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Years of Your Life dice game, part 5/5 (years 61-80)

Dice Game Part 5

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#1 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 03 May 2021 - 05:52 PM

This is the final part of a 5 part series. Part 1 was years 0-13, Part 2 was years 14-18, Part 3 was years 19-40, Part 4 was years 41-60, and Part 5 is years 61-80. Of course you can discontinue anywhere along the lines but the option to continue will be there.   :blush: 


Here is part 1: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39964

Here is part 2: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39965 '

Here is part 3: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39966

Here is part 4: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39967


Here's your dice: https://www.wizards....d/dice/dice.htm


Roll the dice to determine what happens each year. You can choose whether you want one or two life events to happen per year. You don't have to do the same number of events per year for ever age group. It's your choice how detailed you want to be. Roll for every year, ages 61-80. 




Life Events (roll a 6 sided dice then go to the section below) 


1. Relationship Events 

2. Child Life Events 

3. Health Events 

4. Work Events 

5. Travel Events 

6. Misc Events 


Relationship Events (roll a 12 sided dice) 


1. You and your spouse renew your vows! If you're unmarried, you get married. 

2. You decide to connect with some old friends. How does it go? 

3. One of you or your spouses parents pass away. If neither have any parents anymore, it's a sibling. 

4. You host a big family gathering. 

5. You and your spouse have a huge argument. Are you able to resolve it alone, do you begin marriage counseling, or do you separate? 

6. You and your spouse decide to put more effort into having regular, unique date nights! What kinds of dates do you plan? 

7. You have a falling out with an old, close friend. What happened? 

8. If you are single, you meet someone you're romantically interested in. Where does it go from here? If you're not single, your spouse brings you on a wonderful surprise date! What did they plan? 

9. You attend a family gathering. 

10. You get in an argument with one of your children. What happens? How do you resolve it? 

11. You cut contact with a family member(s). What happened? 

12. You host a small family gathering. Who do you invite? 


Child Life Events (roll a 4 sided dice, then a 6 sided dice) 


1.1. You child is getting married! (if they're all already married, it's a vow renewal) 

1.2. Your child and/or your grandchild gain a passionate interest. What is it? Are you able to be involved to connect with them through it? 

1.3. Your child brings home a significant other, they're officially a serious relationship. What are they like? (You choose their name) (If they're all already married, reroll) 

1.4. Your grandchild learns to ride something with wheels! What did they learn to ride? (Bicycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc). 

1.5. Your child is getting a divorce. 

1.6. Your child is having a baby! Use the Baby Events and Name sections. 


2.1. Your grandchild has their first dance recital! 

2.2. Your child is having a baby! Use the Baby Events and Name sections. 

2.3. Your grandchild is diagnosed as Deaf! Do you have Deaf family members to connect to? Does your family already know sign language? 

2.4. You and your child join a class together! What kind of class do you take? 

2.5. You child is getting married! (if they're all already married, it's a vow renewal) 

2.6. Your grandchild is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease. What is it? How long will it take to recover? Or will it be a life long illess/disease? How do you handle this news? 


3.1. Your child brings home a significant other, they're officially a serious relationship. What are they like? (You choose their name) (If they're all already married, reroll)  

3.2. Your child joins a class/team and asks you to babysit the grandchildren so they can attend. What kind of class/team? How often do they meet? Do you agree? 

3.3. Your grandchild joins a team sport and invites you to their games! Which sport? 

3.4. You child is getting married! (if they're all already married, it's a vow renewal) 

3.5. Your child is having a baby! Use the Baby Events and Name sections. 

3.6. Your child is getting a divorce. 


4.1. One of your grandchildren are diagnosed with a neurodiversity. Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc. For reference, ADHD can be diagnosed as young as 4, Autism as young as 18 months, Hyperlexia as young as 18 months, and Dyscalculia/Dysgraphia/Dyslexia/Synesthesia cannot be diagnosed until elementary ages

4.2. Your child is having a baby! Use the Baby Events and Name sections. 

4.3. Your grandchild comes out as LGBTQ+. How do their loved ones respond? 

4.4. You get a great grand baby! (If there are no grandchildren 15+, one of your children are having a baby). 

4.5. Your grandchild joins an after school club. What kind of club is it? 

4.6. You child is getting married! (if they're all already married, it's a vow renewal) 


Health Events (roll a 12 sided dice). 


1. You break a bone! Which bone and how did it happen? 

2. You or your spouse are diagnosed with diabetes. Are you able to manage it with diet and lifestyle changes or will you also medicate? 

3. You or your spouse have some hearing loss. Will you/your spouse eventually lose your/their hearing? Will a hearing aid bridge the deficit? 

4. You or your spouse are diagnosed with depression. 

5. You or your spouse have a health scare! What happened? Is everything alright? 

6. Your doctor tells you you are showing possible signs of heart disease. Do you change your diets or any bad habits to help prevent issue? 

7. You or your spouse begin needing assistance with your day to day living. Do you move into an assisted care home? Do you move in with a child? Do you hire someone to come to your home and assist you? 

8. You or your spouse are diagnosed with arthritis. 

9. You and/or your spouse catch shingles. 

10. You or your spouse are diagnosed with cancer. What kind? What treatment will follow? 

11. You or your spouse are diagnosed with anxiety. 

12. You or your spouse are diagnosed with a respiratory disease. How much does your day to day life change to accommodate that? 


Work Events (roll a 6 sided dice) 


1. You and/or your spouse retire!

2. You and/or your spouse decrease work hours to part time. 

3. You or your spouse get a transfer at work to a different section. Does it suit you better? 

4. You and/or your spouse retire! 

5. You or your spouse get a promotion. 

6.  You and/or your spouse decrease work hours to part time. 


Travel Events (roll a 6 sided dice) 


1. You go on a solo vacation! Where to? 

2. You and you friend(s) go on vacation together. Where to? 

3. You and your spouse go on vacation together. Where to? 

4. You go on a family vacation. Where to? 

5. You go on a cruise! Who with and where to? 

6. You go on a family vacation. Where to? 


Misc Events (roll a 12 sided dice) 


1. You pursue a new hobby. What is it? 

2. You dye your hair a fun color. What color do you choose? 

3. You learn to play a musical instrument. Which one? 

4. You decide to kick a bad habit. What was it? 

5. You add a pet to the family. What kind of animal is it? What do you name it? 

6. You decide to learn a new language! Which language is it? Do you take classes or do you seek out learning on our own? How well does it go?

7. You begin collecting something. What is it? 

8. You get involved with a club/organization. Which one is it and why? 

9. You get a tattoo. Where and what of? 

10. You have tickets to a major sporting event! Do you enjoy sports? Does your spouse/partner/best friend? Do you go and have an amazing time or do you gift it to a loved one? Which sport and what team are you supporting? 

11. You go to a concert. Who do you see? 

12. You decide to take a class. What kind of class it it? Do you enjoy it? 



Name (roll a 20 sided dice) 

1. First letter is the same as the first letter of a parent.  
2. A name with a double letter (ie Elliott, Camille, Anne, Reese) 
3. You choose. 
4. The name honors a relative in some manner. 
5. First letter is the same as the first letter of the surname. 
6. Name honors a favorite childhood book or movie. 
7. The name ends with a consonant. 
8. The name is unisex or has a unisex nickname possibility. 
9. A nature name or a name that has a nature related meaning. 
10. 6 letter long name. 
11. A top 50 baby name according to the most recent SSA baby names list. 
12. An animal name or a name with an animal meaning. 
13. A word name (includes nature words, inspirational words, etc) 
14. A 2-4 letter name. 
15. Baby name containing the letter O. 
16. A winter related baby name. 
17. A name relating to the space or the sky. 
18. 3+ syllable name. 
19. A name related to science or scientists. 
20. Old fashioned name. 
Baby Events (Roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll multiples, roll the dice again to determine the sex of each baby. Even will be girl and odd will be boy. It's your choice whether the baby/child comes to you biologically, via a surrogate, or by adoption. If you adopt, you can choose their age. You can also decide whether a pregnancies are planned, unplanned, surprise, etc.)
1. Baby boy 
2. Baby girl 
3. Baby boy 
4. Baby girl 
5. Twins 
6. Baby boy 
7. Baby girl 
8. Baby boy 
9. Twins 
10. Triplets 
11. Pregnancy loss, condolences. 
12. Baby girl 
13. Baby boy 
14. Baby girl 
15. Baby boy 
16. Twins 
17. Baby boy 
18. Baby girl 
19. Twins 
20. Baby girl 


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#2 Nings8


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Posted 11 May 2021 - 12:10 AM

DW: Roberta Elizabeth (89)

DSH (Step-Dad): Henry Roscoe Marsh (91, deceased)

DH: Harrison Ronald (90)

DSW (Step-Mom): Leora Rose McMillan (81)

DS: Ernest Orion (64)

      DGF: Rachael January (60)

DD (me): Lily Hermione (61)

              DF: Miriam Louisa (63)

              DSD: Wren Harmony (40)

              DD: Stella Delaney (31)

              DD: Lyla Sunny (29)

              DD / DS: Gianna North / Noel Greyson (26)

DD: Sonnet Clover 'Sonny' (60)

       DH: Leif Elliott (58)

       DD: Cleo Lauryn (36)

DD: Primrose Lark (54)

      DH: Peyton Eugene (53)

      DS / DS: Campbell Roan (deceased) / Flynn Wallace (8)

DS: Hayden Orville (50)


Year 61: This year, I decide to break a bad habit I have: drinking. Ever since I found out about Miriam's cheating, I have started drinking more and more, so I decide to stop once and for all, and end up feeling a lot better both physically and mentally


Year 62: Miriam comes home from her doctor's appointment with some bad news: she has been diagnosed with diabetes. While it will be a struggle, I make a promise to her that I'll stand by her side and always be right there to help


Year 63: My friend Rosemary and I decide to take a girls' trip to Portland! We spend the weekend eating hipster foods and going to cute little farmer's markets. It's a blast!


Year 64: Miriam and I finally get married! We have a small ceremony in a park near our house, and, for our honeymoon we go to Italy!


Year 65: Lyla and her husband, Matthew Wilbur Wheeling give us a great surprise: she's pregnant! After a very mild pregnancy, she gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Starla Evangeline


Year 66: In a moment of passion, I get really mad at my daughter, Gianna, since she keeps taking money from me to spend on her boyfriend. She refuses to speak to me for a few days, but we finally come around and both apologize, and promise to spend more time together and be nicer to one another


Year 67: After many years of dating, Stella announces that her and her girlfriend, Hailey Silver West, are finally getting married! Both girls are deaf, so they have a lovely ceremony in ASL, and choose to go to Disney World for their honeymoon


Year 68: Gianna drops a surprise bomb on us: she's having a baby! She isn't sure about keeping the pregnancy, as her boyfriend just left her, but both Miriam and I promise to be there for her and the baby. After a long and grueling pregnancy, she finally gives birth to a fraternal twins: Seven Fawn and Huxley Gideon


Year 69: In a sad moment, Miriam and I decide to cut contact with her little brother, Cliff Marshall. He keeps mooching off of Miriam for money and then acts awfully towards her, which we decide will not be acceptable going forward.


Year 70: Noel surprises us when he brings home his boyfriend: a young contractor named Stone Ezekiel Ellerman. They met in school and are now in a serious relationship with each other, and they both seem very happy


Year 71: Feeling lonely in the house, Miriam and I choose to adopt another pet. We end up picking up a black kitten, who we name Rainy. She is a little rambunctious, but we love her so much


Year 72: I go to the doctor for my regular check up, only to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily, it is in the extremely early stages, but I will still need to have a mastectomy to make sure the cancer doesn't return


Year 73: This year Miriam's brother, Cliff, passes away of old age. Even though he was never the nicest to us, we still are sad to hear about the news, especially because he was Miriam's only sibling and she essentially raised him when their father was not present


Year 74: In an incredibly sad turn of events, Huxley is diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. This is devastating to Gianna, but we promise to help take care of him and pay for his treatments, which will most likely be lifelong


Year 75: After I notice Miriam not responding to me when I talk to her, I take her to a doctor to get her checked out. Turns out she has some hearing loss in her left ear; luckily, however, the whole family already knows ASL, and we start to integrate it more into our daily lives


Year 76: Stella and her wife Hailey choose to adopt a child! They decide to adopt the child of a 16 year old teen mom named Ginevra Jocelyn Galveston. They take care of her during the pregnancy, and she eventually gives birth to a healthy baby boy named Nico Grant


Year 77: After a lot of complaints from her teachers, Lyla and Matthew take Starla in to be tested. She is diagnosed with ADHD, which is relieving to Lyla, as now she can learn how best to help her


Year 78: Noel and Stone announce that they're getting married! Their wedding takes place in a garden, surrounded by family and friends, and for their honeymoon they choose to go to the Caribbean and Bora Bora


Year 79: To celebrate being almost 80, I throw a small family gathering! All of my children, my siblings, and everyone's kids are invited, and we all have a great time together


Year 80: On my 80th birthday, I decide to connect with some old friends: EmmyMollieRosemary: All people who have been there for me throughout my life. Overall, I am so thankful to have such a beautiful family that's been there for me through all the ups and downs


DW: Roberta Elizabeth (92, deceased)

DSH (Step-Dad): Henry Roscoe Marsh (91, deceased)

DH: Harrison Ronald (96, deceased)

DSW (Step-Mom): Leora Rose McMillan (87, deceased)

DS: Ernest Orion (83)

      DGF: Rachael January (79)

DD (me): Lily Hermione (80)

              DF: Miriam Louisa (82)

              DSD: Wren Harmony (59)

              DD: Stella Delaney (50)

                     DW: Hailey Silver (49)

                     DAS: Nico Grant (4)

              DD: Lyla Sunny (48)

                    DH: Matthew Wilbur (48)

                    DD: Starla Evangeline (15)

              DD / DS: Gianna North / Noel Greyson (45)

                            DD / DS: Seven Fawn / Huxley Gideon (12)  DH: Stone Ezekiel (42)

DD: Sonnet Clover 'Sonny' (79)

       DH: Leif Elliott (76)

       DD: Cleo Lauryn (55)

DD: Primrose Lark (73)

      DH: Peyton Eugene (72)

      DS / DS: Campbell Roan (deceased) / Flynn Wallace (27)

DS: Hayden Orville (69)

#3 MalloryMae


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Posted 13 May 2021 - 03:47 PM

The Gorman Family


DW: Eve Vincenza Ybarra-Gorman [deceased; straight blonde hair & gray eyes]

DH: Christopher "Chris" Cedar Gorman [deceased; curly brown hair & green eyes]


DS: Cedar Albert Gorman [81; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Claire Vincenza Gorman [80; straight brown hair & blue eyes]

DD: Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman [75; wavy brown hair & green eyes]

DAS/DAD: Rocco Christopher & Rosa Ybarra Gorman [65; wavy blonde hair & brown eyes / wavy brown hair & brown eyes]


DCat: Godfrey [deceased; tuxedo]


Cedar, Claire, Callie, Rocco, and Rosa


The Gorman Family


DH: Cedar Albert Gorman [81; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DW: Belinda Iris {née Simmons} Gorman [81; curly red hair & green eyes]


DS: Albie Matthew Gorman [61; curly brown hair & green eyes]

DD: Bella Sage Gorman [54; curly brown hair & gray eyes]


Cedar and Belinda, with their two children; Albie and Bella


The Gorman Family


DW: Claire Vincenza Gorman [80; straight brown hair & blue eyes]

DexBF: Ethan Chester Michaelson [82; curly black hair & brown eyes]

DexF: Gideon Ximeno Schermer [83; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DH: Fergus Robin Janson [79; curly red hair & brown eyes]


DS: August "Gus" Gorman Michaelson [60; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Amara Josephine Schermer [55; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DS: Felix Vincenzo Janson [44; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DS: Edwin Roland Janson [40; curly red hair & blue eyes]


Claire and Fergus, with their four children; Gus, Amara, Felix, and Edwin


The Gorman-Martel Family


DW: Rosa Ybarra Gorman-Martel [65; wavy brown hair & brown eyes]

DW: Lorraine Quin Gorman-Martel [62; curly black hair & brown eyes]


DD/DD: Merrin Flora & Dorothy Lyra Gorman-Martel [31; curly brown hair & brown eyes]


Rosa and Lorraine, with their two daughters; Merrin and Dorothy


The Michaelson-Suen Family


DH: August "Gus" Gorman Michaelson [60; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DH: Shiva Jonathan Suen [64; wavy red hair & green eyes]


DAD: Raina Makiya Michaelson-Suen [26; wavy black hair & green eyes]


Gus and Shiva, with their daughter; Raina


The Munro Family


DGF: Raina Makiya Michaelson-Suen [26; wavy black hair & green eyes]

DBF: Kevin Cruz Munro [26; wavy black hair & brown eyes]


DD/DD/DS: Delilah Merle, Poppy Ilene & Cole Leroy Munro [3; straight black hair & green eyes / curly black hair & brown eyes / wavy black hair & gray eyes]


Raina and Kevin, with their three children; Delilah, Poppy, and Cole


The Schermer Family


DW: Amara Josephine Schermer [55; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DexH: Leonard Miller Graeme [54; straight black hair & gray eyes]

DH: Julius Zelig Hancock [52; wavy blonde hair & brown eyes]


DS: Leonard "Leo" Miller Graeme [21; straight blonde hair & gray eyes]

DSD: Eva Ruth Hancock [19; wavy blonde hair & brown eyes]

DSD: Josie Dawn Hancock [17; straight blonde hair & green eyes]

DSD: Odette Winter Hancock [14; straight brown hair & blue eyes]


Amara and Julius, with their children; Leo, Eva, Josie, and Odette


The Janson Family


DBF: Felix Vincenzo Janson [44; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DGF: Katrina Crescentia Heikkinen [46; curly brown hair & gray eyes]


Felix and Katrina


The Janson Family


DH: Edwin Roland Janson [40; curly red hair & blue eyes]

DW: Astrid Jezebel Ormond [39; wavy brown hair & blue eyes]


DS: Rufus Simon Janson [9; wavy blonde hair & blue eyes]

DD: Nora Mildred Janson [1; wavy red hair & blue eyes]


Edwin and Astrid, with their two children; Rufus and Nora



One Year Old

My parents worry because I start walking late, but doctors confirm nothing is wrong.


Two Years Old

I make a best friend at daycare named Abram Brown.


Three Years Old

My family adopts a pet cat! We give him the name Godfrey.


Four Years Old

I am diagnosed with a shellfish allergy.


Five Years Old

My little sister, Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman, is born!


Six Years Old

My family moves to San Francisco, California.


Seven Years Old

My parents are having issues in their marriage, but they work them out and stay together.


Eight Years Old

I learn how to swim in my neighborhood pool!


Nine Years Old

I teach myself to roller blade in my basement!


Ten Years Old

I have a terribly mean teacher for the first semester, but I am able to switch teachers for the second.


Eleven Years Old

My sister Callie is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.


Twelve Years Old

I join my school's chess club after learning my chess talent!


Thirteen Years Old

My family takes a vacation to the Everglades, Florida.


Fourteen Years Old

I lose a best friend after they move away and we drift apart.


Fifteen Years Old

My parents adopt my new siblings, boy/girl twins, named Rocco Christopher and Rosa Ybarra Gorman!


Sixteen Years Old

My Aunt Nora passes away. I'm hit especially hard because we were very close.


Seventeen Years Old

After my Aunt Nora's passing, my mom's family has a large gathering to celebrate her life.


Eighteen Years Old

I dye my naturally brown hair a pretty dark blue.


Nineteen Years Old

My older brother, Cedar, and his girlfriend, Belinda, welcome a son named Albie Matthew Gorman.


Twenty Years Old

I welcome a son, August "Gus" Gorman Michaelson, with my boyfriend Ethan Michaelson.


Twenty-One Years Old

I learn to play the acoustic guitar.


Twenty-Two Years Old

Ethan, Gus, and I move to a new house in Washington State.


Twenty-Three Years Old

Ethan and I decide to separate after I find someone else I am romantically interested in. I begin dating Gideon Schermer.


Twenty-Four Years Old

Gideon and I get engaged!


Twenty-Five Years Old

Gideon and I welcome a daughter named Amara Josephine Schermer!


Twenty-Six Years Old

My older brother Cedar and his wife Belinda welcome their second child, Bella Sage Gorman!


Twenty-Seven Years Old

I get involved in a local Earth preservation committee.


Twenty-Eight Years Old

Gideon admits to cheating, and it's a deal breaker for me, so we split up.


Twenty-Nine Years Old

I am diagnosed with depression.


Thirty Years Old

I proudly renovated our kitchen by myself!


Thirty-One Years Old

​Gus and his team win the lacrosse championships!


Thirty-Two Years Old

I get a promotion at my job!


Thirty-Three Years Old

I meet Fergus Janson and we begin a relationship!


Thirty-Four Years Old

My son Gus comes out as gay. Myself and my family are incredibly supportive!


Thirty-Five Years Old

Fergus and I take a relaxing weekend trip to the mountains.


Thirty-Six Years Old

Fergus and I welcome a son, Felix Vincenzo Janson!


Thirty-Seven Years Old

Fergus and I get married!


Thirty-Eight Years Old

Fergus gets his dream job as head architect!


Thirty-Nine Years Old

My mom sadly passes away at the age of 76. The whole family is deeply saddened by this loss.


Fourty Years Old

Fergus and I welcome our second son together, Edwin Roland Janson!


Fourty-One Years Old

I take a business trip across the country for a week. Fergus and the little boys come with me.


Fourty-Two Years Old

Gus gets married to Shiva Suen!


Fourty-Three Years Old

I win an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii! I bring Fergus, Amara, Felix, and Edwin with me!


Fourty-Four Years Old

I attend a barbecue held by the company I work for, and it turned out to be fun!


Fourty-Five Years Old

I work end my bad habit of chewing on my fingernails.


Fourty-Six Years Old

Felix learns to play the violin!


Fourty-Seven Years Old

I am diagnosed with anxiety.


Fourty-Eight Years Old

I lose my dad, who died at 83. It's a sad death for everyone.


Fourty-Nine Years Old

My younger sister Rosa and her wife Lorraine welcome identical twin daughters- Merrin Flora and Dorothy Lyra Gorman-Martel!


Fifty Years Old

I have an awful coworker. They are stubborn and rarely do their job on time. Luckily, they change divisions after a few months.


Fifty-One Years Old

I learn how to write caligraphy!


Fifty-Two Years Old

Fergus and I renew our vows after 15 years of marriage!


Fifty-Three Years Old

Fergus, Felix, Edwin, and I take a road trip down the west coast.


Fifty-Four Years Old

Gus and Shiva welcome a daughter, Raina Makiya Michaelson-Suen!


Fifty-Five Years Old

I break my ankle after tripping down the stairs.


Fifty-Six Years Old

My best friend, Vicki, temporarily moves in with us before her new house is ready to move into.


Fifty-Seven Years Old

Fergus gets a promotion!


Fifty-Eight Years Old

Edwin earns the Eagle Scout rank!


Fifty-Nine Years Old

Amara and her husband Leonard welcome a son- Leonard "Leo" Miller Graeme, Jr!


Sixty Years Old

Fergus, Felix, Edwin, and I attend a Janson family reunion.


Sixty-One Years Old

I decrease my work hours to part time.


​Sixty-Two Years Old

I begin collecting postal stamps.


​Sixty-Three Years Old

I take a gardening class to enlarge my green thumb.


​Sixty-Four Years Old

I break my wrist exercising.


​Sixty-Five Years Old

Amara and Leonard divorce.


​Sixty-Six Years Old

Edwin gets married to Astrid Ormond!


​Sixty-Seven Years Old

I decide to learn French and it goes pretty well!


​Sixty-Eight Years Old

I attend a large extended family party.


​Sixty-Nine Years Old

My best friend Vicki and I go on vacation to Maine together.


​Seventy Years Old

Amara gets married to Julius Hancock and become stepmother to his daughters!


Seventy-One Years Old

Edwin and Astrid welcome a son- Rufus Simon Janson!


​Seventy-Two Years Old

Felix is in a serious relationship with Katrina Heikkinen.


​Seventy-Three Years Old

Fergus and I each retire!


​Seventy-Four Years Old

I decide to dye my hair bright red!


​Seventy-Five Years Old

I go on a Panama Canal cruise with Fergus!


​Seventy-Six Years Old

My grandson Rufus is diagnosed with autism.


​Seventy-Seven Years Old

My granddaughter Raina and her boyfriend Kevin welcome triplets! Their names are Delilah Merle, Poppy Ilene, and Cole Leory Munro.


​Seventy-Eight Years Old

My doctor warned me of possible signs of heart disease, so I started exercising more regularly and eating healthier.


​Seventy-Nine Years Old

Edwin and Astrid welcome a daughter- Nora Mildred Janson!


​Eighty Years Old

Fergus and I go on vacation to Rome!

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  • Interests:Everything Disney, Marvel & Star Wars!

Posted 04 September 2021 - 12:23 PM

The Good Family


DH: Zacharias "Zach" Wendell Good [dec. @ 102] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DH: Leopold "Leo" Honor (Flores) Good [dec. @ 105] {wavy brown hair & brown eyes}


DD: Oona Belle Good [83] {straight brown hair & green eyes}

DD: Fern Darcy Good [80] {curly brown hair & blue eyes}

DS: Bram Peter Good [76] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}

DS: Emil Isaac Good [dec. @ 28] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DS: Remy Tobin Good [73] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}


Zach and Leo Good, with their children; Oona, Fern, Bram, Emil, and Remy




The Yang Family


DD: Oona Belle Good-Yang [83] {straight brown hair & green eyes}

DH: Harrison Wilfred Yang [83] {wavy black hair & grey eyes}


DS: Emmett Cormac Yang [56] {curly brown hair & grey eyes}


Oona Good-Yang and Harrison Yang, with their son; Emmett




The Benjamin-Good Family


DD: Fern Darcy Good [80] {curly brown hair & blue eyes}

DH: Miles Stephen Benjamin [81] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}


DS: Ari Wilbur Benjamin-Good [54] {curly black hair & brown eyes}

DS: Santino Honor Benjamin-Good [50] {straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DS/DS: Zenith Emil & Kepler Isaac Benjamin-Good [43] {curly black hair & brown eyes, straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DC: Iris Adalie Benjamin-Good [40] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}


DDog: Booker [dec.]


Fern Good and Miles Benjamin, with their children; Ari, Santino, Zenith, Kepler, and Iris, and their dog; Booker




The Benjamin-Good Family


DS: Ari Wilbur Benjamin-Good [54] {curly black hair & brown eyes}

DW: Mavis Margaret (Lucero) Benjamin-Good [55] {straight red hair & grey eyes}


DD: Fyfe Honey Benjamin-Good [25] {curly red hair & brown eyes}

DS: Sage Mack Benjamin-Good [13] {wavy brown hair & grey eyes}


Ari and Mavis Benjamin-Good, with their children; Fyfe and Sage




The Hooper-Good Family


DS: Santino Honor Hooper-Good [50] {straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DH: Alec Carlos Hooper-Good [48] {wavy black hair & grey eyes}


DD/DD: Clementine Lucy & Calla Sophie Hooper-Good [21] {straight black hair & green eyes, wavy red hair & blue eyes}


Santino and Alec Hooper-Good, with their daughters; Clementine and Calla




The Benjamin-Bray Family


DS: Kepler Isaac Benjamin-Good [43] {straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DGF: Phoebe Alexandria Bray [42] {straight red hair & blue eyes}


Kepler Benjamin-Good and Phoebe Bray




The Benjamin-Good Family


DS: Zenith Emil Benjamin-Good [43] {curly black hair & brown eyes}

DGF: Esmeralda "Esme" Summer Soto [37] {straight red hair & green eyes}


DD/DS/DS: Della Noel, Ryer Albert & Floyd Conan Benjamin-Good [2] {wavy red hair & green eyes, wavy black hair & green eyes x2}


Zenith Benjamin-Good and Esme Soto, with their children; Della, Ryer, and Floyd




The Reyes-Good Family


DC: Iris Adalie Benjamin-Good [40] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}

DP: Jessie Gene Reyes [41] {straight brown hair & green eyes}


DC: Lennon Moon Reyes-Good [10] {curly brown hair & green eyes}

DC: Linden Jupiter Reyes-Good [0] {straight brown hair & grey eyes}


Iris Benjamin-Good and Jessie Reyes, with their children; Lennon and Linden




The Good Family


DS: Bram Peter Good [63] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}

DW: Zinnia Vera Carpenter-Good [63] {wavy blonde hair & green eyes}


DS/DS: Miller Sky & Murray Roe Good [45] {straight blonde hair & brown eyes, straight red hair & brown eyes}


Bram Good and Zinnia Carpenter-Good, with their sons; Miller and Murray




The Good-Rios Family


DS: Murray Roe Good [45] {straight red hair & brown eyes}

DF: Leah Mahali Rios [45] {curly black hair & grey eyes}


DD: Koa Philomena Good [14] {curly brown hair & brown eyes}


Murray Good and Leah Rios, with their daughter; Koa




Year Zero

Fern Darcy Good is born to her parents, Zach and Leo, and older sister, Oona.


Year One

The Good family goes on vacation to Nerja, Spain, where they explore caves.


Year Two

Fern hasn't yet started to talk, so she is enrolled in speech therapy.


Year Three

Fern is diagnosed with a wasp allergy after being stung.


Year Four

Zach and Leo have another baby, Oona and Fern's brother! His name is Bram Peter Good.


Year Five

Oona, Fern, and Bram gain a little brother named Emil Isaac Good!


Year Six

Fern is diagnosed with synesthesia.


Year Seven

Zach and Leo have their fifth child- a third little boy! His name is Remy Tobin Good.


Year Eight

Fern makes a new friend named Raine O'Brien.


Year Nine

Fern begins taking trumpet lessons.


Year Ten

Fern loses a best friend due to a disagreement.


Year Eleven

Fern joins the drama club at her school.


Year Twelve

Fern dyes the ends of her hair bright blue.


Year Thirteen

Fern picks up a major interest in chemistry.


Year Fourteen

Fern discovers how much she enjoys reading in a hammock in her yard.


Year Fifteen

Zach's dad passes away. The loss was especially hard since he was close with everyone in the family.


Year Sixteen

Fern takes the SAT in preparation for college this year.


Year Seventeen

Fern gets her first job as a busser at one of her family's favorite restaurants.


Year Eighteen

The Goods take a roadtrip to Cape Cod, MA, where they relax on the beach.


Year Nineteen

Fern comes in second place on Jeopardy!


Year Twenty

Fern catches a seasonal virus, but recovers after a few weeks.


Year Twenty-One

Fern gets a raise!


Year Twenty-Two

Fern's younger brother Bram and his girlfriend Zinnia have twin sons named Miller Sky and Murray Roe Good.


Year Twenty-Three

Fern starts getting involved in the animal shelter near her apartment.


Year Twenty-Four

A large earthquake hits Fern's area, but luckily she is barely affected.


Year Twenty-Five

Fern's sister Oona and her husband Harrison have a son named Emmett Cormac Yang!


Year Twenty-Six

Fern and her new boyfriend Miles welcome a son! His name is Ari Wilbur Benjamin-Good.


Year Twenty-Seven

Fern and Miles get married! They have a small, simple ceremony with only their close friends and family and honeymoon in England!


Year Twenty-Eight

Miles brings Fern and Ari on his business trip to Hawaii, so they can turn it into more of a family vacation.


Year Twenty-Nine

Ari learns to ride a tricycle!


Year Thirty

Fern and Miles welcome their second son! They give him the name Santino Honor Benjamin-Good.


​Year Thirty-One

Ari begins taking voice lessons.


​Year Thirty-Two

Fern starts learning Portuguese at a weekly class.


​Year Thirty-Three

Fern loses her younger brother, Emil, to suicide. It's a devastating loss for everyone who knew him.


​Year Thirty-Four

Fern is diagnosed with depression following the loss of Emil.


​Year Thirty-Five

Santino is diagnosed with asthma.


​Year Thirty-Six

Fern, Miles, Ari, and Santino move to a new house a few miles from their old one.


​Year Thirty-Seven

Fern and Miles welcome their third and fourth sons! The twins are named Zenith Emil and Kepler Isaac Benjamin-Good.


​Year Thirty-Eight

Fern begins volunteering at a local library.


​Year Thirty-Nine

A hurricane hit the area, but the only issues faced were a few fallen trees blocking the roads afterward.


Year Forty

Fern and Miles welcome their fifth child and only daughter! Her name is Iris Adalie Benjamin-Good.


Year Forty-One

Miles gets a raise!


​Year Forty-Two

After having a mouse in the house, Fern discovers she has a mice allergy.


​Year Forty-Three

Santino and Kepler beg Fern and Miles for a pet, so they end up adopting a dog! He's an adorable Pittie named Booker.


​Year Forty-Four

Fern starts her own blog that teaches Portuguese now that she is fully fluent.


​Year Forty-Five

Iris learns to ride a bike without training wheels!


​Year Forty-Six

Fern gets promoted!


​Year Forty-Seven

Fern and Miles take Zenith, Kepler, and Iris on a vacation to Colorado where they visit Rocky Mountain National Park and other wonders of nature.


​Year Forty-Eight

Santino comes out as pansexual. Every family member is super supportive!


​Year Forty-Nine

Fern and Miles take all of their kids on a vacation to China, where they see the Great Wall of China!


​Year Fifty

Fern and Miles renew their wedding vows!


Year Fifty-One

Fern finds a lump in her breast, and it ends up being cancerous. She has surgery to remove it and chemotherapy after to make sure there is nothing left of it.


Year Fifty-Two

Ari gets married to his partner of four years, Mavis! They have a large ceremony and invite everyone they know!


Year Fifty-Three

Fern's nephew Murray and his fiance Leah have a daughter! Her name is Koa Philomena Good.


Year Fifty-Four

Iris comes out as non-binary! Everyone in the family is supportive, although certain extended family members need to do some research.


Year Fifty-Five

Ari and Mavis have a little girl! Her name is Fyfe Honey Benjamin-Good. Fern is thrilled to be a grandmother!


Year Fifty-Six

Santino gets married to his long-time partner, Alec! They have a destination wedding in the Bahamas!


Year Fifty-Seven

Miles transfers to another department in his company.


Year Fifty-Eight

Fern breaks her ankle, leaving her on crutches for six weeks.


Year Fifty-Nine

Santino and Alec welcome twin girls! Their names are Clementine Lucy and Calla Sophie Hooper-Good.


Year Sixty

Fern and Miles see the American Pops in concert!


Year Sixty-One

Fern decides to stop biting her nails.


​Year Sixty-Two

Miles comes down with pneumonia, but recovers after a few months.


​Year Sixty-Three

Fern and Miles retire from their jobs!


​Year Sixty-Four

Fern and Miles take a vacation to Mexico City, where they visit Chapultepec Castle!


​Year Sixty-Five

Kepler began dating someone named Phoebe Bray!


​Year Sixty-Six

Fern and Miles take their kids and grandkids on a Disney Cruise!


​Year Sixty-Seven

Ari and Mavis have a little boy! His name is Sage Mack Benjamin-Good.


​Year Sixty-Eight

Fern and Miles renew their wedding vows again!


​Year Sixty-Nine

Miles is diagnosed with depression.


Year Seventy

Iris and their partner Jessie have a baby named Lennon Moon Reyes-Good! They are raising them as gender neutral until they can determine their gender for themselves.


Year Seventy-One

Lennon is diagnosed as deaf. Everyone in the family begins familiarizing themselves with sign language in preparation for their future.


​Year Seventy-Two

Leo, one of Fern's dads, passes away at the age of 105. He had a long, wonderful life.


Year Seventy-Three

Zach, Fern's other dad, passes away at the age of 102. It's hard for Fern to lose both parents in a year.


Year Seventy-Four

Miles brings Fern on a surprise date to have a picnic and watch the sunset from the mountains.


​Year Seventy-Five

Fern and Zenith attend a Maroon 5 concert.


​Year Seventy-Six

Fern and Miles take their entire family on a vacation to Capri, Italy!


​Year Seventy-Seven

Fern dyes her hair so that it fades from purple at the roots to pink at the ends.


​Year Seventy-Eight

Zenith and his girlfriend Esme, welcome triplets! They have a daughter named Della Noel and identical sons named Ryer Albert and Floyd Conan Benjamin-Good.


​Year Seventy-Nine

Fern begins learning to play the harp.


Year Eighty

Iris and Jessie welcome their second child! Their name is Linden Jupiter Reyes-Good.

#5 MalloryMae


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Posted 24 February 2022 - 05:52 PM

The Santos Family


DW: Arietta Florence Aquila [deceased] - wavy blonde hair, blue eyes & fair skin

DP: Brook Melisa Santos [deceased] - curly black hair, brown eyes & brown skin


DD: Soraya Noel Santos [80] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DD: Safira March Santos [78] - curly red hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DAS: Alonso Rey Santos [67] - curly black hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


DCat: Soccoro - Abyssinian


Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos; with SorayaSafira, and Alonso (& Socorro)


The Santos Family


DD: Soraya Noel Santos [80] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DEx-BF: Conan Jeremy Argyris [81] - straight red hair, brown eyes & fair skin

DP: Marigold "Mari" Diana Ahearne [82] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


DS: Theodore "Theo" Samuel Santos Argyris [60] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & tan skin

DD: Zora Juliet Santos Ahearne [51] - curly blonde hair, green eyes & brown skin

DS: Adler Edmond Santos Ahearne [48] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DS: Everett River Santos Ahearne [48] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin

DD: Juno Millicent Santos Ahearne [43] - curly blonde hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


Soraya Santos and Mari Ahearne; with TheoZoraAdlerEverett, and Juno


The Sorenson Family


DD: Zora Juliet (Santos Ahearne) Sorenson [51] - curly blonde hair, green eyes & brown skin

DExH: Rhett Leo Sorenson [50] - wavy brown hair, grey eyes & tan skin


DD: Aurora "Aura" Jean Sorenson [22] - wavy blonde hair, green eyes & tan skin

DD: Waverly Isabel Sorenson [22] - wavy blonde hair, green eyes & tan skin

DS: Ranger Leo Sorenson [13] - wavy blonde hair, grey eyes & tan skin


Zora Sorenson; with AuraWaverly, and Ranger


The Ahearne Family


DS: Adler Edmond Santos Ahearne [48] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DW: April Briella (Walther) Ahearne [43] - straight red hair, green eyes & fair skin


Adler Santos Ahearne and April Ahearne


The Santos Kollannur Family


DS: Everett River Santos Ahearne [48] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin

DH: Arjun Chitraksh Kollannur [52] - straight black hair, brown eyes & olive skin


DS: Dasan Mowgli Santos Kollannur [19] - straight black hair, green eyes & tan skin


Everett Santos Ahearne and Arjun Kollannur; with Dasan


The Simonis Ahearne Family


DD: Juno Millicent Santos Ahearne [43] - curly blonde hair, hazel eyes & brown skin

DW: Annora "Nora" Jacqueline Simonis [39] - wavy brown hair, brown eyes & fair skin


DD: Drew Noel Simonis Ahearne [12] - curly black hair, brown eyes & fair skin

DS: Tai Sol Simonis Ahearne [4] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


Juno Santos Ahearne and Nora Simonis; with Drew and Tai


Year 0

Soraya Noel Santos is born to Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos


Year 1

Arietta and Brook discover that Soraya is already great at picking up letters and remembering words in books!


Year 2

Soraya becomes a big sister to Safira March Santos!


Year 3

Soraya is diagnosed with a gluten allergy, so Arietta and Brook adapt a gluten-free diet for their family.


Year 4

Soraya is affirmingly diagnosed with hyperlexia, after experiencing many symptoms for the past few years.


Year 5

As Soraya enters kindergarten and Safira enters preschool, Brook goes back to work after spending five years at home with their daughters.


Year 6

Soraya joins a baseball team!


Year 7

Soraya and her family go on vacation to Panama City!


Year 8

Soraya's great grandfather passes away at the age of 98. Arietta is especially sad that her daughters never met him.


Year 9

Soraya finds herself very interested in engineering and is considering pursuing it as a career one day.


Year 10

Soraya goes on a school trip to an art museum that she enjoyed!


Year 11

Soraya begins learning to play the cello!


Year 12

Arietta and Brook adopt a three year old Abyssinian cat named Socorro for Soraya and Safira!


Year 13

Soraya breaks her ankle during a track meet!


Year 14

Soraya begins taking calming hikes along a river in her neighborhood.


Year 15

Soraya applies for a part-time job at an animal shelter, but is rejected.


Year 16

Soraya comes out as pansexual and all of her family and friends are extremely supportive!


Year 17

Soraya becomes a big sister again when Arietta and Brook adopt a little boy named Alonso Rey Santos!


Year 18

Soraya takes up a new hobby in pottery.


Year 19

Soraya moves into an apartment close to her new Purdue University campus, where she is studying environmental engineering.


Year 20

Soraya and her casual boyfriend Conan Argyris unexpectedly find themselves pregnant! They ultimately decide to split and co-parent their little boy, whom they name Theo Samuel Santos Argyris!


Year 21

Soraya is diagnosed with post-partum depression after struggling mentally since Theo's birth.


Year 22

After graduating from Purdue, Soraya applies for an engineering job, but is sadly rejected.


Year 23

Soraya gets her first full-time job as an environmental engineer!


Year 24

After nearly ten months of dating, Soraya gets engaged to Mari Ahearne!


Year 25

SorayaMari, and Theo move to a new apartment together in Chicago.


Year 26

Soraya and Mari finally get married! The ceremony is beautiful and so is the honeymoon!


Year 27

Soraya tries to teach herself ASL.


Year 28

Soraya and Mari buy their first home!


Year 29

Soraya and Mari welcome a daughter named Zora Juliet Santos Ahearne! Theo is already an incredible big brother.


Year 30

After signs of pancreas failure, Theo is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.


Year 31

Mari gets a raise!


Year 32

Soraya and Mari welcome twin sons named Adler Edmond and Everett River Santos Ahearne!


Year 33

Zora begins learning to play the ukelele.


Year 34

Mari comes out as agender and begins to go by they/them pronouns.


Year 35

Soraya gets a tattoo of a mountain silhouette on her rib cage.


Year 36

Soraya and Mari take their kids on a vacation to Europe, making stops in Paris and London, as well as some other cities.


Year 37

Soraya and Mari welcome a daughter named Juno Millicent Santos Ahearne!


Year 38

Soraya's best friend Elsa and her husband Laurent have a daughter named Marnie Jo Rosen!


Year 39

Soraya and a coworker get in a car accident on the way to a company event and are fortunately uninjured.


Year 40

Mari takes Soraya and the kids with them on a business trip to visit the Princeton campus.


Year 41

Soraya gets a tattoo of the Draco constellation behind her right ear.


Year 42

Soraya starts taking lyrical dance lessons to de-stress and exercise.


Year 43

Mari's sister Liliana has unexpected surgery and is rehabilitating in the hospital, so Mari and Soraya take her fifteen year old son Ryan and six year old daughter Olivia in to live with them for a bit.


Year 44

Mari starts her own tutoring business.


Year 45

Juno is diagnosed with a gluten allergy, but luckily Soraya can easily adapt her diet, having one herself.


Year 46

Soraya and Mari renew their wedding vows on their twentieth anniversary.


Year 47

Soraya and Mari go on a romantic date to a lake.


Year 48

Theo gets a promotion at his job and Juno begins learning to play the drums!


Year 49

Soraya comes down with bad case of pneumonia, but eventually fully recovers.


Year 50

Soraya's brother Alonso and his wife Elle have a little boy named Onyx Lovelace Santos!


Year 51

Soraya and Mari take all of their kids on a vacation to Greece!


Year 52

Soraya volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House.


Year 53

Soraya's mom, Arietta, devastatingly passes away at the age of 82 after a stroke.


Year 54

Soraya and Mari decide to put more effort into going on interesting, spontaneous dates together.


Year 55

Soraya dreads her company holiday party, but actually ends up enjoying herself!


Year 56

Soraya takes a photography class and starts to gain a different perspective on the world.


Year 57

Soraya starts collecting pennies.


Year 58

Zora gets married to Rhett Sorenson and they have identical twin daughters named Aura and Waverly!


Year 59

Soraya begins regularly attending hot yoga classes.


Year 60

Soraya's parent, Brook, sadly passes away after a long struggle with pulmonary fibrosis.


Year 61

Soraya is unfortunately diagnosed with stage 2 bladder cancer and begins chemotherapy.


Year 62

Everett and his husband Arjun adopt a one-year-old little boy named Dasan!


Year 63

Soraya and Mari both decrease their work hours to spend more time with one another, their kids, and grandkids.


Year 64

Soraya is diagnosed with arthritis in her knee, but is in remission for her cancer!


Year 65

Soraya and Mari go on a cruise to the Great Barrier Reef with some of their best friends.


Year 66

Dasan has his first dance recital!


Year 67

Zora and Rhett have their third baby, a little boy named Ranger!


Year 68

Juno and her girlfriend Nora have a baby girl named Drew!


Year 69

Juno and Nora get married!


Year 70

Adler gets married to his long-time girlfriend April!


Year 71

After being in remission for six years, Soraya's bladder cancer returns.


Year 72

Soraya and Mari retire!


Year 73

Zora and Rhett divorce.


Year 74

Soraya dyes her hair bright pink in to celebrate being in remission once again!


Year 75

Mari starts slowly losing their hearing.


Year 76

Juno and Nora have a baby boy named Tai!


Year 77

Soraya's bladder cancer returns, this time at a stage 3 level.


Year 78

Soraya and Mari invite their kids and grandkids over for the fourth of July.


Year 79

Soraya starts a vegetable garden.


Year 80

Soraya and Mari begin needing everyday help taking care of themselves so they move into an assisted living home together.

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