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My mom’s middle name is Nicole, My middle name is Nicole. My daughter’s middle name is Nicole. Would it be ok to give daughter #2 the same middle name? I don’t want her to feel left out. And when they are grown adults it won’t be strange because they will have totally different lives...right? Give me your opinions please!

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Poll created: Jul 24, 2010
Total Votes: 6


Its fine to not name her Nicole. Its an overused name in your family and one has already bared the name. Choose another family member prehaps on your husbands side like his Mom or Grandma or someone special to name her after. Start something new.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I know of families that do this.

I think as long as you present it as tradition, "All the girls in the family have the mn Nicole," and not, "We really liked Nicole for you sister, and we couldn’t think of anything else for you." then you’ll be just fine.

I’m sure they’ll think of plenty of other things to fight about-lol.

gl and hth
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I don’t think she’d feel left out if her middle name weren’t nicole. You can give her another special name. It wouldn’t make her less special at all or feel left out. I have a friend where him and his two brothers have the same middle name [a family name] and even though they love and cherish that person, they dislike ALL having that same passed down middle name.

Our firstborn has a passed down [two generations] middle name. But our second daughter has a different name that is also very special to us.

posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
Funny. My Mom’s first name is Dawn, my middle is Dawn and my first daughters middle name is Dawn. NO need to keep naming all of them Dawn when there is already one in the family. She is special with that name. We choose Rose for our others daughters middle name my hubby’s grandmas name.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
How about a similar middle name? Nicolette? If anything, she gets her own unique name that’s specially picked just for her :)
posted by Lisa :: 13 years ago | report
I think it would be cute to pass on the tradition. My aunt’s name is Elizabeth and she gave her daughters that names as their middle name. I think it would give them a sense of connection to you, their grandmother, and their sister. Another instance of this is a friend of mine. Her middle name is Nicole and so are her TWO sisters. I say, go for it!
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
Is it just me, or are posters Not Reading the Question???

She Wants to use Nicole again, people!
And it’s fine!
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
"Its an overused name in your family"

That was kind of harsh

I think its okay either way. The tradition is still going strong with you already using Nicole as your daughters m.n. It would be fine if you used it for daughter #2 also. Lots of families do it.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I would use a diffrent middle name to honor someone else.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
Its clearly a tradition and you shouldn’t break tradition;)

Question- do you or your mother have sisters? If so do they share the middle name?
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
It’s fine especially if it’s tradition. My cousins are like that. My aunt is Julie Ann- cousins (sisters) are-Katie Ann and Sara Ann. It works!
posted by MammaMorton :: 13 years ago | report
No sister for my mom or myself. So my 2nd daughter is the first time this has been brought up.
posted by poster :: 13 years ago | report
I think it is neat and special. When your daughter’s are adults it will be a great tradition to pass on to their daughters. I love the idea:)
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I think its a great name and I like the tradition so I say if you want to do it go for it, its not weird at all.

I have two older sisters, both of their middle names are Ann and mine isnt. Why? Who knows but I never cared. So you are good either way.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I would give her her own middle name... Maybe something that means the same thing as Nicole? Or maybe use her paternal grandmother’s middle name? Personally, I know I would feel weird if my sister and I had the same middle name, even if it was this passed down sort of name.. I certainly don’t think your second daughter will feel left out. Just make her name special in some other way.
posted by mm :: 13 years ago | report
I wouldn’t give Nicole to the second daughter. If anything, I think she’ll be relieved that she doesn’t have the same name as her sister. And when she’s older, if she really likes Nicole she can give her own daughter that middle name.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I would name my second daughter Nicole, or find a person on the husbands side to honor. I have multiple cousins/friends in the same situation and they have always been okay having the same mn as their sibling.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I would give her another special family name. The tradition could be that the first born baby girl gets Nicole as a middle name, and the second gets another special family name. They can then carry on this tradition with their own child, should they choose to do so.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
i would use a different name. i don’t think your daughter would fact she might like it better that she has a more unique middle name.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
My cousins 3 daughters all have Kate as a middle name. I like that their names are the same.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
All of my sisters (there’s 3 of us) share the middle name Jane and we love it! Keep it going! :)
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report

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