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#1 RRT


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Posted 23 February 2011 - 04:27 PM

I'm pregnant with my second child (a boy) and am desperately seeking that perfect name. It needs to be something unique, but not so far out there that the kid's going to be ostracized for it or anything. My hubby isn't quite getting the whole concept, lol, but we've come to the conclusion that I get the first name if he gets the middle name. He is holding steadfast to "Cevin" (pronounced like "seven"). It has references to a dear friend he lost when he was a teen, and he is very adamant about keeping it, though I'm trying to get him to budge a little... =)

Anyway, I really like the name Brennivin, but I'm not sure if it goes with the middle name or not. I'm torn as to whether it sounds good because they rhyme or just awful. Full name would be Brennivin Cevin Trenter.

Also considering..

Crowley ("ow" like in "now")

Neither of those sound very good with the middle name though. The good news is that I'm not due until July! =)

#2 Smartie_Pants


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Posted 23 February 2011 - 11:10 PM

Honestly, Brennivin sounds like some sort of antibiotic to me. Its the first thing I thought of. Also, Brennivin Cevin both have the "vin" at the end and it doesn't flow very well. I like Cevin as a middle name though. Its interesting, and has a very nice meaning behind it. It also goes well with Trenter. What are some other names you have considered?

I'm pregnant with my second child (a boy) and am desperately seeking that perfect name. It needs to be something unique, but not so far out there that the kid's going to be ostracized for it or anything. My hubby isn't quite getting the whole concept, lol, but we've come to the conclusion that I get the first name if he gets the middle name. He is holding steadfast to "Cevin" (pronounced like "seven"). It has references to a dear friend he lost when he was a teen, and he is very adamant about keeping it, though I'm trying to get him to budge a little... =)

Anyway, I really like the name Brennivin, but I'm not sure if it goes with the middle name or not. I'm torn as to whether it sounds good because they rhyme or just awful. Full name would be Brennivin Cevin Trenter.

Also considering..

Crowley ("ow" like in "now")

Neither of those sound very good with the middle name though. The good news is that I'm not due until July! =)

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