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I just vs. dont vs. get it

Hey everyone, im just so confused about why people would want to fake being pregnant with twins/triplets/quads/quints, etc. I am expecting quads soon, and don’t know why anyone would pretend that they were. I mean, I am 5 times my normal size, no shoes fit me anymore, I have weird cravings all day long, mood swings I can’t control, and not to mention 4 times the kicking. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait for them to be born, but I just don’t get why people make up these fake polls, because being pregnant with multiples isn’t all that. Does anyone get what Im saying? Im sorry but I just hate it when people don’t believe my polls, or other real polls because there are so many fake ones. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks~Hannah

The Top Baby Name is...

I just




get it


Poll created: Jun 24, 2009
Total Votes: 0


Wow, I completely believed you except now I’m not so sure. Should have stuck to baby naming polls instead of this rant.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Well, that’s the beauty about fake polls, they aren’t really miserable, etc. They are just trying to get attention and comments, etc. Same thing with the teens who gloat over being pregnant. They can pretend, with none of the obvious problems. Remember, they aren’t having any symptoms so they can fake it all they want. If they had to have the symptoms in order to make a fake poll, they wouldn’t.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Im sorry if you don’t believe me, but this is exactly what Im talking about. Because there are so many fake polls, nobody believes you.
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
I sort of agree with the first poster. They aren’t pretending in real life to be big, etc., they are just pretending "on paper."
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
That really doesn’t make sense, poster. Obviously, they don’t have the symptoms so it would be easy to fake having quads on a website.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I have to say that I agree with the first poster. Pitching a little hissy fit makes you look even more fake.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I understand your frustration, I’m planning on doing IVF in January after trying for 3 years so I get the worry of being considered a fake if I end up pregnant with twins. However this diatribe makes little to no sense and takes some of your credibility away. Just work on naming your babies, ignore the detractors and lean on your husband for support. He sees you, he knows you’re not faking and let everything else go.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
if you werent faking it,you’d most likely ignore the fact that there are low-lifes that have nothing to do but fake having multiple children.this post pretty much made you look like one of them.
posted by trista :: 14 years ago | report
Okay, im sorry if this is a "hissy fit", but like I said I’ve got moodswings, and it just aggravated me that the fake pollers can just make a poll about nothing, where I am actually picking out my childrens names, and I have all of the horrible effects of pregnancy: mood swings, weight gain, morning sickness, etc. So next time your pregnant with quads, give me a buzz.
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
Just remember, the fake posters don’t have your symptoms, but then again, they don’t get the babies, either...
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Personally, I can’t prove the "fakeness" of any polls on here, nor can you. So instead of trying to catch them and complaining about them, just name your babies, and don’t worry about it.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Thanks pp, im just hoping at the end of this never-ending pregnancy, we will have 4 healthy babies, where like you said, the fake posters get nothing.
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
I wish that when someone wanted to make a poll for names, even if they weren’t pregnant, that they just made the poll with names and not a fake life story. That would really help. I remember the one about Quads where the psoter kept writing OMG with 8 exclamation marks and captialized every other word...just post names to vote on.....(not directed to poster).
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Honestly,how do we know you are not fake? Nobody knows if any of these polls are fake or not, I try to give the benefit of the doubt, but it sure is hard sometimes, haha. What names are you thinking about for your babies?
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
If I was fake, I don’t think I would be complaining about fake posters. I am thinking:
Camden Alexander
Parker Anthony
Molly Morgan
and either Sarah Mackenzie or Delaney Marie
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
i like the name Mackenzie.
How about Mackenzie Jade?
posted by Kristine :: 14 years ago | report
Hannah, I havent seen your polls but I like Camden Alexander, Parker Anthony, Molly Morgan and Sarah Mackenzie.
posted by Rae :: 14 years ago | report
Thanks, we just can’t decide on that last name, the others are set now. Any parenting advice?
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
I ignore most of the quad, quintuplet, and sextuplet polls, so I havent seen your polls either, but the names sound good.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
^ sorry, I like Sarah Mackenzie better than Delaney Marie!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I like Sarah Mackenzie......

Parenting advice....Run for the Hills while you

Actually I have twins,I loved what my mom did before I had them 4 years ago.She made up meals for us and froze them.You might want to get just a freezer you will need it.

Have you had your Baby shower? What I did with mine,I had everyone who came bring a box of diapers.If they did we put their names in a box and drew out a name for a gift basket my mil made.It was a hit.

Good luck,I remember all the back pain,the twins kicking inside (baby A loved rubbing my ribs),discomfort,swelling but worth it to get your little bundles of joy.
posted by Kate :: 14 years ago | report
Thanks Kate! That sounds like a great idea. I am excited for them to arrive, but scared about the birth. How did yours go? How are your twins?
posted by hannah :: 14 years ago | report
You are welcome!!

My twins will be 4 next month,they grow fast.I bet you are excited.

I was in labor for 14 hours then pushed my son Liam out and my son Kyle turned a bit so I could not push him out so they did a c-section.
Liam was 4pds and Kyle 4pds 2 ozs.They both needed oxygen and Kyle got pneumonia from inhailing some fluid coming out.Frightening feeling not to hear the cry at first.They were in the hospital for almost 7 weeks,theyu are doing great now.You could not tell they were born early.

NICU was scary at first.Did you tour the NICU yet?
posted by Kate :: 14 years ago | report

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