Baby Name Poll Results

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Caleb Benjamin vs. Caleb Jeremiah vs. Caleb Isaiah

Here is the list of names above. Thanks for commenting and voting on my last poll! :-) Now I need more, better results this time. LaurenE, you were very helpful. Andream was too. Now please help me again; laugh out loud! I need some help! Can’t use Michael, Joshua, Nathanael, or Joseph for the middle names. Why? Because Joshua, Nathanael, and Joseph are her boys’ names, and she doesn’t want to use those names again. "Why not use Michael for the middle name?", some are you are wondering. The answer is that my friend wants to use Michael for a middle name for the name Lucas for a future baby name. The next boy she has she wants to name Caleb, then Lucas. So which of these names above do you like? If you have any more middle name suggestions that end with the sounds "iah" and "ius" such as Darius and Jeremiah, then please suggest them. Thank you so much! :-D

The Top Baby Name is...

Caleb Benjamin Key


Caleb Jeremiah Key


Caleb Isaiah Key


Poll created: May 25, 2009
Total Votes: 11


Thank you all for your votes! Last time I made a poll for these names I got 3 votes for Caleb Benjamin and 1 for Caleb Jeremiah; Caleb Isaiah is a new one to the list. ~Rachel
posted by Poll Poster :: 14 years ago | report
Now the votes are really coming in....thank you!! ~Rachel
posted by Poll Poster :: 14 years ago | report

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