Baby Name Poll Results

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Would you vs. change son’s vs. middle name?

IF you realized you had made a mistake and didn’t like your son’s middle name, would you change it? even after he was a months old?

The Top Baby Name is...

Would you


change son’s


middle name?


Poll created: Jun 14, 2009
Total Votes: 0


i would, simply because it was wrong and he’s only a month old so he wont know the difference.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
If you are unhappy and will regret it the rest of his life, I would go for it. Like pp said, he’s still young enough where he won’t know the difference. GL!
posted by Elsie <3 :: 14 years ago | report
what’s his name now? If you don’t mind me asking
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Yes, I changed my daughter’s mn when she was 5 because her sperm donor had chosen it and it sounded like a stripper name.
She was fine with it because I changed it to a family name. No big deal.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
My best friend’s mom changed her middle name when she was 5. She didnt care.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
What is his name now? for me i would not because there had to be a reason y i named him that but we are to totally different people so i don’t no but i would not
posted by Jordan :: 14 years ago | report
Since he’s under a year, then I’d change it. I don’t think it’s a big deal. My parent’s spelled my mn wrong on my birth certificate and never chaned it and they’ve always felt badly about that. If you want to do it, go for it!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I wouldn’t, unless there is a really legitimate reason.
if you’ve just found another name you like better or that you think sounds better, I would just keep it as is.
If there is a personal reason, such as the middle name was after someone who now you’ve had a major falling out with, I might consider it.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I think everyone’s idea of what a "legitimate reason" is will be different...I consider feeling the name just isn’t right to be a legitimate reason.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I think you absolutely can, if you feel it is right!

I know this isn’t really the place, but I have no idea where to even ask a question like this, and I thought some of you may know. I have a four-month-old infant, and my husband really wants to try having intercourse while I nurse him (the baby). Is this safe? What do you think, and has anybody done this, or is my husband crazy? I just want to look into it before I give my husband an answer. Thank you.
posted by Cathy :: 14 years ago | report
i listed the legitimate reasons. It has to be highly personal, where upon hearing it you have immediate bad connotations, for it to seem like a good idea to me.
Otherwise, why not just change the name when you find another one you love?
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Those are the legitimate reasons IN YOUR OPINION. Everyone will have different opinions about what the definiton of legitimate is in this case. That is my point, there is no right or wrong answer here.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Cathy, I think you would be fine! (if you are on birth control) Congrats on the baby!!!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Cathy, you don’t mean sex at the same time you’re breastfeeding, do you? If so, that is pretty creepy. If not, your 6 weeks to wait before sex are way past.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Yes, I mean sex when breastfeeding. My husband really wants to, and I’m feeling a bit weird about it myself. I wanted to see if you all felt it was as strange as I do! Not that I need to share this, but we are more than aware that our six weeks are past.

The thing is, I don’t want to say no to my husband because I know he is getting frustrated because I am spending a lot of time with the children since this last one, Liam (4 mos), was born. We have three others: Caroline (4), Ethan (2.5), and Rachel (1.5). He never asked to do these things after the other children were born, but now I think he just wants more time with me, sexually, now that we have more children.

What should I do, and what should I tell my husband?

Thanks so much for the support and answers, because it really means a lot!
posted by Cathy :: 14 years ago | report
You should make time for your husband, but don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing with the children around.
I DEFINITELY wouldn’t feel comfortable with sex WHILE breastfeeding.
However, I don’t think it is an issue if the crib is in your bedroom while the baby is small.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Okay, that is my feeling as well. I’m glad to get a second opinion, though. Our son, Liam, is sleeping in a crib in our room right now, as we look for a home with enough bedrooms to give him his own nursery. Hopefully, my husband will get it out of his mind that we need to do such experimental things in the bedroom, because I don’t feel comfortable doing those things with Liam in the room, even though he’s young, or with my four-year-old next door. My husband can be a bit of an animal, if you know what I mean.

However, as my husband becomes more sexually demanding, I may have to give in to him and engage in intercourse while nursing the baby. I just don’t know. Have any of your husbands asked for things like this, and what did you do? Also, my husband has hinted at wanting to nurse from me as well, and I don’t know if that is a good idea either. I’m just feeling very confused right now.

Thanks for the advice, guest.
posted by Cathy :: 14 years ago | report
Yikes...don’t do anything you are uncomfortable with. And definitely not not while you are nursing or holding the baby. If your "hubby" is an animal, baby might get hurt. As far as the other thing...that is probably alright as long as the baby isn’t nursing, too.

Personally, I think he is being unreasonable.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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