Baby Name Poll Results

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Lynis Earl vs. Bobbie Ash

A new brother for Maddie Zoe (6), Efraim Brock (4) Thank You, Bonnie & Ashby

The Top Baby Name is...

Lynis Earl


Bobbie Ash


Poll created: Mar 10, 2011
Total Votes: 3


if you do bobbie please spell it Bobby because the ie at the end makes it a female name. I like Lynis but not Earl...and Lynis Ash doesn’t sound good.
Lynis James
Lynis Victor
posted by Laura :: 13 years ago | report
The names and spellings stay. Just pick what you like best-Thanks! People said the same thing about Maddie should be Maddy, but we still used Maddie and Efraim should be Ephraim and yeah! We like what we like and only want to please ourselves... thank you again!
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
sorry I wasn’t trying to offend kids names are unique too my son is Thachary and my daughter is Iridessa..I too would have spelt Maddy with the ie since that makes it more of a female name. Again sorry wasn’t trying to upset you. I like Lynis better just not a fan of Earl. but as it is a middle name my vote will be for Lynis. GL
posted by Laura :: 13 years ago | report that supposed to be like Linus? Earl sounds like an old man. Bobbie with the ie on the end is feminine, the first poster was right. Ash sounds like it should aslo be a girl.
posted by Medina :: 13 years ago | report

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