Baby Name Poll Results

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Henry Dean vs. Boston Richard vs. Cory Christopher

Choose your favorite and then comment on the names you do and don’t like and why!

The Top Baby Name is...

Henry Dean


Boston Richard


Cory Christopher


Poll created: Jul 04, 2009
Total Votes: 10


I’d like Henry Christopher or Henry Richard. Boston seems silly to me, like someone in a trailer park trying desperately to sound upscale by naming their kid Lexus. Cory is okay but not very masculine.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Love Henry, very clasic, but not Dean, it’s out dated. Boston is ridiculous, Richard is ok but still old sounding. Cory is not very masculine and does not sound good with Christopher due to the double c’s. I like Christopher though. Henry Christopher is my first choice and Henry Richard my second. GL!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Henry for sure. Cory is ok, but Boston is just dumb (sorry).
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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