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Amity vs. ???

I really like the feel and sound of Amity. It is English for friendship. I know some dislike it for some movie called "Amityville" or something but seriously I have never heard of it until I posted this name on here and I know most kids these days probably won’t even know it either. If the only probably is it’s was cheesy movie then what’s the big deal? Any middle names? Thanks

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Poll created: Jul 25, 2009
Total Votes: 4


I LOVE THE NAME AMITY. I actually had a great friend growing up named Amity and loved it!

Amity Jane
Amity Rose

I suggest using a one syllable name for the mn
posted by ShayLynn :: 14 years ago | report
Amity Grace
posted by ShayLynn :: 14 years ago | report
Actually, there are 2 Amityville Horror movies. It’s the first thing I thought of
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
And what’s so bad about them? I like Amity Jane! Thanks
posted by poster :: 14 years ago | report
Amityville Horror is a movie (and book) based on a true story of a family that moved in to a house and was terrorized by demonic spirits and ghost and stuff. The most recent movie was made in 2005..The book and story has been around since the DeFeo family was murdered in the 70s...
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I actually didn’t think of Amityville at all, I thought of Amity as in the name of the town that JAWS is based in.
posted by ShayLynn :: 14 years ago | report
Amity Claire
Amity Elizabeth
Amity Caroline
Amity Catherine
Amity Alexis
Amity Abigail
Amity Juliana
Amity Eve
Amity Paige
Amity Brooke
Amity Jacqueline
Amity Delilah
Amity Sarah
Amity Sophie
Amity June
Amity Rachel
Amity Piper
Amity Violet
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
posted by Poster 5 :: 14 years ago | report
You asked for opinions, poster, and we are telling you. Do you only want to hear that we love the names? Google Amityville Horror and if you still love the name then go for
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Amity is beautiful! Here are some suggestions:

Amity Jane
Amity June
Amity Rose
Amity Jewel
Amity Leigh
Amity Peyton
posted by Erin (was NameFreak) :-) :: 14 years ago | report
Remember she has to live with this name for the rest of her life, until 18 if she changes it.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I don’t see what the big deal is though it’s just a movie. Thanks for the opinions.

Amity Claire
Amity Elizabeth
Amity Caroline
Amity Catherine
Amity Abigail
Amity Jacqueline
Amity Delilah
Amity June
Amity Rachel
Amity Paityn

posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Then you must not have checked out the movie.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Im not trying to be rude. But I’ve never seen either one of the Amityville Horror Movies (and there is supposed to be another one in 2010) I still knew what you where talkin about when you said Amity. Google it. Its not just a movie. The murders happened. The other family (The Lutz) were terrorized and if they werent they where good at lying.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
It’s the same reason why people worry about the name Damian.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
What’s wrong with Damian?
posted by poster :: 14 years ago | report
From the Omen old are you anyways?
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Amity Rochelle
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
im not a big fan of Amity Jane though it sounds cute it sounds to me like you have dropped the cal of calamity jane. I do love Amity though it is very beautiful. There is nothing wrong with using amity even if there was a murder surrounding the name. People still use the name Charles and there was Charles Manson aswell as names like Edward (Ed Gein), David (Son of Sam), John (John Wayn Gacy) just because the name has a background thatmay not be know as completely pleasant shouldnt takeaway from the actual name. If you like it thats all that should matter.
posted by _VamP_ :: 14 years ago | report
That is true, 19th poster. However, those name are not unique like Amity is, that makes a big difference as to how the name is perceived.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Could I suggest Bellamy, which roughly translates to beautiful friend, or Verity, which means truth?

I think both are similar to the sound and feel of Amity and are underused, pretty names.

We actually know a middle aged man named Amity, so I have a hard time imagining it on a little girl.

I do think at least 60-70% of people will immediately think, "Amityville horror."
Some people, of course, won’t even have heard of it.
I think the tough part is not just that it was the name of the town, but that it’s a name that is sort of synonomous with evil-it would be a bit like using Jezebel.

On the other hand, I’d probably use Amity before I used a lot of the names I see on this site-lol!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
How about Amy Teagan, nn sort of sounds like it if you say it really
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

personally i like Amity and I would use it.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
If you like it, go for it. The name is pretty, even if some people will think Amityville Horror. You will be able to find something wrong with most names, and Amity is very pretty.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Amity Claire
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I like Amity Claire - never heard of the movies and there are lots of names with negative associations that are still widely used. Amity is a beautiful name, go with it if you love it
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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