Baby Name Poll Results

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Zion vs. yes vs. no

Love the sound and Christian meaning. What is your opinion on this name?

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Poll created: Aug 31, 2009
Total Votes: 8


I like the sound, but personally I think the name is too controversial to put on a kid.

I know a lot of people wouldn’t even know what I’m talking about, but it’s a word with a lot of "loaded," meaning for many.

Before you consider it further, go to Wikipedia and read about Zion and Zionists.

Like I said, most people wouldn’t think anything of it, but if meaning is important to you, you should probably also understand why the word will trigger different reactions from different groups of people.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
As in Church of Zion or even Zionists?
No, that would not be a good name.

How about an interesting biblical name or a name such as Christopher, Christian, etc?
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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