Baby Name Poll Results

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Audrey Grace and Luna Selene vs. Audrey Selene and Luna Grace

Which sib set sounds better? Luna and Selene both mean ’moon’ if that helps sway your decision. Please vote and explain why you like the one the best. Thank you.

The Top Baby Name is...

Audrey Grace and Lun


Audrey Selene and Lu


Poll created: Aug 10, 2009
Total Votes: 13


Audrey Grace is a pretty name. But, if you already have a child with the name Luna, you probably want to use Selene (both meaning moon, for a tradition) which sounds good also.
posted by Laura :: 14 years ago | report
Luna Selene sounds very repetitive to me, so I would lean towards breaking up the two names meaning moon.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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