Baby Name Poll Results

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Yes, it’s similar vs. No, here are some ideas

Is Clara similar to Clay? We want to honor my big brother and use his name for our daughter’s middle name. His name is Clay but we don’t think that is a suitable name for a little girl. Is Clara a good "girl version"? If not, other ideas? We are still undecided on a first name too!! Thanks! ~Mariah, Trevor, Spencer Levi, Manning Kade, and little girl McCoy

The Top Baby Name is...

Yes, it’s simi McCoy


No, here are some id McCoy


Poll created: Mar 23, 2011
Total Votes: 3


I love it but if you want some suggestions what about Cayla?
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
We hadn’t thought about Cayla, it’s cute. Thanks!
posted by Poll Creator :: 13 years ago | report
What do you think of Claya? My niece is Taya. I love it!
I think Claya would be a nice way to honor him!
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
My husband’s brother suggested Claya, it seems sort of made up to us.
posted by Poll Creator :: 13 years ago | report
Clara is great! Cayla is good too, maybe Claire too?
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
I don’t know how it was spelled but I once knew a woman named Clayley or Clayleigh or Claley or Cleiley? It sounds really pretty but I don’t know how to spell it or wherethe names from.
posted by guest :: 13 years ago | report
Claylee? Like Kaylee? We don’t really like it, it seems like there was a spelling mistake.

Claire is alright, but not our favorite
posted by Poll Creator :: 13 years ago | report

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