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#101 brimariiee


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Posted 03 August 2018 - 11:00 AM

I added some totally new names to my list, so I was looking for some thoughts  :) Thank you!


Eira Josephine (prn. EYE-ra)

Helena Violet (I use the HELL-en-uh pronunciation)

Marian Ivy

Celia Linden (Linden is honoring)


Adrian Lark (I like this combo but just realized it's probably too unisex... wdyt? Adrian Felix is also an option)

Cole Theodore

Elliot Arthur
Percy Leander

Reid Alexander

Eira Josephine: When I first saw this, I saw it as ear-uh. Now that I know your pronunciation, I do see it correctly but there definitely would be a lot of issues down the road with it. I looked it up and it can also be pronounced ay-ra. So you'd get all sorts of things I think. That's enough to make me, personally, stay away from a name. However, it works so beautifully with Josephine! (7/10)

Helena Violet: I pronounce this the same way, because to me it's the only way that makes sense, but I can't say for sure if you'd struggle with people pronouncing this incorrectly too. I think it pairs really well with Violet. (8/10)

Marian Ivy: I don't really care for either of these names very much but Ivy makes a great middle and the two work well together. (7/10)

Celia Linden: Linden being an honor name does make it even better but I don't think Linden is bad even if it wasn't an honor name. Celia is a solid name. I'm sure some wouldn't like the -lia Lin- pairing but I don't mind it. (9/10)

Adrian Lark: I don't know much about the name Lark but the pairing of the two doesn't scream unisex to me. To me, Adrian is masculine and Adrienne is feminine and they have a slight pronunciation difference. Adrian on a girl is just a boy name on a girl imo. I think Adrian Lark is just fine and totally usable. However, I do love Felix. I do think Adrian Lark flows better but Adrian Felix does work too. (AL: 9/10, AF: 8/10)

Cole Theodore: I do like both of these names, a lot. But I don't think they go together really well, at least not in this order. Theodore Cole would work but I just don't think Cole Theodore flows as well. I guess the last name could make or break the combo. (9/10)

Elliot Arthur: I think Elliot is a great choice and Arthur flows with it so nicely! Great pairing! (10/10)

Percy Leander: I think Percy is a great choice, though I almost think it's better as a nickname. I do like the Percy Lee- sound but I don't think Leander really works with Percy. It's an alright combo, I'd consider another Lee- name though. (8/10)

Reid Alexander: Reid is an alright name, I don't really have an opinion on it one way or another. I think it would work well with the other names on your list (as siblings). Alexander is a great middle with it, flows well and makes a strong sounding combo. (10/10)

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#102 brimariiee


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Posted 03 August 2018 - 11:42 AM

harlow elijah
toby vincent

emilia elodie “em”
dinah melanie
holliday hazel “holly”
florence ruby “flo”


Harlow Elijah: I'm not against the name Harlow, I think it's a fine name. However, it does give off more of a girl vibe for me. I'm not sure I can picture a little boy named Harlow unless his nickname was Harley or maybe just his full name. Elijah is a great name and a great middle. It works okay with Harlow. (6/10)

Toby Vincent: Love both of these names! I prefer using a longer name like Tobias and going by Toby but it could stand alone. Vincent is such a handsome middle name! I do think Tobias Vincent would flow better as well because Toby Vincent does feel a little off to me. (9/10)

Emilia Elodie: Emilia is a fine name, and Em is an adorable nickname, I'd even consider Millie too. I do think it'll get mistaken for Amelia a lot though, or spelled Emelia, just because of the similarity in sound. I don't typically care for alliteration names too much but Elodie is okay with it, doesn't come off to 'alliteration-y'. However, it is a little L heavy. (8/10)

Dinah Melanie: I wouldn't be sure how to pronounce this to be honest. Dine-uh like dime or more like dean-uh? Names that cause pronunciation issues make me hesitate tbh. I feel like this combo is just missing a little something, another sound of some sort. It just feels off. (6/10)

Holliday Hazel: I love Holiday with the nickname Holly, I think it's amazing. However, I'd spell Holiday correctly. Holliday just looks, not great. Holiday can still give you Holly even though it's only one L. Again, not big into alliteration but Holiday and Hazel do work okay together. (7/10, 9/10 for Holiday spelling)

Florence Ruby: I'm not a huge fan of Florence and would personally prefer Ruby Florence but I think Florence Ruby works well together and makes a great combo. Flo is an adorable nickname too! (9/10)

#103 brimariiee


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Posted 03 August 2018 - 11:49 AM

Cathleen Michelle

Cathleen Danielle

Cathleen Rebecca

Cathleen Cynthia

Cathleen Gretta


(Cathleen is interchangeable with Kathleen)

Cathleen is a great name. I personally prefer the look of Kathleen but either way it's great.
With Cynthia, I would definitely go with the Kathleen spelling but that's just me.
From favorite to least favorite...
Michelle (8/10)
Gretta (7/10)
Cynthia (6/10)
Danielle (5/10) -too vowel heavy paired together
Rebecca (5/10) -just doesn't flow

#104 brimariiee


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Posted 13 January 2021 - 10:24 PM

Reviving this in case anyone is interested. 

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#105 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 15 January 2021 - 05:27 PM

Miriam 'Mimi' Sunflower

Juliette 'Jett' Grey

Odessa 'Odie' Pearl

Enid Magnolia


Cosmo Finnegan

Russell Aubrey

Casper Julian

Quinn Elliott

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#106 apiston229


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Posted 24 January 2021 - 10:50 PM

A few of my current pairings are 



Emma Rae

Ella Mae/Rae

Briar Rose

Aurora Lynn (Lynn would be an honoring name)




Cohen/Coen Oliver (I just learned a little bit ago that Cohen can be offensive which is why I also have Coen listed)

Oliver Rhett

Jaxon Luke (I know Jackson is more popular but I fell in love with this spelling)

Kai (would prob use as a nn for Malachi, but I love it as a stand alone name not sure what middle would pair well with it though)


Rhys (I tend to pronounce this as Rise not Reese. My happy medium is either Rhyse or Ryse for my pronounciation)



Phoenix Drew (I personally see this one as a boy more than a girl)

Dallas Sage

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#107 brimariiee


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 06:34 PM


Miriam 'Mimi' Sunflower

Juliette 'Jett' Grey

Odessa 'Odie' Pearl

Enid Magnolia


Cosmo Finnegan

Russell Aubrey

Casper Julian

Quinn Elliott



Miriam 'Mimi' Sunflower: I'm not personally a huge fan of Miriam and while I do like Mimi as a nickname, I don't care for it paired with Miriam. However, there are plenty of "old lady" names like Miriam making a comeback so I don't see why Miriam can't be used. I actually really like the middle name Sunflower, I think it's adorable. I'm not sure I like these two paired together though. (7/10)

Juliette 'Jett' Grey: I love love love Juliette spelled this way. Great name. Jett's a bit of an odd nickname with it in my opinion but I guess it works. I love the middle name Grey on a girl!! If you were open to moving names around, I would switch this pairing with Miriam and do Miriam Grey and Juliette Sunflower. (9/10)


Odessa 'Odie' Pearl: Odessa isn't a name I would ever use but I honestly love the sound of it. I love Pearl paired with it, a near perfect pairing in my opinion. I don't really love Odie as a nickname but it does fit with Odessa and I could see it growing on me. (9/10)


Enid Magnolia: I honestly find a hard time seeing Enid as wearable. I like Magnolia quite a bit and would personally enjoy the combo more swapped around. Magnolia Enid is a beautiful and more wearable combo. (5/10)

Cosmo Finnegan: I've recently started thinking about Cosmo as a name and I honestly think it's adorable. I also really like the name Finnegan as well. The flow is also great. (10/10)

Russell Aubrey: I absolutely love Russell and would love to see it get some usage! I do personally feel like Aubrey is too far gone on the girl side to be used so for me it sounds really odd paired with Russell. (5/10)


Casper Julian: I personally wouldn't use Casper but I don't really see anything wrong with it either. Julian is one of my top favorite boy names so I'm all for it. The two names actually work really well together too. (10/10)

Quinn Elliott: Okay so I do really enjoy both of these names and I really really want to love this combo....but, the two "gender neutral" names paired together always feels weird to me. I would look at this and immediately think/hear/see boy but it's not super obvious either. (9/10)

#108 LindseyLloyd


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 07:13 PM

& Posie
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#109 brimariiee


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 08:05 PM


A few of my current pairings are 



Emma Rae

Ella Mae/Rae

Briar Rose

Aurora Lynn (Lynn would be an honoring name)




Cohen/Coen Oliver (I just learned a little bit ago that Cohen can be offensive which is why I also have Coen listed)

Oliver Rhett

Jaxon Luke (I know Jackson is more popular but I fell in love with this spelling)

Kai (would prob use as a nn for Malachi, but I love it as a stand alone name not sure what middle would pair well with it though)


Rhys (I tend to pronounce this as Rise not Reese. My happy medium is either Rhyse or Ryse for my pronounciation)



Phoenix Drew (I personally see this one as a boy more than a girl)

Dallas Sage



Emma Rae: These are great names and a great combo. However both are popular in their spots (or I've at least heard Rae being used a lot) so if you don't mind there being other Emma Rae's out there, then I'd say go for it. Only con in my opinion is how popular it is. (9/10)


Ella Mae/Rae: I feel the same way about this as I do about Emma Rae honestly. Flow wise, I think I prefer Ella Mae to Ella Rae but both are great. Just not really unique or uncommon. Would not do this with a sibling Emma though, too similar of names. (EM: 9/10, ER: 8/10)


Briar Rose: I think this sounds beautiful, though I don't personally care for Briar. However, there is the obvious connection plus this combo has been used by a celebrity as well. Neither of those are obvious deal breakers, just something to keep in mind if that would bother you. (7/10)

Aurora Lynn: I personally would not use Briar Rose and Aurora as siblings. Aurora is a beautiful name though I believe it is growing in popularity. Nothing wrong with Lynn as a middle name and even better that it's an honor name. Name flows great. (10/10)


Cohen/Coen Oliver: I personally can't speak about Cohen being offensive because I do not know all the facts about it but I would assume that Coen would still be offensive as well. It's still the same name, just with a different spelling, but I don't think that changes it enough. I personally would just stay away altogether. However, the two names do flow together, if you choose to use them. Oliver is a lovely middle name. (4/10)


Oliver Rhett: I adore both of these names and I think they sound great together. (10/10)

Jaxon Luke: These names are okay, again pretty heavily used so the pairing doesn't feel unique by any means. (6/10)

Kai: Kai is great on it's own or as a nickname. Would you maybe like Kai Alexander, Kai Maxwell, Kai Joseph, or Kai Weston? Using names you already have Kai Oliver or Kai Jaxon could work as well. (9/10)

Kol: Is this supposed to be like Cole? Not really a fan sorry. I'd stick with the Cole spelling. (2/10)

Rhys: I can see why you'd want to pronounce it Rise and when I first saw it, that's how I felt too. However, there would be nothing but constant correction on pronunciation. I'm not sure Rhyse or Ryse  will get you that pronunciation either, maybe Ryse, but I think there will still be some confusion. (4/10)

Phoenix Drew: So typically I don't like two 'unisex' names paired together but Phoenix still feels pretty boy heavy to me so I think it can maybe still be pulled off. I do agree though that Phoenix Drew would be for a boy. (7/10)

Dallas Sage: Again, I don't really care for a double unisex pairing but this is still sweet together. It is slightly S heavy but not enough to be too big of a problem. I think I would lean slightly more girl with this but I guess it still could go either way. (7/10)

#110 DelphiMoon


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 08:10 PM

Opinions on my sig? Thanks Bri!

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#111 brimariiee


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 08:12 PM

& Posie


Eliana: I'm going to assume you pronounce this with the awn-uh instead of ann-uh. It's an alright name. Definitely can see this on any age. Just a bit of a mouthful I guess. (7/10)

Belle: Short, simple, yet beautiful name. (10/10)

Posie: There's nothing wrong with this name really, there's just something about it that feels off for me. I just can't place exactly what. Totally useable though. (8/10)

#112 apiston229


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Posted 23 March 2021 - 03:11 PM

Here's some more name pairings I've grown to love.


Mason Cole

Caroline Skye

Evelyn Kate

Alexander Rhett 

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#113 DelphiMoon


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Posted 23 March 2021 - 06:21 PM

Caroline Skye is my favorite! So smooth. 

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#114 Nings8


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:25 PM

Alexander Rhett is so so cute! I'm sad about the rs running into each other, so maybe Rhett Alexander? Evelyn Kate is so darling too

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#115 brimariiee


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 12:35 PM

Opinions on my sig? Thanks Bri!

 Sorry for the late reply but I'm back!


Imogen Alaska: I've never really been a fan of Imogen however, I'm really liking these names paired together. I'd personally prefer Alaska Imogen but overall I'd say it's a pretty beautiful combo. (8/10)

Geneva Saffron: I love Geneva said out loud but for some reason it just looks off. I'm pretty indifferent about Saffron I guess. The two names do flow really well together though, good overall combo. (8/10)


Augusta Daffodil: I like these two names individually more than the others so far and I do think they work well together. However, this combo comes off a little more 'clunky' and less 'girly' in comparison to the other combos on this list. (9/10)


Astrid October: Not a huge fan of Astrid. October is adorable and I'd love to see it used in either spot. The names flow fine together though. (7/10)


Seren: Seren is okay I guess, not a huge fan. I can't decide if it fits with your other names or not. Not sure if you're planning for this on a boy or girl either but my assumption would go to boy first. Middle suggestions if you're looking, Seren Atticus on a boy or Seren Magnolia on a girl. (7/10)

#116 brimariiee


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 12:40 PM

Here's some more name pairings I've grown to love.


Mason Cole

Caroline Skye

Evelyn Kate

Alexander Rhett 


Mason Cole: Feels a little 'common' which isn't something I go for but if that doesn't bother you then I think this is a great combo. It rolls right off the tongue and the names work well together. (10/10)


Caroline Skye: Love both of these names and think they sound great together. Great combo. (10/10)

Evelyn Kate: Another one I feel sounds pretty 'common' and I'm sure is out there already but again, if popularity isn't a factor for you then this combo is perfectly fine. (10/10)

Alexander Rhett: I'm not a huge fan of Alexander myself but the combo is fine. Rhett is probably the most 'unique' name on your list, though also growing in popularity. I think the combo does work like this however, I do agree with Nings that Rhett Alexander has just a slightly better flow. (9/10)

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#117 GustyLeaves


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Posted 10 September 2021 - 10:49 PM

Phryne Michelle

Marley April

Melanie Jade

Adriana Joan

Kamryn Therese

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