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Years of Your Life dice game, Part 3/5 (Years 19-40)

Dice game Part 3

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#1 Remy Hadley

Remy Hadley

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Posted 02 May 2021 - 04:39 PM

This is a 5 part series. Part 1 was years 0-13, Part 2 is years 14-18, Part 3 will be years 19-40, Part 4 will be years 41-60, and Part 5 will be years 61-80. Of course you can discontinue anywhere along the lines but the option to continue will be there.    :blush: 


Here is part 1: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39964

Here is part 2: https://www.babyname...showtopic=39965 '


Here's your dice: https://www.wizards....d/dice/dice.htm


Roll the dice to determine what happens each year. You can choose whether you want one or two life events to happen per year. You don't have to do the same number of events per year for ever age group. It's your choice how detailed you want to be. Roll for every year, ages 19-40. 


You can decide whether you go straight to university after school/ the year off when beginning this game. If you do, you can use hte School Events section if it comes up. Otherwise, it'll just be a potential option to roll later on (but seeing as there's so many options it may not happen  :lol: ). You can list when you graduate to match a reasonable timeline from after you began taking classes. 




Name (roll a 20 sided dice) 

1. First letter is the same as the first letter of a parent.  
2. A name with a double letter (ie Elliott, Camille, Anne, Reese) 
3. You choose. 
4. The name honors a relative in some manner. 
5. First letter is the same as the first letter of the surname. 
6. Name honors a favorite childhood book or movie. 
7. The name ends with a consonant. 
8. The name is unisex or has a unisex nickname possibility. 
9. A nature name or a name that has a nature related meaning. 
10. 6 letter long name. 
11. A top 50 baby name according to the most recent SSA baby names list. 
12. An animal name or a name with an animal meaning. 
13. A word name (includes nature words, inspirational words, etc) 
14. A 2-4 letter name. 
15. Baby name containing the letter O. 
16. A winter related baby name. 
17. A name relating to the space or the sky. 
18. 3+ syllable name. 
19. A name related to science or scientists. 
20. Old fashioned name. 
Life Events (roll an 8 sided dice to decide which section, then go to the matching one below) 
1. Baby/Child Events 
2. School Events (reroll if you aren't already attending school) 
3. Work Events 
4. Relationship Events 
5. Child Life Events 
6. Travel Events 
7. Health Events 
8. Misc Events 
Baby/Child Events  (Roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll multiples, roll the dice again to determine the sex of each baby. Even will be girl and odd will be boy. It's your choice whether the baby/child comes to you biologically, via a surrogate, or by adoption. If you adopt, you can choose their age. You can also decide whether a pregnancies are planned, unplanned, surprise, etc.)
1. Baby boy 
2. Baby girl 
3. Baby boy 
4. Baby girl 
5. Twins 
6. Baby boy 
7. Baby girl 
8. Baby boy 
9. Twins 
10. Triplets 
11. Pregnancy loss, condolences. 
12. Baby girl 
13. Baby boy 
14. Baby girl 
15. Baby boy 
16. Twins 
17. Baby boy 
18. Baby girl 
19. Twins 
20. Baby girl 
School Events (roll a 6 sided dice) 
1. You really enjoy one of your classes this semester! Which one and why? 
2. You fail a class this semester. Do you have to retake the class (required class for your major)? 
3. You take an important test. How did it go? 
4. You have an awful professor at school this semester. What makes them awful? What do you do about it? 
5. You really dislike one of your classes this semester. Which one and why? 
6. You decide to either switch your major, to pursue two majors, or change your minor. 
Work Events (roll a 4 sided dice then a 6 sided dice) 
1.1. You or your spouse get a promotion! 
1.2. You begin volunteer work. Where at? 
1.3. You or your spouse get a raise! 
1.4. You or your spouse applied for a new job but were rejected. 
1.5. You or your spouse get fired. 
1.6. Your job offers you the opportunity to pay for you to go to university to advance your skills for you job. Do you take it? 
2.1. You or your spouse get a raise! 
2.2. You or your spouse get your dream job! What is it? 
2.3. You or your spouse transfer to another area of your job. Are you both happy with the transfer? Are there benefits to the switch? Does the transfer involve moving homes and if so, is it temporary or permanent? 
2.4. You achieve something significant at work. 
2.5. You have an awful boss or coworker at work. What makes them awful? What do you do about it, if anything? 
2.6. You or your spouse get a promotion! 
3.1. You or your spouse loose your job. 
3.2. You begin volunteer work. Where at? 
3.3. 6. You and/or your spouse decide to open your own business. What kind of business is it? 
3.4. You or your spouse mess up at work! What are the consequences? 
3.5. You or your spouse get let go. 
3.6. You or your spouse get a raise! 
4.1. You begin volunteer work. Where at? 
4.2. You or your spouse decide to discontinue your/their job in favor of being a house spouse. How does this effect the family? 
4.3. Your job opens a new location across the state and offers you a higher level position, if you'd like to move. Do you take it? 
4.4. You or your spouse have a work function/event and it turns out to be a wonderful time! What kind of function/event is it?  
4.5. You or your spouse applied for a new job but were rejected. 
4.6. You or your spouse take a business trip. Where is it to? Do you and your spouse get to go together or alone? If you have kids and you're both going, where are they during this trip?
Relationship Events (roll a 4 sided dice then a 6 sided dice) 
1.1. You get married. 
1.2. Your older sibling has a baby! If you have no older siblings, you can choose whether it's your spouses sibling or a best friend who has a baby. [Go to Baby/Child Events and Name section to determine baby's info] 
1.3. You get engaged. 
1.4. You lose a best friend. What happened? 
1.5. Your or your spouses parents move in with you for 6 months. Why? How does it go? 
1.6. You meet someone you are romantically interested in! If you're single, do you go for it? If you're in a relationship, do you end your current relationship to pursue or do you sort your feelings. 
2.1. Your spouse/partner comes out as LGBTQ+. How does this effect your relationship?
2.2. You or your spouse decide to cut contact with a family member(s). What happened? 
2.3. Something is happening in your or your spouses siblings life where they ask you to temporarily keep their children in your home. What's going on? How long do they stay? (You decide how many children, their sex, their age, and their name)  
2.4. You and your partner renew your vows! If you weren't married, you're getting married! 
2.5. Your partner/spouse is cheating! Did they come forward or were they caught? Do you decide to move forward working through it together or do you separate? 
2.6. One of you or your spouses parents pass away. 
3.1. You meet someone you are romantically interested in! If you're single, do you go for it? If you're in a relationship, do you end your current relationship to pursue or do you sort your feelings. 
3.2. One of you or your spouses siblings pass away. Do they have children? Will their children need a home and if so, will you adopt them? (You choose how many children, their sex, their age, and their name) 
3.3. You get divorced. If you're not married, you break up from a serious relationship. 
3.4.  You get in a fight with a family member. What happened? Are you able to resolve it? 
3.5. You get engaged. 
3.6 You attend a family gathering. 
4.1. You lose a loved one. Who was it? 
4.2. Your or your spouses parents are having marital problems. Roll a dice to see whether they reconcile or separate, with odd being reconcile and even being separate. 
4.3. You meet someone you are romantically interested in! If you're single, do you go for it? If you're in a relationship, do you end your current relationship to pursue or do you sort your feelings. 
4.4. Your younger sibling has a baby! If you have no younger siblings older than 15, you can choose whether it's a spouses sibling or a best friend who has a baby. [Go to Baby/Child Events and Name section to determine baby's info] 
4.5. You come out as LGBTQ+. How does this effect your relationships? 
4.6. You get married. 
Child Life Events (roll a 20 sided dice) 
1. Your child has their first dance recital! 
2. Your child is diagnosed with asthma. 
3. Your child experiences an injury that disables them. What happened? Is it permanent or temporary? How will life change to accommodate their needs? 
4. Your child has a big sporting event! What sport do they play? 
5. Your child begins learning a musical instrument! Which one? 
6. Your child earns an award they worked hard for! What is the award for? 
7. You have problems with your child's schooling. What's going on? Are you able to successfully resolve it? Do you make any changes to their schooling situation? 
Your child takes up an after school activity. What is it? 
8. Your child learns how to swim! 
9. Your child comes out as LGBTQ+. Are all their loved ones supportive? 
10. Your child is diagnosed with a neurodiversity. Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc. For reference, ADHD can be diagnosed as young as 4, Autism as young as 18 months, Hyperlexia as young as 18 months, and Dyscalculia/Dysgraphia/Dyslexia/Synesthesia cannot be diagnosed until elementary ages]
11. Your child joins an after school club. What kind of club is it? 
12. You discover your child has a talent! What is it? Do they enjoy it? 
13. Your child breaks a bone! Which one and how did it happen? 
14. Your child learns to ride something with wheels! What did you learn to ride? (Bicycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc). 
15. Your child gets into a fight at school. Did they instigate? Were they defending themselves? Were they defending a classmate? 
16. Your child begs for a pet. What kind of pet are they asking for? Do you get it for them? If so, what do they name it? 
17. Your child has their first boyfriend/girlfriend. What are they like? (if they're too young, re-roll for another option). 
18. Your child is diagnosed with an allergy. What are they allergic to? How much does this alter their life? 
19. Your child asks to dye their hair a fun color. What color do they choose? 
20. Your child is diagnosed with a serious illness/disease. What is it? How long does it take to recover? Or will it take life long management? How do you handle learning this? 
Travel Events (roll a 10 sided dice) 
1. You move to a new house! Is it local to where you previously lived or far away? 
2. You go on a solo vacation! Where do you go? 
3. You take a family vacation. Where do you go? 
4. You move to a new apartment. Is it local to where you previously lived or far away? 
5. You and your spouse win an all expenses paid trip! Where do you go? Do you bring your kids (if you have any)? 
6. You move to a new country! Which one/where at? 
7. You take a family vacation. Where do you go? 
8. You take a road trip! Who do you take with? Or do you go solo? Where do you go? 
9. You and your family decide to have a stay-cation. Do you visit local attractions or do you stay home and rest, or a mix of the two? 
10. You and your spouse take a weekend trip away. Where do you go? 
Health Events (roll a 10 sided dice) 
1. You experience an illness/disease. What is it? Does it have long term effects? 
2. You experience an injury that permanently disables you. What happened? How will life change to accommodate your needs? 
3. You or your partner are diagnosed with an allergy. What are you/they allergic to? How much will this change you/their life? 
4. You care for someone with an illness/disease. Who is it? What illness/disease are they struggling with? 
5. You get in a car accident and get injured. Is it a minor or major injury? 
6. You are diagnosed with a neurodiversity. Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc] 
7. You or your partner are diagnosed with depression. 
8. You or your partner are diagnosed with anxiety. 
9. You break a bone! Which one and how did it happen? 
10. You experience an injury that disables you for a period of time. What happened? How are things changing for you? 
Misc Events (roll a 4 sided dice then an 8 sided dice)  
1.1. You decide to learn a new language. Which language is it? Do you take classes or do you seek out learning on your own? How well does it go? 
1.2. You or your partner appear on the local news. What is going on in town? 
1.3. You decide to alter your appearance in some fashion. What do you decide to do? 
1.4. You or your spouse make a negative financial decision. How do you recover? 
1.5. You buy a new/ new to you car. What kind of car is it? 
1.6. You win a large sum of money! Where from? What do you do with it? 
1.7. You experience something that changed your perspective in life. What happened and how does it change your life moving forward? 
1.8. A minor natural disaster hits your area. How badly are you effected? Did you have to evacuate your home? Was there any damage? 
2.1. You take on a new hobby. What is it? 
2.2. You have tickets to a major sporting event. Do you enjoy sports? Does your spouse/partner/best friend? Do you go and have an amazing time or do you gift the tickets to a loved one? 
2.3. You get a piercing. Where? 
2.4. You accomplish something that took a lot of effort! What it is? 
2.5. You and your spouse have some financial difficulties. Are you able to resolve them? Will you need support from loved ones? What becomes of it? 
2.6. You decide to go back to university! What do you plan on studying? 
2.7. You learn how to do something by yourself. What is it? 
2.8. You discover a favorite book series! Which one? 
3.1. You dye your hair a fun color. What color do you choose? 
3.2. You get in a car accident! Are you okay? How is your car? 
3.3. You begin writing a blog. What is the theme? 
3.4. You or your spouse achieve a life long goal! What is it? 
3.5. You or your spouse get an inheritance. What do you inherit (ie a house, money, etc)? What do you do with it? 
3.6. You learn how to play a musical instrument. Which one? 
3.7. One of your loved ones threw you a surprise party! Were you surprised? Did you love it? 
3.8. You go to a concert! Who do you see? 
4.1. You add a pet to your family. What kind of animal is it? What do you name it? 
4.2. You get involved in a club/ organization. Which one and why? 
4.3. You write a book. What about? 
4.4. You get a tattoo. Where on your body and what do you get? 
4.5. You meet someone who has had a big influence in your life! 
4.6. You or your spouse play a game show on television. What game show is it? How well did you do? 
4.7. You discover something about yourself. What is it? 
4.8. You discover a favorite spot to connect with nature. Where is it and/or what is it like? 

  • glitchinggecko and MalloryMae like this

#2 brimariiee


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Posted 04 May 2021 - 01:28 AM

DH: Matthew Howard Hart [69; brown hair and blue eyes]
DW: Viola Monroe Hart (nee Dodger) [67; blonde hair and green eyes]

DD: Anna Monroe Hart [39;  blonde hair and blue eyes]

DS: Robin 'Robbie' Howard Hart [38; blonde hair and blue eyes]

DD/DD: Arielle Caroline Hart and Holly Mae Hart [36; brown hair and blue eyes/brown hair and green eyes]

DD: Daisy Quinn Hart [35; blonde hair and green eyes]
DS: Peyton August Hart [30, brown hair and blue eyes]



DH: Drew Apollo Rafferty [39; brown hair and brown eyes]
DW: Anna Monroe Rafferty (nee Hart) [39; blonde hair and blue eyes]


DS: Whitman Ellis Rafferty [18; brown hair and blue eyes]

DS: Howard 'Howie' Leo Rafferty [12; brown hair and brown eyes]

DS/DS/DD: Jonas Gabriel Rafferty, Alistair Gideon Rafferty, and Penelope Grace Rafferty [11; brown hair and brown eyes/blonde hair and brown eyes/blonde hair and blue eyes]

DD: Matilda Clover Rafferty [8; blonde hair and brown eyes]

DS: Derek Milo Rafferty [7; brown hair and blue eyes]


Furbaby: Oliver [orange tabby]


Year 19: Anna is now 18 years old, has finished high school and is off to college. Her high school boyfriend is also going to the same college so after getting settled, they get married. Anna marries Drew Apollo Rafferty in December. 

Year 20: Drew and Anna are 19. In her spare time, Anna volunteers at a local food kitchen.

Year 21: Drew and Anna are 20. Anna's family takes a trip to California to celebrate before Robbie also heads off to college, Drew and Anna join the Hart's. 

Year 22: Drew and Anna are 21. While they originally intended to wait until after graduation, Anna and Drew are excited to welcome a baby boy into their family. Whitman Ellis Rafferty is born with brown hair and blue eyes. 

Year 23: Drew and Anna are 22 and Whitman is 1. With all the stress of a new baby, Anna struggles in school and fails a class important to her major, so she decides to step back from school until Whitman is older. She gets a job at a daycare while Drew finishes school.

Year 24: Drew and Anna are 23 and Whitman is 2. Drew graduates from college with a degree in anthropology. While climbing on the playground chasing after Whitman, Anna falls and breaks the same wrist she broke as a child.
Year 25: Drew and Anna are 24 and Whitman is 3. With a lot of trial and error, Anna teaches herself photography. She plans to use this skill to make a little money on the side doing family and newborn photography specifically. 

Year 26: Drew and Anna are 25 and Whitman is 4. Anna goes back to school but changes her plans up. This time she focuses on human development and photography with the goal to run her own daycare one day and just get a better education for her growing photography business. 

Year 27: Drew and Anna are 26 and Whitman is 5. Drew gets a promotion at work and is better able to help support their family.

Year 28: Drew and Anna are 27 and Whitman is 6. Now that their family is more stable, Drew and Anna add another little boy to their home. Howard Leo Rafferty, who they call Howie, looks just like Drew with brown hair and brown eyes. 

Year 29: Drew and Anna are 28, Whitman is 7, and Howie is 1. Drew and Anna want to grow their family a little more but are shocked to learn they are having triplets! Baby A was a boy, Jonas Gabriel Rafferty, with brown hair and brown eyes. Baby B was another boy, Alistair Gideon Rafferty, with blonde hair and brown eyes.  Baby C was their first girl, Penelope Grace Rafferty, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Year 30: Drew and Anna are 29, Whitman is 8, Howie is 2, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 1. Despite having 4 kids under the age of 3, Anna finishes school as planned so Drew throws her a major surprise graduation party. Anna is so surprised and they all have a great time.

Year 31: Drew and Anna are 30, Whitman is 9, Howie is 3, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 2. Anna decides to volunteer at the local cat shelter. Though, part of the reason she's there is to hopefully find a new furbaby to bring home. 

Year 32: Drew and Anna are 31, Whitman is 10, Howie is 4, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 3. Now that the triplets are getting a little older, Drew and Anna decide it's time for another baby.  Matilda Clover Rafferty was born with blonde hair and brown eyes.

Year 33: Drew and Anna are 32, Whitman is 11, Howie is 5, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 4, and Matilda is 1. Drew and Anna enjoyed having Howie and the triplets so close in age so they planned for a buddy for Matilda. They were a little worried about having multiples again. Instead, their precious little boy, Derek Milo Rafferty, with brown hair and blue eyes was born.

Year 34: Drew and Anna are 33, Whitman is 12, Howie is 6, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 5, Matilda is 2, and Derek is 1. Drew gets a better job opportunity up in Canada so the family packs up and moves up to Canada.
Year 35: Drew and Anna are 34, Whitman is 13, Howie is 7, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 6, Matilda is 3, and Derek is 2. Whitman has been playing hockey and his team has a big game so the whole family attends. The team wins and Whitman scores the game winning goal. 
Year 36: Drew and Anna are 35, Whitman is 14, Howie is 8, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 7, Matilda is 4, and Derek is 3. Anna finds a campground about an hour from their house and decides the family needs to start going there to connect with nature. They decide to start camping there a couple times a year.
Year 37: Drew and Anna are 36, Whitman is 15, Howie is 9, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 8, Matilda is 5, and Derek is 4. Drew's hard work continues to pay off and he is sent on and all expenses paid trip to D.C. back in the States. Anna remembers going there with her family as a kid so they bring the kids with them and they take advantage of the learning opportunity. 
Year 38: Drew and Anna are 37, Whitman is 16, Howie is 10, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 9, Matilda is 6, and Derek is 5. Anna's father, Matthew, is diagnosed with diabetes. Matthew and Viola aren't getting around as well as they used to so the Rafferty's add on an in-law suite and move them in to help take care of them.

Year 39: Drew and Anna are 38, Whitman is 17, Howie is 11, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 10, Matilda is 7, and Derek is 6. Anna's youngest brother, Peyton August Hart, has his first kid at 29. Peyton now has a daughter, Piper Fallon Hart. 
Year 40:  Drew and Anna are 39, Whitman is 18, Howie is 12, Jonas, Alistair, and Penelope are 11, Matilda is 8, and Derek is 7.  Drew and Anna get tickets NHL tickets. They both love hockey and take advantage of having a date night.

#3 Meghan<3


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Posted 04 May 2021 - 07:11 PM

LN: O'Toole


DH: Albert Harris

DW: Charlotte Rosemary, née Pine


DD: Lily Madison (40)

DS/DS: Chase Oliver / Harrison Mars (39)

DS: Bennett Charles O'Toole (28)


Albert, Charlotte, Lily, Chase, Harrison, & Bennett




LN: Chapman


DW: Lily Madison, née O'Toole (40)

DH: Alexander Wesley (42)


DS/DD: Lincoln River O'Toole / Fern Olive O'Toole (20)

DS: August Blair (9)

DS: Jett Noah (5)

DAD/DAD: Mia Violet / Harper June (4)


Rabbit: Buttercup


Lily, Alex, Lincoln, Fern, August, Jett, Harper, & Buttercup




LN: O'Toole


DH: Chase Oliver (39)

ex-DW: Vivian Brooke, née McCloud (39)


DD: Daisy Lillian (9)


Chase, Vivian, & Daisy




When I was one, my parents had twin boys, Chase Oliver & Harrison Mars.

When I was two, I met my best friend at daycare: Grace Alexandra Coleman.

When I was three, my paternal grandmother died. I was too young to understand, but I missed her a lot.

When I was four, my parents separated.

When I was five, I broke my arm while playing on the playground at school.

When I was six, my brother Harrison was diagnosed with cancer. After treatment, he went into remission.

When I was seven, I had an awful teacher.

When I was eight, I learned how to rollerblade.

When I was nine, my brother Harrison's cancer returned.

When I was ten, my family went on a vacation to the Grand Canyon.

When I was eleven, my parents had a baby boy named Bennett Charles.

When I was twelve, my parents officially got back together.

When I was thirteen, my family went on a road trip to San Francisco.

When I was fourteen, I failed my math final.

When I was fifteen, I broke my ankle and had crutches for a few months.

When I was sixteen, I learned how to skateboard.

When I was seventeen, my family moved from Los Angeles to Seattle.

When I was eighteen, I got my first job as a camp counselor and started college.

When I was nineteen, I had one awful professor at school but one professor who became my mentor.

When I was twenty, I became pregnant with twins after a one-night stand. I didn't tell the father of the child because I barely knew him. My family had a staycation in Seattle when I was eight months pregnant because I couldn't travel. I named my babies Lincoln River and Fern Olive.

When I was twenty-one, I took my praxis exams to become a teacher and passed them. I also moved home to help take care of my brother Harrison, whose cancer came back.

When I was twenty-two, I graduated from college and took a solo trip to Australia.

When I was twenty-three, I applied to a job as a gym teacher but was rejected. I also got mono.

When I was twenty-four, I went to a family reunion in Los Angeles. Lincoln and Fern begged me to get them a pet, so we got a rabbit named Buttercup.

When I was twenty-five, I started working as a school nutritionist and even got a raise. Lincoln and Fern learned to ride bikes. 

When I was twenty-six, I got my dream job as a high school's athletic director and got married to Alexander Wesley Chapman.

When I was twenty-seven, I broke my thumb. Alex's sister passed away in a boating accident.

When I was twenty-eight, I was offered a higher-paying position as a student activities director at a college in Northern California, so we moved to Sacramento. My parents moved with us for six months to help us get settled in our new routine.

When I was twenty-nine, I moved back to Seattle for a few months to help care for Harrison, whose cancer came back. My best friend from childhood, Grace, passed away in a car accident. 

When I was thirty, Alex competed on Jeopardy! and got second place. My younger brother Chase had a baby girl named Daisy Lillian with his wife.

When I was thirty-one, Fern was in a car accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. She had to get a wheelchair. It was a difficult year, but it was made better when I gave birth to my first child with Alex, a boy named August Blair.

When I was thirty-two, I was diagnosed with dyslexia and came out as bisexual. Alex and my family supported me in the decision to come out.

When I was thirty-three, we took a family vacation to London and I decided to dye my naturally brown hair blonde. 

When I was thirty-four, Chase and Vivian were going through a divorce, so Alex and I took in Daisy while they settled custody. Lincoln got his first girlfriend. 

When I was thirty-five, I had a baby boy named Jett Noah. We spent the holidays in Seattle with my family.

When I was thirty-six, Alex and I adopted twin girls from Guatemala. We named them Mia Violet and Harper June. I went on a solo business trip to Washington D.C.

When I was thirty-seven, Jett learned to swim and Lincoln played baseball in the state championships. 

When I was thirty-eight, Alex was diagnosed with anxiety. I started writing a blog on how to approach mental and physical health with your children. 

When I was thirty-nine, I went on a solo work trip to New York. Then Alex had a business trip in Rio, so the whole family went for a vacation.

When I was forty, my parents were having marital problems but ultimately reconciled. I met a woman at work I became romantically interested in, but I ultimately remained faithful to Alex. 

#4 MalloryMae


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Posted 05 May 2021 - 03:07 PM

The Uzun Family


DexW: Harmony Thérèse Townsend [71; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DexH: Ajax Alfonso Uzun [69; straight brown hair & brown eyes]


DD: Irina Felicity née Uzun Faucher [48; straight brown hair & gray eyes]

DS: Gabriel "Gabe" Wolf Uzun [43; wavy black hair & blue eyes]

DD: Anastasia "Ani" Thérèse Uzun [39; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DS: Willem "Will" Lucien Uzun [38; curly red hair & brown eyes]

DS: Lionel Sage Uzun [37; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Theodora "Thea" Mary Uzun [32; frizzy brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Opal Curie Uzun [31; curly black hair & brown eyes]

DS: Sebastian "Seb" Ajax Uzun [26; straight red hair & brown eyes]


DCat: PJ [deceased]


Harmony & Ajax, with their eight children; Irina, Gabe, Ani, Will, Lionel, Thea, Opal, and Seb (& cat, PJ)


The Faucher Family


DW: Irina Felicity née Uzun Faucher [48; straight brown hair & gray eyes]

DH: Clarence Freeman Faucher [52; wavy black hair & brown eyes]


DS/DD: Emmett Freeman Faucher [17; frizzy brown hair & brown eyes] & Evelyn Felicity Faucher [17; wavy black hair & hazel eyes]


Irina & Clarence, with their two children; Emmett and Evelyn


The Uzun Family


DH: Gabriel "Gabe" Wolf Uzun [43; wavy black hair & blue eyes]

DW: Christina Rae née Shaw Uzun [35; frizzy blonde hair & hazel eyes]


DS: Lane Forrest Shaw Uzun [8; frizzy red hair & hazel eyes]


Gabe & Christina, with their son; Lane


The Uzun-Antonino Family


DF: Anastasia "Ani" Thérèse Uzun [39; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DexP: Felix William Geelen [39; curly red hair & hazel eyes]

DF: Bianca Genevieve Antonino [36; curly black hair & green eyes]


DD: Billie Joy Geelen [22; wavy red hair & gray eyes]

DS/DS: Granger Titus Geelen [20; wavy red hair & brown eyes] & Abel Roscoe Geelen [20; wavy black hair & gray eyes]

DS/DD: Rhodes Huck Geelen [17; straight black hair & hazel eyes] & Meadow Elle Geelen [17; curly brown hair & gray eyes]

DS: Jetson "Jet" Fox Geelen [13; straight red hair & gray eyes]

DSS: Nathan "Nate" Leo McKay, Jr. [13; curly red hair & blue eyes]

DD: Darby Ada Geelen [13; curly red hair & gray eyes]

DD: Pia Blossom Geelen [12; curly red hair & gray eyes]

DSD: Briella Rose McKay [11; curly black hair & green eyes]

DSD: Luna Taylor McKay [9; curly red hair & green eyes]

DD/DD: Scout Rosewood & Lux Juniper Geelen [7; curly brown hair & gray eyes]

DD: Topaz Harmony Geelen [5; straight black hair & hazel eyes]

DD: Sommer Mae Uzun-Antonino [3; curly black hair & gray eyes]

DS: Keegan James Uzun-Antonino [2; curly black hair & green eyes]

DD: Willow Belle Uzun-Antonino [0; curly red hair & blue eyes]


Ani & Bianca, with their seventeen children; Billie, Granger, Abel, Rhodes, Meadow, Jet, Nate, Darby, Pia, Briella, Luna, Scout, Lux, Topaz, Sommer, Keegan, and Willow


The Uzun-Colin Family


DS: Lionel Sage Uzun [34; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DW: Finley "Fin" Mabel Colin [33; frizzy red hair & green eyes]


DD/DD: Iris Gale Uzun-Colin [12; frizzy brown hair & green eyes] & Eileen Lou Uzun-Colin [12; straight black hair & green eyes]

DD: Imogen Fay Uzun-Colin [9; frizzy brown hair & green eyes]


Lionel & Fin, with their three daughters; Iris, Eileen, and Imogen


Year 1

Harmony and Ajax Uzun welcome a daughter, Anastasia "Ani" Thérèse Uzun, who joins siblings Irina, 9, and Gabe, 4. 


Year 2

Shortly after Ani's first birthday, her little brother Willem "Will" Lucien Uzun is born. They soon become best friends.


Year 3

This year, Ani's third brother, Lionel Sage Uzun, comes into the world. Ani loves helping her family care for Lionel.


Year 4

Ani and her family take a vacation to Richmond, UK, where they see The River Swale, Easby Abbey, and Middleham Castle, among other cool sights.


Year 5

Ani's paternal grandmother, Irina Mary Uzun, whom her sister was named for, passes away. Ani doesn't really understand what's going on because of her age.


Year 6

Ani makes a friend at kindergarten named Lola Hadaway. They enjoy playing board games and going to the park together.


Year 7

Ani tries to make the local competitive dance team, but she doesn't make it. She is disappointed, but her parents make her feel better by signing her up for tap lessons.


Year 8

This year, Ani's family welcomed another little girl, Theodora "Thea" Mary Uzun. Ani is excited to finally have a little sister to play with.


Year 9

Ani's parents had another little girl, Opal Curie Uzun. Ani and Will chose Opal for her first name because of the character in Because of Winn Dixie and Irina chose Curie after Marie Curie.


Year 10

After years of practice, Ani joins and becomes captain of her school's dance team. Her family is very proud of all the hardwork she did to get to this point.


Year 11

Ani discovers a hidden talent-- whistling in perfect pitch. She tries learning as many songs as she can in whistle-form.


Year 12

Ani's family takes a vacation to Chandigarh, India, where they see Sukhna Lake, Elante Mall, and the Rock Garden of Chandigarh.


Year 13

Ani is diagnosed with selective mutism, so she begins therapy. Her family is very accommodating and they help in social situations.




Year 14

Ani learns to play the tuba in her high school marching band.

Ani's family to welcomes a little boy, Sebastian "Seb" Ajax Uzun. Ani takes on a larger responsibility taking care of Seb than she has with any of her other little siblings.


Year 15

Ani has an amazing homeroom teacher, Mr. Samuelson. He seems very welcoming and safe toward his students.

Ani comes out as bisexual. Her immediate family and friends are extremely supportive, while her extended family is less so.


Year 16

Ani is diagnosed with a soy allergy. It's an adjustment, but everyone around her is slowly getting more used to it.

Ani's parents are having marital issues, but they work through it and stay together.


Year 17

Ani's family adopts a cat, PJ, named by Opal after her favorite food, peanut butter and jelly.

Ani finds out she is pregnant! Her partner, Felix Geelen, is supportive, as is her family, though they are disappointed.


Year 18

Ani delivers her daughter, Billie Joy Geelen, resembles her perfectly. It's a difficult change, especially for Ani-- dealing with high school and a baby.

After more problems in their marriage, Ani's parents decide to divorce.

Ani spontaneously dyes her naturally red hair a pretty lavender purple.

#5 Nings8


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Posted 10 May 2021 - 07:03 PM

LN: Hills


DW: Roberta Elizabeth (47)

DSH (Step-Dad): Henry Roscoe Marsh (49)

DH: Harrison Ronald (48)

DSW (Step-Mom): Leora Rose McMillan (39)

DS: Ernest Orion (22)

DD (me): Lily Hermione (19)

DD: Sonnet Clover 'Sonny' (18)

DD: Primrose Lark (12)

DS: Hayden Orville (8)


Year 19: I start college! I'm studying linguistics, as I have always loved words and their applications. Also, I go on a game show for fun, and end up winning $10,000! I use it to buy a new car to get around and drive my friends


Year 20: When I come home from college, my family decides to have a stay-cation! We spend time playing board games and eating lots of candy and snacks


Year 21: My girlfriend Evelyn drops a bomb on me one day: she hooked up with a male friend while drunk, and now is pregnant! I am heartbroken, and decide to break up with her, but decide I am going to be a sort of 'aunt' to her child. She gives birth to a healthy baby girl, who she names Wren Harmony


Year 22: I graduate college! To celebrate my graduation, I decide to temporarily dye Wren's hair green, the color of my school! I soon after begin my job as a newspaper article writer


Year 23: Ever since my break up I've felt a little down, so I decide to cut my long hair. It's now chin-length and looks incredibly modern and professional! I also begin dating my coworker, an editor named Glenn Forrest DeLuca


Year 24: Glenn has been having some persisting problems, so he goes to see a therapist. He is diagnosed with anxiety, which is very upsetting to him, but I promise to always be there to support him through this new challenge


Year 25: Another surprise this year: Sonny is pregnant with her husband, Leif Elliott's baby! She has a very short pregnancy, and her baby is born extremely prematurely which is scary, but eventually her daughter, Cleo Lauryn, is a happy healthy baby


Year 26: Through my work, I win tickets to the Superbowl! With me, I take GlennErnest, and his girlfriend Rachael January. We have a great time, and by the end we are all drunk and very tired, but happy


Year 27: On my way to go pick up Wren from a birthday party, a truck runs a red light and t-bones my car. Luckily, the only injury I receive is re-breaking my right collarbone, but my car is completely totaled. I go back into the brace for my collarbone, and Glenn and I pick out a new car together


Year 28: After the accident, I have to spend most of my time at home, and soon I am diagnosed with depression. It is a really hard time for me, but luckily I have Glenn and Wren to help me deal with these tough times. Much to my delight, Wren decides to learn how to swim! She starts to pick up swimming as a sport, which, as her aunt/pseudo mom, makes me so proud and excited for her


Year 29: I get a new assistant at work! Her name is Mollie Faith, and she has just graduated college. We end up becoming good friends, and her and I start to spend lots of time together. It's so nice, as she feels like my first real friend since I was in school.


Year 30: I am not feeling well, so I go to the doctor. Much to me and Glenn's surprise and excitement, the doctor tells me I'm pregnant! After a relatively easy pregnancy, I give birth to a beautiful baby girl who is born deaf named Stella Delaney


Year 31: After much deliberation, Glenn and I decide to cut contact with my mother, Roberta. Ever since Stella was born, she has been telling us we're bad parents for deciding to teach her sign language rather than getting her Cochlear implants, which we do not want to do until she is older. To stop the abuse, we decide to stop talking to her or letting her see Stella entirely until she learns to behave and trust us as parents


Year 32: Dealing with Stella is a lot, but Glenn and I are delighted to find out we are pregnant again! This pregnancy was a little harder than my first, but soon I give birth to a healthy baby girl named Lyla Sunny (Sunny after my little sister).


Year 33: To celebrate my half-brother Hayden's birthday, we have a family gathering on my dad's side. The babies are all so excited to see each other, and it's definitely nice to get to reconnect with my siblings


Year 34: To commemorate my daughters and my fiancé, I get a tattoo on my ankle. I get a dove with three birthdays: March 16th (Glenn's), June 7th (Stella's), and November 24th (Lyla's)


Year 35: Glenn and I thought we were done having kids, so we're shocked to learn that we're having twins! The pregnancy was very difficult, and the babies were born very prematurely, but luckily we end up with our perfect twins: Gianna North (half deaf) and Noel Greyson


Year 36: I go to the bar after work one day with some friends, when a man named Raymond Albert Franklin approaches me and asks me out. He is very attractive and seems sweet, but I love Glenn more than anything, so I turn him down


Year 37: While painting the twins' room, I fall off the ladder and break my hip! Luckily, doctors are able to set it really quickly, but it's hard taking care of 4 kids when you can't get around very well!


Year 38: Lyla's soccer team had their first big game today! We traveled almost two hours for the game, which proved to be well worth it since she scored two goals! 


Year 39: Glenn came home with a big announcement: he got transferred to our work's other office in Seattle! I was so excited for him, but knowing that we have to move to a whole new state is scary. I just decided to quit my job all together in order to be at home with the kids


Year 40: During our first year in Seattle, I come down with pneumonia. It hit me really hard, and luckily I am able to recover, however, I have permanent damage to my lungs and have been instructed to not do any high-activity level activities.

#6 MalloryMae


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Posted 13 May 2021 - 02:11 PM

The Gorman Family


DW: Eve Vincenza Ybarra-Gorman [deceased; straight blonde hair & gray eyes]

DH: Christopher "Chris" Cedar Gorman [75; curly brown hair & green eyes]


DS: Cedar Albert Gorman [41; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Claire Vincenza Gorman [40; straight brown hair & blue eyes]

DD: Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman [35; wavy brown hair & green eyes]

DAS/DAD: Rocco Christopher & Rosa Ybarra Gorman [25; wavy blonde hair & brown eyes / wavy brown hair & brown eyes]


DCat: Godfrey [deceased; tuxedo]


Chris, with their five children; Cedar, Claire, Callie, Rocco, and Rosa


The Gorman Family


DH: Cedar Albert Gorman [41; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DW: Belinda Iris {née Simmons} Gorman [41; curly red hair & green eyes]


DS: Albie Matthew Gorman [21; curly brown hair & green eyes]

DD: Bella Sage Gorman [14; curly brown hair & gray eyes]


Cedar and Belinda, with their two children; Albie and Bella


The Gorman Family


DW: Claire Vincenza Gorman [40; straight brown hair & blue eyes]

DexBF: Ethan Chester Michaelson [42; curly black hair & brown eyes]

DexF: Gideon Ximeno Schermer [43; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DH: Fergus Robin Janson [39; curly red hair & brown eyes]


DS: August "Gus" Gorman Michaelson [20; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DD: Amara Josephine Schermer [15; curly brown hair & brown eyes]

DS: Felix Vincenzo Janson [4; straight brown hair & brown eyes]

DS: Edwin Roland Janson [0; curly red hair & blue eyes]


Claire and Fergus, with their four children; Gus, Amara, Felix, and Edwin



One Year Old

My parents worry because I start walking late, but doctors confirm nothing is wrong.


Two Years Old

I make a best friend at daycare named Abram Brown.


Three Years Old

My family adopts a pet cat! We give him the name Godfrey.


Four Years Old

I am diagnosed with a shellfish allergy.


Five Years Old

My little sister, Caroline "Callie" Eve Gorman, is born!


Six Years Old

My family moves to San Francisco, California.


Seven Years Old

My parents are having issues in their marriage, but they work them out and stay together.


Eight Years Old

I learn how to swim in my neighborhood pool!


Nine Years Old

I teach myself to roller blade in my basement!


Ten Years Old

I have a terribly mean teacher for the first semester, but I am able to switch teachers for the second.


Eleven Years Old

My sister Callie is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.


Twelve Years Old

I join my school's chess club after learning my chess talent!


Thirteen Years Old

My family takes a vacation to the Everglades, Florida.


Fourteen Years Old

I lose a best friend after they move away and we drift apart.


Fifteen Years Old

My parents adopt my new siblings, boy/girl twins, named Rocco Christopher and Rosa Ybarra Gorman!


Sixteen Years Old

My Aunt Nora passes away. I'm hit especially hard because we were very close.


Seventeen Years Old

After my Aunt Nora's passing, my mom's family has a large gathering to celebrate her life.


Eighteen Years Old

I dye my naturally brown hair a pretty dark blue.


Nineteen Years Old

My older brother, Cedar, and his girlfriend, Belinda, welcome a son named Albie Matthew Gorman.


Twenty Years Old

I welcome a son, August "Gus" Gorman Michaelson, with my boyfriend Ethan Michaelson.


Twenty-One Years Old

I learn to play the acoustic guitar.


Twenty-Two Years Old

Ethan, Gus, and I move to a new house in Washington State.


Twenty-Three Years Old

Ethan and I decide to separate after I find someone else I am romantically interested in. I begin dating Gideon Schermer.


Twenty-Four Years Old

Gideon and I get engaged!


Twenty-Five Years Old

Gideon and I welcome a daughter named Amara Josephine Schermer!


Twenty-Six Years Old

My older brother Cedar and his wife Belinda welcome their second child, Bella Sage Gorman!


Twenty-Seven Years Old

I get involved in a local Earth preservation committee.


Twenty-Eight Years Old

Gideon admits to cheating, and it's a deal breaker for me, so we split up.


Twenty-Nine Years Old

I am diagnosed with depression.


Thirty Years Old

I proudly renovated our kitchen by myself!


Thirty-One Years Old

​Gus and his team win the lacrosse championships!


Thirty-Two Years Old

I get a promotion at my job!


Thirty-Three Years Old

I meet Fergus Janson and we begin a relationship!


Thirty-Four Years Old

My son Gus comes out as gay. Myself and my family are incredibly supportive!


Thirty-Five Years Old

Fergus and I take a relaxing weekend trip to the mountains.


Thirty-Six Years Old

Fergus and I welcome a son, Felix Vincenzo Janson!


Thirty-Seven Years Old

Fergus and I get married!


Thirty-Eight Years Old

Fergus gets his dream job as head architect!


Thirty-Nine Years Old

My mom sadly passes away at the age of 76. The whole family is deeply saddened by this loss.


Fourty Years Old

Fergus and I welcome our second son together, Edwin Roland Janson!

#7 MalloryMae


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 09:37 PM

The Good Family


DH: Zacharias "Zach" Wendell Good [69] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DH: Leopold "Leo" Honor (Flores) Good [73] {wavy brown hair & brown eyes}


DD: Oona Belle Good [43] {straight brown hair & green eyes}

DD: Fern Darcy Good [40] {curly brown hair & blue eyes}

DS: Bram Peter Good [36] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}

DS: Emil Isaac Good [dec. @ 28] {wavy black hair & green eyes}

DS: Remy Tobin Good [33] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}


Zach and Leo Good, with their children; Oona, Fern, Bram, Emil, and Remy




The Yang Family


DD: Oona Belle Good-Yang [43] {straight brown hair & green eyes}

DH: Harrison Wilfred Yang [43] {wavy black hair & grey eyes}


DS: Emmett Cormac Yang [15] {curly brown hair & grey eyes}


Oona Good-Yang and Harrison Yang, with their son; Emmett




The Benjamin-Good Family


DD: Fern Darcy Good [40] {curly brown hair & blue eyes}

DH: Miles Stephen Benjamin [41] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}


DS: Ari Wilbur Benjamin-Good [14] {curly black hair & brown eyes}

DS: Santino Honor Benjamin-Good [10] {straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DS/DS: Zenith Emil & Kepler Isaac Benjamin-Good [3] {curly black hair & brown eyes, straight brown hair & blue eyes}

DD: Iris Adalie Benjamin-Good [0] {straight brown hair & brown eyes}


Fern Good and Miles Benjamin, with their children; Ari, Santino, Zenith, Kepler, and Iris




The Good Family


DS: Bram Peter Good [33] {wavy black hair & brown eyes}

DGF: Zinnia Vera Carpenter [33] {wavy blonde hair & green eyes}


DS/DS: Miller Sky & Murray Roe Good [15] {straight blonde hair & brown eyes, straight red hair & brown eyes}


Bram Good and Zinnia Carpenter, with their sons; Miller and Murray




Year Zero

Fern Darcy Good is born to her parents, Zach and Leo, and older sister, Oona.


Year One

The Good family goes on vacation to Nerja, Spain, where they explore caves.


Year Two

Fern hasn't yet started to talk, so she is enrolled in speech therapy.


Year Three

Fern is diagnosed with a wasp allergy after being stung.


Year Four

Zach and Leo have another baby, Oona and Fern's brother! His name is Bram Peter Good.


Year Five

Oona, Fern, and Bram gain a little brother named Emil Isaac Good!


Year Six

Fern is diagnosed with synesthesia.


Year Seven

Zach and Leo have their fifth child- a third little boy! His name is Remy Tobin Good.


Year Eight

Fern makes a new friend named Raine O'Brien.


Year Nine

Fern begins taking trumpet lessons.


Year Ten

Fern loses a best friend due to a disagreement.


Year Eleven

Fern joins the drama club at her school.


Year Twelve

Fern dyes the ends of her hair bright blue.


Year Thirteen

Fern picks up a major interest in chemistry.


Year Fourteen

Fern discovers how much she enjoys reading in a hammock in her yard.


Year Fifteen

Zach's dad passes away. The loss was especially hard since he was close with everyone in the family.


Year Sixteen

Fern takes the SAT in preparation for college this year.


Year Seventeen

Fern gets her first job as a busser at one of her family's favorite restaurants.


Year Eighteen

The Goods take a roadtrip to Cape Cod, MA, where they relax on the beach.


Year Nineteen

Fern comes in second place on Jeopardy!


Year Twenty

Fern catches a seasonal virus, but recovers after a few weeks.


Year Twenty-One

Fern gets a raise!


Year Twenty-Two

Fern's younger brother Bram and his girlfriend Zinnia have twin sons named Miller Sky and Murray Roe Good.


Year Twenty-Three

Fern starts getting involved in the animal shelter near her apartment.


Year Twenty-Four

A large earthquake hits Fern's area, but luckily she is barely affected.


Year Twenty-Five

Fern's sister Oona and her husband Harrison have a son named Emmett Cormac Yang!


Year Twenty-Six

Fern and her new boyfriend Miles welcome a son! His name is Ari Wilbur Benjamin-Good.


Year Twenty-Seven

Fern and Miles get married! They have a small, simple ceremony with only their close friends and family and honeymoon in England!


Year Twenty-Eight

Miles brings Fern and Ari on his business trip to Hawaii, so they can turn it into more of a family vacation.


Year Twenty-Nine

Ari learns to ride a tricycle!


Year Thirty

Fern and Miles welcome their second son! They give him the name Santino Honor Benjamin-Good.


​Year Thirty-One

Ari begins taking voice lessons.


​Year Thirty-Two

Fern starts learning Portuguese at a weekly class.


​Year Thirty-Three

Fern loses her younger brother, Emil, to suicide. It's a devastating loss for everyone who knew him.


​Year Thirty-Four

Fern is diagnosed with depression following the loss of Emil.


​Year Thirty-Five

Santino is diagnosed with asthma.


​Year Thirty-Six

Fern, Miles, Ari, and Santino move to a new house a few miles from their old one.


​Year Thirty-Seven

Fern and Miles welcome their third and fourth sons! The twins are named Zenith Emil and Kepler Isaac Benjamin-Good.


​Year Thirty-Eight

Fern begins volunteering at a local library.


​Year Thirty-Nine

A hurricane hit the area, but the only issues faced were a few fallen trees blocking the roads afterward.


Year Forty

Fern and Miles welcome their fifth child and only daughter! Her name is Iris Adalie Benjamin-Good.

#8 Laugh-Dream-Love


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Posted 11 September 2021 - 07:37 AM

The Swan Family


DH: Levi Michael Swan (44) - Black eyes & wavy black hair

DW: Zoe Janet Cloggs Swan (42) - Brown eyes & straight black hair


DD: Emma Susannah Swan (18) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts & gluten; Has Selective Mutism & Hyperlexia

DD: Jane Liliana Swan (6) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Has Cerebral Palsy


Levi Zoe Swan; w/ Emma Jane



Year 19: Emma starts college! She is majoring in English Literature. After a brief month long relationship, she discovers that she is pregnant. Her daughter, Ada Florence Swan, is born just before Christmas.


Year 20: Emma gets into a minor car accident one morning on her way to college. She has a few bruises, but is fine. Luckily Ada wasn't in the car with her.


Year 21: Ada keeps asking for a kitty. Emma doesn't feel like she's ready for a pet yet, so she buys her a stuffed kitty instead. Ada is happy enough, and placated for the moment.


Year 22: Emma wins an all expenses paid trip to a local spa. She brings Zoe and Jane with her, while Levi stays behind to look after Ada.


Year 23: Emma decides to cut contact with one of her paternal cousins who is very homophobic.


Year 24: Emma has her finals this year, and she is very nervous. She does well though, and manages to graduate with honours! She says yes when her classmate, Dylan Samuel Tyler, asks her to go on a date. It goes very well, and they become a couple.


Year 25: Jane comes out as bisexual. Emma is very supportive of her, as are their parents.


Year 26: Emma's job opens a new location across the state, and offers her a higher level position if she moves there. She and Dylan discuss it, and they decide that it's a great opportunity for her. They make the move, and although they are sad to be away from their families, they really enjoy their new house.


Year 27: Dylan gets a promotion!


Year 28: Emma takes a business trip to Canada for a week. Unfortunately she can't bring Dylan or Ada with her, and she misses them a lot.


Year 29: Dylan asks Emma to marry him! She says yes, and their families are very excited. Ada is happy to be getting a step-father, and she gets along well with Dylan.



The Swan Family


DH: Levi Michael Swan (55) - Black eyes & wavy black hair

DW: Zoe Janet Cloggs Swan (53) - Brown eyes & straight black hair


DD: Emma Susannah Swan (29) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts & gluten; Has Selective Mutism & Hyperlexia

DD: Jane Liliana Swan (17) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Has Cerebral Palsy; Bisexual


Levi Zoe Swan; w/ Emma Jane

- - -


The Swan/Tyler Family


DFiancée: Emma Susannah Swan (29) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts & gluten; Has Selective Mutism & Hyperlexia

DFiancé: Dylan Samuel Tyler (29) - Green eyes & straight light-brown hair


DD: Ada Florence Swan (10) - Dark green eyes & straight black hair


Emma Swan & Dylan Tyler; w/ Ada



Year 30: Ada hasn't forgotten her wish for a pet cat, and has been asking for a long time. Emma and Dylan decide that she is responsible enough to help look after a pet, and adopt a ginger tom cat from a local shelter. His name is Ringo, and Ada is immediately attached to him.


Year 31: Emma begins to volunteer at the library on her days off.


Year 32: Dylan's parents move in for 6 months while their house is restored after being damaged in a fire.


Year 33: Dylan has been under a lot of stress at work lately, and is diagnosed with anxiety.


Year 34: Ada is diagnosed with Dyslexia.


Year 35: Emma gets a tattoo of a tulip on her left shoulder.


Year 36: Emma breaks her right leg after tripping on some rocks during a hike.


Year 37: Ada's school is not providing her adequate help for her dyslexia. Emma and Dylan decide to move her to a new school, which makes a big difference.


Year 38: Emma and Dylan get married! It was a small ceremony, but beautiful and romantic.


Year 39: Dylan's mother passed away this year.


Year 40: Emma and Dylan have a baby! Their daughter is called Lark Morgan Tyler.



The Swan Family


DH: Levi Michael Swan (66) - Black eyes & wavy black hair

DW: Zoe Janet Cloggs Swan (64) - Brown eyes & straight black hair


DD: Emma Susannah Swan (40) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts & gluten; Has Selective Mutism & Hyperlexia

DD: Jane Liliana Swan (28) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Has Cerebral Palsy; Bisexual


Levi Zoe Swan; w/ Emma Jane

- - -


The Tyler Family


DW: Emma Susannah Swan Tyler (40) - Brown eyes & straight black hair; Allergic to nuts & gluten; Has Selective Mutism & Hyperlexia

DH: Dylan Samuel Tyler (40) - Green eyes & straight light-brown hair


DD: Ada Florence Swan (21) - Dark green eyes & straight black hair

DD: Lark Morgan Tyler (0) - Brown eyes & straight light-brown hair


Emma Dylan Tyler; w/ Ada & Lark

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Posted 19 February 2022 - 01:12 AM

The Santos Family


DW: Arietta Florence Aquila [69] - wavy blonde hair, blue eyes & fair skin

DP: Brook Melisa Santos [65] - curly black hair, brown eyes & brown skin


DD: Soraya Noel Santos [40] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DD: Safira March Santos [38] - curly red hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DAS: Alonso Rey Santos [27] - curly black hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


DCat: Soccoro - Abyssinian


Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos; with SorayaSafira, and Alonso (& Socorro)


The Santos Family


DD: Soraya Noel Santos [40] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DEx-BF: Conan Jeremy Argyris [41] - straight red hair, brown eyes & fair skin

DP: Marigold "Mari" Diana Ahearne [43] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


DS: Theodore "Theo" Samuel Santos Argyris [20] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & tan skin

DD: Zora Juliet Santos Ahearne [11] - curly blonde hair, green eyes & brown skin

DS: Adler Edmond Santos Ahearne [8] - curly blonde hair, brown eyes & brown skin

DS: Everett River Santos Ahearne [8] - curly brown hair, hazel eyes & brown skin

DD: Juno Millicent Santos Ahearne [3] - curly blonde hair, hazel eyes & brown skin


Soraya Santos and Mari Ahearne; with TheoZora, AdlerEverett, and Juno


Year 0

Soraya Noel Santos is born to Arietta Aquila and Brook Santos


Year 1

Arietta and Brook discover that Soraya is already great at picking up letters and remembering words in books!


Year 2

Soraya becomes a big sister to Safira March Santos!


Year 3

Soraya is diagnosed with a gluten allergy, so Arietta and Brook adapt a gluten-free diet for their family.


Year 4

Soraya is affirmingly diagnosed with hyperlexia, after experiencing many symptoms for the past few years.


Year 5

As Soraya enters kindergarten and Safira enters preschool, Brook goes back to work after spending five years at home with their daughters.


Year 6

Soraya joins a baseball team!


Year 7

Soraya and her family go on vacation to Panama City!


Year 8

Soraya's great grandfather passes away at the age of 98. Arietta is especially sad that her daughters never met him.


Year 9

Soraya finds herself very interested in engineering and is considering pursuing it as a career one day.


Year 10

Soraya goes on a school trip to an art museum that she enjoyed!


Year 11

Soraya begins learning to play the cello!


Year 12

Arietta and Brook adopt a three year old Abyssinian cat named Socorro for Soraya and Safira!


Year 13

Soraya breaks her ankle during a track meet!


Year 14

Soraya begins taking calming hikes along a river in her neighborhood.


Year 15

Soraya applies for a part-time job at an animal shelter, but is rejected.


Year 16

Soraya comes out as pansexual and all of her family and friends are extremely supportive!


Year 17

Soraya becomes a big sister again when Arietta and Brook adopt a little boy named Alonso Rey Santos!


Year 18

Soraya takes up a new hobby in pottery.


Year 19

Soraya moves into an apartment close to her new Purdue University campus, where she is studying environmental engineering.


Year 20

Soraya and her casual boyfriend Conan Argyris unexpectedly find themselves pregnant! They ultimately decide to split and co-parent their little boy, whom they name Theo Samuel Santos Argyris!


Year 21

Soraya is diagnosed with post-partum depression after struggling mentally since Theo's birth.


Year 22

After graduating from Purdue, Soraya applies for an engineering job, but is sadly rejected.


Year 23

Soraya gets her first full-time job as an environmental engineer!


Year 24

After nearly ten months of dating, Soraya gets engaged to Mari Ahearne!


Year 25

Soraya, Mari, and Theo move to a new apartment together in Chicago.


Year 26

Soraya and Mari finally get married! The ceremony is beautiful and so is the honeymoon!


Year 27

Soraya tries to teach herself ASL.


Year 28

Soraya and Mari buy their first home!


Year 29

Soraya and Mari welcome a daughter named Zora Juliet Santos Ahearne! Theo is already an incredible big brother.


Year 30

After signs of pancreas failure, Theo is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.


Year 31

Mari gets a raise!


Year 32

Soraya and Mari welcome twin sons named Adler Edmond and Everett River Santos Ahearne!


Year 33

Zora begins learning to play the ukelele.


Year 34

Mari comes out as agender and begins to go by they/them pronouns.


Year 35

Soraya gets a tattoo of a mountain silhouette on her rib cage.


Year 36

Soraya and Mari take their kids on a vacation to Europe, making stops in Paris and London, as well as some other cities.


Year 37

Soraya and Mari welcome a daughter named Juno Millicent Santos Ahearne!


Year 38

Soraya's best friend Elsa and her husband Laurent have a daughter named Marnie Jo Rosen!


Year 39

Soraya and a coworker get in a car accident on the way to a company event and are fortunately uninjured.


Year 40

Mari takes Soraya and the kids with them on a business trip to visit the Princeton campus.

#10 WriterJones


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Posted 25 February 2022 - 05:07 PM

Year Nineteen

Ayame is a freshman in college now! She started interning for a group of environmental scientists in Kyoto, and the company offered to pay for her university to further her career in environmental science. She happily accepted.


Ayame (19)


Year Twenty

A one-night stand leads to a life-changing event: Ayame has triplets! They're all boys, and she names them Ryuuji, Sōsuke, and Kurō. They resemble their father, with black hair and black eyes.


Ayame (20) with Ryuuji (nb), Sōsuke (nb), and Kurō (nb)

Year Twenty One

Kuro rolls off the bed while Ayame isn't looking and hits his head, resulting in a traumatic brain injury. Ayame has to enroll him in a daycare for disabled children so he can be taken care of properly when she's at school and work.


Ayame (21) with Ryuuji (1), Sōsuke (1), and Kurō (1)


Year Twenty Two

Ayame learns how to play the harp, in addition to the piano. She doesn't have the space or money to buy her own right now, so she plays when she visits her friend Tsubasa Ken, a fellow harpist. Ayame finally graduates college and is established as an environmental scientist.


Ayame (22) with Ryuuji (2), Sōsuke (2), and Kurō (2)


Year Twenty Three

A hook-up leads to Ayame becoming pregnant with a baby girl. She names the girl Yuki Kitigawa. She has black hair and brown eyes.


Ayame (23) with Ryuuji (3), Sōsuke (3), Kurō (3), and Yuki (nb)


Year Twenty Four

Ayame begins volunteer work at a local nursing home, playing music there on Sundays.


Ayame (24) with Ryuuji (4), Sōsuke (4), Kurō (4), and Yuki (1)


Year Twenty Five

Ayame buys a new car, a trusty Audi Q7.


Ayame (25) with Ryuuji (5), Sōsuke (5), Kurō (5), and Yuki (2)


Year Twenty Six

Ayame's birth control fails, and she becomes unexpectedly pregnant with another boy. She names him Itsuki. He has dark brown hair and black eyes.


Ayame (26) with Ryuuji (6), Sōsuke (6), Kurō (6), Yuki (3), and Itsuki (1)


Year Twenty Seven

Ayame becomes an aunt when Nobu and his wife, Ichika, have a baby boy named Sora Kitigawa! All the children are very excited about their new cousin.


Ayame (27) with Ryuuji (7), Sōsuke (7), Kurō (7), Yuki (4), and Itsuki (2)



Year Twenty Eight

Ayame catches COVID-19. Though she gets very sick, she's fortunately able to overcome it, though she's left with weaker lungs and an altered sense of taste.


Ayame (28) with Ryuuji (8), Sōsuke (8), Kurō (8), Yuki (5), and Itsuki (3)


Year Twenty Nine

Ayame was convinced that as a single mother of five children, she wouldn't ever find love. However, she was proved wrong in a whirlwind romance this year! The company Ayame works for hired a new scientist, Shingo Kamada, who quickly became enamored with her and asked her out. Initially wary, Ayame took some time to think before accepting. Now, on their one-year anniversary, Shingo proposed, and Ayame said yes! The children love Shingo, especially the boys, who have never really had a father.


Ayame (29) and Shingo (30) with Ryuuji (9),  Sōsuke (9), Kurō (9), Yuki (6), and Itsuki (4)


Year Thirty

Ayame and Shingo had planned to have another baby. They hadn't planned for twins! Ayame gives birth to twin girls, Kasumi and Tsubame Kamada. The girls have Shingo's eyes and Ayame's facial structure.


Ayame (30) and Shingo (31) with Ryuuji (10),  Sōsuke (10), Kurō (10), Yuki (7), Itsuki (5), Kasumi (nb), and Tsubame (nb)


Year Thirty One

Ayame develops a crush on Ryuuji's teacher, Makoto Nakayama. She's very tempted to go for it, as two years of engagement have left her a bit restless. However, she knows this is just a crush and that she truly loves Shingo, so she stays with him.


Ayame (31) and Shingo (32) with Ryuuji (11),  Sōsuke (11), Kurō (11), Yuki (8), Itsuki (6), Kasumi (1), and Tsubame (1)

Year Thirty Two

Shingo is diagnosed with major depressive disorder. It's hard for Ayame to hear, but in some way, she is relieved. Shingo hadn't been himself lately, and this diagnosis is the first step in him getting the medical help he needs.


Ayame (32) and Shingo (33) with Ryuuji (12),  Sōsuke (12), Kurō (12), Yuki (9), Itsuki (7), Kasumi (2), and Tsubame (2)


Year Thirty Three

Aunt Natsumi's death leaves Francis and Eira without a home, so they move in with Ayame and her fiance for six months until they can find a new home.


Ayame (33) and Shingo (34) with Ryuuji (13),  Sōsuke (13), Kurō (13), Yuki (10), Itsuki (8), Kasumi (3), and Tsubame (3)


Year Thirty Four

Ayame and Shingo welcome another pair of triplets, rather unexpectedly! It's two girls and a boy, and their names are Yoko, Ai, and Shun.


Ayame (34) and Shingo (35) with Ryuuji (14),  Sōsuke (14), Kurō (14), Yuki (11), Itsuki (9), Kasumi (4), Tsubame (4), Yoko (nb), Ai (nb), and Shun (nb)


Year Thirty Five

Being a working mother of ten children is stressing Ayame out! She decides to take a solo vacation back to Wales to visit her birthplace.


Ayame (35) and Shingo (36) with Ryuuji (15),  Sōsuke (15), Kurō (15), Yuki (12), Itsuki (10), Kasumi (5), Tsubame (5), Yoko (1), Ai (1), and Shun (1)


Year Thirty Six

In addition to piano and harp, Ayame has now learned how to play the guitar as a form of relaxation.


Ayame (36) and Shingo (37) with Ryuuji (16),  Sōsuke (16), Kurō (16), Yuki (13), Itsuki (11), Kasumi (6), Tsubame (6), Yoko (2), Ai (2), and Shun (2)


Year Thirty Seven

Ayame and Shingo win an all-expenses paid trip to Aruba! They wanted to go alone, but finding childcare for ten children is rather difficult. So, they brought the kids. It was a great time!


Ayame (37) and Shingo (38) with Ryuuji (17),  Sōsuke (17), Kurō (17), Yuki (14), Itsuki (12), Kasumi (7), Tsubame (7), Yoko (3), Ai (3), and Shun (3)


Year Thirty Eight

Shingo decides to leave his job as an environmental scientist and open up a traditional restaurant, based on recipes his mother taught him. The restaurant business is hard, but so far, it's doing well! Ryuuji, Sōsuke, and Kurō graduate high school and move out.



Ayame (38) and Shingo (39) with Ryuuji (18),  Sōsuke (18), Kurō (18), Yuki (15), Itsuki (13), Kasumi (8), Tsubame (8), Yoko (4), Ai (4), and Shun (4)


Year Thirty Nine

Ayame and Shingo move to a new home, staying in Kyoto with the restaurant.


Ayame (39) and Shingo (40) with Ryuuji (19),  Sōsuke (19), Kurō (19), Yuki (16), Itsuki (14), Kasumi (9), Tsubame (9), Yoko (5), Ai (5), and Shun (5)


Year Forty

Tsubame is diagnosed with leukemia. Ayame and Shingo immediately began treatment, and she's doing as well as she can, but they're scared and unsure of the future.


Ayame (40) and Shingo (41) with Ryuuji (20),  Sōsuke (20), Kurō (20), Yuki (17), Itsuki (15), Kasumi (10), Tsubame (10), Yoko (6), Ai (6), and Shun (6)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Dice game, Part 3

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