Baby Name Poll Results

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Callum Alexander vs. Blair Rosalie vs. twins.

Im having boy/girl twins in feb. and thought Callum and Blair might sound good together, wdyt?

The Top Baby Name is...

Callum Alexander


Blair Rosalie




Poll created: Sep 05, 2010
Total Votes: 2


I think they sound great! Congrats.

GL! :)
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I agree, great names for twins!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I love the names! They’re perfect together!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
love it

gl and congrats
posted by anniefaith :: 14 years ago | report
thank you so much!
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Callum is nice but I don’t care for the name Blair.
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
I agree with the first comment:)
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report

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