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Young vs. Mother

Hey, my best friend is 15 and pregnant and she wants to keep the baby I don’t think she is ready to raise a baby, and her parents are letting her decide. What can I tell her to make her realize how hard it would be?

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Poll created: Aug 07, 2009
Total Votes: 3


She’s fifteen tell sit her down and ask her what she is going to feel like when her friends go out and she can’t and I’m not sure about her boyfriend but tell her in all liklyhood the father won’t be around I’m not for or aginst adoption but my mother had me as a teen and keep me my father wasn’t around much and even today we have a strained relainship. Are her parents willing to help you need to explain that even if her parents do help she is fifteen if she leaves the child with the grandparents to long the child will resent her and cling more to the grandparents show her that her school work and social life will suffer try to get someone who has been through it talk to her try and print out how much it cost to take care of a child maybe if she sees the solid figures she will realize its not a game I hope this helped and tell your friend I wish her luck.
posted by brittney :: 14 years ago | report
If she has the support of her parents then it really is her choice. Just support her in whatever she decides.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
if she is committed to all of the hard work it takes to raise a child and is willing to give up some things, then she has the right to keep the baby if she really wants to. even at such a young age she has the capability to be a great mom.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Find and watch ’The Baby Borrowers’, doco series about teenagers who are given infants for a few weeks and realize how incredibly hard it is, far from what they imagined. Good prep, anyway. No one’s really prepared for the stress of a 1st baby.
posted by A :: 14 years ago | report
From my experience, since I was a mother by 18, unexpectedly. I know that it is hard work to be a mother but, that doesnt matter what age you are! I had to give up a dance scholarship and cheerleading when I found out I was pregnant and yes it was difficult but there isnt a day I would change it. I am glad I didnt make a decision to abort or get rid of my daughter b/c God truly wanted her here since she was born at 1 lb 7 oz and doesnt have a problem from it! God puts things in our lives when it is time and I am not saying that she is ready but if she isnt she will realize that when the baby gets here and there is always adoption, so many people that want babies and for some reason God didnt bless them! But, you as her best friend shouldnt be influencing her in anyway, she she(and if the father is involved) should make this decision ultimately! So just stand by her side!
posted by williamsjkr :: 14 years ago | report
prayer prayer and more prayer.thats a decision she needs o make on her should support her which ever way she decides and enlighten her on the pros and cons and to the person assuming the dad wont be there,I know it seems like the norm now but that isn’t right.there are still some stand up dads and dads to be....myself included
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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