Baby Name Poll Results

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What do you vs. think

aI know this may not be closely related but i would like peoples opinions. I am a 27 year old mum of 3. I had my first child at 18 and my 3rd 5 months ago however since having my children i feel like its my job to stay at home and care for them, although i would love to go back and work (ive worked since i was 15 to 18). Ive had job offers but have always turned them down. Also I have been taking on the responsibility of taking care of my younger sister since i was 14 due to our older sister having a medical condition in whi ch my parents had to spend alot of time in hospital with there. So i was jst wondering do you think some people are just born to be full time parents? Thanks and sorry this is long.~Emma

The Top Baby Name is...

What do you




Poll created: Jun 08, 2009
Total Votes: 0


Enjoy your kids while they are little and go back to work later, maybe in 3 or 4 years. You never will get this time with them back...enjoy it.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Thanks, sorry about all the mistakes i kept getting distracted and forgot what i was going to write!
posted by Emma :: 14 years ago | report

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