Baby Name Poll Results

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Would you vs. do this?

I just married into a family and a few years back my MIL had a couple of foster daughters, anyway these girls were teens when she had them and now they they are adults she has no contact except with one of their daughters. (Teen mom, had her and dumped baby on MIL) anyway after 6 years teen mom came home and somehow got the little girl back. My point? Her name. I have been in LOVE with Sera (seh-ra) for 25 years since I was a little girl and I DH says we cannot use it because the foster daughters name was that. I’m kinda [removed] y because its the only name I have ever wanted. I have never met these people, their time came and went years before I met DH. There is another grand-daughter named Sarah too.

The Top Baby Name is...

Would you


do this?


Poll created: Apr 04, 2009
Total Votes: 0


I thought everyone agreed on these polls not to post anymore teen mom stories and ages. If you want to ask these questions go to yahoo answers to the baby section.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
I think its fine. I mean, Sarah is a common name and if you spell it Sarah then it won’t be the same name as Sera. Once everyone knows your daughter they won’t think of the girl who isn’t in their lives anymore.

btw, first poster, she’s not the teen mom.
posted by Kay :: 15 years ago | report
If your that concerned with using it maybe use it for a middle name.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
If you love the name Sera you should have every right to use it and if your husband loved it too,I’d say absolutely go for it no matter what anyone else says.The only thing that makes me think maybe you shouldn’t is that this Sera person doesn’t sound so great and now your DH has a bad association with the name and I don’t know about you but for me I would have a hard time using a name of someone I didn’t like because it might be hard to not think of them.I can see both sides on this one.I guess it depends on how your DH truly feels about the name.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
#1 sorry, I am asking advice on a name. Did not think it was wrong. I saw the previous poll and if you did not want to contribute then you should have skipped.

I did not sign my name, pledge, pact or agree to not do certain types of name polls.

I agreed to be respectful and helpful.

Does anyone like

Seraphina? Sera as a nn? What middle names do you think are pretty with it
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
and as PP pointed out I am not a teen mom either, not that its any of your business or concern. I should get the same help or respect no matter my age or background
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
First poster, get some comprehension skills...she’s not the teen mom.

Also, this is a baby related question, so she has every right to post it here.

Poster, I completely agree with post 10:48

posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
if you aren’t close i don’t see a problem with it, you could spell it sara, cera - i wouldn’t worry about it, if you love it use it
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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