Baby Name Poll Results

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Jane vs. WDYT

I like the name Jane a lot, but im not in love with it. What do you think of the name??? Any middle name suggestions??? Thanks Abby.

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Poll created: Nov 01, 2010
Total Votes: 6


I love this name and I think that it is too underused. I say this because it is very pretty and strong but not used. Jane Elizabeth is nice.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I like the name. Its Classic and not over used.

Jane Emily
Jane Olivia
Jane Laurel
Jane Caroline
posted by lifesaboutmusic :: 13 years ago | report
I think Jane is best as a middle name.
Jane Anne is the only name I can think of that sounds good with Jane as a first name. Good luck!
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I love Jane!! Here are some middle name ideas I hope they help.
1. Jane Alice
2. Jane Anne
3. Jane Claire
4. Jane Elise
5. Jane Elizabeth
6. Jane Grace
7. Jane Katherine
8. Jane Lillian
9. Jane Olivia
10. Jane Ruby
11. Jane Violet
12. Jane Willow
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
Jane Alyssa
Jane Cecelia
Jane Ella
Jane Julia
Jane Karen
Jane Lillian
Jane Marie
Jane Sierra
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report

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