eleven

Fern joins the drama club at her school.


Year Twelve

Fern dyes the ends of her hair bright blue.


Year Thirteen

Fern picks up a major interest in chemistry.

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Posted 07 September 2021 - 08:48 PM

The Honour Family

Mother: Hadley Bella Honour (40)
Father: Orion Lucas Honour (42)
Stepfather: Andrew Reed Honour aka Drew (42)

DS: Owen Troy Honour (15)
DD: Addison Claire Honour aka Addy (13)
DS: Leo Trenton Honour (5)
DS: Hunter Sage Honour (1)

Year Zero
Addy is born to her parents, Hadley and Orion. He has an older brother named Owen.

Year One
Addys mother, Hadley, goes back to work. They hire a nanny named Jade to help them out.

Year Two
Addys parents, Hadley and Orion, separate. Her mother gets full custody.

Year Three
Addy makes a new friend, Emily Okey, while at the park with Jade.
Year Four
Addy is diagnosed with ADHD.

Year Five
Addys mother discovers that Addy has a talent for photography.

Year Six
Addys mother, Hadley, remarries. His name is Andrew Reed Honour aka Drew. He changed his surname to Honour. Addy is excited because she likes Drew.

Year Seven
Addy is invited to Emilys birthday party.

Year Eight
Addy gets a half brother named Leo Trenton Honour. She and her brother Owen love him.

Year Nine
Addy learns how to play the flute,

Year Ten
Addys father, Orion, remarries. Addy doesnt care because she never spent much time with him. She doesnt even know the name of his new wife.

Year Eleven
Addy and her family (mother, stepfather, brothers) take a vacation to the Hamptons.

Year Twelve
Addys mother and stepfather have another son. His name is Hunter Sage Honour.

Year Thirteen
Addy gets a puppy named Ranger.

#12 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 11 September 2021 - 06:54 AM

The Swan Family


DH: Levi Michael Swan (25) - Black eyes & wavy black hair

DW: Zoe Janet Cloggs Swan (23) - Brown eyes & straight black hair


DD: Emma Susannah Swan (0) - Me; Brown eyes & straight black hair


Levi & Zoe Swan; w/ Emma



Year 1: Zoe goes back to work, and Emma starts going to daycare.

Year 2: Emma is diagnosed with a nut allergy.

Year 3: Emma has a talent for playing the piano.

Year 4: Emma falls off the swing and breaks her left wrist.

Year 5: Levi's grandfather passes away.


Year 6: Emma starts proper piano lessons.

Year 7: Emma starts swimming lessons.

Year 8: Levi & Zoe plan a surprise birthday party for Emma.

Year 9: Emma is diagnosed with Selective Mutism.


Year 10: Emma makes a friend named Holly.

Year 11: Emma has a horrible maths teacher this year, but is able to switch to a different class.

Year 12: Levi & Zoe have a baby! Emma's little sister is called Jane Liliana Swan.

Year 13: Jane is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.



The Swan Family


DH: Levi Michael Swan (38) - Black eyes & wavy black hair

DW: Zoe Janet Cloggs Swan (36) - Brown eyes & straight black hair


DD: Emma Susannah Swan (13) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts; Has Selective Mutism

DD: Jane Liliana Swan (1) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Has Cerebral Palsy


Levi & Zoe Swan; w/ Emma & Jane

#13 MalloryMae


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 02:19 PM

The Santos Family


DW: Arietta Florence Aquila [42] - wavy blonde hair, blue eyes & fair skin

DP: Brook Melisa Santos [38] - curly black hair, brown eyes & brown skin


DD: Soraya Noel Santos [13] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DD: Safira March Santos [11] - curly red hair, brown eyes & brown skin


DCat: Soccoro [4] - Abyssinian


Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos; with Soraya and Safira (& Socorro)


Year 0

Soraya Noel Santos is born to Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos


Year 1

Arietta and Brook discover that Soraya is already great at picking up letters and remembering words in books!


Year 2

Soraya becomes a big sister to Safira March Santos!


Year 3

Soraya is diagnosed with a gluten allergy, so Arietta and Brook adapt a gluten-free diet for their family.


Year 4

Soraya is affirmingly diagnosed with hyperlexia, after experiencing many symptoms for the past few years.


Year 5

As Soraya enters kindergarten and Safira enters preschool, Brook goes back to work after spending five years at home with their daughters.


Year 6

Soraya joins a baseball team!


Year 7

Soraya and her family go on vacation to Panama City!


Year 8

Soraya's great grandfather passes away at the age of 98. Arietta is especially sad that her daughters never met him.


Year 9

Soraya finds herself very interested in engineering and is considering pursuing it as a career one day.


Year 10

Soraya goes on a school trip to an art museum that she enjoyed!


Year 11

Soraya begins learning to play the cello!


Year 12

Arietta and Brook adopt a three year old Abyssinian cat named Socorro for Soraya and Safira!


Year 13

Soraya breaks her ankle during a track meet!

#14 WriterJones


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Posted 25 February 2022 - 03:25 PM

Year Zero

Francis Hideyuki and Eira Arista [Vaughn] Kitagawa have given birth to a baby girl, Ayame June Kitagawa! Ayame has an older brother, Nobu Ezra Kitagawa. Francis has black hair and brown eyes, and Eira has brown hair and pale blue eyes. Nobu has his mother's hair and his father's eyes, and Ayame looks just like her father.


Francis (27) and Eira (27) with Nobu (5) and Ayame (nb)


Year One

Francis and Eira are a little worried. Ayame has turned one, but she has yet to start mimicking language. They're not sure what this means, or if it means anything. They know she's not deaf, because she's very responsive. She simply doesn't try to speak.


Francis (28) and Eira (28) with Nobu (6) and Ayame (1)


Year Two

Eira, who's been staying home to help with Ayame, has gone back to work. Nobu and Ayame start attending daycare.


Francis (29) and Eira (29) with Nobu (7) and Ayame (2)


Year Three

Ayame makes a friend at daycare! Her name is Ceridwen Rhiannon Hughes.


Francis (30) and Eira (30) with Nobu (8) and Ayame (3)


Year Four

Francis and Eira give birth to another baby girl! Her name is Miyako Ava Kitagawa. Miyako looks just like Eira.


Francis (31) and Eira (31) with Nobu (9), Ayame (4), and Miyako (nb)

Year Five

Ayame speaks, but not much, and is soon diagnosed with selective mutism. She gets an AAC tablet to communicate when she goes mute.

Francis (32) and Eira (32) with Nobu (10), Ayame (5), and Miyako (1)


Year Six

Francis and Eira have another baby girl! Her name is Suzume Iris Kitigawa. Suzume looks like Francis and Ayame.


Francis (33) and Eira (33) with Nobu (11), Ayame (6), Miyako (2), and Suzume (nb)


Year Seven

The Kitigawas get a pet parrot! Francis and Eira name him Caligula. He's an African Gray.


Francis (34) and Eira (34) with Nobu (12), Ayame (7), Miyako (3), and Suzume (1), and their parrot Caligula (4)

Year Eight

Through lessons Francis and Eira have put her in, Ayame discovers she has an incredible talent for piano.


Francis (35) and Eira (35) with Nobu (13), Ayame (8), Miyako (4), and Suzume (2), and their parrot Caligula (5)

Year Nine

Francis and Eira welcome another baby! Her name is Tomomi Marie Kitigawa. Tomomi has black hair, like Francis, and Eira's pale blue eyes.


Francis (36) and Eira (36) with Nobu (14), Ayame (9), Miyako (5), Suzume (3), and Tomomi (nb), and their parrot Caligula (6)



Year Ten

Ayame's favorite class is science. Just like her parents, she's fascinated by how the world works.


Francis (37) and Eira (37) with Nobu (15), Ayame (10), Miyako (6), Suzume (4), and Tomomi (1), and their parrot Caligula (7)


Year Eleven

Ayame falls out of a tall tree and injures her spinal cord, leaving her legs permanently paralyzed. Francis and Eira have to move into a new, accessible home, though they stay in the same neighborhood in Wales.


Francis (38) and Eira (38) with Nobu (16), Ayame (11), Miyako (7), Suzume (5), and Tomomi (2), and their parrot Caligula (8)


Year Twelve

Francis' aunt, Natsumi Sato, has been diagnosed with cancer. With his parents gone and her unmarried, Francis makes the difficult decision to move to Kyoto and help care for her. He tells Eira that she and the children can stay behind, but she refuses to, so they move to Kyoto with him. Suzume and Tomomi don't really mind, while Nobu is upset but excited to learn more about his family and Japanese heritage. Ayame and Miyako are very upset, with Miyako not wanting to leave her friends and Ayame afraid to change her set way of life.


Francis (39) and Eira (39) with Nobu (17), Ayame (12), Miyako (8), Suzume (6), and Tomomi (3), and their parrot Caligula (9)


Year Thirteen

Francis and Eira finally have not one, but two baby boys! Their names are Kenta and Tarō Kitigawa. The boys resemble Nobu, with brown hair and brown eyes. Speaking of which, Nobu graduated this year, and will be going off to college soon.


Francis (40) and Eira (40) with Nobu (18), Ayame (13), Miyako (9), Suzume (7), Tomomi (4), Kenta (nb), and Tarō (nb), and their parrot Caligula (10)

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